t Pag 8 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ortfca Wednesday, April 1, IMS Cities Demand Federal Aid ' Washington () Municipal officials took a position Wed nesday that the federal govern ment must continue financial Id . to the nation1! cltlei in such field ai civil detente, alum clearance, airport and highway construction, and public housing. . This view was expressed at preliminary conference deal ing with President Elsenhow er's proposal to create a led' eral-state commission to study relations regarding taxation, grants in aid, and social security. ' The president sent special message to congress Monday asking enactment of leglsla tlon to set up the study com mission. STEALS POLICE SIREN Seattle, Wash, flJ.B Patrol men J. E. Mitchell and H. O. Ward discovered yesterday that the siren had been stolen from their squad car while they were searching an apart ment house for a thief., , - )1Wm3( L AWOIS TOWN CM ACROH TNI NATION M FAITH LUTHERAN BAPTISMAL SERVICES A n 'X ' t. -v ' !i V-" XI r 0 0 " Faith Lutheran church conducted baptismal services for an unusually large group recently. The photograph contains only those concerned in the baptism service and does not include three families unable to be present be cause of illness. Pastor Holmqulst stands at the top. Whether yoa'ie novfaf In loom er to a distant etty. we offer the tnsst in worry-frse moving ssrv Ic. Our local storage and nm sag fcdlitias an unueelM. Aad -as npraaaDUtivai fee Allied ViaUaMweeaaylaMatyoae sbposal the know-how ef the world's largest long-dlstaaee ' taring emnisatioo. ABled'a . expat paeken, hsadlsn and drlren safMnard roar posses. sions every step at the way. Call ua I - i NeW Quarrel Develops Over School Districts By PAUL W. HARVEY JR. (AitoeUUtf Prtu CorrMpcmdtnt) A repeat performance, with the same cast of characters as in the 1951 Legislature and the 1992 election campaign, ' open ed Tuesday night with: the atart of a new quarrel over school district reorganization, The Legislative Education Committees heard arguments over the new school reorganl ration bill, which replaces the one pasted by the 1951 Legis lature but defeated in1 a refer endum at last November's gen eral election, This new bill provides for election of county committees to plan new consolidations of districts, and each new district would be created by .majority Red Star Transfer Mkeriy BetmeeJ JTX 14111 ACINI rot DO YOU KNOW? Goodwill Industrie is a sheltered workshlp for han dicapped people . . Your dluarded detains, and household items will keep them independent. Telephone 4-K4I - for a Goodwill Track Pickup Dsts: Tuesday and Friday Shoe-String Patents n . i iieff es. n mm f twnf stkl oi in In ihN Sparklint atringt of patent flecked with white. What a revelation I Your pretty foot now more beguiling, 'neath your new narrow aklrt. Alto in navy, $9 93 At tdttrtistd in MADEM 01SELLB vote of the entire district. This might force some small districts into consolidations, end that's why the state Orange and little districts op pose the bill. The same elec tion provision was in the 19S1 act. Now, any district retains the right to stay out of a proposed consolidation. Meanwhile, the Legislature disposed of a tough issue when the Senate voted 18 to 12 against the bill to extend un employment insurance to em ployers of fewer than four per sons. The opponents voted against it mainly because it would handicap small employers, while supporters contended that an employe of a little business is Just as entitled to protection as a worker in a large buiness. 1 The Senate Agriculture Com mittee, - at the request of the dairy Industry and State Board of Agriculture, voted to intro duce a bill to give the state milk adimlnstration full au thority to. deny milk dealer li censes in a sales area that the administration thinks is al ready served adequately. Anthropologists believe the have observed one of the proc esses by which farming was started in Western Australia where tribesmen who dig up yams, put part of the yam back in the hole. ' Do You Want To See Derby In Akron? Anybody want to go to the Derby The All-Amerlcan Soap Box Derby in Akron, Ohio, that is? If so, they want to know abont It now. Reservations for seats for the biggest boys' event in the world must be sent to Akron by Friday of this week to get them set aside for yon. . Seat prices range from $1,50 in the finish line grandstand down to 25 cents in the bleachers at the start ing ' line. Anyone wanting seats reserved for the August classic should contact Wayne Hadley at Douglas McKay Chevrolet company or Vic Fryer at the Capital Journal by Thursday. The Japanese believe they have the world's oldest inde pendent nation. Christ Lutheran Church Stale Street at Rev. T. M, Gebhard, Patter Sunday Worship Service 8.45 and !1s.m. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Classes for all. Monday, Thursday, Communion Serw Ice, 7:45 . Good Friday Litany, 7:45 p.m. Easter Services 8 a.m. and 1 1 a.m. Easter Evensong, 7:45 p.m. WE WELCOME All IN THE NAME OF CHRIST OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 481 STATE ST. You don't want "Just any kind" of shoes for your child for We have the famous "BUILT-fOR'ACVOH.SHOU" Let the kiddles nac uie norry-go-round while yoa enjoy TV at Dana's yRto iGoost VN0U7 $6.95 .VS X.J White Rid and Black Patent Med ( eveKty koltwn ever loin dMlMd far proptr ft . , . h B nnll tlm horn loby'i tin en up. MANY STYLtS TO CNOOSI FROM BOOTERY CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER OPEN MONDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS Russian Wives Crowd Stores ' Moscow, W) Russian house wives crowded state stores throughout the Soviet Union Wednesday as government-ordered price reductions went into effect on more than 100 different types of ' food and consumer goods. ' At Moscow's central collec tive market, farmers marked down prices of their fresh vegetables, meat and potatoes. The market price were not in cluded In the government or der but fell in response to the state store changes. The Communist newspaper Pravda estimated that the price cuts sixth decreed by the Kremlin since the end of World War II would save the Russion consumer , 46 billion rubles a year in state store purchases alone. The Soviets value the ruble officially at 25 cents but it is worth less on domestic market. Announcement of the cuts ranging generally from five to 15 per cent was made Tues day, the anniversary of the 10.12 niHr reduction decree. The extent of the reductions were announced only in per centage terms but they ran up to 80 per cent - for potatoes, fresh fruit and vegetables in state cooperative stores. , Army to Let Indian Keep His Long Hair . Yuba City; Calif. (U.PJ Iqbal Sing Rao's year-long battle with the Army over whether he could keep his waist-length hair, beard, mustache and tur ban was at an end today. Rao won. The 22-year-old Indian, a native of Punjab, was inducted yesterday after Army authori ties permitted his unmilitary appearance because of Rao's religious convictions. Rao said "I guess I'll have to get a khaki-colored turban now." Allison Approved As Envoy fo Japan Washington W The Senate Tnivlsn Relations Committee gave its approval to John M. Allison aa ambassador to Ja pan Tuesday, but it withheld action on President Elsenhow er's nomination of William Howard Taft. III. as ambassa dor to Ireland. The delay in Taft's case was occasioned by the fact that the FBI has not vet completed its field investigation of him, said Sen. Wiley (H.-wis.), tne com mittee chairman. The nominee is the son of Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio, Senate Republi can leader. KOWITZ SPEAKER Brush College One of the older members of Brush Col lege grange, Chris Kowltz, Salem city attorney, will be the speaker at the grange meeting, Friday, April 8, at the school house, following a 6:30 supper. When Queen Elizabeth vis its Winnipeg, Canada, she will be entitled to receive the Hud son's Bay Co. tribute of two elk heads and two black beav-, er skins. APPLIANCE REPAIR Call as for prompt and expert work on all appliance : Hayes Appliance Repair . Phone 4-5911 138 BUte bt mm I and eNior racial diiortm, I fl etllll Ml IINUH UUOTI liniK (tad) jjWAy TrsttSsI Nttfcut NstM Ipusta CJ.lHn.U.T. Our rounder Dtrllv toejUfs) 18l3-Jtl rHBB WrlfewCail THE DEAN CLINIC Optn 10 until 8 Monday tftraufh friday. Until Monday, Wednesday and friday. Chiropractic Physicians . . . In Hr43rd yof ' 9034 NCHtTHfAST SANOY IOULIVAIP TalatheMa I Art 39U Efttawd U,Or. jgr ' . where such value for 1.00 (to kLtSu f &w 1 V our knowledge). Beautiful gleam- Ssk?&v ' M I 1b patents audi smart plastic calls. OS, Jjf m Assorted white grains, email bass, L J?jF MW MmM ,' ' . larte bags, medium slss bags. fjF mF 4 Jlv j Pouch styles, box styles, bandit 1 Mr mm Mm wiammmmmmmmmmmmmm bags. ihOUlder Strap model . . . . f VMkjJ anything and everything . . . your . . I WwiJw . unrestricted choice for Just 1.00. m M Truly a fabulous Easter Value. ,,1 J mk $1.35 First .II I P mu Our Own Brand Nan Noble IMl) U WU Full Fashioned, Perfect ISJ5? '. BUY 3 MS- SAVE 41 c 1 tor $1100 Special Purchase! Beautiful, Sheer, Colorful Nylon Briefs lot 59c eoeh They're simply "out-of-thls-world." Kv ery color in the rainbow . . . wispy-sheer, soft aa a cloud ... In lovely launderable nylon. Finely fashioned, full-cut, com fortable, yet divinely snug. Note the , nine rans;e of colors . . . Flame, Royal, Peach, Orchid, Turquoise, Chartreuse, Tobacco, Navy, Gold. You'll want some for yourself . . . some for gifts. They'll be a sell-out, so hurry. FIRST QUALITY FLAMINGO COTTON WHITE GLOVES SHOO U Lovely to look at . . . love ly tp wear ... 51 gauge, 16 denier sheer, sheer nylons with plain seams and with dark seams. Beautifully fashioned . . . flattering to the ankle, perfect fitting. Colors run the gamut of rosey hues from very light to almost dark. All sites, JM to 11. Select at leasi 3 pairs. For Easter and right on through me summer) soil glowing pas tel, favnrlt ivM hlnL. t navy, red, beige, gray and pink! ones e 10 Vi. erT:riiWsIaf- tfattralfra 136 N. COMMERCIAL, SALEM