il7 H Catcher Expected Today Perez Passport-Stuck Calistoga, Calif., (Special to the Capital Journal) The steadiest ' performer In the Salem Senator spring training baseball .camp is .Old .Man Weather. ' i Since the . . Solons . opened their training season here Monday, the sun had shone warmly on this Napa valley community,' where manager Hugh Luby's Senators are whipping Into shape for the start of the Western Interna tional league season April 24. ! Salem Is still without a catcher, but Luby plans a , trip to Sacramento for this . afternoon to confer with Sacramento officials regard ing a catcher. Luby expects Sacramento to ' return Bob ' Nelson to Salem. The Sacs t bought Nelson, on a 30-day look basis, not long after the close of the 1952 season. The . Coast league will "almost certainly" give us Nelson back, Luby said today. If by any chance they decide fo keep Nelson, Sacramento will option out another catcher to' Salem. That was part of the sale agreement. - Meanwhile. Luby is anxious ly awaiting the appearance of Henry K. Wltherspoon, hard hitting Negro outfielder who is enroute from his home in Florida. : , '".. Connie Perez la stuck in Cuba, trying to entangle pass port red tape. Luby wired gov ernment officials in Florida in hopes of getting Perez In this country. Perez, who received the most popular player award at Salem last season, is already In shape, since he played all winter in a Cuban league. . ' Shortstop Gene Tanselll still hasn't come to terms, and doesn't even seem anx : oius to do so. Tanselll' is in Oregon, working tor the state department of agricul ture, and may not play any more professional baseball. Salem added another pitcher yesterday, bringing the mound staff to a total of six already signed. Latest pitcher to join the Solons is tall righthander Lou Simons, a rookie who lives in the shadow of the Oakland Oaks baseball park at Emery ville, Calif. I5 Seiniatoii'Spii'ODiii Cooip ; . . Beavers Lose PCL Opener Thorpe May Be Buried at Old v Carlisle School Carlisle, Pa. W A proposal to return the body of lamed Indian athlete, Jim Thorpe, to the scene of his great collegiate triumphs, has received the en dorsement of military' author ities. ; At a meeting her Tuesday night, it was announced the Army has given permission to bury Thori on the grounds of the Army War College, form erly Carlisle Indian School, 'of which Thorpe was a graduate. Thorpe, who died baturaay at Lomita, Calif., achieved some of his greatest athletic tri umphs as a representative of the Carlisle scnooi. The sponsoring group, which has telegraphed Thorpe's wid ow for permission to bring his; body east for miriai, aiso 0.1s cussed the posibility of estab- Willamette Opens Baseball Season at OSC Thursday Mickey Coen and Andy George will probably divide pltheing duties for the Wil lamette university Bearcats when the WU team opens Its 1953 season against Oregon State college at Corvallis Thursday. The game is scheduled for 3 o'clock on the OSC dia mond, located alongside Bell football field. The Oregon State team re cently completed a trip to Catfornia In which the Beav ers won three out of five games. . " Danny Johnston, who 'was eadlng OSC In batting with a .375 mark, was left in the University of California in firmary with Injuries receiv ed In an OSC-Cal game. He suffered a slight conensslon. Johnson, of course, will not see action opposite Willam ette Thursday. , ' None of the regulars on the OSC team is hitting a high as .300 now. Center fielder Bud Shirtcliff tops the swatters with a .263 av erage. Third baseman Chuck Fisk Is next with .261, and Catcher John Thomas, right fielder Jim Buggies and left fielder Jim Withrow are all tied at .250.. ' Coach Ralph Coleman has not announced his pitching ehoice for Oregon State. ' Four hurlers Jim Merman, ' Bailey Brem, Norb Wellman and Ctrky Coleman did the pitching for the OSC crew on its southern jaunt. Three High Schools Engage in Track Meet North Marion Union High School, Hubbard rTaking ad vantaee of some genuine sun ny spring weather, three high school track teams were engag Ine in a track meet here Wed' nesdav afternoon. The schools are North Marion, Sheridan and Sherwood. Los Angeles Takes 7-2 Victory Oyer Portland (Br The Aetoclatad Prow) The Paclfie Coast League, baseball's perennial first start er, got away to an auspicious beginning Tuesday but only Seattle's high-geared Ralnlers lived up to advance billing. The Rainiers, picked -by many to take the pennant won last year by Hollywood, sub dued highly regarded Oakland 8-5 in a slugfest at Oakland. , But Portland, also rated as a first division club, went down 7-2 before Los Angeles while defending champion Hollywood split a double header at San Diego. The Stars won the day game 3-2 behind Bed Munger's , tight pitching, and bowed to Bob Kerrigan and reliefer Al Benton 5-4 in the nightcap. Sizable first day crowds turned out for all the games. The top c-iwd, 12,409, show- lishing a college scholarship in, ed up at Saaamento to see the Solons turn back San Fran cisco 8-3 behind the six-hit pitching of Marino Pieretti. . At -Oatuana, sieve wagy pitched all the way for Seattle in game punctuated by ' 25 hits. The Oaks used four hurl ers trying to silence the Rain ier bats. Seattle's big inning was the seven thi It started with George Schmees' double. Then Walt Judnlch followed with another double, Artie Wilson singled, Merle Combs walked and Rayj.Orteig slammed a hornet into the right field stands. 1 Max West socked his 214th home run as a Pacific Coast leaguer in pacing Los Angeles to its win over Port land. But Beaver catcher Aaron Robinson retaliated with a ninth Inning, homer off Eddie Chandler, who scattered eight hits. . -Los Angeles save Chandler, always; effective early in the season, some astounding sup- PCL STANDINGS ... (Br United Press) ' . . w l rt. aeattl. , 1 t Secremonta I 1.000 Lu UlM 10 1.000 Hollywood ,, 1 1 . .M0 am Dun t i .too Oakland 1 .ooo 8u Francisco , 0 1 .ooo Portland t i .ooo 4 ' LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES 'vV .; ; ,. i y: F ; " I Ready Salem, Oregon, Wednesdny, April 1, 1953 Taesdar'e Eeeultel Hollywood I. sen Ditto a fill some). Son Oleto I, Hollrwood 4 (Sod some). Sacramento 6, son Francisco 1. Seattle . Oakland . . Lot Annie 1, PottUnd I. Hew (her Standi Hollywood 1. Sen Diet. 1. - - Sacramento 1, Ban Francisco I. Seattle 1, Oakland 0. Los Aneelei .1, Portland 4. port afield, as he mowed down the Portland batters. Two fast double plays in the first and second inning stopped ' Port land threats and later fielding gems by Fred Richards, Gene Baker, Jack Hollis and Bob Usher turned seeming hits into ouis. . ... . Portland ( , -. BH Ruisell.lf PstelU.rf Arft,lb Enert.SB Baenskl. Rblnecn,o Werd.v a-Roboo Llnt.p b-sfnnle O A i (7) Lee Anoelee B H O A 1 1 Tlbot.ef 1 ORchrdi.l I I 4 1 OWMt.rt 4 1 1 1 H 0 3 0 110 Balter.H I 1 O lDtia.3 1 4 OHollU.Sb I 1 4 OTappe.o S 0 0 SChndlr.p 4 too . 0 0 s a a Bin and Pcriiris R.":l Test for Clisrb 7c:r!il By BUSS NEWLAND San Francisco () rormer Champion . E s a a r d Charlea should find oat Wednesday night whether he is still a title contender or one of the ring's heavyweight has-beens. His 16-round nationally televised fight with bosky- Rex Layno Is. one of the most Important in his 14-year career, i - ; ' The bout is scheduled for 7 p.m. Charles, 31, Is over tha hill. and on his way down. Like North Marion Relay Squad Selected North Marion Union High School, Hubbard Partlcipat lng in the Willamette Relay in Salem, April 4, from-North Marion in the various events are Archie McLeod in the shot. McLeod and Louis Rich ter in the discus, McLeod and Larry Cole in the -broad jump, Owen Stockard and Keith Hoe- fling in the high jump, Jack Rasmussen and Richer In the pole vault, Wayne; Van Lieu in the javelin, Dan . and -Archie McLeod in the 100 yards, Mer lin Kllever, Karl Vaiv Lieu and Stockard in the 120 ,high hur dles, Wayne and Karl Van Lieu and Dan and Archie McLeod in the .440 relnv. Howard W..-i so many champs before him, be has hope of regaining the title he lost to Jersey Joe Wal- cott In 131. He'll have to make good Wednesday night or forget those dream for ever. -; : :: - ' t ItV the big and perhaps final test for Easard, wse te eidentally ta a 1 to 4 eheiee to make the grade and stay in contention as top ehal lenger. Layne Is 24 and considered still on the upgrade. It will be Ms third chance at Charles. He's a much Improved tighter since he lost to his rival two years ago. - Last : August he : topk a close 10-round decision over the Cincinnati Negro, Scaling around 200 pounds, the Lewlston.- Utah, - swinger will have a substantial weight advantage. Charles figures) to come in 1 185 to. 187. Moore Cancels '" Seattle Fight San Diego WV-Light heavy-: weight champion Archie Moore announced Tuesday he Is can celing a scheduled bout with Seattle heavyweight Eddis Cotton because of ' an eye In jury he received In Monda; night's fight here with Frank Bufdrd. . ,:.' - . -The non-title' fight -was to Legislators Stage BasebravI Game April 9 By JAMES D. OLSON caster of the Senator games, has The biennial baseball classic agreed to take over the job of between a picked team of state official announcer at the game. legislators and a squad of star roe loooy team is oeing nn Dave Perlman, only three-year let. terman on the Willamette nnlversity baseball team, will be at his second base position Thursday when the Bearcats open their season against Oregon State colltge. The game will be played at Corvallis at I o'clock. Stayton Stops Mill City, 6-1 Stayton Stayton high school pushed four runs across the' plate in the first inning, then held off Mill City the rest of the way to take a 6-1 vic tory over the Timberwolves in a non-league high school game here Tuesday. Roger Neilsen pitched the entire game for the Eagles, giving up four hits. Stayton nicked two Mill City hurlers, Roy Chase and Elton Gregory, for eight hits. Mill cur 100 000 01 4 3 atayton 400 011 3 Chaie, Oreiorr (4) and Ward; Nell aen and Helnrlch. performers from the legislative j lobby has been scheduled at 3:45 p.m. Thursday, April 8. Governor Paul L. Patterson, former state chairman of American Legion Junior Base ball league, will be chief um pire, working behind the plate with) Attorney uenerai noaen Y. Thornton, officiating at first base. Sic Unander, state treas urer, behind second base and Secretary of State Karl t. new bry stationed on third base. Thornton on accepting ap pointment as one of the Gov ernor's team of amps gave a solemn promise that any legislative-player who voted against bringing out his crime survey bill will not suffer any adverse decisions on his uart. Ren. B. A. (Dutch) Stover of Bend is organizing the legisla tive team and has announced that his ace hurler again will be Rep. Donald Husband of Eu eene. with Home Run Phil Hitchcock and Senate President (Gene) Marsh, agreeing to again be in the lineup. Attorney Bruce wunams, president of the Salem Sena tors, and former otiiciai Droaa- A. y CHRIS KOWITZ. JB.. ipital Journal oooru tanot COrHG' Take a little rumor, add to it a lot of hot air and a gen erous portion of gossip, and it's surprising what kind of stories can come from it. . J v Take, frinstance, the story of Central high school's bas ketball team, which last week had insult added to injury with newspaper reports (not in this paper) and radio stories to the effect that the, Panthers, who won none and lost 23 games, had been ordered to -forfeit all the games it won because an ineligible player was used. Good Reading, But It Was Fiction It made a good little story, alright, with a novel twist good enough to land it on most sports pages in the North west, as well as on a number of radio news broadcasts. It made good reading and listening, sure, but the story wasn't true. For the sake of the record, here's exactly what happened : ... ... Thp flrpiron Schools Activities Association in January notified Central high school Principal Wayne Jordan that "two of the school's basketball games played during r.hritm vacation were to be forfeited, because Cen tral hurt used an ineligible player. The boy in question was immediately removed from the squad. So the for feit order involved only two games, not a. Fnrts Not Checked The erroneous story made its way into print when a fnrmpr Tndeoendence newspapermen torn a saiem news- paperman that the Central team had been ordered to forfeit all of the games it had won during the season. With no attempt lO verny me repuru cnenuiiK wim the OSAA or with Central high school, newspapers and ,oin ttinns snread the story for public consumption. An unfortunate chain of events for a group of Central Viiirh athletes who gave their all . . . and still lost 23 games ,v,nn . huve. somebody come along and rub it in t nn-" - . unmercifully. . Yam a to Uses Sleeper Hold . For Mat Victory Tor Yamato used his pet sleeDcr hold to defeat Don Kin dred in the third and deciding fall of their main event wrest ling match at the Salem arm ory last night. Yamato had to dispose of both Kindred and his second, Frank James, to win the match. James insisted on interfering with the action In the ring, but between Yamato and referee Mel Peters, James was sub dued, along with Kindred. Kindred's head butts gained him the first fall, buty Yamato came baeK witn some juao chops to win the second fall. That set the stage for the windup. Kindred used head butts. in the third fall, and blood was oozing from Yamato's forehead as a result. But Yamato man aged to apply the sleeper hold nevertheless. Jack Riser -drew wilh George Drake and Frank Jamesiefeat ed Chester Wallick In prelimi nary matches. Kramer and Sedgman Slate Portland Stop Portland Vfy Jack Kramer and Frank Sedgman, profes sional tennis stars, will play exhibtion matches in Portland May 23-24. Pancho Scgura and Ken Mc Gregor will meet in prelimi nary matches at the Armory which is being equipped to seat 2,600., ed up by a joint committee composed of Jack Lansing of Columbia Empire association, Francis (Red) Hill, of Pacific Power and Light company and Pete Snedecor, of PEP compa ny. ' , ' Jack , Lansing, who wilt manage the Lobby team, said Wednesday that he would Mendenholl Gets Green Light to Enter Tournament ' Portland Rink Menden hall of Salem, now a soldier stationed at Camp Roberts, Calif., Is one of the entrants in the Oregon state AATJ boxing championships at the Portland armory today, Ben Harris, state AAC boxing chairman, said Tues day that Mendenhall, a mid dleweight, had been given a furlough in order to par ticipate In the state tourna ment. ' - Mendenhall will be one of Salem's bright hopes for a championship. Other good Salem prospects Include lightweight Willard "Bat tling" Nelson and feather weight Virgil Dyer. j Elimination bouts were to get underway In the Portland armory at 1 o'clock this aft ernoon, with semi-finals and finals slated for the evening session, beginning at 1:30. State champions will be crowned in eight weight di visions. Boxers showing an exceptional amount of prom ise will earn a trip to the na tional AAU tournament in Boston. TIDE TABLE Oreson April, 10M S. Coait and ueeoeiie Harvey, Portlend, Ore.) Tldee far Tall, Compiled by 1). April 1 SO 6.3 4.7 It 4.0 tilth VTalere Time Htliht 13:09 a.m. 2 3:03 p.m. 1.33 a.m. 3.49 p.m. 1:52 a.m. S:40 p.m. 3:3 a.m. 4:41 p.m. 3:14 a.m. S:S0 p.m. 4:13 a.m. . 7:01 p.m. S:24 a.m. a :01 p.m. :4S a.m. 3:50 p.m. I:M a. :33 p.m. 0:17 a.m. 10:10 p.m. 10:33 a.m. 10:47 p.m. 11:33 a.m. 11:34 p.m. 13:17 p.m. 14 13:01 a.m. 1:13 p.m. 4.3 0.1 4.3 00 4 7 I o.l S.I Low ' Time 7:43 a. 7 25 p. 8:30 a. 7:04 P. ( 03 a 1:39 P. 0:09 a :07 V 10:61 a 10:07 P 13:0 p 11:30 P 1:01 1:04 1:01 3:34 1:01 3 10 1:S0 4:30 4 S :17 B'.lt 0:00 1:91 0:53 (19 Watere Hen lit m. 0.1 m. 3.3 m. 0.0 m. 3.1 m. -0.1 m. 3.1 .m. -0.1 m. 10 m. 0.0 m. 1.3 m. o.n m. 1.3 p.m. 0.0 a.m. l.o p.m. -0.1 a.m. 3.4 p.m. 0.0 a.m. 1.6 p.m. 0.1 IB. 0.7 p.m. 0.3 a.m. -0.1 p.m. 0.7 a.m. -0.1 p.m. 1.1 a.m. -1.3 p.m. 1.1 Al McGuire, scrappy guard on the New York Knicker bockers In the NBA, was noted as a football player when he attended St John's Prep. cm rcaiSEiaini again play on first base, that Lee Karr, in charge, of the State Bar's legislative bu reau, will be behind the plate catching, and that they are endeavoring to negotiate some "trades" that may bring some surprises in his lineup. When asked if he had signed up i former Speaker.- Johnny Steelhammer, Lansing said that they had not come to terms, Steelhammer insisting on "free plays." Totals M S 34 11 Totala IS 11 17 14 a Filed out lor Davis In 7th. 0 Lined out for Ual In Slh. - . Portland ..Out OOO 001 S Hits 113 101 011 8 Lot Antelet 030 001 03' 7 . Hit , 040 013 15' IS ritohen n ab n h xn bbso Want ... . .-, 1 2-1 imt ' ' s io i I I ; I Chandler I 14 -Ml. I ",1 ' Jil R Austin. BoolnaOB, Wait S. Baker 1, Davis, Hollts, Tappe. Baker. Loser- ward. Lett portlend ti im Angeiea- i. SB Feetelll, Tappe. HR Weet, Bobln- iod. bh rums, Bauer, Davis, kbi West. Tune I. Reitelll. Davit. HoUla. Talbot, Robinson. DP Davit, Hollis and Richards; Home, Btner ana Ricnaras; Batlnakl and Arft, T 3:03. O Somen, Bents, Pelekoudat and Powell.. A 0,977. hair k.on H1.4 In QaatO., Mike Burns, Verl Fobert and LTuesday 'night w, ' m ,V . T. .. lr - Seattle 001 Oil 100-1 14 Oakland ..100 010 110 t 11 Naty and Or tell ; oettle. Van Cuyk (71, Hlttle (I), Candlnl (I) and Heal. Ban Prancltco 000 000 0311 S Sacramento ooo 301 10 0 s Slntleton, Xltemann (51. Bradford (I) and Tornay, Tlerslera (111 Pieretti and Rltchey. , Hollywood 000 111-1 I San Ditto 010 000 0011 1 Munter, - M-llr (11, sheppard (0) and Bratani aalrason, sennits (t) this. ..j.j i.. - Hollywood San Dleto 1 0 ,i..030 000 O014 ,..,030 103 00' S Queen, Hediedorn (1), Walsh (7) and Malonei Kerrlian, Benton (I) and Poee-kay. Kliewer in the 2 mile relay, Hoefling, Dan and Archl. Mc Leod and Cale in the spring medley and . Kliewer, Wayne and Kal Van Lieu and Stock ard In the 480 yard shuttle nui dles. . v , : Saxton Wins 40th Straight - , New York diJS a convinc ing - victory - over veteran Charley Williams . hoisted Johnny Stavton's unbeaten string to 40 fights today, but It didn't help much to boost his prestige, Williams, of Newark, N. J., veteran of 109 pro fights, held his bands nigh to stop most of Saxton's . long range.; head punches, and then - closed . to close quarters -for .rugged in fighting.: ' . Thus Saxton was able to jar Williams several times, but I could not put him on the deck. Moore was awarded a TKO over Buford In the ninth round. He complained ' of double vi sion .after the fight and had to be helped from the arena. Matthews Recovering Seattle UJD Harry Kid Mat thews was recovering from s tonsillectomy here today. Thi boxed had his tonsils removes! yesterday morning. He plan ned to resume gym trainlni about the middle of April, . - fights lost Wight Taana. Slav Winio Pep. 131, Hart ford, Conn., outpointed Joey aemblna tee, new 1 UIK, AW, Wklte Plaint, n. I. neck mas- ford. 111, Xulawood, M. J. autpotnvae Peto Arabalo, 117, Brooklyn, I. Bneklrn (BMUrewaed oreva) Joan. ny aaaton. 14S. Brooklyn, outpointed - Charier Wffllanu, ill, Newark, H. . io. - M Anielea -. Jen Morula. 1311 Denver, outpointed Baby Paoo.OuUerm . 134, aan Dleee. 11. Staektam, Calif. Willie Vauihn, ICS Loa Anaelet, outpointed Sari Turner 1M, Richmond, Oellf., 10. TAKE 60 SECONDS AT THE WHEEL ... DISCOVER: M BU Ell IF MS f ' , ( '''xtsL0Z- " ' " - ' ' Only HUDSON, lowest center of gravity among American cars, can handle such tremendous power so safely! Nov Mwfion Super Jaf lx-Parenger Fewr-Door Sods rrtHB Hudson Jet is a compact, eco X provides high-power performance, smart ap- ' pearance, a marvelous ride, durability " and safety.' ,. The Hudson Jet is the first low-priced -car with exclusive "step-down" design which gives it the lowest center of gravity among American cars. This in turn enables it to safely handle more power in relation to its weight, and provide far greater performance, ' than baa ever been possible in any other car in the low-price field! Visit us, take the wheel of the Hudson Jet and discover performance, luxury and safety new to the low-price field .or any price field! SENSATION IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD! Ntw DuatVRflftf HYDRA-MATIC DRIVE nd Hudion't itntutltnol TWIN H-P0WER tlthtf r bath availabU at tJitra call MOT with performance, luxury and safety comparable only to tha fabulous Hudson Hornet Itself! Standard trim end other apeeifloeUone and ecreeeoriee subject to ebante without amto. '' ' SHROCK MOTOR CO. 316 North Church St. Salem, Oregon