Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 02, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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IVU Plays at OSC Today;
OCE Comes Here Tomorrow
. ' Willamette's Bearcats war
slated to get their 19SS season
underway Thursday ' after
noon at Corvallis, In a came
against Oregon State college
ai s o ciock.
t 'Coach John Lewis' Bear
cats launch their home base
'ba)l schedule Friday after
noon at 2:30 at McCuHoch
field as they play host to the
OCE Wolves.
-. Lewis announces he will
start Pitcher Dave Cray, a
righthander who was a
-.' member of the Bearcat bas
ketball team in the recent
ly completed season.
,Vern Vannice and Gino
Pierettl also are likely to see
some -hill action for Willam
ette. : .
..." The remainder of the WO
lineup will consist of Har
vey Koepf In the catching
post, Fete Reed at first base,
, Dave Perlman . at second
- base, Elmer Haugen in the
shortstop position, and Tex
Kirkendall at third base.
a In the outfield will be
Benny Elasser In left, Chuck
Lewis in center and Duane
Shield patrolling the right
field post. ,
Jim Jeffries
Leaves Estate
To Mrs. Bull
Los Aneelea tJPi fnrmw
.heavyweight boxing champion
mil j cianes win leaves most
of his $80,000 to. Mrs. Lillian J.
Bull, 52, former wife of Su
perior Judge Ingall W. Bull.
The will dated July 8, 1952,
was admitted to probate, Wed
nesday. : Jeffries, T7, a widower, died
March 8. -
-wT", " " " LaaaBa-sSahaea. - " v7 " ' . t!P
P. V ?
Bearcat m - ;
gen, woo
learned his athletic ABC's
in the Salem schools system,
starts another season in his
diversified sports career to
day when he holds down the
shortstop position for Wil
lamette's Bearcats in their
opener against Oregon Stat
college at Corvallis. Haugen
will also be in action at Me
Callough field in Salem to
morrpw, when Willamette
plays Oregon College ef Ed
ucation at l:S0.
Phil Cavarretta, manager of
the Chicago Cubs, Is the only
member of the team born in
Bases-Loaded Triple in
Seventh Beats Bevos, 6-2
IBt Till Aaulltld Preiul
How quickly the fortunes of
Baseball can change with the
wish of a bat was demon
strated dramatically as Los
Angeles' Bobby Talbnt blasted
triple with bases loaded Wed
nesday night. : -
- Glenn Elliott of Portland,
one of the Pacific Coast Lea
gue's ablest southpaws, had
two battei-s out of the way,
held a 2-0 lead, 'and had b?en
complete master of the situa
tion all the', way. Two singles
and" a bunt that couldn't' be
fielded had loaded the sacks,
but Elliott retired the next
two batters.
Talbot's blow paced the
Angels to a 6-2 victory. It
was Portland's second
straight setback. The Beav
ers' only runs came in the
first as Granvile Gladstone
homered with Jim Russell on
Ray Orteig's home run with
two .on in the tenth gave Seat
tle a 6-3 win over Oakland and
kept the Rainiers in a first
place tie with Los Angeles. Or
teig, acquired by Seatle from
San Francisco, smashed a grand
slam homer the night before
to win the ball game. Seattle
was forced into an extra in
ning when Oakland's Pete
Milne poled a homer over the
right field wall with Hank
Schenz on base. Vern Kinds
father went the distance on the
mound for Seattle.
: San Diego's Rookie in
, fielder, Ev Hall, doubled in
the eighth to provide the
winning run as the Padres
dumped Hollywood, 2-1.
' San Francisco's Walt Clough
and Bob Muncrief collaborated
to pin a 4-0 setback against
The game at Sacramento
produced the season's first
triple play. It came in the first
inning. Bob Dillinger and Len
Attyd had singled for Sacra
mento and Ed Bookman, try
ing to bunt, popped to pitcher
Clough, who fired to George
Vico at first, doubling Attyd.
Vico whipped tlie ball to Dave
Melton at second and Dilling
er was tripled. The Seals, ex
ecuted three double plays, also,
to squelch all Sacramento rallies.
Just the can for thrifty,
pleasure driving this spring
and summer. Radios, heat
ers, overdrives, beds, one
owner cars.
Three 1950
Statesman Tudors
All Beauties... 1395
On 1950
Statesman Fordor
Shiney Black, $144 C
Perfect I
Marion Motors
333 Center Ph. 39286
(Br United Freei)
W . L Pet. O B.
Seattle 3 ' 1.000
Loi Angele 1 :' t 1.000
San Diego a 1 .157 H
Sasramento 1 1 .600 1
San VranelKo 1 1 .(00 1
Hollywood 1 ,. 1 .Ml IK
Oakland 3 .ooo 3
Portland 'e ' 'I ' .000 . s
WeSneedar'a Keeatte:
Seattle f, Oakland I. .
. Lot Anlelea 3, Portland I. -
San PranefcKo 4. Sacramento S.
San Dteco 3, Hollywood 1.
ew the Berlee Stand
San Dteeo X, Hollywood 1.
Sacramento 1. San FranclKO 1.
Seattle a, Oakland 0.
Loe An.elei a. Portland 0. I
PMttaad (t)
na.tam -
KH,rt lh
Wlmker.v t
b-Orent . 1
(7) Lee
1 1 ITalbt.of I
1 ORchrda.l 1
4 4
4 3weet.rf ,
1 Baker,. I
1 a
1 1 HollU.J 4
a 0 Tappe.o a
0 e-DiPrm 1
0 Rmndl.e 1
a i'
a u
a l
Totala 33 T 34 3 Totali N 1 37 14
a Fouled out for Oladd In 9th.
b Grounded out for Welmaker In 3th.
c Fouled out for Tappe In 7th.
d Plied out for Splcer In 7th.
Portland aoo ooo ooo a
Hlta ....00 301 110 7
iioa Anioloe
Pltchera: UP AB
Elliott 4 ao
Welmaker H ,t
Splcer 7 39
Padiett 3 7
winner Splcer: Loter BUott.
R Ruaiell, aiadatone, Talbot, Baker 3,
Davu, HollU 3. E HolUi. Wait. Wel
maker. Left Portland I: Lot Anielee 3.
3B Ruuell, Baker. Reetelll, Arft. Tal
bot. 3B TalbOt. MAllUt. Kit nlaltnna
8H Datll, Auitln. SB Ruuell. RBI
Oladatont 3, Talbot 4, Rlchardi, Hollli.
DP Arft to Auetln. T-3:o0. Umoa
Benti, Pelekoudai, somera and Powell.
.000 000 43 1
.013 111 IS' 11
4 11 4 0 1
3 3 3 3 3
14 3 11
Seattle 030 3O0 HO 3- To
Oakland OOO 000 103 03 3 O
Klndflfather anil nrtatof n-mna Van
Curk 171, Hlttle (0), Candlnl (10) and
Neal, Bartolomel (9).
flan Franoieco 000 101 0104 9 1
Sacramento 900 000 OOO 0 M 3
Cloufh, Muncrief (71 and Tlajleaa:
Florae, Barkelew (31 and Bltcher.
Hollywood 010 000 9001 7 t
San Dieio 000 000 11 3 3 1
Lynn. Heiedorn f0 and Braaan: lain
and MeUiu.
Rose Bowl Poet
Se:ms Secure for
Four More Years
Lafayette, Ind. (U,PJ The
Boss Bowl contract between
the Big Ten and Pacific Coast
Conferences seemed secure
today for another four years.
The Purdue faculty yester
day voted, IIS to 70, in fa
vor at renewing the pact tor
another three years, extend
ing to the game Jan. 1, 1957.
The current contract calls for
one more game next New
Year's Day. .
Shortly before the Purdue
vote, It was announced that
the Iowa faculty,- voting
nearly a month ago had fa
vored renewal of the agree
ment also.
Purdue thus was 'believed
to be the sixth school in the
conference to vote in favor
f renewal. Earlier Illinois
and Ohio State announced
they would vote for con
tinuation ef the pact.
Michigan and Indiana,
though they have made no
announcement ef their vote,
were regarded as certain to
favor another renewal of the
pact. Both voted for the
agreetmnt when it was first
made Sept. 7, 19 4 6, and
again when it was renewed
for three years on May 15,
151. y
The other four schools,
Minnesota, Michigan State,
Wisconsin and Northwestern,
have announced they would
oppose renewal of the eon
tract. -
Sharkey Fails
To Protect
ABC Crown . :
Chicago (IP) Al Sharkey of
Chicago failed in his bid to re
peat as singles champion of the
American Bowling Congress
Wednesday' night as he shot
984 on games of 174, 194 and
218 on the final squad.
The singles division Is led by
Frank SantOre of Long Island
City, N. Y., with 749.
Sharkey was forced to roll
with a new ball as he and Ned
Day of West Allis, Wis., crossed
signals and by accident switch
ed balls during a session of the
Chicago Classic League. . '
Only one change took place
in the standings with Lange's
Weiners of Mayvllle, Wis
grabbing fourth place in the
Booster Division with an even
2800. . ,
Salem IPIioys
Solans Face Pacatello
At Training Grounds
Callstoga, Calif; (Special to
the Capital Journal) Salem's
Senators play their first exhi
bition game ef the 15S season
here Thursday night against
Pocatello ef the Pioneer
league. -
Jim McGee and Dick Strom
bach, latest additions to the
Senator pitching staff, will
share mound duties for the
game, - Manager Hugh Luby
said Wednesday night.
Catching will be handled by
Dave AbeL youthful aspirant
who has been working out with
Salem, though not yet signed.
Bob Nelson, who was with Sa
lem last season, is being re-i
turned by Sacramento, but
Nelson will not report to Calls
toga until Saturday or Sunday.
In trip to Sacramento
yesterday, Luby was unable
to seeure any players on op
tion, as the Pacltlo Coast
league club says It wants to
take a better look at them.
Sacramento Is home for two
weeks. and at the end of that
time the Sacs will be ready
to option out players -not
before then It was hinted
to Luby yesterday. . :
Salem signed another player
yesterday. He is Don Taylor,
an outfielder who was with
Lincoln, Denver and Wichita
last season. He hit only .232
lsst year, but in previous years
before then, did pretty fair in
the Brooklyn Dodger chain. He
Is 34 years old:
Henry . K. Wltherspoon,
who reportedly left his home
In Florida several days ago,
has not yet checked In at
Callstoga. If he doesn't show
by tomorrow Luby will wire
Florida and find out for sure
If he's actually on his way.
As far as Connie Perez' pass
port troubles in Cuba are con
cerned, Luby isn't worried
bit Just government red tape,
figures Luby. Perez will be on
his way here soon. He's already
In playing shape, because he's
been active in winter leagues
In Cuba. '
Salem plays Victoria at the
Tyees' training camp at Sono
ma Friday night.
oinrae u iraofjin)
e t
3 1
Salem Boxers Fail to IVm
titles in MU Townsmen.
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, April 2, 1953 Page 13
College Stars to Perform
In Huge Relays
Kenny Rollins of the Boston
Celtics In the NBA and former
captain at the University of
Kentuckyplayed with the U.S.
Olympic team in 1948.
Ted Ogdahl, . director of
Saturday's mammoth Wil
lamette Relays presentation
at Mcculloch Stadium, has
released the names of college
stars who will participate in
the feature Invitational 100
yard dash and the Invitation
al High Hurdles. .
The entries for the centu
ry will include Mervln Brock
of Oregon State, second- In
the 1952 Relays and first in
the 1951 event; Jerry Mock,
University of Oregon stand
out; Bob Hutchinson, Univer
sity of Washington; BUI Mor
rison, another Oregon State
star; Caley Cook,' one of the
standout sprinters of the NW
conference and Bill .Van
Horn, Willamette ace.
, The high hurdle list In
cludes Don Chambers of
. Oregon State, last year's win
ner with a Relays record
time of 15.1; Terry Lowry of
Oregon State; Tom Swalm,
University of Oregon; George
Widenfelt, University of
Washington; Grant Schiewe,
.Llnfleld luminary and Dick
Zimmerman, also of Univer
sity of Oregon and holder of
a 14.9 time In the high sticks
while In high school.
' Ogdahl also announces that
Bob Hall, former Willamette
javelin star, will be present
as member of the Mather
Air Force Base, Calif., squad,
r The total entries for the
third renewal of Saturday's
huge cinder : festival will
reach somewhat above 1500
college and prep athletes.
The classic opens at 1 o'clock
sharp and Is slated to finish
st 5:45. . "
; Tickets are 50 c t for
students and 90 cents for
adults. .'
He Can 'Beat Anyone1 Now
Oelleee baieball: Willamette at OSC. 3 p.m.
Janlor hlfh eehoel reler eaeoti Parrlth at Wait Salem, 4 p.m.
nifh eehoel traekt Taree-war meet between Starton, Philomath and Central,
at Central.
FRIDAY, April t
ilk! haeotall: Lebanon at Salem, Ollnter Held, 1:15; North Marlon it
Oevet o.
; SATURDAY, April 4 "'"
, Willamette relare, MeCalloeh etadlam, 1-3:45 p.p. '
Celleea baaebalh OCX at Oreion State Prlion, 1 p.m.
, -' MONDAY, April I '
Sarinr Irelle, IWLA elaahoaie.
Hiah aeneel traea: Three-war meat Between aheridaa. Wlllatnlaa and Central.
at Wlllamlna.
'" TUE8DAY, April 7
Celleie baeeball! OSC vi. Willamette at Buah'a paiture, 3 p.m.
Hlrh eehool baeeball: Salem at Sweet Home, Rclo at Hill Clip (nliht);
Janler Man aeneel baaebaU: Wait Salem at Leelle.
lib eebaal track: Albanr at Salem.
Prefeeeienal wreetllnt: Salem armorr. card start! at 8:30 p.m.
San Francisco W) Onetime
heavyweight champ Ezsard
Charles, back In the title hunt
with a smashing 10-round win
over tough Rex Layne, told the
boxing - world 1 Thursday "I
think I can beat anyone now."
The 31-year-old Cincinnati
Negro put on one of the finest
battles of his lengthy ring ca
reer when he battered the Lew-
lston, Utah, gamester Into a
bloody hulk Wednesday night
at Winterland. ;
Millions of nationwide tel
evision viewers and 7,509
fans ' at the indoor arena
saw Charles floor Layne four
times in the first, sixth,
seventh and tenth rounds.
Portland W Hard-swlnxinr
Carlton Lincoln upset Eugene's
Jack Pnscas to five Portland-
era six of seven titles In the
annual Oregon AAU boxing
tournament Wednesday night
It was the third bout of the
day for the fighters, but Pu
cas had left much of his steam
in his second bout, rousing
battle with another Portland
r, Jim Cassidy. .
Lincoln won unanimous de
cision over Pusoas In the finals
to gain the 135-pound crown.
But Puscas won the John Colon
trophy as out-standing Oregon
amateur of the year. He usual
ly fights In the 120 -pound
class..-;-; . . y-:
"The only other upstate
fighters to reach the finals
were Ray Hot fan, Albany,
who was stopped in trie sec
ond round by Harvey Bnrke
in the 160-pound, finals, and
Danny Go of Eugene, who
declined to fight Dick Rog
ers, Longvlew, in the heavy
weight division. . That gave
Rogers the title by default
Results of earlier bouts: 147
pounds Chuck Mlntken, Cor
vallis, decision over Bob HarJ
less,. Coos Bay; John Greene,
Roseburg, decision over War
ney Brenning, Portland; Macy
Walton, Portland, decision over
John Greene, Roseburg. .
135 pounds Jack Puscas,
Eugene, decision .over Chlco
Tublns, Portland; Carlton Lin
coln, Portland, ' decision over
Willy Nelson, Salem; Edwin
Cranberry, Portland, decision
over Billy Balthrop, Salem.
175 pounds Rink Menden- '
hall, Salem, decision ' over
Manuel Ruiz, Portland; Bull
Courtney, Portland, decision
over Rink Mendenhall, Salem.
Heavyweight Dick Rogers,
Longvlew,' decision over Jot
Kaiser, Coos Bay.
111 ' pounds Ron Potter,
Portland, stopped Douglas
Dyer, Salem, in first round;
Louis Johnson, ' Portland,- de- -
clsion over Virgil Dyer, Salem.
Gates Gals Play
Basketball Game
Gates Gates girls Wednes
day played their first intramu
ral basketball 'game since
spring vacation.
. Ellen Chance's team defeat
ed Juanlta Thomas team 18
12. Viva Lee held high score
honors with 13 points. Loll
Evans and Louise Haun were
next with six points each.
, A total of only two fouls
called. ,r
Fights last Wight
ard Charlee. IHtb.
Cincinnati, outpointed lies Larue, SOS, .
Lewlaton, Utah, 10. '
Battle Royal
Scheduled for.
Next Tuesday
A seven-man battle royal
will comprise next Tuesday's
professional wrestling program
at the Salem armory, match
maker Elton Owen announced
Competing in the event will
be Jack Kiser, Frank James,
Don Kindred, Tor Yamato,
Dale Kiser, George Drake fend
Buck Weaver.
The exhibition of judo by Al
Szasz and his wife, Ada, has
been postponed. -
Burly Rex gained his feet
every time but the beating he
took probably will shelve him
for weeks. He suffered cuts
near both eyes and under the
lower Up. -. i -. ': ;. ., 4 y
Charles, fighting for a title
shot, beat Layne in. savage fash
ion. . ;. ;
He pounded the 203
pound Rex in the mid-section
and belted his head with
stinging left hooks and sharp
right crosses to the face.
Layne was groggy from the;
sixth round on. :
Charles, unmarked after the
brawl, said he would challenge
tne winner of the Rocky Mar-ciano-Jersev
Joe Wnlrntr. cham
pionship rematch at Chicago
April 10.
"I feel I've earned another
shot at the title." Ezard said.
"I'd rather fight Marciano for
the title. I think his style is
made to order for me." ,
85c Bass Plugs ;
90c-$1.75 Lake Trnlk At,
Spinning Lure (all finishes) " ' ' 35c
$16.00 Split Bamboo Fly Rods (2 tips)$6.95
$10.95 8-fr. or ZVi-h. Tubular Glass
Fly Rods ! L$7.75
$12.50 7-ft. Split Bamboo Spinning Rod $6.95
$5.85 4i2-fr. Solid Steel Casting Rod$2.95
$4.95 Four-joint Telescope Rod , $3.95
$8.95 Solid Glass Trolling Rod $6.50
Assorted Double Blade Spinners ..15c
; Oil Impregnated Tapered Fly Lines $2.95
45c Size 2, 4, 6 eight-inch Snelled Hooks
6 per card ,";;' V v:,Y;', ', ' 15c
Spinning .Rod Kit . '. iJ---' $5.95
$1.95 CoHapsible Landing Net $1.35
$38.00 SPINNING REEL AND ROD . . $25.90
Doughfon Hardware
355 Court Ph. 3-6788
Gfra idtt! , I TO
So smooth pfEI
it leaves you
breathless ty
proof Made froml 00 train neutral spirits.
Stc. Pierre Smirnoff Fit. Inc.. Hartford. Conn.
Tailored to Casual Perfection .
You're sure to wont several pair from our
outstanding collection of
Sensational New
Miracle Dacron
And Wool Tweeds
Fine Worsted
Smart Clothe
For Smart Men
1 1C1
Open . V ,
Friday i f
'in 9
Shop MMLYII'S friday Til 9 P.AI.
I 1
I Shoes .
MM ill
Easter Wardrobe
No msner what the occuion, thttt'l
Jwsjrs t Winihrop so finish out
your wardrobe in style and comfort
Come in snd look over Wbithrop't wldt
selection of spring styles. Pet an
added imsrmeM ia yout step whet,
you join this jrWi Eutec Ptrsde. '
387 Court St.
Ph. 3-8155