Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 01, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, April 1, 1953
'I Gap
ital Women
5 Lions
Plan Invent
The committee arranging the
all-club luncheon for the five
local auxiliariei in the Lions
clubs met last evening at the
home of Mrs. A J, Crose.
Thb luncheon is set for next
Tuesday, April 7, at the Sena
, tor hotel, several state officers
to be here for the event, In
eluding Mrs. Henry Griffin of
Astoria, state president . .
Mrs. Crose, member of the
Hollywood auxiliary, Is gen
eral chairman, and is being as-
, slated by representatives from
down town Lions club auxll
iary, West Salem, East Salem
and South Salem auxiliaries.
Joins Club
' Lewis and ' Clark College,
Portland (Special). Miss Jo
anne Ellis, Salem, was recently
accepted as a member of Pep
club. This organization forms
a rooting section at all college
major athletic events.
Miss Ellis is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ellis,
1905 N. 18th.
Rebekah Delegates ,
Delegates to the grand lodge
to be in Portland May 17 were
elected by Rnlnm Rebekah
lodge Monday evening. They
are Mrs. Clyde Bancroft and
Mrs. Clarence J. Kimble, ju
- nior past noble grands: Mrs,
Charley Neubauer, Mrs. Merle
Ivie, Mrs. W. E. Gardner, Mrs.
V. A. Cochran and Mrs. R. L,
Van Pelt.
Alternates are Mrs. Barker
Cornforth, Mrs. Clifford Chaf
fee, Mrs. Charles G. McEIroy,
Mrs. Coral McNeill, Mrs. Vir
gll Parker, Miss Justine Kit
dee and Mrs. Victor Koop.
i Theta Rho girls will meet at
the temple Thursday evening
and on Friday he Ladies En
campment auxiliary will have
initiation. Solicitors for blood
donors will meet April 7,
Tuesday, ' at 9 a.m. at the
Pledges Sorority V
Lewis and Clark College,
Portland (Special) Miss Dor-
na Martin, Salem, was recent
ly pledged to Theta Kappa, lo
cal non-resident social sorority.
She is one of 33 women to
pledge four sororities.
Miss Martin, a freshman me
dical technology student, is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George B. Martin, 891 N. Win
ter. -
I ')
Wed in South Mr. and
Mrs. Miller Follis (Marie
Kirsch) were married March
7 in the First Congregation
al church in Long Beach,
Calif. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Kirsch of Marion
and Mr. Follis is the son of
Dr. Marion Follis Mayo of
Salem. They will make
their home in Long Beach,
Calif., while Mr. Follis is
serving in the navy. (James
Hamilton studio picture.
Long Beach.) '
Miss Hendrie
A surprise for her sorority
sisters 1 n Kappa Kappa
Gamma at Oregon State col
lege last evening was an
nouncement by Miss Joanne
Hendrie of Salem of her en
gagement to Lt. Richard
Panian of Portland, and news
that the- wedding will be on
Jnue 21,
The bride-elect is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don
A. Hendrie of Salem and Lt.
Panian is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Panian of Portland.
Miss Hendrie will be
graduated from Oregon State
college in June, She is a mem
ber of Salem Spinsters club.
Lt. Panian was graduated
from Oregon state last year
and -is a member of Sigma
Nu fraternity. He is now with
the U. S. Air Force, based
at Vlctorville, Calif. "' I
In South
Of Interest
The marriage of Miss
Maudie Jane Reischke, daugh
ter of Louis Reischke of
Salem, to Don Huff of Walnut
Creek, Calif., was solemnized
last Saturday evening in the
First Baptist church at Walnut
Creek. The service was at 8
o'clock. Baskets of white stock
and blue irises decorated the
church for the service.
For her wedding, the bride
wore a ballerina length dress
of pale blue brocaded organdy
over taffeta and with it a
matching hat. . Her flowers
were a bouquet of white roses
with butterfly orchids in the
center. v
Mrs. Arnold Kuper, sister
of the bride, was matron of
honor. She wore a yellow
frock in the same style as
that of the bride, and her
flowers were a nosegay . of
lavender carnations.
The best man was the Rev.
Carrel Aagard.
Ushers were Albert Meyers,
Russell Hauth, Hans Rodde and
Mervin Lehman.
Lighting the candles were
Miss Sondra Kuper and Miss
Lynda Huff. Soloist for the
service was Mrs. Robert King
and Mrs. ... Hedquist w a s
organist. v-
At the reception following,
Miss Gayle Huff was in charge
of the guest book. Mrs. Geo
rge Moors and Miss Nellie
Laveen cut the cake. Mrs.
Stacey Darnell, Miss Fran
cyle Willis, Miss Barbara
Haworth, Miss Susan Padel
ford, Miss Darlene Lee, Miss
Darla ' Bullock, - Miss Judy
Dalton, Miss Wilms Willis,
Mrs. John Nokes, Mrs. Bud
Dlshman, Mrs. Russell Hauth,
Mrs. Mervin Lehman, Mrs.
Ken Hamilton assisted and
pouring were Mrs. Elsie
Branch and Miss Lillian
Reischke. i .
The couple will be at home
in Walnut Creek. Mr. Huff is
building Inspector in Contra
Costa county. The . bride
teaches in the Walnut Creek
Christian academy.
SILVERTON Spending a
vacation with relatives in Sil-
verton from their home in
Kirkland, Wash., are Mr. and
Mrs. O. L. Ordal (Gladys Jor
genson) and Janice and Olaf.
Mrs. Ordal is a daughter of the
C. E. Jorgensons and a sister
of Mrs. Kenneth' Henjum and
R. C. Jorgenson, all of Silver
ton. a
DDE HOME this week-end
from two weeks in California
are Mr. and Mrs. John S. Loc
head. Their daughter, Miss
Gail Lochead, who was in San
Francisco with them for r a
week, returned this past Sun
day and went on to Eugene to
resume her work at University
of Oregon. ' 1
I J i It US f i 1 4 i
P"" Kim. ; --.. I. L
..:,,. WW SI M tf.. ;
Lr SI i
Leave on Trip Mr. and Mrs. Robert Letts Jones, Salem,
are shown above as they leave New Orleans on the MS
Polaris to go on a 70-day Mediterranean-Coronation cruise.
(Clipper Line, Inc. picture)
The engagement of Miss
Leslyn Burdette, daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Burdette, to
James A. Rock, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank C. Rock, was an
nounced Tuesday evening at an
after hours party at the bride
elect's sorority, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, at Oregon State col
lege. The news was revealed In'
Salem on Saturday night at a
party for a group of close
friends when Miss Burdette
entertained in honor of Mrs.
Richard D. Lee (Marilyn Pow
er.) The wedding is planned for
June 19, the service to be at
8 o'clock in the evening in St.
Paul's' Episcopal church, the
reception following to. be at
the Burdette home. . . .
Both young people are gra
duates of Salem schools. The
bride-elect attended Oregon
State for two years and is now
employed in Corvallls. Mr.
Rock attended the naval aca
demy at Annapolis for two
years and is now a Junior at
Oregon State where lie is a
member of Delta Upsilon fra
ternity. ,
The announcement party
was a uresioe one at we so
rority house. Scrolls with the
SUN VALLEY BREAD, Wad wttl 111
ae ihoctnini whattnr, utlifMs "in
ducing tUmtkxT with do added
wloriet. It's t new tuts thrill for
"bread hungry diets."
And Sub Valley toatted . . ,
M-M-M- good, and good for yoa.
mcH ir inner
Bk, kr the kn t m-m Intl
Yes, the ELNA Snpermatie not
only does your ordinary sewing
for yon, but does your darning
and mending does your fancy
stitching and embroidery
makes buttonholes sews on
buttons appliques monograms
sews straight-stitch and
sig-sag with an ease
you've never known before.
! Antemnie enrina with lb ELNA-
snph "WmWV
S A Frefrun for wwing derne, eocks
and ether tvbvler Bute rial rakee 4ne
tng end nMBdiog ttmh.
8. Uhnei(!)l cerrrlnt eeee thet eeemne 1st
a ftdWee erkio( ntrfeek.1
Bailt-tB rWree Bshs-eaeMes rnttn row
work el carry.
Almeled meter mode ipeeielly to rat oat mterfer-v
ear with rodio cadTV.,
ProeWo. ceoMnctkMi ee that yoa eea erw fenrard ami
revene, etrainht and ailna. aa materiel of any thitkmaa.
from the ehmtet ehirToa to ne Iwrrieet emotiia
WA. . ... t ...... .1 ... 1 ... I... 1.. Its.
"' '''?' Extr0 Trade-in t j
-A, Allowance f
;V Bsa ism r
couple's names being conceal
ed in miniature bottles were
passed to the guests.
4 0 0
Plans Parties
Mrs. Francis T. Wade has
invitations out for two parties
she is giving next week to
honor Mrs. Paul L. Patter
son, wife of Oregon's governor.
The parties will be on April
9 and 10. Mrs. Patterson and
Mrs. Wade were in school to
gether at University of Ore
gon. - .'.
HOME from a few days in
Corvallis are Mrs. George W.
Dewey, Jr., and sons, Michael
and Mitchell. They were visit
ing at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George W. Dewey, Sr.
The family went to Corvallis
while Mr. Dewey was on a
business trip to Salt Lake City.
o 0 ' 0
' VISITORS irom Portland
for the day Monday were Mrs.
Chester Conn and Mrs. Robert
Parker, who were guests ' of
Mrs. Harry S. Dorman. The
ladies spent the day visiting at
Lewises .
To Visit
Over Easter
Visitors due Thursday were
Colonel nd Mrs. Hubert du
Bois Lewis and their daughter,
Miss Marie Lewis. They will
be visiting for over Easter at
the home of Mrs. Lewis' brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. George B. Hager.
Colonel Lewis, has been in
Chicago, Detroit and other sec
tions of the country, and soon
will be leaving for the Aber
deen proving grounds in Mary
land. The family home is at
rne aauanier, hum wane,
; leaving soon on a trip to Eur-
The Lewises while in Oregon
also will visit with his mother,
Mrs. C. I. Lewis, formerly of
Salem, and with Mrs. Lewis'
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. L. C. Van Winkle.
e e
Highland Mothers
Club Plans Dinner
Highland School Mothers
club is giving its annual ham
dinner on Tuesday. April 14,
II from 6 to 8 p.m. at the school
Mrs. Charles T. Martin, Jr.,
general chairman, has an
nounced the following commit
tee appointments: Food prepa
ration, Mrs. Walter Kight and
Mrs. Clarence Olsen; ordering,
Mrs. Louisa Duncan; decorat
ing, Mrs. Marvin Nettleton;
table setting, Mrs. G. C. Meeks;
desserts, Mrs. O. D. Youngqulst;
tickets, Mrs. Ronald Rossner;
posters and parcel post, Mrs.
M. E. Workman; publicity,
Mrs. Stanley 'Ness; serving,
Mrs. Ronald Jones, assisted by
Mrs. C. L. McDonald, Mrs. Al
bert H. Piche, Mrs. Charles T.
Kelley, Mrs. J. G. Taylor, Mrs.
K. L. Pugh, Mrs. Ralph W. An
derson, Mrs. Wilbur G. Martin,
Mrs. Fred Lay, Mrs. Floyd
Hutchlngs, Mrs. Fred Medlck,
Mrs. Forrest ' Shipley, Mrs.
John Norby, and Mrs, Gibson
The dinner will be open to
the public, with tickets to be
purchased from members of the
executive board of the Mothers
club or at the door.
Proceeds will be used to buy
equipment for the school.
Miss Ullman has spent the past
quarter at home.
HOSTESS to her bridge club
this evening for cards and a
late dessert will be Mrs. Hubert
L. Williamson. Additional
guests will be Mrs. Alton L.
Chamberlain, Mrs. Gordon
Cooley, Mrs. Russell C. Haehl,
Jr. and Mrs. Ray McLeod. Mrs.
McLeod is here this week from
Seattle. She teaches In Seattle
and at the end of the school
year will be moving to 8alem
to Join Mr. McLeod who is in
business here.
Dangerous Trees
Topplnr, Trimming and
. Removing
Insured . . . Ph. 36628
Journal Want Ads Pay
LEAVING Sunday to return
for thS spring term at Uni
versity of Oregon was Miss
Patricia Ullman, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ullman.
She Is to be graduated in June.
the legislature and were lunch
eon guests of Mrs. Dorman at
her home.
p a u I $ a c h "
"Petal Fresk"... j jL
in cool,' Y "Xlfi
cool steer ... y -1 lt$A
You'll be e cool, competent,
charmer in Paul Sochi'
newest rayon V acetate
sheer two-piecer. The wide,
wide, white bepetolled
collar and sleeves are deft,
delicious touches of
. contrast. Straight skirt. In
navy, black and
brown. Sizes 10 to 20. '
The Vogue of Salem
345 & 337 State S.
24 Months to Pay!
H AT KVjrJ 7 A,l it l
Toar asrlnBt tse
3SS Cenrar
Ph. 34139
JXnoon i.
and night
youll never stop wearing
the easy shoe
for the busy life...
tht tojlett ihoa that ever oalktd
This is the shoe oar "best dressed adopted for all of their casual clothes. They wear it working in the
f on . . around town 4-. visiting after dinner. Made of a single cradling ot butter-soft
I er, you can fold it in half with three fingers! Handsewn. handcrafted, handsome it's the ho
Vogue headlines as transportation ot over too million American women.
Just $14.95 in kipalfskia
135 No. Liberty