r "mix?, March SI, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, OrctM istration faOpen ?of Camp Apr 1 i the opening day i e p registration at the Um YWCA. From thli day HI "mp la fiUed, the Y ) ertctlnue to take names j) registration feci from any 1 afcove IS yean who Ibea to attend camp. The , one-week session of tt Hrls' camp sponsored by fCA wiU be at Camp Creek from August 16 4 fust 22. Camp Silver )k a state-owned property Mca kas for the last 14 years jtn tke YMCA camp site. f" s Edna Acheson, special In religious education from ilef., will act as camp pro am director and Mrs. James rmawa, YWCA teen-age pro- am director, will be camp factor. The staff will Include Uega girls and women skill- la crafts, nature study and creation as well as a cook lid full-time nurse. Any, girl desiring further (formation .. is requested to intact Mrs. Armson at the WCAj i v .: bst Presidents at foerton Entertained Silverton ' Mrs. Florence tbiaebltz was, hostess Friday iac at IM ltnan tl"h fan for members of Delbert levea unit's past presidents irly,' American Legion sux iry. i , ;Th group decided to spon jr th annual fun program Id Jitney luncheon M"ay 25. ila program has been an an ual affair since the organlza pn of the parley. The one pre set of the past presidents, Bide from assisting with the juxfllaxy work, is to buy a pin Or the retiring auxiliary pre Ident and make the presenta lon at, the installation of the jewi President each year, firs. C. J. To we, Mrs. L. A. lalL Miss Ina Harold and Mrs. Ha Higinbotham will be the irrangement committee. A farmer member of the Sil rerton past presidents, Mrs. Malcolm Cameron, now of Sa lem, has Invited the local members as guests for the Ap ril meeting at her Salem homo. The group planned to attend.- ' Mrs. Fred Lucht, also a for mer member, asked the Silver- ton parley to be initiatory host esses for the recently organized Mt Angel parley at her rural home, Thursday evening, April 16, Mrs. T. P. Heidenstrom will In charge of the initiation. Mis Ina Harold assisted Sri. Schlaebitz during the so ial hour. Miss Lydia E. Gerhart Miss Gerhart Here Saturday For Address Miss Lvdla E. Rn-tiart f Orlando. Florida will innV at the Jason Lee Methodist church, Winter and Jefferson, next Saturday, April 4, at 2 P.m. She haa had wM . perience in missionary service ana also as a field representa tive of the department of work in the home fields, and is fa miliar with all phases of the work of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church. 1 - 1 Mis; GciWi speaks to the Methodist women of the Salem district as a part of her itin erary of the Oregon confer ence. In the evening of Anril 4, the Wesleyan Service guild of Salem will entertain all other guild of the Salem dis trict at a no-host 'dinner at 6:30 o'clock at the First Meth odist church. Church and State streets. Miss Gerhart will be the guest speaker. She enter ed Missionary service through the avenue of secretarial work, first at the Deaconess home and settlement, Philadelphia, Pa., and later at the West Side Community house, Cleveland, Ohio. In September of 1940, she became superintendent of the Methodist Deaconess home and West Side Community house, Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Gerhart is now serving the Woman's division of Chris tian Service as a speaker rep resenting the department of work In the home fields. All women of the Salem dis trlct are invited to hear her Saturday. . . . LIBERTY Mr. Id Jory will entertain the . Liberty Woman' club at a dessert luncheon on Thursday, April 2, at her home, 425 Hoyt street, Mrs. Louis Kurth will have charge of the program. Salem General Hospital Group Invites Members Letter were received by 800 member of Salem Gener al Hospital auxiliary today an nouncing th annual member ship drive which open Wed nesday, April 1, to continue through April . Goal of the' -membership group Is to increase the roll to 1000 member this year, re port Mr. John H. Johnson, nmldent of tha auxiliary. " Mr. X. M. Pag is th sus-p tain log membership chairman. Six co-chairmen are con ducting the annual member ship campaign, including Mrs. Horace McGce, Mr. Leon Per ry, Mrs. John Kolb, Mr. Ver non Perry, Mrs. Morris Cro th en, Mr. Harold Buslck. Th membership campaign is one of three money-raising activities the auxiliary each year, th other two being th Silver tea early In th fall and the rummage sal during the winter. - Membership In the auxiliary is open to all Interested wom an. Purpose of the auxiliary program 1 to assist th Salem General hospital with its spe cial need and equipment, the group each year expending hundred of dollar in help to the hospital. . - - This year, more than ever, th group 1 working hard to rait substantial funds to as sist in furnishings and equip ment for the nw wing of th hospital now under construc tion. faster Monday Party, Announced Mt. Angel Member of the Mt. Angel and Woodburn court of th Junior Catholic Daughter of America are busy this week completing plana for their first formal prom "April Showers," which will be on Easter Monday eve ning, April 6. Th party will b at th It M try's school auditorium, Mt. Angel, from until 12 o'clock. Music for the prom will be furnished by Urs Wolfer orchestra. Patrons include Mr. Mr. Eugene Holier, Mr. Mr. Anthony Bigler, Mr, Mr. La Roy Aman, Mr, Mr. Jam Aldcrson, Mr. Mr. ' Alphonse Stupfel, and Mr. Albert Dicker. Mr. and Mrs. Kllian Smith and Mr. Steven Sprauer. Airs. Chandlee to Be Speaker for Club Woodburn Mrs. William R. Chandlee of Hillsboro, dl rector of volunteer services of the Oregon Society for Crip pled Children, will (peak at the regular meeting of the Woodburn Woman' club Wed nesday, April 1 at 2 pjn. at the library club room. Mr. William Nelson,' chairman of the education committee, will be . in charge of the meeting and Mrs. Julius Granncr will sing. Tickets will be on sale for the Golden Jubilee banquet of the club celebrating the 50th anniversary. Mrs. J. B. Gay is in charge of the ticket aale. The banquet will be April 22 at 1 pjn. in the library club rooms. Fait presidents are expected from widely scatter ed town. Mrs. Alvah Cowan is chairman of the event. Members of the committee for Wednesday' meeting are Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Amos Bo nacker, Mrs. Paul Mills, Mrs, W. O. Green, Mrs. Elizabeth Rail and Mrs. Alice Sym-mondc. and and and and and Mr. Woodburn Rainbows Attend Conference Woodburn Twenty -nine girl of Evergreen assembly, No. 12, Order of th Rainbow for Girls, attended the grand assembly at Tillamook, Thurs day, Friday and Saturday of last week, accompanied by Mrs. Tom DeArmond, mother ad vlser. The trip waa made by a chartered bus and th girls re turned Sunday. During the grand assembly, Mis Barbara Baumann repre sented the Woodburn group in th grand choir, Miss Janet Blanchard waa awarded the Grand Cross of Color for out standing work In Rainbow and Miss Joanne sehmld wa ap pointed grand representative. Mrs. Tom DeArmond, mother adviser of the Woodburn as sembly, was appointed as a member of th (tat executive committee. Lin officer attending were Mis Joanne Williamson, wor thy adviser; Miss Janice Paint er, associate worthy adviser; Miss Phyllis Roberts, Charity; Miss Dollle Cummlngs, Hope; Miss Jan McGrath, Faith and grand musician. Other members attending were Misses Shirley Anderson, Marjorle Chitwood, Rochelle Plank, Sally DeArmond, Jan ice Stach, Suzanne DeArmond. Elols Nelson, Jean Stach, Janet Blanchard, Dixie Ruud, Sue Paulson, Frances Jackson, 'Shirley Moore, Donna Becker, Joy and Joyce Graham,, Linda Peterson, Mattl Sue Clark, Karol Kay Rhode, Joanne Gav- iola, Delen Seely, Harriet Hooper, Carol Lee Foster, Judy senmid, Barbara Baumann, Jo- WRC Names Salemite Mrs. Gus Erikson, president of Sedgwick chapter No. 1 of th Woman' Relief Corps, wa elected president of district 4 of the WRC at the annual meet ing in McMinnvllle on Monday, Mrs. W. G. Walker will be sec retary-treasurer for th area. Attending the meeting from Salem were Mr. Erikson, Mr. W. J. Beard, department press correspondent; Mrs, W. G. Wal ker, Mrs. Mary Ackerman, Mrs. Blanche Stuart, Mis Wll da Siegmund, Mr. Earl Ka son, Mrs.. Pauline Clark, Mrs. G. Shaw.' Mr. Lucia Kit, Mrs. Anna May Anderson, Mrs. Earl Hall, Mrs. Cecil Roblson Mr. Clarence Towneand and Mrs. Goldla Kyi. Lane-Deedon WUlsmina Miss Doris Deedon and 1 Norman Lane married at an vnlng earunony, March 20, at th horn of th bridegroom' parents, Mr. and Mr. Harry Lao, in Newberg. Th Rv. Frank W. Zook, pastor of th Sheridan Christian church. officiated at th ceremony, which was witnessed by mem ber of th Immediate families and a few friend. Mr, Leora Backer of falem was matron of honor and Francis Lena of Sheridan was best man for hi brother. Th bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mr. Virgil Deedon of Wtllamlna. Following a wedding trip to th coast, the young coupl 1 at home in Wlllamlna. ann Sehmld, Jant Blanchard and Mr. DeArmond. ' Tht next regular meeting of Evergreen assembly will b April t and will be open at 8:15 p.m. to relatives, friends, Eastern Star members and Masons for an Easter bonnet parade and a "slave auction." Mark Thompson will be auc tioneer t 13624 ? M.T.M.M. APRIL 4 fmOMMt aOb7 EXCLUSIVE at MARlLYliS k : rv'O . practically r . i ; V ; wean j Y . v3 Mt... V ' m, . t. MT. ANt) CANADA kvs M, V Nb...Ib mm tesy-kaw MaalM h mutt far 4a )... aadsehtkM INMIMI WU la4Kft-t.C.l. M msm , a. c. konK4.A.,C.l... . bMlHto tl-AAAA to B....W Open Fri. Til 9 PM. JftARItYW 387 Court St Ph. 3-8155 1 .no cHitbTiiJLl jaaaMas"" uamMnun P? on every woman's prtfemd list... IB LUCIEN LEL0NG Colognes while present quantities last! LUCIEN LELONG Indiscret Cologne giant. 4'50 eight oz. bottle 95 )ff rMtlvoVy jvtfcsjajoo' buy Mvoral for yourself for months ctiaadl 1 U 135 North Liberty n WLl IAVS Llfl TO GET YOUR NEW EASTER OUTFIT NOW DURING KAIIES 2nd 'mjmk E ASM COAT and SUIT Jamboree (OATS BEG. TO $59.95 NOW ONLY Beautiful Poodle Cloth Long Coats and Toppers. Also Smokey Fleeces. All Spring Colors in Sizes from 8 to 16. REG. TO $59.95 SUITS NOW ONLY Boxy suits m wonderful new Bouclaine, also in Navy Worsteds in many styles, and beautiful colors. Sizes 10 to 18. FABULOUS GROUP OF RAYON SUITS VALUES TO $29.95 NOW ONLY $22'V24'5 SPECIAL SELLING: OF LOVELY NEW SPRING and EASTER DRESSES IN ALL COLORS, STYLES, SIZES ( SCI THESI NOW AS QUANTITIIS AftE LIMITED APPAKEDL SDfldDIPS 320 COURT ST. PHONE 2-0512