Wednesday, April 1, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon T3- . I UELE - ft fo 0lio"Teleision f. taMH UAVE Been receiving letters, nmi " i it. 1.5-1 t. J ii a pnone cans irom people that think Red Skelton is still funny. Mall yours today if you haven't done so already . . . Here ire" few samples, pro and con. TELE-VIBWS: Want to cast my vote in favor of Red. ?uw eonewned they can Uke Milton Berle, Abbot and Costello, and for good measure, Alan Young off the air. Don V care a great deal for the average comedy acta. But think Red is far above the average of his type. Mr. Miller also casts a vote for Red , MRS. C. F. MILLER, Salem. My Dear Mr. Blackmer: I think now is the time to see more of Red Skelton and less of Milton Berle. All shows . are not pleasing to all people all the time, but I think Red is above the average. Respectfully Yours , . t, v . Mn AND Mrs- HARLAND, Salem. Here is a hot one against Red : Ur.I)!a,rve,:.W the undersigned, are agreed that the "Red Skelton'. show is an outright insult to the intelli gence of even the most average Tele-Viewer ... We lose half an hour of entertainment each Sunday night be- cause our set is snapped off at the first strains of his singing commercial. Signed by v - " MELVIN CRAWFORD. VEI.MA Af!KRT.S nAiuuuuii laiiiilil, to&ninillJIS tKAnlUKll First gripe, we have heard on the program changes KPTV is slated to make this month is that a gent in forms us that he is going to miss Martin Kane ... Says he stays up another half hour just to Tele-View his .;. mystery show ... ; , YOURS FOR TRE TELE-VIEWING WEDNESDAY Pabst Bouts, 7. Ezzard Charles. Cincinnati, vs. Rex uuxiiv oi pan, jjbkb uiiy, in irom wmteriand in San Francisco. Hollywood opening Night, David Niven. I Married Joan, 9. Joan finds work. Resenting a slur by husband, Joan attempts to gain financial and household independence. She gets and and winds ud as stock room . Tl.!3 la vAla. T :r n.DA . of lusuquh, New Mexico, is owner of ranch for underprm- IPCPfl Phi rirpti sa h'.riwurrt'a nnhippt Kraft Theater, 10. "Autumn Story." Allan Bunce, '. Perry Wilson. Comedy about . AuniciiL9 a uiiiuuc iciuwiiabiuu. Crusade in the Pacific, 11. of March of Time. THlIBSniV Kate Smith Show 1:00. foreign students; King Odum quartet, Billy May orchestra. My Hero 7:00. "Top Secret." Beanblossom is asking to survey property for Army and keep it secret." Bob not only manages to keep it secret, but falls into a deep sleep with it. ' v The Unexpected 9 :00. , "Emperor of Nothing." Todd Kama in a story of a young government clerk who has hurnpH imnnrtant files involved in crest swindle. . Hollywood wrestling at iu:au. nans scnnaDei vs. iora Blears in main event. Semimain, Pepe Pasquale vs. Dave Levin. t ' ' On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Only yrocrama aehedaled In advance) WEDNESDAY 11:45 a.m. Carry lioort 13:00 p.m. The Blc Payoff 12S0 p.m. Welcome Traveler 1:00 p.m. Kite smith S:00 p.w. Double or Nothlnf 1:30 p.m. strike It Rich 3:00 p.m. Matinee Theater 4:16 p.m.-Search for Tomorrow . 4:30 p.m. Love of Life 1:00 p.m. Howdy Doody 1:30 p.m. Tootile Hippodrome vVOO P.m. Strike It Rich aS0 p.m. Dout Edwards :45 p.m. Time tor Beany 1:00 o.m. FithU 1:45 pm. Newi Caravan - f :00 p.m. Bollywood Openluc Mlcht 1:30 p.m. Arthur Godfrey fl:00 p.m. I Married Joan ' . t:30 p.m. Thto Ii Tour Life 10:00 p.m. K.-aft Theater 11:00 p.m. March of Time 11:30 p.m. Nlte Theater MARR RADIO and ' TELEVISION INC Salem's Moit Complelt Television Center 2140S.Com'l Phone Day or Nlfht 2-1611 or 2-4728 Motorola TV . THURSDAY , Freedom Rinae . Hollywood Reap . aarrr Moore 11:00 11:10 11 :I4 13:00 11:30 1:00 1:00 J:l 1:10 1:00 4:14 4:30 4:45 1:00 4:00 4:30 4:44 7:00 1:30 1:4 4:00 1:30 4:00 .The Bit Payoff Welcome Travelere , Kite Smith Show .The Feminine Anile Arthur Godfrey etrlk It Bkh Matinee Theater , Search lor Tomorrow , Love of Life , etranier Than Metlon , Howdy Doody .Range Rider .Dour Edwards, Newi .Time for Beany My Hero , Dinah short . Newe Caravan i. Or ouch Marx v Burnf and Allen , The unexpected It's the Picture that Counts! Raytheon- PRALL'S FornvtrlT Pttil T. Willi & Co. 220 N. Ubtrtr PImm 44742 TV 77 XIEWS BLACKMEB j .. . iu rounas neavyweignt Dout 8.. "Uncle Fred Flits By." loses three jobs the first day clerk in a dress emuorium. v. tti ax r..i.t.i; . middle-aged spinster who New series taking place Teen - Age panel four young :', :10 p.m. Ford Theater 10:00 p.m. Martin Kan 10:30 p.m. Wrastllnt 11:30 p.m. Nfte Ow Theater FOR EXPERT TV & RADIO SERVICE See Television Serv. Co. 1410 S. 12th Phone 4-5512 Little or No Damage Found From Frost Little or no damage from frosts vol recent mornings has been discovered by Don Ras mussen, Marion county agri cultural extension agent, re ported Wednesday. Rasmussen said there was a possibility that peaches might have been hurt, although the 30 degree minimum reported Wed nesday morning was not suffi ciently low to cause much alarm. (Strawberries, because of their position immediately above the surface of the ground, much more subject to frost damage. However, Ras mussen said the blooms were not sufficiently advanced to re ceive much damage. Chleaxe Grain Chlcaio ( aralnx continued nitniy nervoue and unable to maintain a de finite trend In either direction on the board of trade Wednesday. Dealinu were active. Prices xwuns beer and fortn af nuy- Inf and Bellini order alternated In eet- tlna the upper hand in traunt. -rowara Uie cloie lelllna wax In the atcendaney and prlcex xlipped below the previoua cloee, wheat and new crop xoroean contracts leadlnx the way tfown. . Wheat cloaed -ltt lower, Nay a.u iz.Hit. corn V. lower to H hlaher. May II, s',. -II. 67, oal tt-tt hither. May 71-1114, rye H to 1 cent lower. May 11.88-41.47, aorbeanx 2 lower to ti hlxher. May 43.00-V. and Urd 1 to I eentt a hundred poundl lower, Mar 410.30. LISTEN TO THE Choral Symphony under the direction of DR. FRANK BLACK , TdDAY 6:30 P.M. KSLM brought to you by yooi CADILLAC DEALER aaaenaBawxamHaanawaMawanaV 1 V y xmMfSSSmmmrmmmmmmiimmmmmtr w-x. -''. il Touchy Folk Offended by Night Fliers Salem people Tuesday got just a mild sample of what It is like to live in a place where a war is being fought. . However, ' It . was only seven planes from the Salem Ii'i.Ym Alt vatoiaiij. Cltfavl tV, the war sone it conld be up In the hundreds and not Just fighters, or trainers, but fighters and big bombers and air carriers. The planes from the fa cility that caused complaints from some Salem residents were in the air because reservists of the Navy were receiving training in night flying, an Important part of flying should they be called, on to protect this area from an enemy, a Navy officer said.' ; Presently 14' pilot from the Naval Air Reserve are on a two-week cruise at the facility, which means that they are giving up two weeks of the rear, plus one week-end a month, to keep themselves trained to defend the people of this country in case of emergency. These 14 men will be get ting in at least two more nights of night flying, so planes heard In the air the rest of this week will prob ably be those of the Naval Air Facility. Three more cruises are set for this spring at the Naval Air Fa cility and each of those will also have night training. Mediator Sees Steel Strike End Pittsburgh P) A federal mediator sought Wednesday to bring an early end to a railroad strike which which has forced closing of four big U.S. Steel Corp. plants in the Pittsburgh area and idled some 35,000 steelworkers. Warren Lane of the National Mediation Board, armed with instructions to do everything possible to settle the walkout, arrived here Tuesday from Washington and opened explor. atory talks. There waj no im mediate indication of any prog' ress. About 1,500 members of the Brotherhood of Railroad Train men struck the Union Railroad Co. Monday night over the sus pension for 10 days of two con' ductors accused of leading a slowdown. Pickets soon idled 3,000 other railroad employes MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Wednesday, April 1 929 - field artillery oauauon, Army Reserves, administrative meeting at ORG armory. On Lot Angeles Thursday, April t Company D, 162nd infantry regiment, Oregon National Guard, at Salem armory. natterr D. 722nd AAA.AW bat talion, Oregon National Guard, at quonset nute on ijee street. urgaruzea rmvm iwr o m face division at Naval and Ma rlne Corps reserve training cen tr. Inspection or, laciuty ana at vision by lath Naval District In spectlon team. Friday. Anrll S Seabees Reserves, at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. Bark In States Member of the crew of the de stroyer tender USS Piedmont which arrived in San Diego late In March was Gene d. snooic, seaman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. n n Rnnnk of 1230 Clrunrett street. Salem. The Piedmont has returned from her third tour of duty In the Far East. Kelson Leaves Service Dallas Cpl. Carl R. Nelson, who received nis aiscnarge irom me rmv at CamD Gordon. Ga. March 20, Is at the home of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Nelson, Dallas, after driving here from Georgia. He plans to stay in Dallas for the time being and seek nmnlovment In 'his area. Nelson entered the service two years ago at Port Lewis and from there was sent to Camp Gordon, where he remained during the rest of the time he was in the service. The LESSON IN BABY CARE Mother and baby care . classes, sponsored by Marion County Health department and directed by. public health nurses, are held each Wednesday afternoon between 1:30 i and 3:30 o'clock. From left: James E. Wiles practices : diaper changing on a life size doll, Mrs. Ford Foster, Mrs. James E. Wiles, Mrs. Melvln Estep, Jr., Mrs. John High , and Ford Foster observe this prospective father's technique. Yoiirig fAarine Admits 5 Wanton Murders Dubuque, Ia!r (U.R1 A teen age .Marine, described as "clean-cut and gentlemanly," calmly admitted five wanton murders in four days and then on U. of 0. Hospital Portland ) Bids opened Wednesday for the new five million dollar University of Oregon medical school hos pital were low enough that the structure's 12th floor likely can be included. Chancellor Charles D. Byrne of the state system of higher education made that comment while details of the various al ternate offers still were under study. Elimination of the top floor had been one of the al ternate proposals. . Donald M. Drake Co.; Port land, appeared to be low on the general contract. Others apparently low were: P. S. L o r d, - Portland, .mechanical contract; Montgomery Electric Co., Portland, electrical wir ing; Otis Elevator Co., electors; Widmer Plumbing and Heat ing Co., Portland, heating. The hospital is to have 277 beds. About six million dollars is available for construction and equipping the hospital. Jail Escapees Soon Retaken Hood River () Two Mult nomah county prisoners escap ed Tuesday, stole a car at Park rose, Just east of Portland, and were nabbed near here. The car they stole was owned by Henry A. Doellefeld who lives In Parkrose but has his business in Hood River, and commutes. State police were notified when the car was recognized at a Cascade Locks service sta tion where the men paused for gas. State Patrolman Roland Montgomery intercepted the car, but the men eluded "him, roared through Hood River, then cut south toward Park dale with Montgomery in pur suit. Finally he fired two bullets into the body of the car and the men stopped and surrendered. They were Identified as Rob ert Hanson, 19, and John Dra per, 20. Sheriff Terry Schrunk picked them up here at 2 a.m., Wednesday. Operations Climbing At McNary Airport Operations at McNary field are beginning to climb, with spring weather coming and the Naval Air Facility this month having a cruise. .Total operations for the month came to 3,155 in March a jump of 1,039 over the Feb ruary total, which was 2,116. A year ago In March the op eration's figures were 2,865. Civilian operations have shown an increase with 1,142 civilian local and 866 civilian itinerants. The Navy had 303 itinerant planes and 436 Navy locals. Other figures were Air Car riers, 358; Air Force itiner ants, 46; and Air Force local four. The body temperatures of children are above or below normal more often than those of adults. corporal was In Instructor of pole and line construction lor the Signal Corps. begged police today to free his "dirty blonde" girl friend. But the love-struck girl sob bed "I want the tame punish ment as he gets. Pvt. Fred E. McManus, 18, of Valley -Stream, N. Y., was captured last night and signed a ponfession to the slayings of Rochester. N. Y.. man Fri day, the double killing of an Illinois couple Saturday and another' double murder at Spring Valley, Minn., early Monday. V . "I best leave the part about sound mind out of this, he wrote in his confession. McManus, one day AWOL, was arrested in a stolen car four miles north of Dubuque, With him was Llane Marie Weggeland, the foster daugh ter of a SomerviUe, N. Y. couple, and a middle-aged hitckhiker. ' Meanwhile, Deputy Sheriffs at Rochester, N. Y., were searching rural areas for the body of 19-year-old . William Braverman, missing since Fri day. In his confession McMan us said he shot down a youth answering Braverman's de scription, buried him in a shallow- grave 20 miles south of Rochester and took his red and-black automobile. Rochester authorities said there was "no chance" that the missing Braverman youth is still alive. McManus got a total of $58 loot for all of his crimes, plus Braverman's car. . He used a 45 caliber pistol for all the killings. j- Detroit Gets Site For New Fire House Detroit The city of Detroit has accepted a lot donated by Harry Patton in behalf of the Hammond Lumber Co., as a site for the new city hall and fire house. A considerable quantity of material, including doors and windows, already has been do nated for the project. A Vol unteer Fire Department Fund also has been set up by the city, accepting cash donations from many residents of the dis trict. . Cement blocks for the build ing will be furnished at cost by the Briles Cor Mill, accord ing to Mayor Nolan Rasnick. Mid-Willamette Obituaries Jesse James Jones Albany The funeral of Jesse James Jonens, yard tender at the Linn county courthouse, who died Monday after a heart attack at his home in the Mil lersburg community, will be at the Fisher Funeral home at 2 p.m., Thursday, Burial will be in Riverside cemetery. Mr. Jones was a native of Missouri and came to Oregon with his parents locating in Grant county when five years old. The family moved the same year to Linn county, set tling near Tangent. Mr. Jones moved to Corvallls in 1043 and to North Albany in 1947. He married Tessie Marguer ite Settlemier at Eugene, Dec. 24, 1930. They had no chil dren. Other surviving relatives are two brothers, William, Eugene, and Hugh, Condon and two sis ters, Mrs. Alma Wall, Eugene, and Mrs. Dorothy Long, Van couver, Wash. DEATHS Albfrt Oardner Albert oardnir. lata reatdant of JM No. aut tired, at a local ttl April 1. Announcement or icrvicea later or CIouih-Barrlck Cnmpanr. Truman SwMHnieii, Truman inraarloiia, at rwioiait, MARKET QUOTATIONS rOBTLANB IHetWITC LIST BatUrist Tantattie. eaklaet to Ira- mtmtM ektaw Viaolnaa nalltr. auul- .31 ol aaa par oral neMiv ae- ll.uod In Portland aa-Tlo lb.i Ural tjnal- Itr 4T-14CI aeooad ejuautr, a-n. VeUar rantaa ana counlrr noinix. a aenta leaa. Baiter wnueeau r-o.n. aula aunea to wtwleaalea erode Ax 13 aeon, net A moj, 44 Mora. 4Iel a, 44 aeon, tei C. aa ecore, 440. Abon arleea atrleux nominal. Ckoaaa aeuiu once to poniana wholeialen, Oroaoa auulea 414 -4ooi Otmob 4 Ik. loot, Utt-llttc; IrlH.u, IMo leaa than alnxlea ' . tin to Wkeloealere Canalee) ex I J eontalnlnc toaa. eaaaa Included l e b. Portland. A trade lane, aen-aittei a xrado Bodlua. 4ott-44iej B trade lute. 41tt-UMe. VortUMd Dal, Markal ' Bailor frleo v r.unere: orade aa print, lie; A carton, 13c; A prlnta. 14ti aarton, I3ei B prints, lac. Ban To rotkllere, orade AA lanxt, tie; A lane. 44-44ct AA medium. 44o; A medium, file: A email, nominal. Car ina, o additional. Cheooo Price to ntalltre, Portland, Oreion ainilee, 44tt-44e; 4-Hk loavee, 43-I3HOI Irltleta, ltto laaa than aln flee. Premium brand! alniloa, 44t4o; loot. 44HO. Prooeaaed Amerleaa ahoooo. t-ib. loavea to retail. Uit-onec It. - rootlet uro vaieaeaa ino. 1 tuaiiiT. x.o.a. Plull.) Pr-ora, f4-3 Ike, M-llll 4-4 lax., 30-11. taaitara, 4H and 0er, 10-31; hT7 hone, all w.lxbu, tie; Mht hone, ell weutate. 44oi old rout- are, 14-lec; Drooled raiekeae mere. Itt-I u- 43-tle; roaateia, 13 -Me; llabt kena, 11 llct neav kena, 34-17el aut tp fryers, aU velihta,. 43-4e. BeaMlo Averaee to ironera: .Live Jhiteo, 4-4 Ibe.. tl-llc; 4-4 lot., ll-lte lb., old doia, 10-lte; te hlih.r. Freih dneeed frren to retallero, ai-toei ut u. aa-r. C.iatrr Killed Meat! ViolTor. Quality. u-41o lk.t rank heirlee. Ift-lle. rxoco Man niooxere, ii-jxci aove. jhuh U-iic. Lamao Ton arade aprtnaerx. on-aie; other tradae. aceordlnt to duality. Milt.o Bait eweo and .inert. 1 tr ite lb. ...-utility oowt, m-310 lb.i tunar- cuttere, 1B-17C. ' - , treik Droeeod Meete Wholeaalera to ntailen: Doima tor fwt.; . win... suviso wr-iwv mm. 35.00-tl.OO; utility, Il.04-44.00l Oowa, commercial, 30.00-13.00; utility,' 44.04- 33.00: cannera outtore. tt.00-n.00. Boer vote itjnoico aiecrer. tund ouatUra, 44.44-40.04: rounde, 41.0444.00i lull lolna, trimmed. 41.40-Tl.40l trl. anilaa. 40.04-41.00; fort-ouartera. SS.OO- .ooi ekaeie, 11.04-41.00i tlba. u. co ll. do. . Vool oood. I41-U.44: oommerotaU, 437-M. - caiToa onoica. iu-u.h: alaU, 131-tt. Lamba Prima eprlniera. 40-40 lka. tl-i aood, 4IO-I4. xaHion uooa enoica, a-ai. Park Cote Lolrj. No. 1. 1-13 Iba.. au. 41; ahouldera, 11 Iba., 414-10; ipirerlbi. t4t-4t; freah hama, 10-14 tbi asi-M. Smoked Hama Skinned, tn-ei.lO. Ro- tlned Urd In drnma. alab boo. on, 4U-40.40. .-,.!- rortiana fdixeeuanoona celery cat, oat arete. dot.. 43.13-4.34. Few to I4.W. Ore- 13. 31- 13.00. Onlona 04 lb. aacka Wext Oreaon yol- lowe. medium, a-ln. mm.. No. la. 14.00- 73: 1-inch 40.00-4.14: Mo. la, 1u1-1.1i; boiler., 10 lb. xaeki, 44-tToi Idaho yeliowe. lane, I l.oo-s.oo; no. 1, white, lane, 4.14-4.00. retatoeo oro.-waan. ruueta.- No. 1. IB.00-3.13t name brands to 18.401 baken.; 34 lba a lie A. 41.34-1.40: 10 lb. mean, BO-OOo; paper, 44-tto; No. 1, 14 lb... oi.BO-1.44; Idaho bakere, kalea, 4-14 toe., oz.ou-3.ooi tw-in. aacaa, af.oo-lJOi 31 lb. No. lx. 11.1b. xlay u. B. No. a aroen allalfa. da. Uvered ear lota f.o.b. PorUand,. nominal ly 13&.0Q torn Beattlo. sst-sb, wooi wuiamatva vouey moauy nomi nal at 4&0 lb. treaaa naala. Bldoa caWet, 11-310 lb. aoeordlnt to welanu; iroos klpe, 11-lte; bulla, 4-Se reen ouwner eow ntaee, i-oc FUborto Wholeialo xeutnt prion No. larno Barcolonaa, . 14-aoo lb.l trower -pneee. orchard run, 14-160 lb. Walnntx Wholeialo eelltnt price, flrat quality larto pranauattee, 33-330 lb.: trower price, orenord run, 14-140 lb.. row neat to 110. 3 Freedom End Portland Three months of freedom outside the Oregon state prison were over today for Norman Wise, 28-year-old two-time loser who had only eight months to go before be ing eligible for parole when he escaped from a trusty camp in the Tillamook Burn last Jan uary S. . vtj Portland detectives climax ed a week-long search through south Portland yesterday when they caught up with the fugitive - Wise working ; in a foundry. A tip that he had been "seen .around" the area led to the pay-off vigil. .. Wise surrendered meekly, saying he was ready to "get it over with." He said he stole a forestry truck at the Tillamook Burn camp, drove to Forest Grove and then to Portland. He aban doned the truck and took odd jobs. He had been at the found' ry for about three weeks. 140 it., Mirth tt, at the ao of Sa reira. Surrlrad or wife, Mr. Best Bwearlnren, flaltm. Atrvlcai Thuriilar, April S at 1:10 P.m. In the Howell-Ed-wards Chape! wllh eoncltxltnc M trices Willamette National Cemetery m Portland. Babble Beetle Bobble Beetle, at Lontvlew. Waih.. March 10, at the ate ol teveii yean. Bon of Mr, and Mr. R. O. Beetle. Lout- Tier. Alio survived br aUter, Terry Jo Beetle, Lonirlewi arand pa rente, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Beetle, Tacoma. Waih.f Mri. Roia P. ailmoUT, flat em, and J. W, Oil mour, Jeffereon. Grave tide eervleea will ba held in Btlcreat Memorial Park Prl dar. April I, at 1:10 p.m. under direc tion of the Howell-Ed warda Company. Mildred Laaa MaeCaeaabell Mildred Lane MacCampbetl, at the residence ntt Sntlewood Ave., April 1. Wife of Alfred MacCampbetl of Sa lem; iliter of Mr. Lrle Lane of flan Joee, Calif., and Mrt. Biendena Black of McMionvllle, flervlcet will ba held Sat urday, April 4 at l li p.m. In ttie W. T Rltdon Chapel. OTTCM Bwi't aar Am,, tSSu lt aatlw kow aueir rll jam kaM tried foe Kehlaej eeamn, tearlaila, talea. Hone, attlele'e leot ar whatever root eala troalle mar he inrtklng Iron kaad la foot WONDER BALVI aad WfmdW Mnltoalid 4m, eaa hlp rev. Derate fir Ike tire la Ike Anew aew for raw felke al WOHDKB SALVE k wklt. , i t II. aaUMwIii, Ne ail. apporaaea. Safe tm hlWnm. On WONDKK 8AI.TR aad WONDR HKniCATBD SOAP ReewHl reraMM. Trelr a Tit thoeja. Sold In kr C.eltel, fret Merer, Owl, rarle.e, and Sehaefrr Drag Slareet ar rear keexetowa dragxlet. STOCKS (By The Aoeoclaiod , Prue) Admiral CorporsUoa 14 Aiuod Choaucal , 11H Aim Chairaan Anrertfan Alrltnti ,. Ill . l!s ,. I .1344 :. 4 1. 40 1. 414. tl ,, 41Va 41V. ,. 14Vb ',' ui ,. 10 Amertau power or Llsh....,, AmortoM Tel a Tel ....... Amerkaa Tobaceo Anaeonda Copper ... ...., Atekleon Railroad aetnieaem nieel Boolni AlrpUne Co. ........ Bon Warner . Burrows Addloa aiachU-- Callfornln Parking Canadian PaeKlc Oaterplllar Tractor ....... celanno Corporation ...... Cnryeler Corporation ...... Cltlea eMrtleo CouoUdatod IdUon ConaoUdatod Vulteo Crown lellerbacn t.. curtlaa Wruht Ooualaa Aircraft Du Pont do Nemoura Kaatman Kodak .....,..., Kmereon Radio ...... , 4414 . . II . 4711 . 4SU . 1114 . M . "V. . 43 . 14 . 03 . 0S , S0K . MVe 11 . 13 . IK . 13 . 1SU . 31 . 03 V. . 1314 33 . 1341 . Utk . 31K .11SU . evii , 4T . 30V. . 1314 . 3354 . 111. . 13 . 14 . 47 . 014 . B4 . US . . IS . 44 . ISM . 71 oeneral Blectrle Oeneral Poode ............. Qeneral atotora Qeorela Pee. Plywood ,., Ooodyear Tire ...... Homoetako Mining Co. ..... International Hareeeter .... International Paper ....... Johns Manrlll. KennKott Copper Ubby VIcNlll Lockheed Alrcralt Loewea sneorporotod Lou BeU Hontgomen Ward ........ Naah Kalelnator New Tork central Northern Paclllo Paclllt Amerlwn Pleh Pacllle Ow ElectrM PaclfM Tel As Tel .......... Packard ktotor Car. . Penney. J. C. Penniylrapla R. R. ,,..- p. pal Cola Co, , -v Phllco ItadIO Radio Corporation Rayonter Incorp . Rayonler incorp. no, Republic ateel Reynolds aletail Rlehllald OU Bofeway atoree Ino. Scott Paper Co Seara. Roebuck Co. Socony-Vaouum Oil ... Southern Peclflo Standard Oil Calif. Standard Oil N.J. .......... studebaker Corp .. sunxhlno kilning ...... , ,. 174. nwlft A, Oomoany ......... .. 4414 Traniamerloa Corp TwenUeth Century roi Union OU Company ..... Union Paclllo .., - United Alrllnea United Alrcralt United Corporation ..... United Statu Plywood..... United sutoa Steel ........ Warner Plcturoa Weatern Union Tel. . WeiUnthouio Air Brak Waatlnahoute llectrlo ...... Woolworth- ,.. ,.'1T .. 40H ,.114 ,. 4V4 .. 3ii .. ItH .. 41H .. 37H ., 44H .. '40 SALEM MARKETS Complied from Mparts of taleae daaltra ..tar tka galanmi t oepnai xanraai nadera. (Riynwd dally.) Retail teed Prloeoi BabMI relleta 43.44 (M- lb. bag) l.0-t.44 (100-lb. bag). Vwr Huh lS lO-C II. Dairy Pood 43.BB-1 Jt (44 . tag). 44.4S-t.t4 (100 Wt.l. Poultry Bnrlnx Colored fryers. loot old rooitora, ttoi colored fowl, 14c; Leghorn fowl, Itc; lowttra, 30c - Inal Bnytnt Prteee Bgit, aa, ao; lane a. 44-4301 medium AA, 4ol medium A, is-Uci amalL Ho. Whotaaata rnioongg wnoiaanio prrcax geaaraUy t-7o higher than the prion above. Lnno grade a generally cjuoioa at Sect medium. SIC. Bntieriat Buying niee: rrarnium. Ti ne: No. 1. 44-7401 No. t. 170. rMlter .wnoieaaia gxano m pnronmeni. 73c lb.i retail. 77c. . The keeping of pets is al most universal among men in various parts of the world. LEGAUS SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND XLICTION NOTIOB STATI OT ORBOON County of Marlon Bunnnlda School Dlltrlct No. MO ) NOTICE IS HXRJEBY OlVEN mat at the jcbool dlltrlct bond election hereby called to ba held at the School Houee and for Sunnralde Sohooi inttnc. no. 4o, of Marlon County, Oreion, SATUR DAY, the ifth day f April, AD. ms, between tba houra of S o'clock p.m. and o'clock p.m., there will bo eubmitted the letal votera thereof the quwtton of contraotlnv a bonded Indebtedneaa In ttio aum of 135,000.00 for tha purpoee of DroTidinv fundi with which to eon- atruct an additional eiaerroom ann jar- atorlai and equip alueroonu, and inei denal work of uah projtot In and for laid school dietrlct. Tha vote to m br ballot upon wnicn ahall ba tha worde 'Bondf Tee" and Bond No": and tna voter anau place a croae X) between tha word "Sonde" and tha word "Tea" or between the worde "Bon da' and tha word - "No" which Indicate nil eholce. Tha polli for tha recaption af tna btU- tote eait for or acalnit tha aontrae tlon of aald Indebtadneu mill on eatd day and data and at tha place aioraeakt. ba opened at tha Hour of i a clock p.m. and remain open until aha hour of I o'clock p.m. of tha aame day whan tha atrie iball be cloaed. By order of the dlltrlct acnool board of sunnyiMa School Dlltrlct No. tec, of Marlon County, Oreion, made fhli rd day of March, A.D. 1913. Chairman, DUtnet school Board Loiter A. Thom aa . ... , Attut: Mary Prancaa a-antford DUtrlat Clerk. April 1, 9. It, 1HI I t-------m----------------m----m--m----mmmmmm-.y1m rasps? WJeed Oice .Space ? Why Not Consider a Location in This Proposed New Building? Approximately 650 sq. ft. Each Floor Would Be Built to Suit Requirements of Prospective Tenants Location: Corner Fairgrounds Rd. At Shipping mmmmmmimmmmm CUIaago V A saoderats auppiy o4 kua elaand readUy woduodar al price atronf to 14 canto a nunwr rmtndj highly, Cattld vara uneven with hoarier anon aa much aa a oonie uwey sna oowa a. much as 13 tenia htthw. Tot txxa reached J1 31 for the tlril tlamo In lw woua. ow trm i In 404 pound! eold irotn 111.44 to 414 44. Oood to prime ttwra nnd yoariings 430.0 to 44.40 but iba top wont up to 031.10. Oood to prima fod keif era pud. 414.10 to 434.44. A few young dowa WO. od 414.44. - -- rwtland Caatald Morkel ' Portland tup WlUamolto valley eaull nower told lor 41-1.14 A crate tcinp on the Portland lastxlda Pamtera Whole aala Produce market with sun Roe bun cauimower gotnt for 43 to. tUryhia With, aplntch brought 14, 1.14 A box. On wholoaalo row a. ear ax an men atenniwlck. miH, wax ousted at tt aontx pound. ,,, Perilled Uyeetook PorUand 4U0 CaUla: SMI xuen iteidyi commercial-good lad etoen 30- :; tood-cholco etoen Bi tood-anova led alien Tueaday H-U.tOi good kelfara 11; utlllty-eomnierclAl kellera ,14-14) oanner - cutter cowx 14 - 11.40; ': ahellt downward to T: utility sows , commercial to IT; utility bulla 11.40-11. Calm: B0; ateady: good-low dhoiea nalera 33-lOt ntllltp gommerelal 1T-441 ouile down to 10. Hoai: 400: actlre; strong to 36c kigh : aholco 1. 1 kutchen 110-334 lid. ai.4t-14i choice S kutchen 44.44; aheleo 100-400 lb. oowa M.M-11, Sheep; 100: early oupply Mgllgtbtoi good-oholco wooied lamb, ulaklo St-tll feedera ealakla 11-14; good aholo. tweg nonlaally 4-10. ' , ' ChtwM OaUt ChicMo WJB tv;?"'fM mod art. tt, tit- tr. -. Tnok nlii (W Um.):- Tixu Tcllav B4rDiUdii U. 4ft. 1, 1 to 3-lneij, appt4i. nuttl I tart l.n-S.60; Qrn v.. 4. 1. l-tnch and largor tar i.H. It wr cant V. . 1 approalmato aar l.Hi Ml ob It an Tallow OlobH raUy lootf -0 tr tank a-lncn and Jartn car l ot. . airiti aiu (W im.: Mano aaa cntK ion apanlata t-taob and lanar I.MM.OOi mklvMt ntdlnm Ttltow Oloaoa 1.M 1.15. (aw Um. Iowa 100 uoiloo Crratai Whita wai l-lnch art Ui-nr, alaa a la . 3-lnch. 4.7. - i . - Itaak MarkH nm Tork m mutmM immmm dacllna davalopad Wadnaadar 1 i! itook markit taut tna Martat mooaratiir naYanhoiasi, nnta ipraad out ovtr tania af Mintf - nnivet nlinaw at4t 4ww ulnus attnt pradomlnattnf. X V- )' vomaa itn mk aorupur m an aau- matad 8,300,000 abaraa aa aowipajad : with Tutadar'a I, U 0,000 tfaarat, iarvttt in mora than two ytars. UASAFRAbCFLllBSr xWde4fre.St.ATg"l ':"" Mew Ite noodleea 4a gutter knanlaa leain e seM taligstlon. IK keaiUagy. gknikt to ixei1itlon4ypoJ' fcewmU of t. M. Pfondor, Fk.O. MedleaDy-proved Ftunnwro TaUett aootko away pain taetl Rot nwaot ,, nnytklnt yon Bka-wrlhont feat of daaOewaa, Amaalnt relief tovdlooal or anemor bje I ot Fttntar's TakMa. 144.4M.404 taM. VE OAVE BECAUSE! Who jrou bttrt a Itmlly k atctsstry to nut t cata fw. ' ttrrt lor tmergtnats. in At bouldwlfg, I'ft feejatj ' taini iht onlr way t daa afford tht rhlags w mat, - ...ALSO All deposits mad on Of ' before April 10th tarn imerait from April 1st at First National, open 10 to . S six days week, Indud . ing Saturday. : '.V Ideally Planned to Accommodate Legal Offices, Insurance ort Accounting Firms, Medical Clinic, etc. For Full Particulars Call Walter E. Bates Phono 4-4912 ' C2f utrnmrnKm nRGTiaawiaaMU