Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 02, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    Vac Z
In the Valley
; ' Edited by MIKE FORBES
Mill City
Mill City Rev. Noble
Btreeter spoke during the reg
ular meeting Tuesday night of
, the Presbyterian Chute
Friendship Circle held at the
home of Mrs. Herbert Schroe
der with Mrs. Ed Yarnell as
slsting the hostess.
Mrs. Yarnell presided dur
ing the business session and
Mrs. schroeder led a group
discussion on Lent. Cake and
coffee were served at the close
of the meeting.
Mrs. Arlo Tuers and Mrs
Clayton Baltimore were : In
Stayton Wednesday to work at
the Santlam Memorial hospi'
tal where extensive prepara.
tions were underway for the
opening day festivities of the
hospital on Sunday afternoon
March 29.
A group of friends and neigh'
bors dropped In Wednesday
- night at the Fred Duffy home
to help Mrs. Duffy celebrate
her birthday anniversary, pi
nochle was played for diversion
and late in the evening, cake
and ice cream were served,
Spending the evening with
.. Mrs. Duffy were Mr. and Mrs,
W. B. Shuey, Mr. and Mrs,
Bert Morris, Mr. and Mrs
Clayton Baltimore and Mr,
nd Mrs. Duffy.
Mrs. John Mulr is spending
. several weeks in Salem with
relatives where she it conva-
leseing from an attack of flu,
Eugene Tl.omley, older son
. of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Case,
has been, assigned to the 44th
Infantry Division at Fort Lew
Is for basic training. Thornley
answered his draft call in Feb
ruary. He Is a former Mill City
high school graduate and was
a junior at university of Ore
gon when drafted. He has been
assigned to Company F, 123rd
Infantry Regiment.
Jim Hale, Mill City grade
school athletic coach and his
30 boys that are out for soft
ball, went to Detroit Friday
afternoon to play the grade
school team in a practice
game. It was a good game and
the final score was 11-19, Mill
City. Donald Lemke does most
of the pitching for the Mill
City graders and Lee Arnold is
catcher. ,
The boys have gotten little
practice because of the rainy
Mrs. Evangeline Fleetwood,
one of the 8th grade teachers.
has been ill and confined to her
home for the past two weeks
' Jim Hale Is helping out In that
grade during her absence.
Making an extended visit in
Mill City at the 6. W. Stewart
home is Mr. Stewart's mother,
Mrs. Suella Stewart of Eddy
ville. ,
The American Legion Post
and Auxiliary iu M1U City and
Invited friends held a dance at
the hall Saturday night in re
cognition of the 84th birthday
anniversary of the American
Legion. Among the guests pres
ent was Mrs. Eva Humphreys
of Stayton, who is district
president of the American Le
gion Auxiliary. There were
about 100 members and guests
Carol and Charlie Stewart,
children of Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Stewart of Mill City, tap
danced at the Grange meeting
. In Lyons Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McClaln
moved last week to Hillsboro.
McClain recently retired from
the Mountain States Power
company employ in Mill City.
Woodburn Mr. and Mrs.
Neal Butterfleld of Portland
left by plane Wednesday
morning for Washington, D.C.
where Butterfleld was called
In connection with his work
as director of the Columbia
Basin division for National
Park service and in charge
of the Portland office,
. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Butter-
field of Woodburn left
Wednesday for Portland
where tbey will take care of
the home during the absence
of their son and daughter- in
Guests at the Butterfleld
home In Woodburn over the
week-end were another son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Vale Butterfleld and son
Howard or Santa Barbra,
Mrs. Henry Layman had as
her guests Sunday two of her
brothers and their wives, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Reeves and
Mr. and Mrs. William Reeves,
all of Hillsboro. The Frank
Reeves' recently moved to
Hillsboro from Kalispel, Mont.
Willamina A family gath
ering was held at the M. W. Ra
buck home Monday evening,
honoring Capt. and Mrs. Tom
Kanells of Torrence, ' Calif.,
who are here on an army leave
and also honoring the birthday
of Mrs. Rabuck. There were
22 guests for dinner.
Mrs. L. E. Page was ill with
the flu last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Phelps
and family of Otis and Mrs.
Orln Harper were Sunday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Benny Delker.
Ted Zetterberg is home from
Llnfleld college this week on
Easter vacation.
Mrs. I. N. Pearson Is home
from a McMinnville hospital,
and is feeling better.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Ray
of Monmouth and Mr. and Mrs.
Elmo King of Grants Pass were
Sunday dinner guests at the
Ira McKInley home.
Mrs. Ben Harper of Sherl
dan, aunt of Orvllle Harper of
Willamina died Sunday.
L. E. Page returned to work
this week after being off for a
year and a week, following a
broken leg and injured knee.
Friday guests at the Clarence
Park, home were Mrs. Elmer
Roth, Jean and Margaret of
Salem, and Tom Jenkins of
Cascade Locks.
Mrs. George Hanson under
went surgery In the McMinn
ville General hospital last
week, .
Mr.' and Mrs. Chet Canby
and Terry visited relatives in
Aloha and Buxton over the
Gene Matthews returned to
duty with 'the navy as Los
Amitos, Calif.,, this week fol
lowing a : leave . of several
weeks.;-.... ...
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dickey
and family were Sunday din
ner guests at the Ira Lamson
home. - ,
Mr. and Mrs., James Hen-
wood and Linda of Portland
visited here Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan
Watts, and her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Watts.
Mrs. Paul Hedlund la In a
McMinnville hospital follow
ing surgery.
Coming over the weekend
from Brookings to visit Mrs.
Vesta Glass in a McMinnville
hospital were Mr. and Mrs. Del-
bert Glass, Goldle Larson,
Ivan Glass and daughters Bev
erly and Janet. .
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clark
of Roseburg were Sunday
guests at the Bill Denton home,
Earl Duncan,, stationed at
Port Blakeley, Wash., was
here over the weekend, visiting.
Mrs. Frank Butner under
went surgery in a McMinnville
hospital Saturday.
Mrs. Paul Tollver, Mrs. LI
onel Graham and Mrs. Martha
Eckl of Portland, were lunch
eon guests of Mrs. Don Cru-
zan in Salem one day last
Spending the weekend in
Klamath Falls were Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Shipley and Denny,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGee, and
Mrs. Ethel Read.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hubbard
attended the third birthday
birthday dinner , for .' David
Balrd, given by his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Baird Mon
day evening.
Flu Vaccine Promises
Two Years Immunity
Chicago, W) A new Influ
enza vaccine which promises to
double the one year immunity
period of other vaccines was
disclosed Wednesday by a
Pittsburgh doctor.
The new vaccine, developed
at the University of Pittsburgh
also promises to be effective
against more types of flu.
Enjoy o fin dinner In our TV Lounge while
viewing the fights!!!
3190 Portland Road
Gates Two programs to be
presented in the near future
at the Gate Community
Church of Christ are being
' Sunday afternoon, April 12,
from 2:30 to 1:80 olclock, a
program of , accordian and
guitar music 'under the direc
tion of Mrs. Harold Wiltsey,
of the Wiltsey Studios in
Salem, will be given.
Sunday, May I, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Cammack, who
have been missionaries In
Bolivia for the last five years,
will be present to talk of their
experiences In that country
and show pictures.
A basket, dinner will be
served following the morning
service and the program held
in the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Cammack are
ex-residents of Gates where
he was principal of the high
school for two years.
Mrs. Cammack was director
of the school band.
Recent guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lang ' Staf
ford were Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford Rains of Lebanon and
Mrs. Alice Thacker of Mill
City. i i .
Mayer and Mrs. Floyd Vol-
kel, left Saturday for a 10
day vacation which will take
them at least as far aa Nevada.
They own and operate the
Gates General store.
Mr. adnMrs. Ray Lord were
Portland vlstltori over the
week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Lord
News From
Hopewell Easter Sunday
services at the Hopewell E. U.
B. church will begin with a
Sunrise service at 6 a.m. with
the program in charge of Miss
Helen Ojua.
Miss Dorothy Brown and
Miss Helen Ojua planned the
breakfast, and Mrs. John Ojua
will be in charge of the kitch
en for the breakfast which will
follow the service Immediately.
Everyone is urged to attend.
Communion Service and spe
cial music are planned for the
morning service on Easter Sun
day at the Hopewell ' E.U.B.
At the morning service,
March 29, Mr. and Mrs. H. D.
Hewitt and daughter, Joyce
were received Into the Hope
well church by baptism, and
Mrs. Chester Stephens and
Mrs. Lyle Stephens were re
ceived by letter. Marlis and
Charles Stephens, children of
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stephens
and Kathleen, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Lyle Stephens were
baptized also.
Misses Helen Ojua and Dor
othy Brown sang a duet, ac
companied by Mrs. E, J. Kolln,
The Women's Society of
World Service will hold the
April meeting at the Hopewell
E.U.B. church April 7 at 8
p.m. with Mrs. S. C. Waller,
president, in charge of the
business meeting, Mrs. Mrs.
Marvel Brown, leader.
The Hopewell Home Exten
sion unit held the March meet
ing at the home of Mrs. Steph
en Tarter, with 24 members
and two guests, Mrs. W. D.
Nichell sand Mrs. Zelpha Smith
of Canby.
A potluck dinner was served
at noon and Mrs. J. D. McKen
ney and Mrs. Stephen Tarter
demonstrated frozen prepared
foods. The chairman, Mrs.
Charles Van Dorn, appointed
Mrs. John Gelsler, Mrs. J. S.
Gllkey, Mrs. Eugene Wilson
the nominating committee, to
make their report at the Ap
ril meeting for election.
Reports were given by Mrs.
Eugene Wilson of the legisla
tive committee, Mrs. John
Gelsler on health, Miss Vir
glnia Magness made comments
on recent issues of the Coun
trywoman magazine.
Mrs. E. J. Terrlll offered to
teach the Red Cross class In
home nursing at her home,
having taken the course in
Portland in January. She is a
registered practical nurse, but
the class must have a supervi
sor from Salem, to be accred
ited, and none has been se
cured as yet. Many of the Unit
members signed up for mem
bership in the class. .
The next meeting lot the
Hopewell Home Extension unit
will be April 2, with Mrs. Al
ma Wells, County Extension
Agent, giving the lesson on
dry-cleaning at home, at the
home of Mrs. Ross Rogers.
April 23, a Joint meeting
with the Unionvale unit will
be held at the Unionvale E.U.B,
church for the Study of India.
Miss Virginia Magness and
Mrs. N. O. Pearse were ap
pointed to meet with the Un
ionvale committee to help plan
the program for the day.
March 81, the cotton dress
Steak House
Salem Phone S.S90
own the Lord Motel in Gates.
Mrs. Edmund Klecker, daugh
ters Janet and Kris tine and son
Jeffrey of Madras, visited at
the home of Mrs. Klecker'a
nareneti. Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Mlllsap last week. Other
guests over the week-end
were Rodney and Lee Klecker
and Bruce Nettling of Stayton
Mr. and Mrs. Dorland Swan
and baby daughter Kathy, of
Salem. '
W. S. Hudson left the last
of the week for Phoenix,
Ariz., on a business trip. Mr.
and Mrs. Hudson operate the
Gates Self Service laundry.
A large delegation of Gates
folk attended the opening of
the Santlam Memorial hospi
tal Sunday. Among them were
Mrs. Glen Henness, Mrs. Bur
rel Cole, Mrs. Louisa Wiggles
worth. Mrs. Rosa Roten, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Brlsbin, Mr,
and Mrs. Don Mlley, Mrs,
Cecil Haun and Mr. and Mrs
Clare Henness.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Haun
have traded their Gates pro
perty for a home and forty
acreas of land in Chowchllla
Calif.,, belonging to Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Shannon of that
place, Mr. and Mrs. Haun and
family plan to move to Redd'
Ing, Calif., where Haun it
employed as soon as school Is
out, later moving to their new
home. Mr. and Mrs. Shannon
and three children will take
possession of the Gates home
in June, following the close
of the Calif, schools,
workshop members of the
Hopewell Unit went to Mc
Minnville 4-H building for
final checking of their dresses
by Mrs. Alma Wells, home ex
tension agent, and preparation
for the spring festival Majr 5.
Miss Virginia Magness and
Mrs. Eugene Wilson are the
Hopewell project leaders. Mrs.
J.- S. Gilkey, Mrs. Peggy In
gram, Mrs. N. O. Pearse, and
Mrs. John Fuqua are members
of the workshop.
The Hopewell Community
club will hold the April meet
ing April 14 at 8 p.m. at the
schoolhouse, with a one-act
play and a pie social and candy
sale following. Rehearsal was
held at the schoolhouse Mon
day evening March 81.
The Hopewell Home Exten
sion Unit voted to have In
stallation of officers and a pic
nic In May at a date to be an
nounced later.
Abram Kotka was honored
March 29 with a family gath
ering at his home, celebrating
his birthday March 28. Those
attending Included Mr. and'
Mrs. Nels Kotka and daugh
ters, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wag
ner and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Coals and family, all of
Portland, and Mr. and Mrs.
John Kotka and family, Wil
liam Kotka. Other friends
called during the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bass
are guests of his father, Frank
Bass. They have been, making
their home In Minnesota, but
expect to locate near Klamath
Falls. He is a carpenter. They
called on the Ralph .Timm
family in Dayton on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. . E. Smith
and family of Corvallis were
weekend guests of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Legg. '
Mr. and Mrs. John Gelsler
spent Sunday visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Jaenicke in Port
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Ship-
man (Margaret Geisler) bf Sa
lem, are parents of their third
son, 9 lbs. 2 ozs.,.born March
30 at the Salem General hospi
tal. This is their sixth child.
Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Pearse
and Robert were Sunday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Schroeder of the Webfoot dis
trict. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Timm
and Mrs. Martha Nogossek
were also guests.
Robert Polvl, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Polvl, returned
to his studies at Oregon State
college Sunday, after a week't
vacation at his home,
Wayne Hlckerson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Hlckerson,
spent Saturday night at home
with his parents. He finished
his cruise to San Francisco Sat
urday afternoon, as part of his
training in Naval R.O.T.C dur
ing spring vacation.
Miss Dorothy Bro and
Mrs. Amy Smlthhart plan to
return to their home in Mon
mouth this week, but Dorothy
will not be enrolled this term.
because of her health.
Mr. and Mrs. Royal farter
of Corvallis were guests of his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Stephen
Tarter last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turn-
Idge of Portland were Knday
callers at the Stephen Tarter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van
Dorn and family visited Mr.
and Mrs. Herb Hecklnllabie of
Vernonla last Sunday.
Now Showing . Open 6:45
John Payne . Arlene Dshl
Sir Cedrlo Hardwirke
Peter Lawford Dawn Addams
Buena Vista
Buena Vista Easter Sun
day services at the Methodist
Church will be a special pro
gram by the Sunday school
members at 10:30 a.m. with
Mrs. Elmer Busby aa leader
and regular church services
On April 12 George Rote-
bury of Salem will gave the
morning talk followed by the
Quarterly conference and no-
host dinner in the community
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Strawn
and two grandchildren of Sa
lem were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Perry Wells Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gib Loy and
son Dick were visiting friends
in Portland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Prather
drove to Eugene Sunday and
spent the day with their son-
in-law and daughter,' Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Adams. In the
evening they all attended the
Masonic Easter pageant, writ
ten and directed by Carol C
Roberts, D.D., pastor of the
Christian church.
Mrs. Blanche Rust spent the
week end with her mother,
Mrs. Addie Harmon.
Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Bride were Mrs.
Marie Smith and son Paul.
Jack Bagley and Dorothy Her
mans of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Bride are leav
ing Wednesday for a week's
visit with their son and family,
Leo Bride in Seattle.
Miss Pat McClung of Klam
ath Falls was a house guest
last week at the Leland Prather
Word has been received
that George Snyder died last
Tuesday. He was an .uncle of
Gib Snyder and had lived here
for many years.
Week end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. N. C. Anderson were Mr,
and Mrs. Ben Neilson, Mr. and
Mrs. s. A. Dennal of Tilla
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gobat
were Sunday callers and also
Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Joe Frank
and Mrs. R, C. Warner of
Portland. '
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Warner
entertained Sunday for Mr.
and Mrs. W. M. Clark, Miss
Maxine Warner, Mrs. J. C
Clark and R. A. ' Warner of
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Allen, Mr.
and Mrs. C. S. Downs of Salem
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Hultman.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Graber
drove to Albany Sunday to at
tend services with their son
and daughter-in-law and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Graber
and be with' the group taken
Into the church. Their grand
son, Raymond, was a member.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold With-
row drove to Canby and vis
ited at the Frank Morse home
Sunday. In the evening they
were guests of their daughter,
Mrs. Bill Bacon In Albany.
Lyons The children of the
Sunday school will present an
inspirational worship service
Easter morning at 10:30 a.m.
Songs by the small children,
selections by the orchestra,
hymns by the junior choir, and
scripture reading by the young
people, will be followed by a
vocal solo and Easter message
by the pastor. . i
A dinner honoring Tommie
Martell on his first birthday
anniversary was given Satur
day evening at the home of his
parents. A decorated cake high
lighted the evening.
Those enjoying the evening
were Mrs. C. V. Averlll, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Chamberlain,
Laurie, Linda and Mary of Leb
anon, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe
Walker, Mr. and Mrs. L'oren
Walker and son Kim, Mr. and
Mrs. Bud Walker and daughter
Connie, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Chaenberlain and the host and
5? . ?i" , M- Ramle
muuie aim aommie.
A family gathering and din
ner was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett !
-nd.ayCvers"e E ac?d i0
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Etzel and
r i m r, . . , , .
S,tr.nif,.l,fein.5.idgf' Mr' anS
i ,u i
Sharon of Dallas; Mrs. Merle
Devlne, Lorena June and
Wayne of Gates; Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Syverson, Dick, Rod
ney and Harvey of Mill City;
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bassett and
Frances who recently returned
from Fort Monmouth, N. J.,
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett
and Cecil. The occasion hon
ored the birthday anniversar
ies of Dale Bassett, Harvey Sy
verson and Mrs. Merle Devlne.
The monthly pack meeting of
the Lyons Cub Scouts was held
Friday night, March 27, in the
Special awards were given
Robert Ward, Buddy Cruson,
Frank Robinette, Jerry Robl-
40 LUONS 40
10.00 Full
Price Special
Paul Armstrong
Open 10 a.m. 'fH10p.m.
155 S. Ifbtrtf Mi. 2-7523
nette. Michael Cruson and
Richard Lindemann. Attend
ance award was given to Den
2.' The award for cleanallness
inspection was presented to
Den B.
Refreshments were furnished
by Den 2 under the supervision
of Mrs. Alwood Aronson.
Mrs. Leora Stevens is sub
stituting at the Mari-Linn
school for a few days taking
the place of Ralph Hurst who
is ill.
The -Lyons Sunday school it
sponsoring a carnival to be
held at the Marl-Linn tchool
Saturday evening, April 28.
Proceed! will go toward build
ing the new church.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Downer
were hostesses for pot luck
supper at their home after
which the evening wat spent
In visiting, and social time.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. John
Kunkle, Jo Ann, Judy, Johnnie
and Juanlta, Mr. and Mrt. John
Worden and Marjorle, Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Weldman, Hazel,
Doris, David and Kathryn, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Stlenfelt and
Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Scott, Lynn and Shirley and
Jerry Mohler.
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Mary,
Roger, Craig and Douglas of
Salem were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ramie
Mr. and Mrs. Harland Niel
sen and Brent of Elcajon, Calif.,
spent several dayt last week
at the home of her sister and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
'Miss Joy Kuiken, student at
the College of Education at
Monmouth, returned after
spending the Easter vacation
with her mother, Mrs. Elva
Kuiken. Eldon Thompson ' re
turned to Eugene where he is
a student at the University of
Oregon. He spent hit vacation
with his parents, Mr. and Mrt.
Lyle Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bressler
went to Salem Sunday where
they were dinner guests at the
home of his titter, Mrt. Cora
Dayton The Dayton Va
riety Store hat received notice
that it has been awarded an
honorable mention, and $15,
for the entry In the National
Crochet Week Window Display
Contest in February, spon
sored by the National Needle-
craft Bureau In New York.
The local store is owned by
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Zupo. Their
store window had a display of
crocheted articles which were
made by local people.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ritchie
and family have purchased the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leigh
Freeman and moved to their
newihome last week. tsC
The Ritchie's have the Sno-
Whlte lunch corner in Dayton,
which they have been operat
ing for the past year.
Prior to this change, Mr. and
Mrs. Ritchie have been living
in McMinnville. They have
sold their home there.
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman have
lived In Dayton for some time,
but have now moved to Mc
Minnville, where they are
building a new home.
Mrs. Clair Relchstein, Mrs.
Tommy Lyman, Mrs. , Fred
Withee, jr.. and Mrs. Earle Co-
burn attended an all day meet
ing of the News-Register cor
respondents Saturday, March
28, at the Hudson Cafe, Mc
Minnville. Services were held Thurs
day, March 26, at 10:30 a.m.
for Lee Davis of Hubbard, who
passed away Monday, March
23, in an Oregon City hospital.
He was the brother of Mrs. C.
E. Wilson of Dayton.
Fruitland Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Kleen and children of
Oak Ridge were recent
visitors at the home o Mr.
ana Mrs. Ted rueen
A"011 Bcul oi Spokane,
Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
fan Beugll of Salem, were
tne George Kleen home,
Saturday evening guests at
Fruitland achool aoftball
team uiariu riatum team ui
Pratum field with the score
N'W Pratum 10
' llnn ,
Special meetings will be
held each night at 7:30 at
Fruitland Evangelical United
Brethren church April 5-12.
Rev, L. E. Moore will be
the speaker.
North Dallas
North Dallas Mrs. Lawrence
Fischer (nee Mabel Zimmer
man) of Beaver, Ore., was the
honor guest at a shower given
by her aunts, Mrs. Herman Edi
ger and Mrs. Henry Ediger in
the tatter's home Monday eve
ning at North Dallas,
Refreshments were served to
Mrs. Enoch Zimmerman, the.
ZING, ZIP and Zest
Direct1 rem Hollywood This Week Only
Outstanding in appearance, personality and feftonnance, wheth
er It's western er modern they hit a happy high In entertainment,
tilting tempos, pleasant melodies and haantlng vocals designed
especially for your dancing pleasare. Two complete doer shows.
Pratum Aden Klopfstein
Pratum storekeeper bat re
turned from Ohio where he
went to visit his brother who
is ill. Miss Verla Klopfstein,
who accompainea her father
to Ohio, will spend more time
in Ohio
The annual union Good Fri
day service of the Pratum
churches will be held in the
Mennonite church April 8, at
7:45 p.m.
Rev. Alexander sauirvine
will give the message. Special
music will be furnished by
the Methodist church.
Pratum Youth Fellowship
will have Holy Communion
service and Easter breakfats
at the home of Mr. and Mrt.
Harold deVrles, Sunday morn-
lng at 7:48. '
Oak Point
Oak Point The Oak Point
tchool society met at the
tchool house Friday evening,
following a short business
meeting, Dr. George Knott of
Independence, showed moving
plcturet of hit vacation trip
to the touthern United Statet.
Refreshment! were served
by Mrs. T. C. Muller and Mrt.
A. Terjerson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kuie
entertained with a family
dinner Sunday. Guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Penning
ton and Chuckle of Indep.,
Mr. and Mrt. Bob Hayet,
Paula and Mlcheal of Dallas,
Dianna K. and Steve Rule.
Mr. and Mrs. Pennington
are leaving In the near future
for Minneapolis, Minn., to
make their home. '
Mrs. Hattie Black and Miss
Flarence Titus visited Mrt.
Black's uncle, L. H. Knowles,
last week.
Mrt. Joe Rogers, Sr., it
spending a few weeks with
her daughter, Mrs. Otto .Lance
of Albany. -.
Mrt. Al Leonitl and daugh
ter of Chicago arrived Friday
for an indefinate visit with
her parent, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Sunday the Leonltls's and
Mrs. . Bob Daugherty, spent
the day at Detroit Dam, '
Mrs. R. A. Alderson it
improving at the Salem
Memorial hospital following
major surgery.
Mrt.' Richard Otley - of
Diamond is spending a few
day at the Alderson home.
The Independence Rural
Woman's club will meet at
the home of Mrt. T. C. Muller
April 8, at 2 p.m.
Mr. and Mrt. Herman Kauf.
man spent the week-end visit
Ing in Portland. '
Smithf ield The J u n i 0 r
class of the Salem Bible Acad
emy gave the annual play
Thursday and Friday evenings
at' the school gym on College
mother, of Beaver, Ore.; Mrs.
C. N. Ediger, Mrs. Thomas
Dalke, Mrs. Harry Lee Ediger,
Mrs. Leonard Harms, Miss Lor
raine Harms, Mrs. Frank Edi
ger, Miss Lucille Ediger, Miss
Judy Ediger, and Miss Dorothy
Zimmerman, all of Salem; Mrs.
Peter N. Ediger of Dayton;
Mrs. Sol N. Ediger and Mitt
Joyce Ediger of Smithfield;
Mrt. Martin Kroeker. Dallas:
and Miss Joan Ediger, and the j
nonor guest.
Mr. Fischer it in the service
stationed neat San Francisco.
EvtryUdy dots!
So smooth
it leaves you
ffu artatttt nam
10 proof. Midt from 1 00 $nin iwuml ipirltl.
oiw. nwcsmirnoa rii. inc., mnrord. conn.
Thursday, April 2, 1953
Delores Wall wat one of th.
usherettes for Friday evening
The play was "A Connecticut
Yankee in King Arthur
Court." Joyce Ediger was a
member of the cast and Dor
trayed "Elaine."
From Dallas the Mi Aar t. '
Friesen and Beverly stone
brook, and Jim Wi'," -ili0 were
part of the cast. Dick OlferL
recently of Washlngtotn, D c
it the dramatict Instructor "
Kathryn and Bertram Conn
were home from Oregon Stat
college for spring vacation.
Frank Wall has finished
pruning the prune orchard.
Rev. and Mrs. Relriar vii.. j
and Mrs. Fern Elliott all of
los Angeies, calif., visited with
the Sol N. Edlffprs nnri
P. Neufeldts Sunday. - '
.They were en route home
from Wenatchee Wash., and
other areas in Washington and
Idaho where they had held con
ferences sponsored hv Mdii.i
Child Evangelism.
The Oregon State Child
Evangelism Fellowshin nlam .
summer conference In July at
Jennings Lodge.
a hi
FMONI l-t7tt
Virginia Mayo
Steve Cochran
In Color
Bowery Boys
Unda Darnell
William Bendix
In Technicolor
eorge Brent fi
PHONS 1-1711
Two Chillers!
Boris Xarloif
James Ellison
Mat. Daily From 1 P.M.
"NY PAL 6US" &
Story behind
Hie drop of the
first alom '
b WiTWK Itatfi BMW
a coiuMia mvjm
HON! '
Gates Open 6:45
Show U 7:1
In Technicolor
Richard Oonte
Superfine Color
J 1 'SttW'Wll
t?eW 1
l liy Btojui-
V 1 'hfK m
UT A ""SSHsBsaTfi