Wednesday, April 1, 195S DENNIS the MENACE WORE THE fWTO IN THEIR FAMIIV !? FOR RENT APARTMENTS FVBNISHID 1 bedroom apartment. Clo to state offices. Phone 4-5578. Jp7 CXOBI IN, furntahed bsehelor apsrt mtat, kltohenette, utility furnUhed. Kstsonsble. One or two men Phone 4-eaw. JP7B- MIW PACIOU8 spL One bedroom. Ranee, refrigerator, iarbua aenrlqe. . $50.00. Close-in fiiburban. Business 7 couple reference. Box 14, Capital CLOSE IN, nice modern t-room furnlah . ed apartment. Adulte onlr. Phone - 3t4fi0. Jp83 t ROOM around floor apartment. Only W. Lady preferred. 645 Perry. jp78 NEWLY BEMODELEO furnished apart '. ment, 3 room and baUi, 4A. 380 So. . 14th, -l2. Jp7 fttl-BOi 1 ROOM furnished apartment, Including refrigerator. Cloie In North. . let Burt Plena, 379 N. High. Phone 1-4047. jp7B FURNISHED t ROOM apartment. 850 Oak St. jp7l t ROOMS, Jurnlihed, and bath. Outside entrance. 406 So. 31it. Phone 8-6867. 4 ROOMS Nicely furnlihed, quiet , neighborhood, 1 block east Memorial hospital. BOS So. summer. Jp78 BEAUTIFUL fumUhed apartment. Pre fer permanent resident, 444 N. Cot tage. Phone 3-1887. Jp" S-ROOM FUBNI8HED apartment. 494 So. Winter. Jp7B S-ROOM partly furnished apartment, private entrance, fenced yard with epace for garden. Adulte. 1640 N. Lib erty. JpT9 LARGE FURNISHED Apt. S roomi. 1 block to capltoi buUdlnti. Adulte only. Phone 1 -ma. JpBa W. SALEM -Bmdil 3-rm. unfurn. apt., near cannery & hue. Phono 21009. - ipsa VERT ATTRACTIVE court apartment, 3 rooms & bath, electric range and re frigerator furnished. Oil heat. Com munity TV aerial available. 194 So. 17th St. Phone 3-81M days, or 3-3716 after t p.m. Jp79 ETRBAL furnlihed apartments, good loeatlon. Inquire H. I. Stiff Furniture. Phone S-fi-105. IP ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED upper floor, on oreek. TV antenna. Adulta. 190 Wil low. Phone 37491 or 30507. Ipso ROUND FLOOR front, 1 rooms, bath, I roome, bath; Me B. Com'l. 1p7' Lee Apts. Salem's Moat DLsttnEUlsbed 'Address roUowlnc rental! ean bt shown now: l-Bdrm. ATalttble Mow UO.OO 1-Bdrm. Available Now 17.00 War luxury UrlnK at. moderate rates call at m w. Winter St. Ph. 4-1641. jp. t BOOH furnished apartment, $39, and ISO. Also 1 room apartment for em ployed woman, tao. Phone tMOi. ft7B LOST & FOUN D LOST " WELL DRILL bit on Bo. Hirer Road, near Roberta, about 4 lonl. Threaded on one end. Aproox. S00 lbs. Reward. Phone I-7MI. k71 MISCELLANEOUS BES-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVB t KOVB TODRSOELP ; SAVE ,tt '. PICKDPS STAKES VAN TEXACO STATION II OOURT BT. PHONE 1-1911 AOS STEVENSON and AL HEPPORD m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST OASES ' DR. HARVEY SEMLER, DENTIST Rdolph Bids.. State v Commerolal Sta. SALEM PH. I-III1 ra SALXU SAND GRAVEL COMPANY Contraet Work Road Clearlni Slhlnt -Sewer and Basemen! Equipment Rental IHtohlns by the Pool Phone Days 3-9401 area. 3-4411 or 1-7411 Salem, Oreion a BUILDING MATERIALS SLASHED! Ho.,1 Color Shekel, they !lt....tt8 Bath Tubs, first trade ise.00 Plywood, direct from mill, oheap. Overhead laraie hardware 117.15 CAMPBELL BUTLDTNO SUPPLY M. .Center near Prultland. Ph. 3-8254 ms80 SPRING IS HERE Build Now and Savel 4iS-Ve" Shoetrock 11.10 Sheet III H" Sheetrock 11.00 Sheet 4il W Sheetrock 11.90 Sheet Knotty Pine Panellna 13 e Foot Oood Oak Ploorln 1110 M , S Stab Shinties 16.11 Square FREE DELIVERY OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YD. LANCASTER CENTER PH. I-1IM mao KEITH BROWN SPECIALS Close Out We ere eloslnt out our entire stock of Plumolne, Housewear - and Work Clothes, Overalls, shirts, pants at 35 olf while tbay last Keith Brown Lumber Yard FRONT 41 COURT STB. PHONE l-llll (We live S B Oreen stamps) ma Journol Wanf Ads Pay By Ketcham t haul BUILDING MATERIALS GARAGE complete on your lot t your epectflcatlone, u low u 111 per nontn, do aown UORKMAlf LBR. HDWI. ' OO. 14W State St. Ph. 3-1701 . . ma7l Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. Is. II inoises oler. IS: No. I, Inch, elear, 14. No op wood or . culle. Oomt and set tnero. Ted Muller, aalem-Xadependenoe Boftd. Pb. 0alm a-iisa. t me' DOORS DOORS DOORS Panels from 6,96 to 7.66. pack doors 3.90. Mahogany, vertical grain fir, and . birch slabs priced rUrht. . Many in stock, take your pick. , Oak Flooring, all grades. In heated room. Plywood - oodles A oodles - 4x8 or out . to your sue. s sneets in wow n 3.30, S.38. Carload In good rejects at everyday low price. , ..-.-,. I Roofing - Thlokbutts, Boll Hooting all of top quality. Shakes, VO Bev Siding $136.00 to 69.60. Cedar Panel 339.60, Hemlock panel 139.60 to 169.60. Wallboards, large variety, low as 1.40 sheet. Hardboards 1.90,4x8. Free Cheerful estimating service. Mod ernise with email monthly payments nothing down, come in and viiit. OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY Portland Road Lumber Yard nil Portland Rd. Phone 44433 at Price War Reverse trap toilets, complete ..$3540 30"XlB" Wash BasliM SI 7. 50 Cast Iron bath tubs, complete ,.M.M 40-sel. water beaters 72,60 New 4" sou pipe .70 New shower cabinets complete .$43.00 Medicine cabinet!, 14"x34" ....$7.80 800 sal. septic tanks ..$.50 Unpalnted cedar shakes 9 6.75 Painted cedar shakes .$ S.76 Overhead same hardware Ill.W Waterproof waU board, 4x1 1.90 Plywood. Interior exterior ... Cheap I tab oomp. roofing I 6.95 Steel taraie doors complete ....$85.00 No. 1 doors, WxW t e.BO New door .ambs , $ 1.80 Chicken home, barn windows. .Special New picture windows $ 1.00 New weatherstrlpped windows.. .114.30 New door locks 11.00 Sxterlor white paint sal, 3.5 New plasterboard. 4zl 11.40 HARDWOOD PLYWOOD Imported llsht woods and dark wood, V" and 4". Perfect for natural oolor wall paneling and kitchen oab lneti. Prices close to fir plywood. , C. G. LONG & SONS Phone 46051 a mile North of KeUer) Bl NURSERY STOCK SPECIAL! PLANT FLATS PIR (ED) tltto v CEDAR (KD 17tte ' Mlcl BOX & PALLET CO. MO Wallace Road - Ph. I-I1I9 n7l COME IN and im our line of .arden eup- puee, ahruba and beddlna plants. Roto tlller work. Middle Orover Nursery. 4930 SUverton Rd. mh7. NOeXTHWESTERN strawbarrr plants, now paien. i miiee h.w. oi wooaourn. J. C. Sloyar, Rt. 1, Boi SSI, Woodburn. mb7l For Sals MISCELLANEOUS Used Appliances ' No Down Payment SPRtNQ CLEARANCE USED WASHERS DEXTER WASHER La roe family aisa. new wrlnaer rolls, very clean.. 114.11 THOR WASHER Oood runnlnc condi tion, laraa lamlly al'e, l-lb..only I14.9S BASV WASHER Very clean, a real buy, laraa else, aood wrlnter 114.98 KENMORE WASHER Lane wrlnaar rolls, very quiet and dean, ooly.H4.lft GENERAL EL. I lbs., aleetrle pump. yery clean, eioellent eondltlon. 149.91 USED EAST SPINNER All white, very clean, looka like new, 1 yr. old. 119.9ft USED SPINNER Very clean, all white, very aood condition, only II9.9E USED EL. REPRIOXRATOR el RANOES No down payment ... 149.91 to 191.99 TinkhamGilbert .iii.uQ""u APPLIANCES 3M N. Liberty Phon. 3-0111 n0" CORONA PORTABLE Typewriter, aood condition, 111. 3-3148. 3010 Osborn Ave. n80 NEW Collapsable, adjustable aaael, stretcher bars, alsed eanvasea, ll.tO: 130 Kerr Jolly HaAsea, Maaon eeonomr Jens, 13.10, Ph. 30711. nTI- DROPLEAP TABLES, III M. USED MD8B. MART, 370 So. Liberty si, ibono M17L "' For SoU MISCaUNEOUS NEW SINGER ELECTRIC aaiaat eaetaet eewlraj BeaMoa -eaatratar. Kouad bokbln, knee or loot control, Omt, forvftrd ead meree. Now awehlne (nwaBM. SUM all aew vrloo. sinew las Center, in N. Oomrneretal. TOP KHL, tardea Mad. Phone 104. DHD PBIoiDalU. olMtrlo rasae. no ood eoadltion. Full iuo auveauue tlmar. Leaf Ins elate, will Meruit, tor 1111. lilt Bo. Hlih. Phone im n0 OTTOINT EANOI, Sl 40. 06ID M1R- CHANDIBI HART, 170 aM. UHIV. Phono 44171. nie ( PUCK walnut dlnlnf ML Pour Hit. bedroom lit, inoludlnf apnnta im maltreee. Drp, dm olrapo. Hoovor Vftcuum aloanor. , Curtola trtten.r. I-70M. loll' I-PC. BCDROOM KT. I1II.M. DBZD MERCUAND18K HART, 170 BO. UOertr 8., phono 40171. pT1 ADDINO MACBIN1. olaotrlo ( column with inbtraot. IM. Ylectru mloulfttor, 1171.00. Ph. So371. MO NIW AND UOd Ch.ln JAW (Ot Ml IBd ront. Alto oonololo ropur Hmci. VU1M Woldlni Rupplr Co. , W BCONUITIONID WASBIBI, Iron Mil. TJBED IfEHCTUNDOT MAKT. in ao. Ubortr at., whono M371. nil. IOH CHAIR, Ill.W. DBKD IURCRAN- DBfK MART, 170 WO. UMMT, PBOD. 0O71. n7l . USED SINGER .v 4roph.o4 trtftdlo Mwlng aoohlht, A-l oondltlon and lUftrftatood. Pull price 14.10 -slow Hwlni OonUr, 110 N. Conmorclol. S7I PLOOB LAMM, O.K. UBXD IIER- CHAlfDIOT MART, 170 Ro. Ubortr Rt.. phono 41371. n7B OX BCNK BEDS with nftttrHlM, 111. Itu Baktr. IU7. nil HARDWOOD BAI BID with ean't-w.t mattra. tJJ.SO. used MERCHAN DISE MART, 370 BO. Ubarty St.. phon. 4M71. B7I OOOD, CLEAN, USED dothlni, cheap, alw II to 11. Phono 3. nv' JW PRIQIDA1RE automatlo waahar, like new. tto N. nth at; n7 USED EINOER njKTTRIC PRATHER Wiarht porahla aewtnl maehlna. Looka like now. aawa forward and roverso. Hand hlnaea,. preuura foot ana outtonnola attachment. New ma. ohloa auarantca and frea aeirlnr. laa aona. Only 1111.10. Sinaar aewlnt cenier, iso if, com'l. nIO1 EXCELLENT BARNYARD fartlUaar. Ph. 11400 or 43107. B70 FARM llOME GARDEN Rottad manura, oompoati, tho aama oualitT aa lait jaar, for homo and vardan. Plaastonea. red lavft atona and other types for walli or aardens. Rua tlc cedar fendna: and trellla work. PhUUna Broa., Rt. I, Boa 4U, Salem. Ph. 4-3011. a SALXtl DIESEL Roller and ball bearlnaa for iroeka aoa trwwn. 9770 suverton Road. B TOP SOIL River slit and fill dirt, promptly delivery. Phone 1-1149. nT9 USED washlns machines, 19.95 and up. TEATEB APPLIANCE CO.. 3TB Che meketa. ' n ISO ALLOWED for your old water heater on tms new 43 -gallon automatlo elec tric water, heater. Ysater Appliance, 375 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. n" MeCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS, Ml Bdfe water, Wcit Salem. Balem LoBKlna aup plr. Ph. 4.1M1. . as SRT rorjLTRT FERTILIZER la Terr aood for lawna and easy to e pined. Br aack or yard. Phllllpa Broa., Ph. 43011. -. -R PEBTIXIKEB Pulverised, rotted manure, aeuverea anywnete. a-mie or i-wis. n7l Gravel and Sand Anythlns In travel, wholesale end retail. VALLEY SAND O RAVEL co. Ph. 1-4003. n Ceramic riBINO He per ou. Inch. i2iio Lioerty Kd. nil PKCB Westlnehouse sewing machines on all floor Samples. Save up to 40, YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Che meketa. n PLABTI-KOTI requires no waxing. Por your floors or linoleum. YEATKR AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n CIDAR TBI.EPHONI and electric polei, rence posts, Dean poets aoa stakes. Phillips Bros., Rt. I, Box 493, 3 mflea east of 4 Corner.. Ph. 4-3081. n REFRIGERATORS, NEW and used. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 37V Ohe meketa. n COW FERTaiZER 5 yard. 10 load. rnone 9WH, bts" DEEPFREEZE home freesers, YEATER AFPUANOE co., 370 Chemeketa. n REDUCED! $10 per day until sold. ' USED ONE I INCH DRUM TYPE PLOOR SANDER. 340 SHEETS OP SPEED ORIT PAPER. THIS PAPER ALONE IS WORTH 1110. Starting price Feb. 28, $57B APRIL 1, 278 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard PRO NT as COURT BTS., PHONE l-llll iwa dire bah areen memos n (-B.P. ODMON TRACTOR on rubber, with tooth barrow, plow, blade, tan dem dlae as Jr. aaed planter. 410 W. Locust, Stcrton. Ph. IS93. &7I HOSPITAL BED lor aele or rent. H. L. SUII Furniture Co. Phone 3-tlll. a NEW AND USED Cabinet Doors, Ua- hoaany, oak and tir; aome have tlals. Small table. Portable Pone with elee trlo blower. O. C. Gilbert, Ittl Pair trounde Rd. a7l LOVELT CHERRT red cut velvet daven port and chair. Very .ood oondltlon. Cau I-3ISI. n79 FOR SALS Wurlltiar Sptoet. Call I-7III ereninss. nr. toll AXMINSTER RUO and pad, like new. MB. Thor autometto waaher. A-l oondltlon. 7I. Ohlld's aMewaUt bit., pneumatic tires, 131. 3-iloi. nil APARTMENT SIZE aaa reuse. Apply 3110 Bo. 11th. 3-T1M. n7l OROANIO FERT1XIZER. Free of wead aeede, and odorless. Beck or bulk or ders delivered. Phone 9-1137. nil 0000000000000000000000000000004 Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Walnut meata, and walnuts In shell. Hlthest cash price on delivery. MORRIS KXORFEIN PACKINO CO. 400 N. front St., Salem Ph. 3-7133 na WOODRT WANTS Pianos. Phone 3-1110. na KIDS Nlaht crawlera wanted, Mo hun dred. 30303. na7 ELECTRIC 3-1110. RANGES. Woodry'a. Ph. na LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Lentths S' 4" or 16' 1". Dltmsttr r to 16". Sswrnlll, Lraathi II snd lonisr. Dlsmster 8" to 60". Top prices psld. Burkland Lumber Co. Turnr( Or. Phone 1131 SPORTING EQUIPMENT "BUT WTIFRB you act service." All new Jobnson outboard motors, auar anteed. Reaaonably priced. Salem Boat Houae, 100 Chemeketa. 3-0303. ncTO" FARM EQUIPMENT 1 BOTTOM DUO plow. New axel and beerlnts. IUO. Phone 3-olsl. able TRUCKS lilt DODOE 1 ton, with ran. 010x18 dueu. A-l ahepe. Phone 4-0813, or 4-3101. Ojdll THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Bale. Oregon AUTOMOatUS No Fooling! (Here's where YOU get your money' worth In t used car) 50 OLDS e-4oor aadaji $1395 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Whtro Chaaaakate Oow to Charon ,7. No Fooling! (Believe it' or not . . . here are real values) '47BUICK aadaaatto '. $695 SHROCK MOTOR CO., Whora Ohamakait Oaat at Obaroh 07H No Fooling! (Believe it or not . . . here are real values) '47 Hudson i-door aadaa $395 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Where ohemeketa Ooaa to Church 7. '47 OLDS 66 Club si haater, dan. Radio, Hydramatle - $845 ) LODER BROS. M Oaatar Phon. 1-1 49 OLDS 88 CSab coupa. Xrdramatle, Radio, parfaet haater, thrsoat $1495 LODER BROS. Center ' Phono l-77l 10 CHEV. COUPE Oood radio, heater, deiroster, motor aood condition, fair Ureal. 4-1353. Make oiler. Cell after 4. e.71 NEED A OOOD SECOND CAR? 1B3I Plrmonth crape, si.soo actual muei. OTenhauled and baa bad the beet ot care. Beat otter orer I1M, 31347 atUr I. ! S PLTMOCTB Club Coupe. Completely equipped. A-l oondltlon. um. eno N. River Rd. a7 PRIVATE PARTI WANTB TO BUY '4T to 'II paaaeniw oar, or will trade Wlllra acdan In A-l ahape tor oqultr. Phone 313SI. - , q7l UN CHEV. : door deluxe PleatUne. Power Ollde, fceater., Clean tsalde and oat. Private owner. I13M. oau U3, q7I 1M1 BUICK OONV-aood condition, fullr equipped. 1111 . nth. 3S09I after 3 p.m. qBS 1M CHEV. FLEETUNE 4-door. Radio and heater, onlr 33,000 rollea. Phone 1-7474. qas' 1M PACKARD 3-door, 1110 aa la. 1470 Chemeketa. - M' 1041 OLDS. S. 33nd. aedan, 10 month. 013 eo UM CHEV. U-TON Pickup, aood con dition. I3 No. Com'l. Can after 1:00 p.m. qlo SALE OB TRADE: -1000 oqultr in fullr wiulpped '48 Packard, for beat older oar or best cash offer. 3-1004. - QI0a IMS BUICK super 4 door aedan. New tires, new brakes, excellent. Phone 1-1333 after 1:30. qlo IMS MERCURY Monterey sport coupe, like new. Mercamatlc, radio, heater, Louis Elellnskl, Rt. 0, Box 330. Second Bouse Wast of Haael Oreen school. I3 Specialists IN GOOD USED CARS (We sell nothing but USED CARS it's our specialty!) 61 FORD $1095. Custom sedan. RAH, over ' drivs, white stds wall tirei, 1 owner, excellent codU- ( Hon throushout. 61 CHEVROLET .....$1845 Club sedan, RAH, ipark . Uni jet black flniah, onlr '" - 30,000 miles. 1 owntr real ly sltarpl 50 BUICK ...........$1995 Jtlv-Ura sedan. . RAH, sit . are nasi, beautiful 2-tone blue linlih. '50 CHEVROLET .....$1395 Club coups i btatsr, onlr 31,000 miles, 1 owner. 49 CHEVROLET .-. . . . $1195 Do Luxe 4-door sedan, KA H. new tlrei, eicellent con dition throush. A barsalnl s '48 CHEVROLET $1045 Aero Fleetline sedan, RAH, whits side wall tires, How Ins jet black finish ... here's a bit buy, the ear you've been looking for , - it's Ohitrrolrt's moil sought-after model. CAPITAL Auto Sales OHEMEKETA AT COMMERCIAL PHONE 4-1807 070 POR SALE '31 Pord fordor aeden, es. pnone etoei. 07e 41 CHEV. caster. good oondltlon. ion Lan- 7I IHI PORDOMATIO oustom de luxe, loeded with extras, 11431. 1300 under avereee for like quality. Ill kfaln. Independence. Phone 344. qS7 er. good rubber.. 11024 or make offer. Call 4-1310 after 1:10 p.m. 7la llie custom FORD aedan V-l, heater, low mileage, oleaa. I-3SI1. radio. Phone Mi NEW 1851 Chevrolet 4-door de luxe ee dan. ISM miles. Sell below list price. Call Salem 3-1171. 07i 41 PONTIAC, hrdrematlo deluge, new tlrea. new point. One awner ear. Can b. teen at 114 So. High. qlo 1147 BUICK SEDAN Clean, good oon dltlon. Phone I-H44 after 4. WILL MAKE lood deal on 1141 Chrysler Highlander. Bverr aeoeesorr, perfect condition. Will take older ear In trade. Call mil, aak for Del. 7. PLYMOUTH, good eondtloa, 4.4413. 1331 Aararae Are. Illl. AUTOMOIILES CONVERTIBLES , . at LEE'S 1948 PONTIAC "TORPEDO" DE LUXE '8 Complete engine overhaul,' new moonlight cream paint, Hydramalic, immaculate interior, nearly new top, fog lites, turn signals, radio, heater . . v tUSO 1947 BUICK SUPER - ' V Recent engine overhaul, yellow paint nearly ' : ' ' new top, electric windows, turn signals, radio, heater, sportlight . . . . . ........ , . . . . . . .1180 1947 DODGE "CUSTOM" . ' Fluid drive, radio, heater, turn signals, back-up lite, white wall tires, Imitation Cadillac hub, caps, fender skirts, twin sport lights. Has a very sharp interior, with customized leaded-in deck lid ....985 LEE'S 140 K. CHURCH , AUTOMOTIVE1 REPAIR BAVINO RADIATOR TROUBLE? Veller Motor Co. aaneru ww aoiro your proo lema and aava iron mon.r. Proa oat! matea, apoedr aorvloa. Center at Lib ert'. ' oo HEAVY EQUIPMENT roift SALE SO caterpillar with bladej, toed condition. Joe Sanderi, t miles south of Turner. Phone aiM Turner. ayotFoMafo. SPECIAL AUTO USED PARTS Motors, radiators, fenders, axles, bodies, gears, batteries, etc. Acme Auto & Truck ' Wreckers l 35SS Portland Road NEAR SAN SHOP DRIVE-IN PERSONAL I WILL not be reaponalble far anr dobta other than mr own. Mr. Steve or 1. II. Arteaia. : p80 ANYONE KNOWING, the wbereabouta of Harriet Jackson, aomeumaa known as Harriot! Jackaon, one time ot Salem, Oreion, If requeated to communicate with ih. underalaned. The Canada Permanent Trust Cora panr 1171 Scarth street, Rea Inst, Sas katchewan, Canada. P7I ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Qroup No. 1. 3011 X. Commercial. Ph. 3-9411 or 3-4837. P91 FINANCIAL i?i'-'(lf'"riT--TiTCTl I A LOANS UP TO $1500 on Signature. Furniture, Car AT PERSONAL Its "yea" promptly to employed men or women. 1-viilt loan . . . phone tint. You iclect best payment dato. Between payday loans. Phone, write or come In TODAY! Personal Finance Co. 105 S. HIOH BT., BAXJOI tste License Nob. B-2i, M-IBS Loans over 1300 up to 94800 and up to 10 months to repay mads by Personal Finance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial .Loan Companies Act of Oregon. rlOS STATE FINANCE CO. 5 SIMPLE WAYS .TO END TOUR MONEY WORRIES 1 Furniture Loan - 3 Auto Loan J LiTBitock Loan 4 Co-Maker Loan frBIrnatura Loan Maximum Small Loan ISM) Maslmum Auto Loan $800 167 fto. Hllh It. Phone 3-1131 !! M-aaa rea NEIO CASH Must sell my contract on 10 acres with two homes, in Jefferson. Give Insured title and deed. Unpaid balance 14810. Take 14000 cash. Pars back 140 per month lnoludlnr t Interest. Bee mv asent, Ben Oolbath, Realtor. Dial 44494. r78 6ES UB FOR FARM, CITY OR ACRBAOl IiOANS-BKST OP TERMS WE BUY Real estate m or teases St contracts State Finance Co. in so. Hieh St. Ph. j-iui ADTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 112 South Church Parking a-Pleotr Ph. 1-3417 Lie. No. M-110, S-114 PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terma On Laraer Loans Lone and short Time Peymente ROT H. SIMMONS 131 So. Commercial Bt. Ph. 3-1111 CUCUMBERS WANTED - FEW MORE CONTRACTS AVAILABLE ' FOR DELIVERY AT WOODBURN SEED FURNISHED FREE Libby, McNeill & Libby P.O. Box 138 Woodburn, Oregon AUTOMOIttiS PHONE M527 FINANCIAL 5 Interest It you liate Idle funds seeking In vestment, then you are the type of nerion to whom we can be of service. Por over Twentr-flve Yea re we have been helping people In this community find profitable work for fchetr money. During thti period we have promptly paid W eeml-annaal Interest payments totalling many Thousands ol Dollars. We ..I currently paying i INTRREIT on funds from $500 to 9&000. General Finance Corporation 138 . COsUOBCIAL ST. Salem Oregon ,. Phono I-IIH Lie. S-1JJ ana H-33S and ' ww n aururtNe. ' INSURANCE AND LOANS ' -":V! Hear "Top Traaes" ';; U:l Dallr KSLM 1390 MM. OENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS IH So. COBuaerelal SI, . Tel. l-llll NEED W,3M lor 1st rnorvawa loan, Interest, xaceiienl dims, ai uaai co., Realtor, loll PorUand Rd. Phone Mill. r 4r000000000000000000000fWx HOUSE TRAILERS NEW MM U' Marllowar houae trailer, usmI. 133. dlecounL New arte. 13086, eale price I33M. Mr. Thorataldt at Lena Las. Trailer riaaa, alter I p.m. , U7- POB SALC OB TRADE an bouee-iT trauar house. Bot water, cvooovt aue, apt. alaa roirlsorator, ram., alHpa four. 1771, terns. 3311 Lee. . Phone 45370. IMIP lina LAKEWOOD. li-tt. lorn. eU-alum- Inum, excellent oondltlon. Ph. Black 3S1, SUverton, i I IQUITY ion 31-It, Ubarty bouse trailer, Ph. 4-0118. taao MACHINERY WISCONSIN aaa online with oluteh, SH h.p.l Oliver walalng alow. Both bow. SOU N. Ith. T7e DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINES .Ml makes med, machines sold, rented, repaired, noon, ass uourt. rn. mtu. BU1XDOZ1NO Bulldoslni road. Clearlni ttetb. Vlritt Busker, 1010 Palrview. fb. 1-1. 08B BUILDING MATIBIAL O. W. KLANO Wrecklnt Co. Builders oheap supplies. J-75 srsnlnts. o CASH BEOIBTIEI tmtant dellrery of new RCA eaab misters. All makes, sold, noted, re paired. Boenf 459 Court. Pb. J-sTTI. DBESSMAKINO Alterations, hemstitching, buttons, bueaieo covered, buttonholee. Mrs. H. M. Allender, I-HU. , oao DBrVINO IN6TEDCTION Learn to drlre he "Xaay Drive" war. Call or aae Mr. SnelUni, Veller Mo tor Co., Salem, Phone 1-1147 or 4-1074, EXCAVATING 8.n otjen 4k Son. Exoavatlnt, srad lnt, land olearln.. Phone I-10S0. Ml FURNITURE BErTNISHINCI rurnltura reflnlahlni, repaired. EoV ar Brook, 441 Norway at, Phone 1-1917. on INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS Fork-lift trucks. Inside and outside work. Hrst.r, Clark, Mobile Hit, 1000 and 4000 lb. maohlnea. Br dar, week or month. Ph. I-IIII. Capital Cltr Transfer.' a INSULATION Insulation, waatheretrlpe, aaraena. Pre. .stlmatea. T. Pullman. Phone l-tMI. i oil MATTRESSES Capitol Beddlai, renoratea. Pull Una new mattreaaea. Ph. 1-4011. . OPPICE FUBNITUBE A SDPPUES Desk chairs, flies, flllne supplies, aafae, dupltcatotrs, auppllee, desk lampa, type writer stands. Roan, 411 Court. o" SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septlo Service. Tanks .leaned. D'rooter oleana sewers, drains. Phone 3-1461. 'all Hamel'a eervke. 1-7404. aeptlo tank. Guaranteed aleanad, Una work. Phono Sewer, aeptlo tanke, drama .leaned. Bo-to-Rooter Sewer aervloe. Phone 3-1117. o TYPEWKITEBS Smith, Corona, Remlniton, Royal, Un derwood aortablea, All makea need machlnu. Bepalra rait. Roan, 411 court, o" TV Selee, aervloe, Antenna. 1170 Lana Ave. Phone 4-1933. ol VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY . Canfleld'a Laundry, Repairs, Refinlsh- lna. 1440 B. 13U1. Ph. 4-B4Q1. P10K-UP, Delivery. - Ol0" WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners, Industrial floor waxing, houseolaanlng. Phone 3-3337. 317 Court. LODGE SALEM LODOI AJt: AM., Wd. Apr. 1. SUtcd corrimunlcatiow. Address. Mu sic. 7:J0 VM, . V Lodges IV op nnuliDic rant:: Itf V.. vhale. 144 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph.2-5655 , UNITED REPAIR CO-255 N. LIBERTY ' Authorized Repair on All Major Applisnces and All SmaU , Appliances Guaranteed ServicePickup and Delivery oa , ;.-. , Large Appliances ', t ; , Ivan Boyse and Walt Claus, Owners v APPLIANCE SALES SALEM LIGHTING A W.IANCI CO., 1S3 N. HIGH ST. "BETTER LIGHT FOR BETTER SIGHT" ' New Store Across from Court House Square Small Appllaneesr-iaghtinr; Fixtures ol All Kinds AWIIIIIGS-TEHTS-TARPS Ph. 3-4788 ' SALEM TENT & AWNINO CO. 729 N. LIBERTY . ';, Canvas Goods ol Every Description " 'ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDFR" ' BRICKWORK FRANK'S SERVICE INSIDE and OUTSIDE Fireplace, patios, planters, brick steps, etc. Also patch , - plastering. Chimney tops. '? ALL WORK GUARANTEED CHINESE FOODS CHINA CAFE 205S FAIRGROUNDS RD. 5-1'? ' SpewWItotag in ChlMM a Aiiwrleeui loottt ; Featuring "Good Foods Well prepared" - Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Dinners and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC MORTARLESS ILOCK CO 14th I. HOYT . . Approved - Reinforced - Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks t Manuf acturiv of Mortar Blocks Interlocking Blocks - In Pumice ir Concrete - Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSERIROS. 11S5S.UthST. . Oarden Tillers - Power Mowers pressors - Sanders - Plumbing Tools - Power and Hand Mower v v Sharpening - Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS CAPITOL PLOOR COVERINGS 117 5. HIGH ST. - s Armstrong St Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Tile . ' . Residential, commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets ; ; Estimates Gladly Given! IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO. 1810 UNA AVE. - . , - Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe ' Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING ' Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOTORCYCLES , Ph. 2-1423 SHROCK MOTORCYCLES SALES 3007 PORTLANP RD. American It British Motorcycles - Indian, BSA, . Matchless, Triumph -Cushman Scooters If It has Wheels and a Motor we can BUY, SELL or HX IT" MOVING & STORAGE Ph. 3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER ' SALEM-PORTLAND MOTpR FREIGHT ' ' r "A Complete Shipping Service" ' Office 1120 N. Liberty Whse. 290 S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., S31 COURT R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN ROAD 1174 Edgewater St OR 3-5769 OILING ; WEST SALEM ROAD TWEEDIE FUELS OILS , OILINQ STANDARD OIL DEALER Painting Contractors Ph. 3-4783 F. O. REPINE CO. 2585 PORTLAND ROAD Residential, Commercial, Spray er Irtish WE GO ANYWHERE . . . ANY SIZE JOB Call Us for Estimates and Color Planning Service PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON SROS. PLUMBING ft HEATING Repairing , 155 Chemeketa ' Contracting Residential " ; Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS We give Penny Saver Stamps ' , THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph.3-3137 130 S. liberty 310 Court, Downtown 2440 trow, Mtdkil (eater 24-HOUR SERVICE . s . Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Dally ' ' V '8:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P.M. and 6:00 PM. to 9:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holidays Radio Repair ;&ir Ph. 3-7577 MITCHELL'S- Radio-Television 1880 Stat Motorola ' Dealers Pick up TELEVISION PH. 4-2271 H EIDER'S RADIO & TELEVISION - 393 N. HIGH Home and Auto Radio end Television Specialists In the WUlamette Valley for 28 Years SERVICE INSTALLATION - SALES Pr 19 Tbe navy ol the Byxsntint empire used Greek Hre In Bitacklng. the enemy and seine students believe soma ol this material was explosive. - Ph. 39412 Ph. 26545 Ph. 2-6596 TANKS Ph. 37324 - Paint Sprayers - Air Com Ph.4-5751 Ph. 3-5584 Ph. 24151 24 HOUR savicE Ph. 3-9123 for S"T General Electric and Delivery