Pact 18 FOR SALE HOUSES KLUIylPP'S WHY BUILD When each email ettwa Mr- B aunt I icoulrad tt twa true 1-bdna. hou wltt R.w. tare, BUe Wll kitchen tad larte Urine room, wllh Ma ud aattnUhed atwttetra. Te- 141 KIM fWH. WHY WAIT aattt nrleee either aa thU 1-adrm, beau la tstelleat Ittta, leealed la Weet Be Tool aria. Owtot. , WHY LIVE ke the beey city whoa ywa M Wt a an IH mm lo cated (eat IUl wood eetl. A eyveMe 1-reoca hM with oo4 Wn aed nwnltrr km Y Total erne eeuoo, WHY NOT BE etaeo to W. Vtoeent BHtb- S btoeke to Bearwood otwoHM cater. ThU bora, hat 1 alee bedrooma. Hilai room with fkipleec, dlnlnt fwoatj uUh wtk f.n bMamanl Total mo 411.900. Call (or appt. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 9. 4-Tad Btci MM MO $4500 Hies l-bwkoom " . Aumavttl. Horn kai at aarwte foundation, omplatly Modern. $1800 down. CLAUDE KILG0RE RJSALTOR BBOKKR IM a. Artrob 4-4041 WaCBBAN BAIT. 4790 down. MOT UUI Ml bedroom with atlaehed leraae. phom oM alter 4 p.m. "' MODERN I BED BM. KOMI Oa Ml Una. 94090 tOO D. cm oatoAB aaDanaTROM with JTOHN J. DANK MAITOR , m a. Hi I NEED OOOD LISTINOa XO TT JbtTTH VILLAGE, bedroom, dlnlnt ' room, broakfaat nook, fireplace, auto autu utuitr room. attach, double mi Pulman both, fenced book yard, patio, ehmbe, bedael. Phone UUi. AIO" fOB IA1I. bedrooma, unfurnlehed attic 44909. Low down perment. on? Belter dUlrlet. 9179 CheheUi nr. AM ArB-BSOBOOM houie with terete, ri cio lot, 96400, Includlni furniture. WIU tAko oor or trailer houie In trade. 1460 Wlnola. "1 tO TBADB-EQUltr In homo, for ear, tr.Uer or lot. l-bedroom houee, 1 Toon old, 1 block oolite of Memorial hoepltal. OAtt 17000 bttwotn ond S. Automatio olothu waiher, drier, duhwalher, ittbHi dUpoael, euto otlo forood air plpod furnace. 470' eVwra in WHAT you can bur tor 919,500: A dondr Uriii l-bjr. rinch-itjlo nomo .uv. rfiniM in.. lrool.. lull both. PlUf ' u both with lull tllo ohowor tn Iatio tltiutr rm. OU plpod lurn. 3-oor tor. 1J5H7J lot, lwn, flowira ond hrubt In. Br. U ZD, l-r7M. BD ! BBAL , BKAiTOB, M a. HUB Bl. po. a-njo. ao rIVI-BEDBOOM homo, 11 Tina At dlnlnr not., oooh with ilroplaoo, Ito. modom . Altohon, lorooa Air lurn., ton joo. n, loot lo lUto ollleo buUdlnfj, Idool for ronttaur rmi. Frlood t 0l.Q0. Bro. ooll Pock, t-MlI. BTJ WJK1N BBAL, REALTOR, 41 a. Hlfh. Ph. ' MOM. AA0- SUBURBAN 2tt ACRES Torr BHlrtbli IooaUob, Clou In a OArdoB Rood. Oood lond, tour-room huo, fruit trooi, wotor mtom. Prloo - tll.NK). Tormo. Sot Ownor, 3010 Otr don Rood. "1 LOOKXNO FOR A BOMB? For oolo: 1 homM In uoo Hock, Borth Ohuroh. ' I ACBIS ot rood ground with omoll. BMdorn bouee. Terma, Out Uaoltar road. Rt. , Bob 44, at BXDBOOMI, baiemont, ell lumact. flreolaee. buUt-lne aalore, fenced-in lard, aaraao. 30408. asa- kr OWNU, I room home, bailment, aowduit lurnaca, 9W78, 1180 Hood at. Ph. 98S80. ol03a FOB ALB by owner. IWlfOOTfl Ml taouM. Phone 4-47U. i KDEOOM houi, tlOM tn, lio I room aoertaneofc for m(. OtU boforo or itw t. 4-J6ii. mi If BTJ1XDEB l-bedroom, near new hlth tchool. t8 Oxlord. all tot DOWN, 910 per month bure thu Ms all 9 rma. at bath on back of lot. Well lonted for etore A, but. Pull - wrtce 91500. Hurrr. C. W. Reeve, Realtor. 1840 UUiMn. Ph. 94890. Bve. 99834 or 41048. ' 07t ft A. en edit of eltr. Buntalow type hoe: with lane epacloua rma. Bdwd. Coon, flreploco, beautiful ahade treat Ai ahrttba. aowm. c. w. neeve. tteauoT, 1900 tfiulon at. Ph. 948O0. Eve. 10M8 or 43948. alt' FBW 1-B.B. Bait. Hiarlr 1000 ft. floor - evaee. Auto, oil heat. hdwd. fire., wnf. Bpetalrt. paved et. tattO. C. w. Rteve, ' kealtor, 1900 MUllon at., Ph. 14t0. Bve. 41l or 39818. 079' itOTBL 9 3-B.H. unite, 3 1-BJl. until. aicellent condition, nice location, beautiful view. Owner WIU conildir aome tradt In the roller. Price 118,600. C. W. Reeve. Realtor, 1800 trillion St., Ph. 11600, Ere. 43B48 or IBSJC. 079' HOKIX A) INTOMS Lie. 3 B.R. mod. brick houee with double plumblnt At luu benVt eloie ta downtown oa N. Cottate. Haa new oca B.R. Houee on. back ol lot rente tor 909. PrUe for both 931,000. Art tar Bob conklin. DUTCH COLONIAL Oa H. Itth at., llv. rm. wllh tire- ataee, din. nn., br. nook, Ue hall, tun room, 9 Ue B.R. with eparloui loaeu, Ue bath with aeparato ahower, ruu bem't, Ue beau, landecaped tar, don with undenround eprlnUlnc ere- tem. Ther lit don't build thim Ute thlt anrmore. 919.100. Aek for Bob con kiln. RANCH TYT Ida 9 B.R., wardrobe elMtte. din. rm. natural brick fireplace, double terete, lee rerd with patio. 1980 ao. ft. of bait tonitructed new home for 911,940. Aek for Bob Conklin. BURT PICHA rrt a. aith at. oft: t-tot a79 FOR SALE FARMS Homeseekers Agency VERY SPECIAL, 19 aorea. Oood taller coll. Nearly all tillable. 9 rm. boute. Oontlnuoue foun- detion. etc. Barn and outbulldlnca Between Sllvertoa and Salem. See trill 17100.00 The Homeseekeri Agency SILVER-TON. ORtXION M0 Journal Want Ads Pay CLAtmt'IKD ADVERTISING , Per Word, 9 timet lAr Per Word 4e Per Herd, tlreei 10e Per Word, I month We No Relaado Mlnlmam It Werda, BEADEBt In Loral Newt Colama Onlr, Per Word , 1e Mlnlmam It Warde Ta Pltce Ad In Sam ray't Psptr, Phone t-I4M Hefora II bjb. REAL ESTATE . CITY COUNTRY- HOME Tnlo lo ta Motl tomllr bobm with 4 kodrooms and booomont, doubl Ihmo, W mn lot, lonrolr ruplo ohoda kooa and A rdonor'a paradlu, a plaaa far th abUdraa and tholr pau, arw room for lha poor. ThU haiaa at wan loaataa la a aoKhborhaod job win a proud o a a part of. an far appaaitaiaBt, Call TlwttM. FULL BASEMENT . TBU bm I btdrtooa koau with fall bumnl, aawduit turnaoo. loro . Ir kaok raid, wnk tuk ! and book rard Ilroplaoo. aMopHonaiir woU laoalod. Tno homa la Bt bow awt boUtro job will aim that at A1I0O KB a kanatau 2-BEDR00M - SUBURBAN - FULL DIN ING ROOM - $8900 ThU 0-roafoU taawrbaa la on nUo lam lot and U hut ahook full af BUor ahUMa. Baa hardwood Con, autal oablntu Bl woll-arrantod kllohaB. fall-auMd authw room, btr Urlna room, bodioonu aro lor a, lota af aloaot opaoo, altaihad waraaa, airoat la hard aurlaco. Call Jim. LARGE 2-BEDR00M - $12,000 ' 9 Bodraoi, araralaa Urine loom, aloo flroplaoo, bat dlnhw room, woU aaaaad Utohaa, kit oonttcoUoa aullrr and plar room, drabla plumk iaa, attaahod foract, agawlaUoa, woathtrttrlpplu, hnmodlato pououloa. wrrrl ThU wow' I awt. HOME OF THE YEAR t tidJiam aalrarbaa, awtbaaat, boat Waahmitaa oohool. MM Obutar ATA Baa autda aullrr, sHaoha daaraao, auto, kaat, lota af bullt-lna, r won M loot don. PaU moo wooo. Tonu. Call Chit. 8-BEDROOM'- KEIZER - $6900 Vtw l-bMlriMB homt tn Xtlitr, l kroek from Mhool. Mom U sot julU IteUhMl, bu luritwood noom mad ftvto. hiat. FrlM If oo)r $ewo. BttUr Harrr on IbU. Ttm. CtOl Chit. 2-BEDRM. SUPER DE LUXE SUBURBAN TtoU lovtj atom luu t,U th irrtrtqitUltti for biUr Urior aloo flrt i.ftM, luft iHeHcii, unvviuavllr lint vtinir ma, whicb would bo Mtal for hlM'i fUojTooaa, attMlud snru. TbU UjUnc yon ohould mi. Prtct MM. I blocks from ttbooi, 1 Mock from ttty kuup. Tot ftppolntntanit to Mil mU aDtvlo HftTonrfLi NEW 2-BEDRM. AND DEN SUBURBAN If too Bko a ottr homo ta aha aoantrr, doa'l Ml to am thu loralr l. stub rrom, aomor jdi, anr water, rauod nropiaoo, uoo ao. it, . U wall prlood at tli, TOO. Pot appotsttnool to too, au Zale Rarburn. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOODDISTRICT, REALTOR) fOto a. Sawttat . . Offuo nboaoii l-oM4 aw 4-nM , BvaBant phonaj: . TtbbotU B-tAM Mm i-aow Oiat I4W Sala Rarburn t-toot Grabenhorst Specials PAJBjaXXnrr Ssnwcrr Uo. aomor 'lot, booutllollr Undaoapod. OMtr otrla homa In food condition tbruout How oil f uraaoa hut raoont lr InaUllad, A oomlortabla lamDy homo. Prloo 113,900. To ioo thlt, CALL B. X. LATAf ON , BPAOIOIBI XOafB ON LOTBLT MtLL ORKIX for tha particular bur- ' or. woll built and at tap aondltlon ahrouthoul. Uo. lrr. rm. with flroplaoo, lao. din. rm.. Ico. tloaaad nook overlooking oratk. oonronltnt ' kltohon, don, 1 In. tdrmt., 1M batha, full baamt. Auto, oil hot wotor heat, lao. bricked patio with outdoor fireplace, hdwd. tin, throufhout. ' Shown br appl. onlr, So call J. B. LAW. ' . , , ' COURT WOOMB Thru laU-bullt anlu, seat and aloan, all ranted, fuetthe rlaht plaaa to awn And bava an Income. Price $16,900. CALL . PBTBR M. OBBUBt ' PAR1C - 140 ACRBB 40 acrM prunee, M aoroa walnuti, 4 aorea fUbarta, 90 aorea train land, balance paature land. 1 atroaml. Soma eeulpment toeladed. Houto haa 4 bdrnu. and dble. pBw. Price 998,800. WIU oonilder trade tor cltr proportr- CALL H. K, LA7MON GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS ' U4 I. lVboriT KTh. J-1471 todImi ttundtn e&ll TL K. Umoa t-l4M J. I. Lw I-lllt Pttir I. (HUir -MM ' FOR SALE LOTS So. Village 100x116 aornar lot, with traaa, pavad atraat, lty watar. Viaw to aait. Nica for daylight bafamtnt One of tha faw lota laft In thli lovely naw dia triet, locatad on Halan Ava. and Oak Hill Ava. $1800. PH. 48108 - I11B8, OWNER aall LOT. 190 lUOO KUTWOOD - 49 B 100 into BORTH FOURTH, 9 Z 900 91800 SUBURBAN, clue In, treea, It z 130, 77 X 130. Both 13000 SUBURBAN, N.I. 4 loU . .9900 to 9800 OBNTTR STREET RBALTT, Realtor! 1748 Center Street Phone 4-4831 eaBO wwiiieeoawofiiiwoiea'wi' FOR SALE ACREAGE TWENTT-FOUB beautiful cultivated and irritated ecru ol wuiamelte tut, juit a miloo north ot town. Evcellent born, neat, clean, modern 9-bdrm. home m a baautllul tettlni. It mar aound hlth, but 111 a real certain at, will oonilder tonne or eomo eaehantt. Bve. call RAT DAVIS, 4-M17. ED LUKTNBBAL. REALTOR. 491 H. Blth Ph. 3-460. bb80 ACRM. MB. 183 ft. fronlHe. Nice it. old. L bedroom home, puitered, tnaulated, electrlo heat, hardwood llooii, Venetian bllnde, now own Inn. LR-DR comb., 9 lane picture wln dowt. wall-to-waU aarpet. Lovelr baUi, nice bullt-lni, dbl, aarate with 10130 ftnuhod atiutr room, breetewar, lant patio, Nloe lawn, ahruba. uo it. r' weu. ATM. rofrUorator and 9 ft. borne freeaer toot with bouM, 4790 Herrm Rd. or ph. 90949 for aapt. bMl- BTIBORBAJI BAST 9 bdrm. modern, recentlr oompleted. 94 eo. ft. plue 19X34 atteehed taraao, lot 08x998, patio, email barn. eorraU. 9700.00 water intern, lane lawn, bear- tnt treee. But televliion rocepuon, Ac tine with pltct. Total price 99400. teeoo wm nanoie. sal. en r. n. corn mltment. Bvenlnte or week-end. Own. or. lilt ruher Rd. bbtl1 FIVE ACRB8, 160-FT. FRONTAOE plue two houiei. located Lanceiter drive, eultable for houelnr center. Would oonilder houee in Salem on deal. Pull price 917,000. alebel Need- bam, Real Betete Broker, ph. 99499, or can at Alien tonee amce, a Bleb St. bote REAL ESTATE ACREAGE om Dtte&as aBkEhway Sola park. I beoocu with room p- ttalrs for bedroom nd storks e space. Llvinc room, lame kitshen and dl netie. bath, full basement with saw dust furnace. Lovely view orerlooktm river, nearly new end priced at IIO.OOO. Shown by appointment, , KIIZIR Lor air I -bedroom homo on OUrk street with lot completely fetKed. Like aw. only tsooo. FARM II aores, 4-bedroom bouse, full base ment. Lane barn, 1 eore la orchard, balance hi treavs and hr. Located emth on nithwar tv. only it mln ales to Salem. 110,000. DUPLEX t side eomplftHy furnlihed. Live one, rent the other. Ate this. $11,800. Abrami, Bourland V Skinner 411 Muonle Bulldini ReslKiUte Insurance UorlSMe Loans Phont: J-tJIT Vrenlnis: l-Tf rRa1 To Place Classified Ad Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WE NEED LISTINGS. Partic ularly higher priced homei and all types with low down payoients. BARGAIN. - Onlr 9 m, old. Iniulated. Terr eloee ta Hhool and but. conalder ear aa part payment. Lawn and ehrubi are In. Att. aarate. The price haa been reduced to 90780. SPIC 'N SPAN Really cut and extra wall trracKed. Location 1 flat. Stone's throw from otaool. Oood area wltto alee homei aurrounAar. Only 1 yr. old. Pt1 at. Some furniture can be bought. $1000 down. Pull price flO.BOO. FEATURES AND ROOM GALORE bedroonu. I fireplace.. Ported tlr oil furnace. Sk bathroom!. Spacloui roomi. nso k. ft. floor space. Work shop. Bus front door, school 4 bins. Pvd. t. LoU of shrubs. 103 by 110 lot. Btrctln price of 113,190. How oouW you nuir WHALE OF A BUY 9-bedroom home lmlde cltr. Bed roome and Uvlna room wall-to-wall eerpou. oaretc. Near eehool and bu. Several fruit tren. 90 z 900 lot. Pull price onlr asooo.' OALL FOR MR. KKK3IN8. BVX. PH. 4-4404, or UR. CRAWFORD, BVE. PH. 4-60M. H bo aniwtr. call 4-3318. Peek at the Future ' br burinr an income proportr that U aeir-llouldatlnc. t-unlt apt. houee. Become 9390 per mo, AH tenia art Terr reaionabl. In lood cndltton. Low overhead. Onlr 96117 down. Full price 919,000. MOTEL Strictly modern. Tiled Delhi. De strable location. 18 units plus owner's quarters, very cietn. no repair new- ad. A lane number of these unit have kUchens. Could be used for per- inanrnt rentals. Pull price 195,000. TeTma. HARDWARE Store. Peet-trowlnt loeatlon. Yery easonaoia rent. This Has very iood poasibuitiea. Here's your enanee tet Into business with a rather small mreatcnent. Owner aiklna Si 000 for futures plus inventor at eoet. CALL POft OAN AAK. BVE. 4-MII. If no answer, csU 4-3241. 36 ACKES - HIGHWAY FRONTAGE On toe north. 7-room modern older type home In very tood repair. 30 br 10 barn. Best of Will, silt soli. This would make Ideal subdivision proper' ty with buslnow frontate. City water available. I acres fine nellsh wal nuts, run pries sm.ioo. GRADE "A" SETUP It acres, onlr 13 miles from lem. Modern l-room house. lt-stanh- ion earn, mutint parlor, hot house, ohleken house. Lont Hit of complete farm equipment in very food condi tion. Pa mil t fruit. This te a steal for ll.itoo. Owner will oonilder home on coast ttp. to 960OQ as part payment. -iy2 ACRES Very eloie In north. I acre ttrew berrtee. Modern 9-bedroom heme built In 1144. Oer.i. .fruit homo. Pvd. rood. 100 ft. Irritation pipe. N.w tclevuion it, trartor, plow, harrow and eprlnt tooth Inrl. tn tht price of 10480. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PH. 9-4718. It no aniwer. cm 41111. MORTOAOE LOANS 3p-Tr Mtturlty AI Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Peion.i: 4-3311 or 9-T134 1018 PORTLAND ROAD tvt. Phonn: 3-47S6, tutt, , 4-ftll, 4-1030 or 1-1S91 - a Be antwtr, phono 4-lltt THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Baltm, OrtgoB REAL ESTATE TO BUT OR SELL SOUES, FABAU, BUaiNBBS FROPBRTIB aLr-.vwawHK.eaJ SEVERIN REALTY ST TaVUtS OF aATBEfACTORT BBBtVICB SUBURBAN EAST Oa Center St, Baal sue t-bedreom home for aebtnt 'U0. Pliepiaae aw hu-h.n. Attaahad aavaae. ta. acre of tardea, trrelr lawn aad ahruba. Onlr tic.eoo. SUBURBAN WEST dan. WeU-kuUt a-bodroom home la oseelleat condition. FuU baaeeaeat with tarnaae beat. Double terete. Own" aeklnt 411,900 and Itt waU worth ft. Boar Bath FMlam. The toveir nof eeaped areek lot bat a real alee e roont hetne with 1 bwdraoma, taraaa at patio. A atooa-kt beata tar onlr 914,000. ENGLEW00D Tkere are net ataar bomat at tau prloo alaai la thU popular dUtrUt that hat ea muen to alter lor priee I bedroomt, fireplace at fell keoement. u.ine and dlnlne room. BUe kitchen, attached aaraee. Tou ehouM eee the alee tarden. owner aunt en.". NOB HILL We don't often hart a Blot boat to offer bt thu G aureole acnooi ui.wic Th. a.Toom home u in perfect con dition. Haa 9 bodroomi and den that aould be need aa a epare tearoom, wir.Blaeo Ai ant, beat. Full kaemt, with recreation room. Treee, ahruba At nedaoe compute thU lovalr aorner let. imawdtate eeenpenor. vwnar w law onlr 419.800 lor ahU 919,000 home. hfortteae U 99,000, aould ba inereeeed. MANBRIN GARDENS U To an looklnt for a real weU-buUt I -bed room home aU ta oat floor end a full bailment on a lane landeoapad corner let with fruit trcct at tarden, don't fell to eee thu netnr-bullt eual- Itr bone for Iht aakint price of tit,. 'tot.' Business Locations Upper state St. One 90x334 plui oiler at 111,900. One 44300 plua aller at 94,900. Bunnell location leu are and touu bp. Tha abort leu are tha old price. Severin Realty Co. Mr. Blent 1-9191 liooa I-74M etl' HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SPECIALS SILVERTON, OREGON 4 Bm. at bath. Juit ewttlda ' anr 91000, ttoo Sow Kearlr aew l-rm. at bath, atmant foundation, tnaulated, electrlo or aU heat. Wired for rente, electrlo water heater, pracueaur furnuhed. A dandr, alee location t 81900 Boerlr naw 9-rm. at bath, tomcat foundation, wired for rente, electrlo water naattr, automatio lurnacc, lota, eloae la 94000 H tort, aew l-rm. at bath, hard, wood floon, automatio fornaee, aa. mint foundauon. Wired for -ranee, tie. Femllr fruit Nice looetlon. 17494, terma full acre te earner. Both ttrecta pared. 4 nnl. at bath. Wired tor rant,. 4 baeement. Furnace, plea tered. Fireplace, double tarate. Lota . or treea and ahruoa, nice location, near Oathoue church 99900 ' Bualneae opportunltr. Popular roc teetioa tenter. Reitaurant and biUlard room. AU equipment. New lene bulldeni. oood laaee. Booka orea.twMio 10 aerei, tood Taller aoil. Neerlr all tillable, t-rm. houio. Contlnuoue foun detlon, etc. Barn, ehloken houic, aa rate. Wilt of Sllrerton, towarda Sa lem. See thU 878O0 33 aerei, about 164 nut trtet, 9 water dami. , IrrUatlon pipe. Tr. atrcem. J-rea. houie, barn 94300 ( 30 acrat, between SUnrton aad Sa lem. About It aerei aultlvatod. 4-rm. at bath. Wired for rente, electric weter heater. Barn 90' x 40' Two brooder houm, ehteken houee, tarate, etc. New irritation aratam. t aowa. Ford pickup, 1 calvei, about 190 lar iat hone 910,900 ico acret, n cultivated. 9 .one trawberrlei, 1 acre blackcepe. Femllr orchard. 9 homeo. 4 rail, et bath, fuU baaiment, wired for rente, etc. aarate v uuu... j,a,o j-rm. noun wired for rente, eta. 119,400. Now Salt Llit and Picture BuUetla now avaUable. HOMESEEKERS AGENCY WORDEN BUILDINO SILVERTON, OREGON 4 Acres, 2 Homes WUl Divide 1 A. with 9-bedroom houio, 90000, Other 9 A. amaU houee. twaoo. The a a. tor oetoo. Roomy Home New1 9-bedroom. Double t.raei. lit bathi. Lane lot. eloee te eehool. aio.evo. Englewood District l-bedroom. Nicely landscaped, close 10 e torus .schools and shopping. 14300, vau rare Mai. Home on Creek Close to Capitol Shopping Center. Nice LR, DR, Plreplaee, t bedroomt. Pull basement. Oil furnace. This It s. our lor tu.roo. 18-A. Farm All In suit. Modern 4-bedroom home. Lots of good water. Nice eettlat on s roaoj. au in wneai crop now. 10.600. Low Down Payment Older t-bedreom home on IH acres. O erase, work chop and chicken owe. anus oil ni-way i North, sjeoo. Art Madsen Realty StM SUte St. Ph. J-flMO, I tllJ tjtO- $6950.00 Extra neat and clean auburben borne on eerocie. In faat-trowlng dlitrlet of N E. aalem. hut oulilda eltr Umlu. Lene llvint room. Extra lane bed room plui a dlnlnt room. Eneloeed utility. Lene tarate and work ahop. Oood tarden epou ONLY $25.00 PER MONTH 13000 down buys a homo la N B. Salem. Ideal for handy man. Oood garden spot. Pave dstreet, close to eehool and bus tine. ST. VINCENT 4-bedroom. Larte living room, cttra larte dining room. Larte utility, oil heat. Extra larte let. Prult and But trees. Paved street, bus by door. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 901 South HUh St. Phone No. 3-9103 Phone eveainn: t-ltri. 9-1994, 4-llei. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN CUTIE , Attractive 4-rr.-old l-bdna home an a tree-ihaded etreet, North. BUe ilTlor room, dlnlnt room, kitchen with nook, utility room, terete, lane let. Oalr 47 714 40, Termi. CeU ttr. Partes. NEED THREE BEDROOMS? Nearly aew weU-erreneed home with three lone bedrooma, llvint room, lane kltehea, berdwood fleora. atuehed tereie. all heat. If rou , want mere for your manor oak Mr. Pareone to enow you BU et Only 99,909. Oood temu. ONLY $8,500 Tea will like the lane lot with treat, m a tood dlitrlet. Beat. The home haa I kadreome, lane Uvlnt room with dlnlnt area, modem kltehea, automeUe on heat, tarate. 4 OX loan aaa ba aeeumed. CeU kfr. Aadereoa. I ENGLEW00D SPECIAL Perfect far a worklnt couple. BiecUent location, email lot. 1 1 bed teccai. Uvlnt rooer, kltehea with dlnlnt area, utillir room, talr 4 bleeke . to aehoel. PrUad ta Mil at 99,600. Call Mr. Aaderaon. CHARM A-PLENTY ' Thli 4-kodroom Bntlewood homa wltt vleaee you with Uo lovely uvlnt . room, aheerful Roman brick llreplaea, dlnlnt room, convenient klUnan, faU baeement, all furnace, nUo lot. tf you want a real borne, eee thU deuthtful home. 419,400. Terma. THE STORK CAME TOO OFTEN We need a Uree home. Mom. dad and iliter all have a room, but what will wa do with lha twiner We WIU trade our attractive l-bedroom . home wllh fireplace, dlnlne room, lane kltohon and lovely lot for a I or 4-bdrn. homi. We are aeklnt 411,000 for our home wllh tood temu. Lane 4 loan aan ba aeeumed. MURPHY & KENT REALTORS 4H ao. Skurch Phone 4-39tl . Bvei.! Mr. Aadereoa 7MT44, pareoua 9-1904, Kent 1-9790 491 A GOOD BUY IN ENGLEW00D Three-bedroom homa with dm, fireplace, basement, automatio forced , air ol lheat, double plumbLnc, large earage, fenced-in bek yard with alee shade trees, eltr bus by door, located In one of Salsm'e best resi dential dlstrleta. I-S walking distance to schools, priced reduced to li,o. Reasonable terms. SELL OR TRADE ACREAGE, NORTHEAST Ideal for people wantlner eloee la Mreaie and work In Salem, or for yeUrement plans. .Exceptionally well-built pre-war plastered V bedroom home with larte dry basement, east front. Small poultry house, aarate, shop, bern with atanehtons, k aorea f Willamette soli, younc trees, fruit nut. Due to Injury, older eouple deslrea Salem property. Priced at . 11,700 with machinery, which Is optional. ThU ta quality property free aad alear. Owner aa five reasonable termi, or property wfU Qual ify for tood loan. Call Mr. Bourne, ere. ph. 17)17. . Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 a. Capitol - Ph. 18318 ' el REAL ESTATE 199411 Alllttltett tttetniii aee.i.1111 - iiimituiiiiuit fUMttttltttl mill uui nun till List Buy IWIUlllt 99 1111111111 i ti 99 99 99 SULLIVAN 1 AORB l-bedroom borne, looated mllee from Belem. A trout atream runa rlaht br the back door and on down throurh the wooded pUr aree. ThU aereate U rkht on a paved road laadlne- to town. Price U 810,000. CeU Bob DavU, evoo. ph. 1-4794. aoB HILL 9 bedrooma, 1H blooka from MoKlnlcr achooL An older Irpe . houee with lane roome In one of Solinre beat neajhborhoodi. Price 99000. CeU Carl Amdt, evu, ph. 4-1749. V ltt AORBB PLUS-Here U tht acre Ma that will trow .tht belt tardin In tha veUir. Silt loam at Spont'i Land Int. Tha convenient 3-B.R home on the property hat oU heat and a doubu tarate. If you are looklnt for acre ate you'll want to eee thu. Prlct 99000. Can Bd BrtitoL evel, ph. 9-8114. 1 -BEDROOM home In the naw hlth eehool dlit. ThU u a ,nlce roomy houae with a rum Dm room. 3 fireplace! and a aovered petlo for that outdoor tummer uvlnt. A wiener, dryer at aalemelle dUhwaeher to with thli houtt at only 919,780. CaU Carl Arndt, tret. ph. 4-1789. ROB'TB. SULLIVAN Keillor 9199 Portland Road Br. Office, 3T N. BUh Ph. 4-0439 C80 NELSON NKAR HOOVER SCHOOL t-yr.-old 1-bdrm. mastered home, hwd. flrs.r well Hinted Ue. living rm gar., lot it x 100. on graveled it. Only 7350 for thlt cheer! ul home with VlbOO dn. CaU Mrs. Woolen. LESLIE DISTRICT Den with attractive I, beam celling, outside entrance to patio, bdrm. with adjoining bath, comb. kit. 1. dining rm.. hwd. firs.. dble. gar., pvd. st. Priced to a ell. 1740, tltOO da. Call Mrs. Woottea. OWNER LEA VINO STATE Keep an tre on your children all the way to school from this attrac tive i-rm. home, oa lire., good neat ltatT fnlace.. kit. with alee dining area, alee neighbor who have found what you have been tveeking. priced to sen, 010,000. cau Ai. watts, i-ttm, DUPLEX Beautiful l-bdrm. home and 1 bdrm. apt. View location, hlthlr restricted neighborhood. Price $31,500. Call Mr. Schmidt. ' 1063 OAK STREET NEAR MXMORXAL HOSPITAL Opportunity to combine a 4-rm. home tiry a alee Income. Especially suited for retired couple, dost dpwn town and capitol. A nice apt. rental In basement on ground level. Owner leaving city. Priced to sell. asivoo, only gitoo dn. TRADE SUBURBAN FOR CITY Owner muit move to city, oppor tunity .to get almost 3 acres and S bdrm. home for your city horn. Let us show rou this one. $8500. Cs'l Mr, Oallather. .1 NELSON & NELSON SPBCTALIZINO Twl N. Blth St. REALTORS Ph. 9-9444 O70 WANTED REAL ESTATE CLAUDE XILOORE Need! a few lutlnii on hornet and I.rmi far N. Capitol St. oIIUl. Ph. 4-40M. 1449 N. CAPITOL. ca WE NEED mora llitlnte on ell eleuee of proportr city and auburben homei, emeu acriate, terma and builneei property. CENTER STREET REALTY, R.altora 1744 Center Street Phone 4-8431 celt WE NEED LttTINOt BADLT on email - eereeiei and lood 3 at 8-bedroom homei. L, E. KLUMPP, REALTOR 9494 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-7441 eett JOE PALOOKA aeavfeTr--t01J LATeR, Y I SHOULON'T HAVt VAM...6T0P Y S-irT TH' JANITOR OUT AT HtWi A HORSE (WKT fXTAV JO ANO t J COMB HEREANN WORP.VIN'. ? IM 6tvN'4 TH' CAMP SHXAUPtfS'V CAl.LK)'CX3r DASH lHatttZtMa. ) '""J- LOOK. 1 AtAV BS TRVINO JX JOAN'S fe- J SJX.TFOUR. t A SURE WINS.He VrW'.UH...rrS REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE NtTICl: If tout property It tor tae. rent or eichsnto, list It with us. we have all kinds of cash buyers. STATS PTNANCK CO., REAITOBS 1SS B. Blsh St. ca OBBAT BUTINQ DEMAND for farms and aereaias. List yours with ColDatn Land Co. flee T. T. Anderson, Perm Asent. Phone 1-41.4. Bve. 4-2714, WB HAVE BUTKB8 for S or t-B.R. hornet la Walnut Park Add. or nearby. Ph. SBfi49 or 11192. ask for Ur. 1 SEVERIN REALTY CO. ' ca7B I BATB 11,000 for down payment on a ooo eiean postwar a or s-Beoroom plastered home with fireplace. Must be reasonably priced. Phone 1-443 after 6:10. ea79 WANT TO BUT large house, lfutt be close In. Phone 41731. ca7B WE ABB badly in need of I and 3-bed- room homes, in Leslie Dist. Also need home anywhere with small down pay ments. What have your AL ISAAK, REALTOR, PH. 41311 If ao answer, ph. 4-3241 ca WE ABE la need of good houses to sell, In or near Salem, if you wish to list your property for sale, see QRABBNHOReST BROS.. REALTORS. 134 s. Liberty , Ph. 1-3471 aa RESORT PROPERTIES COAST CABIN, 3 loti, 11160. Trade for truck, car. 3-0331. cc79 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DRY aOODS-VARIETY STORE Beit buy on eoeet. Bit. 7 yrt. Leete. Inventory ebt. 17000. Everythlnt toei tor 14000. Len.'l Dry Ooodl, Rock ewer, Orcton. odSO FORT HILL tevem And .even eeblne, dolne fine butlneii. Oood .hence to teke over a tolnt buelneii. See own er Friday or Saturday evenlnt at tav ern. It mue But of VeUer Jet., er 1 mUea Wect of WUtamlna, Oroton, on Rlehway II. cd79 NO. S ZONE-Apt. house completely fur- sistied. income aeit a montA. Price 934,000. Terms. General Real Estate, 3-3288 i a 53 Center. cdflO POB BEt5t, ! Buslnese Building In Kelter, Phone as 854. cd81" BODY ANT) FKNBKR SHOP doing good business, for lease. 1430 L street, phone 1061, Sweet Home. cdso BUSINESS & INCOME INCOME PROPERTY 4-PlCX. 3 units up. 2 down, built as rental property in 1847, In top condition, only 7 blocks from city center, good value at A,600. Eve. Cftll MR. MBTZOER, 4-3716. ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR, 433 N. HIOH, Ph. 3-fl80. ce80 CHOICE. CORNER 1070 N. CAPITOL 4 furnished apartments, t bath rooms. Phone Bstcp, 1-8700; 130,000; terms. ee78 WANTED FURNITURE AUCTIONS Furniture Auction tonita at 7 o'clock at LANE SUDTELLTS AUCTION SALES YARD, lo cated 1 mile cast of Salem on Silverton road. Ph. 3-6908. cVITt" FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CHINCHILLAS Proven breedere or youni meted nalrl. Eaiy tonne. Write or phone for tree literature. VUltori welcome. Chinchilla Ranch, 4080 Portland Roed. Ph. 4-40t. etl LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCHIA BEEP White feee Henford. tec. Locker pork. 18c Nothlni down. 4 moi. to per. Cuitom kllllni. TreUer loaned tree. Selem Meet Co, 1936 a. 9tth. Ph. 9-4964. . ea RABBITS WING NEED! babbito not Stete. Cb99a tllll. CAUrOBNIA BL'CBt and doee. Phone 4-1081. 0410 liiaer r. .eeeeemi . PETS morninss, itwuiss. eattHtTllAAAStare , 9U9 twlartja. wtBcew - , i,ee klocke aortb ot MaaUoa. Ph. tjtlT;, MOOBE IBOP1CAL FI9B, MUlpmentT euppuee. 9 muee mm - Maeieey road, Fhent 4-9119. CToeed wMtn.avi. aeef AnAn .avi rev a aonui oh par. Colter. Aleo aiee ai.ioi " -lu, a a.m. eeto- rtlBEBBED Irlih Terrter, Can 31197. CBOICB OANABIItlltO Ohenttkela at FUEL nova rtodD tor tali, lei But MlUer, Hiway Fuel Co. Sawduat tuba eerrua, aU kladt el wood. Phone t-8144 te' WALNUT SBELLI, 90 tatka for 91, tr 99 ton. 93 ton dtuverea m .own. aw ru rJcrfila Paeklnt Co. 499 North Front. ' Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. rue BP yowr iroww.. and Weed. 199 So, Com'L, - phone 9-1711. ' " West Salem Fuel Go. BLOCKWOOD, 19" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FMkup Wood 1519 BdlewaUr Phon. aalem 1-4011 Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phon, 9-6611 1097 Broadway ee Capitol Lumber Fuel Co, Rtn.r trunmintt, 99 load. Phono 11711 FOR SALE POULTRY GOLDEN BROAD end New Bampahlre chicke, bateherl evtrr Mondty end Thureder. Our ohlckt trow fatter. Fox'e Batehcry, tllo Slat. at. Ph. 3-4989. t WANTED Colored fryen, aotered And lethorn bene. BUheit prlcee. L..I Httchtry, phont 3-8881. FOB 8 ALE Twice weekly, dey-old ohicke In New HampahUe, Parmanterl, Red,- White Lethorni, Auitre-Whlte, White Rockt, White Wyandottet, Par mmtir tockoreli, Let Batoherr, phone 9.1861. f HELP WANTED IN BTATTON, torratpondent for Capital Journal, man or woman with type writer, educated, experience preferred, tood opportunity for extra money, Contect Mike Forbee, raUer editor, Cepltal Journal. t- WANTED Men, 90 yean. Xnowledte of Salem, for taxi work. Miut be .lean, neet. Apply ttt N. Liberty at, after 10 e m. t70 HELP WANTED MALE wanted: MEN to work In oemetcrr. Apply at 300 Wilt Bort at. teto older MAN for evenlna. Bet., aun. work. Mult like ktddlee, have lron-olad refcrcncei aa to noneitr. utnt wort, Capital Journal, Box 38. .! NEED 90 MEN tor hoprard work. CaU Jack stetanl, 4-1931, Selem. reel ae'e'1we'aM HELP WANTED FEMALE OIBL tor teneral office work, one with real eitate and lniurance experience preferred. Tel. 9-9903, phone tvenlnra 9-3384. 40' XODNO WOMAN or tin to take care of 3 chUdren, one of eehool ail, and to help with homework. Muit live In, Oood wegei. Phone durlnt dari, 91047, evenlntl 18537. 1070' MIDDLE AOED lady for lliht home work. 150.00, room and board, no amokeri and drlnkere. 308 N. 33rd. - tblO CAB HOP Woodroffe'e San Shop, 3400 Portland Bd. No phone caiie. lb' WAITRESS Woodroffe'e San shop. 3400 Portland Rd. No pnone caul. lb' SECRETARY - BOOKKEEPER Prefer tlrl with lumber experience. Steady work with a future for perion who can nandle detent and reiponei. bllltlel. Aik for Ur. Teeiue. NORTHWEST FIR A- PINE LBR. CO. Phone 34173 daya, 34634 evenlnta. rbtl' WANTED SALESMAN LOCAL BAWLEIOH BUSINESS AVAIL ABLE Start lmmedlatelr. seulnt ex. perlenee helpful but not required, Compeny representative will cell Write at once for pertlculari. Raw lellh'l. Dept. 198, Oekland 30, Cel. IBO1 WANTED POSITIONS Licensed and non-licensed practical nurses, or domestic. Call 3-5072. h80' GARDEN, PLOWER bed and lawn pre pa ration. Plowing, dlselnt, leveling, rototming. service Center. Phone 43573, h!03 LIGHT CRAWLER, doclnr, dirt level Inr, tredlnr. Phone l-llio. hioi1 WILL DO CEILING, one wen or entire home. Do aU klnde of patntlnf. bruin and iprar, furnlih referencee. by hour or contract. Ph. 4-3914. har ALTERATION WOMAN wanta work In etore. Peat, tood worker, t-7004. h79 DR1SSMAKINO Prlcee reeion. eblc. 3-7004. h79 PAINTING. Free eltlmatee. 38 yean ex perlenee In Salem. Phone 8-7653. hoi CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowlnr, dUelnf, teedtut, Phone 1-1011. h8' WIEMAL'S DAT NURSERY Licenced and etate lnipected. Infanu up to 3. Phone 3-5016. h80 SPECIALIZED CHILDREN'S eewlni, el tcretlonl. Ph. 3-6081. b83 TILLING WITH Rotary - hoe. Oerden lawna. Phone 9-8339. 1189 Bvemeen. hiot CUITOM ROTO-VAT1NQ 94 hour. Phone 1-T336 titer t p.m. rno' PLOWING and dlielnf. Orover L. Ha. mann, 3495 Blouom Dr., Salem. Phone l-llll. h86' MOWERS SHARPENED et door. Make It run eaiy. Phone 3-9314. h83 FINISH GIRL wenta houio work. By hour er dev. 9-8083. h83' NEW lawno. Rotary hoemi. Free aitl matei. Duane Wolcott. Phone 9-8137, h7 PATCH PLASTERING, bllrmentl wtUr. prooled by plaitcrlnl. Frank', service, phooe 3-6549. h81 TILING WITH new II I ROTARY TIL LER. Phono evenlnr 3-8113. h94 LANDSCAPE maintenance, p r u n 1 n l, trlmmlnr, plantlne, fertuuint. Serv. Ue Center, Phont 4-3171. h7ta Thursday, April 1, 1958 WANTED POSITIONS CIHTOK, 9.0BK plowtne and dUcuu. rnona t-eiei. ittt aircnweoo Dr. - httc TBEB WOBE. Ttpplat. sorlrr. issurts tseritAf. doaa Fayna. Ph. 9-4119. , h71 CABPENTEB-Oablaet wnk, home re. modiunt, irtt eeiuneiee. cau 9-0411, 4-1813. B40 NEW LAWKt fktftBET,, ant ta altey May mil. la in. ateeninaa, aiawint. dleelnt tardeat, acre etc walaoma. Smith, 1-3190, '. hit FARM AAlxaMAN U ran are aa n. parltaeed lane aaleanaa aad lecklnr for a teal ulet emporltalty, aome cut and cm me. Thlt U tht time et y,., to otart eelllnt tanat. Robert B. auUltea, 1949 Portland Road, Phone 49611. hT9. ' PLOWINO IMMEDIATE atERVlClI Phone 9-9909. h9te aweeetet..ett.eewwee.eii RADIO TV SERVICE XV ANTENNA Bonded aad lUaaiied tpecuuit, Inttaued, lit Plua awtaruU. Cell any Brno. Fret eitlmetet. Phone t-iitl. haioi FOR RENT I-STORV CONCRETE ' WAREHOUSE BUILDING with elKtrlt elevator, alley en trance, beck of Hotel Salem, a tood dUtrlbuUr't headauartere. STATE FINANCE CO? 187 S. HIGH ST. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO LEA9B Larto houee with, hetement. mi o. 41731. JA79 w..afiiiwwre" FOR RENT ROOMS CL09B IN, clean room, ipn rtrate bath. entrance, reirieere.oi. Marion, lk80 ATTRACTIVE lumlched foomt with Ulephonet furnUhed, 430 d tM-ja month. AUo air condition. 199 N. Winter. 1MM NICE LIGHT houcekoeplnt room. Lady,, 686 N. cnuron. .?v." eno DEUT UOIKK rvn " - - , BEDBOOM atova i and raliktrauei turnUhed. Newer, tleea and neat, ltd per month. Phone 4-1741 ar 1-4444, lm 9-BEDBOOM, fireplace, ltrlt lot, north, 9-BEDROOM. oU beat, euburean, aleely remoocieu, ecu. . BEDROOMS, auburbaa, 990. . t Murphy & Kent 464 NO. Ohurch Phone 4-3399 - Ever.: 3-3780 '"'T CLEAN 1 BEDROOM aottata, furnUhed. or uniumuneo, rouu "" land Rd. Wt'T WEST SALEM. cUan, nwely rurnunea l-bedroom nome ana ------Bdtcweter. 36109. evenlnta 39916. ' Jmai 9 BOOM FURNISHED duplex, alee kit chen, iene nearoom. Adulta, 147.60. 1156 N. Capitol. Phona 18778 lm80 9 BED BM. rurnunea nouee on lie aerei. lo.oo. John J. Denn Realtori 410 N. Blth at., mono , . 38319. i. FOB LEASE 10-unlt court, t yeara. 9176 per month. At JIJO a. vrinwr. Call at 3305 N. Liberty. Im6 FURNISHED JIOME, Phone 9-4738. 970 Ford St, 450. Jm79 9-BEDBOOM HOU9I on 1149 Betel Ave. Inoulre 3066 Hotel Ave. Imtief . BEDROOM, near down tows, ileta, nice yard, bailment, adulta. Phon. 8-4697 or 9-9508. jm7f MODERN NEWLY decorated 1 room du plex. Lane roome, warnxooe, electric heat, hardwood floora. Adulte. RofrUorator, itove. 1-8418. Im7t CUTE 1 BEDBOOM, Uvlnt room. tltoh- an, dinette, electrlo itove, attaon. ta- rate. 137.60. Phone 1-1331. Im79 1-BEDBOOM home, partly furnUhed, close In, Aduiu. cau 97zoi alter e, or Set. At Sun. Imll CLEAN unfumUbed one-bedroom du Jm71 plex. Adulta. 1-I7W, CLOSE IN, 3 bedroom unturntehed cot tate. All electric oco n. unurco. Jmlio BEDROOMS, 1 bttha, completely fur nUhed, dlahwexher, automatio waih. er, boiement. Older eomfortable home. Nice neUhborhood. 4104 per month. Phone, 1-6131. Jm91o TO RELIABLE PABTY 4-bedroom fur nUhed houee, neer anoppmi center, 880 month. Call 1-4967 after p.m.. Imll LOVELY 1-BEDBOOM court rental, com pletely furnUhed, tue both, only lot per month. Phone 4-1T61 or 3-4894. . ' OFFICE FOR RENT 4 OB t-ROOM SUITE. 9 itnila. orcton Bulldini. Phone 9-4114. lo- OBOUND FLOOR eftlea or etore apaoe for rant. Cell at FltU Market. Jo FOR RENT APARTMENTS LARGE I BOOM unfurnUhed, except tor etovt and relrucretor. rrlvet. bath At entrence. around floor. 150. 300 Bo. 14th. 4-4737. Ip79 S BOOM apartment, furnuhed, privet. bath, 990 per month, uoo n. winter. IpTl" S-BOOM FURNISHED apartment, prV vata bath, larete. Cloee tn. oood Kf cellon. 944. After I p.m. weekdeya, all day sunder. 1410Vi Court, phon. t-1871. loll NICELY FURNUHED apartmenti; Ami baiiedor Apti. 560 no. summer. IP 1 ATTRACTIVE, alien apartmente, turn lihed; cloee In. comforteble beda, elec tric refrUereton, ttoveei private en trance. AUo bailment apartment turn. Uhed. 833 , 346 Union, Phone 41489. Jp7t WEST SALEM, funflihed epartmeuts 969. Juit redecorated, one bedroom, kitch en, Uvini room, bath, electric heat, electrlo cloth, dryer. All utlUtlel peld, . Welter Muatrava Rlt. Phone 16109, evenlnta. 9-0939. )p19- FURNItRED btchelor apt. U nil tie. fur. nUhed. 940 E. Weihlntton. Iptl FURNISHED apartment, newly deco reted. Cloet to Capitol. Phone 1-0114. Ip84 NEAR STATE hoipltel, 1 bedroom fur nUhed. Oerate and laundry. 4-4685. JpSl- CLEAN, COMFOBTABLE. fumlahed. 910. Includea weter and Uihtc 1-1841 dir. time. ipT9 4 BOOMS Nlcily furnUhed. .ulet neUhborhood. 1 block eait Memorial hoipltel. 408 Bo. Summer. IP44 9-BOOM FURNISHED apartment, newly deeoreted. Prlvete both and mtrenca. Includlni weter and llthta. 1119 N, Com'). Jp91o By Ham Fisher area uj.