FOOD SECTION Page 4 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, April 2, 195S For Easter Dinner or any special occasion, i perfect choice it roast leg of lamb. Here the (olden brown roast 1 is served with buttered peas and spiced peaches. Leg of lamb is easy to prepare simply place, fat side up; on a rack in a shallow pan and roast at 125 degrees 1", SO to 35 minutes per pound. Carrot-Asparagus With Cream, Cheese With tender spring carrots and luscious green asparagus both available, we put them together with cheeese and sour cream and came up with some thing we think you'll like. Carrot- Asparagus t Dish finmhtnn S puna Iff! Ar diced cooked carrots (cooked only until tender) with 10 me dium atalks of cooked aspara gus cut into 1-inch pieces. Add 2 tablespoons shopped parsley, 4 tablespoons four cream to which salt, pepper and; nutmeg have been added to .taste, Mix gently but thoroughly. Place in shallow baking dish, cover with 4 ' tablespoons grated cheese, and bake un covered in a moderate oven for' about SO minutes. Here's a Glamorous Dessert , For any day, here's a glamorous treat; a beautiful dessert of crunchy meringue type shells with . a frozen strawberry filling;" Realty excitlngl Strawberry Shells 1 envelope un flavored gelatine Yt cup cold water'' Yt cup hot water . 1 tablespoon lemon juice X 12-ounce package frozen strawberries,' defrosted H cup heavy -cream, whlpp . ed Meringue sheila, recipe below Soften gelatine ' in cold water; dissolve in hot water. Stir gelatine and lemon Juice into defrosted strawberries and chill until partially set. Beat until light and frothy; fold whipped cream. Distri bute mixture into meringue sheila and chill until set. Garnish with dab of whipped cream If desired. Makes 8 generous servings. . Corn Flakes Sheila . Beat 8 egg whites with Vt teaspoon salt. Add cup sugar gradually during last half of beating; continue beat ing until stiff. Crush 4 cups corn flakes slightly and fold into beaten egg whites. With back of spoon shape into 6 meringues in any flavored shape on a well greased cooky sheets dusted with corn- Roast Leg of Lamb Tops With Many Families as Traditional Easter Meat Easter comes but once a year, so why not make your Easter dinner one worth remember ing? You could make no bet ter choice for the festive meal than roast leg of lamb.. ' In determining the size roast you will need for your family and Easter guests, allow at least Vt pound per person. A half leg of lamb, weighing about 4 pounds, is ideal for the small family. Or buy a whole leg and have your meat man cut off four steaks which you can freeze for use at a later time. Roast Leg of Lamb Rub the leg with salt and pepper; place on a rack, fat side up, in a shallow roasting pan. If you use a meat ther mometer, insert it into the thickest muscle of the leg. Make sure it does not rest on bone or fat. Place the leg in a S25 de gree F. oven and roast to an Internal temperature of 17S degrees F. (medium done) or to 180 degrees F. (well done) as registered by a meat ther mometer. If you are not using meat thermometer, allow 80 minutes per pound for a me dium done roast, 85 minutes per pound for well done. Carving the Leg of Lamb Mom's work with Easter din ner le finished when she car ries the brown and succulent roast to the table. From there on, Dad takes over (at least un til dish-washing time!). Here are some pointers to help Dad carve the golden brown beauty. 1. Place the shank bone to the right and the thick meaty section to the far side. S. Carve two or three lengthwise slices from the near est, or thin side. S. Turn the roast so that it rests on this surface just cut. 4. Start at the shank end (smaller end) and slice down to the bone; repeat for the number of slices de sired. 5. Then run the knife under the slices along the bone to release them. Alter Easter dinner comes the fun of proving to the fam ily that you ean give them leftover dishes they'll like. Here is a tested recipe for quick and easy pan-fried croquettes. Lamb and Vegetable Croquettes 2 cups ground cooked lamb startch. Bake at 150 degrees for an hour. Bun spatula under shells to loosen from cooky sheet Immediately upon removing from oven. Makes 6 shells ... or more simply by making smaller ones. FRUITS & VEGETABLES If it it in season, Model has , it. For your Easter Breakfast Jumbo Florida Seed- O C less Grapefruit, It for NEW POTATOES 9ft 5 lbs. JTC SALAD VEGETABLES r. mIIa CLEANED SPINACH Cello pkg . Asparagus Cauliflower Gr. Broccoli Gr. Peppers Baneb Carrots, Beets, Turnips Squash Egg Plant zuoninni nuooara ctqaasa Fresh Peas New Potatoes Celery Celery Hearts Green Onions - Radishes Watercress Solid Cabbage Sweet Potatoes Rhubarb 5c 15c BIKDSEYE FROZEN FOOD There just Isn't any better than Blrdseye we have the complete line WISCONSIN i' Cheddar Cheese Aa especially fine Cheddar three years old Lb. 69c Good Grocery Buys HUNTS Tomato Juice 46 4 fcr 95c ... .25c WONDER Marshmallows 1 lb. (White or Assorted Colors) TENDBRLEAF Tea ,4 b. 21c DENNI80N'S Chili Con Came DENNISON'S Meat Balls. DENNSION'S Spaghetti Meat 2, 95c 85c 55c Larae Chase & Sanborn Coffee 2 Maxwell House Instant Coffee mM 55c LarreJar fl.SB lbs. I (Each ean has a SSc Refund Coupon) Ocean Cranberry Sauce . . . . . . . 2 tm 45c (Whole or Jellied) Hershey Chocolate Bars. 24.1 95c a ioc Bars ii. as ROMAN MEAL 2 Pkgs. Muffin Mix '..T". ..... 55c Paas Egg Colors p., 10c Candy Easter Eggs 29c Durkee's Margarine .. .4lbt.99c Aerowax Qut. ... 55c Ploto 31c Jello All Flavors 4 ,r 35c CLINES EGGS FOR EASTER Large Grade A No Finer Eggs Anywhere FISHER'S BLEND SPECIAL 10 lbs. Flour . . 99c 1 lib. Cake Flour FREE Model Food Market 27S N. High (Next to City Hall) Phone 3-4111 S0-Day Accounts The Store of Friendly Service No Charge tor Delivery EASTER CAKES DAFFOUi A l-layer white and yellow, with QC. Easter Decorations. . Hot Cross Buns do,. 50c For Your Easter Dinner We have the finest selection . of Hams, Chickens and Frssh Meats For Your Table! U.S. Choiee Legs of Lamb 79' . (Spring Lamb, of eourte) : A Keel Delicacy Veal Sweet Breads 89 lb. PURE Pork Sausage Seasoned Just Right Lebanon Bologna The Aristocrat of Luncheon Moat ttlb. Saratoga Lamb Chops 98' ib. (Boneless) get tickets with purchases for spring festival ti cup condensed mushroom soup 1 cup cooked peas (8 oz. can) i tablespoons finely chopped onion : teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper ' Yt cup finely chopped pars ley -1H teaspoons Worcestershire sauce . In grinding the lamb, use medium blade of food chopper, combine all ingredients and chill In a shallow pan for sev eral hours. Shape into 8 pat ties and fry in a little hot fat in a skillet until well browned If desired, serve with chill sauce or hot tomato sauce.. Four servings. Here the leftover lamb turn's up in a casserole. It'se a de lectable combination of lamb. rice, tomatoes and mushrooms. A light touch of curry powder and Parmesan cheese round out the flavor. Epicurean Lamb Casserole 1 cups coarsely ground lamb Yt cup chopped1 onions 4 oc. can sliced mushrooms 1 cup cooked rice (Vs oup uncooked) 1 No. 2 can tomatoes (24 ' cups) 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper teaspoon curry powder Yt cup Parmesan cheese Cook onion In S tahlesmmut butter or margarine until soft. Add drained mushrooms and brown lightly. Combine all in gredients except cheese. Pour into a ereased 1 Vt nuart eauer- ole: SDrinkle with cheese. Bake at 400 degrees F. for 80 min utes. Four servings. Fruit Cup Here's a fruit cup that's pretty to look at: Try putting assorted fruits In a grapefruit shell. Pineapple tidbits, grapes, bananas and grapefruit sect ions are a good combination. Top with fresh lime slices. Walnut and Coffee Squares Delicious; Good for Breakfast Homemade yeast breads make an otherwise ordinary breakfast a special occasion. They aren't difficult to do, ei ther. Our recipe for these "Wal nut Coffee Squares" doesn't re quire any kneading. Simply al low the dough to set until dou bled In volume, then stir it down and add chopped walnuts and raisins. The topping is one of those delicious cinnamon and sugar ones. Walnut Coffee Squares 1 cake compressed yeast (or 1 package granular yeast) t tablespoons lukewarm wa ter cup milk Yt cup granulated sugar V cup melted shortening ' 1 teaspoon salt ' ' 1 egg Yt teaspoon almond extract 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour cup coarsely chopped wal nuts Yt cup seedless raisins ; Topping . Yt cup brown sugar (packed) Yt cup all-purpose flour Yt cup fine dry bread crumbs Vt teaspoon cinnamon . Yt cup butter or margarine Soften yeast in water. Scald milk and stir in sugar, shorten ing and salt. Cool to lukewarm Stir in yeast, lightly beaten egg and almond extract. Add half of flour and beat until smooth. Blend in remaining flour, mixing well. Cover bowl and set in warm place until doubled in bulk (about IVt to hours). Stir dough down. Blend in walnuts and raisins. Turn into well-greased 0-inch square pan, smoothing top of dough with spatula. Let stand hour. Combine topping In gredients and sprinkle over dough. Bake in moderately hot oven (379 degrees F.) about 35 minutes. Makes 1 (0-inch) square. Add mashed banana and lemon juice to mayonnaise; serve over cream-style cottage cheese on crisp lettuce or ro- maine leaves. Rice, Green Peas in Main Dish Really sharp! Here is a new and different Idea for a main dish ' which packs a terrific punch. The exciting flavor of Swiss cheese is a "natural" to combine with rice and it is only natural that a perfectly "walloping" dish results. The rice and cheese are spiked with tomato flavor and tinted red which In con trast to the green peas placed in the center of the "spoon fashioned' ring, makes a rice main dish as eye . appealing as it Is tongue tingling. Ingredients 2 tablespoons butter or 1 margarine . Yt cup chopped green onion Yt cup chopped green pepper 2 cups uncooked rice ( . cups) 1 No. 2 can tomatoes (2 cups) 2 teaspoons salt teaspoon pepper ,. ;, 3tt cups water , i XYi cups grated Swiss cheese 4 cups hot, cooked and sea soned green peas Method: Melt butter or mar garine in a 3-quart or. larger saucepan. Add onion and cook until tender and a yellowish color. Add green pepper, rice tomatoes, salt pepper and water. Bring to a vigorous boil. Turn the heat as low as possible. Cover sauce pan with a lid and leave over this low heat for 14 minutes. Turn off the heat. Add the Swiss cheese and mix well. If the rice has not absorbed all the of the liquid, cook over a low heat, stirring constantly, until tthe excess liquid is absorbed. Place the hot rice and cheese mixture on a platter and with a spoor form the mixture into a ring with a center large enough to hold the peas. Fill the center with the peas and serve immediately- This receipe makes 1 0 servings. Tomato Salad Now that fresh tomatoes are within reach of the budget and back on the table several times a week, we suggest some salad combinations you may not have thought of. Over several tomato slices per serving, sprinkle about Vt tablespoon each of your choice of the following: Grated cheese minced chives, minced celery) minced green pepper, minced onion, minced cucumber, thin ly sliced olives, chopped or sliced hard-cooked eggs. Spread each tomato slice with cream cheese, cottage cheese or any of the fancy cheeses and put cone of may. onnaise in center of each. Combine tomato slices or sections with cucumber, with cucumber and celery, onion, green pepper and radish, sliced cooked chestnuts, or figs using half as many figs cut coarse as tomatoes. Use any flavored French dressing. A swswsrws -mmmmimmm Ham Shortcakes Good, Different ' Here's a wonderful way to use left-over ham which will be quite- In order If you're having a baked ham for Easter dinner. You can Stretch a cup of diced cooked ham to make 4 servings of delicious "Ham Shortcakes." Use packaged mix for the corn bread! top It with the tasty ripe olhre and ham sauce. Ham Shortcakes Yt cup ripe olives 1 cup sliced celery 4 tablespoons butter or margarine Yt teaspoon salt 2 cups milk 1 cup diced cooked , ham 2 tablespoons chopped parsley , . . Hot corn bread Cut olives from pits Into large pieces. Cook celery in butter slowly until trans parent. Stir in flour and salt. Blend in milk and cook and stir until mixture boils and is thickened. Blend In olives, ham and parsley and heat thoroughly. Serve on hot corn bread. Serves 4 or 5. r GAS7GQ PDAS - i ni i a n b . DC" I I aft r9" rurB jccc-v irllLll cans MAULEY'S CUCUMBER CHIPS .. ...... KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR 25 lbs..........; 10 ft C & H POWDERED o 3)Kc tiifttr 5 .... ZjS1 39' ...Lb. for $1 TO 7 89 FARM FRESH GRADE A LARGE WHITE EGGS D.,67c m-HO Crackers Lb. Pkg. J) 2) TENDER MEATS h it i j mBrnvn Hams "w'heie ib. 521 Fryers PL, Beef Roast ,. 39 Rib Steak ,, 49 Boiling Beef ,b. 49 See Our Large Selection of POTTED PLANTS and corsages for EASTER GIVING MUPIATE SWEET POTATOES Sostf Cm (Wl Monte Cream Srvta Corn 2c.s35' '3 GRINDS Vfefufc 93c FRESH PRODUCE FRESH Tomatoes Tube 29c NEW Potatoes ..ioib..59c Lettuce u, 14c Carrots . .3 bunches 25c Sweet Potatoes J9c WEST SALEM STORE NO. 2 ONLY