Thursday, April 2, 195J CALLED TO SERVICE ; ". y DallasLeaving the Dallas office of Polk County Selec tive Service Local Board No. 1 Tuesday for induction into the armed forces was a detachment of'four men. They are, from left, front row, Leonard Bathke and George Hilde- i brand; back row, Russell Graves and Darwin Kimball. They were inducted at Portland Wednesday. OSC Schedules Appearance ;Of Oscar Levant April 18 'i Oregon State college, Cor- Tallis, Oscar Levant, one of the most colorful personali ties In American music, will appear in the O.S.C. coliseum on Saturday, April 18, at S p.m. In person in his first con cert tour since his most recent screen success in "American in Paris" in which he eo- starred with Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron. j The ' piano star of "Who Said That," "Information JPlease," "The. Telephone IHour" and other topflight For Silverton i Silverton Dr. R J. Van Cleave has completed plans for a clinic in the near vicinity of the local hospital at the cor ner "of Welch and Phelps sts. .- Under the construction su pervision of tne John Pfeifer Company, of Silverton, work "is to begin Monday, April 6 ' With a full crew directed per sonally by Mr. Pfeifer. The completed building will .be ready for occupancy by ' tarly autumn. "yBlueprints were furnished by John Grimmergroom, Sal- "m architect. The Eastman company of Silverton will in stall the heating equipment; George Gatchett, the plumb ing; the local Starr electric ians, the lighting; the paint- lna. roofing, concrete, and cab inet work will be by Salem and local firms. Physicians in charge of the operating clinic will be Dr. R. - J. VanCleave and his associate, Dr. Gordon C. McNeilly. The clinic building covers an area of 4,500 square feet of ground on the former Aim estate. The frontage length facing the hospital on Phelps St., is 107 feet. The wing of the "T" shaped building, extending east is 90 feet in length, v The entire clinic apace is all on one floor level except ing the storage room, and the employees lounging room and kitchenette, which is one-half basement level. Five thousand square feet of pavement on the Welch St. side will be for parking space for 20 or more cars. The S3 main rooms of the clinic include two offices for the doctors VanCleave and Mc Neilly. A 33 by 17 foot waiting room area, with a special smaller waiting room for pos sible contagion cases. Canada Slayer To Hang in June Vancouver, B. C. (P) Wal ter Pavlukoff, 89, Tuesday was sentenced to hang June 23 for the murder 5 years ago of a Kitsilano district banker. nf in men and two women convicted Pavlukoff of the fatal shooting Aug. 25, 1947 cf Sydney Petrie, manager of the Kitsilano branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Petrie was shot by a gun man who entered the bank Just before closing time. A warrant for Pavlukoff's t (mum! after the shooting. He was captured near Toronto some five years later afiir a msrcnnt reoog Hired him from Police phto graphs. New Hospital i hadio and TV programs will come here e a special attrac tion sponsored by the depart ment of education activities. Tickets at popular prices will go on sale Tuesday, April 7, at the Memorial Union build ing on ' the Oregon State campus and in other Willa mette valley towns. Levant has delighted mil lions of listeners with his fabulous memory and his . verbal adroitness en radio programs. His piano record ings have placed him high among the record sellers of the land and his motion pic tures have further impress' ed his droll personality upon the public. Each season, . between motion pictures and radio and television engagements, Le vant takes time out to make a personal appearance tour, to personally contact the pub lic which follows him .upon the screen; the phonograph and the airwaves. Despite his manifold act! vitles, Levant is first and foremost a musician of the highest calibre. His extra ordinary virtousity as a pianist has earned him the distinction of appearances as guest soloist with the New York Philharmonic, the Philadelphia orchestra, the NBC symphony and the orchestras of San Francisco, Minneapolis, P 1 1 1 sb n r g, Cleveland, Washington and Rochester. . 1 Among his successful mo tion pictures have been "Rhapsody in Blue," the screen story about his closest friend, the late George Gersh win; "Humoresque," "The Barkleys of Broadway," "Kiss the Boys Goodby," "Rhythm of the River." and numerous shorts with his colleagues on "Information Please." Boys Didn't Get to Texas Bend U.R) Two young boys who wanted to ride a horse to Texas and then settled for a car probably will have to deal with their parents' goat today, partly because they hit a deer. The boys, one 12 and the other 13, were picked up here by city police. They said they at first planned to find a horse and ride to Texas, but decided it would be better to take a ear and ride in style. Police said the 12-year-old borrowed his father's car and $180 from his cash box. They hen headed for the open road and reached California. They doubled back to Oregon and their car was badly damaged when they struck a deer. The boys abandoned the car near here and were negotiating for a taxi trip to Prineville where they said they planned to pick up a horse to return home. But officers caught up with them and said they would provide transportation. The boys still had $93.37. DON'T BUY, ADV. 8ATS Pawnee City, Neb. (U.RW-The ...i,i,r Psomps Pltv Reoubll- can carried this advertisment by Lang's Grocery store: uon t buy coliee. It's tod damned high. Drink only one cup a day." After the conquest of Eng- i , i iai!A II u'ui nnt until lanu in vw, - ihc Hth Century that Ingllsh ! ... ' 1. -. tka n . 1 rt replace j Trent" ox uie Kings. Hopmere to Get Grain Elevator Mt. Angel The Mount An gel Farmers Union Warehouse announced today that at - membership meeting held Mon day evening, funds were voted to build a grain elevator at Hopmere. The elevator which will be of approximately 45,000 bush el capacity, will be built at Hopmere, on the Oregon Elec tric Railway, which is about two miles west of Brooks on the Salem-Newberg highway. Named on. a building fund committee to work with the warehouse board are Frank Petzel, Rt. I, Salem; Ray Mc Kibben, Rt. 6, Salem; Carlton McLeod, Rt. 7, Brooks; Stan ley Ray, Rt. 1, Molalla; and Joseph "Bud" Walker, Mount Angel. A. F. Fetterman Co., Port land contractors, will start con struction on the new project in about a month, which will be completed in time to take care of this year's grain crop. , , At the meeting Monday eve ning, the membership adopted a number of changes in by laws. , One of the important ones noted was the "making the members' equities payable to his estate immediately after his death." Cascade Area Resources Told , Detroit Material and recre ational resources of the Cas cade area were outlined Wed nesday night by U. S. District Ranger S. T. Moore to mem bers of the North Santiam Chamber of Commerce at their regular meeting. - ' - Moore noted the abundance of water, timber, wildlife, min erals and extensive recreational advantages. The six mile trail from the highway to the Mt. Jefferson primitive area is the shortest inlet to such district in the nation, he said. Mr. Moore also showed col ored films of the Cascade area. Other speakers included L. O. Arena, State Industrial Ac- cident commisioner: - Ira Moore, assistant secretary of the Salem Chamber of Com merce who told of the work of the Salem Industrial Develop ment Council, and Murray Wade, newspaperman. 45th Division Never Out of Ammunition San ; Francisco - U. Ma. Gen. David L. Ruffner, retir ing ex-commander of the U. S. 45th Division in Korea, took a ' stand in the ammunition shortage controversy today by saying he "always had ammu nition when I needed it." Ruffner arrived from the Far East aboard a military transport yesterday. S TOCKS - (By Thi Auoclatod Prasij : - Admiral Corporation v 31Vi Alllod n allli Chalmori tlV, Amirlcan Airline. 11 American Power Sc Lift). ...... itt American Tel & Tel 191 American Tobacco 66ft Anaconda Copper ..., ns Atchlion Railroad Bethlehem ateel 11 Boelns Airplane Co. .1 Bore Warner X Burrowa Addlna Mlchli ... KS California Faeklu V canadlaj Paelllc Oatorplllar Tractor U celanaao Oorporatlon )0ft Ckrrilor Corporation Mtt Cltlaa some. f Conaolldated Bdlaon conaolMatod Vulte. 1 Crown aellerbach curtlaa Wrlaht 4 Douilaa Aircraft c HVi Du Pont 4o Hemoure TH a.tntan Kodax V Bmeraon Hadlo oonnal Bactrlo "Vt oeneral Pood. M Oennal Motor! Bit Oeorfla Pae. Flrwood Ie4i Ooodjear Tire Home.tak. Hlnlnc Co ." OVt Intirnatlonal Harveitet 3014 Uternallonal Paper '.'. Johna M.nTllli 1HH Kenneeott Copper IS liloor miifu . Loekhoed Aircraft lit, laawea Incorporate 13 S Loni Bell 31 Montgomery- Ward. S4ft Naah Kelvlnator n H New York Central ilS Northern Paclflo 71 Pacific American Plan 11 Pacific Oa, metric Pacific Tel J Tel "''4 Packard Motor Car Penner. 1- C ., Pennirlvanla a. R. Pepil Cola Co. liv. 31'. Phlleo Radio Radio Corporation .. 3 .. 3t4 .. 14 .. 4H .. am .. H .. 3414 .. M .. si". ..11 .. 4.4 .. tiv. .. 71 .. 31'. Rayonler meorp. Rayonler Incorp. Pfd. Republic Steel Remold. Meiai Richfield Oil Sefewer storn Ine. Scott Paper Co Sean. Roebuck Ji Co Soconr-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacllle Standard Oil C.lff standard oil N.J Studebaker Corp .. .maViln. Ulnln. V. Swift li Comp.nT f1 TraneamirKa Corp Twentieth Cenlurr ro tu Union Oil Company l Union Paclflo " United Airline. United Aircraft 34 united Corporation Unlled Statu Plywood " 4 unltMl statu Steel Warner Pleturea j Weaurn Onion Tel Waitlnihcuia Air Br.k ""i wutlneheu.. Electric 0H Woolworth , 6 M.kal v w tm VrtAinm aabilded to below aeora,. Pfoporiiona "- - the Hock market wmiec. . "price, wen mned from about a point hither to arouna i poiov. ,.w... leader, held nnchan.ed. T . . I.H tn in uttm.trd 1 100.000 .hare, lei. then the dally .T.raae ao far thl. year. That compare. wtaa ajeaw mmm THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SaltK, Owoa MA RK E T QUOTATIONS :: . POKTLANB PBODCCI lUT tUrfat TtntaUvt, tubiect to la mediate ebanae: Pitmtum ouallty. meal mam .3 ot one per cent acidity da Jlvired Id Portland aa-ttc Ib.t llrat qual ity 1-1oc; aacond auality. tf. valley route and country polots, 1 oanta laaa. Byttar Wholaaala f o b. bulk eubaa to wtoolesalaa grade AA t3 aeora, Met A trade. M teort, ttei B, to aeora. f4ct O, at aeora, Me. Abota price atrlctly nominal. beoaa Selllnc price to Portland wboleaalera, Orotoa tint lea 43 1 4tai Oreion a lb. loaf, O-Mao; JrtpleU, Itto leu than alnilea. Ifca te Wholeealera Candled eata contalnlnr no loaa, caaea Included t.o.b. for nana, a grade iarae. B6-67c; a grade medium, U-SBHot B grade large, Bltt-MHc. Portloftd Dairy Market Batter Price to tatanara: Orada AA print, 13c; A carton, 73c; A print, lie; earton, 73c; B print, Me. gga To retailtr. orada AA largo. tie; A large, UWo; AA medium, We; A medium, Mc; A amall, nominal. Car- i, Je additiopai. haeaa Price to retailer. Portland, Oragpn atngle. 46H-Mo; l-lb. loavea. 62-53 Vic; triplet. IVic leu than aln- gles, Premium brand aintie. Mit loaf. 0Vte. Procaatad American chaeae, Q-ib. loaraa to retail, ,4-4He. lb. rewltry uto twuaena (no. i quaiuy, z.o.o. planU.) Pryara, H., M3,ei 3-4 lb., 30-1 lc roaatera, ik Jbi., and over, 30-31; heavy hen, all welghU, 17c; light htni, all weight. Mo; old roast era, li-lac; - lire two vaieaena rryara, ay-3 wa. 43-46c; roaatera, 43 -n light han. 31 32c; heavy hen, 3-31ct cut ap fryara, all weight, 41-c. Babbit -a Avarog Ut newer: Live white, 4-1 lba.. l5-37c: l- lb., 33-350 lb., old doe, 10-14c; few hither. Praah drtaaad fryara to retailer, fl-Saot .aut up, M-Hc. Country Billed Meata ' V eel Top quality, 31-430 B. tough haavlea, IS-llc, eg Loan bioeKara, ox; aowa, iignt ll-SSc. Lamb Top grade aprlagar. 40-4la; other grades, according to uuallty. Maltott Beat awes and wetnera, it lie lb. Beef Utility oewa, K-330 .i gannar- euttart. I5-37C, . , , , ., Freeh Droaaad Meat ' Whole aalera to reUUera: Dollara par awt,: -.- rf statr. ahoaa aW-700 lba.. ss.00-40.00i good, 3I.00-30.O0: oommarclal 15.00-J7.00; utility, i3.oo-8B.OQi cowa, commercial, 30.00-33.00: utility, .00- 33.00; canner cutters, M.OO-lv.OO. Beef Cat (Obolce ateera). Hind quartan, 4&.00-50.00; round, 43.O0-4t.O0; full loin, trimmed, 01.00-71.00; tri angle, 30.00-33.00; fora-quartere, 11.00 M.oo; ohucka. 17.00-41.00; lib. 4B.00- 83.00. Veal oood. ttt-n.SO; aommarelala, $37-41. fjaivat cxioict, 42-n.oo: tonnff- ciaia, gi7-4i. Lamba prima springer. 40-W lba.. 143-40; good, 040-41. Melton uooa cnoice, gai-ii. Pork Cats Lolru, Mo. 1. s-ia lba., 153- 57; ahouldera, 16 lb., $S5-3; aparerlba, $45-40; fresh ham. 10-14 lb., W5-M. Bmokad flama flklnnad. 057-81.50. Re fined lard In drum. $11.50-10; tlab bac on, $48-56.50. rortiana MiseeiiancoH : Celery Cel. flat crate, 3-3 dog.. $3.25-4.35. Few to $4.60. Ore., $3.36- $3.50. Onlona60 lb. aacka West Oregon yet low, medium. 3-ln. mtn.. No, Is. $4.00' 7S: 8-lnch $6.00-5.76: No. 3a, $1.85-3.35; bolltra, . 10 lb. aacks, 45-47c; Idaho yellow, large, I4.00-S.00; No. 1, white, large, 4.75-5.00. , Potataaa Ore.-Waah. russets, No. 1, 15.00-5.85; nam brandi to $5.50; bakers, $O00-6.35; 25 lbs,, aizo A, $1.35-1.50; 10 lb. mesh, 60-60o; paper, 40-Otc; No. 1, 10 job., gi.&; iaano oaaera, oaiea, a-io ids.,;' loo-m. aactti,. $0.00-85; 25 lb. No. la. HayU. B. No. 2 green alfalfa, de livered ear lota f.o.b. Portland, nominal ly $35.00 ton; Seattle. $37-38. Woel Willamette valley mostly nomi nal at 5o lb. grease bam. Hldea Calves, lfl-aic lb. according to welthta; green klpa, 17-ltc; bulla. 4-5e; green outcner cow mdes. 7-sc. Filberts wholesale selling price No. 1 largo . Barcelona, 34 -26c lb. grower prices, orchard run. 14-15c lb. Walaata Wholesale selling nrlce, first quality large Franquettes, 33-33c lb.; -SkiV; srf i .it ivn y m sbbt samf i tm t it SALEM MARKETS ..(r ikm aaidas. CapiiM joaiauu rradere. ISs.M deity.) . aUil r Mmi akMi raitou. u u ( av kw). Itw-s.eo lua-ii. baa). Sit Sid ts.w-i.ll. - Dairy Wt IIU4.N Ml 3k. kafi. MS-I S MM wt.l. rltry ! Prion Colored fryara, 30ci all roosters, Uei colored fowl, MO: Uthora Seti routers, 30a. bin Bjimi Prices . aa, .so; tun A. 44-Mc; medium AA, osai dhm , a, 41-llei small. He. Wkeloeale Prices In wkolaaaui price, lonorally 6-7e blsber than tlx prtteo above Largo grade A amorally onotod at Met medium. 3c. Baltertat Burins price: Premium. VI ye: No. 1, Os-joc; Mo. . 1c. , altar WholMil, srado A yerehmeat, tla lb.) ratall in. rriU4 KMtol Mukil Pm UuMt VM fthubftr lokl for H Tf ft 10-lb, box ud 1.60 -.b, lw to day on the Portland BaataMo Fiarmara Wbolaaala Produce aaarltat. Other offer inaa were limited at nominal orlces. On wboleaaJo row No. 1-A Daaehytoa twtatoes oroiiobt 4 W-I.H ft 1M IU. Oreion hotliouM eueumkora vara II a W-Ib. mi with oortona atf colnt at 9.TI. Portlaai UToatook ; Portland UJ0 Cattle: tM; ' alow; ataady. ooaanteraUl ateora Mt oOMHar- ial faeUero lit Mtiner-eutter aowa If- li.w; utility owa II. 90-11 j aomaitrelal eowa to 17. Calraa: M; alaa4y; aood-oboke Toolera M-90. Hoaat loo; abolee . .utanera aUady at 11.16; Medium Mt-iao Ik. aowa lt.M-M; aholee latVIM lba. auoted U.BO-31. iwep: Nonn rtomlaalt lood-prlma wooied Jamba quoUble M-11.50; tood r.hoice teedera aalabla 17-11; food-oholM 4waa aomlnally l-io. Obteaao Uveatoek Chicago OPy A ateeo outback In auo- plles ran hog up 10 to 10 cent a hun dred pounds Thursday and oattla ware ateady to 30 cent better. estimated 1.IO0 hag waa the amallut Thursday run ainco August. Moat butcher weight hoga Mid upward from $30.50 to 031.40. Sowg took IIS.OO to aao.oo generally. . . ; " oood and choice steer and yaarllnaa aold from lit. 50 to and good to low-choice heifer from llt.OO to $91.00. Cowa topped at $18.00. aheep arrivals alto were aeauMarably under the number ainaotad. and ahla moved lamb price M oanta higher In most oaaas. Choke wooied klnda ranged downward from $14.0. The first orlng era of the aaaaon brought $20.00,. CUeacv Onlwe, - 1 - Chlcaao ouo Supplle. aodarata. 4a- mand fair, market abont ataady twr Tallow., dull to illahtly weaker am Wnttea. I Track aalei (SO 1M.1: Taaaa Tallow Eermudaa fair to cenerally tood auallty, 3 to S-lnoh, car l.0, u. a. I and S to 3 Inch approilmate H car 3.40; Cryatal wnit, wax u. a. 1, s to 3-lnch, approil mate I'A ear S.00-S.3K! araneo lanarally good Quality,, l-lnoh and latanr, ap proximate 3 oar. 3.36: Now Tork T.l low Olobes 0. S. l, so pn ,ont 3-lneb and 3 e.n l.3o. street aaie. (oo iba.i: Idaho, oreion ana coioraao spanian 3-lnch and lari l.M-3.71, leir beat 4.00. few fall Oolorado -3,75-3.00: mMwaat medium Tellow Oloboa 1.00-1.J5: Mexico Cryatal White Wax 3-lnch and laraar, alio 3 to 3-lnch,. 4.60: Teiae Tellow Bermuda. 3-lnch and larier, alio 3 to 3-lnch, 3.00-3.76, eoma poorer 3.3S-3.35I Cryatal wmio wax a to ,-inen belt, soma a.70-a.ou. Caliin Orala''' ,v Chicaao wi HIM ..ninv mmn from oommlulon kouaaa kept nam prices allshtly under th. nrovlaui aIcm for moit of th, ceeelon on the board ot trade 'rnuriaey. Fractional toaaaa .1. thouih wheat ihowed altn. of flrmneu at limes. Wheat cloaed y lower to K hisher, Uay 13.34-33.33, corn tt-tt lower, May 31.80-, oat. . lower, My 70-. rye 1U to 3 cant, las.p. u, aoynaans - lower, lsay 13.00-3.00, and lard 3 conta lower to a cenis a nunared pounds burner, May grower price, orchard run, ll-lc lb. ftw but to ltc ' sat... 181 M. High Young Slayer Rejects Father Dubuque, It. ()' A hand some IB - year - old AWDL Marine today faced murder charges in three states alone after rejecting the efforts jot his grieving father to help him. ; ' ' - Fred Z. McManus, " who shrugged off live alaylnga as "too bad," flatly told his fa ther, Mose McManus of Valley Stream, N. Y., a brewery ex ecutive, he did not want the help of the lawyer the elder McManus had retained to de fend him. The father flew Into Du buque from New York and had brief Interview with his son last night in the Dubuque County Jail. , The youth, who earlier had said he didn't want to see his father, greeted the elder Mc Manus calmly and shook hands with him before authorities led them to an office for short talk. During the lS-minute meet ing a deputy sheriff who was present, said young McManus shed a tear when his father made a reference to the girl who accompanied the boy on a four-day cross-country crime spree. -- - - ' The youth leaped from his chair knocking it over, and started for the door in apparent Indignation at the remark. The father covered his eyes and wept, then left the room. Senate to Probe Tax Returns Washington () President Elsenhower Wednesday gave the Senate Commerce Com mittee powers to examine in come tax returns in a move the White House said was aimed at New York waterfront racketeers. This was believed to mark the first time that the White House has empowered the Commerce Committee to look at Income tax returns. In some other cases, eon-! gressional committees have been granted the privilege. For instance, the government oper ations committee headed by Sen. McCarthy (R., Wis.), has been given the right to look at tax returns. Orala Portland (atNo aoara, iralae eaotad. Wheat (bid), to arlva market, basis Mo. 1 bulk, deltfered coast: soft hwit. ann wriie t.xoraauic iux 3.4314.' Whit, Club I.43M. Bard Rid winter: Ordinary 3.46; 10 per cent 3.46: 11 per cent 3.461 13 par cent 3.46. - m.. - UM... tml III corn 3; oat. 1: mlU feed 6. It's Hotter than fpA- Two Dollar Pistol! Saturday! CONFESSES MURDER SPREE at, vjwy V iai 1 ml:i, if,tM l-K-.' Hi. ., Fred Eugene McManus, 22 (right), of Valley Stream, ; ; N.Y., an AWOL Marine, was captured by Dubuque, la., police. He signed a confession to the slaying of a Roches- . ter, N.Y., man, the killing of an Illinois couple and an other double murder at Spring Valley, Minn. With, Wm .when captured was 16-y'ear-bld Diana Marie Weggeland (left). She told police she bad known of the killings. (UP " Telephoto) ' : - Newsprint Mills Washington The For-1 est Service advised - Congress today that there no longer are any major obstacles to creation of a big newsprint industry In Alaska. Ira T. Mason, chief of its timber management division, told the House Interstate Com merce committee that the best CORRECTION Gol,den King Alfreds EASTER GRASS . . , -.-. TgH It, l,klWt iana itUi In Alaska OK'd propspects for commercial pro duction.. lie in the vsst Ton sass national forest: of south- east Alaska. ': .;':''' He estimated the forest con tains 78,000,000,000 board feet of timber, or alightly less than ;the combined commercial stands In the national forests of Idaho, Montana, Colorado. , Adoz- fw . .., . ' ..... .'. ,-1 -. -ir -