Par Capita I'Wotnen Edited by MABIAN LOWBY FI8CHEB Legislative Party Set For April 8 Among big legislative par ties for next week will be the reception for which the Marlon county delegation, the Senator hotel management and Mayor A. W. Loucke will en tertain on Wednesday eve ning, April 8. , The affair wlU be for all members of the ' legislature and the legislative press, and guests are invited to the Sen ator hotel between 5 and 7 o'clock. , . On the host committee are State Senators Frederick S. Lamport and Douglas Yeater: Representatives W, W. Chad- wick, Robert V. Elfstrom, Mark O. Hatfield and Lee Oh- mart; Leonard A, Rowan, hotel manager; and Mayor Loucks. ..... . HOSTS SATURDAY evening for their birthday club will be Dr. and Mrs. Horace Mcuee. The anniversaries of - Dr. ' Charles Campbell and Mrs. El' mer O. Berg are to be observed. In the group meeting for a din' . ner will be . Dr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer O. Berg, Dr. and Mrs. Maynard Shifter, Mr. and Mrs. Russel E. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Wirth and the McGees, Daughter Born , . A daughter, who has been named Sharon Kay, was born Wednesday, April 1, at Salem General hospital to Mr.' and Mrs. Chris Wheeler. Also wel coming the little girl is a ! ter, Christ! Lee. Grandparents of the baby are John Pitzer and - Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Wheeler, all of Mllton-Freewater. Mrs. C. O. Wheeler is here for a time at her son's home. Duo Engaged Announcement Is made of the engagement of Miss Donna Boyer, daughter of Mrs. Mar garet Boyer of Turner and George Boyer of Albany, to Sgt. Lawrence Poole, son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Poole of Mill City. ' A fall wedding Is planned. . The bride-elect is a graduate of Cascade Union high school. Sgt Poole attended Oregon State . college before entering the service. : - A NEW MEMBER, ' Mrs. Simpson Hamrick, Jr.,? was initiated into Oregon Grape camp, Royal Neighbors of America, on Wednesday. The group made arrangements for the district convention to be at Keizer grange next Tuesday, and a no-host dinner Is planned for the next social meeting, April 19. A SON, their third, was born March 31, at Salem Gen eral hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson R. Hazelett. The older boys are Stafford and Marcus. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Waters of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson of Portland. Mrs. Frank W. Waters of Sa lem Is the great grandmother, IN SALEM for the week-end from Lewis and Clark college wiU be Miss Carol Hardie, daughter of Mr. ana Mrs, James Hardie. She will have as her guest Miss Betty Jean Smith of Delhi, India. Also vis iting the Hardies will be Mrs. Hardle's mother, Mrs. T. W. Reed of Portland. coffin snimmm """""7"5ihe stare ef Better Values" 1 ... V rftMMKKCIAL ST. SALEM - ' ' ' ;" " 1 .-Tells Engagement An nouncement has been made of the engagement of Miss Patsy Graves, above, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W., Graves of Turner, to Dalbert Dalke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Dalke of Aumsville. .. Easter Favors For Hospital Eta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met last evening at the home of Mrs, Herbert Dalke. The service committee collect ed the decorated eggs brought by members, the eggs to be sent to Falrvlew home hospl tal to be used as favors for the Easter trays. Mrs. BUI St. Clair and Mrs. Bill Sims had charge of the program. Serving . the re freshments were Mrs. Donald Crosby, Mrs. Richard Barry. A "kidnap" breakfast was sponsored last Saturday at the home of Mrs. Joseph Kitzke for the members. Next meeting is to be April 18 at the home of Mrs. Ellis White, 9S8 Juedes avenue. . . . . VISITORS arriving Friday to toe here over" Easter week end will be Mr. and Mrs. George M. Shlffer of Portland, who, will be guests at the home of their son and daughter-in- law, Dr. and Mrs. Maynard Shlffer. The family will ob serve the first birthday of Alan Sniffer at a dinner, Friday evening. , . Today's Menu Friday Fare i Baked Flounder au Gratin - Green -Peas . "' ' Baked Potatoes Bread and Butter Orange and Avocado Salad ' Beverage Baked Flounder an Gratin : Ingredients: 4 flounder fillets (about 1 pound), 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 2 tablespoons but ter or margarine, H teaspoon grated onion (pulp and juice), 2 tablespoons flour, teaspoon salt, teaspoon paprika, 116 teaspoon nutmeg, ft cup light cream, one 3-ounce can sliced broiled mushrooms,' : Vi : cup grated Parmesan cheese. Method: Arrange fillets In one layer In shallow greased baking dish; sprinkle with lem on juice. Melt butter; add on ion, flour, salt, paprika and nutmeg; stir well. Add cream and mushrooms, including liq uid from can. Cook and stir constantly over low heat until thickened. Pour over fillets. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake in moderate (350F) oven until surface is lightly browned and fish flakes easily, about 29 min utes. Serve at once. Makes 4 servings. Another Metro Saving" Caster ULLIES 29 State Club Event to Be In Salem Some 200 club women from all parts of Oregon will gather In Salem next weanesaay, April 8. for the one-day con' ference of the Oregon Federa tion of Women' clubs. Mrs. T. S. Chapman of Jer- seyvllle, 111., first vice presi dent of the General Federa tidn of Women's clubs, is to be a special guest at the gathering and will sive the keynote talk. Sessions will be at the Salem Woman's club house. Mrs. Marlon T. Weatherford of Ar lington Is president of the Ore gon Federation . of Women's clubs and will be here to con' duct the conference. Members of the Salem Woman's ciub are hostesses for the day, Mrs. Carl W. Chambers as president New Bethel. Is Instituted . Instituting a new bethel of Job's Daughters, Monday eve ning at the Scottish Rite tem ple, were Mrs. John Wilson of Myrtle Creek, grand guar dian, and Carl Ehlert of Port' land, associate grand guardian. Members of bethel No. 39, Sa lem, performed -the degree work and initiation. After the initiation of Misses Janice Drakeley, Margaret See ger, Melodee Rains, Deanne Klnzer, Patsy Hughlett, Bev erly Downing and Sharon Ku- ykendall, the grand guardian council installed the guardian council. . ; Installed in the guardian council were: Guardian, Mrs. Paul Riffey; associate guar dian, Lowell Shinn; secretary, Mrs. Edward Perrin; treasurer, Mrs. Lawrence Osterman; mu sic, Mrs. ' Roy Hunt; so ciability, Mrs. Elma Sherman; hospitality, Mrs. Frank Brown; paraphernalia, Mrs. Lou Pe terson; publicity,' Mrs. D. J. Rains; finance, Lou Peterson; merit, Mrs. Earl Johnson. Officers of bethel No. 38, Miss Patsy Snider, honored queen, installed officers for the new bethel as follows: Honored queen, Miss Bar bara . Anderson; senior prin eess. Miss Larrie Lou Oster man; junior . princess, . Miss Frances Burrls; guide,. Miss Mary Clare Mooney; marshal, Miss Diane Ferguson; chaplain, Miss Shirlene Bacewich; mu sician,. Miss Phoebe Lou Braun; treasurer, Miss Jackie Fisher; recorder. Miss Barbara Bacon; librarian, Miss Phyllis Kay Morris; first messenger, Miss Mary Wood; second messenger, Miss Patricia Perrin; third messenger,' Miss Sharon Kuyk- 155 N. Liberty Come in and let us serve you a free cup of coffee made fresh before your eyes In the wonderful Coffee master. A factory representative will be at our s t o r to demonstrate our complete line of sparkling Sunbeam appliances. Let us show you all the THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oreroa - i i V" ' I J. t i A I ' 1 , i ' Is President Mrs. Bob Edgerton, above, has been elected president of the Vet erans of Foreign Wars aux iliary in Silverton for the coming year.' (Drake Bros, studio picture) . endall; fourth messenger, Miss Joyce Burrls; fifth messenger, Miss Melodee Rains; senior custodian, Miss Giovanna Da vies; junior custodian, Miss Margaret Seeger; inner guard, Miss Marilyn Halisey; outer guard, Miss Deanne Klnzer; page, Miss Janice Drakeley; lady of the lights, Miss Patsy Hughlett. Chemeketa chapter, Order of DeMolay for Boys, participated in the crowning ceremonies, Larry Sharp as master council- er. ' . ,,. . At the social hour, the tea table was decorated in the Easter motif. Members of Ains- worth chapter, Order of East ern Star, served the refresh ments. Mrs. W. C. Rambo and Mrs. Frank Ri Brown were in charge of decorations and the dining room, and assisting were Mrs. H. E. Smedley, Mrs. Robert Stutzman, Mrs. Fred Koken, Mrs. Kenneth Lee, Mrs. Morse Stewart, Mrs. E. A. Bradfield, Mrs. Alvin Luhr, Mrs. Warren Pahl, Mrs. Eugene Walters and Mrs. John R. Wood. . Named by Group On Wednesday evening, Mrs, Don Judson was elected repre sentative to the district con' ventlon in Corvallis, April 30, by Pythian Sisters, Centralis temple. Also, the group voted a half scholarship to 4-H sum mer camp for a young student Mr. and Mrs. Don Judson were in charge of the social hour. - SALEM HEIGHTS Gerald Kurth will be host to the South Salem Junior Saddle club on Saturday, April 4, at 1:00 p.m. at bis home at 41Z9 Kurth street. Ervin,Ward, captain of the Salem Saddle club, will drill the group and take them on a ride if the weather per mits. S :-':!f!iW4'y!V. THE TREAT'S ON US At Our Big Sunbeam Demonstration FRIDAY, APRIL 3 marvelous features of the new Mix master the new Radiant Control Toaster the new automatic Cook er and Deep Fryer. You'll see these and other won derful Sunbeam products so don't miss it. ATUO New Term Underway On Campus By ANN CARSON (CtplUl Journal Oorrapondtnt) University of .Oregon, Eu gene (Special) Spring term at University of Oregon started out In a burst of rain; but sun has finally decided to beat old man winter out of the way and show Itself. Thinking about nice weath er, brings us, in a roundabout way, to the Millrace. Big plans are in the offing to drain and clean out the millrace bed, so that the water can be sent through at a faster speed than it has been going up to date. All of the Millrace houses are planning a big work party to perform the "miracle of the millrace." There are now ten houses located on the millrace, two women's organizations and eight men's organizations. Salem students from these houses who will be knee-deep in' mud the day of the clean up are: ' Joyce Armstrong, Marjorle Becke, Ann Carson, Mary Sundet, Sharon Helder, Marcla Webb and Norma Stewart; for the men there will be Dick Buren, Wade Carter, Larry Hobart, Lynn Jensen, Larry Kleinsmith, Bill Faulus, Chandler Sogge, John Temple- ton, Jim Elliot, Ed Meyers, and Bob Hazel. Anyone is welcome, however, to come and add his bit to this project. We can see about every type of wearing appsrel on campus from long winter coats to light cottons for the women and wool shirts and jackets to T- shirts for the men. Someone Is going to catch a coldl Oregon took some honors during the vacation. Our de baters won top honors at the 29th annual ' Pacific Forsenic league tournament held at the University of Southern Cali fornia. . ' . Winding up the basketball season, 10 varsity letters were handed out to the players of the Oregon team. Keith Farn am was one of the 10. ' New staff members who will work on radio station KWAX spring term have been an nounced by the station man ager and Ed Meyers of Salem is sports director. 1 Next week-end a large num ber of the houses are having their dances, and decorations are already underway for a good time. Spring term dances are usually a lot more fun be cause you aren't always dodg ing mud puddles or trying to keep your formats out of "drips." Costume dances are PHONE 3-3191 Students Named r-n.tin.u school. Palo Alto, Calif. (Special) Miss Nadlne Woodroffe, daughter oi mrs. n-1Alnm Wnnrirnffe. Salem. a junior at Castllleja School in Palo Alto, Calif, is editor of The Laurel, the scnooi Miss Jody Bush, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Livesley, also a Junior at Castllleja school, is a member of the oaoer's staff and a member of the school's library committee. VF ATTTRTKfi Ih business meeting for Salem Soroptlmist club Wednesday noon at the Golden Pheasant was a report of the nominating committee, presented by Miss Irene de Lisle. Elections will come on May 6. Miss de Lisle also gave the Easter prayer. Mrs. William H. Burghardt was named pro gram cnairman xor Apru. a program is planned for the luncheon next Wednesday and the co-ed of the month from Willamette university will be a special guest. ' m w w a snv nana Jnhn. was born March 22 to Dr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson at Juneau, Alaska. He has an older brother, Randolph John. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Glover and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gibson of Sa lem. Mrs. Gibson arrived in Juneau by plane a few days earlier to welcome her grand- Visitors at Dayton Dayton Miss Katherine u. Drescoll of Honolulu, Hawaii, and Mrs. Ida Anderson of Cash Wash., visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bartell. Mrs. Anderson is Mr. Bartell's ltor Min Drescoll arrived in the United States Thursday, this being her first trip, tteiore her return to the Islands, she will go to Canada, Alaska and California. MR. AND MRS. Dean Ham ilton returned to Salem Tues- rinv from fir ent Falls. Mont.. where thpv visited witn ner mother and father, Major and Mrs. Robert uardis. HOSTESS .to her bridge club this evening will be Mrs. Walter Phillips. Additional guests will be Mrs. Terry Ran dall and Mrs. Gordon Krueger, usually favorites of spring term, but you'll hear more, about that later. AT JtlS mm. m mm. m ss. m f . kw WBBBBBsF- eii Ik' i! Vv 9 ii - Matching handbag l I 1,99 "" 2,99 Miss King Tells Troth Anilinmnt Is made by - w j. Kintf of the au. ut " --w - engagement of their daughter, Miss Joan Kins, to Dillon, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dillon of Toppenlsh, Wash. A June wedding is pumneu. Th hriHe-elect is employed in Salem. Mr. Dillon if an evangelist. W W w . Miss Ann Gibbens '. : Wins Honors at Cincinnati School urin' Ann Gibbens. young c.iom ntonlt xtudvlns at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Mu sic, is enjoying a busy year nnA Mpeivintf manv honors, ac cording to notes received by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har vey GlDDens. Miss Gibbens was on the dean's list for, scholarship this past term. She is touring four eastern otataa with the YounS Artists series from the conservatory, Is coach-accompanist lor tne Cincinnati Drama group, and i. nronnist at the St Peter's and St Paul's United Church of Christ there. Also, she nas been accompanist' for station WrfPr.TV in Cincinnati. Miss Gibbens tried out and was named accompanist lor Mack Harrell of the Metropoli- ton rtnern enmnanv for his sum mer music camp at Aspen, Colo. this summer. Fnllnwinff close of the sum mer course, Miss Gibbens plans to come home lor a vacation. www. To Install F.ntrtewood Woman's club will meet Friday with Mrs. W. C. Crews, 341 North 19th. Des sert will be served at - 1:15 nVWlr hv Mrs. Alma ShiDlev. Mrs. Clarence Blundell and Mrs. Walter Minthorn. Devo tions will be given by Mrs. John Barker. Mrs. Carl P. Rlcnards will he installed as DTesldent tor this year, Mrs. urnn (jnase, vice resident: Mrs. W. A. Cla- dek, secretary; and Mrs. Grant Hyames, treasurer. , . . . HOSTESS Tuesday to the Jolly Eight Pinochle club was Mrs. John Fosnot. ""'Joaap'nf too cHiLP.RiJLlamMni I j i mmrUBkmil yPi VIA Thursday. April 2, 1953 Army and Navy -League Meets i An taster party was ths! luncheon for Salem Women'3 Army and Navy league at Chuck's Steak House, Tuesday a large group attending. The" buffet table was set with '' green cloth, caught ud with camellias, and a crystal basket" i - - j i .u j.,.. ... . iiueu wim uuuoaus. The In dividual tables were covered with pastel cloths and for the f' centerpieces, Easter nests and'1 little chickens and bunnies " The bunnies,, baskets and other 1 features carried out the Easter motif about the rooms. " A musical program was fea-v tured. Harriet Aller gave whis tling solos, accompanied by. Lizbeth Shields; Nancy Collins? presented a take-off on Mar garet O'Brien; Marcla Lee,Bry.,, ant played violin numbers, sc.-) companied by Laurel Herr-v Barbara Anderson sang, Laureir nerr accompanying; jim Flski played trumpet solos, . Laurel,' Herr accompanying; Roy Malt-( by sang, Sharon Collins accom-f panying. i Mrs. Joseph L. Svejkosky V Mrs. Frederick Bradshaw, Mrs' Burl Cox and Mrs. Sidney' Huffman were the committee' for the afternoon. u I , i t Mears-Mendenhall Lake Lablsh Married last, week in Portland were Miss -Lois Mendenhall and Donald Mears, The ceremony took' place in the Pioneer Methodist'1 church. The bride attended, Portland schools and the bride.) groom was educated in Salem l and Portland schools. Recently discharged from the U. S. Navy, Mr. Mears was a Fireman loi. on the Carrier Essex. . i v. (.. b. AMONG club hostesses this week is Mrs. Leland Shlnn who is to entertain her bridge, group this evening. - ; HOSTS for an Informal din- ner party on. Saturday evening; at their Smith Hlirh ih-Mt home will be Mr. and Mrs. Her-' man Jochimsen, a group of 18 3 being invited. '. IZfylSwft (horn filv Electric S39 Chemeketa Phone 24762 RASTER LOR PARADE Jpstlck red Admiral blue Searkle patent r 6ty white ylon mesh Spectators and many, many more 176 North liberty Open Friday 'HI 9 P.M.