Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 02, 1953, Page 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, April 2, 195S
McClure Goes to Tehran
Group Chief
As Advisory
, Brig. Gen. Robert A. Mc
Clure, farmer commander of
..the Northern Military district
and chief of the Oregon mili
tary district, will in AprU or
early May replace MaJ. Gen.
-, Wayne C. Zimmerman as chief
,of the U.S. military assistance
advUory group in Tehran, Iran.
I McClure, who first came to
Oregon In July, 1949, as com-
, inander of the Northern MiU-
jtary district, and when . the
Oregon m uiiary district was
formed was named its chief,
eft Oregon in the fall of 1S50
. for duty In Washlneton. Since
I that time he has served as chief
) of psychological warfare at the
, army neadquarters.
j The general received his
commission In the regular armv
i In 1917. He Is a graduate of the
i Infantry school, the Cavalry
school, the Command and Gen-
New 4-H fair
! Rules Adopted
Albany Methods of organi
zation and changes in rules for
Linn county's two 4-H fairs
were the principal order of
business when the spring and
fall fair committees reported
to the Linn county Leaders As
sociation at the last regular
More than 80 leaders, par
ents and club members attend'
ed the meeting, making it one
ol the largest leaders' meet
ings ever held in Linn county.
Principal changes in Spring
fair plans as approved by the
leaders were the addition of
I stitching contests for clothing
( club members and cotton work
I dress divisions of clothing.
I Approved recommendations
regarding- the Fall fair includ
, ed the' changing to three anl
I mals in a pen of fat hogs rath
! cr than the previous four. An
other new feature of the fair
will be in the inclusion of poul-
eral Staff school and the Army
War college.
Ordered to London. England,
in 1941, he served as assistant
military attache and then mili
tary attache there.. He also
served as military attache to
the governments in exile of
Greece, Poland, Czechoslova
kia, Holland, Belgium and Norway.
In September, 1942, Gen.
McClure was appointed lntelll
gene officer of the Allied
Force Headquarters in the Eu
ropean theater, with headquar
ters in England. In December
of that year he was moved to
the North African theater as
chief of the information and
censorship section of the Allied
Force Headquarters. From that
position he returned to Europe
in November, 1943, as chief of
staff of the supreme Allied
McClure was appointed chief
of psychological warfare at
SHAEF in April, 1944 and also
served as director of the Infor
mation control service, U.S.
group control council in Ger
many after March, 1945. On'
the disbandment of SHAEF, he
became director of information
control in the office of Military
Government for Germany.
Prior to his Oregon assign
ment he was chief in the New
York field office, civil affairs
division, and assistant division
commander of the Fourth In
fantry division at Fort Ord,
l try in the auction sale.
The next meeting of the lead
ers association will be April
27 when final plans for Spring
fair will be outlined.
Demos Unmoved Over
Move to Boot 'em Out
Washington () A presiden
tial order aimed at booting
"more than several hundred"
Democ r a 1 1 c administration
holdovers from top federal Jobs
raised virtually, ho ruckus on
Capitol Hill Thursday."
In that seat of government
patronage, Republicans hailed
the decree. Their views may
be sought when the vacancies
,are filled. . .
' The general attitude of De
mocrats was: "What else would
you expect?"
BrlsvGen. Robert A. Mc
Clure, former commander of
the Northern. Military dis
trict and chief of the Oregon
' Military district, will assume
the duties of chief of the
U. S. Military-Assistance Ad
visory Group in Tehran,
Iran. Since, leaving the Ore
gon assignment the general
has been chief of psychologi
cal warfare at Army Head
quarters, Washington, D. C.
Egg Hunt in
Willson Park
Easter Day
All Salem children betweem
the age at 1 and t 1
vited to attend the annul
Easter egg bant sponsored by
the M-li club of Salem Sun
day afternoon at 2 o'clock
In Willson park.
Several thousand candied
eggs will bo bidden In the
park and prises furnished by
cooperating Salem merchants
will be given to children who
find one of the several largo
brightly colored pslse efts.
This year the children will
bo separated Into two troupe,
those from the ages 1 through
C years on the south side of
the central walk and the old
er children on the north side.
This It Intended to prevent
the overwhelming advant
age of the older children in
past years.
South Salem
Has Innings
Residents of that part of Sa
lem south of Mission street
and west of the Southern Pa
cific main line had their In
nings In criticism of the new
zoning plan at a meet held last
night at Leslie Junior High
The meeting was called by
the subcommittee of the city
planning and zoning commis
sion that has been working on
code revision, and was presided
over by Robert Stanley, chair
man of the subcommittee. .
Numerous , changes in . the
proposed code were suggested
by the 30 or so residents who
attended the meeting, all of
which committee members said
would be considered, and most
of which they said had been
considered as the tentative
new zoning map was devel
One project in that part of
the city and another specula
tive project serve to compli
cate the situation. The former
is the new South Salem high
school now under construction.
and the latter is the American
Legion clubhouse and grounds
on South Commercial which
are reported about to be sold.
Desirable zoning in that dis
trict depends much on what
the property will be used for
after it changes hands.
Drove 287 Miles to
Pay Parking Ticket ,
Detroit OIJD Cecil Cllne, S3
of Jackson, Ohio, drove 287
miles to Detroit to pay a $1
traffic ticket. Only when he
got here did he discover he
could have paid the fine by
Traffic Court Referee Oscar
A. Rlbpelle, Jr., suspended sen
tence. "You deserve a break
In my book," he said.
PftOPfR an J f SITING hi
The Shoe for Children
When it's time for dress-up, nothing
sets off a youngster's outfit like handsome
(dintrds shoes. Attractive styling makes
little feet really step out, and fine
leathers, plus sound construction,
provides protection at every
step. Bring them in today
for expert fitting.
' j ; "3.1
J on eisteS
"... 'sT
Juliette and
22.95 to 35.00
Silk Shantungs . . . fine '
- rayon or acetate crepes ark
here In this smartly styled , ....
navy and clack frocks for
f your all season wear including ,
the Easter Parade Sunday -morning.
Oome and try on a famous
. brand such as Juliette or
Franklin with the new cape .
' collar effect in contrast to
- navy and black . . . Rhine
stone bedecked . . . belted
. , billowy skirt with massive .
pockets to add extra glamor.
24.95 up
It's a 8HQR.TIE season . . . .and
shorties are more glamorous than ever.
New fabrics In rich poodle and shag
weaves ... white and pastel shades as
well as navy. All are here . . . all are
priced within your pocketbook range.
Shop Miller's this weekl ,
V Association
Set Sail for Summer...
"V rittttnl
Separate! In Original Sailcloih thai ,
; giv. you the (lair. ..the fit. ..the
fun-lovln' look you need ter'tum-
mer living I Wathoble, wearable,
wonderful In delightful new colors,
all unmistakably Whit. Stag.
) SlftVfUSS TOP to wear lucked to
r out, 10-20 S4.Se
UTTLI BOY SHOSTS, celled hom.
tide lipped, iliei 1-20 $3.5
k) COVH TOP tor wearing to or out.
iliei (-20 S4.VS
wliviloble wsUtbond, S-M-l, f 7.M
e) STA-SRA ilayi le place, detacheble,
adiuiloble itropi, 10-20. ...Sl.VS
ihorli, Willi ilde ilp, 116.. .SS.7!
4) TUCK-IN SODICI, i.n-bock, but-
Ion-bock hotter, 10-20 J.tS
SWIRl SKIRT with id oral, diet
10-20 t-tS
Colorfi Cleon While, Soil led. Sim
mer Novy, Depth Oree, Tor Slock,
Oiorcool, Heavenly Slue, Pink Cored,
Seal Srown, Sun Yellow, Moplentrt
ell with conlcoil railroad itllehls
I I Qp. i ,
II V ll "
s 1 r.
lorely orJoa last d nffesV
t4tinj foam mi mrtfift baa
covering bodies. Wtdt bee
shoulder, strips, too. help as
mike this a trait- bessusM atsi
practical slip. Wbim Msas M
to40. . '
'nckle" Shortle Clown
la sketched at right la
the newest in trim tail
ored, just-to-the-knee
In length sleeper. The
perfect Easter gift for
milady. China blue,
Coral pink, Pink dres
den, Yellow lustre. Sizes
32 to 38.
In Salem It's
s W