Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 01, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    Pag X
In-the Valley
, Edited by MIKE FORBES
St. Paul
At the .last regular meeting
of the St. Paul Lloni club held
in the St. Paul American Le
gion hall, the club had ai it
guest a pack of five Cub
Scout and their leaders, Mn.
Helen Richardion and Mrs.
Bill Fletcher and seven 4-H
club girls in a Sewing club
and their leader, Mrs. John
Smith. A '"''
A dinner was served and the
girls were presented with small
sewing kit favors and the Cub
Scouts' with compas favors.
The scoutmaster in charge
of the Cub Scouts from New-
berg was introduced by preii
dent J. W. Richardson and he
gave a short talk on Scouting.
Following the talk, movies
were shown for the guests.
Lions In charge of the guest
night were E. J. Cleaion and
M. P. Wilson.
In addition to giving $20 to
ward the local Red Cross drive,
the club donated about $290
to the City ofJSt. Paul toward
fund to tr the drainage
ditch that runs near the edge
of town. This $290, Included
a check for $9 received from
the St. Paul union high school
to be added to the fund.
The regular meeting of the
Archbishop. Blsnchette council
3221, St. Paul Knights of Co
lumbus, set for Wednesday,
April 1, has been postponed
until Wednesday, April 8.
The meeting will be held In
the St. Paul city hall at 8 p.m.
. The council's first attempt
at sponsoring a Boy Scout
troop In St. Paul was approved
and notice to this effect was
sent to the Scout officials fol
lowing the meeting.
Plans for a Cana conference
to be held soon were also gone
over and if possible, the date
for It was set tentatively for
April iz.
' Numerous Items were listed
on the agenda for the coming
meeting on April 8, Including
plans for the annual Mothers
day breakfast, convention dele
gates and scholarship fund.
The refreshment committee
members selected by chairman
Bert Bernards are Al Smith,
George Bernards, Mike Hopfer,
Ed Day, Jim Kirk, Dick Kirk,
and Joe Zorn.
Students of the St. Paul un
ion high school took day off
from . classroom studies and
traveled to '-the 'city of Port
land -where they spent the
morning visiting the science
exhibition at Portland State
college. In the afternoon the
students visited the Dr. John
McLoughlln house at, Oregon
City. , ,
Friday afternoon the stu
dents of the high school were
given a chance to inspect the
new Marlon county civilian
defense truck which visited
the school.
Something new was started
when the faculty and their
wive entertained the school
board members and their
wives at a dinner party in the
school's home economics de-
Guests of honor included
Mr. and Mrs. Pat McCarthy,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pohlschnel-
der, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole
man, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith
and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jette.
Grand Ronde
Grand Ronde Mrs. Ted E
Smith was installed as officer
of the day In the ladies auxlll
ary. Patriarchs Militant, of
Capitol No. 11 of the IOOF
lodge in Salem. Prior to her
residence in Oregon, Mrs.
Smith was active in this lodge
work in her home town and
state, Indianapolis, Ind.
Mrs. Georgianna St. Ger
main and friend, Mrs. Clara
Gilbertson of Portland, visited
this past weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Norman St. Germain,
Miss Beverly Baker of Port-
Next Sunday is Saster. Just In
ease some of you missed my col'
win last week I would like to re'
mind you of the Outer Braftkiasl
. service we are starting In Baleen.
Right after the Sunrise service
Sunday morning your breakfast
will be ready In the main dining
room at the Marlon. On this day
we will open at 7 e.i. with a se
lection of six or seven Easter Club
Breakfasts. We will serve lndlvld
uak, elaases or groups, and you
, may enoose any of the breakfasts
Individually or you may arrange
for a group breakfast and we will
. aenre It family style. Special am
jtoaais will be given our Kaster
Dinner served from It noon on
thru the afternoon and evening.
Easter Dinner has always been a
very popular feature at the Mar
lon. See you Sunday, right after
, eh urea
land was guest of Mr. and Mrs,
Ernest Fischer and family for
the past few days.
, Miss Karen Fischer Is con
fined to her home suffering
with a bad cold.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Smith
were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Granville Wilson
of Falls City. ,
Mill City
Mill City S. W. Stewart ha
sold out his interests in the
l.G.A. Grocery store here to
his three sons C. W. Stewart,
Charles Stewart and B1U Stew
art. The youngsters In the pri
mary department of the Pres
byterian church Sunday
school are not having the an
nual Enter egg hunt this year
because so many of the chU
dren are having measles or
are getting over the disease,
states Mrs. James Swan, su
perintendent of the depart'
The Mill City Three-Links
club is sponsoring a pre-a
ter cooked food sale Saturday
morning, April 4, in the for
mer Hint collee snop on
Broadway. Mr. W. R. Olm
atead is acting a general
chairman. There will be an
apron and fancy work sale
also with Mrs. Fred Duffy in
charge of this department.
Mrs. Hugh Jull, Mrs. Elmer
Shaw and Mrs. Glenn Shelton
were in SUverton last week to
attend the special guest day
luncheon and servlu sponsor
ed by the Christian Woman'
Burton Boroughs, Mill City
high school cosch, attended all
games of the state basketball
tournament in Eugene last
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kay
have moved into the house
formerly owned . by the
Charles Harmon who recent
ly left for Richland, Wash.
Mr. Frank Fend now owna
the house. .
Mr. Eva Humphrey of
Stayton, district president of
the American Legion Auxili
ary, was a guest at the last
regular meeting of the local
unit number ISO in Mill City.
Ballston Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Coffelt have moved to
their new home in Sheridan
and are offering for sale their
Ballston home which they
have occupied the past four
Miss Minnie Edson has re
turned to her home in Kansas
following 10 days spent at the
home of her brother and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edson.
George Berry and Mrs. Clsra
Sloan of Dallas spent the week
end at the home of their sis
ter, Mrs. Lily Bowman.
While pruning some trees at
the Bowman home, Mr. Berry
fell from a ladder, injuring his
foot so badly he was unable to
return to his home. .
Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Sllvls of
Eugene and son R. E. Silvis,
Jr., and family, of Portland
spent Sunday at the home of
Mrs. N. E. Tufford.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brooks
spent Sunday at the home of
their son Melvln and family at
Mrs. Ella Farmer, former
resident of Ballston, but now
being cared for in a convales
cent home in McMlnnville, was
given a post card shower on
her birthday, March 28, by old
Earl Snow has returned to
his home in Payette, Idaho, af
ter spending two weeks at the
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Shade Snow.
Johnnie Focht has been dis
charged from army duty and
Is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John. Focht.
Mrs. Lily Bowman visited
Mrs. Mildred Fronler in Mc
Mlnnville last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Reece
were week-end Portland vis
itors. Mr. and Mrs. Nicely of Belle
vue have rented and moved to
the Carl Gregg property one
mile south of Ballston.
Miss Barbara Gould has re
turned to Taft following 10
days spent at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
186 24
Donald Mrs. Norman Yer-
2en and daughter. Donna, ac
companled by Mrs. Barney Fel
ler and daughter, Marlon, at
tended the senior class play at
Gervals Friday night.
Ed DeGulre, employed by the
Kauffman Lumber company,
has returned to work. Some
time ago he fell and injured
his foot. Cecil McCarthy drove
the truck while DeGulre was
off from work. ,
Mrs. Barney Feller and Mrs.
Lin Cromwell have taken over
the sir watch station for Don
aid's day which is Monday, and
they hope that Donald people
will volunteer to watch a three
hour stretch beginning at mid'
night Sunday and ending at
midnight Monday. F. M. Fers
uson of Aurora is in charge of
the whole area.
A baby girl was born to Mr,
and Mrs. Robert Kauffman on
March 23 at Salem Memorial
hospital. The baby weighed 7
pounds and 2 ounces. Mrs. Ger
aid Welch, the maternal grand
mother, flew down from An
chorsge, Alaska. She plans to
be here about six weeks. Mr.
Welch has a civil service Job in
Alaska and Mrs. Welch has
been employed in a drug store
Saturday evening guests In
the Barney Feller home were
Mr. and Mrs. William Thomp
son ana iamuy oi sagie creek.
oiemoers or the uDner
grades of the Donald school as
well as members of the com'
munlty enjoyed a skating party
at aewDerg Saturday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt provid
ed two cars. Others taking cars
were Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Sample. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mil
ler and Mr. and Mrs. John Or-
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bak
er entertained Mrs. Baker's sis
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Noble, Janet and San
dra of Llnnton at dinner Sun
day. -
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sineer
spent Sunday at Waldport.
Earl Feller went fishlna Sun
day and came back with a 20
pound salmon.
Jerry Yereen. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Yergen, came
down from Bremerton, Wash.,
for the weekend. He is station
ed there waiting for his ship
to be conditioned.
Ernie Pelto. son of John Pel-
to, called his father from Trav-
alr base last week. He an
ticipates being transferred to
another base in the near future.
John Pelto is nlannln to vis.
It his daughter, Mrs. Clayton
Brown, Grand Junction, Colo.,
me tasi oi April.
Mrs. Mae Catts, formerly the
primary teacher at the Donald
school, was visitor In the
community last week. She and
her husband have Jus returned
from a trip to California.
Gloria and Margie Parks of
auaweii, Idaho, have return
ed to Donald and have entered
school there. They formerly
uvea in jjonaia.
Miss Mamie Vincent, nrlncl.
pal of the Donald grade school
at Monitor.
Mrs. Hassing. the nrimarv
teacher, finished out the un
completed term of Mrs. Floyd
McLin, and does not tare to
teach in Donald next year, due
ot the illness of her mother,
mn, xi. ju. nunt.
Members of the UDoer oraden
of the Donald school presented
Mrs. H. L. Hunt with a potted
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Lytel,
owners and operators of the
Squeeze-In cafe in Donald have
returned from a two weeks via.
it In California. The cafe was
closed while they were away
ra was reopened Monday.
While there, they visited Mrs.
Lytel's aunt, Mrs. Effie More-
land and her mother, Mrs. R. L.
Black, who has been in ill
health for sometime. Mrs.
BiaeK lives at Costa Mesa,
Calif. Other towns visited were
La Verne and Pomona. The Ly.
tels were accompanied by their
two children, Robert and
unionvale Mr. and Mrs.
victor Geiger of Unionvale
were guests of her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Mott. at mil..
boro Sunday, where 23 mem
bers of the family gathered to
honor their father. Mr. Mott
on ma (am Dinnaay anniver
sary, which was Saturdsy,
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon James
and four children, and his
father, Ed James of Whiteson;
Pvt Verl Hoard, in Army
training at Fort Lewis, Wash.;
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Case and
two children of Salem. Mr. anri
jMrs. Clarence Baker of this
j district were Sunday dinner
! guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Miss Donna Walthers of Day
! ton was an additional guest
ZING, ZIP and Zest
Diner from Hollywood This Week Only
OeUUnding la appearance, penanaUty aaa srrfarmanre, wheth
er It's wastera r aaedsra they hit a happy high la antarUinmmt.
Lunar tempos, pleasant saeMles aaa haunting veeals ealfiMd
especially ter year dancing teaiare. Two romplet floor shews.
Woodburn Schedules
Good Friday Rites
Woodburn The annual
union Good Friday services
will be held from I to 2 p.m.
Friday, April 3 at the Church
of God. The theme for the
service is "Truly This I the
Son of God." i
Principal speaker will be
Rey. J. D. Turnidge from the
Salem academy and Rev. Ed
ward Baldwin of the Church
of God will be chairman. The
event is aponsored by the
Woodburn Ministerial associa
tion. -
Rev. R. Brendler of the
Bible Baptist church will give
the invocation: Rev. Ernest
Ilium of the Assembly of God
church will read the scripture
lesson, Rev. George Nors
worthy of the Free Methodist
church will offer prayer and
Rev. Arthur Goble of the Four
square church will pronounce
the benediction.
Special music will be from
the Methodist, Presbyterian
and Christian church choirs.
Mrs. Frank Chapelle will be
pianist with Mrs. ' Edward
Baldwin and Mrs. Walter Law
son at the organ.
Ushers will be from the As
sembly of God church, the
Foursquare church, the Church
of God and the Bible Baptist
church An offering will be
taken to be applied on the ex
penses oi the dally Bible
school this summer. .
Detroit Detroit high school
Junior class members will spon
sor a box social Wednesday ev
ening to raise funds for spring
Auctioning of children's
boxes will begin at 8:30 p.m. in
the school and for adults at
6 p.m. In the gymnasium.
The regular meeting of the
Detroit Woman's Civic club
will be postponed from
Wednesday to the following
Tuesday, April 7, when it will
be held at the 'home of Mrs,
Audrey Layman.
Forest service families gath
ered Sunday evening to honor
Mr. and Mn.' Irving Steers,
who will be transferred soon to
Blue River.
Steers, who has been clerk
at the ranger station office for
the past year, will assume the
duties of sealer at his new
Present at the farewell party
were Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Moore and Frankie, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Dean and chll
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
White, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ma
son and Martha, Mr. and Mrs
Steers and daughter Nancy,
and Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Moore
and children.
The Steers were presented
with a set of china cups and
saucers by the proup.
Mr. and Mrs. Major Baughn
will move this week to Ephra-
ta, Wash., where they will
enter business. .
The Baughns operated a ga
rage in old Detroit for many
years and recently established
a home on a site overlooking
the new town.
Mrs. Baughn has been ac
tive as Girl Scout leader and
in the Detroit Church of Christ
Easter Sunday will be
marked by three services at
the Detroit Church of Christ,
Including a sunrise service at
6:15 a.m., Sunday school at
9:49 a.m., followed by church
services at 11, and an evening
program scheduled for 7:30.
Richard Hake, minister, will
Sunday school clsses will
participate in the morning pro'
gram, and a special Easter
film and music will be featured
in the evening.
St Louis
Relatives of Mr. and Mrs.
William Forcier surprised them
with a pot luck dinner and
house-warming at the home
on Leasul Ave.
Sunday, March 29 Mr. and
Mrs. Forcier sold their farm
and bought a home In Wood
burn. Those present besides Mr.
and Mrs. Forcier were Mr. and
Mrs. John Ferschweiler, Mr.
and Mrs. Mike Ferschweiler,
Mrs. Phil Chenette, Mr. and
Mrs. James Chenette and
daughters, Linda and Chris
tine of Portland.
Mrs. Tony Boxanlch and son,
Mark of Seattle, Wash.; Mrs.
Rosann Alcher and daughter,
Maybelle, Mr. and Mrs. Theo
dore Forcier, Woodburn; Jo
seph Ferschweiler, and Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Fersch
weiler, St Louis.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rush mo
tored to the coast Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Klenski
are the owners of a new car
that they purchased last week.
Grand Island
Grand Island Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Sargeant and daugh-
AnHrfi and ChervL oi
ftranri Tilanri. accompanied his
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. John rreeoorn ana
soni. Richard and Martin, of
Ttavtnn An a trout flshlnc trio
to a privately owned fish pond
near uarioaioi ctunaay aiier
Minn '
Mr. and Mn Lowell CamD-
bell and his mother, Mrs. Frank
Campbell of the Falrview dis
trict, were Sunday afternoon
guest of Mr. George Sargeant,
Mra. Sareeant 1 steadily
gaining strength following her
recent Illness.
Amity Announcement was
made here this week that the
Amity fire department has re
cently purchased a resuscltator,
for which the department, as
sisted by the ladles auxiliary,
have worked many months.
Amity high school has elect
ed princesses for the annual
May Day festivities, Fresh'
man princess is Joanne Hansen;
sophomore, Jesn Hensley; jun
ior, Joan Kadell.
Candidates for May queen
are Carolyn Wilcox, Jean Kel'
ler and Marianne Vasey.
The result: of that election
will be announced the last of
the week. "
Mr. Hutchcrott wiU be In
charge of the May day pro
gram, Mrs. Edna Strout In
charge of costumes for the May
The Girls Athletic association
has planned a slumber party,
May 10, in the high school gym.
nasium. Chaperones will be
Miss Saling, adviser; Mrs. John
Allison, Mrs. Edna Strout, Mrs.
Hutchcrott and Miss Ball.
A Mother Tea and perhaps a
trip to the beach is on the agen
da for the group.
The sophomore class is spon
soring a movie, "Three Came
Home," April 10, at 7 p.m. in
the high school gym.
Miss Ella Louise Ball, Eng
lish teacher at Amity high
school, has announced her
resignation as of June 6.
She has beenkan Instructor
in the school the past two years.
Miss Clydene Seward, gradu
ate of LInfield college, has
been retained to replace Miss
Mrs. Andrew Wakeman rep
resented the Amity Council of
Church Women at the annual
meeting of the Oregon Coun
cil of Church Women at Forest
Grove last week. 1
Union Hill
Union Hill The last of a
series of . card parties was
held at the Union Hill grange
hall Thursday evening ' with
Mrs. Roy Verbeck and Henry
Peter receiving the nigh
score prize. Henry Peter alio
received the traveling prize.
Another "600" card party
will be held in April at the
grange hall.
Union HiU Woman' club
members will meet with Mrs.
A. L. Koatenborder at her
home at Valley View, Thurs
day, April 2, for a 12:00
o'clock luncheon. Each mem
ber will bring a favorite dish
that mother used to make.
Also esch member Is to dress
to represent the "Gay
Dallas Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.
the Evangelical Mennonlte
Brethren church will present
the Salem Singers in an Easter
concert. Everyone is Invited
to attend. The entire offer
ing will go to the week-day
school of the Bible.
A surprise farewell party
was held Monday night by the
senior patrol of the Dallas Boy
Scouts to honor Rodney Smith.
Rodney and his family are mov
ing to Portland, and it is with
regret that their friends are
bidding them farewell.
Aurora Mrs. Dora Giesy,
widow of the late B. H. Giesy
of Portland, is the house guest
of her sister, Mrs. George
Wurster In Aurora.
What promises to be an en
tertaining venture is the con
struction of a greenhouse by
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell,
adjacent to their home in Au
rora on Liberty street Mr. and
Mrs. Powell will specialize in
raising animals and shrubbery. .
Last summer the Powells in-!
stalled a lattice house, where,
several hundred tuberous be-;
gonia plants and tubers were
raised. I
Several varieties of fuschlas
also are available to choose
from In the Powell gardens.
Try Lesson
Private or Cla
Paul Armstrong
155 S. UbortT H. 1.751!
Woman's Club
Finishes Center
Gates A large group of vol
unteer worker met Sunday
morning at the Gates Commu
nity house donating a day's la
bor toward the completion of
this building, which when fin
ished will be used as a com
munity center for the city.
The only available place at
present for social gatherings is
at the scboolhouse.
Members of the Gates Wom
an's club nave worked for the
last seven years to raise a
building fund for that purpose.
The building, 32x94, will in
clude a recreation room, din
ing room, kitchen and rest
rooms. -
The dining room was com
pleted over a year ago and at
present is being used as a city
Nothing further was done un
til two weeks ago when work
was resumed.
Sunday the walls ot the rec
reation room were sheet rock
ed, part of the ceiling finished
and the kitchen floored by the
labor donated.
The building has been wired,
windows and doors installed.
Much of the interior painting
and decorating will be done by
members of the club.
Sunday, at noon, a no-host
dinner, under the direction of
Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson, chair
man of the building committee,
was served by the ladles to
those donating their services,
including David Barnhardt,
Harry Kelaer; Phillip Hess,
Burrel Cole, Glen Henness,
George Clise. W. R. Hutcheson,
Jo Bowes, Don Miley, George
Arthurs, Walter Brisbin,
George Bailey, Kenneth Mar
tig, G. C. Barnhardt, Bob Bon
itz, Dale Reynolds, W. F.
Struckmeier and Harry Evans.
Special Services for
Trinity Lutherans
Twn arterial aprvlrec will h
held at Trinitv Lutheran
church, three miles east of Mt.
Ansel on Good Frldav. Anrll
3,' the first at 10:30 a.m. and
the second at 8 p.m.
The choir will sing and Holy
Communion will b ctIchral
at both services.
Tlie festive Easter service
will be held at 10:30 a.m. pre
ceded by Sunday school and
Bible classes at 9:30 a.m.
A special Lutheran hour
Easter message may be heard
by the sick and shut-ins at
10:30 a.m. over KSLM in Sa
lem. The following will be re
ceived into membership with
the congregation: Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Anderson, Mr. and
Mrs. Calvin Mikkelson, and
Robert Wiegand.
A number of women Irnm
the local congregation will at-
tena tne upper Willamette zone
rally of the Lutheran Women's
Missionary League which will
be held at Springfield, Ore.,
on Tuesday, all day, April 7.
They will accompany Mrs. Er-
Win NickodemilJ Mrs. Rprman
Goschie and Mrs. Lynn Simon.
Macleav Amonff numhors
on the lecturer's program at
the Grange meeting Friday
night, April 3, will be musical
numoers Dy Hubert Asplnwall;
travelogue by Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Johnson. Aid an F.n.
ter parade of old-time hat and
wearing apparel.
Mrs. Celia Perrv and Mr
Harrv Martin. Jr.. will h in
charge of refreshments.
Plants of a wide varlptv
to be included in the plant
sale of Lincoln Commiinllv
Center association on Friday,
April a, at the location just
north of Fitts Market on Com
mercial St. in Salem.
Corsages made by a special
ist, and suitable for Kaster
gifts, will be sold.
Four-year-old rhododendons,
shrubs, lilies of the valley,
house plants, perennials of
many kinds and kitchen gar
den plants also will be sold.
Less than SO. vir cfto. 4h
land in ff of CnlumhiK ihe
Spaniards had penetrated what
is now New Mexico.
Starta Tonlrht - Open 6:45
John Payne . Arlcne Dahl
Sir Cedrle Bardwlcke
Peter Lawford Dawn Addams
-HOUR OF 13"
Crystal Gardens
Old Tlmt and Modem
Music by "Pop" Edward
Many Prizes
Flower Show
Jefferson The flower show
sponsored by the Woman's
club featured many flower
and flower arrangements.
Mrs. Frank Grimes received
three-first places in flower
arrangements, and sweep
stake in that division. Her
entry was an arrangement of
white daffodils and white
painted seed stalk.
Alfred Powell won all three
prizes in single entries In the
horticultural division; first
in single Dlotlma daffodil,
second on a Mullh Rouge, and
third on Beersheba . -The
Ditoma won a sweepstakes
Mrs. Alfred Powell entered
an arrangement ot green
daffodil in a green container,
which won a red ribbon.
Attra c tive arrangements
were shown by Mr. Grimes,
one wa of rose colored
camellia and Silver driftwood
in a low container. Another
was a grandiflora camellia
and dusty miller in a . flat
metal bowl. Each were given
blue ribbons.
Mrs. Alfred Powell received
blue ribbons for her tall ar
rangement of daffodils and
red tulip. Mrs. George Mills
received a blue ribbon also
for her red quince blossoms
in a metal bowl. Red ribbons
were received by Mrs. Alfred
Powell, Mrs. 'Helen Caywood,
and Mrs. W. J. Looney and
white ribbons to Mrs. Maud
In the horticultural division
in the division of one to three
flowers, Mrs. August Hinz and
Mrs. Helen Caywood each re
celved a first; Mrs. George
Mills, Mrs. Helen Caywood,
and Mrs. Maud Epley and Mrs.
Helen Caywood each received
a second and Mrs. Maud
Epley, third.
Mrs. George Mills and Mrs.
Helen Caywood won seconds,
and Mrs. Maud Epley third
for Doffodils.
Mrs. Alfred Powell won a
third on primroses. Mrs. Geo
rge Mills on blue hyacinths
Mrs. Helen Caywood, first for
camelia; Mr.' Alfred Powell,
white Hyacinth; Mr. ' Ned
Stephenson, second on Camel
lia; Mrs. A. B. Hinz, second
on magnolia.
In the children's horttcultu
ral division, Julia Ann Goin
won first on her dish garden;
Martha Ann Wynd, first on
flowers in a water color box;
Johnny Caywood, second on
a pot of Wandering Jew.
Mrs. W. J. Looney, first on
her dish garden and J. J. Den
son first on a pot of red
Heather. ...
Gifts were given to the two
sweepstake winners and the
special prize was won by Mr.
Jack Hennlngson of Salem.
The program during the tea
hour wa two solos by Miss
gtart Tonltc (Wed.)
In Technicolor
Richard Conte
Buperclne Color
Frl. Ir Bunn. Nile!
Virginia Mays
Steve Cochran
In Color
Bowery Boys
moni a.aoso
Linda Darnell
William Bendlx
- In Technicolor
Georie Brent
r)QNt S.4T
Richard W Id mark
Joanne Dry
Jan Sterling
Carle to a Carpenter
Two Chillers!
Boris Karloff
James Ellison
S'C iss nOM?7829j
Gates Open 6:45 f
Show at 7:15 f.
Wednesday, April 1, 1953
Awarded in
at Jefferson
Jennie McGuire, accompanied
by Mrs. Gilbert Looney. Mrs.
Bess Phillippl of Scio, judge!;
of the show, spoke on bow
she' made her decisions and7
on Easter and way of making"
Easter decoration.
An arrangement of pink
and yellow snapdragons in '.
chrystal bowl, a gift of the
"Flower Basket" in Salem,'
centered the Tea table.)
Chrystal candlelabrum, hold-'
ing yellow tapers were on
each side. Mr. C. J. Thurston '.
and Mrs. James G. Pate -poured.
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176 North Liberty
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