f.1 is Thursday, April J, 1958 Ptft THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, tUhm, OrtfM DENNIS the MENACE fill pnoT If DEMNIS.OOMYaOWIHE POORS! DCW8(0IDVOU HEAR DENNIS .' OR KENT APARTMENTS t BOOM AFAETMENT. Electric rente. Private entrance, Adult. 700 H, Liber ty. Phono a7. Jpll DOWNSTAIRS la older bouse. Oaratt. yard, fruit trees. Ront to partus who " will tak cut of It. Ho drrnklnt. In- tervUw, 1M1 S. 11th ., Sot., April 4, r 11 a.m. p.m. or phon 1-1198. )P80 1.ABOB furnUhed l-room apartment, olOM IB. Oell 42739. IMS . I BEDBOOM. unfurnished court apert ' meet wtth etove. refrltorator And TV antenna. 007 Bo. 13th. Jpl3 ft BOOM furnished apartment, private both, entrance. 136 moath. Phono 1-1711. ip70 ONE BEDROOM Court Apt., modoretely priced, clean, modern. tTBfumUhtd except ttovt nd ntillerator. Off tract parktnt. Clooo to baa. 1-3620. lpll FURNUHKD I room basement. Private both, refriterator, utultlei. 026. 430 So. 90th. lP83 1040 CENTER, 1 rooms, front apartment. inwiH 1.ROOH bftiimtnt BDArtmont - lurnlihod, newlr doeorttod, prlroto bBtrtnu and bitth. 1006 N. 6th. tpos ft TTJBNSB llodirB. furnlihed 1-bod-room opt. Ph. eiKm 42417. JpOO PBIVATI THBSI-BOOM tumkihod oourt oportmoBt, eloon. Adult. 960. 3660 ' Portland Road. iPloi' MICE 1 BOOM, privata ahower, moiUr fnrnlibid, iround floor. Quiet couplo. 617 month. Phono 3.6110: a.m. 1p02 BOOM furnlihed apartment. Phono 1-9366. lP7f S BOOMS, private bath and estnseo, furlnahod, eloan, om In. 493 So, Hlih. . iPOa VCBNISBBD 1 bedroom apartment. Com to elate oflloaa. Phono 4-1670. Jp71 M lu, TV (-. mrwIaFfi 1-TfWTH. fnrBteh od apartment Adult onlr. Phono 31490. S BOOM around Hoot apartment. Only 118. Lady preferred. 041 Terry. jp70 ' I BOOMS, furnlehed, and bath. OuUldo ontraneo. 40 So, lilt, Phone 1-1117. Ip71 SKAL'TlfL'L furnlehed apartment. Pre fer permanent reitdent. 444 N. Cot- ui. mono 2-ieo-i. r S-BOOM partly furnlehed apartment. prirau entranoe, iobooo tovb '" epaea tot garden. Adulta, 1040 If. Llb- : irtr. , )'" 1ABOE PTJBNiaBED Apt. 1 tooml. i Hook to oapltol bulldhua. Adulta asly.' Phone 1-4061. Jpll W. SALEM Small l-rm. unfurnapt. near eanoory m bih. JpOS TEST ATTBACTIVE oourt apartment, 3 rooma m oato, oioetrio ranse auu io TatoF furnlihed. Oil heat. Com munity TV aerial aTallaUe. 194 So. 17th St. Phono 3-llM daye, or 1-2716 after P.m. 1pt SEVEBAL furnished apartments, food location. Inquire H. L. Stilt Furniture. Phono 1-9116. IP" ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED upper Door, on creek. TV antenna. Adult. M0 wll ' low. Phono 17498 or 10607. 'POO Lee Apts. Salem't Moot Dsitlniuished Address Followlnc rentals can bo shown bow: S-Bdrm. Ayallable Now 110.00 l-Bdrm. Available Now 77.00 For luxury llvlni at moderate rates call at 600 N. Winter St. Ph. 4-1041. )P MISCELLANEOUS j BEE-HTVE TRUCKS U-DRTVB k MOVE YOURSELF SAVE H PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 111 COURT ST. PHONE 1-1011 FAOE STEVENSON and AL MEFFORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST OASES DR. HARVEY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph BM., State At commercial Sta. SALEM PH. 3-1111 m" SALEM SAND at ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work . Boad Clearln Dltchbtt Sewer and Basement . . Equipment Rental Ditchlm by the Foot Phone Daye 1-9408 vei. 3-4417 or 3-7411 Selam. Orocon ma UILDING MATERIALS SLASHED! .Ho. I Color Shakes, they fit... .09.06 Bth Tubs, first trad 666.00 Plywood, direct from mill, cheep. . Overhead tareie herdware 117.06 CAMrBBLu BVluvinv eurrui Center near Frultland. Ph. 2-8334 ma80 SPRING IS HERE : hmI11 Knot and Savel 4x1 W Sheetrock 0140 Sheet 4xt:?l! ShMtrock Ol.M She. 4xo-Vi" Sheetrock 8"! Knotty Pine Paneiini I,c!,!l lOood Oak Floorlnt 1 Stab Shlnoles souare ; FREE DELIVERY OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YU. ( LANCASTER ek CENTER t PH. 1-1500 mtto : Coast or Mountain ' Cedar Shingles No. is, 11 lhei clear, 88; No. t. .'1 inch.. Clear. 14. No 2u!1,rr culU. Come and tet them. Ted Muiier. ailem-lndependenc Road. Ph. Salem a-ius. I By Ketcham BUILDING MATERIALS KEITH BROWN SPECIALS Close Out ' Wo are oloalht out our entire itock of Plumblni,' Roueewear and Work Clothe,, OreraUe, Shlrta, panU - at S off while they lejt. Keith Brown Lumber Yard FRONT COURT STS. PRONE 1-0111 (Wo lire iob oroos aiamwu ma DOORS DOORS . DOORS Panels from 196 to 7.66. Back doors 1.96. Mahocany, vertical train iir, ana birch slabs priced rtoht. Many tn stock, take your plok. Oak Pioorlni. all iradu. Is heated room. Plywood ooolea m oooies - eze or oui. to vaur slsa. 4x0 abeeta In blow A l.K, A 1.36. Carload In food reject at treryday low price. RootlBi - Thtokbutti, Roll RootlBi all of top duality, enaaas, vu swv dhuih 1116.00 to 69.60. tCeaar ranei Hemlock Panel IX. 60 to 160.60. WaUboarde. lario yarlety. low u 140 sheet. Hardboarda l.w ua. Freo Cheerful oetlmatlni eerrloe. Mod- rnlao with small mommy paymenia BothtBg down, como in ana tisis. OPBH ALL DAT SATURDAY Portland Road Lumber Yard 1646 Portland Rd. . Phone 44411 Price War Reverae trap tolleu, eompleto ..12S.M !0"xl8" Wash Basin eii.ou Cast Iron bath tuba, complete . .009.60 40-tal. water heater 071. 80 New 4" sou pipe 70 New ahower cabinet complete ,.143.00 Medicine cabinets, 14"aat" .... 7.60 600 eal. septlo task 93.00 Unpamtod cedar shakes t 6.76 Painted cedar hak I 0.76 Overhead aerate hardware 111.60 Waterproof wall board, 4x1 ....1 1.90 Plywood, Interior at exterior ....Cheap 1 tab aomp. rooflnt 0 0.06 Steal laraio doors completa ....166.00 No. 1 doora, l'l"l'l" 0 1.60 New door lamb 1 1.60 Chicken house, barn windows.. Special New tjlcturo window 0 1.00 New weathorttrlppod windows... H Jo New door lock 11.00 Exterior whlto paint lal. 01.01 Mew plasterboard, 4x1 ..11.40 HARDWOOD PLYWOOD 'Imported llaht wood and dark wood. Via" and V. Perfect for natural oolor wall paneiini ana xitonen cbd tnete. Prlcee dose to fir plywood. C. G. LONG & SONS Man 40M1 (1 mile North of Seller) ma- NURSERY STOCK LARGE , WELL-BUD DKD KhOdM., lOm rod, 4.00 up. Lane mlooUiif 4apbne N.00. XMnUft Duion, samt tkmum, 11.00 to. Olad. 35c iM. FtrtnnlaU, boxwood, heater. MerrlU'i Ortn home. Brooks. nMl' For Sole MISCELUNEOUS METAL FENCES Chain link or ornamental -types. residential and Industrial. No lob too lane or too small. Materiel only or job complete. Free estimates. BORXMAN LBR. 41 HDWE, OO. 140 State Street Ph. I-17M b79 Used Appliances No Down Payment SPRINO CLEARANCE USED WASHERS DEXTER WASHER Larte family else, new wrlnttr rolls, very clean. .014.05 THOR WASHER Oood runnlnt condi tion, Itrto family else, t-lb..only 814.95 EASY WASHER Very clean, a real buy. laret use, tooa wnnser KENMORE WASHER Ltrtt wrlnter rone, verr oulet and titan, oaly.014.tl OENERAL XL. 1 lb., leetrlr pump. very cleaa, excellent condition. ..v.vs USED EASY SPINNER AB white, very clean, looke like new, 1 yr. old. 189.96 USED SPINNER Very eleen, aU white. very tood condition, only 180.95 USED XL. REFRIGERATOR RANOXS No down payment .....v-ve to TinkhamGilbert bemeralO ELECTi,t APPLIANCES UO N. Liberty Phone 3-0111 n80' FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted mantra, composts, the eeme ouallty ae last yeer, for home and tardea. Pletstones. red leva stone end other trnee tor walle or esrden,. Rus tic coder fenelnt and trellU work. PhUUpe Brr. Rt. I, Bos 43, Salem. Ph. 4-3081. TOP SOIL River silt and fill dirt, promptly J-.s nfe.-a I. IliD. a lT USFD ws.hint machines. 89 .18 ! YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 371 Che , ajetsta. FyrfatoMWCiUAWious REDUCED! $10 per day untU iold. used on wen drum type FLOOR SANDER. MO MUSTS OP SPEED ORIT TiTtX. THIS PAPER ALONE WORTS I1M. Stating price Feb. 36, $575 APRIL S, $268 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard treUVNT A, COURT mm ill (Wt Otvl MB SALEM DHSSL SolUr and ball beerlnst lor Imeki and tractor. 17T SUvertow. Need. Gravel and Sand ' Anrihlof tn travel, wholsesls and nttlL VALLEY SAND 0 RAVEL oo. Ph. i-eooi. " MUMINDITIONKD VaoUUBt Cleaner. 30. With ill attachments. rBED MBB- OHAMDnS MART, 171 SO. Liberty St.. phone 46371. . BOO- CORONA rOSTABLS Typewrlltr, tood condition, i-HM. 3060 Oiborn An. DM' BLONDS O.S. EADIO. only I mo. Old, lit mw, nn over net. i -CHANDtSX MART, 170 So. Liberty, phono 48171, n80 tor SOB tardea and. Phon 906 to. oey- f-rO. DINING 1ST, 017.00. USED MBS' chaudbs maitt. in . wwni ot. phono 617l. B0' vied niaiDAiBS, otoetrtc nai, nn good condition, rau automatic timer. LuvlBi lUU, wUl sacrifice lor 0110. H5 So. Hllh. Phone 31663. B00 LAWN MOWER, 15. USED MERCHAN DISE MART, 170 so. Liberty st. mono 40371. m ADD IN Q MACHINE, oleotrle 1 column with eubtract, 1M. neouw calculator, 0176.00. Ph. 16371. BOO BABY BED mattreu, 013.60. USED MXROHANDI8E MART. 270 BO. lit arty St., phono 46871. BW OX BUNK BED! Wllh BMttrOHOl, 110, 1406 Baker. 19671. nn- WE BUT AND SELL USED MD8E. OF ALL TTPES. DBEO HEKCHAflUJU MART, 170 So. LWerty, phono mii Terms of course. nOO GOOD, CLEAN, USED elothlBt, cheep, sue 14 to 11. mono iteto. mp UIED MNaSS ELECTRIC FEATHER. weatrht porabla aowini maomno. Looks like new.: Bewe forward and roverse. Hand hinges, preaeure foot and buttonhole attachment. New ma. chine susrantte and free wln lee aons. Only 1119.80. Sinter Sowlne Center, 190 N. Com'L n60' EXCELLENT BARNYARD fertiliser. Ph. 18400 or 41907, S79 ON ALLOWED for jrour old water heater on wis new w-eaiion nnaiug trio water heater. Yeater Appliance. 376 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. n' MeCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS, 01 Xdlt- water, West Salem. Salem Lomni sup ply. Ph. 4-1641. n CERAMIC FIBING Uo par era. Inch. 3330 Liberty Rd. rui- FBEE Westlnthouse sewlnx machines tea all floor sample, save up so w?e. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 371 Che meketa. n PLA8TI-KOTE reaulrca no waalni. For your xioore or uauivum. Fi.iArit.aj iv. e'o lytwroww. " CEDAR TELEPHONE and olectrlo polee, IflDCO iraeu, n.u mm. Phllllpa Bros., Rt. 1, Box 42. 1 miles out of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-1001. a BEFBIOEBATOBS, NEW and used. YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 3T6 CO rockets. n DEEPFREEZE home freesers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 376 cnemeaeta. n- HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent. B. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phono 3-91H. n NEW AND USED Cabinet Door,, Ma- nocanr, oaa ana iiri wm u. c k t.ki- n...k - H I V. omMi Miyi. ru.M.w . . " - - trio blower, a C. Gilbert, 108 Falr- rounas no. LOVELY CHERRY rod cut velvet deven. port and chair, very soon condition. cell 1-3896. n FOB SALE wurlltser Spinet. Call 1-7866 ovenints. n7 txll AXMIN8TER BUG and pad, like new. 146. Thor automatlo wasner. A-l condition, 076. Child's eldewalk bike, nneumatlo tires. 130. 1-01 nil' APABTHSNT SIZE fas ranio. Apply 3390 So. 13th. 3-7100. B70 ORGANIC FEBTILIZEB. Pre Of Wood seeds, and odorless, sack or bulk or. dera delivered. Phono s-0127. nr Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Walnut meats, and walnut tn ebell. Hlthest cash price on delivery. MORRIS KLORFSTN FACKINO CO. 400 N. Front St. Salem Ph. 1-7133 na WOODRY WANTS Pianos. Phone 3-1110. na' KIDS Nleht crawler wanted, too bun. dred. J9303. Bale ELECTRIC BANOES. Woodry'a. Ph. 3-6110. na' LOGS WANTED Stud MID. Lenith 1 4" or IF 0". Diameter 1" to 11". SwmlU, Ixniths 12' and lonter. Diameter 1" 1 M". Top prloei paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Phone 1115 B' .' SPORTING EQUIPMENT 'BUT WHERE YOU let lervice." All sew Johnson outboard motors, tm an teed. RtuonblT priced. HtvJem Bot Houte, 100 ChtmtkcU. J-fllOl. PERSONAL OPAL XINO Psyohtc Reader, here till Thursday. 4-4162. 146 Waned Boad. P04 I will NOT bt responsible for any debit other than my own. Mrs. Steve or E. M. Arteaea. POO ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup No. 1. 3088 N. Commercial. Ph. 3-9419'or 3-S7. Ptl AUTOMOBILES No Fooling! (Here's where YOU get your money's worth in a used csr) '50 OLDS V 4-door sttdaa $1395 SHROCK MOTOR CO. vMrk... rvhsM stk-Srtsl nPtSB tfj ChUrell """" " tif tea. rntv. U-TON Pickup, tood con dltlon. 031 No. Com'l. Can alter 1:00 SALE OB TRADE l 00DO MUlty hi fully eoulpped '40 Packard, for beet older oar or best easn oner. s-eev. ewi 1940 BUICK super 4 door sedaa. New tires, new oraaee, exevuen m... 2-8313 after 3:10. oeu 1981 MERCURY Monurey eport eoupe, like new. Mercamatlc radio, healer. Louie Zlellnekl. Rt. 8. Bos 330. Second u-.... ti'-. , ttt n...l arm eehooL 003 m. asijr 'ia Ford fordor aedtn. 866. Phone 44061. VI ,,i rnrv.. and aanditloo. 191 Lan caeter. t"' tan niTtrv CONV. Oood condition iHt uulooed. 1136 H. llUl. 16064 alter 1 p.m. 03 194t CHEV. FLEETLIME 4-door. Radio and htaur. only 12.001 snUet. Phone S-1tia AUTOMOIILIS CONVERTIBLES at LEE'S 1948 PONTIAC "TORPEDO" DE LUXE V Complete an fins overhaul, new moonlight cream paint, Hy dramatic, immaculate interior, . nearly new top, tog litei, turn signals, padlo, .heater ..$ 1947 BUICK SUPER Recent engine overhaul, yellow paint nearly new top, electric windows, turn signals, radio, heater, sportlight ....$1150 1947 DODGE "CUSTOM" Fluid drive, radio, heater, turn signals, back-up lite, white wall tlrei, Imitation Cadillac hub caps, fender skirts, twin sport lights. Has very , sharp interior, with eustomUed leaded-ln deck Ud LEE'S 140 N. CHURCH DeSoto - Plymouth . QUALITY USED CARS This Week-end's Specials 1952 DeSoto V-8 4-door Sedan. Power steer ing, R&H. . ... ' ., 1941 Studebaker' Champion Coupe. Heater 1949 DeSoto Custom- 4-door Sedan. Auto--. , matic transmission, R&H , . v 1948 Ford V-8 Super De Luxe 4-door Sedan 1950 Ford V-8 Custom 4-door Sedan. Over v . drive ft heater 1947 Ford V-8 Super De Luxe 2-door Sedan. R&H MANY MORI TO CHOOSE FROM W. L. Anderson, Inc. 554 N. LIBERTY Bargain Headquarters FOR A-l USED CARS OUR PRICES ARE PITCHED TO YOUR . ' , TUNE! . ; OUR SMASHING VALUES ARE THE TALK OF : ' TOWN 1049 FORD Custom Sdn. R-H, O.D. .........$ 805 1950 FORD Custom Sdn. Heater. A buy ...... 1195 1950 FORD De Luxe Clb. Cpe. R-H 1185 . 1949 HUDSON Commodore 6 Sdn.;' R-H, auto, dr. 1948 MERCURY Sdn. Very clean 1951 FORD De Luxe Six Sdn. R-H, O.D. ...... 1951 FORD Custom Sdn. R-H, Fordomatlc .... 1950 CHEV. De Luxe Sdn. R-H , 1951 STUDE. 8 Sdn. Heater, O.D., steal..... 1950 PLYMOUTH De Luxe 2-Dr. Sdn. 1948 KAISER Sdn. K-H, O.D. 1950 FORD Custom Sdn. R-H, O.D. 1948 FORD Super De Luxe Sdn. R-H 1940 FORD De Luxe Sdn. .......... MANY MORE A-l USED CAR VALUES TO CHOOSE FROM ALL OUR USED CARS ARE GUARAN TEED FOR SIX MONTHS - OR 6000 MELE8 - IN WRITING USED CARS WITH A PERSONALITY Valley Motor A - PHONE 88147 jjjjjirtrsrrrrr-r AUTOM04JILES No Fooling! (Believe it or not . . . here are reel values) '47 BUICK Sedenelt. . . $695 UTROCK MOTOR CO. Wk3 rlh.m.kMa OotS tO Ohunh ...... ,. i nNTlc. hrdremetic deluxe. 1 tlrat, new pslnt. One owner car. Can be eeen at 214 So. HltU oo 1041 BUICK. SEDAN Clean, lood con dition. Phone l-ttee alter t. a'- lw FORD COUPE Low eoet, depend able transportation, tin oetn. tea no. 17th. 3-0976. . ." 1041 PACKARD 1-door, 1100 H U. 1470 Chemeketa. 1M1 OLDS. eedan, 110 moath. 018 080 S. 22nd. 1M1 FORDOMATIC custom da 1UII, loaded with extra, litre, osoo unoer verate for like tueUty. lit Wain. Independence. Phone 104. 03 141 BUICK 4-door tuper. Radio heat er, tood rubber, oiotl or mail oner. 011 4-0180 after 1:11 P.m. oToe 1041 CUSTOM FORD atdtR V-l, radio. heeler, low mlleate, clean, more 1-8603. tor No Fooling! (Believe it or not . . . here sre real values) '47 Hudson.. 2-door Mdn $395 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Where Chemeketa Oett to Choreh 079' NEED A OOOD SECOND CAR? 1131 Plymouth Coupe. 67,900 actual mllee. Overheuled and hat had the best of cere. Beet oiler vtr I1M. 1341 after a. AUTOMOIHIS PHONE S-161T PHONE 4-J4B1 995 695 1480 1645 1195 1495 1185 545 1345 795 125 l Used Car Mart CENTER AT HIGH SALEM -- 11 AUTOMOBILES 1952 ' PONTIAC SED. . VERY LOW MILEAGE IMMACULATE COND. LOADED $2280 STATE MOTORS, INC. 140 NO. HIGH i- so IMS PLYMOUTH 4 door delate. Tttl Mr has tamt body style as a e. Oood 41 preesure. cool Ins aystam, runnlnt tear, tires, etc. 160, Phone M660 or 38390. W Specialists IN GOOD USED CARS (VISIT LOOK BUY At Chemeketa Commercial) '81 FORD $1895 Custom edn. RAm, over drive, whit tide wall tlree, , 1 awner, xeeiitnt condi tion tbrouihout, '61 CHEVROLET $184$ Club eedas. RUH, spart an, itt black finish, only . 10,000 milei, 1 owner real ly tharpl '80 BUICK $1995 Riviera aeden. RAsH. oaa ere Haas, beautiful 1-toie blut finish. 80 CHEVROLET $1395 Club coupe, hotter, onlr 18,000 mile. 1 owner. '49 CHEVROLET $1195 Do Luxe 4-door sedan, Rtsi H, new tlree, excellent eon- dltlon throuib. A bamlnl '48 CHEVROLET ....$1045 Aero Fleetllne sedan. RAH. white elde wall tlrea, How Int lit black finish , . . here'e a bit bur, the car you've been looktnt for , it't Chevrolet' sett aouht-tftr model. CAPITAL Auto Sales CHEMEKETA AT COMMERCIAL PHONE 4-1M1 AUTOMOIILEJ IMS FORD. 4 door Mdaa. Radio, heater. laanieaur A-l. new asm or at 4101 H. River Bd, 0 1949 PACK. SEDAN O.D. - RADIO - HEATER VERY CLEAN glass .i . STATE MOTORS, INC. 678 S. MTH A DANDY 140 .Wash Ambeasedet a-4r. Sdn. Radio, heater, o'drlv .. ONI OF TUB BBTTER ONES 100 Chnrslar Boral Club Cue. Sea, keaur, drtva 3M TmS ORTS A PUP 100S Moreurr 4-dr. Sdn. (Tartosa xe tenor, radio and heater. CAPPt) USED OARS MO Union Ph. 8-eltl 1951 FORD V-8 PICKUP JUST LIKE NEW LOW MILEAGE $1385, STATE MOTORS, INC. sTs 8. 1ZTH OONV. 47 BUtCK Super. Very raason- ebls. 110 JerrU. Ph. 4060. 01 1941 FORD As lr,, or part. See Mike, io B. ixtn. . - eet- DS SOTO SEDAN 1990. Radio, heater, overhaul. Phone 1-13. oil 1949 - DODGE CPE. : LATE MODEL ; LOW MILEAGE VERY CLEAN $1095 STATE MOTORS, INC. 678 S. 1ZTH , FARM EQUIPMENT BOTTOM DISC plow. New sit) and boarlnu. oil. Phone s-016. mw AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR A VINO BADIATOB TBOUBLEr VaUer Motor Co. axnerta trill solve your DTOb- lamt and esve you money. Fret esti mates, speedy service. C en tar at Lib erty, mv TRUCKS WANT TO TRADE 1140 HudBOB Club Ooupt, BxceUent condition lor lata model nlckup. 167 McNarr. Watt S lam. ejdll leas DODOE Vi ton 4 speed trans., cover box, A-l eondtlon; Phono 4-llK. odei' HEAVY EQUIPMENT FOB BALE 10 Caterpillar with blades, lood condition. Joe Sanders, l talle couth of Turner. Phone. Sloe Turner. etl SPECIAL AUTO USED PARTS Motors, radiators, fenders, - axles, bodies, gears, batteries, etc. . ; . Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers . 8555 Portland Rosd HBAIi SAN SHOP DRrVS-IN FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 an Slvnatura. Furnltur. Car AT PERSONAL It's "yee" promptly to employed men or women. 1-vlelt loan . . . phone first. SYou celect beet payment data. Between payday loan. Phone, wrttt or come In TODAYI Personal Finance Co. 104 S. HIGH ST., SALEM Stat License Not. S-133, MMtt .Loan aver Itoo up to 11000 and up to to month to repay made by Personal Finance Co. of Marlon county under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oreeon. riot" STATE FINANCE CO. 5 SIMPLE WAYS TO END YOUR MONEY WORRIES 1 Purnlturt Loan 1 Auto Lob a Livestock Lout 4 Co-Maker Loan ' 1 sltnaturt Loan Maximum Small Lou 1100 Maximum Auto Loan 1600 111 So. Hllh at. Phone I-4U1 S-311 M-131 rt3 NEED CA1H Must aetl my contract j 10 acrat with two homes. 1b Jeffereoa, Otv Insured title and deed. Unpaid balance 14610. Take 14000 each, pay bok 140 per month tncludlnt lit In terse t, see my stent, Ben Oolbath, Realtor. Dial 44494. r?0 El US FOR FARM, CITY OR ACREAOB LOANS BEST OP TERMS WE BUY Real estate morttatee t contract! State Finance Co. 117 SO. Hllh St, Ph. 3-4111 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. Ill South Church Parklni a-Pltnty Ph. 1-3467 Lie. NO. M-160, S-1M PRIVATE MONEY. Special Rett and Term On Lftrser Loene tioni and Short Tim Payment BOY H. SIMMONS IM So. Commercial St. Ph. 1-0101 5 Interest Xf yon bavt Idlt fund eteklnl la vestment, then you ar tta trp of pereoa to whom w caa bt f ervice. For over Twenty-five Years w hav beea helplm people in thle community find profitable work for their money. Durlnt thle period wi bavt promptly paid W oerat-aanaal toterae! paymente totalllni many Thousands of Dollars. We are currently paylnt 6 INTEREST n fund from Oloo to 66000. General Finance Corporation 130 B. COMMERCIAL ST. Salem. Oreton Phont 1-0111 r- DC. S-133 and M-331 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear '.Top Trades" V 11:01 Dally KRLM 1390 Ke. OENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS HI Bo. Commercial St. Tel. 1-0111 Journal Want Ads Pay BY BECK Recollections Sons in Portland OT Benjamin P. Wesley, 37, of Albany, is back in the Marine Corps and says he's sorry he didn't think of it sooner. . . - ,;- : i Three of his four adopted sons are Marines, too, and the fourth in high school, will en list next yesr, Wesley said. In 1940 be first loinea tne Marine Corps and spent 11 years in It, Including a tout at Klamath Falls where Be mei his wife. ' r Finally he decided to try civilian life, but it was a sorry go. ' .v-.; Paying for this, paying for that." and all with $244 a month pay from a chair fac tory, prompted . w-omuitment, he said. , . . He went back in mV staff sergeant with pay, Including family allowances, of $302 a month. South Carolina's coastal plain Is caUed the "low coun try" and its piedmont the "high country.". 1 ? FINANCIAL NEED 60 for lit morttut loan. 1 Interest, wxceuens wist, su uaaa Waaltor. IBIS Fortland Rd. Phone 43111. PRIVATE PARTY wanU 11000 on first morttate. 3860 Ball Rd. rol eepww''i TRAILERS l-WHEEL TRAILE1 4-2941. -11" WhMl. fBOBS Ul HOUSE TRAILERS FOB SALE OB TRADE oa house 37' trailer house. Hot water. douow aiae, apt. art nfruerttor. rente, sleeps four. 1771, term. 3316 Lee. Phone 45370. 180 1M0 LAKEWOOD. 11-ft. Ion, eu-alum lnum, excellent ooaaiuoa. rn. sitet 161, SUverton. t Bur . . . Banaln . . . Sell LAXA LANE TRAILER PLASA Trade , Met Lencaiter An. , Rental EQUITY 1911 11-ft, Uberly hems trailer. Ph. 4-11 10. UB0 MACHINERY WISCONSIN taa enelne with elutoh, 1H h.p.i Oliver wsikias plow. Both row. 1036 N. 6th. - TT9 DIRECTORY ADDLNO IUCIDNES All makes used tachlns sold, rented, rtpilred. ItotB, 444 court. Ph. 1-1713. BCLLDOZINO BulldotlBi road, olearla taeth. VlnS Huskir. 1010 Pelrrlew. Ph. 1-1144. e06 BUILD IN O MATERIAL O. W. BXANO Wreoktai Co. Bonders cheep supplies. 1-T201 vBtaii. 001 CASH BEOISTEBS Instant delivery af aew RCA aaah ratisteri. AU makee. add, ranted, re paired. Roen, Ul Court. Ph. 1-1771. DBE11MAKINO Alterations, htmstltchtnt, btttBt. backlee covtrtd. battoaholo. Mrs H. M. Allender, 14411, M DRIVTNO INSTRUCTION Ltara to drlvi tht "Easy Drive" way. Call ar ae Mr. Saolllnt, Valley Mo tor Co.. Salem. Phoae 1-2147 or 4-3074. EXCAVATING Bra OUob as Son. BxeavattBi. tr ed ict, land alearlm. Phone 1-1000. est FURNITURE REFTNI1HINQ Furniture reflnlshlBt, repaired. Bd lar Brock, M4 Norway St. Phone 1-8187. Ml INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS Fork-lift truck. Inside and outside work. Hyster, Clark, Mobil lift, 3000 nd 4000 lb. machines. By day, weak or month. Ph. 2-343. Capital City Transfsr. Insuletlon, weatherstrip, screens. Pre stimfttee, T. puiimta. Phone j-iiob. OM MATTBEUES Capitol Bsddlm, renovetea. Full Hat new mtttressee. rn. t-eoet. o- OrFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, flllnl supplies, safee, duplicators, supplies, desk lamp, trp. writer stands. Rota, Ul Oourt. o EPTIO TANKS Mike's Beptle Service. Tanks (loaned, D'rooter oleaat sewers, dralnt. Phono 1-1411. 04- Harriet's septlo tank cleaned, line eerviee. Ouarahtoed work. Phono 1-7404. 099 Sewer, eeptlc tanke. drains cleaned. Ro- to-Rooter sewer strvio, raont 3-H37. TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remlnston. Royal, Un derwood portables. All makee used mechlnes. Repair . rant. Rota, 460 Court. o TV Seles, Service, Antenn. 1870 Lna Ave. Phone 4-6932. 091 VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Canfleld'a Lnundry. Repair. Reflnlsh Int. 1440 S. 12th. Ph. 4-1403. Pick-up, Delivery. oto WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window cieanere. Industrial floor wexlnt. houMcleaalBS. Phon 1-3337, 147 Court. , er leS fCTOWo. - II I DAO BEAT TVaE HK3H COST oo IT wwf,5 1rW Ats.nna erv orosra - V rAP.hsi'U. Tl J pjas?t.av. fAM Ofs CLpeRS, FROM TVSk Jurr usr, Js J , mahi-okx moosb- a .f reji yE' vIC" iffflfe WM Why'xal SOON GOT THE HAN9 1 Q MflM atr other Joins 4 Marines LEGALS NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'! SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVSN that L. W. xvra. ruardian of the Bttat 01 MAS M. rvE. will, at 110 Pioneer Trust Bulldtu. . Salem, Marlon County, Oreeon, oa or ; altar April II, 1063. at 0: tn the fre noon of eald day, atU at prlvett sale for cash the tntoroat or Maa t. ira u and to the followlni dcaerlbod real premisee, to-wlt: . ' Tract: Lot one in xuocx rww-i ... ' tn North Salem, Marion County. On ion, and mora particularly deacrlbad ax belnt the North halt of tn North ' wet Quarter of Block 44 In North ' Salem, Marlon County, Oreoron. ao . oordlnl to the plat thereof an 111 and of record In tne otttc of the Recorder of conveyance for Marl oat ' County, Oreeon. euirf ut. u ta ha made in pursuance) - of an Order of the Honorable i Rax RUm mea one of the Jndea of the Clrcurt Oourt of the Statt of Oraton tor Marios County In procoodlnte pendlnt therela entitled "In the Matter 01 to. uewuwr -, ahlp of the BsUU of MAS M. IVIB," Clerk' RetUter No. 13110. .'. Dated and first published March IB, 1983. ' , , ,h. , ' ReUta of MAE M. XV3. RHOTEN. HHOTSN Is SPEBBSTRaV , , , pioneer Trust Buildlns Salsm, Oreton ' .....i,, .. t .""TBlE MH.AP.1 ADStINHTRATOR'8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS m wdirv fUVEH thai HARLAN SCOTT has been, by order oc the circuit court ot uo mn y."'r ott lor Marlon County, appointed ad ministrator ot the oeutt of JAMBS L SS30TT, dtotaMd. Any parsons hvlB cllma ualnst said estate art .rmueeted . t. ...nt them, with proper vouchers. to eald administrator, at 110 Pioneer Trust BuUdlnl. Salem, Orteon, within six months from the datt ot thle aottc. . Pattd APru i, Ki. , . v i . HARLAN SCOTT . Administrator ot the EatsU of aames I. SCOTT, Daeeaead. RHOTEN, RHOTEN ii SPEXBSTRA, attftTTtava at Law Pioneer Trust Bid.; Salsm, Ot. ; ) Attornty lor Aominiiuatoi. : Apr. a, 1. 1. 13, ta, it CALL FOB BIDS Bids will be received until i p.m., Apni it, ivoe, or tuie chmorber, Clerk of Marlon County School District No. IOC, Rout 1, Oer vals, Oreton, for fumlahini a 48- . passtnter school bus. fepeclfkatlon nay be obtained from lb clerk at MM No. River Road, Sslem. ot at Rout 1, Box 47, OcrvU, Oreton. Br Order of Board of Director, Marion County School District we. Apr. 1, 1, 4, I, 7, 1, 1081 - '- . Mid-Willamette ,. Obituaries Mrs. Fanny Willis Woodburn Funeral services for Mrs. Fanny O. Willis, 70, 606 Hall St will be held at 1:30 D.m.. Friday, April 3, at the Bollman Funeral Home, Dallas, Ore. Mrs. Willis died at her home In - Woodburn Wednesday. She had been resident of Woodburn for six months coming from Belling- ham, Wash. Mrs. Willii was born near Alrlle, March 29, 1883. . Survivors include tne nus band, Harry E. Willii, Wood- bun; a son, lied C. wuus, eu-, gene; five daughters, Mrs. Zel ma Bechtel, Gales Creek; Mrs. Norma L. Keene, Belllngham, Wash.; Mrs. Grace Aaritoi, mv erson, Wash.; Georgia Nelson, Lakeview; and iwrs. Lieo Russell. Seattle. Wash.; 20 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Burial will be in Dallas cem etery under direction of the Rlngo Funeral cnapei or wooo- burn. DEATHS Bobbie Beetle Bobble BMtlt, St faonsTttw, waasw rsrch 20. at tht ait of seven roan. Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Beetle, Loot- view. Also survived or cuter, Terry jo Beetlt, LoBivlewi srandpariBtl, Mr. and Mre. Olay Beetlt, Tacoma, Wash.l Mr. Rose F. Ollmour, Salem, and J. W. Oll mour, Jefferson. Oravoelde service will be held in Bale rest Memorial rara s-rs- day, April 1, at 1:30 p.m. under dlreo- . tloa 01 the Howiil-Hwaro company. Dolly Backer ' tor.. Doi v Hacker, late resident at 1018 Olen Creek Rd., tt a local hospital, Anrll 1. Survived by husband, William Hacker, Salem. Prlvat iravealde serv ices saturder. APru a. a p.m. as sioi- crest Memorial Park under tht direction of Vlrtll T. Ooden Co. Rev. Dudley Strain offlclttlni. Plea omit flower. Albert Oardner Albert Oardner. late resident or 31 Ho. lltt etreet, at local hospital April I, survived by . wife, Mrs. Ida pearl Oardner, satemi dauthters, Mis Imo- tent Oerdner, Salemi Mrs. Ruth A. Bar- iir. Oakland, calif.: Mrs. Esther X. Ahrtnt, Turner! Mr. Rchtl Mosetr and Mrt. Phyiiti Beyer, both of Salem! sons, Cecil A. and Walter D. Oardner. . both of Salem. Also survived by 11 tranddhlldren and five trest-trtndc illd ren. Services will b hld Friday, April 1, at 10:30 a.m. la the Cloutb-Barrick cnapei with Dr. Paul N. Poltnt offlelat Int and In term eat at Btlertst Memorial Park. MlHred Uaa MoCamtbeTI Mildred Lane MoCampbeU. at the resi dence, 2706 Enilewood Ave., April 1. Wife of Alfred McCtmpbeu, Salem; ou ter of Lyle Lane, Santa Ana, Cell!., and Mr. Blenden Black, MoMinnvlll. Service wll b hod Saturday, April 4, at l:to p.m. In the W. T. Rltdon Chap. Rev. Louis E. White otllclatln. Con cludlnt eervlc. at Mt. Croat Abbey Mausoleum. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 ' '' v. ; tv :. - s . . . . v ; i -S