Tliorsday, April t, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Fat IS I 1 5:.' 111 si r" s mm m 1 n v joNuac ISJ H L. I 1 " J I 1 VV .1 'iP',,-te. (8j "'Tevision tea Ifcjj LsssasssSB By DA VI BLACKMKR rU Radio-Television . By DA VI BLACKMKR THURSDAY , Kate Smith Show 1:00. Teen-Age panel four young foreign students; King Odum quartet Billy May orchestra. . , i " .My Hero 7:00. "Top Secret." Beanblosaom la asking to survey property for Army and keep It secret." Bob not only manages to keep it secret, but falls into a deep sleep with It. Tht Unexpected 9:00. "Emperor of Nothing." Todd Karns in a story of a young government clerk who has burned Important files involved in great swindle. y . Hollywood Wrestling at 10:80. Hans Schnabel vs. Lord Blears in main event Semimain, Pepe Pasquale vs. Dava "Levin. FRIDAY, APRIL 8 IT'mJ Smith .Show at 1.' The Katids, and Katydids; Cracker Barrel interview." .Cavalcade of Sporta1 at 7. Dan Bucceroni of Phlladel- phia. Pa., vs. Dave Davey, Seattle, 10-round bout, heavy-weights. . . cr The Big Story at 9. Wesley Addy portrays Reporter JiiFd,r E. Frady of the Chicago Sun-Times. Frady helped rTolice track down who shot policeman. ' it: Dennis Day Show at 9:80. Dennis gets the disappolnt- ment of his life when he meets a "beauty" contest winner. Irfformed that "Miss Mount Idy" (Irene Ryan) recent winner of a beauty contest is coming to town, Dennis en . -visions a glamorous young lady, and makes elaborate ? r plans to entertain her. -m Favorite Story at 10:80. "The Strange Mr. Bartleby." a. John Laurie and Norman Shelley. - Story, set In London ;8Pin 1870'ii, is about the search for Stephen Zeane who has disappeared 19 years before. Plan for Linn Albany A county library bookmobile plan for Linn coun ty was presented to about 100 persons from widely scattered parti of the county by the edu cational committee Tuesday at a meeting at the 4-H fair grounds dining room. : , Eleanor Stephens, librarian of the Oregon State library at Salem, spoke- of the value of books in preserving civiliza tion and in developing Individ ual winking Important In a de mocracy. Data sheet covering the way a county library would oper ate in this county were given to persons attending the meet ing. They were shown the way In which bookmobile service 'jcovewof - :' ,.:.1" WITH . PICTURE -tiffin J j W6fS fHILCO Gives You.;:. Built-in Aerial for BOTH UHF and VHF! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NOW AVAILABLE WE HAVE OUR OWN COMPLETE SERVICE AND INSTALLATION STAFF! would reach areas whtrt there is no library service end how it would supplement existing stocks of small libraries and rural schools. Most persons attending rep resented various rural organ izations of the county and they will explain the plan to their groups during the . coming months. v Half Tower Survives Nevada Atomic Blast Las Vegas, Nev., () About half of the 800-foot tower used in Tuesday's atomic blast was left standing, an Atomic En ergy Commission source says, which makes the puzzling shot even more of a puzzle to those outside the curtain of secrecy surrounding test explosions. In previous detonations, so far as is known, the towers have been vaporized, leaving no appreciable trace. OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9 P. M. LEE'S ELECTRIC ' J380 N. Lancaster et Sllverton Rood Eoty Terms On Television KPTV (Channel 27) MM whrtalH l iimii taaDT 11 :i BluO 11 UoHlW Ml . jb-ourrlMn 1I:0 U:N Forou pjt Wikm TtOTOut p.m. KM smith .m.-nmtiilM AUU p. rtlir CMdfrap . p.-etm. 11 suaa p.mMAU&M Tktmtar p.m. onowt lor Tgawil'f pa-tm t Uo p.m-atrur Thu IMUta S.MHoWr Doodr p.m. Rinjt RMn p.m.-Dom Mnueo, Mom p.m. Tim. for mo p.m. Mr Horo P.BU DlBtta aboro p.m. . m. orna pjt. aroocho Mftri EJfeBai OAA Allta mm-Tbt VuimM pj-JrorS Tbtotor p.ov H.llro WroiUlM PJfc Mil Owl ranuv p.m BK rurolt .a wlooa Traiolon p.w-JUU Smltb PJb-DmMO or NOtklml ," p.u.-UUi It Well p.m. M.Udm TbMtat jmueli lor Tomwmr tt Ltto PMTtnr o&4 Vtrotoo p.mltr aoono n.m C1MB Kid p.m-Pow Silwtrii, Mm p.pwrimo tor Btwr PJtt.-Cftfcl40dO i Spot to . p.m-Xtwi oaroTtB Mo ud Oootan p.m Yon utt too It p.m-lu Story 1:00 t.n 1:1 lit 1:00 :lt if 4:U l:M :00 l:M 1:00 1:10 1:t 00 :IO 14 0:10 10:00 10:10 UlM 1140 11:19 1:00 1:M 1:H 1:00 4:1 4:00 0:N :W 0:00 0:10 0:41 1:H 1:M 1:00 l:H 0:M o:o p.m DnnU nor : p.m. Ohtnc of Ufttlmo p.m. AUoipa iioBloa p.m-dttB BmbMir . p.m. uia oi Rutr p.b-mto Ovi 10:00 10:10 11:00 11:11 11:10 Model Husband, Father Nabbed v Ban FranciKO J.R A 19. year-old "model husband and father," a fugitive from the Oregon state penitentiary, was arrested here by the TBI last night. He was identified as Joseph Paul Baker, Richmond, Call! Ho was sentenced to the in stitution ' in April, 1951, for breaking Into a store at Xu gene. . Baker escaped from prison last July as he worked as a trusty on a cherry-picking crew.. The TBI said he came to San Francisco, got a Job as a cafeteria bus boy and married a waitress. Later he went to work for a Richmond chem ical plant and three weeks ago the Bakers had their first child, a boy. i' Baker was arrested when he end his wife, Andrea, went to her parents' home to spend the evening. Donkin Heads U.F. Directors Lebanon United fund board of directors met Tuesday to se lect new officers and outline plans for this fall's campaign. The session was held at the city hall. .. , . Plans are eurrently mnder way In both Corvallis and Al bany to form United Fund or ganizations, the group was told. Named to head the Lebanon organisation is Rod Donkin with supporting officers Sidney fox, vice-president; Mrs. Lau rence Morlty, secretary , and Howard Berger, treasurer. Young Paroltt Robbed 400 Churches in Year Beverly Hills, Calif., CV-A 10-year-old parolee from the California Youth Authority ad mits burglarising snore than 400 churches m the last three years, says Police Chief C H. Anderson. He identified the youth as Richard A. Bachse, who Is held on suspicion of burglarizing the Church of the Good Shep herd here. ... - "" -JZZTSlGmp : fossa oaooepdWo wses.TVspaW jpj ij S PjT e In Stsjsjl BeHoWhspa e la) law .Vcjasafys) - I p ILj m v-.i, Lt i I J e Wsjcsk iWo3oye)oa) fWaoa e Sojlshsjsi Ptysssw Msassi , . J , P fSM a : SILVERTONE K e-rr? " II - ' 17" Mahogany Veneer Cabinet P - mmj 1(5195 tl N - - 11 : ' M ' -Ujft Wl """'I " AutomsjHe gain ar4 frequency eon- ii."Ti trol keeps pkrure cleor and steady. - Jlmmm i ctMMisi receives all VHF-UHf aaptaU to toleh i . . i 1 Simpla 2-knob eontrol makes tuning the easiest of '11 Permonent snof etle speaker fhres Una clarity of sound. ;; Mil Ml - ipOI , I Down kfi-- -I I I ; I Delivers ,: J 5-?! Any Sol I : Lsrge tl-inch frosted face rectangular metal and glass tube protects the finest of TV pictures Lighted channel Indicator and tilted removable safety glass are new added features Automatic gain and frequency control guarantee steady pictures with no fading or fllpovers Advance design chassis receives all UHF-VHF channels, adaptable for color reception. Phono . ' Jack for record players. Plenty Free Parking cis Cats "Co-respondents" In This Divorce Suit Portland JJ0 "Infillnity" might be the name oi grounds tor divorce tiled here by Homer W. Kershner. Xershner asserted that tor IS years the defendant had a mania for house eats and in sisted on keeping as many as 17; that said cats , . . were not allowed to go out of doors . . . making the home unfit for hu man habitation." Kershner added that condi tions of the house prevented him from bringing home busi ness associates and friends. Hides in Dog Hoijse While Police Search Marion, Mass., MV-Slx-yeer-old August Correia Jr., put himself ia she dog house for several hours Wednesday tor staying out late. During the long dog house occupancy In bis beck yard, Marlon's police force and IS firefighters Joined to a search for him. - He said he hid ia the dog's quarters because he had stayed out late and was afraid to go home. i SILVERTONE n StOClC ' I aaWw f saesjaNlAfAlaf I Ci... drOre SEARS Advice Promised in ELM Reorganization Washington J. President Klssnhower assured Ben. Pet MeCarren (D Nov.), today that western senators will be "fully consulted'' befoift' any reorganization proposal Vis made affecting the bureau of land mansgemsnt ' McCarrah and other west ern legislators have urged that activities of the Interior de partment's bureau of land msnsgement and the agricul ture department's forest serv ice remain unchanged. Mc Carran had warned that trans fer of tiie bureau to the forest service was "Imminent," Mr. Xlsenhower wrote that "you and your group will be fully consulted? before any change is made. . DEMOCRATIC MBRTNO ; 1 Xugene The second annual convention of the Young Dem ocratic Clubs of Oregon will be held . In Eugene on the week-end of April 11 at the Eugene Hotel, Lane 1 eounty chairman Charles G rover an nounced today. Uai,..i Hon. and fri nOUrS other days vuinpiciciy Installed Illegally Stored Gas Ignites, 11 Injured San Trancisco, t1 Illegally stored butane gasoline caused the explosion which wrecked a three-story building, injured 11 people and caused an es .-. .!, tf:1 C if ''' ,Jf HI 1 i 1 I J SILVERTONE 21" Provincial Maple Cabinet Design Non-glare picture tube and safety glass eliminate reflections Removable safety glass makes picture tube cleaning easy 18th Century cabinet styling In hand-rubbed Provincial maple Chassis Is designed for fall adaptability to color. Receives all VHF-UHF channels Big 10-incn permanent magnetic speaker gives deep, true sound :! to pjn. to 8:80 pan. 550 ; , timated 180,000 damage la Chinatown Wednesday, says Fir Chief Sudolph Bcubert The chief said butane tanks were stored In the of, a plumbing shop without a permit and were "definitely in violation of the law." - III! : ' I tut VI 1 Phone 3-9191 NORTH CAPITOL, SAUM ;. . ' ': J, . : .'it, ' i. . ' V, '5 1