Thursday, April 2. IBM THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, OrtfM , FOOD SECTION Ptr t Effective Saturday. . Sunday : fXS Salad Dressing value in salad dressing . . . Quart jar Closed All Dnv -rrr?r?T ffi 111 Mi "T tlmlt One Ham Far Customer , Ne Bales to Wfaoltulin or Betallera Round or Swiss STEM U.S. Good and Choice Prime RIB ROAST U.S. Good and Choice Fresh GROUND BEEF ib. 39 FJWSH ib. 65 . GENUINE SPRING LAMB LEG 0' LAMB ,73' LAMB LOIN CHOPS ,b 2)8 LAMB -. RIB (HOPS . . ,. 8' LAMB " SHLDR. ROAST LAMB STEW . ..I' KIHNER COLORED FRYERS . .,,1.39 Sliced Pineapple Libby's Hillsdale Half Slices . large Ho. Vh can 2S Marshmallovs Fresh and Fluffy Wonderfood In Pliofilm Bag 1 -ib. bag 25 4P l Il-M Fvannpllnft Jerve with f your Easter Ham . . Large Ko. Vh can CxJ can 19c 29' COCKTAIL ! a. .... Cottage finest Quality, No. 3D3 can 19c Aluminum Foil led .. Bokt your Easter Ham in foil and praterva Its flavor mm affera Cottage Cheese Country Style Guaranteed Finest Qualify , . Orange Juice L5' MCP 6-cx. cant . . rha flnatt natural orange fiavar Frying Chicken Swift Premium Freth Frozen Cut up 1' 1-lb.r 8-Qi. pkg. , FREE! Coca-Cola All day Saturday at South Commercial Straet Stora Onlyl Come In and tot your. ; arm cur afftfRW Pork Shoulder Roast STANDARD SIKED Rtfi) BACON HOME CURED AND SMOKED BOLOGNA By fh Hece .. REM OYSTERS PINT CHEDDAR CHEESE 9 muT of Red Snapper 1-YEAR OLD 3JH00 LAST WEEK-DRAWING ON 2 MOTOROLA TV SETS Drawing or2 Motorola 21-inch Screen TV Sets this Saturday, 8 a.m. in Portland Road Store and South Commercial Street Store. Get your tickets in box. c (os. can Frozen Green Peas Hi-WeatMos.pkg. Orangeade K S . Delightfully refreshing. Tomato Juice Lie. 46-oi. can Llbby's or CotUfe Flnert Quality. Pineapple Juice Lfe. 46-oi. can.. . Llbby or Cottage. . Grape Juice Lge.46.ot.ean Tea Garden Concentrated. Frozen Pineapple Juice Reg, Dole' With All the Flavor or rreen rineappie. Crushed Pineapple AoU, No. SOS can..,.. 19c Sliced Pineapple Libby., no iu .. 19c . I , SCOTT'S WALDORF TOILET 'jKM TISSUES irZ : 10 on 69c ff eLj SOFTWEVE O JTI VAsSP ' lOOOSheete yyrYJ Facial Time Quality ""Mpjp 4 49c , fl EASTER fJL UUES r i.98 I! 1 f& 25c .25c ' ' ; : 25c 47c 6-ox. can 21c DIAL SOAP Cleansing Deodorizing ler. ili ban 4Blfc,39e- Hillcresr Cheese ...2 b 69c : Fuiest Wieconiln Cheeee-food. . , ; ' N ALLEY Prepared Mustard K'tf' 23c In bandy refrigerator Jar. Miracle Whip Quart Jar . 49c Kraft'i f ine aalad drearlnf ., ' Peanut Butter 5 lb-,Soh 1.98 Swift Premium. " ' - California, Sweet, Juicy Ml One-half $79 Bushel Basket , tU,A 10 IbS. I IUI IUM r w New Potatoes U.S. No. 1 Asparagus 2 , 29 California No. 1 2 lbs. A Must for Easter Dinner Vim ? ;kc i am j ids. c TREE TEA SPECIAL 4B-ba pka. ........ 49c v-h. Mfl. 65 c UBS 10 WITH COUPON , 93 k!& MAMOMD Vax Paper 125 Fl. Roll IT Grode AA Large Local Fresh EGGS Doz. BoiVe a CoHre for a Crippled Child Cake Sale Saturday, April 4 Our 3 Stores Bring in your cakes to Erickson's to be placed on sale Autplcet Society far the Benefit of Crippled Children and Adult. Proceed! to furnish room for Crippled Children In now General Hospital Annex. Bake a Cake for a Crippled Child PH.LSBURY CAKE MIXES Golden Yellow, Chocolate O fEt or While . . . REG. PKG. upkgs. Wil fCcntcttnial MKAUtWnU MIX 10 lbs. 98' Sunshine Hi-Ho Crackers 31c Sunshina Mini Pillows ",X 27c Sunny Jim PEANUT BUTTER 'S 41c 39e 22-oi. gloss Pft Bucket 7C J-., 12-ot. CO Cookie Jar le77 These Specials Also Effective al Erickson's Hi-Way Market, Woodburn r' n O hj n SI I II II IS I I I I I I II ' U - I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I II 1 I III II III em m k I I v 1 I II fl I I fl I I W flfl W Ifl i I 2825 South Commercial 3080 Portland Rd. 3820 East Stalest.