Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 31, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8
THX CARTA! JOUKN AI lalet, Orgoa
Tvsaday, March II. 163
, , 1 i - , . r ,- , V ' f A,', t
Locy Does
Well Until I
Cops Get Her
Dallas, Tex. !. A de
partment store floorwalker
aw 4-year-ld woman
shoplifter alip two Items an
der her dree yesterday and
ailed police who arrested
At the city tail the
tamed over a sack of candy.
raincoat, a boy's shirt, twa
billfolds, fir pairs of ladles
hose, three package ef buck
shot, two pints of paint, two
flower bulbs, a jar at deodo
rant, a tab ef tooth paste,
(oar packages of flower and
vegetable seeds and two bras-
.. K -V
- Two UN tankmen, the fun of their Fatten tank aimed
directly at Old Baldy on the Central Korean front, watch
for enemy activity on the bill now in Chinese Communist
hands (AP Wlrephoto via radio from Tokyo)
This is how bloodly Old Baldy on the Korean central
front looked tat the sold dawn as UN artillery and planes
mashed at its Chines Communist held crest with high
explosives. UN forces withdrew under a heavy Chineie
attack to give the air force and artillery a dear field for
destruction. (AP Wlrephoto) , -
No Word Received
By Frank Landsburg
Portland J.R Frank Landsburg-
of Portland, district di
rector of the Interstate com
merce commission's bureau of
Motor carriers, said today he
bad no official word that he
would be appointed to fill a
vacancy on the ICC. , '
Radio Commentator Drew
Pearson forecast that Lands
burg would be appointed,
Landsburg said there had
. been much discussion about
we appointment of western
er to th commission who is
familiar with transportation
and allied fields.
The labor-management
rucking Industry national de
tense committee recently urg
ed President Eisenhower to
appoint Landsburg as a mem
ber of the commission.
Webfoot Girl Hurt
In Bicycle Tumble
Webfoot Kathlene New-
nouse, ll, a firth grade Day.
on etudent. daughter of Mr.
nd Mrs. Leland Newhouse of
Some Facls Regarding
Christian Science
Christian Science la f!hrt4l.n.
It is based on the teachings of
lesus as recoraea m the Sible.
Christian Science Is scientific:
Spiritually logical and unfail
ingly consistent, its prayers
affirm and demonstrate man's
true nature to be in accord'
nee with God's perfection.
Christian Science la demon-
treble: It supplies the needed
answers ana tne needed evi
dence to the sincere seeker. A
thoughtful study of the Chris-
nan science textDOOK.
With Key To The Seriptares
, by Mary Boker Eddy
aives convincing assurance
that this great Science of
Christ is Indeed the Comforter
promised by Jesus.
Fifth Jungle Drink
Bout Victim Dead
Yakima IV-The toll from
week-end hobo "jungle"
drinking party stood at five
dead Tuesday with five others
in hospitals under treatment
for what doctors diagnosed as
wood alcohol poisoning.
Two Mexicans, identified as
Xmwt Baca, M, Santa 7a, N.
II, and Charles Oaeosta, S8,
Va Ktiffl,. Calif., were the
latest victims. They died
Monday night, more than 14
hours after taking part in what
police aald was canned-heat
drinking party tn "Jungle"
south of here.
Other victims were Negro
transients Jake Edwards, 83,
of Louisiana, and Seydock
Fry, about 40 of California,
who died Sunday night, and
Mrs. Lucy Sam Fowler, 53-year-old
Yakima Indian. ,
Police investigating an ad
dress found In a pocket of
one of the poison victims
found Mrs. Fowler dead in
her home near th scene of
the party Monday. An autopsy
Monday night determined she
died of wood alcohol poison
ing. '
Boy Drowns in First
Swimming Lesson
Longview ) A seven-year-old
boy who enrolled in
a YMCA class to learn to swim
during his spring vacation
drowned Monday while taking
Ms first lesson. ,
The body of Bobbie Seegle
was found at the bottom of the
pool after 95 other children
in the class had completed the
lesson, t
He was pronounced dead
after two hours of futile resus
citation efforts. -
YMCA officials said it was
the first drowning in the 18
yesrs frs pool hi: bssa uJii
Highway Accident
Causes Two Deaths
Drain VP) A car left the
highway two miles north of
here at 11:40 p.m. Monday and
two of its three occupants
drowned when It plunged into
Pass Creek.
Dr. Lucien Inboden, deputy
coroner, said Fred L. White,
38, of Dallas, Ore., told him
he had been driving but sur
rendered the wheel about a
thousand yards from the scene
of the mishap. He said he
rolled down a rear window
and got out.
Drowned were Jess Powell.
about 84, of Loomis, Calif., and
it r mVi iini i in aiiiaa ki'iin'iTiji
, ' Harold I. Stassen, mutual security director, accuses San.
Joseph McCarthy (R., Wis.) and the senute investlgatlonii
lubcommlttee of "undermining" the work of executive
agencies to cut off trad between the West and Iron Cur
tain areas. Etasson appeared as a witness before Mc
Carthy's subcommittee in Washington. (AP Wlrephoto)
Science and Health
read, borrowed
or bought
Christian Science
Reading Room
148 S. High St.
Salem, Oregon
Hours: 9 to 8 Doily
BaforaiMlea essesValns ehink MnrUM.
naOv Mhotl and frn iU( InHtm
too aTtllablt.
th Webfoot district, - was
brought to her home after re
ceiving treatments for a skull
She was riding her bicycle
Monday evening, March S3, in
company with her brother and
a neighbor boy when she fell,
striking on her forehead. -
She must remain in bed for
tons time. ,
Xarly Mechanical pianos
were operated by pumping a
wptwlvav mImb Me Ibmww
bear womilral UmIi Sea
laaifcrtdi 8proda. katf
wyum qmiMcIi
Mag ! by a..,
alcdi sad aeM m. SM ef
Five lives Lost in
Coal Mine Explosion
Lo villa, la. wV-An zplo-
slon in th O'Brien Coal com
pany's shaft aain aear this
southern Iowa village took
five Hves late Monday.
Three of the victim were
men in an inspection party
which entered the mine sev
eral hours after th original
blast., . .-
' Monro County Coroner F.
N. Bay said all the deaths ap
parently resulted from asphyxiation.
driver, and Oda Edwards, 36,
of Rosevllle, Calif.
Singapore, A-Adlal Ste
venson, U. 8. Democratic party
leader, arrived here todav
rxom Manila lor an overnight
top before proceeding to In-
ao-uuna. :
Gen. Kessler
To Speak Here
Ms. Gen. Alfred A. Kessler,
Jr., commander of th Fourth
Air Fore sine September,
19S1 will com to Salem May
14 to (peak in observance of
Armed Force week.
' B
CoL John Rodman, com
mander of th Oregon Military
district and coordinator for
Armed Force Week observ
ance in Oregon this week sent
that word to members of a
committee arranging Salem's
observance. Heading th com
mittee Is Dean Seward Reese
of Willamette university.
' The Fourth Air Force com
mander will be paying his sec
ond visit to Salem since he as
sumed his duties as commander
of the Fourth Air Fore. His
first visit was in early De
cember, 1952, when Kessler
visited with Douglas McKay
and at th adjutant general's
office her.
Gen. Kessler will arrive in
Salem by plan th morning
of May 14, which incidentally
is th 80th anniversary of the
tet flight of a heavier than
air craft, .
Paris Francels going to
alash her Imports from West
European nations by about 10
per cent during the next six
months babause of a heavy
fercrafcla trad JeXlcit,
. MaJ. Gen. Alfred A, Kes
sler, Jr., commanding gen
eral of the Fourth Air Force,
who will be in Salem to
speak May 14 in connection
with Armed Forces week observance.
Mlas Leigh's Oscar Stolen
London ) Thieves brok
Into the Chelsea home of Sir
Laurence Olivier and Vivien
Leigh Monday night and sic!
an Oscar won by. Miss Leigh
Monday night Silverware and
clothing war also taken. Miss
Leigh ii in a hospital recover
ing Itinit a nervous breakdown.
Druggists' Prescriotion
For Relief of Itch
When your akin i lrrtFu
with pimples, red blotches and
oiner SKin memlshes from ex
ternal causes, vou're crnrv with
itching torture, try Sanltone
Ointment Itching stops
promptly. Smarting disappears
immediately.' Sanltone Oint
ment is also wonderful for
ircmng reet, cracks between
toes and Athlete's foot.
For Sale
captu dru6 noai
SUte at Liberty Phone I-S118
5v ihrough)yovr
426 N. High St.
fhon. 4-2215
n i i rrftunwj
1 H
BTytog to doctor yourself Is a gnesslnc gam at
which you JUST CAN'T WIN! why take chances
... It will pay yon to get a professional advice
of your doctor. And when he prescribes, BE SURE
gain by bringing your prescription here for expert
405 Stifs-dnw ti Ubtrfr
W Give JMf Oreen Stamp
SIM stosi a
T3iav "i-'r "
IU 0
nn tiTmT
Skai tun Htonst,
s ' I I lal
From grcris to drilling pipe, Standard's local purchases
business to merchants all through the West.
If you w$n to jot down tH th different goods
and services Standard Oil Company of California
buys, your shopping list would b about 60,000
itoms long. Over the years, we've been growing as
a customer as well as a supplier her in the West
But the most important aspect of our "shop
ping," we believe, Is irfert w do ft. You might
think that a large company Uke Standard
centralis it buying fa a lew metropolitan areas.
Actually, our purchases are made in hundreds of
Western communities. The almost infinite
variety of Standard's Mods from paper slips to
' Tf.!? Iui"b" roofin' Plumbing, carpentry, and supplies for our
oil fields, refineries, plants, and office.
propellers, from produce to professional aervirM
has made the Company an Important factor in the
economic well-being of Western towns and cities.
Last year, once again. Standard Was a vsrv
good customer for a great many firms-more than
10,000 MtppUers, both large and small, to whom
We olso use the services of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, lawyer,
ngta-r nmyors, drilHng contractors. geophy.Id.ts, and eS
we paid more than $125,000,000. We've always
bought locally wherever possible and practical We
do it not only because it's good business for
Standard, but also because it helps the growth of
the West. We know that our n u
depends on that of th communities we aenaj