Thursday, April t 1953 FOOD SECTIONPagt S - S capital juukhal, saiem, urtgon BMMM v ",4 m ...... I J AT ti i f" '' Tuna Pie Good Dish For Spring Canned tuna goes slamou rous in this delicious recipe for Tuna Spring Pie. Company coming for supper tonight? Serve this wholesome meal and round it out with a colorful tossed salad. Tuna Spring Pie (Makes 1 40-inch pie) 3 6V4 ounce cans white meat tuna 1 chicken boullion cube cup boiling water 2 tablespoons . butter ; or margarine . cup all-purpose flour Vt cup heavy cream 8 medium-sized onions v slices Vi cup grated Parmesan cheese . cup shredded Swiss j cheese - 1 tablespoon lemon juice cup chill sauce Vi teaspoon salt - "' 2 tablespoons chopped par sley I unbaked 10-lnch 'pastry shell, well-chilled . Drain tuna, reserving 3 tablespoons oil for use In cheese sauce. Dissolve chicken bouillon cube in boiling water. ' In a saucepan, melt butter or margarine over low heat; add tuna oil and flour and blend. Add chicken bouillon, cream and onion slices. Cook over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly. , Remove onion slices; add cheese and stir until melted. Add lemon juice, chill sauce, salt, pars-' ley and tuna; mix . well. Pour into unbaked pie shell. Bake in. moderately hot oven (400 degrees) 30 to 35 min utes, or until pastry is done and cheese is browned and bubbly. Makes 8-8 servings. Try Low Calorie Party Suggestion What could be more wel come to those of us who have to watch: our waist lines than these fine-tasting " Low Cal ories Party salads?" Three eheera for these very special salads which : have only 41 calories per serving. The tea flavored gelatin base gives a most alluring flavor and adds no calories. . Low Calories Party Salads 1 (No. 2) can unsweetened fruit cocktail cup boiling water 1 tea bag 1 envelope (1 tablespoon " plain gelatine 2 tablespoons lemon Junce 1 teaspoon chopped fresh mint . salad greens Drain fruit cocktail thor oughly. Pour boiling water ntr toj and allow to stand 3 to 4 minutes. Remove tea bag. Soften gelatin in lemon juice and dissolve in hot tea. Stir In juice from fruit cock tall. ' Cool until . slightly thickened, stir in mini ana fruit. Rnnon into individual molds and chill until firm. Unmold and chill until firm. serve. ' Makes 8 (-ounce) individual molds. 41 calories per serving. Sandwich Filling Uses Easter Eggs , . Egg salad sandwiches, for tunately, are among the fa vorites of sandwich eaters and here are ways of using up some of those colorfully dyed Easter eggs after they've ser ved their decorative purpose. Combine 4 hard -cooked finely chopped eggs with 2 tablespoon chopped sweet pickles or drained pickle re lish, V cup finely diced celery or green pepper, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, 2 to 3 table spoons salad , dressing. Add salt, pepper and dry mustard to taste. Spread for S sand wiches or 10 slices of bread. Egg Salad Varatlons Egg and Bacon. Add 4 slices crisply cooked chopped bacon to filling. Egg and Olive. Add 2 table spoon chopped green olives to filling. Egg and Deviled Ham. Spread deviled ham on bread and top with Egg Salad Sand wich filling. sfr Peanut Butter in Biscuit Adds Bit ' Aside from the food values, peanuts have decided appeal on the basis of flavor. They are especially good when baked In cookies, calces, biscuits or rolls. Here we use peanut butter. Peanut Batter Biscuits 2 cups enriched flour, sifted 4 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons baking powder 4 teaspoons peanut butter 2 tablespoons shortening Milk Sift dry ingredients and rub the peanut butter and shorten ing into the flour with tips of fingers.. Make a well in this dry mixture and, stirring from center, slowly add enough milk to make a soft dough. Knead slightly, pat to about inch thickness on lightly floured board. Cut in rounds. Bake in 400 degree oven for IS minutes or until lightly browned. Nucoa Is the one to buy he m GHIH ... the first yellow margarine wfrh food value In every single Ingredient! EvarrtMag to today's Nucoa Is good for you! No bsiHli prawnrativ, no synthetic flavor! Even Jfasna's tunny color comes from Nature, from golden amtam, rich in vitamin A. Delicious, fresh-tasting IfaeiM argarin is made by the tnskeri of Best Fodj I Mayoonai, Next time you buy, buy NUCOA! FIRST IN QUALITY ALL Nutrition I Natural Flavorl AIMy! U.S. Good Grade, Well Trimmed SIRLOIN T-BONE LB. jj Sjc ORCUTTS MARKET and STATE STREET MARKET will be closed Easter Sunday. VISTA MARKET will be open for your convenience. IGA VEGETABLE Sno-Kreem Shortening Trr l absolutely guarintetd looks! the moniy you uvi 3 Lb. Can BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES WHITE , YELLOW Devil's Food IU8 If A STANDS FOR FANCY QUALITY I OA WITH MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IGA AlierMn lender Spew Asparagus ufc ANj 1,0 Sirlnv-N' w,iU CORN "C"' No. 300 can ipi iapf m sip v ogi rEfVHEj Heiy$ynip-ttMli"HomeCinMd" can IGA Sttdless , RAISINS Mixed Fruit 39' 19' 19' 37' 2-33' 37' No. 303 can No. 303 tan No. VA 12-o:. Pkg. PAR-T-PAK BEVERAGES ASSORTED FLAVORS Large Bottle (Plus lolfli Deposit) COMPETITIVE PRICES UJJ) MM Featuring Armour's Star- Swift's Premium Rath's - Cascade - Nebergall s - Morre I s . .. Pride -Hormel's Ready to Serve - Morrell s E. Z. Cut, fully ready to eat. -All sizes, 1 0 to 1 6 pounds. ARMOUR'S SUCED MCKI Tray Pack Pound ARMOUR'S STAR Q k. n n Rrlif9 r m it i ic Cascade Colored Pan Ready Pound 12-oz. Pkg. 45 I lack SPECIAL PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, APRIL 3-4-5 Whole Marshall Frozen mm TASTY FAK ' KLSINORE ROYAL ANN ' Apple Sauce " 17c Cherries - 24c ELSINORE FANCY QUALITT HALL Fruits for Salad S 34c Saladettes ... 24c DEL MONTE TAYLOR Pumpkin 18c Sw. Potatoes 25c FILLSBURY ' IGA SLICED - Hot Roll Mix 28c Pineapple 29c BAKER PREMIUM . WHITE STAR Chocolate 43c Tuna.. "T29c DROMEDARY MIX ' . BAKER PREMIUM Gingerbread 27c Cocoanut 29c FREE! Fishtr's Coke Flour With purchase of FISHER'S Blend Flour 10 lb. Bag 89 OCUN SPRAY CRANBERRY CAiirc jnuwu cm Sarva with Chicken or Turkey TREE TEA SPECIAL 48 bags ..... 49c 63c TREE 10e with Coupon Mailed to Yog CAMPFIRt HARSH MALLOWS lb. pkg. PEPSODENT TOOTH 35' PASTE 2 RITZ VERNELL'S, 7-ox. Pkg. BUTTERMILK CANDY cuaos lb. Pkg. . 37' 30 PAPER NAPKINS ZEE W 25' IGA Reierver the Right To Limit Quantities t pjejnnsinsBjj'" '''r-it afiCi VISTA YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT , 3045 S. COMMERCIAL State Street MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 1230 STATE STREET ORCUTTS MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 4200 N. RIVER ROAD