Pat 16 Wednesday, April 1, 195) THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Gunf ighter's Return By LESLIE ERNENWEIN AJ Mnluliml CHAPTER IT Mow, M Lew Btrooiberg rode northward with tlx men at noon, he muttered sourly, "One shiftless homesteader making suckers of my whole headquarters crew. It's enough to turn a man's stomach. By God. I should fire the bunch of you and hire some real hands." Hugh Jubal, still smarting from his Inglorious defeat of Saturday nicht, said, "Maybe Malben sneaked Into Junction and hid out at Eve Odegarde's.". Stromberg rejected that by an nouncing, "8ol RobUlarde and Ernie are keeping a day-and-night watch between them In town." "8am has Just been down right lucky." Jubal comolalned. "Chances are he'd of got caught ias nignt u Rimbaud nadn t run Bill off the ridge at Boxed M. I'd bet a month's pay that Malben ate supper with Rimbaud at his own table while the rest of us was watchln' them other places. It stands to reason Sam must of ate somewheres." Booger B1U glared at him. "Rim baud busted my thumb," he said sullenly, and stuck out his band aged left hand in evidence. "I had to git It fixed, didn't I?" "But you could of let us know," Hugh Jubal complained, "instead of spendin' a whole evenln' at the ehlloh bar lappln' up beer. If you'd of lust tipped us off, we'd of took a look at Malben' place last night." . Lew Stromberg made a derisive, hoping motion at Jubal. "Don't nass the blame to him. It was your fault for not sending another man down there to see how things were going. I told you to keep uie crew moving and cover all that country, hour In and hour out. I thought you could understand plain Eng lish. Instead of me going to West camp, I snouiave sent you, ana done my own ramrod trig. I'll know better next time, by God!" Hugh Jubal hung his head. Get ting dressed down In front of the men was nothing new. But it wasn't a nice thing to take, and there were tunes, like now, when he wondered If those few extra dollars he got for being foreman were worm it. He'd always want ed to be ramrod of a big outfit, All his life he'd Itch to be the boss of a rough crew, to give or ders and have the fine feeling that ne was a cut aoove tne common bunch. Now he wasn't so sure. ; Presently, as they rode Into a . dry wash some three miles west of Maioens place, stromberg called a halt. In the fashion of a roundup boss sending out circle riders, ne spilt the crew, telling Jubal, Red Shatter, and Booger Bill to watch Boxed M. "Now dont go making targets of your selves," he warned. "I'm short one man already. Just be sure that Malben doesn't get his supper there tonight." "You still want him. took alive?" Jubal asked. Stromberg nodded. "That's how I prefer It.1' he said. "Of course, STEVE ROPER Bethel Park Bethel Park Rev. Ray Cather Is home again after a business trip to Springfield, i Rev. and Mrs. Clayton Beish re holding reviva' meetings In : Independence, Ore. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Swope ' and ion, Bobby, motored to ' Bates, Ore., over the week-end The Swopes held Sunday serv. Ices in Rev. Stanley Aitken's ' pastorate in Bates. s ; Larry Altken is recovering ; slowly from the severe injur . ies suffered In a fall from the " family automobile in January. Many park residents attend f ed the Hayesville district Sun- day school convention at Clear Lake community church. j A devotional service fol- Among those attending from ' the park were Rev. and Mrs. ;' Duane, Mr. and Mrs. R. Nel ' son, Fred Reik, Rev. and Mrs. Ray Cather, Bert and Dorothy daughter, April. it may not be possible, and I want nun grabbed even u you have to fill him full of lead to do It. But 1 11 pay a hundred-dollars bonus if nes taken auve." Lew Strom berg's word was law This dark saturnine man was king here, and his commands weren't to be questioned. He seldom bothered to explain his decisions, having an aristocrat's contempt for hired hands. But now, sensing the crew's curiosity, Stromberg said, "It would be worth a hundred dollars to see Mai ben behind bars. A dead homesteader might look like a hero to some folks. Espe cially to women. But a Jailbird is no hero to anyone. He's Just a fool who got himself caught. "I flgger that was It." Jubal ssld, a self-satisfied smile rutting ids sorrel - suiooea cneeks. By grab, I knowed it." Stromberg eyed him arrogantly and demanded, "Anything odd about my opinion?" "No," Hugh aald meekly. "Not a thine. Boss. It was Just that I had It flggered out In advance." "First tune I ever heard of a doorknob figuring, "Stromberg said sourly. Red Shatter laughed, poking a finger at Jubal and saying, "A doorknob with ears." Then he asked. "How about Rimbaud. Boss?" Stromberg thought about It for a moment before saying. "We'll I run him . off, when the sign is right. But if Rimbaud got shot at Maiben's place now. it would out Sol RobUlarde In a bad spot, with tne territorial elections cominc up." "What difference does that make7" Shatter asked. The difference between having tne law with Roman Four or against it," Stromberg explained. HiromDeiv rjeeren at niA 10e. man and demanded, ,:bo you un aerstana your instructions?" "Well, you want Malben ketched, alive or otherwise, and no shoot ing with Rimbaud until later on." Strombeiv nodded and rode off. followed by Aubrey, Flanagan and Biaae. Booger Bill fell In behind Shaf fer and Jubal. who headed east ward along the wash. "If I could git my hands on Rimbaud I'd stomp his guts Into the ground," he muttered. 'Lew would like that." Jubal said, and so would I. But how you goln' to ketch a gun-slinger like Rimbaud without shootln' him first?" "It might be done." Red Shatter suggested, "if we go at It right, and have a little luck." At about the same time Jim Rimbaud completed half of a wide circle that had given him glimpses of two homesteads and the little settlement called Isabelle's Camp. ne rone siowiy, seeing oil the trails and reading their sign of recent travel when he crossed them. There had been a consid erable amount of riding through wus country ias nigra, ne smiley, thinking that those patrols had been seeklns a fugitive who'd been furnished his supper by Lew Strom berg's daughter.. . What a joke it wasl . , ; As Rimbaud crossed a rock-rib bed strip of benchland lust north oi aoxea m, a cows steady pawl' Ins attracted his attention. Rim. baud turned his horse and Dres. ently glimpsed a brindle calf lying oesiae a orusn-inneed rock out crop. Newborn, he guessed, and now saw that there was a motley faced brindle cow standing be hind it in the brush. The scrawny calf got past way up, then collapsed. "Coyote bait, unless he's cor ralled," Rimbaud reflected. Dismounting and using his coll ed rope as a weapon against the wild-eyed cow, he picked up the calf, hoisted It to his saddle, and balanced It there while he mount ed. Then, with the calf cradled In his arm and the cow bawling motherly protests, he rode toward Boxed M. It was sundown when Rimbaud entered the yard followed by the bellowing brindle. The thought had occurred to him that his noisy approach might be danger ous If Roman Fouj were on the prowi toaay. He even considered abandoning the calf,- but instead he bowed to the strict code of cat- tleland, which prompted a man to take care of stock regardless of risk to himself. It was a basic in gredient, this habit of caring for the cattle; a deep-rooted' charac teristic bred Into generations of cow-country Te juris. (To Be Continued) I LEPT EVEBW .THINS OUST 1 LETS BOLL, BOSS.' WHEN) THE WAV I DOPES PINOS HIS ' FOUND IT, APACTMENT MESSED ) WHEELS UK Ht U. EVERYTHING BUT THIS WWV THAT'S NOTHINS BUT A VEAH--BUT IT'S A VERY SflFEW KINDA SILK lR LIKE THEY SAY SUITABLE FOR FRAMINqV Lx L U POGO Vutevbu-rHBTiiw atlKPiJCPfRTN ORPHAN ANNIE Srvyfcar Turn I -rue S TWVJf r fwr,N0rl Y6, WeVW VWV f UNNV. I A'Yi DO YOU MIWP ttr-r; ' DKAUM THIV. aV,"HAVt tKMtK. Ars WHAT : SO FUNNV r nx.i. OCT est .I IUKE e?A80lT5 f 1 mKAe? I way , we wtH VJsjwlV f stan i RADIO PROGRAMS FREE TV THEATltE . Watch TV at our Television Theatre. ' See tbem in action before yon buy. . . . Fockord-Bell, Emerson, Raytheon, Westinghoute V OPEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Evenings by Appointment YEATER APPLIANCE & TELEVISION CO. 375 Chemeketa Phone 34311 THURSDAY P. M. U:M millions do. Beat boiedom '"'I'J ZZ Chw Wriejey' Spterminl Cum. Good eWVrsj tetv monotony- .lUttleUK. Brrt- -r v AHI7I (1 E2EZ2Z21 ROOM ft BOARD By Ahren LAST WEEK A FRIEND Of MINE WAS MOTORING 35 MILES EAST OF HERE WHEN THE ENGINE BECAME N OVERHEATED, AND AS HE VENT 10 GET A CAN OF WATER FROM A SWAMP POND A FEW HUNDRED FEET FROM THE ROAR HE DISCOVERED OIL'&T STEPPED ANKLE-DEEP INTO A .I POOL OF CRUDE OtL 23. BUT VHAT GOOD WILLITDO HIM?.... IT ISNT HIS PROPERTY' ...IF HE DISCOVERED A NEW COMET, AT LEAST, ITD BE NAMFO AFTER HIM.' AX red i 17 Jit 'ERE'51 MORE ml bill HEARAM 'I 'I Mil U'io OM6 LEAVES ME HALFL OF A BKOKENO0WN 8MAUL TOWN NEWSPAPERtI DON'T ) . OSK SIMS FOR IT- LIL ABNER WO THE OTHER HALF GOES TO A SHE-COWBOY. WHAT GOOD CAN DC ON A PAPER' TWAL, SHE"s" A RIQHT II f THEN LET HER HPWfTV NO? V" I ' T AJJ.J IF CHE'S SO GUi'POSE LJ SMART SHE'LL KNOW I TEU-VW. Lmmm WHAT TO 00 WITH IT- WISE 0ft I HOPE VO" V AH IS BOUND TO.? GITS THE .1 AH KIN TEACH ' " SPARRING I THAT SLOBBOVIAN PARTNER A HOW TO LICK A r- JOB, BOBCAT-NO HOPALONG CASSIDY, VOOagofu.9 Yah spesh hokav. i take i ul-i2es in j you word v "ptui- ,what tvpe ( rasslinsv RASSLINS lC FIRST AH PICKS A OPPONENT. Htttl- I SOUNDS 1 WAL H INTERESTING. 1 THSN FOUR. LADS AN THET MULE WILLDOFOV GO HINTO jrfVA LISHT WORKOUT r- HACTT FyMp$ V ( ??-VOU 'GUNS GRAPPLE WITH . -mnMfS ' fti ALL FIFE. OF THEM BEASTS? j- 1:4.1 :15 l:3i' 5:45 KGW as NBO Ndm Niwb P. Ytaas Haplnt Plain BUI Faritll : . L. Jants Wtlcamt Trxiltr Or. Paul Garroway KOIN CBS Nana Gal II Haaaa Party Uaaaa Parlf Paul Harvtr Naoa CSIt. lack Owtu Jack Owaaa BUI Tap Haa. Gca. ruhar Klrkbam Klrkham Ka Weal Kir Waal Kar Wait Ka? Wail Gadfrar Godfrey . Godfrey Curl Maaafy Mrkbaaa IRalb Aibtaa Ulca Wabely Tiocfallr Ed Mam Nawa Warld Teday Prank Goia KEX UN ABO Jack Blrkweoe Larky V Kan eh Cal Tlnnay Cat . Tlnnay Llka HlUlenalre Mntle Reyna BUI Bins Far Iba Ulrlf For Ibi Glrlii Tiny Tnnaa Sari Case ' Sari. Caco Happy Tlaaa Merrla ClrcM Vlri. Plnkloy O. Hnnllay Bab Garrad KSLM I KGAE ISM MBC USt Ka. Tap TradH' INawa Day N't Halle KaeerdK... Baeard Kaaaa Kecerd Kaora Raeard Baoaj Nawa Gard. ranea Maalt Bel'r Skopped Onr Town Staytan Newa Paala Slone Fall. Lewi. PJenilnrway Cart Mnaaey Saaa Hayea Set. Praaton. Sat. Praalea Sky Kins Isky Klnt Baeard I Baeard I Baeerd Baeard Baeard I Baeerd I Keeard I Baeard! llm Dandy Skew Jim Daady BOOW Klda Kerner Hull Mart Mailt Hart resile Hart Mule Mart Mnalo Mart Mule Mart iMuale Marl KOCO H LSI bbawaaat Newa Prank Daeat ank Dnal Frank Derail eie mil. Matle Mil. Melody Melody Melody Melody Melody Si!2 MS! Belax wllb Mule Bed SkeHon Bid Skellon Bli Story Bit Story Balpb Edwardi 11:1! :3fl :4.t 1:9! f Ajaerlean way . Vliltlot Time Man'a Famly warld Newa Boy Koaere Bay Kocara Father Knowa Cammunlet ' for FBI I:wCR''" Sporte Ptnnl Oelden yieeea Lwan McCll City Council Clly Caancll 18:" Itlcn Oft Tlma lot Lara Blnv Craiby Brnc Creaby Thomae On Spot . Dea. Bride Dae. Bride MeerMUlle Meet Millie Uo Stafford Jr. Hill S-Star Final Intervlewe toeeert Inn Orcheilrn Ortan .. Oraan ' . Treaanry Bandiland BDenl Weatherman IG. Renter Henie EdlllenM. W. Howe Good Lbtentnf Anawer Man Ileal Hayea Stlrer Eaile Silver Eaala Dreamland Playheoio Lonitnea Smpbeaeli Crime pitera Talee of Tomorrow Newe Tomer. Ambidor Or, Searcb far Stara iFlaal Bdtllar Dance Time Danee Time Dance Time Dance Time Danec Time Danee Time Dance Time Dance Time Isita Off Claeo Kid Mnalo Communlat for FBI Crime Pla Mnile Maele Glen Hardy Fall. Uwle What Caoka HuilC Behlad etry Newereel Newa ICrlme Pllea Crime FUea Maele -Maile ' Haile Haile Mart sin Off "-W1 n hu, e, Saeead Leek Shaw r.u Valley yea. Sones ICaadle UM aaa surer U Kero Traek ltat Tratk lire Track ltat Track IlbT" Traek UM Traek UM nawi Warrick Warrick Mule Tot want Noctarao Neclarae Noetarae Noctarao iSlen Off TH06E TWiJ tSAL00T6 WHO BUSTED 'H!1 OPEN THAT DAM MUST A 6ET THEIR KJT F.1 CHAR6E AN' 6KEPAPPLED LON6 MOl I-.' .1 L ME6QUITE ANP I ARE A WHAT VO VOU HEAPINtS INTO TOWN EXPECT TO FIRST THINd IN J FIND THERE? THE M0RNIN6. ffW -) A 6HARP-TONfiUEP OLD LAPY : IN HER 6liaiE6 WHO 6PEAK6 WITH A BOSTON ACCENT. MUTT & JEFF can lysuae, but polas ) HAVE HER,) BbfARS UKEr-bSy , CUS? A A COLD UfFJ VCLIMATE.' JJ V PON'T WORRV, I'LL TAKE II GOOD CARE OF HER ' if com oh, sallv f I I SI t-F-l-' I 'LLGET ) A SITE j BEX MORGAN, M. D. lT- SYMPTOMS FIT Does rrsiVB a Athosb vwich seobsb , P6SCBIPTI0N yTURNe? HAP BEFORe OP VERATKUIA tfS , HE PIEP ' 1 DONALD DUCK ANP AT SHCHA TUPNEZ'S MOMS.,, f BBCAU5S VOU'RE IN THIS Vtnraeenaranan55 Please eo now. okav, babyjust nfSm T BAKU .' J'M TIBEO ) OOMT START THINK- , e7 Jl irr7 rbsATf"v ( t WAStNE THEM 1 Vro BE CAREFUL ICTWITH INK f J MARY WORTH OKAV NOW. WHATS THE ) tJf THE JOKE'SI --w . m r irvj vni l on you : yrs JU3T...J (.A &Ap BLOT WE aOT "miNOIFIWALHTo) ( vr iBBy...f ) IYE NLVLK !LE.N YUU WLAK 1 uiuv. . rr rr:r-7. ... ,r r.n,--, numtu, r ""ntNc. y A VERY SMALL WERE YOU INITIATLD rS:HO0LIN INDIANA INTO THL SUKwKIl 7 l J I ...k-APPA CHAPTER. AT WABASH VALLLV NORMAL! I THANHJl'-StEYOU LATER!. .1 HAVE v normal! irri n ipHyi? 11 iiy Don't fret over a down payment. We take most anything on a trade for a beautiful Raytheoiip Set. See Us First for the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 Lana Ave. Phone 38558 Open Monday and Friday Evenlnfs mm FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. 1-M Tine CBS Nwi Farn Br. (Neirf Breakfft Wcitint t15 lo Time I1FD Oracon Farm Br. TlknektMr Nook MtUdy S0 MoaleTlme KOIN Kleefe Farm Br. Newi - Breakfail Farai Nnaj fl-slf FarM rime iCOIN Kleefe Farm Hoar March Time Neefc New 7 .an Cnlry Editor Newa Newa HemlBCWO Breakfatt KOCO Klwk 7'lJi Jehni Willi Newe M. Atremky Breakfast Neek KOCO Ktetk 710 Newe - - Newe - ' Bob Garred Breakfail - B.eakfait , KOCO Ildtk 7:4P K. MannlDf H. BafchHI Bob Haien 8am Bayei K'ook KOCO Kleek TiT Old Seore Newa Breakfail Ceoll Brown Jim Dandy KOCO Kleck '-r Old Soma ; Newe Clnb, Famll Altar Jim Pandy KOCO Klefk :S A Maele Boi Grand Blam Breakfail tllbU'eleir Jim Divadr KOCO Kletk 1:45 Mule Boi T8oeemarT Clab nttt Bent Jim Dandy Newi M Maile Boi W Warren Newe Dr. Sword Matine Strlnr '.J5 Maile Boi Aanl Jenny Todayi Star Cemmeatary Matinee erenale 'lA Mnile Bex Helen Trent Break Bank Patter Call Matlnea nalaete 9:45 Llndlahr Gal Bnnday Break Bank Bar. Cenntei Matinee F.'eae Fat if. Mi Hoileii Use Road Life Don Gardner Glen Hardy Matinee Ran tfiij Farty Ma Ferklni Cbet Huntley Telle Teit Matlnea Reterei li'Si Si'lke Rleh Dr. Malene Trne Story Anawer Man Matlnea . Biti t':4 Strike Rich Gnld. Lliht Trnegtry Maile Matlnea RecertH .M Deablt or Mrs. Barton Whlieerlnr Lad lei Fair Matlnea Rayi Notblnc P. Mam Girl Marrlei Ladlet Fair Matinee Records 11 -JO Bob and Ray Norah Drake V, Llndlhar Qn. for Day Matinee Ray. jjjjc Bob Hope Brighter Day Barney Keep Qn. for Day Matlnea Rtterdi FM Mer.t KOIN 1 1.1. fl ft.m. to It a.m. KEX M.t, I Itl f.n, DIAL USTXNG KOAC, $59 lAA Thand-y P.M.. 5:M, Child ren'e Tbeater: 5:S0. Revert from Earopci 6:00, Newe , Weather, (heft, Oreron Leslilatarei 7:15, Farm Bonn 1:00, BBC Theater, 9:00, Muilc That End n ret; 0:4S, Meditation, 10:00, Slrn Off. tl 1:1B. Binatlallr far Weaiait 11:15, Concert Haiti lt:M, Newi; 11:11 Farm Henri. Marle-t lennty tsteatlw rente. ' Newspaper Postage to Go up Another 10 Pet. Washington W Second class mailing rates go up an other 10 percent Wednesday in another of the series of stag gered rate increases authorized by Congress in 1951. The second class postal serv ice handles newspapers, maga zines and similar periodicals. The basic charge for such matter went up 10 percent on April 1, 1952, adding accord ing to Post Office officials between four and 4 million dollars a year to department revenues. - , ACROSS 1. Stabbed 7. Highest 13. Sort 14. Neither masculine nor feminln 15. Preposition 16. Garments 18. Extinct bird 19. Vigor 2L Cavalry sword 23. Source of maple syrup 24. Wicked 26. Oarsman 28. Symbol for tellurium 29. Surgical thread 31. Contradicts 33. English school 35. Facts 36. Read . 39. Lazar 42. Article 43. Rich brown 45. Dry 46. Equal: comb, form 43. Cubic meter 50. Automatic pump 51. Split 63. Useful 55. Note of ths scale 56. Football team 58. Drudges 60. Ridicule 61. Compound ethers Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle . DOWN 1. Rascals 2. Inborn 3. Butt of a Joke 4. Coat of wtain i.!mals 5. God of love 1 I I5 H lS lfc li I8 ft l'a I'1 I1 flN w 7 w r? sTSi ps- w fW w -r- r WW 1 i m w. 44 ;W Jfr:,:W rp53" tmw -T a -mm- H '4'u( ST 5T 5T 5S 5, "" d NewioQlvrea T" 6. Shut out 7. Not stitched 8. Hebrew letter 9. Mire 10. American Indians 11. Sober 12. Words used . figuratively 17. Very black 20. Fit together at an losl 22. Kingly 25. Flower 27. Fixed charge! 30. Organs of smell 31 Diminish gradually 31 Cod of the sea 38. Coupled 37. Store in s silo 38. Course of eating 40. Rubber 41. Negligent 44. Get up 47, Above 49. Additions to buildings 52. Biblical king 54. Masticate and swallow 57. Participial ending 59. Norn god