Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 02, 1953, Page 21, Image 21

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gaetn'A duthetttic ?W (ju'de to Setter iiifoq
Published Thursday lock Week
Edited by Morion Lowry Fischer
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, April 2, 1953
Homemakers Go To M
C apit al AJommal .
Top Off the Easter
Dinner, Serve This Easy
Sponge Cake with Bunnies
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Easter Bunny Cake Festive finale,
(AP News Features) '
Serve a handsome roast leg
of lamb for your easter dinner
and surround it with a mlnt-and-apple
garnish. Cut the tops
from small whole apples and
core; then slash the sides so the
fruit will look flower-like.
Bake the apples with roast and
the apples with the roast and
fill their centers with mint jel
ly before serving.
For dessert, bring on this de
licious butter-sponge cake with
cute easy-to-make Easter bun
nies. j- '
' Ingredients: cup sifted
cake flour, teaspoon double
acting baking powder, V tea
apoon salt. 4 eggs (at room tem
perature),- cup sugar, 1 tea
spoon vanilla, 2 tablespoons
butter or margarine (melted).
Method: Sift together flour,
baking powder and salt With
rotary beater, beat eggs until
they begin to get thick and lemon-colored.-
Gradually , beat in
sugar until mixture is very
thick and Ivory-colored. Grad
ually fold in flour and vanilla,
then , melted butter; but work
quickly. Pour batter Into two
ungreased 8-inch round cake
nans lined on bottoms with un
greased waxed paper. Bake in
moderate (3S7F.) oven 18 to
20 minutes or until cake tester
comes out clean. Turn cakes
from pans at- once onto cake
racks and strip off paper, cool,
Spread sweetened whipped
cream . flavored- with a - few
drops of almond extract be
tween layers and cover top and
sides of cake. Cover sides of
cake with coconuttinted a deli-
cate green. Place marsh-mal
low bunnies In nests ol green
coconut on top of cake. To
make bunnies, use one marsh-
mallow for the body and one
for the head; attach with
toothpick. Use long pieces of
marshm allow (attached with
pieces of toothpick) for the
ears; line ears with slivers of
pink . gumdrops. Stick whole
cloves into the "head" for eyes.
Use a small piece of pink gum-
drop or red cinnamon candy
for the nose, and slivers of
pink gumdrops for the whis
kers.; '
Make Use
Of Those
Easter Eggs
After small fry have gotten
together at your house for a
holiday egg hunt, please the
family by using some of the
gaily colored eggs (after re
moving the shells, that Is,) in
this easy-to-make casserole. It
stars deviled eggs half-way
buried in a macaroni-mush
room sauce mixture. A roof of
crispy bread crumbs helps lock
flavor and moistness inside.
Easter Egg Casserole
6 ounces elbow macaroni
4 hard cooked eggs
3 tablespoons salad dressing
teaspoon salt
Vi teaspoon vinegar
teaspoon prepared mustard
1 cups condensed cream of
mushroom soup (10-ounce
can) ' '
cup milk v ;
I tablespoon chopped onion
Vi cup buttered bread crumbs
Cook macaroni in boiling
water until tender according to
directions ' on package. Drain
and rinse. While macaroni is
cooking, cut eggs in half length
wise. Remove yolks and press
through sieve. Add salad dress
ing, salt, vinegar and mustard
and mix well. Pile back into
whites. Combine mushroom
soup, milk and onion, mixing
until smooth. Place mararoni
in 1 -quart casserole. Pour all
but cup soup mixture over
macaroni, mixing lightly. Ar
range stuffed eggs on macaroni.
Pour remaining soup over eggs
and sprinkle with bread
crumbs. Bake in moderate oven
(350 degrees). 20 minutes.
Makes four servings.
Delicious Topping;
Pineapple and Rhubarb
Sauce makes a delicious top
ping to serve on pancakes for
a Sunday morning breakfast.
Combine 2 cups of diced fresh
rhubarb, 1 cup of crushed pine
apple, 14 cup light corn syrup
and Vt cup sugar and a dash of
salt. Simmer until rhubarb is
tender and sauce slightly thick
Cucumber Cornucopia
With Olives, Meat
For Hors d'oeuvres
' Dinner guesjls always sit up
and take notice when interest
ing variations of hors d'oeuvres
make their appearance. It's not
much effort when you know a
few tricks of the trade. We like
to use this recipe for "Ripe
Olive Filled Cornucopia." Thin,
crisp cucumber slices are wrap
ped around a filling of chopped
ripe olives, deviled ham and
grated onion. The result is very
Ripe Olive Filled Cornucopia
1 large cucumber .
,V cup deviled ham
V 3 tablespoons chopped ripe
olives .
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
teaspoon finely grated on-
, ion . . -
Have cucumber at room tem
perature. Slice unpeeled cu
cumber very thin.. Form each
slice into cornucopia and fasten
with pick: Drop into ice water
and chill until crisp. Blend to
gether ham. olives, mayonnaise
and onion. Drain cucumbers
well: Place a spoonful of filling
in each slice. Serve immediate
ly.' . .-
Simple Dessert
Top orx a ricn, neavy dinner
with this simple dessert a
Pineapple Fluff: Cut up a
pound of marshmallows and
heat in the top part of a dou
ble boiler, stirring until melt
ed. Then mix with 1 cups of
crushed pineapple. Chill in des
sert glasses and top with co
nut. This amount will make
6 servings.
'. Hollandaise ' sauce. Beat
egg yolks until thick and lem
on colored. Add Mi teaspoon
salt and dash of cayenne. Add,
a little at a time, while beat
ing, S tablespoons melted' butter.-
Add- alternately. . while
beating,. 5 .more, tablespdont
butter and I tablespoon lemon
julcev a small portion 751 each
at a time. Chill until ready to
serve, then heat over warm,
not hot, water until softened.
Are in Luck
Week-end shoppers will find
food stores filled with displays
of fresh vegetable, fine fruits,
quality meats and poultry and
other Easter season specialties
almost beyond numbering in
readiness for heavy buying.
Prices, too, are very attractive.
Meat Choices Many
It's been many an Easter
since we've seen so fine a se
lection 'of quality meats and
poultry at such reasonable pri
ces. Ham, , turkey and leg of
lamb vie for place at the table
and many will choose fresh
pork or, beef roasts, frying or
broiling chickens. By all means
check the "specials;" you'll be
agreeably surprised. Elsewhere
in our columns we've elaborat
ed' on ham,, turkey and lamb
roasting. .
Vegetable Variety
The Easter bunny munching
on a carrot or cabbage leaf
knows his vitamins. For an
Easter salad, just mix together
equal parts of grated raw car
rots and finely shredded cab
bage with any favored tart sal
ad dressing until well blended,
For variety, toss in some ground
peanuts or shredded unpeeled
You'll also find plenty of
snowy cauliflower, green and
white celery, cucumbers, let
tuce, onions, peppers, potatoes,
spinach, sweet potatoes, toma
toes, mushrooms, rhubarb and
Italian squash. If you feel like
splurging a little, there's Brus
sels sprouts, artichokes, aspar
agus, broccoli, corn on tne con.
Fruit buys continue to be
loose apples, bananas, white
grapefruit, ' small oranges; all
of excellent quality.' Some
pears, strawberries, pineapples,
grapes offer color and variety
at moderate prices. ' '
Frozen fish fillets and many
good varieties fresh from off
shore waters make mighty good
eating at reasonable -cost with
an occasional startling bargain.
Staple Supplies - '
''Specials" include canned to
mato juice. Buy the large ec
onomy size which has so many
uses, both hot and chilled. Plen-
ty of dairy products with spe
cial values in cheddar cheese,
cottage cheese, nonfat dry milk
and buttermilk. Stock up on
dry limas and pea beans, pea
nuts and peanut butter! .
Plenty of fats and oils; mar
garine, vegetable shortening,
lard and salad oils. Good marketing!
Supper Loaf
Buffet supper guests will like
this loaf: Press 3 pounds of
ham loaf mixture into greased
loaf pan. Cover with one of
crushed .pineapple, sprinkle
with brown sugar. Bake slow
ly at 350 degrees F. for lYt
hours. Serve with canned sweet
potatoes, simmered in sugar.
left-over pineapple syrup ana
A homemaker who wants to
avoid periods of concentrated
heavy kitchen cleaning win ao
special jobs along with her
daily cleaning. ' For instance,
one week she may wash the
kitchen curtains, another week
she may wash the shelves" of
kitchen cupboards.
Home-baked Rolls for Sunday Brunch
. (rood Wrller) . . '
There's something so satis
fying about making your own
bread, once in a while. Few
things will get more or quick
er compliments from the fami
ly. -. . v,, v .
'Try this candied fruit loaf
for- Sunday brunch, for after
noon tea or with coffee on
Easter Sunday . . . or any
time. ,v '
Save time end energy with
a package of hot roll mix; end
up with two- loaves like the
picture and put the recipe in
a convenient place - because
you'll want to repeat it. ' ,
Easter Treat - ": '
1 package hot roll mix
Vt cup chopped glaced .
orange peel .
Mi cup chopped glaced
lemon peel
Mi cup chopped glaced
pineapple '
2 teaspoons grated lemon
For unusual flavor, cut
candied fruits with : knife
dipped occasionally ' in rum
flavoring. .When dough is ris
ing, keep it covered and keep
it warm . . . about 80 degrees.
If your kitchen is on the chil
ly side,, surround the bowl
with warm water (not too hot
or you'll stop the yeast: ac
tion) . , . Letting dough rise
too long will give you -bread
full of large holes. Too short
a rising time leads to heavy
Place . contents - of package
in large bowl. Blend yeast
with water .following, direc
tions, on package-for making
up dough. Add rest of ingre
dients and blend into dough.
Cover with clean cloth and set
In warm place, away from lings.
drafts. When dough is double
in bulk, divide in two and
shape into loaves. Place lit two .
greased loaf pant, 8Mi by 4 Ml
by 2 inches, and cover. Al
low to rise until double in
bulk. Bake in hot oven, 400
to 450 degrees, about 45 min- :
utes or until golden brown.
Makes 2 loaves.
Frost or "ice" with confec
tioners' frosting mode by
beating 1 egg white stiff and
adding Mi cup confectioners'
sugar gradually; : continue
beating until mixture is
smooth and light. Add Mi tea-'
spoon vanilla.-, ;. -,-;.) ..
Leisurely Easter Brunch
Sunday -brunch can easily
win honors as the most mem
orable meal of Easter week.
Whether you make it time
for entertaining friends or re- -,
serve this special occasion Just
for your family, you're certain .
to want a meal that it extra- -
delicious. .
Baked apples or baked
grapefruit, plenty: of steaming
hot, sparkling - fresh : coffee
made with fresh water . . . and
these Eggs Benedict. That does
it. v;, - :.,
Egg Benedict '
8 slices broiled Canadian
bacon or ham
8 poached eggs ' ' ' ,
4 English muffins, split -'
and toasted . , - "
Hollandaise sauce ''
Place cooked Canadian ba
con or ham on split and toast
ed English muffins; top with
poached eggs; garnish .with
Hollandaise sauce. Serve two
eggs to each person; four terv-
So delicious as qou skop...
so convemen
I i
I ., , , ii n i i. i-i . i i
i-l Hl ' 1 does vur coffee ; :
H ' get the cold shoulder ?
;i Jit t ' Maybeit's that "bargain" brand you tried. - . , tf
II . , , . . Better go back to the coffee you know is always . f" TfcL '
:' ' ; good-Hills Bros. Coffee! , , 11 MSf tjt ' " '
,1 , t, ' .The world's choicest coffees, blended for INs ijtt'J. t
iy 'RfSrA Hills Bros, exclusive method of "Controlled Roasting" v ! , ') '
I i I ' I -vacuum"Paclet' or Pealt iroma antl 'reshness' ' ' '
t,J I , J I For real value, buy Hills Bros. Coffee today! - i -
1 1 M xms
' A '. f5 KSrV ;h yiS buDorft Hove to Cook!
treat them to Hills Bros n f'l
I j' ffi flSSgL ' ty Digestion! di
When shopping; hours lengthen out, K't
important to refresh yourself now and then
with a Goke. And take a carton homa
... young folks love it ?. : v
1 w
Hinv Will
; X . Yl r
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