Part 18 FOftSAU HOUSES So. Village 100x115 corner lot, with treei, . paved street, city water. View to east Nice for daylight . basement. One of the few ' lota left in this lovely new dla ' trlct, located on Helen Ave. and Oak Hill Ave. $1850. PH. 45108 21153, OWNER RAVE A UIROE FAMILY? Mm that 4 seed room horn which hn 14x30 living room with A Hreplace, Buultted. 110,000. P. H. A. or O. L ' t. A. UoOLAOrUN REALTOR 4M Center it. : 1-WM, Sv. 1-10 071 . 1740 DOWN, ItO A MONTH . This li A BOY. 1 bod room, Blot llr- - Man. huriwDott noon. ItlU. . torntr tou. itrettt paved. HIM. in IT. I. A. MtOLAUPLIN REALTOR 444 Ctnttt St. 1-A411. Bv. -" All" SUBURBAN BAST. (7(0 down. Mar lease with option 10 but. ruu pnw e w. How I bedroom with attathtd bimi Phone 4H35 titer 4 ph. MODERN I ID KM. BOMB Oo Bui Una. now 100 o. Sail obcar BCDnurmoM with JOHN 1, DAMN REALTOR 4M N BUli Ph. 41451, Bve. Milt WE KJH GOOD UBTIWOJ MO' T OWNIR Co.r ill 3-bedroom home, with flreplaoe. t Moot! from BeUer MhooL Lot 701114, t-tlt or s-nu. oie' laUVINO SALSM. Must Mil l-bedroom html m ticellent reildentlel dlilrtct Umbo l-IW. Ml Roll Bt. am BIDSiiiiM furnuhad homo, br wBor. Wt S. Mtdiion, atlwtoa, Onion. Both with ohown. Utllltr loom, ittMhed urai with wood mil . flrolfc .toreta. Garden. SOI Ihll tt mm wh. o. o. Murrr. t7i . IQura TZLLAOK, 1 bedroom, dlnlnt room, iihuiii aooi, nropiaot, tuio sutlo itiutr room, attach, double arett, Pulm an both, fenced back rerd. ratio, ihrabi, ktdgoi. rbona 1-4741. 8o R5 bedrooms, unfurnished aisle, aatofl. Low down PArmint, Vk evert. Reiser district. Mil Chihelli Dr. 0' OWNER'S SACRIFICE aoo that modem 1-bdrm. homa with Mrowoou zioora, Attained terete, oil . floor furnace. Mica lot CO X 130. Close an and can ba handled lor leu than L. E. Klumpp, Realtor Ml Portland Bd. Ph. 1-W4I TO. l-IIII AM LOOaOXO POX A KOMXf Por aale: 3 bomea In 3400 Hock. worm opurcn. v - ; oea1 lAcail of tood (round with email. modern home. Terma. Out Multar rand. B. I, Box 4t. S3 IBBDBOOMS. baaement. oil furnace. fireplace, bulltlne tAlore, fenced-in rard. aaraae. 30401. eM- BT OWNXE, I room homa, baaement. aawduit furnace, 90974, 1100 Boon St. Ph. l80. al03- Km SAXS bp owner. Two bedroom houee. Phone 4-47S0. all k BSDBOOM bouae, cloae In, alto I room apartment for rent. Call before I after . 4-I44I. aJl WT BUILDM l-bedroom, hllh acbool. 465 Oxford. Ateo .DOWW, io per month bun thla amau j rme. ae 9mm on book ui m. Wall located for J tore bui. Pull price I3)0. Hurrr. o. W. Beeve, Realtor, laoo Ulailon. Ptt. I4M0. Bve. 10334 or 43045. A7t 44 A. on ede of ettr. Buntklow type hae. with lino apaeloua rma. Xdwd. floore, fireplace, beautiful ahade treee a ahrubs, 0000. C. W. Reeve. Realtor. i8o Miulon at. Ph. I4M0. Bre. itiu or 43041, KIW 1-B.B. Kbit. Mearlr 1000 ft. floor . opacA Auto, ou heat. hdwd. me., unr, vpetalra, pared at. 41110. C. W. Reeve, . Realtor, 1140 Mleeloa at., Ph. 14400. Bve. 41041 or 10511. 071 MOTEL-! 1-B.H. unite, 1 1-IJ. unite, excellent aondltton, alee location, beautiful view. Owner win eonatder acme trade la the roller. Price 131,5110, C. W. Reeve, Realtor, 1(00 Ulaelon St., Ph. 140(0, Bro. 4385 or 10531. a7' ietAVINO SALEM Muet eeU 1-bedroom homo at excellent roeldentlal dlatrlot. Phono 1-77(7. Ill Roee at. a71 ItlNOWOOD BEiaBTS We're leavlru today. APRIL POOLI Be back Mon day, can Tlrelnle, t-VM. e7l POR SALE LOTS CREEK LOT, n X 130 11000 noLLrwooD . x loo usto XORTH POURTB, (1 X 100 13600 aTtUKTRBAN. eloie In, treat, 1 x 130, 77 X 130, Both 13500 aTOBPRBAH, N.X. 4 lote ..11(0 to 1400 (ASM 1 AH STREVF RBALTT, Realtor! 1741 Center street Phone -ui aalO ion OOelXt. Build Anrthtni (hat rou wlah. 1550. (10 Down. (10 month. l-Wll, Eva, 1-4(13. aa7l' SOT, KINOrfOOD, I block Dallaa HUhwar, two. OAneral Real Batata, H( Center, Phone 1-1311. call' ioT8, ii( DOWrr, (15 month, with water And electrlcltr. Cloae to (tore and : oenow. oeneral Real BaUte, 35S Cen ter. Phone 1-1319. eill. POR SALE FARMS Homeseckers Agency VERY SPECIAL 34 Mtee. (Hod Taller aoll. Nearlr all (tUable. rm. bouae. Contlnuoue foun- ttlca, etc. Barn and outbulldlnea Between atlverton and Salem. See hie (7100.00 Tne Homueekers Agency aTTLVERTON, ORKOON M0 POR SALE ACREAGE PTTB ACBJBB, 150-PT. PROHTAOR Mr two houaea, located Lueaetar nve, (utaoie xor nouatno center. would eenalder houee in Salem on eai. nil price aiabel Need- hem. Reel Eiuto Broker, ph. Mill, or eall at Allen Jonee otfloe. Ill B. Bleh St. M7( e'ee'oeie'e'eoe'ee. REAL ESTATE Industrial Site Almoel (wo tun aorea very alooo to auto Street. Thla properly le oo the market for the flret lime. Bonthen PaoUU roUroad I pur (vaJUblA Boned for nar tndaewlal wo. Aprrrontmaterr M0 feet trontaia en pAted altr (treek ROB'T B. SULLIVAN REALTOR MM Portland Road ph. 4-4 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 CLAISiriED ADVEBTIHTNO . Per Word, S HAeet lie Per Word d Per Word, I Umee lo. Por Word, 1 month ttt Nt Refude Mlnlmnm M Werde. BIADEBS In Local Newt Celeron OalTi Per Word le M In Imam It Warte T Pises All In Bams Data Pspcr, Phont I-I4M iMiorw 10 SJit. REAL ESTATE ; CITY COUNTRY HOME Thla la an Ideal family homo with 4 bedroom! and besem.nt, double terete, tt aero lot, itvelr maple ahade treei and t lardener't paradiie, place for the children and their pete, even room for the poor. Thla home lo well located In neighborhood rou will bo proud to be a part of. Call for Appointment. Call Tlbbotu. FULL BASEMENT Thle Bice f-bodroom homo with full basement, aawduet furnace, love, lr back rard. with flab pool and back rard fireplace, eicectlonallT well located. The homo la not sew but ballon rou will aaree that t r0S It's a baraaln. 2-BEDR00M - SUBURBAN - FULL DIN- . .. ING ROOM - $8900 ' This l-yttNOld suburban U on slot Ian lot tntt U Juit chock full of alccr ttilou. Hu hArOwood flora, nctal cublnaU la wdl-crrutMl ' kltcbcu. XuU-HMd dlnbur room, kit Uvlns room, bwlroomc arc l-re loU ' t 10M1 ipmc attMhcd mimc. Street U ta&rd furfMc 0U Jim. . LARGE 2-BEDROOM - $12,000 t-bedroom, mnlH llftov room, nice fireplace, blf Uniav room, win '-' pluned Utchen, big ombl&aUoti utility end pier room, double p.omb taf, ettftched mut, IiaiuUUob, weetoeretrlpplnf, tmincdlftte iwcmwIob. urrrl TbU won't lut. HOME OF THE YEAR f.aodroom aubvrbaa. northeaet, near Waahlnc ton ochool. lilt Cheater . Are. Kaa butde utuilr, Attoeho daaraoe, auto. heat, lote of bullt-lna, r' well M fact deep. PuU price wooo. Terma. CaU Chat. 3-BEDR00M - KEIZER $6900 tffew 1-bedroom home la Xtiier, 1 block from echool. Home li not fulta v flnUbed, hai hardwood floore and auto. heat. Price li only $9900. Better - hurrr on thla. Terma. Call Cbel, 2-BEDRM. SUPER DE LUXE SUBURBAN ' ' Thla loMty home hai all the prerequUitei for better llvlnff nice fire- , ' Uee, lane kitchen, uniuuallr Unte utility room, which would be Ideal ' for chlkl'e playroom, attached taraae. ThU Uitlnv you ahould eee. Price ltW. f blocka from eehool, 1 Mock from elty tramp. Tot appointment to eee, eaU Dale Raybura, NEW 2-BEDRM. AND DEN SUBURBAN If rou Itko a dtp homo In the country, don't fall to Me thle lorelr borne. Brlek front, oorner lot, olrr water, reload fireplace, 1100 aq. ft. Thla la wen priced At 011,700. Pot appointment to eee, call Dale Barhurn. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) MM K. pHol . . Offko ptionee: l-Mt or 4-17M voaJmc phonaa:' Tlbballa (-loM flm l-wn Ohet REAL ESTATE 'HANDY-MAN'S SPECIALS $2,500 .. 4 Corn em dlitrlot. i-b.r. homo, (OilKI lot oweo to aonooi. raw nowa. . .. $3,950 " . 1 .' Clean 1-b.r. homo tnitde altr. Oarue. Very nice rnrd with ahrubo. Thla homa at a cood ralue. $4,500 Duplex, north. I aothe, wired for ranee, laundrr trara, olean. Can be need u one-fftmllr elwelllnff. 91,000 owa. $5,500 Leie-Dunt 1-b.r. soma. Attached fa. rue. Hardwood noore. LooaUd ... noedi redMOratlu. $5,590 .' alem Bafchte Slat, l-ioom altracUve home. Oar ace. 70s lee lot. A dandy, but netda reaecoratlne. MOO down. STATE FINANCE CO. " REALTORS '7' MT a. Blfh" Ph. 1-4131 vol. eejl o. T. atwmev Oo-o. Broker, i-noo, or atAnin arowB. i-nii. 9lf 4 Acres, 2 Homes Will Divide 1 A. with l-bedroom race, mow, other I A email houee. I MX. The 4 A. lor (9500. Roomy Home Kew l-bedroom. Double aaraei. 114 bAlha. Lane lot, aloee to acbool. 114,100. . Englewood District l-bedroom. Mlcekr .lAndaoaped. eloee (o etorea ehooli and enopplne. WS00. Cell Part Baal. Home on Creek Oloea to Capitol ahopplni Center. Klee LR. DH, Plreplaee, 1 bedrooms, PuU bacemont. Oil furnace. Thlt le bur for (11,390. 18-A. Farm , All In tult, Modem 4-bedreom home. Lota tf sood water. Nlet eeltlnt on a roada. . All ha wheel crop m. 10,109. Low Down Payment Older l-bedroom home on 1 beret. Oarwt, work ohop (nd ehloken bouae. mi off Hl-war (0B north. (3900. Art Madsen Realty MM stete St. Ph. 1-150. l-dll ctO' win (IIIMIUM (M4455U (HllttUt MM1IIIII - MM4IMMUMI41 IUUIIUIUII tetlllMIMIIMIItm 1IHIHIII K IIMUIIU List Buy leieeeii h (IKH k SULLIVAN 1 AIU-w4raea borne. loMted mUea freea (VaVem. A Ireut Mream nu litht by ibe pack tfocr and on sowa ttrouee the wooded play aretv. Thle MtNit la rteht em e paved load ledm to tavB, Vrtee te 110,00ft. CbU Bob DftTta, eree. ph. I7te, MOB HHX-4 kedreoau. 1V4 Meehe from MeKlaler eehool. Am oMer type houee with lane roetni to one of Mean beet Mawhbortioode. Prke 1000. Vail Oarl Amdt, eree. ph. V17, aVCftai nrjav-Kcre to the acre- at that will trow the pee totfdea u bhe y alley. ilt loaea at poce'e Land toi. The convenient 1-B.R. hone on the proper ty haa e41 beat and a double feme. V pen are teoktnc for acre ae you'll want ee thu. prke MO0O. Can M BrUtoL, oree, ah. i-eaie. t-BaTDROOal hone to the new bieh otiooi dist, Tbu e a nice houee with a rumpua rceea, I firepioei and a eorered patio for that outdoor ummer llrino. a waaher. dryer aateeaatte dtohwMhcr eo with tfeli houee at only llo.TeO. trail Carl Aradt, ROB'T B. SULLIVAN Realler WO PorUtnd Retd Br. OfTlte. M7 K. RUrb Ph. 4-U1I Ph. 4-54M c00" ONE OP THE BUT 40 icrt tracU tn Central Oree on, ill tnder Irrualloo tnd In alfalfa and permanent paeture, I bedroom, modem home, barn, milk BKvuee. iie.ouo, witn each oi will eooild.r form In vlclnltr of la torn at Independence tp to 111,000, in tcrei with 144 water, H tcrei loon, tea titaua, it teree new tlfelfe, XI acree perroeq.nt paeture, levelled ano toroer-iirippea lor ellKlent irrl tallon, bit elitern. 1 alork ponde, Irrl. latlon reiervolr, l-bedronm home, new, tmell barn. Urn eow nhed, lent maehlni ebed. with 115,000 oxen. MtDSTATB REALTY CO., IM MlnneKla Ar, Band, On. t REAL ESTATE S-TM Sale Rarburn 3-304 REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WE MEED UBTTNOB. PARTICO. LARLT HIOHER PRICED HObm AMD ALL TYPES WITH LOW DOWN PATMEKTS. Possible 4-Bedroom Cloaa In near atatthouae. Room to Add 1 bedrooma upetalri. Flnmblnt ronthed In uMtelre alao. Inaulatod. l-ar (aratt. 1 blk. to eehool And but. PuU price (11,500, Most Gorgeous and ', Outstanding 4 lovely ltrio bedrooma with bath room, ttt. In addition. It hat V extra half bathe. Gonooua wall-to-wall car pets. TJnuaual flreplaoe In llvlnt room plua Terr nice one In the lovelr ptrtr room In baiement. PoreM air oil fur nace, l-oar tarare. Imnlatod and weatberatrlpped. One of the flniat homee on the market And the price kt atar ( ; ECONOMY ' Homo In tulle Diet. It'i not new but It haa a fireplace and to In very aood yepalr. inmiated. Hardwood noon, Att. game. Bue front door. Deep lot, Price to only $79d0. You Can't Spend a Nickel on ttiia home, xt'a very clean, i nea roome with an .unflntehed flat, fire place. Acre lot. amall greenbouie. chicken house. Good well. Bue front door. Several fruit and walnut treat. Near eehool. Full price only 011,600. ' CALL FOB MR. CRAWFORD, TCVK. PR. 4-B070, Or IfR, KICKHNfl, EVE. m. d-5404. If so aniwer, eall 4-2240. BUSINESS BLDG. 3 ventalf. potential Income 1100 per no, In toed repair. Corner lot. Owner may oonclder a rood contract at part payment. Full price $10,000. Terma. MONEY-MAKER Rental unite or motel, whichever you detlro to operate. Bach unit atrlctly modern with i bedrooma, full bath and kitchen. In the heit of re pair. Inneriprlni maUreuei. Refrli oratore. Rxtremily low operatlni- ex penie. Liberal tenna. Full Price e0,000. You'll ba aurprtsed at the Income, Net $10,000 Per Year on thto almoet downtown apt houie. Vacanclee almoet unheard of. Modern In all reapecta. Completely furnlehed. Walklni dlatance from etetehouee. tdberal ttrmi. Full price flO.OOO. CALL FOB DAN JBAAK, BVX. PH. 4-3531. n no anawer. au e-aaei. 6WACRE TRADE A very deilrable property. Beit of aoll. Located eaet of Balem. Boad froDtaea on t aldee. Very food mod ern t-bedroom houie with full baie ment. 1 bathroomi, Fireplace, oil hut, Terr eood 30 x SO barn, ohlcken houee, 1-car tar age, treenheute. Oood toft. well. This to an outstanding proDerty. Fall price ttt, 100. Owner will accept a lacre place as part payment. REAL HOT 3 ACRES Home to very pood condition. Built to mi. Brick well house. Chicken hoaae. Excellent variety of fruit. School bus front door. Full price only moo. Owner may consider trade for bedraom house In town. 50 ACRES with 41 under cultivation. I acres strawberries. It acres eaneberrlea. Thle to the Ideal time to buy a berry farm. The harvest to Just around the corner. Very food modern l-bedroom nouse. JO by 40 barn. Onion bouse, me chine ahed. Over KO0 It. Irritation pipe. Excellent soil. Pull prke 114.000 CALL FOR MB, LEAVENS, EVE. PB I-4TH. If no answer, call 4U4l, MORTOAOE LOANS 30-Tear Maturur Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phone,: 4-3111 or 3-1IM I0M PORTLAND ROAD Eta. Pbonei: 1-4715, 4-1414, 4-5030: 1-1551 or 4-3131 at at uawar, phont 4-3141 $6950.00 Bitra neat and clean euburben home en acreage. In feat-growing district at .. eaiem. Just ou til tie elty limits. Large living room. Extra lane bed roon plus a dining room. Enclosed utility. Large garage and work chop. Oood garden epoi. ONLY $25.00 PER MONTH IftO.oa down buys a home tn N.E alem. Ideal for handy man. Oood gardes spot. Pave detreet, cloea to acbool and bus line. ST. VINCENT 4-bedroora. Lorce living room, ettra large dialog room. Large utility, vH heat Extra laree lot. Fruit and tint trees. Paved street, bua by door. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 101 South Hllh St. Phone No. 1-0701 Phont tvtnlnn: 4-1(71, l-IIM, 4-1311. 4-4411, 1-134 (It THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon REALIST ATI Irrigation Be. Se) neret of a (tod a toll At row tould atk for with a well And Urlee tion ecutpment to handle It all, a MODERM 1-bodroom home about (0 tompleto And tome equipment. The owner will trade for tmtller atraate with a email or old houee that needa Improvlnt. Pull price onlr 111,000. $500 DOWN lti ecru tf (round, l-room houie, eeme berrlot Is, per the balance u lit per month, PuU rrlce (ItM. FINISH YOUR OWN Thlt 1-bodrooAt home aeedt tome flntahlni to bt oomplett. Do It rour eelf and tare moner. Soueo and I lote I44M. (KO down. And flnanetu available for flnlahuu. The boiut u Uvtblt sow, aw thit rou (aa net rent. tot. NEAT 2 BEDROOMS Ben le t verr clean t-hedroom homo with tttAcbed I tree., til for aaot, hardwood floore, and loo. ted em a ertek lot, (MM will bur It, tad that Art (ood term. Available. NEED MORE ROOM? Bert to a nearly sew, very clean l-bedroom homo with a baaement and attached arace. Heated by a Montai forced air furnace, and includlnt a ceod-alaed flreplaoe. RON JONES, Realtor 1(11 Palrrround Road 44414 Bvtl 11341 tr Ph. 4Tt t1 NELSON OFF SUNNYVIEW (MM POLL PRICE Beat, totr. plaeltred 1-bdrm. home, pjlaelr dacoratod, hwd. fir.., ma kit., ood tardea toot, tpprox. tt At, (tr., pvd. at. Call Mre. wootttn. Near Hoover School (1(00 DOWN A opporhtnltr to own A Aheerfol eoor home, t bdrme. One la Inner than averete. well Uthted lee. llvlnt rm., rood laundrr facllltlea, .aulet nelf hborhood. Ideal for children. Onlr (73M, Call Mre, Wootten. $11,600 1 ! I BDR14B. POR PR ICE OP I Lot TO x ITS In dtr, pvd, eC, maku able dcelrnblt (-room home A tplendld i;T.. m pieetant uvlnl. lion tat forced air heat, circulator flreplce. PHA Apprtlitl 111.500, ttlllnt price (11,(40. Tou owt a look tt that one. Call Al. Watte, 1-7355. SUBURBAN OROCERT MAKE MONEY HERE Well-locAted selthborhood atore, tervlnt a lam terrltorr. Profitable famllr wperatlon, Irrlni ouartere on premliee. Inventor, toOOO to 44000. Total price 110,000. Wtht ctntlder trade. CaU Mr. Schmidt. 3 BEDROOMS CHARM - PERBOKAUTY - COMFORT Achievement new home dlsltn at arrantement. Tt you appreciate a dls tlnculahed home, food nelfhborhood, finest construction, thto t-bdrm. ranch-etrle home with all Its beauty and charm will please the moat fas tidious. Beautiful burl maple kitchen built-in, white oak lira., Artione sand stone fplace., dole. far. Ask for appt. to eee mora of these outstandlnt fea turea today. Price 413.000. 4 aorea with oood 3-bdrm. home, 4 ACRES & HOME lneldo titll. rm,. attractive fplace., oak art., dole tar., famllr orchard, looo-capacitr thicken bee., barn 11 x M. Owner aara aoll. reduced from 114,000 to (11,000. Soma terms. Cull Mr. GAUather. NELSON & NELSON ftPECMUZTNO REALTOR It It. Bith St. Ph. I-Mtl Tie to trr on sell BOMBS, PARKS, Vit-' PROPBRTIBB LuS SEVERIN REALTY i XT TEARS or SATISFACTORY SERVICE SUBURBAN EAST On Center Bt. Real nice l-bedroom homo for taklnt price. Plreplaee tnd tutt kitchen. Attached (irate, tt ten of larden, lovelr lawn and thrube. Onlr 10,M0. SUBURBAN WEST 11 iM of fruit, nuti, trtpte, tar denl Well-blUI t-bedroont homt In excellent condition. Pull buement with furnaeo heat. Doable itrate. Owner taklnt 111,500 tnd It'i well worth It. CREEK HOME - Bear Both Paeture. The lovelr laad eraped treek lot hat a real alee I rnnm home with 1 bedrooma. ttrtti A patio. A tloee-ln home for tnlr 10,000. ENGLEWOOD niere era not manr homM IB thll rrlce tltee In thle popular dtttrut that hae eo muon to oner ror price okvo. I bwlroome, fireplace nu nteemeni, vjvm. .nd Alnlne room, nice kitchen, tttached tarate. Ton ehould ava the nice itrden, ownir texinx mi.too, NOB HILL Wo don't often have a nice homo to offer tn this desirable acbool district. The 4-rown home is In perfect con dition. Baa J bedrooms and den that could bo used aa a spare aenroom. nrcDiaec to auL heat. Pull baamt. with recreation room. Trees, ahrubs hedgea complete thla lovely corner lot. Immediate occupancy. Owner ask ing onlr 111.400 for this 115.000 home. Mortgage la 18.000, could be Increased. MANBRIN GARDENS If you are looking for a real well-built l-bedroom home all on one floor and a full basement on a lane landscaped corner lot with fruit treee garden, don't fall to aee thla newly-built ejual itr home for the asking price ef $!, too. Business Locations fjpper state St. One 001334 plus alley at fl l.ioo. One OdnloO plua alley at 06,000. Business location tou are ecaroe and going ip. The above lote are the old price. Severin Realty Co. tn w. Rich 4-W4I; Bvei: t-MM Mr. MOM 1-TK3 111 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE NEID more Ultima on all claeim if nrosertv ltr and tuburbaa homel. email tcreite, farmt and bnllnaee oroDertr. CENTER STREET REALTY. Realtor! 1TII Coaler Street Phone 4-4411 call WE NEID LISTINOS BADLT tn email creeiee and tood I 4a l-bedroom homei. L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR Ml Portland ltd. Ph. 1-T441 tut NOTICE! If rour propertr la for tale, rent or txchante. Hit It wltb ttt. We hevt ill klndl of eaah burera. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS III s. Hllh St. ea OREAT BUTING DEMAND for farms tnd aeretgas, Llet rouri with Colbatb Land Co. Set T. T. Anderson, ptrm Aunt. Pbone (.44(4. Eve. 4-1714. el' WE HAVE BUYERS for 1 or l-B.R. homel In Wilnut Park Add. or n.arbr. Ph. 44141 or 113, tik for Mr. Rltni. SEVERIN REALTY CO. RIAL ESTATE J. E. LeCLERC, REALTOR YAKIMA VALLEY, WASHINGTON Cuelom Cannerr Pullr oegulpped with two-todroom llvlnt ""'. ttuebed. IM.000. W1U trade for Itm form, Income propertr tr wnt. have rouf '. ( , - ST. HELENS, OREGON 114-Acre Ptrm 4( tcrte tinder eullbitlon, numpate, paituro and Umber. Beat of toll. 133.MO. will take oubdivlelon mctl tnr pltot. V RESTHOME ' Bear aalom-Orte tlthl-bedroom home with double plumblnt. Pullr modern with terat tf I ood eoU. (11,(00. COLUMBIA RIVER , IM Aeret river bottom land en Columbia river. Two l-bedroom homel nd tultulldlnu. 1(0.000. Will trade for farm star Lebtnon tr wood . burn, . LYONS, OREGON M Atroe em Senttam rlvtr. Good l-room houee. Oood huntlrx and flahlnr. Clow to plywood mill And lonlnt tampt. 111,400. WU1 take amall buatneai, drtee ahop, trocerr (tore, tround here tr Otlllornlt, SALEM, OREGON 4-Oolt Motel with (-bedroom home, tn It X. (41,000. W1U trade for aalea or calif ornlA propertr. . fllbe7A-Rc jjl WtA 1fta NORTH CAPITDL BT. V SALEM, OR CO ON Kf rtAf Bj ljft leSS it. CAPITOL ST. Grabenhorst Specials ZTNOWOCO - TIEW Ute-bullt 3-bdrm. home, combination Uv. nn. At din. rm, burnt, PH A, loan (7700. Price (0(50. CALL PETER B. oeiser . '' A PINE PAMTLT BOUE-Convenlent to achoolt end trtnaportitlon. 4tt bdrme., Wed bath with eoparhte tabower itaU on flret floor full bath upVUv. rm. with fireplace, lie. din. rm., beautiful kitchen And nook, dole, tarate. All newlr redecorated lnilde. Seen br tppt. onlr CALL J. E. LAW . BKOLEWOOD DISTRICT 1-bdrm, Mewlr remodiled. Lie. llr. rm., din. rm., kitchen, brkf. nook tnd utllltr room. Nice rard and Ideal eehool location. Price K7S0. Tennl. CALL H. X. LAYMON A REAL INVE8TMENT Income lid per month, tdeallr located on Hltbwar (0 Juet nortli of underpaee. Rutaurant bulldlm tompletelr -equipped with Uv. ouartera. Oood leaae, bulldlnte In excellent condition. . Oft-etreet parklni. POR DETAILS CALL C. L. ORA8ENHORST NEW, LOVELY. BcoNOMICAL Three bdrmi., llr. rm. plus din. rm., ctlvltr room, dblt. lavatorr, oil heat, dlihwaaher, clothee waeber tnd ' drrer included In purohaie price. But br door. Priced lower than rou think. CALL PETER H. OEISER. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS Ml B. LrbVrtr St. . Ph. 3-1471 ' Bveninte 44 Sundtrt call Peter H. Oelaer -IMl 1. E. Law l-IUl H. K. Ltrmon I-845J c7l' A GOOD BUY IN ENGLEWOOD Three-bedroom home with den, fireplace, basement, automatic forced air ol Iheat, double plumbing, large garage, fenced-in beck yard with nice ahade trees, city bus by door, located la one of Salem's best resi dential distrlcta. BX walking distance to aohoola. Priced reduced to 012,400. Reasonable terms. SELL OR TRADE ACREAGE, NORTHEAST Ideal for people wanting close rn acreage and work tn efelem, or for -retirement plans. Exceptionally well-built pre-war plastered l-bedroom home with large dry buement, oast front. Small poultry house, garaie, ahop, barn with stanchions, acres of Willamette coll, young trees, fruit . k nut. Due to injury, older couple desires Balem property. Priced at 4U.TW with machinery, which Is optional. Thla is duality property ' free and clear. Owner can give reasonable terms, or property will qual- . ify for good loan. CaU Mr. Bourne, tve. ph. 17217. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 K. Capitol wptrNta4wewV WANTED REAL ESTATE I HAVE 11.000 for down pennant on a looa clean poat-war x or x-oearoom plaeltred home with fireplace. Muet bt rtteonnblr priced. Phont 3-4430 etter 1:10. call" WANT TO BUT lane houie. Uuat bt ta7l cloeo In. Pbone 41731. WE AJU badly to need of 1 and 3 -bed room homes, in Leslie Diet, Also need home anywhere with small down pay ments. What have you? All I6AAJC, REALTOR, PH. 41311 If no anawer, ph. 4-3240 ca WE AEE In need of good houses to ecu In or near Salem. If you wlah to list your property for aale. aee ORABENH0R8T BRO., REALTOR!,. 134 a. Liberty Ph. 2-3471 ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE toultr In 1150 Hudion Pacemaker. Radio tnd htater, clean, tt down perment on homt. Prefer tountrr. Phone 44311. cb71 RESORT PROPERTIES COAST CABIN, I lota, 11450. Trade for truck, oar. 3-0381. cc79 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE 9719 to 93326 investment gives you your own Independent business operat ing a route of new money-making Ac dtapensera handling new, fast-moving confections In drug atorte, galea, clubs. bua depots, etc Routa set up for you by our experta and protected by fire and theft insurance. Tou must have car. references and 4711 to 93226. which Is protected by an Iron-clad loo Money-Back Outran tee backed by a 10 Million Poller nations! in- eurance company. Devoting a few of your spare bourn each week to the buslneia von should earn up to 990.00 weekly aoare time, full time more. Liberal financing aaststanoe lo aid expansion. Por full Information write, giving phone number and address, to Box 92, Capital Journal. ed?a DRY OOOO0-VAR1STT 9TTORX Best buy on coast. Est. T yrs. Lease. Inventory abt. 17000. everything goes xor ssooo. Lane's Dry ooods, Rock awar, Oregon. cd80' POET HILL tavern and aeven cablna, going line Dullness, oood chance to veae over a going Business. See own er Prlday or Saturday evening at tav ern, mile Bast of Valley Jot., or mllea West of Wlllamlna, Oregon, on Highway 92. cd7 BOD1 AND riNDU MOP doing good BiiNncei, xor lease. 1421 it street, phone 1061. Sweet Home. cdBO AUCTIONS AUCTION TONIGHT! KEIZER AUCTION 1030 CHEMAWA RD. dd7l JOE PALOOKA T"aSr""3r H8 TALKO TANN. uam iaBV "iva TM Brtjy SriT HAO A FEVER. 6Hf TOLE TtVy. ) V irSNOTHW'MocH HEAL ESTATE S-S23B -4- - Ph. 38.18 - ' ' - c70 WANTED FURNITURE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CHINCHILLAS Proven breeders young mated pairs, Easy terma. Write or phone for free literature. Visitors welcome. Crest Chinchilla Ranch, 4X190 Portland Road. Ph. 4-4009. e93 LIVESTOCK WANTED locker DEEP White face Hereford. 49c. Locker pork, sac. Homing oown, a mos. to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co., u m. sBth. Ph. 1-4MI. ea RABBITS WINO NEEDS BABBITS-HIS State. 43111. CALIFORNIA BUCKS tnd dott. Phone 4-1011. 4410 Claiter Rd. ooit' babbits WANTED. Anr alee tnd tuin- tltr. Alio purebud breedlnl ttocr ror tale.' Pbone 3-7107. 0D7B' .eioo.etttoo.. PETS TO GIVE awar female Sprinter pup. Phone 91151. , ec7l' MONTHS Cold Cocker, apared. Call mornlme, evenlnte. 1150 So. 15th. eclo TOT MEXICAN CHIHDAHUA pupplea nd trown doll. Mini lor lervlce. 1035 SO. Uth, tc71 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1141 UoCor. one block eait of N. Otpltol, IM biocu north of Mention. Ph. 1-M07. tolOl MOORE TBOPICAL FIIH, MUlpment, auppilei. 3 mllet from Ltncuter on Meclear road. Pbone 4-1771. Cloaed Wedneadari. acll' GOOD ROLLER, tranie .en err. Phone 3-aiet. oc7. GOOD HOME for 4 month old pert Cockn. Aleo nice kltttm. Phont 41711 iftcr I tjn. tc(0' PUREBRED Iriih Terriei 11117. tcW choice canaries 1I4D Cbtmeketa it. Ph. 1-4955. eel!" Journal Want- Ads Pay ...BUT IT'S WORRVIM PH. T mLETtj oit im OUT TO TH' RACES FER Trf AneftNOOM. mt TANi IS WINO 'IM. I TOU BACK rme Off It MAKE FOIST' FUEL Hiwtiv Fuel Co. aawduet tube terrttt, til klsdt tf wood. Pbont 1-1441. te walnut sbiixs, m ttckt for li, tr (3 ton, IJ ton oeuverow la w. - - rut rlcrfeln packlnt Co. 4M Borth Front 4e- Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. pick no reur n,iwwi .... tnd Wood. Ill So. Com'U 1-7711. West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. 11" CLEAN . IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 153 Bdiewitar : . Pbont Salem 1-4011 Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phtnt l-ltll 1017 BrowdwtT Capitol Lumber Fuel Co, iVaWlAil tTW trw waiai planer trimmings, al load. Phont 117 J 1 ee FOR SALE POULTRY GOLDEN BBOAD and New Bampahire hleki, hatcnea tverr immw Thuradar. Our thlckt (row filter. Pox'e BtUherr, 1(10 State at. Ph. 1-4110, 1 WANTED colored frrere, tolorod And lethorn hena. prloee. Loe'l phone 1-3141. f POB BALE Twice weeklr, dar-oM chlckt in New Hampahlre, Parmenlert, Red. White Lethorne, Auitra-Whlte, Whltl Rocke, Whltt Wrandottee, Par mentor cockertu. Let Batcharr, phone 3-3561. " ... ... ..'' PRODUCE OBOANIC OBOWN TREE - BIPENED orentee and rrapefrult. Potatoei, on lone, tpplaa and nuU. PHD7PIP BROS. PARM MARKET. 5500 LucaJter Drive. Phone 1-1 lPK. , HELP WANTED IK STATTON, correepondent for Capital Journal, man or women -writer, educated, experience preferred, tood opportunltr for extra moner. Contact Mike Porbel, veller editor, Capital Journal, ( BESTAUBANT KITCHEN CREW for new Speeowar Jte.wureu., .... -perlcuce not neceeearr. No phone callt. APPLY IN PERSON from 10 to 11:10 a.m. tnd I to 4 p.m. ONLY. t WANTED MTDDLI-AOED toupll for hnuiewcrk and care of aoml-lnvtlld. No drlnkere. 471 So. Itth. ATI WANTED Malt tr female experienced dry cleanlnx lollcltor tnd pickup and delivery. Own truck preferred. Call In pereon tt Seamiter Oleanert, 331 H. HIeh St. t7' .je'eo' HELP WANTED MALE WANTED i MEN to work In cemetery, Apply t 3M West Hoyt St. gaoo tv RAt.KRMCN Pull time, top commis sion paid, seiem tv, asus ratrarouirai Rd. 74' HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL for teneral office work, one with reel ectatt tad lnauranct tiperlenee preferred. Tel. 1-1301, phone irenlntt 3-9311. Rtlmann Rtll xetttt t in uranct. 301 south Hllh St. lb' PAMTLT COOK, epllt thlft. I a.m. to (:10 a m, 5 p.m. to (:I0 p.m, Mondar thru Pridar. 700 per nour piue mean. Pbone 3-7530. b7l' ZUUU I, VJ.U ,.. v. .... ' , 2 ehlldren, one of eehool tit, and to neip Wlin noueewurK.y mm, uooa weeee. mwii wtw, 31047, tvenlMI 34637. (b7C EXPERIENCED. Hartman Eroo., SALESGIRL wanted. 300 State St. Ib71' CAR HOP Woodrofft't Sta ahop, Portland Rd. No phont ctlli. 1400 lb' WAITRESS Woodroffe't San Shop, 34O0 portiana rw. no pnone oene. FOUNTAIN WAITRESS for cafeterlt. Hourt I to 4:10. No saturdar't or Sundari. Phone 1-5114. lb7C EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Good Jobs .Tiiaf. jtamoU liatlng below P oeneral office .WW v-flaiaa irk. Jcwelrr b..aai. P -steno., doctor's olfloe 22S y neecDt.4ttuo.. part time.. 41.-6 nr, P Recpt., light ehorthand Peo'y., aptitude flgurea 4225 p Bookkeeper to 9376 M Accountant, lenlor $425 M Office bor, must type t-00 Thm -B-it War to the Best Jobs COMMERCIAL PTCTOKIZNT AOENOT 494 State Bit (Oregon ui-oa.i PORTLAND OFPICB, 609 CORBETT kHB WANTED SALESMAN local rawleigh business avail able start immoaiateir. Benin ex perience helpful but not required. Comptnr repreientatlve will call .t once for nortlenlarc. Raw- lellh'a. Dept. 1, Otlland 30, Cal IIIO1 REAL ESTATE aelecrnan wanted. Mult be tualtfled for better tlln prapertr. Man reuulrlnl (Til It 1,001 monthlr Inoomt la type but tulted for our a tluilva Uitlni tftlct. Snippr, elert of fice. Productive tdvertulnt. Onlr wide awake orperleaced man wanted. Our preienl ataff knowi of thll ad. Severin Rcaitr Co., IK N. Hllh at. No phone call! pleaie. II7I' WANTED POSITIONS Licenced tnd non-llcenied prtctlcal nuren, or domeatle. Call 1-1073. h4' GARDEN. FLOWER bed And lawn pre paratlon. Plowlnt, tleclnr. levellnt, votounint. Service Center. Phont 43573. hioi- SEMI-RETIRED MAN, He 47, can typa, file, aniwer phone, or eweep the floor. Pull or part tune. Ph. 45055. h71 LIGHT CRAWLER, doting, dirt level- Inr, trading. Phont Hill. niw WILL DO CEILING, ont wall or entire , house. Do ell kinds of patntlnl, bruih tnd iprtr, turnlih referencee, br hour or contrtct. Ph. 4-3944. ' hll ALTERATION WOMAN wtnta work In store. Fait, lood worker. 1-7004. MO DRESSMARINQ able. 1-7004. at tit. Prices PAINTING. Fret eetlmttei. Tiers ti perlence tn Salem. Phone 1-7151. hll CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK " Plowlnt, discing, teedlnl. i Phone 1-1041. hll- PLOWING, 18100. SERVICE, h7i WDEMAL'l DAT NURSERT-JJetneod tnd state Inipttled. InfanU up to I. Phono 1-1011. bio SPECIAUZED CHILDREN'S Itwtni. al teritloni. Ph. (-loll. hll CUSTOM ROTO-VATINO tH hour. Phone 1-7111 after I P.m. h7l PLOWING and dlielnl. O rover L He mann, 14(1 Blotsom Dr., Salem. Phone Mill. hll MOREBS SHABPENED at door. Mtke It run taer. Phone 1-0111. h!3 ANOWICK. RACe COUftSt. JOE IS PurCOtsNIZEO BY Trie CftOWtl AMD AS THE PUBLIC ADDRESS SVSIEM annoOnces mis presence, he is given a roaring OVATION. WE KIN TH1 Wednesday, April 1, 1953 WANTID POSITIONS PINMM aiBL wen to htut work, hour tr dAr, l-(M3. It NEW InwnA. Rottrr hoetnt. Proe ettl. mtteo. Dunne Woleott. Phtnt $-1117, blT PATCH r LAKTKKl.NO, kuemenU (MUr. proofed br puutertut. Prank't atrvice, phono l-(54(. hll" TIIIVQ WITH now MX ROTARY TIL LER, Phont tvenlnt 1-43IJ. hll LANDICAPE maintenance, prxnlm, trlmmlnt, plan tint. I.rtlllelnt. aerr lea Center. Pbont 4-1(71. bve. CUSTOM WORK plowhv and dieting, Phont in. MM Blrehwotd Dr. TAXI WOBK Topptnx, trlmmlnt. re movlnt. Injured operator, jehs Ptrnt. Ph. I-M3I. h7( OABPINTIB Otblnet work, borne re . mod. line, frit eitluaUt, Oil 1-4411, 4-1131. bu RADIO TV SERVICE TV ANTENNA Bonded tnd Iteoneed ipeclallel, Inettlled, 110 plot mtUrlak Call tnr time. PrM ei time tei. Pbont 4-lin. haloi. te'oe FOR RENT l-STORY CONCRETE WAREHOUSE . , BUILDING with electric elevator, aller ex trance, back of Hotel Salem, A (ood dutrlbutor't hiadautrlare. STATE FINANCE CO. 167 S. HIGH ST. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO LEASE Ltrtt houee wlth baiement. Mutt bt eloM la. Phont 43731. It7l FOR RENT ROOMS CLOSE IN, clean room, prtrate ttth. rc'tleerator. TS5 Marlon. IhKe tn trance, ATTRACTIVE furnUhed roome with telephonei furnUhed, 10 and (17.50 month. Aleo tlr condition. (31 N. Winter. Jk7 BUS. MAN. Blot tlieoln, rm, with hoi JI7. , and told water, 351 Center, NICE LIGHT heuookoeplu Ltvdr. )kil zm n. cnuroB. FOR RENT HOUSES J. Ill MODERN unfurnlehod 4 room duplex, a oearoomo. ntrawooo iioore, renetiaa bLnde, . combination tub And (bower. Auto. furnAoe, tuto. hot water, rantt tnd refrll. H. Capitol St. Corner Mar Ion. Phont 4-1405. - Jm7l CLEAN 1 BEDROOM toltwe, furnUhed or unfurnlehod, rtaeontblt. 3I4B Port land Rd. Jmtl BOOM FCBNISKED dupltx, nlct kit then, ltrtt bodroom. Autonuvtlo heat, AdulU, 547.50. 1186 N. Capitol Pbont M77I. ImoO- BED RM. furnlehad houee on lit tcrei. 15.00. John J. Dtnn Rtiltorl 4H N. Hllh St., Phont 41413, Eve. 35311. mlO FOR LEASE lo-unlt court, I reart, ITO per month. At UK sr. Winter. Call at 3305 N. Llbertr. JmlO FURNISHED HOME, 170 Ford at. ISO. im7 Phone 1-4731. BEDROOM HOUSE on 3141 Xutl Ave. Inquire 3055 Haiel Ave. Imll - BEDROOM, near down town, olean. nice rtrd, basement, Adultt. . Phont z-7 or i-nooH. lm70 MODERN NEWLT decorated I room du plex. Large rooma, wtrdrobt eloaett, eleotrlo heat, hardwood floor.. JLdulte. Refrigerator, atove. 1-1451. ' Jm7ls CUTE 1 BED BOOM, living room, kitch en, dinette, tieetrto atove, ttteon. ga rage. 117.50. Phone 1-1131. imTO S-BEDBOOM houee, partlr ftunUbed, tloet In. Adulti. CID 37351 (Iter I, or Sat. 4V Sun. ' Jmll UNFURNISHED amall houie, nlct rard, lo month, l-siut trenlngl. lm7V- CLEAN unfurnished one-Bedroom du plex. Adultt. 3-4704. inrrt CLOSE IN, 3 bedroom unfurnished cot tage. Ail electric. 015 N. Church. Imlie S BED BOOMS, 1 bathe, tompletelr fur- nunoa, cuanwaiher, automatic w eeri er, baaement. Older tomforttblo homt, Nlct neighborhood. (100 per month. Phone 3-1131. Jmll CLEAN, NICELY FURNISHED l-bedroom nome ana garage, too. 1111 Edte water. 13101, evanlngi 111!!, Jm7l furnished l-room itrate bouse, car een spot, park Lam. 45531. Jm7l 1-DEDROOM furnlehed rental, newer. dean and neat, onlr Ho per month. CaU Rtwilna Realtr, 1-1544 or 41711, 4tn OFFICE FOR RENT S OB (.ROOM SUITE. 1 Unlit, Building. Phont 1-4114. Onion Jo OROUND FLOOR otlloe er store .pact for rent. CaU nt Pitta Market, Jo " rrrrirwi.r.i . . . . , e.jj. FOR RENT APARTMENTS s ROOM apartment. E.otrle ranee. Private entranoe. Adulti, 101 H. Liber. tr. Phone 38047. Jptl DOWNSTAIRS In older house. Curate, rard, fruit trees. Rent to parties who will take tare of It. No drinking, in tervlew, 1041 a. 11th St., Bat., April 4, 11 Am. - 1 p.m. or phone 1-1115. IpIO LARGE furnished l-room apartment, cloee In. Pen 437M. Jpu 1 BEDROOM, unfurnlehod tourt apart ment with etove, refrigerator tnd TV antenna. Nt so. 13th. jpii I BOOM furnished apartment, rrlveu bath, tntranoe. 135 month. Pbont 3-7711. , Jp7(. ONE BEDROOM Court Apt,, priced, clean, modern, TJnfurnlehed eicept etove And refrle.retor. Off itreet parking. Cloit to but. 1-3531. 1PI30 FURNUHED mm beMment. Private bath, refrlierttor, vtllltlei. 111. 430 So. 10th. Jpl3 1140 CENTER, 1 rooms, front (Pertinent. Kitchen, bath, heat. 4-4573. Jp7S MODERN l-BOOM buement apartment, furnUhed, newlr decorated, privatt tntrinct tnd bath. 10(5 B. Ith. Jpis IN TURNER Modern, furnUhed 1-bed-room tot. Ph. Salem 41407. Ipio PRIVATE THREE-BOOM fundahed tourl apartment, clean. Adultt. HO. 154 Portland Rood. iplol NICE I BOOM, private ihowtr, mottlr furnUhed. tronnd floor. Quiet eouplo. 117 month. Phont 1-4115: a.m. Jpiie BUS. DIST. Nlcelr turn, I rm, Apt. 3fll center St. Jp7i 4 ROOM 1-V354. furnlehed tptrtment Phon 1P7I S ROOMS, private beta tnd tn trance, furlnehed, dean, eloee in, 1(1 so. High. Jplie By Ham Fisher I" THE AUSTRALIAN "T?IKW THANK YOU,