- ..-u,.-fc,1,a.w,,MM . . ' . .1 . H ...... -V .. . , , ft . ' ' - ' .. ; . fornday, April , l5i - - . . ,.,.:..... .UT4.1.,t.FjA,-, THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, fete, Orerm FOOD SECTION u T HAPPY TONY' WINNERS Raytheon -. XMSefs TO BE GIVEN AWAY BY AIM A Sfl Salem's Leading. Independent Food Stores! i ENTER TODAY! o You May Be a Winner o Nothing to Buy i o No Obligation Thii it not national contact. Obtain free eertiftcoret from cashiers at these Salem IGA Sterol : Ylsto Market, 304S South Commercial; Stota Stmt Market, 1230 State ttraot; Orcutt'i Morket, 4200 North Hirer Road, litre? at many timet at yon like. Free certificate! from all three ttorei will be pooled and a drawing wlTI be h e I d to determine the winner of each tot, Pratant at each drewlnf will be Mil t Mary White, of the Oregon Statesman, and Mr, IA. Irewn, director of advartlsing, Capital Journal. ' fmptoyeei of K1A ttorei and their familiae are not eligible to enter. Enler Today. II is no! necessary to be present al drawing to win. , Raytheon TV With VP-writ All-Channel Reception Retail value $259.93 This let to be riven away Mod day. May , Drawing I p.m., at State Stmt Market. Ctrtifi- eatea accepted throngs Sunday, May i. Raytheon TV Wlik teatridual attftt-le law and Circuit eMraed fee frtti recap ten of m IX front VHP een- Retail value $239.93 ThU set U be fives away Mob day, Jaae let. Drawing 1 f-m., at Orcutt'i Market. Certificates accepted tfarm Sunday, May 11. Rayrtiion TV Tea tt M icdiTidut bUl-ta Tiumt .o4 CtrcutS Oeslcaed for per fect rwpB tt all t w VMJF. thaauls. t;r . Retail value $259.95 Tit If eat to be five away Mon day, June St. Drawing, 1 p.m at Vista Market Certiflcatn ac cepted throngs Sunday, Jam II. Come in and get your f re registration certificatti and discover as thousands of thrifty shoppers have, how iGA's low prices save you money day in and doy out! Discover the thrill of serving IGA Brand fine quality foods, they cost less, too. Discover the many advantages of trading at a home-owned store, where friendli ness and courtesy reign. Visit the IGA Store nearest you today. SPRECKEL'S BROWN ; :-: i , . - .' - s! aeieieieaeieieieieieieieHBBBBBBBieaeieieieHBBBMHni W Sunny Morn j f Whole m I Aiforttd Flavors J . M 4-297 7' If IGA TOMATO as cans oo ir A IEI 1 IT Sii IUA JtLL-l I F Geefear't Strained or Chopped iavors pkg. BABY FOODS 4 Steinfeld Whole Sweet PICKLES .... t2 ., ar 29' ( GOLDEN RIPE Mil U. S. NO. 1 IONS GREEN Asporg 1M NEW POTATOES , .Ho.tRedTrlumph 3 lbs. Fresh Corn on the Cob - Fresh Strawberries New Peas - Cucumbers - Zucchini Squash Prices ItrecttTO Throoih and, Aaetl I ISA Item KeMlre h Ri(ht Umlt QwtsUtief Shop of These Independently Owned and Operated IGA Stores . . ; You'll Save Every Day! VISTA MARKET Open latter Sunday YOUR FRIENDLY fSA STORE AT 3045 S. COMMERCIAL State Street MARKET Closed latter Sunday YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 1230 STATE STRUT OEKUTT'S MARKET Clated tarter Sunday YOUR FRIENDLY ISA STORE AT 4200 H. RIVER ROAD '-4---. .r fJ5Tt!. tC'i-. ..t.-'iit.tr-i iv.ii nut it -mniif-Aifia'!,itw.Tff. aiyetwfTnit-ial Actressei Rosalind Ruuell (left), and Shirley Sooth, -who won a Hollywood "Cicar" reeanUy, hold their Amer ican Tbestftr Win "Ton" award rctdaiUo&a eeremoay tn New York City. The prices, known the Antotottte Perry awards, are among Broadway's toy honors. Kin Buntell, star ol the new Sroadway musical, "Wonderful Town,' received her Tob as bast oetrass hi a musical. Wm Booth, -winner ol two previous Ttmy" medallions, we honored to her outstanding dramatic performance la "Time of. the Cuckoo." AP Wirephoto) uggestions For. Easter . Dinner Meat Jfo question about the feet that Easter dinner is certain to be something special and that the table will be spring- decoratsd. Whan it comas to the seat of the jntal, however, there's t wide diHeinc of opinion. Ejpecilly this year -when i and reasonable prices mark' Ing most el ear favorite meats. So -we shall touch briefly on leading favorites, knowing full well that some will choose frying six ehie. ess,, leg of pork or a seel Baked Bam No me&t is auter to cock . . . unlet it U a turkey oc leg cf iamb, rrom wrapper to oven to table, even the least expert need cook can do no wrong if shell hut read and follow the , cooking schedule - that comes with the ham. Hams come marked "Cook before eating," "ready-to-tat" mad "cooked or fully tooked" so pay attention. ; Bargain Boaeleat Bait ' If family is small and you re looking for c good Ultlag gen uine bargain, then glaze a bone- lew butt, which mnvsM a bone- leu tracked (haulder which comes wrapped la a stockinette or cellophane covering and varies in weight from 3 to 4 pounds. Roast la open rossting pan in 323 degree oven, about to minuter per pound. Glare with mixture of cup brown sugar, A tablespoons vinegar, S teaspoons prepared mustard,: Stick with cloves and arrange! pineapple slice sections In any way you fancy. . -v - ! Plenty of turkeys with prices lower than year ago. Make! fine eating for Easter and for! several days thereafter, Judge! site of the bird you buy by! number of servings you wtnt, figuring one-half pound of ready-to-cock turkey per serv ing, Remember! . . . (Slow cook ing (325 degrees for birds un der 12 pounds; 800 degrees for bigger birds) by dry heat on rack in an opes pas. Grease skin thoroughly with melted fat. No water, no basting, no cover and no searing. Start breast down, turning when about 4 done. Cranberries, of course. Lea of iamb it also good for encore meals, five to 6 pound leas need 3 hours at 32S de grees; largo legs need 4 to 4H hours at 325 de-trees. Remem ber the mint sauce and mint Jelly. Lemon Cvscakes Colorful Good One cf the best way we know to use those extra egg yolks It to make deUciomly airy lemon cupcakes. They achieve this delicate quality because the egg yolks tre beaten good and well with beet or cane sugar, shortening snd lemon rind. This breaks the yolk structure and nukes , for a perfect blending with the other ingredients. Lemon Cupcakes - iy cup beet er cane ugr. cup shortening, room tern. perature ' - 4 egg yolks IVk cup) 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind S cupt sifted cake flour 2 teaspoons biking powder ' H teaspoon salt cup milk, room tempera ture Place in sugar, shortening, egg yolks and grated lemon ! rind; with an electric or rotary beater, beat together for S j minutes, , and milk at once; beat about minute more until tetter It : smooth. . Spoon Mtter Into 18 well ' greased and floured paper- -lined sMtffla cups, tilling t f full. . Bake in a hot oven 400 T. 18 - minutes. Remove from : pant; cool on rack. Makes IS cupcakes. , i rrott with white or pastel boiled or double bailer frost ing; decorate with small fresh . flowers or tiny gumdropt eut across! dotted ever sices and tops of cup cakes. , - BsKir.g oin note u you da sot h&vt a muffin pan, arrange " Jar rings (metal screw bands) on a cooky sheet; place paper . ramekins m etch ring; spoon, in batter. Pintoppfe-Peor - Cocktaa Popular Tne first courts tt ezutner ttfordt the opportunity of -serving oomethtng Interesting In the appetizer or soup line. ' Your . popularity tii thoughtful hottest will spread if you serve something at in teresting at this eorr.Mntttan of pineapple, peart and mara schino cherries. Ffntspple-Fesr Cotktxtl i cup of crushed pineapple No. i Cat can) lisblespoon lemon Juice -1 tablespoon sugar cup water : , a. t large peart : . g maraschino cherries Blend the pineapple, lemon. Juice, sugar and water-and turn into refrigerator tray. Place in freezing compartment with the control tet at lowest tern- - perature. Freeie until mushy, stirring occasionally with fork thit . will take approximately an. hour, 4 Fare, core and diet chilled peart into serving dishes. Top with the froien pineapple mix ture and naif a cherry, Eerva at ones. Serves 6, , A front-opening dishwasher saves space at a rule. For in stance, the top may be used for stacking dishes, provided the homemaker doesn't have to reach too far back when the dishwasher it open for loading. Dishwashers that fit under counters also offer coun ter space above for stacking. Then, too, with front-openings, ,. wall cupboards can be built close above the dishwasher. - Full plate armor for warriors was not developed until about 1400 in EUTope. Putt Oil Blue Sonnet To Get Most For The Money f 1 i I Hit, iPWAU ABNCAP You, too, S1 love But Bowr? W-Trb' delSctf sansy-sotet fivrari Bum Bomrer makes bread, toast, hot rolta, and vietb! Uttt OtOcr thxa ever! Vou!ii sppreriate Blu Boknft's nutrition. Lnlike rr,ct other rr.ar. prir.w, Bum BoKKETeonUiotiot Vitsmirn A and D as raueb year rouoa Vitamii) A and St as you grt in the high-priced spread for brtadt Ytt Blub Bonmot MargartM eoslx Ices than ial e much as the high-priced spread. So put on Biol Bomns and t ur of "ail I" VHtvar, Nutritkm, 33&so-t-t , Add sifted dry ingredients 1