Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 01, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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    tiiyWn-C.Jl,V-Pv '"jf-
Wednesday, April 1, 1953
Fife 1J
McKay to Cut
Portland OT Secretary of
the Interior Douglas McKay
wat quoted by the Oregonlan
Wednesday at saying he would
recommend that area offices of
Uie Bureau of Indian Affairs
be closed down.
The 11 offices throughout
the V.S. are "bottlenecks"
which result In "unnecessary
expense and duplication," the
paper quoted htm as saying in
telephone interview.
McKay said he would make
bis recommendation to the
new Indian commissioner as
soon as he Is appointed, the
Oregonlan reported. The post
has been vacant since March
Nothing New About air
Old April Fool Prank
Washington UJD There's
nothing new about an old Ap
ril Pool! - .
As long ago as the 1600's
Thomas Fuller wrote: .?
20 when Col. Dillon S. Myer
"The first day of April, you
may send a fool whither you
In 1700, "Poor Robin's Alma
nac" contained these lines:
"The first of April some do
"Is set apart for all-fools' day!
"But why the people call it so
"Nor I nor they themselves do
The latter just about sums It
up. Old books and papers on
file at the Library of Congress
are a little vague as to the or
igin of April Fools' Day, which
is tomorrow.
The idea of making a fool
cut of your friends on the first
of April has been going on for
thousands of years in different
parts of the world.
The Hindus played Jokes on
one another on March 81, ne
last of the Holy festival. The
conception of April 1 was com
mon in England in the 17th
The British and Germans ap
parently borrowed the idea
from the French, although no
body seems to know for sure.
The French called an April
Fool "un polsson D'Avrll,"
which, translated means "An
April Fish," the idea being that
an April fish would be at min
now age. and therefore easy to
Red Gave Solon Gift. .
Cal. Newspaper Says
San Fernando, uaui. vu.w a
man identified as a Communist
in testimony before the House
Un-American Activities com
mittee gave Rep. Norrls Foul
son (R.-Calif.) s portable re
frigerator as a Christmas gift,
according to the San Fernan
do Valley Times.
The newspaper reported yes
terday that Joseph W. Aldlln, ,
identified as a Communist by J
two witnesses in testimony be. .
fore the congressional group.,
presented a f'Servel Wonder!'
Bar" to Poulson last Dec. 24. -
For centuries, In the past, no
one in Great Britain could own ''
swans without royal permls--'
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550 N. Capitol
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