Pag 20 Throng of N ewsmento Greet Japanese Prince THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Wednesday. April 1. 105S ' Honolulu O Competitive aplritT . An influx of Japanese newi men will swell to more than , 100 the correspondent! cover ing the arrival Monday of Crown Prince Aklhlto. The prince, 19, is on hit way to England for the coronation of Elizabeth II. Plotters are scheming how to get out the first radiophoto of Aklhlto's arrival on Honolulu's lone commercial trann emitter, v One Japanese newspaper suggested its correspondent hire a helicopter to meet the President Wilson at sea and bring In the first picture. ' The reply: None for rent. The -newspaper's solution: :"Buy one." .,' v , Another suggested homing r pigeons. Still another suggested that its Japanese correspondent on the ship there are 19 news men and photographers sccom - Denying Aklhlto throw a pic ture overboard attached to a . rubber raft. ' , .-. Act 3: A speedboat would pick up the picture and rush It shore ahead of the liner. Nix, said acting collector of customs Marde Hiberly, Noth ing goes oyer the side. Customs men must clear everything. Coest Guard planes will meet the ship and ward off unau thorized small craft. : Hiberly arranged for a tue to carry correspondents and photographers out to the Pres ident Wilson. But they must stay with the ship until . it docks. ; When it does, the race to get in urst with the pictures prob ably will mean plenty nllikia wlkiwiki or, in plain English, irouDie oog gone fast. Salem Man Announced As Killed in Action Washington J.R The De partment of Defense today an nounced the following Oregon battle casualties in the Korean area.- .s, -.;. r - .;. :., Killed in action: Army Pvt. Eugene Mario Ellington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Ellingson, Veneta.- .... . Army Pfc. William C. Mor tesen, son of Mrs. Pat Collins, Eugene. Previously missing. - Army Cpl. Jackie T. Oswald, son of Elbert T. Oswald, Hood Riven Marine Pfc. Lloyd A. Pinner, son of Mrs. Gladys E. Pinner, Selem.' .' Wounded: Army Pfc. Frank D. Hamilton, husband of Mrs. Beverly J. Hamilton, Portland. Heart disease is almost nev er Inherited, i 1 Solons Lured Washington ) Spring is In the air, and a lot of Con gressmen are getting ready to follow suit. The annual congressional junket season gets under way with a bang this week, aided and abetted by a 10-day Easter recess of the House. The end of the week will find House members in or nearlng such distant lands as India, Pakistan, Trance, Italy, Thailand, Formosa, Hong Kong, Indochina and Japan, to say nothing of Florida, Texas, Louisiana and Puerto Rico. It's all on official business, of course, except the Florida excursion which will be a con densed spring-training season for congressional baseball players footing their own bills. Expenses will be borne by the taxpayers, mostly through the House Contingent Fund, but the foreign affairs groups operate largely on foreign money in the possession of the United States. Not so with the ballplayers. About 40 Republicans and Democrats, plus an estimated 100 wives and children will spend the Easter Holidays at Daytona Beach, Fla., unlimber ing their muscles in prepara tion for the annual ball game between House , Republicans and Democrats. FREE EASTER IDES Yonkers, N.V. Ol.PJ The Yonkers Railroad company announced today that any men, woman or child may ride free on Its buses Easter Sun day' morning if going to or from church. ' FOR A BETTER POSITION Take a Better Business or Secretarial Course at Merrltt Davis School of Commerce. Demand for graduates several times the supply. Many places otter young ladles 1200 or more to start; young men 2S or more. Opportunities for rapid advancement. STARTING TRAINING AMlll. 6 , DAY OR NIGHT, . .. . Advance Individual. Free placement service. Approved for ' Korean veterans. FuH information en request. Merritt Doris School Of Commerce 420 Jilts 5(tm1 Over Nw Mts'i Skep Mm 2-1415 Search Pushed For Fliers Anchorage, Alaska (ffl -The search for two Air Force flyers who parachuted from their F-94-B all weather jet fighter north of here Tuesday was to be resumed at dawn Wednesday. The missing men are a pilot and radar observer. They had radioed a terse, international distress call at 1:40 p.m. Tues day morning saying they were abandoning ship. Air Force officials also were to resume the search for an other Jet fighter, plane which has failed to return to its base. The plane also an F-94-B Jet ivh lam vwnnrtod about 40 miles north of here. Officials said an oil slick sighted Tues day niuht In Knik Arm. is be lieved to have no connection with the missing craft. The wreckage of the crash ed Jet was spotted Tuesday some 82 miles nonnwesi 01 here. No sign of life was seen at the wreckage. A helicopter from the 10th Rescue Squad mn air T.lmpndnrf landed at the scene and radiod the pilot and radar observer definitely had Three planes which scanned the area Tuesaay mgni in mm hopes of sighting flares or fires indicating' the where abouts of the men returned to base at midnight because of poor visibility and low celling. Red Cross Short Albany An end of the month survey of the progress of Linn county Red Cross fund drive released Tuesday showed solicitors have collect ed $19,600 ef the county's $23,000 quota. A number of rural and residential areas TheAfamtares of IttlV and WHIV WHY., I UP ANP NfXT TIMC PLANT ' CU4HWJJV, TOO. MOSUcisX UWtON 1 V -M4T Kimt "WMryA JlTv 7 LAWN SI CD . fc5 I LAWN fM PIMINcV i r , f ktMt tttj JM BUILDS A, " . ,,. - : CREDENT lOl SEED Live "velvet" with the uuuxrat of lwn umi. Thii Utoi ef CaeJetvW, hardy jrasMt u JtveleptJ Mscciilljr for the NenbweM. Tim's nous Snefl . ,,. ft fawes, tarefens ... LILLY'S LUX MORCHOr have not completed their re ports and Sweet Home, the county's third largest town, bad not completed) its drive. Albany was still $1200 short of its quota.. ' ' ; StmdlCtCOLDt LJ . So smooth : it leaves you ; breathless mtftusitit name VODKA 0 proof Mo from 100 $yiit neutral spiritt St. Pierre Smirnoff Fli. Inr.,HwiforJ,Cofin. 1 TO ALL 3 AYS...Scflle Ms SAT. only three more days of THIS MONEY-SAVING EVENT YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS! Here it is! A complete bedroom outfit, enough to beautifully furnish your entire room priced lower than you'd expect to pay for just the suite alone! 7 Imagine all 11 bedroom pieces for only $139. Only by purchasing a carload of bedroom suites were we able to make this special sale possible. Plan to come early, take plenty of time to make your selection - because at this money saving price we're sure to have a sellout! If you do not desire immediate delivery ask Woodry's to store your selection free . . . until needed. , . - - l K 71 EACY TEDMC Trt CHIT ' '',jrnr s; ; YOUR BUDGET! ' y I ' .v" . A 1 iS Z il 1 WDh Thm Wl U. T.. '1-' I! s V.i Aiv -v ' . . : I I -.-: r'fi 1 ' I I Now you can own your choice I I xA . ' v y ' 1 x I I of either complete room out- I I I U - , , 1fH! I I fit M- An u I I f W I m. Kl I -W V Jr - " - -t. . r a ...... iaaa)saHiii - I l . - TFT L . k I I f 1 ' I I iisiii.iiiiiii ijl l .J... SM? Pi Down Yht-- i t -' -r " 1 'jrM i i SH1 'iCi 1 " ' '.:f-K. Bolotice on our long,' fc-. -iwwkw wJtwsw iwsssw G3 - ' A , .,,1 M f ACTUAL PHOTO ROOM GROUP NO. 1 HERE'S WHAT YOU GET! New Mocha-Tone Vanity with Large View Plate Mirror Matching Hollywood Bookcase Bed . Simmons All Steel Full Size Spring Inner Spring Mattress Long Wearing Cover 2 Feather Pillows Washable Striped Ticking 2 Handsome Boudoir Lamps Smart Pleated Shades Night Stand Handy Storage Compartment Chenille Bed Spread Choice of Colors Washable Cotton Loop Throw Rugs Choice of Colors Marching Cheer of Drawers $34.50 Additional OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. SALEM MERCHANTS V FREE! Get Your free Spring Fes tival Tickets . . . Yours May Win one of the Many Valu able Prixesl mm m i"esssssraew iakUUeMiirf$ W V W A"K J kWWsjiNihAi ACTUAL PHOTO ROOM GROUP NO. 2 HERE'S WHAT YOU GET! New Mocha-Tone Six-Drawer Double Dresser, Plate Mirror Matching Hollywood Bookcase Bed Simmons All Steel Full Size Spring t). Inner Spring Mattress Long Wearing Cover 2 Feather Pillows Washable Striped Ticking 2 Handsome Boudoir Lamps Smart Pleated Shades Night Stand Handy Storage Compartment Chenille Bed Spread Choice of Colors All Steel Hollywood Bed Frame TWIN BED AVAILABLE WITH EITHER SUITE Don't Miss This Wonderful Opportunity! Woodry'i hova tola priced nony, many bedroom groups, too numerous to mention. You II find fine mahogany groups, smart modern or mellow maala groups ... oil at fabulous savings ... y