f Wednesday, April 1, 195S - ' ' l j, - '--- -.-- ' . ; .: ? me ' - THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galem, Oregon ' PeW lo Give Concert ' Parrlf h Junior High School will present its bands and or chestra in concert Wednesday night at the school auditorium, directed by Karl Thelen. Participating will be the A bana ox ou members, the B band of 60 members, and the orchestra of 00 members. Ticket sales are In chirm r Hon mmaar, sxuaent body trea surer. The program follows: Wtrmlpi Op iiwch aibbl. Tonight buy Guild Wine For Finer Flavor Bottled in California tyeetoe 7 Only 35045quart California Port : , Sherry . Muscatel ' ;' mi nowiM ouno. lodii California ' t3ookie Ctrfter I'JIieel Ktgvhriy $h()0 up i0 with bue triangk from bag Cti trm iifili hncy ilMfM Weafc SfJCfc tafB )f lh wlwl CM fH, tat, Htyl ' - AM mtul. aiiiw liwi m ORDER BLANKSvrwSAIIWIT STORE FREE Festival Tickets NEW RADIO Reg. $435.00 NOW 329 Plays All Speeds All Siie Records AM&FM During Spring Festival Only JUST 3 LEFT-HURRY 431 State "'wUr1"1"B-0"'"l-OUTdtt !?" jr....... .w. mtr. cniit couini, J eta xnii. .. Kormaa Wallir. . . ' ooin Amulets onrtura .... An. Ihm l au Tto Aavsmth si..., n " ""1 U-S? mSK, ainr Tnub.or, Or.rtur. .."I""; iVdhul u. awmo nnat Whiten Tare. ..,. ........ Leo. Narrctnr wtu xt.t UlrepoUtui, K.rc'h Blktr v, iwiuQi conductor, ' 11H Sinn Mulls, kr Adtuxid IsUonUM . A Bud rroauion. Tetania wibtr vur BMtMa Hazel Green Haxel Green Lablsh Mead ow Gardeners met at the home of Mrs. Edward Zlelinskl on Thursday afternoon for a 1:30 dessert luncheon. ; Introduced to the members was Maryemma Beane of the Flower Box. She gave a talk and demonstration of two ar rangements using carnations and snapdragons for a casual arrangement, and a sonhisticat- ed arrangement using orchid tulips with salmon pink carna tions. . , Guests present for the after noon were Mrs. Howard Olson of Portland Rd., and Mrs. Arch-1 ie Weisner from Middle Grove. -j rne Hazel Green Cub Scouts held their pack meeting Thurs day night at the Hazel Green schoolhouje. Gordon Johnson, their Cub master, presented films showing den meetings, pack meetings, and the Boy Scout Jamboree which was held at Valley Forge. ,, Den mothers, Mrs.' Glen Looney, Mrs. O. P. Corner, Mrs. Howard Carter, Mrs. Marshall Christofferson and Mrs. Philip Belike, two den chiefs, Paul Maycard and Warren Zlelinskl were there, and the Boy Scout SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Trasses, Abdo minal Supports, Elastic Ho siery. Expert fitters, private fitting rooms. "Ask Your Doctor' Capital Drag Store: ., : MS State St. . .; ; ' Comer of Liberty :" S&H Green Stamps lmporf.d ,..., . . AND PARTY t SANDWICH CUTTER BoQ It in eond yon cut damt of oooUm in 6 fancy derifos. And ntrs pnijai eonw when you hm KHcbtn Craft Floor. It's pre fluff td, aiftedl suparnn throufh illk for li(htr bakfatf . GurantM better baiinf or your money beck. Try ltl lAlt MIICIUNTt a CAPEHART -PHONOGRAPH COMBINATION 95 WILLS MUSIC STORE Staff flamed For 'Prepster' Mt. Angel The editorial staff of the "Prepster." Mt An gel Preparatory school paper, elected Tom Unger, '94, as edi tor of the Prepster for '33-84. Tom has been manager of the scnooi store xor the past three .years, and assistant editor of the '53 "Flights," the school annual. . Charles Schaefer and Joe Bronec will continue in their positions as makeup editors, and managing the Prepster's mailing files will again be the job of circulation manager, Joe Schallberger. Two freshmen, Bob Ebner and Chuck Hotter, will take over the post of Prepster photographers. Sports editors for next year will te lorry Gorman '54, who will be assisted on the sports staff by Leo Buckheit, Ray Schmaltz, James Deagen, Ken neth Wachter and Albert Meissner. ' Former sports edi tors have been Francis Piatz, '82, Don Jaeger, '51, and Jay Fournier. '50; now studyins journalism- at the University of Oreson. The newly elected staff will issue both the March and April Issues, leaving the graduation issue for the '53 staff. The new editor will appoint his assistant editor at the be ginning of the new school term. Jim Anderson, Willy Verboort, Bill Schmidt, Jim Carroll, Ralph Buhr and Jim Zauner joined the Prepster news staff on a probationary basis . Ralph Beck' Assigned , To Thailand for Year CorvaUis (U.B f. Ralph Beck, assistant director of the Oregon State1 college extension service, Master Leo Hawley also at tended. ; - Committee members for the Scouts, Glen Looney, O. P. Cot ner, Marshall Christofferson and Orville Klampe attended the meeting! , i Rodney, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. (Bud) Lowery was brought home from Doern becher hospital in- Portland Saturday and is Improving sat isfactorily. Mrs. Juls Fear entertained with giving a luncheon in hon- Mrs. Bertha Meissner and' daughter, Betty, who are re turning home to Chill, Wis. Those present in the after noon were Mrs. J. K. Brms, Ed na Brlns, Mrs. George Bohn, and Mrs. H. Omholt. Mr. , and . Mrs. Jesse Carter and family hove moved from the Hazel Green community and now are residing in the Pringle community. They are located south of town on high way 99. , Mrs. Don White entertained in her home Friday to honor her aunt, Edna Brlns from Yak ima, Wash. Those spending the occasion together were Mrs. H. Omholt, Mrs. J. E. Brins, Mrs. George Bohn, Mrs. Juls Faar and Mrs. Nels Haugen. Her aunt is returning home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Omholt called on 'their former neigh bors and frWnds who now re side in Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pugh. Mrs. Pugh is re covering from a recent major operation. Hazel Green Mother's club will meet Thursday night, April 2, at 7 p.m. for "father's night." There will be discussion of they present and a future schoolhouse, the selection of a projector for the school, and a silent auction. Serving on the refreshment committee are Mrs. Herman Wacken, Mrs. E. A. McClaugh ry, Mrs. W. Baldwin and Mrs. M. Van Cleave. Solid Mahogany Ph. 3-4959 has received a Mutual Security Agency assignment to Thai land, it was announced today. ' sect: will leave CorvaUis next month for Kaesesart uni versity in Bangkok for a one. year advisory assignment He will assist in development of plans for physical plant expan sion and organizational frame work for Thailand "land (rant" universities. Atomic Sub Seen as Surface Navy's Doom Washington CUB Some splitting atoms in the ancient volanic wastelands of Idaho may have signalled the ulti mate doom of surface navies. That at least is the way some experts read the news that the world's first version of v nuclear engine 'for submarine has "gone critical" at th Atomic Energy Commission's Arco Oda, reactor testing sta tion. The AEC's announL-emeht does not mean the engine ac tually is producing power. But the engine's atomic boilers have been fired up, so to speak, and power will result when the experts in charge decide the time has come for the big test. Mr rout FUEL OIL BILL ' Br the tOlo To enable your dealer to continue your monthly charge service. , UUMFUaOADUURS CREDIT ASSOCIATION ; ROEBUCK AND COt UiXsEtP (3X P'w3Uin;?'ja x til xmsaxs iiiiiyiiiijiv . WiE bNLY SEARS! oll si We. &rA a rr, ffOR ACTIVE 5J' I YOUNG GIRLS AND BOYS 1 ) thick Sear-O-foam crepe soles m . light at airt extra comfort M j take lots of tough wear r Plenty Free Parking Slore Hours: ; Lebanon Firm Lebanon For the second connsecutlve year a Lebanon firm has received national citation for employment of the physically handicapped. Leu than 12 such awards are given In Oregon annually.. The award will be presented Mo Cascades Plywood corpora tion f a public ceremony In the near future by J. Richard Smurthwalte, veterans' 1 em ployment representative for the state of Oregon. . . Announcement of the win ning was made Monday by Charles Wilson, manager of the local employment office, who directed the recent local par ticipation In the state-wide "employ the physically handi capped'' program, .. Last year Santlam Lumber company received the honor Large, Choice View City Lots GERLE0N ADDITION South Summer r MeGilchrlst MODERATELY PRICED Si I I "uUd) TV s- s iev hs- vv Sw Close to . Grade School - High and Junior High Owner, 990 Gerleon Dr.mfsW Art iSS i fr&r y here. ' : - Wilson said the award Is based on six factors utilized by employers to fit handicapped persons to jobs they can han dle, the training the company otters such persona, the per centage of handicapped' em ployed by the firm, and the ef fort the company makes to keep the handicapped as em- Jiloyes on the payroll and ad listed to their work. Statistics were submitted to the state office three months ago by the local committee, and In turn were sent to Washing ton, D, C, for national selec tion. ' ' ; The "fall line" divides South Carolina Into a coastal plain and a piedmont section. mra nun er im iy kuiom or Koru with Sear-O-foam crepe solos Yes, you'd expect to pay at least $3.98 for these favorite children's saddles without the wonderful light Sear-O-Foam soles! Perfect for year 'round wear for school, play, camping and everyday! Brown and white or black and white, sizes ZVi OZ yoaG,MOttey jaai' II : : 1 FREE HOME TRIM "Reich-Euy" ClBJistoi ."Iffl Ksw G-E Swivel Tcp 0s:r . tmimi TnfKHAM 260 N. Authorized Dofr ' GENERAL (J ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS 5 ana!) : i hxur ami u fflR$ 550 No. CLIANSaYereH Room without es moving cleaner. , IXTIUIrfriiraw way beg. if fOWERFUL Sue- , ' Men. Ne loes as he mil. . COWUTEwhif 4tfochnifits MOST efficient -cleaner made. Only usims Gilbert UMRTY to 3. Phone 3-9191 Capitol, Salem