Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 01, 1953, Page 14, Image 14

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    Page 14
Wednesday, April 1, 1953
. VATHt.' I rj
Ducks, Huskies, Beavers,
Cats Viks Set for Relavs
' A number of stars from the
University of Washington will
participate In the third annul
Willamette Belays at McCnl
loch Stadium Saturday after
noon starting at 1 o'clock.
The Huskies' top threat! in
clude Jack Burney, who ran
the 440 in :48 plua a a mem
, ber of the armed force in
' Germany last summer; Denny
Meyer, holder of the all-time
Husky two-mile mark wltn a
9:29.5 time; George Wldenfelt,
a itandout in the discus, high
jump and hurdles; Bob Hut
chinson, (print ace.
Among entries from the
University of Oregon will be
; Al Martin, a 4:15 miler; Ray
Packwood, who tat done 13'K"
in the pole vault and Doug
Clement, former member of
- the Canadian Olympic team,
- Oregon State college also
will have aome solid threats
in person of Ralph Button,
Coast Conference Javelin
king; Jim Holmes, one of the
'Coast Conference'! better
' pole vaulters; Merrin Brock, ,
an outstanding sprinter with
a time of 9.6 in the century
and John Chambers, who
has done 1S.1 In the high
A total of 109 high schools
and 13 colleges have entered
the relays classic. The list of
individual prep and college
athletes Is expected to te
above 1500,
When Ted Ogdahl'i Wil
lamette university cinder
men get their tint taste of
1951 action In Saturday'!
WU relays the Bearcat
squad will include four men
who hold Northwest Confer
ence records.
The quartet are Mike Ho-
vis, Olympia, Wash., who
holds the conference osu
mark; Layton Gilaon, Salem,
discus; Jim Hitchman, Bal
boa Island, Calif.; shotput, and
Stan Neperud, Silverton, Jave
Other top Bearcat threats
are Bill Van Horn, Roseburg,
holder of the Willamette rec
ord in both the century and
Capitol Alleys
nmcBTaiAL ho. 1 -
HoUrWMd Maanee (I) X. OUrk
461, J. AlftrUB Mi, , b. JOHN 4J1, B.
OMdee 4H, J. CHatr HI. Jekaeew'a -aUaaeea
U A. HJle 41. J. OolrlB
141, B. Promt 430, R. PmrrUh 471, O.
ClUMr S77.
Natieaal Battenr M A. Cameron
481, R. Moodr 317, W. Weill 471, O.
lewla 456, H. Bartholomew M7. Sale
Wollee (0) IS. Mather, HI. S, PrU
. C. CTHIT 4W, W. D TU1 4H, 9.
Hlenoaun 171.
Ilwocfl', kfaeearr (I) H. Blwood
4S1, B. Crarcrolt 4S7, K. Shrpraen M,
S. wllkelle 4M, D. Batch (03. Her
ri ower Milk D. Brown in. B. Van
Ktsa 4S1. 1. 471, T. Whlt
leker 110, U. Can 40t.
Snekere (M I. run 4M, B. V!r
nli , J. MoAllliter m. A. Blewert
4l. 0. Bautni 4)7. Celrek (t) L.
Lance SOS, T. Sloan Mt, P. Helnke 411,
R. werbowikl 441. r. scriefcleiier 104.
Elka (4) T. Thompaon 491, B. Reedr
tie, B. Lowrr 430, L. Mcwjnner 471, T.
Km 454. Eaat galeea Uana (o) J.
Clark 110, a. Cuahlni 491, 1. Schlmbera
402. B. Dyer 409, J. niche, 470,
Bin, Lake (J) O. Uord 440, R.
lewla IN, P. Arree M4, B, Pettlt 410,
W. Walla 540. Carlr'e Dalrr l A.
Wrliht 4M, h. BVUunel 441, o, Hofitetter
417, F. saiirom o, i. leiuer 443.
hub team tarn Bine Lake, IS).
Blab team eerlea Bwood'e ktaeonrr.
340S. Blah tad. fame Al Writ bt of
curire uairr, ill. Hlfh tad. eerlea -Oeorae
Caniej X Ralpb Tohnioa Ap
pliances, 111.
Kelaer Merehaale (S O. Brataler
ias. B. Crareroft S07, J. Coomler 40). W.
:aohter 490, A. Fedenon tot. whit
taker1. Welder, (1) p. wtUttaker 400,
H. Wacken 411, B. Uwleea 411, B. JB
wood 401, 1. Lotan 141.
Hen Brethere-4 R. Ooe 4M, M.
Carter IS, B. Wbltloek III, O. Huaa
400, L. Waatphal 417. Wlii-a BtUkl
Seat () O. Polk 400, L. ltrara 410,
. Dar JM, o. Irle 410. B. Balna 414.
VaUrr raraa Start m u ctiur-
abea 440. O. Ochjnldt 471, B. Orar 403,
L. Bolra 477, B. Bulllran 470. PorlUoJ
Oaa and Ceka c. Berestrom 304.
O. Bulett It), B. Staler 417, J. Martin
tie, u. i,auue vn.
MeCaaa Peod Sale, (4V B. Thomp
aon S30, H. Comatock 054, O. Tburman
vt. a;, wuaam aot, w. Mccune lie.
tunnr seal Eelala (0) R. Aou 420,
W. Amunda M7, T. Olbton 407.
Belter Hardware (4) II. Powell 400.
O. Blokard 142. W. Weatllni 4SI. R.
Parmer 147, P. Jonea 400. Breera'e
jeweler, (e c. Hauaen 410, X. Rallej
147, V. Raoeen SOI. B. Hanaan 4)4. H
oauavn ev.
cnaapellea Meat Sffarkeft fl) w
wicauer 447, R. Dandle 4M. B. Nekton
we, J. Hon 420. al. Chappelle Ml. Sni
der', Eleetrle ll J. Hammoiul 47a
k McCain 444, A. Jaoobaon 401, J. n. ArUUT 400.
HUb team tame and aerlea Mc
Cuna Pood aalai, in and 3000. Rlah
ma. earn, and aerlea Verne Hauien
of Brown-, Jeweler,, 311 and 009.
Willamette Art Tile 3 Schola 431,
oi, tfaeooer in, uuoier 311,
Merer 494: Salem Tlra llHnw m
Cook 401, Baaen 313. fiwaln bib. whit
Bavla OU Ca. Ill Omnhunrim uv
Millar 403. Sober! 494, Blanton 431, Da
vie 142; Bare Badla U Oautbler 4)1,
Renael 473, mm 434, Dean 447, Bra 401.
Qaalltr Used Care 111 camnball 4,1.
n el trove 3t, abort 314, Prank Snel-
arore ev7, van Dell 4101 Tweadla All rat
Oaatbler J77, Seller! JM, Uarrlion 341,
OUnakl 431, Penny 473.
Preetr Oliea (J)-Howell 170, Vork 400,
Tliomaa 404, Kallle 370, Wood 430; Cappa
Caed Care ) amltb 38B. Alderman in
C. Cappa 374, MlUer 401, L. Cappa 410.
W. C Drer Ine. (I) cbaitaln 374,
Olla 377, Lenta 390, Orcenvood 133, Bte
vena 4171 Lea Newmaa ID M. Balneal
371, B. Nelnaat 311, Jobnion III, Maker
313. Leo Cappa 3M.
Hltb team aerlea. Davie on. eaaei hivt.
team tame, Kara Radio, HI: hltb tod.
aerlea, Jerry Deri, (Deri, 011) Mis blth
tad. tame, Dick swain (Salem Tire) 111. I
220: Ralph Stephenson, Ar-
ling, Calif., a standout in the
distance events and Dean
Benson, Bend, a former State
high school hurdle champion.
The Salem high school
track equad will open their
track season Saturday by
entering the .Willamette Be
lays. . The Vikings are
coached by Vern Gilmore.
Salem entries in Willamette
Shotput, George Meyers,
Dennis Garland, Jim Person,
and Ray Taylor. Discus,
George Meyers, Ray Taylor,
Jim Person and Ray Holm
quist. ' Broad lump, Dave
Johnson, Gordy Domogalla,
Melvin Jarvia, and Don Zeh.
High Jump, Bill Walker. Don
Zeh, Don . Llmbocker, . and
Walter Craycroft Pole vault,
Don Umbocker, Ed Keecb,
Ronnie Coon, and Craig Gate
ly. Javelin, Ray Taylor, Ray
Holmqulst, George Meyers and
Jim Bowers. , 100-yard dash,
Jim Anderson, Terry Salis
bury, Murray Jensen and Ken
Rawlings. 120-yard hurdles,
Bill Walker, Jack Bishop,
Ralph Morrison, and Jen Cren
shaw. 440 yards, Chuck John
son, Gary DuBois, Nick Error
and Stan Weigel. 880 yards,
Jim Knapp, Jim Searcy and
Dick Colgan. Mile race, How
ard Sallng, Ronnie Dalryrnple.
Don Swartz and Don Schultz.
Distance medley, Cliff Will-
marth, Bill Kaufman, Stan
Pawley and Bill Roher. 440-
yard relay, Jim Anderson,
Terry sauaoury, Ken Raw-
lings and Ed Castillo. 880-
yard relay, Delmar Funk,
Jack Chaves, Harry Juul, and
Sweet Home
Rolls Over
Brownies, 15-2
Sweet Home Batting around
in the third and fourth in
nings, Sweet Home high school
defeated Brownsville, 15 to 2
Tuesday afternoon on soft,
damp field.
Bob Morley, Sweet Home's
top pitcher, gave up no hits
during the three innings he
worked. Against Junction City
last Friday he held the opposi
tion to two hits.
A sparkling bit of play came
in the fourth when Don Sealey
of Brownsville bunted a pop
fly about 15 feet in front of the
plate. Catcher Ted Owens made
a diving catch and then whip
ped the ball to third while on
his stomach to complete dou
ble play.
Bill Alwert Sweet Home s
regular catcher, la out with a
broken thumb acquired during
an inter-squad session last
Tuesday's game was the Ilrst
of the season for Brownsville.
Brownirllle I I 10
aweet Home U 10
Marrla Zackery, Dick oebel ) ana
Rudy Herri Bob Morler, Oene Barrel
(I), Jim Butarly ( and Ted ownee,
CeOeew laaakatli Willamette al OSC, p.m.
ank Hkul araaki Three-war meet between aierton. PbUomatb and Central,
a a ,
, 7BIDAT, April t
U fafeeel kaaebafli Lebanon at Salem. Otmter field, 1:1(1 North Mariem at
6ATCRDAT, April 4
WWaeaette relen. MeCnIleek etadlam. 1-liM p.m.
CwUeaw awaekall: OCT abortion Bute Prteui, lP-m.
. i - : - MONDAY, April (
SprtM freUe, 1WLA elakkeaea'
Bltk tekaal treat! Three-way meet between ahorldaa, WUlamlna and Central
Exhibition Baseball
(By The Aeooclated Preaa)
Clereland (A) 11. New York IN) (.
Detroit (A) It, Philadelphia (A) T.
New Work (A) 4, Brooklyn (Nl I.
Cblcato (N) t. St. Louie (A) I.
Ctnclnnetl (N I, waiblntton (A) I.
Miiwautee (hi i, rnuadeipaia mi o.
Plttiburth (N) "A" 7, PltUborall (N)
Cblcato (A) 14, Brook. Medical Cn
ler 4.
Murray Jensen. ' 480-yard re
lay, Bill Walker, Jack Bishop,
Bill Morganstern, and Gil
Stewart. Two-mile relay, Ted
Henry, Duane Farmen, Gary
Ramsden and Wayne Gibbena,
Sprint medley, Joel Blaco. Bob
Meyers, Kenneth Martin and
Gary Riach.
, for
Who dmiitt
So smooth
it leaves you
Stt. PmrtSmiriBof Fit. lac, Hutfortj, Coaitf
It's Something
Every Woman Wants!
It's Something
Every Woman Needs!
It 's at. . .
ci mm
TUESDAY, April 7
CotJeew keeebeUi 080 Te. WlUemette It Baih'e peiture. 1 p.m.
Bltk eekeel keaekallt aalem at aweet Home, Bclo at M1U City (nlfht),
Iwader kith aeewel kaeakaUl Weat Belem at LeiUl.
Blth eeheel track t Albany at Salem.
Piwleeeienal wraelUnti Belem armory, card atarta at 1:30 p.m.
Game Colled Off
c.l.m hi ah achool's VikinKS.
still unable to swing into
baseball action because of bad
weather conditions, hope to
In thalv first wme of the
season Friday against Lebanon
at dinger field.
Twice thai Vikings have had
games postponed this aeason.
The latest was yesterday,
when Salem was slated to play
kfnl.lla nl (Mincer field. A
wet field forced postponement
of im comesv
Portland tin Caley Cook,
star springer, hurdler and
broadjumper, has been named
captain of the 1053 Lewis &
Clack college track squad.
West Linn Defeats
Canby Baseballera
Canbv OIJD w r i.
feated Canby U-3 in a hi
school basebaU game her.TlT
Grabor Bros.
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'&Ojt MRS 550N.Capilol,Sa!em