Pag It i Thursday, April 2, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Gunfighter's Return By LESLIE ERNENWEIN . . A Mmtutartn CHAPTER U Rimbaud wu at to comJ rat. endckvorliur to dismount without dumping the eaif, when Hugh Juboi shouted, "Wt got you covered, Rlmbaudl1 Caught completely unprepared, Rimbaud turned to see Jubal atop out oi the mgon abed . with a gun In bis hand. At thia aame moment, a Booger BlU'a huge ' ehape emerged from behind the haystack, Red Shatter came from the cabin and called tauntingly, "You're Just In time for supper." ' Rimbaud glanced about the yard and asked, ''Only three of you?" When Jubal nodded, Rimbaud aid, "Seems like you're taking quite a risk, Hugh, coming here practically alone. "Smart-alecky, alnt' you?" Ju bal snapped, lifting Rimbaud's lstol from its holster and toes ig it across the yard. "Well, you won't be long. I've got you right where I want you, Rimbaud. Just like we nlanned it. You'll be a tame rooster when we git through, tame as a band-fed pigeon, by , ooar Rimbaud shrugged. This, he understood, was the price a man paid for sheer carelessness. In stead of matins a war- circle to scout for sign of ambush, he bad ridden in here with a can in ms arms, defenseless as a handcuffed sheepherder. And as witless, in these first moments he had no awareness of being afraid. The gut-clutch of fear would come to him presently, but right now he leit asnameo. "Git down," Jubal ordered. He winked at Booger Bill and said - with exaggerated politeness, "You two gents has met before, alnt jrou?" "Yeah,'' Booger Bill mumbled, hot expectancy in his eyes. "We met." Rimbad balanced the calf, step oed from the saddle, and car ried it into tiie corral When the mower cow trotted in at closed the gate and forked hay over the fence before asking, "What you got in mind Jubal?" Jubal's bruised face creased into a sly smile. He gently nibbed his swollen, discolored nose and said. A ittie iun." Jim Rimbaud made bis guess as to what that meant, and saw it substantiated In the glinting ex- gjctanoy of Booger Bill's eyes, ut he asked rankly, "What you mean by that?" Jubal winked at his two com panions and said triumphantly, "He's deef, boys. The poor feller don't hear good. And he dont simpe near so high without his gun. In fact, he looks downright puny." Then Jubal turned hi hate scorched eyes on Rimbaud and shouted, "Just a little fun." Standing with his back to the corral,: Jim Rimbaud hung onto the pitchfork. It wasnt much of a weapon against men with guns, but If his hunch were correct, they weren't Intending to shoot him. Not until Hugh Jubal had his fun. Booger BUI also would want revenge. Rimbaud glanced at the bis man's bandaged hand and took frugal comfort in the thought mac Bin could nit rum witn one fist only. "Put down the pitchfork." or dered Jubal. Rimbaud shook his bead. "Do like I tell your Jubal shouted arrogantly. "Dont you know I'm boss here?" "I can make him drop it," of fered Red Shatter eagerly. "I'll bust bis arm with a bullet, like he done to Ernie." And the way he smiled, with his lips tight across bis teeth, told Rimbaud that tie meant it. Red was the gun-sllnger of this trio, the itchy-fingered one. He was proud of his shooting skill and eager to display It. Jubal peered at Rimbaud and asked, "You want it shot out of your hands?" ' "Sure he does," said Shatter, and tilted up bis gun like a man preparing for target practice. A forty-five with a cut-off bar mi Rimbaud thought, eying the sightless, snub-nosed muzzle. A gun meant for head-to-head shooting; meant for killing. There was a moment, seemingly endless, when Rimbaud held his breath; when the cocking mech anism of Shatter's gun sounded loud against the yard's silence. There was a timeless, gut-clutch ing interval ot expectancy while Hugh Jubal peered at him through slltted eyes and Booger Bill spat out an amber stream of tobacco tulce that made a distinct plop In the dust. ..- "I'll make a Christian out of Bcripture-spouun' Christian." He glanced at Jubal, asking. "onau i let nun nave it?" Jubal's calculating erase . con tinued uninterrupted by the Ques tion, at was waiting ior tne ten sion to show. Rimbaud guessed waiting ior tne pressure to ao lis wore, jiugn understood wnat pres sure could do to a man. He'd found out at the Shiloh Saturday ignt. "tTM. atvHi, ItO" T54 -b-,l 4m- patiently. "I can bust his arm with one slug. - "Not yet," Jubal muttered, re vealing his annoyance in the way he added. "He's lived on frijoles and mescal so long, they've turned mm loco, you can t scare a luna tic. They got no sense. . -He stood there for a moment eying the pitchfork, then said, "You and BUI bring out the horses." "What for?" Shatter demanded. Jubal chuckled. Dlalnlv Dleased with himself now. "You'd never guess in a month of Sunday's," he said secretively. "I got a little game in mind." "What you talknV about?" Boo ger Bill asked, - "Jueso dA ffalio." Jubal an nounced smilingly. - . "Game of the rooster," Red mused. "You mean with ropes?" - Jubal nodded. As Shatter and Bill hurried - toward the wagon shed he bragged. "There's more'n one way to eaten a smart-alecky rooster, by God!" (Te Be Continued) em. W M A U f u IS I SUES IKT4. Add or Subtract! Whether you prefer to wear this tailored sun dress with or without the button on cape for cover, you'll find it a fashion favorite in "hard to find" larger sizes. Best of all, ensemble Is easily made in shantung, linen, pique, cotton stripes or prints. No. 3898 is cut in slaes 13, 14, 18, 18, 30, 36, 40, 43, 44, 46. Km 16: t yds. sB-in, or SH yds. 39-ln. fiend 30c far PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and Size. Address PATTERN BU REAU, Capital Journal, 653 Mis sion Street, San Francisco 6, Calif. . Carol Curtis Pattern BOOM ft BOARD ST EVEN IF YOUR FRIEND NOBODy BUT WW KNOWS ABOUT II DID DISCOVER. THE W THE OIL BEING THERE.... HE I OIL, THAT PROPERTY LEARNED THE PROPERTY IS OWNED V i BELONGS TO SOMEBODY BY TWO OLD MAID SISTERS WHO LIVE 1 'A ...THERES NO CUT IN IT OUT OF THE STATELtTS IMPOVERISHED A F0RWM,S0WHArS LAND OF NO REALTY VALUE FOR. 'V HE LEAPING ABOUT? V FARMING, HOUSING OR AN INDUSTRIAL XT y SITE....WE MIGHT GETA20VEAR ( , ET" J N-JSx-r LEASE ON 100 tf ' $7 ACRES FDR A FEW J E 72-Inch Knitted Stole. Stoles are becoming prettier, longer, more In I demand and will be worn with! practically every sort ot costume this summer. This lovely one Is 73 Inches, is knitted In lacv-look- lna sauare-and-solld effect in " . .. . . . .. . .i rose-oust iigniweignc wool, it would be handsome in white for sports wear, exciting in lipstick red, mauve, deep brown gold for evening wear. Do it in muted pastels to wear with matching ananuirur sunoacx i roc its ior mid summer. Stole requires only 7 1 ounces of yarn to complete. Send 30o for the 73-inch KNIT TED STOLE (Pattern No. 693) complete instructions for knitting and finishing. YOUR NAME. AD DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Journal, 663 Mission street, San Francis co 6, caiu. By Ahrenl STEVE BOPEB, . , . . ; . . ..... , - I . f t ivniT i nrriT 1 tn j run nrnnrnm YVnrrr ( "1 f T T' 1 Y v LOUIE YOU'RE SORE SALE,' JSCARINS HIM '-HE'S COULD TOT I HEAR TALKING OfV, TOBCHV f MOBNIKIG, TOBCHYJ AT ROPER BECAUSE Ltt NOT THE TYPE WHO HIM ON A . ler n!l jtt II GOTTA TALK. TO W"E BROKE UP YOUR "it SCARES EASY - VEY HOT I .5? I tNV J I . i-j JtMgr '" '"- r in asm 1 I TUB ntWtWClC WJ&rcrt UKE TWrJJOe? I HAINAN -I THE WfMMtM? ISPW0U-.MTTBR 6ET NEWSlASfttJ jjj ' ORPHAN ANNIE ' ' , ' ; " 7 1 pfiU WAS BtWSGEO SOMEv-MffE I rKrTOTTCH VWE .A I MAVBE IT WAS A MISTAKE 5MH A I SHOULD' PLfWED I WfiS BflCK 1 ' I H TEMPERVOU WON'T HSEJ I I S BUMD-PIWIH'FORVOUHXXWHOMB 4 I WHAR I BELONQ ANQ.LET VOtl . H-TOO BIG FOR METO J I III. A STEER 3rreeNQGED BflfyWE I I HI I HAVE ONE MORE". A GOOOT II V 6PANK YOU Q000 J y II .111111 MUs . V 111 : - WJK 'ra?1 II III LUHR-i? rv 111 I lS . WWrJK VJsrt wN ii iiaw-wi n zz' v ill I m xzaiA'A i i uuiLJi iv i ji u i y ii. Oviu I &M&ri I LIL ABNEB ' ' I - . NWriindTI I . . , . M .r ...... l ' Pl-2s. " V rr33!SI '.40 UljAf I DOWN. DO INSAN ITARV.'? J SA1 D THAT. AH IS I VeJHL ' ' - E9CH ' v. (THtdOB?) NORMAL NORMAL AMERICAN! I WCVawSSJaA ' I iSf NJaWII 24. II HAMMERICANjGIRJ-.'fAUICErSTH'l -M Vkiot JA.( TS',,.yr-L- Nv 'Jk3P'J I ..";t .1 r rirr kuuc yuunuu I HOPALONG CASSIDI ' ' i 7TIELOMa5oRrr UNFORTUNATELY, A XfOR ONCE I I EVER 6EE MERCYTrlAT'6 I r... RIVER PAM PROWLER BV THE N YOUR TH06E TV) EITHER THE J .ABiaAlL.PARUNa'I'Ve BEEN BURST WITH NAME OP CASSIPY LIFE MEN BEFORE? 6AME 1 i0 WORRIEP ABCUT HCMl EXCELLENT ANP H16 COMPANION I YOU'RE . J ANP HI6 V WHAT HAPPENEP LAST NWHTf J KE6ULT6. WERE 6WEPT AWAY I MISTAKEN, 7v , COMPANION-OR . BY THE PIVERTEP MY PEAR. THEIR GH06T! mutt a jeff ' ' ' ' v .- . .; . . fflfityA If ?0'N' TO W VEHj LA9TNI6HTr WHAT ( -L I 1 kl,l i g-r'e gee I KfTT murk ,Tn T BEDSO I DREAMED THATtHAPPENED5M TU ALAP M WHERE fJ.D WE I MUTT.WHATS IT ) rrfe A SIGN HE3 EARLY? f MARILYN ROE: s-rWJ'46 AL-R I LEWE oFr? , A SISN OF WHEN ( qotq BB ,tS STILL THE ACTRESS WAS rY CLC CUT ? - lA WARPIEO MAMjDISAPp0NTE.D DAYLIGHT' fcoNNA KISS AND I MY DREAtA IM TtR! ' i I DREAMS HES A fftJTZT. A u,,r. S SUrtPT JlkJ r5?.. . mm mum- n -dsssm .vm-jsa n BEX MORGAN, M. D. " ' 1 . i" seHAGiil i U I IKneKARg JSVflik rwHAr...wHAT" almostninb il tK9 H BIV VTll II II I I A'b 3tSLA-C?X-' VCV? I DONALD DUCK i u it " in v w'-.M r- w i n'ijii'A kg "" -L' i .ii" am' tm - as.v r , v iirra Nawaz MABT WOBTH SBffiBHE5 I k " 1 ? rimmTTiirmnnir 0IRECT0RV,Mr5JT0Ntl lIjTmttfl - IgZZZZ " ASr ' WV i i ui i j i MZrttr j-riw w icsa wmr- RADIO PROGRAMS, FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at eur Televisloo Theatre. See them tn action before) you buy. ' Packard-Bell, Emerson, Raytheon, WtttinghouM OPEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Eycningt by Appointment ; YEATER APPLIANCE & TELEVISION CO. 37S Chemeketa ; Phono 34311 FRIDAY P. M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO m NBC 7S CBS I1W ABC net MBC IMS K.C. UH LSI fl-M Nw Newi Brej I Ttmtm )il Niwi P lf.15 Bui f tH Cmmt Ot It Nt ESIllM NW Nm SISr , frank DtTiS 12:30 Pep. Imi Hoih r"F Jack Owim Oar H SISw Frank DaVall t;45 Happloaia Haaia FarlF Jack Qwana Mailt Spldtr tllebla !0 Beailf Ua BlUlap Baa. Kap Waal KlrkwaaS Spldar . . aw. MaUST :15 Stella DaUaa Saul Jeariaii Kap Wait KlrkwaaS : Spllet Ma. MeleSr :0 Wiser Brawe Klrkhaai Kap Wart Liekp V Splaer Hap, Males, iii Waaa. la Hae Klrkhaai Kap Weat Kaaeh Spleer Mat, klelej, t:M ruin BUI- Haale Sparkll Cal Tinner Viwf , Baa. Beam Mai. Lean 1:15 r. T. Farrall OeStrap Cal Tlnnep Maile Bee. Beam Mai. Uacu f:S0u Janea , Oadfrap : Uea Like Maala Bee. Baeai Mai. Lean, 8:45 Dae'a Wlla Oealrep MIMenelre Bkappari Bee. Baaaa Mai, Uaiae 1:00 Weleaasa Oedfrey Huila Beena Onr Tawn Jlai DanSp Mai. Leacne i:S Traeeler Oedlrap ' BUI Blnp Waadknra Jim Dandp Mai. Laaaae 3:30 Dr. Fail Gedlrep Far Glrla Neva ' ilal Dandp Mmla . 1:45 Garrewar Cart Maiatp Far OlrU Mae OnJra Jlaa Dandp Maila -1 4 00 Lite PJeantlt. Klrkkaaa Ilnp Tnnea FatU Lew la KUdlef Krai t 415 Maila Ben Bath Aaktan Sialrral Cap Baminpwnp Mnala Marl 4:15 Mmla Bas Jlaa Wakalp Sanlrral Cap Cnrt Mnaaap Mnala Marl Mnala ;M Mmle Bex Tnnetnllp Bappp lima Sam Hepai Matla Mart MnUa K.AANawararada Ed Mnrrew Marrp Circle Mnala . Mnala Mart Shewcaea S'15 Nam Parade Salem Newa V. Plnklap WeedlaneV Mnala Marl Shaweaaa 5-51! L. MeCall Warld Tadap Ckal Bnntlap Wild B1U Mnala Mnrl Pallp Bepert 5I45 E. Peteraea Newa Bab Onrred Hleknk iMnaleMarl Flaheaaier 6'M Belan With Tenth Weatherman Oak. Beater Mmle Marl CenilMlilk " (15 Maile SpelUihl Bma Edltlen NW Nawa Mnala Marl Candlallitk 6:30 JndpCanaen Sparta Qd.tlatnlnp Anawer Man Mnala Mnrl Newa i:45 Jndp Cnnapn Medltatien. Oaed Lliten. Sam Bapaa Slpn Off IS Keya " 7-00 Dinah Share Mr. J. C. Flphte Jlm'prldler ' Beiarp 4:15 Sp.OM Child. Beparla . Flihta ' Uiltlallre star Slap 7:30 i. C. SwapaeBeekp Flphta Ciiee Kid Mnala , :45 Bnnt.-nah. Jardam Flphta Claca Kid ' Bparta Bear! "g'M Mnn'a Famll: L.Themaa . Srmphenetle Adrenlnrer rmek 14M lilfi Warld Nawa On Spat ; 8rmphenetta Advenlnrar Track ltftt 1:30 Pertlnnd Eceapa Fan far All' Barmanlaa ' rrnek 4M 1:45 Hit Parade Kaeapa Fan fer All Din. Cencert Track 14M (nfl Flrat Nlrhtei Mr. Keen Onle- Glen Bardr rraek UN 9:15 Flrat Nlphtci Mr. Keen Barrier! - Fnlten Lewli . Track 149S 1:30 Freedom Je Staffers Cerllae Indr Caneva Track 14M $:45 Farnm Jr. Mlra ' Archer- Jndp Cnnefa Newa r ig.OO Keperter S SUr Final Final Edit. Behind Stan Nlaht Sen 10:15 Sperta Papa Interrlewa Danea Time Newareel Mpht Senp 10:30 Danperena Clip Clnh Dance Time Newa - Maile D 0:45 Aaipnmnt. Talka Dance Time Malala WiB' ' i oo Newa Capital Danea Time Malala . Neetame f5 L. MeCall Cloakreem Danea Time Mnala . Nocturne 5 i'SO CttrConncll Treaanrp Danea Time Newa :' Noctnrae , :45 Clip Cenncll Banditnnd Dance Time Mmle Neetnrna 11:00 Sim Off 'Silent- Ipanca Time Mnala I, Slrn OH ! Don't fret over a down payment. We toko moit anything on trade for a beautiful Set. See Us First for the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 Lsns Ave. ' Phone S85S8 Open Monday and Friday Evenings 5DI' SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. 6:00 Mnala Time CBS Newa Farm Bonr Newe Satnrdap Wcitem !:15 Mnele Time KOIN Kleek Farm Baar Timekeeper Selnte Meledlaa :Sfl Maale Time KOIN Kloek Farm Bear Mareb Time Satnrdap Farm Newi :4S Mnele Time KOIN Kleek Farm Bear NW Newa Salnta Newa ' 7:00 Newa KOIN Kleek lit Edltlen Hemlnpwnp Satnrdap KOCO Elect 7:15 New Bear Newa Apranekp Breakfaat Salute KOCO Block n.eo Thla Newe Veto Newa Breakfaal Satnrdap KOCO Kleek 7J45 K. Mannlnp Ceninmer Bob Baaen Newa Salute Eaten Serf. m.iL. Muile Bon Newa Smlllnp Ed Carter Shaw Satnrdap . Prandlp BaB S.i? Mmla Ban Grand Cent. MeCannell Mmle Salala Prandlp BaO 5:o Maala Bel Olva and Ne Sehaal Bapen mt Satnrdap , CaneartJ II45 Adpenture Take Tedap Beat Salnta Concert; Howdp Dead: Theatep nf Tepland Newa Palk Cauntp Newa !.le flowdp Deed: Todap Tuna March Time Platter Parti Selene :ia Bewdp Dead: Stare Orer Space Patrol Paatar'a Call Flatter Parti Sat.Serenaie ;JJ Bewdp Dead; . Bollpwead Space Petrel Barpaln Platter Parti Kiel earner la m Beadlnp Fun m fer All Stare af Glen Bardp Plattap Parti Anal Battle I : Carnlral Fun fer All Tomorrow Carter Shaw Plattap Part: Ann! Battle ii:3 Benpwaad CHp Beipiial Stare af Blph School Platter Parti Meleip i 10:45 Breakfaat Clip Heipltal Temerrew Cbee. Antell Platter Parti Snt. Sereaai fi.-a Marp Lea Mmle with Met. Opera Maile Banr Ptatter Part) Satnrdap ; Taplar Glrla Mel, Opera Maile Boar Platter Part) Serenade 1130 Farm and Meet Mleeua Met. Opera Farm Preaa Platter Part) Satnrdap -. II :4b Bema Bam Meet Mlaam Mel. Opera iFarm Preoo Tlatter Pnrtpj Serenade m Mop.i KOIN IS Li, n.m. te u p.m. BI BJ, S la S p.m. DIAL LISTING KOAC. 15 IfQAC FWdar P.M. U:l IVVr Kmb weepa Bi Nawai 1 Banrt l:ao, IN.PP Shew; S:M, Eapeciallp fer Wameni 3:00, Oreean Keparteri 4:00, Sperta Fore eaati S:00, Chlldren'e Theater; S:00, Newi, wealberi a:o, state Leeliietarei p:id, I Farm Henri 8:00, People Under Commnn tCCi AC Sai. A.M. 1I:0 Newi) 11:11, lx Eipeclellp fop Wemeni llaW, Cancerl Ball: 11:00, Newai i:00, Mmla af Maiteril 4:00, Ezcuralona In Science. Iimi S:00, Slpn Off. Mallei 0:43, Medltatien; I0:C Eisenhower to Make 2 Speeches This Month Washington (U.R) The White House announced yesterday that President Eisenhower will make two major speeches here this month, his first formal ad dresses since his State of the Union message to Congress Feb. 2. The President will speak April 12 to a special meeting of the .Council of the Organi zation of American States. This speech presumably will deal primarily with Pan-American affairs. . Mr. Eisenhower will make another speech April 16 to a lunch meeting of the Americas Society of Newspaper Editors. I la lie I 1 1 Mm , .leK. 1.1,. I I mmmmmrmkM IK N I r t U I IU K M U Ol f ACROSS L Femtnlns . nam 4. Valley 8. Ill-mannered child 12. Entirely 13. Pitcher 14. Nerve net work 15. Destruction of war materials 17. On the ocean 18. Seesaw 19. Tip up , JL International agreement 23. Strange 26. Rescues 29. Insect SO. Female sandpiper 31. Across 32. Free 33. Part ot a hammer head 34. Clamor 35. Invite 36. Irish nick name 37. American humorist 38. Standards ot perfection 40. Skin 42. Disconcert 46. Wild pic 48. Lingered SO. To a place within 81. Gaelic 82. Terminus 83. Part ot the verb to be Solution of Yesterday's Puxxls 54. Noticed 65.PlajtMnj DOWN l.Spar 1 Wings 1 German river W If3 j.. m fr ; rig Ff w ! i " wZZZM- IE i38 w mm tf,5T "ST - I 1 fp- tst I APRIL a eV Newafeeieroa 4 Hinders 8. Cognisant 8. Side ot a triangle 7. Built 8. Covering ot wheat . Gave back 10. Devoured It. Beverage 16. Fur-bearing animal 20. Affirmative 22. Dwell 24. Act 25. Refuse 28. Soft drink 27. Greedy 28. Revere 32. Conundrums 33. Adhesive 35. Receptacle 36. Part of printing press St. Go up 41. Metal 43. Waste allow ance 44. Light cottoa fabrle 48. Whirlpool 46. Child's napkin 47. Single thing 49. Seaweed