FOOD SECTION Page g THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon MHS. DEAN HOPEFUL Berkeley OUO Mrs. William T. Dean, 'wife of the Ameri can general imprisoned by the Chinese Communists, says the Korean truce situation "looks a lot better." But she said she was trylntf not to be "too ootl- mistic or too pessimistic . Dry climates In the Andes south of the equator makes temperatures at the equator lower than those to the south. 55 Midget Markets Ul State 1U Center A FINE SELECTION Of tender, f reeh meats, as well at smoked meats, cold cuts, poultry and tea foods. SHOP THE MIDGETS and be pleasantly surprised at the Low f rices of these, fina quality meats . . , You'll Be DoHghtcdl , Pork Roasts Ha:: ...........a 33c Pork Steaks u. .......... i. 49c Loin Roasts 53c Spare Ribs ............... i.. 53c FRESH HAM ROASTS A rare treat for that special latter Dinner. Halves weighing from 5 to lbs., averaging about 1 1 lbs. whole 65' in. PORK-TOMATO LINKS An tatter Breakfast Favorite lb. Wieners SkMts ......IB. 45c Minced Ham 45c Polish Rings 49c Corned Beef 49c Sliced Bacon 29c Pure Lard 2 25c Corned Pigs Feet 3c STEAKS - STEAKS You are ture of a good steak at the Midgets. These tender, Juky eteakt will tempt any man't appetite. T-Bones Star M ...........;.. ....II. 75c Boneless Sirloin .. . 83c Swiss Steaks i 65c Rib Steaks 59c Capitol Fish Center In Our Center St. Location FRESH CHINOOK, RAZOR CLAMS, STEAM CLAMS, CRABS, OYSTERS, PRAWNS, SMOKED and KIPPERED VARIETIES Our Center St. Market Is Open Until 7 p.m. Friday Evenings Until 9 p.m. Closed Sundays Economy Cuts Provide Variety stsMtMieMiieHitmiiMt Slew Meal 4, ! flo-Sol jfSjfS sWIedRump Qfotnd Beef JLj )' C . . j I I V fed PoMtoa, Rolled Plole l ' -J 1 L1B j. "' Boneleu Chud! Toasted Coconut , Cream Different, Delicious Dessert When you (want a delightful ly different and good-looking party dessert, little imagina tion is very helpful. This "Toasted Coconut Cream" is not only imaginative but is simplicity itself. The toasted shredded coconut becomes special flavor treat when com bined with rich, full bodied apricot whole fruit nectar. Toasted Caeonat Cream 1 cup apricot whole fruit nectar . cup milk 7 " S tablespoons lemon juice ' tt cup granulated sugar Few grains salt '' , H cup whipping cream K cup toasted shredded coco nut Combine nectar, milk, lemon Juice, sugar and salt, and stir until tugar is dissolved. Four into refrigerator tray, place in freezing compartment with mntrni M at lowest tempera ture and freeze until firm. Re move to chilled bowl and beat with rotary beater until smooth nrf 1nffv Whin cream until stiff and fold into frozen mix ture with coconut Return to freezing compartment and fawn in riailrerf consistency. Reset temperature control to normal. Makes about 1 pint, LOOK FOR THIS LABEL LSI ANAR TO JAPAN New York () Mrt. Frank lin D. Roosevelt is going to visit Japan next month and ... J - nltfki then Europe. Htonauv Thursday, April 2, 1983 w innunidi revealed mat U.- .w ' - she planned to leave on May IS for five-week visit in Japan. She said she would return via Europe. 'Ffll thai shaker with Morion, friend- micn IT RAINS IT POURS' lodged eg iton Arm Steak Surveys show that the average homt maker makes use of laee than 10 per cent of the score of available meat cuts. Since price per pound is effected by this demand for a comparatively few cuts that would help to stretch her meat dollar. Because meat is the center of the meal and la important in the food budget, it is of distinct advantage to be fami liar with as many cuts as possible. The above chart pre- Arm Pot-Roost cents a graphic picture of leas demanded beef cuts and their origin. The shaded areas, representing SO per cent of the carcass, are sources of these leaser-known cuts. Un shaded areas provide the cuts m most popular demand. In addition to their price advantage, the less-demanded cuts afford Increased variety in the menu, and are rich in nutritive value as the more demanded cuts. Pleasantdale Fleasantdale The annual olav night" at the Pleasant- dale community center netted SS9. the largest sum ever maae at this yearly affair. The money is used for main tenance of the building. All organizations which use, the building contributed to tne ev ening's entertainment Among them are the Farmer's Union, Farm Bureau, Aloha club and Improvement club. A miscellaneous auction was held, with Let Scogglns as auc tioneer. Lea Scoggln showed color movies taken on the aircraft carrier Oriskany by his son, Ensign Randolph Scoggln, in Korean waters. Entertaining with music were Allen Bene dict, saxophone; Ronnie Litsch er, cornet; Gary RockhiU, pi ano: Mrs. Ivan Gubser, violin, accompanied by Mrs. Bill Mills. Tracey Imlah and Judy Wil liams entertained with tap dances. Several door prizes added to the Interest of the ev ening. . Mrs. J. G. Penland arrived home Saturday after being very ill for week in tne Salem General hospital. She is able to be up and around now. Mrs. Alvin McFetrldge of Enterprise is at the home of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gubser, after undergoing surgery in Port OUR HAMS ARE t SO EXACTLY CURED, THEY HAVE A TASTINESS For the Most Complete Selection Hams, Poultry, and Fresh Meats ... It's Hoffman's . II A IN If EG Gal nJMIJ Mverlheri . . . LB. I3 The finest In Guaranteed Ham, full whole or holf. . m center cuts removed. Small young pork. CASCADI, PREMIUM, STAR fkQf Nf BERfiAUS. lb w m w rUMV IWOI V. Lb.Jfw ft ROASTING CHICKENS 'rS.55c rt LAMB LEGS Spring Lamb, of court. ........ .Lb. 69c rfSHOULDER ROAST u 55c RRFAST of LAMB ... u,.25c land. Many friends have celled to see Mrs. McFetrldge. .' Mrs. Sarah Bush of Philo math is now a house guest of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Murphy. .. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Spencer and baby, of Portland, were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Webster. Mrs. Bill Mills was honored wth a pink -and lue shower during the. March 19 meeting of the Aloha club, at the home of Mrs. Carl Melser. The gifts were presented to her in large, decorated baby blanket. Members present were Mrs. Arthur Biles, Mrs. tester Hop kins, Mrs. John Litscner, Mrs. Carl Melzer, Mrs. Bill Mills, Mrs. Mllo Morris, Mrs. H. A. Murphy, Mrs. J. M. Murphy, Mrs. J. A. McFaxlane, Mrs. Floyd McFarlane, Miss Esther Nichols, Mrs. Allan Nichols, Mrs. Ed Richards, Mrs. Sam Whitney and Mrs. Bill Max well. Guests were Mrs. Mills' mother, Mrs. Claude Baker of McMlnnville, and Mrs. H. K. Muder and Mrs. W. E. Graben- horst of Pleasantdale. Mrs. J. A. McFarlane was co-hostess for the meeting. Recent house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Blanchard and children were her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Epperson of CAjburg. Mrs. Ep person will be remembered here as Lethe Martin. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sloan spent Monday, March SO, in Portland with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Lueler and children. Roberts Roberts Honoring her fa ther, Jess Forster, on his 71st birthday Sunday Mrs. Rel Main of Sllverton prepared a birth day dinner, inviting his chil dren and in-laws living in Ore gon, , Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jess Forster, Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Brenneman and children, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Heacock and two sons, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Ford Forster and son, Jef ferson; Mr. and Mrs. Jess Jua rez and children, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martin and children, Sa lem; and Mr. and Mrs. Rel Main and son Howard. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Comstock motored to Sisters Sunday to spend the day at the home of their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Judd Comstock. Mrs. A. Hawthorn, Monroe, and Mrs. Elsie Carpenter of lem were afternoon guests of Mrs. G. S. Higgins Sunday. Louis D. Johnston had a new well drilled Saturday and re ports a good flow of water Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nelger were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ringwald Sun day afternoon. Christians Observing Maundy Thursday New York OT Millions throughout the Christian world are observing Holy Thursday. The day, also called Maundy Thursday, marks Christ's insti tution of the Holy Eucharist- Communion at his last supper with the disciples. The phrase "Maundy Thurs day" derives from the Latin "Mandatum," a command. It reminds Christians that Christ, after washing the disciples' feet commanded that they should. 1288 State St. Phone 3-6489 From the Folks You Have Leinttd to Expect the Most md the Best NOT wm IOTA At a time when we know you will most appreciate it our pleasure is to bring you this fine Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at the lowest prices in years and years! Wholesale prices on every beef cut in the house! Plan to buy a week's supply. Fill your locker. Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford V Arm Cuts Blade Cuts Rumps Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford StteaHi rirS Round T-Bone Rib Steaks FLO.:'CEMMRD: BEEF 35' M ro9 MNP M IE AH. BEEF CUBES Uf1 NEW YORK CUT u TENDER LOIN ROAST or STEAK S Hearts and Tongues a oS SLICED EASTER. SPECIAL U. S. No. 1 Dry Sugar Cured leal Pack, Firli Sikes PLUMP YOUNG HEMS SKT . Mf lOCKER- BEEIF MW Its! ealection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't faH to take advantage of these price. Convenient credit may be arranged. Nothing down a fuM year to pay. Half or Whole Pound c r r II Front Quarter Pound Hind Quarter Pound wash one another' feet