FOOD SECTION Page 2 Frosting Suggestion To keep In itep with the timet, the newest thing in cake topping Is Mock Coconut Frost ing. As its name Implies, no coconut Is actually used. Gold en brown corn soya shred is substituted. The' flavor, slightly nutty, is different from cocbnut but Is good. Use it with 7-mlnute frosting, either folded into the frosting or sprinkled on top. ' FRESH FISH. . THE FINEST IN TOWN! FRESH CHINOOK SALMON ClNG COD Lb SALMON By the piece, Lb. 49c FRESH FILLET OF ssf4jf H RED SNAPPER l. 39 Sliced Halibut Lb DO FRESH 10 FRESH 4 to ( lb. At. FILLET of SOLE Lb 59 Baking Turkeys .u. 79- Pan Ready FRYERS 67' POULTRY MARKET FISH ffl FITT-T ( NOW'! Remove tarnish in EASY-AID & silver cleaner IA$YJUD l not an abrasive does not . ecratch or wear. llqald IASY-AID cleans tarnish from ornate patterns where other cleaners cannot reach. SffVWthe, precious surface of sterling r "silver plate. Cteatt hollow ware and large flat pieces aslheaturate handy EASY-AID op. pTIcaroVond wipe lightly. ImMRsMidMfor jewelry and gold, eopperJTor'.bross. Hei4k non-lrrltattng to the skim iNon'-flarnmable. tdrekWy txoMmkaUretalns Its strength 'to the last drop. IAW4BSlrr (teanir is the tarnish remover, everybody Is talking about ranks Jwith the washing machine and Vacuum 'cleaner as a work saver for housewives. FEATURED WHEREVER YOU SEE M 1 til Mock Coconut Frosting 2 egg whites ltt cups sugar Vk teaspoons light corn syrup ft cup cold water y teaspoon salt .' 1 teaspoon vanilla Itt cups corn soya shreds Combine all. Ingredients ex cept vanilla and corn soya shreds In top of double boiler; mix well. Cook over boiling water, beating constantly with rotary beater until mixture forms peaks, about 7 minutes. Remove from heat; add vanil la; beat until of spreading con sistency. Corn soya shreds may Oven 1 IV Free Delivery Ph. 34424 Just Dip and Rinse ti W Peach Lemon Cups Favorite Dessert One of our favorite desserts for now is "Peach Lemon Cups." Each serving has canned peach half in lemon custard In the bottom and is covered with a delicious cake- like layer. Turn these out of their baking cups to serve. Peach Lemon Cups 4 to 8 canned peach halves 2 tablespoons butter or mar garine Vi cup sifted all-purpose flour teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons lemon Juice iVt teaspoon grated lemon rind cup milk 2 eggs - Drain peaches thoroughly and dice enough to make 1 cup Melt butter and blend in sugar, flour and salt. Stir In lemon Juice, rind and milk. Separate eggs. Beat egg whites until stiff; .beat yolks slightly. Add yolks to batter and mix well; then fold in whites. Fold in peaches. Pour into greased cus tard cups and set In pan of hot water. Bake In moderate oven (380 degrees F.) 88 min utes. Cool thoroughly. Turn out of cups and serve in sher bet dishes or on small plates. Serves 6. . be either folded Into frosting or sprinkled on top of frosting after it has been spread on cake. Yield: Frosting for 2-layer cake (8 inches in diameter). - Ready Hens Dressed end Drawn i. Commercial seconds without rubbing fl ! 98 I tt. DetHe .1 J...: is" hi- THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon After Easter Leftovers Ham on Easter, then the rest of the rosy meat for follow- up meals.. That kind of lucky break makes a cook feel happy as a lark. . l Perfectly elegant way to use the ham is with a mushroom sauce (condensed soup, of course). Pour this mixture over buttered cooked asparagus on crisp toast. And your family of fans will be pleased as punch with you. The creamed ham on aspara gus has a fresh springlike look. Tastes that way too. And It's ready in about 20 minutes thanks to that quick soup sauce). You'll want this recipe for keeps. Mushroom Creamed Ham on Aiparagus 1 can (IVi cups) condensed cream of mushroom soup cup milk 1 cup cubed cooked ham 2 tablespoons diced pimento 1 pound asparagus spears, cooked (fresh, frozen or 1 No. 2 can) 6 buttered toast triangles Blend soup, milk, ham and pimiento; heat thoroughly. Place hot asparagus spears on toast; pour sauce over all. Sis servings. Creamy Oo'ion Sauce With Liver Patties Nutritionists constantly re mind us of the importance of liver in our diet. It is so inv nortant. in fact, that it Is highly recommended that we eat it at least once a week. Liver is a bargain in good nutrition at al most any price, Here's a way of pleasing the family and .of stretching Hi pounds of sliced beef liver to make six servings. Liver Fatties IV, pounds sliced beef liver 2 eggs cup cracker crumbs 1 teaspoons salt Flour' 4 tablespoons butter or mar garine Drop liver slices into boiling water, turn off heat, and let stand 2 minutes or so; drain, remove outer membrane and thick veins from liver slices. Grind liver and combine with unbeaten eggs, cracker crumbs and salt. Shape into 8 large or 12 small patties, dip in flour and pan-fry In skillet in 2 ta blespoons butter or margarine; turn patties and cook on other side until brown. Creamy Onion Sanee Cook 1 cups onions in H cup of butter or margalne for about 8 minutes, until soft and yellow. Sprinkle Vx cup of flour over them and stir lightly un til blended. Add 2tt cups milk and cook over moderately low heat, stirring constantly until sauce bolls and thickens. Add salt and pepper to taste and pour over liver patties. Six servings. aOet. bottle aonemy slxe ST j VS.,:. rfi.TJ v s.. is Cream Ham (left from Easter) in a scrumptious quick sauce made with condensed mushroom soup. Serve over buttered asparagus on crisp toast. Hot Fudge Sauce on Rice Dessert When a treat for the gang Is the order. of the day. or when the dessert problem is staring you in the face, reach for the rice box and fix in a Jiffy, this simply marvelous sweet rice dessert with a hot fudge sauce. How yummy and good, to dribble a hot and chocolaty sauce over a snow white and chilly delicious combination of rice and whipped cream flavored with a dash of va nilla and sweetened to a Just right degTeel Ingredients for Cooked rice 3 cups hot cooked rice cup beet or cane sugar Vi pint whipping cream Vi teaspoon vanilla Ingredients for Hot Fudge Sauce 1 tablespoon butter or margarine 1 ounce (square) unsweet ened chocolate Vi cup boiling water 1 cup beet or cane sugar Vk teaspoon vanilla V teaspoon salt Method for making Sweet Rice: Thoroughly mix the sugar with the hot rice and chllLChlll the cream and then whip. Add the vanilla to the whipped cream. Fold the chilled rice into the whipped cream. Firmly pack the ride mixture into a greased dessert mold. Or, after chilling, serve in individual dessert dishes without molding. Chill molded rice until firm, Method for Making Hot Fudge Sauce: Over a low heat, melt butter or margarine in a saucepan. Add the chocolate and stir until the chocolate la melted. Add the boiling BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half T-Bone Steak n nn nil a w,rrs pmmium mAfflS lb.191 tar Round steak i2 or Whole 'Y u. 69c . tack 98' Bonelesi 'Oven Ready- i ' PORK ROAST Baking Chickens u!: 49c Lamb Chops Loin End LEG OF LAMB u, 59c Loin Chops . I GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES New Potatoes NEW PEAS ORANGES Easter Lilies 10 69c 2,b,29c 4, 79c CELERY BANANAS GRAPEFRUIT Pats Fresh, Tender ' Golden Rip. Doi. 49C FOR EASTER 1C. OQ- Desert Sweet l3c -C Cove Ovsters Sweet Corn Fischer's Flour CoreOyrter, 10-lk.AO- . WUVaEU -T7? . Crm. Style Cot. Brond oka. WC ALL DAY Cottage Brand 1,k;.Cak.MI,Fr..! EASTER SUHDAY DOG FOOD PREM OLIVES "NIPPLE 3 25c Mt. Whitney fapfa' sced TANG CRACKERS DON'T FORGET OUR iAIAO DRESSING Sunshine Krispy COFFEE COUNTRY FRESH 25C e)C.oii 2-lb. EGGS ' Save XJC can GUARANTEED ettas w - ...-i Ch-s"b"" toTwTbTeT? BROADWAY MARKET MARGARINE I'"0! Broadway and Market SI. 2 C- , BREAD Store Hours 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Every Day HfC Every Day 4 p.m. No Limits Buy All Y011 Wont . Sweet Sixteen Except Tues. & Sat. Prices Good Frl.f Sat. Closed Easter Sunday .. ' II water graually, stirring con stantly. Heat to boiling. Add the sugar and simmer stirring until dissolved. Add the va nilla and salt. This recelpe makes 1 cup hot fudge sauce. To serve, dip mold (if rice has been molded) into hot water. Place a plate over the mold and Invert plate and mold together. Serve the hot fudge sauce in a separate dish or pitcher and allow eaters to spoon or pour the hot sauce over their servings. Toasted nuts may be sprin kled over each dessert, If desired. Tfals receipt makes 7 serv ings. . . Stuffed Prunes For Salad Dish One of the reasons that "Stuffed Prune Salads" con tinue to be popular at our house is that we vary the fill ing from time to time. The re cipe given below is a long time favorite and makes a very pretty salad. Select large prunes or else allow several more per serving and fill with the carrot, pineapple and co conut filling. Top with garnish of mayonnaise. Stuffed Prone Salads 16 large cooked prunes . cup grated carrot . Vi Cup crushed pineapple 2 tablespoons shredded coconut j teaspoon salt Salad greens Mayonnaise . ' Slit each prune down one side and remove pit. Mix car rot lightly with pineapple, co conut and salt. Stuff prunes lightly with filling. Arrange on greens, allowing four prunes to a serving. Garnish with mayonnaise. . Serves 4. Variations. . For Cake Frosting Today we turn to the experts when it comes to luscious trim mings for cakes. Home econo mists for western beet sugar products devoted a great deal of time and careful study de veloping many quick, sure, eaiv-to-make frostings and we've picked out a special one to decorate your' spring-time table. First, however, let's re view, with the sugar experts, some basic rules for good frost ing. ' Assemble all ingredients to be used in recipe; measure In standard measuring cups and spoons. . Choose a cooking pan large enough to allow contents to boll freely without running over. Pan should have a tight fitting lid. Dissolve sugar, stirring well with other ingredients before placing over heat. . Hot liquid helps. , . .j .- Cover pan during first 8 mln utek of cooking; steam inside I WHAT DO VE EAT TODAY! HOME-MAKERS . . here's your open sesame to year-long ease of meal-planning with greatest economy. ' A copy of "WHAT SHALL WE EAT TODAY?" by Winnlfred Jar dine, nationally-famous home economist, Is a colorful, plas-tlo-bound ' book that will supply yon with menus and recipes for each meal of the day every day of the year. Along with the meals of the day, you get the breakdown on the cost per serving, the calorie content . . . and the quantity of food needed per month to carry out the meal planning. This ever-so-handy book, edited by John W. Blrdseye, contains many, many valuable hints and helps for your greater homemaking ease. .A copy of "WHAT SHALL WE EAT TODAY?" is yours for just $3.0b NOW at the Appliance Department. MASTER SERVICE STATIONS INC. Your General Electric Dealer 365 N. Commercial Ph. 3-4163 : ' Thursday, April 2, 1953 melts down stray crystals from sides of pan and prevents grain. iness. TTka a clean annnn ...k , uoi frosting is tested for doneneti, pinerwiie unaissoivea Sugg; crystals may. find their into the frosting and make it sugary. Don't stir the syrup. Cook frostings a degree or to higher, a firmer stage, in rainy weamer. Beat boiled frostings vigor, ously to make them light and fluffy. Use electric beater first, then beat with a spoon. Continue beating until frosting is firm enounh spread. Strawberry Frosting A eenerous tooDlns inv i... angelfood or sponge cake. In top of double boiler com bine 1 cup sugar, cup sliced fresh or frozen (thawed and drained) strawberries, H tea. ' spoon salt, 1 egg white at room temperature; beat with rotary or electric beater to blend well and dissolve sugar. Place over boiling water and continue beating until frosting ' stiffens and holds Its shape about 4 minutes. Remove from heat and continue beating un til cool, about 2 minutes.