raft t Capita I Women Edited ay MARIAN LOW! niClWE ' Many at Dinner of Nile Club An event of Monday evening was tb dinner given by Salem ciub, Daughter! of the Nile, honoring Mri. Estill L. Brunk, the retiring president Mn. Brunk addressed the group, giving a fummary of projects completed during her year at president, and Introduced the officers who eerved with her. Mn. Harry L. Miller preiented her with a gift from the club. A apecial guest wu Rollin Lewis, pretldent of the Salem , Shriue club, who complimented the group for their work in the order. Miia Harriett Aller of WU. lamette university presented whistling solos accompanied by Miss Elizabeth Shields. Mrs. Loran Spaulding and Mrs. J. R. Linton were chair- . men of the affair. Mrs. Jacob Tuhrer, vice-president, presid ed and the toastmlstress was Mrs. David Wright. Neighbors Fete Couple Mr. and Mrs. George Vick, who observed their golden wedding annlveuary on Sat urday, were honored by a : group of Sunset avenue neigh- fcerj 'uiat evening. The friends met at the home ' of Mr., and Mrs. Ted Jenny, then went to the Vlck home to present the couple with a gift, ' the entire group then going to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ma' rlon Curry for refreshments. ' The coffee table was cover cd with a gold cloth and its center arrangement included two hearts wrapped in gold, ' daffodils and yellow candles. Mrs. Verl MumaU and Mrs. Will Sparrow poured. Attending the gathering were Mr. and Mrs. Vick, Mr. and Mrs. Verl Mumau, and ton, Claire; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Streeter, Mn. Frank John son, Mr. and Mrs. John Hancock, Miss Starr Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. William Davies, Louis and Bill; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Manlon, Gary, 'Rosemary . and James; Mrs. LUlie Huron, Mr. and Mrs. Will Sparrow, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jenny. , Nancy and Marcla; and Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Curry. At Chapter Event : Mr. and Mrs. George Tfcom aton and Paul Irwin were ini tiated Saturday evening Into Salem chapter, Order of East ern Star. Before the meeting, ' members and their families en Joyed a no-host dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller were chair men of the annual event. An Easter reading wai giv en by Norman Fletcher and Mrs. Delight Skewia preiented tongs. Highlight of the pro gram wai a preview of Easter bonnets created by members . and modeled by their hus bands, William Merrlott win. Blng the prize. J! Of "ASPIRIN AT ITS BEST 2007 It's Big... It's Huge It's Gigantic! Some Notations., - lyM.LF. Jot it on your calendar now there will be more about it later but a table setting contest is slated by the Salem XWCA for May It, 18 and IT , . . Letters announcing the event and its purpose are go ing out this week to YW mem bers and the general public in terested, Including many city civic and service groups . . . The event It to be set up In the Valley Motor company show rooms ... Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen is general chair man . . . e e e State Senator and Mn, Tra man Chase, Eugene, were hosts to a group of "home town folk" for the day, Mon day, at the legislature ... The group included several current and also past presidents In the Home Extension units in Lane county . . . They visited the senate during the morning, Mrs. Chase entertaining the group at luncheon in the State House cafeteria ... In the afternoon, the group also took In the house sessions . . . Mrs. Angus Gibson, wife of State Senator Gibson, Junc tion City, was invited to Join the group . . . The visitors In- eluded Mrs. Alfred Bteinnauer of Triangle Lake, Mrs. Clara Maswell of Eugene, Mrs. L. K. Brnmfleld of Cottage Grove, Mrs. John 8. West of Vida, Mrs, O. T; LWSBJ Cf Jusc'mu City, Mrs. Clarence H. Ruther ford, Mrs. Mlna Gnnther, Mrs. Ray Bower, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wiser, all of Eugene ... A family dinner was given at the home of Governor and Mrs. Paul L. Patterson. 'Sun day, honoring their grandson, Tad, (Paul L. Patterson HI), Eugene, on the occasion of his first birthday anniversary . . . In the group were Tad and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, Jr., of Eugene, the little boy's great grandmother, Mrs. Ada Patterson of Hills boro, and his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Smithson and their children, Krlsty and John, Jr of Portland, and the Pattersons . . . Paul L. Patter- ton, Jr., was here for hit son's birthday from Camp Roberts, being on leave before being sent overseas .. . He will be leaving this coming week-end Miss Virginia Patterson, younger daughter of Governor and Mrs. Patterson, left Sun day to return to Palo Alto af ter spending spring vacation at Stanford university with her parent ... SALEM HEIGHTS The Salem Heights Woman's club will meet on Friday, April 3, at 1:30, at the Salem Heights Community hall. m . m SPIRITUAL Sunflower club will meet Thursday from 1 to 4 o clock at the home of Mrs. Ralph Rlggs, 1470 McArthur. Plan Fall Wedding Willamina Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. McGrew of Grand Ronde have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Sharon Meredith Mc Grew, to Arthur L. Hewitt of Willamina, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hewitt of Willamina. Mist McGrew will graduate from the Willamina high school in May, and Mr. Hewitt .was graduated from the same school in 1949. A fall wedding 'is planned. 'l"T"l"T"l"T"r"l'"l"r"l 'I'T'T"!'"!'"'!'"'!'"!"'!"''"'!'"!"!'-!1 It's at... 181 N. HIGH Saturday! Seating Arrangement at Concert Series Continues Some 80 Community Concert association workers met Mon day evening at the Marion ho tel Marine room for the annual workers dinner and to hear plant for the coming season. State Representative Mark O. Hatfield, new president of the group, presided. Joel Kimball, representative from the Columbia Artists Management, Inc., was a guest and listed the artists available for the 1898-84 season. ' Is Bride-elect Miss Vera Loucks, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Loucks of Mill City, has announced her engagement to Robert Glen Shelton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shelton of Mill City. Mist Loucks is em ployed in Salem. Mr. Shel ton is attending th lintw slty of Oregon. Leave on Cruise Aboard the cruise ship MS Stella Polaris when it sailed out of New Orleans this oast week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Letts Jones of Salem. The ship It taking a 70-day Mediterranean -Corona tlon spring cruise, the cruise to ter minate In London on May 31, the Stella Polaris to remain in port there until June 4, serv ing as a hotel for passengers during the British coronation ceremonies. Exhibit Opens, Lincoln County Art center at Delake has sent out notices of public showing of oil and. water eolor paintings by James Lenon, Toledo, the event now on until April 12. Mr. Lenon does both conservative and modern art. . e $on Born ' From Portland comes news of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson P. Slater on Mon day, March 30, at Emanuel hospital. The baby has been named Daniel Parrish Slater. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Slater of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gatewood of Eugene. Mrs. Josephine Par rish Stewart, and Mrs. C. J. Bright, both of Portland, are great-grandmothers, and Mrs. Gatewood In Eugene also is a great-grandmother of the new arrival. ' v Lions Auxiliary Mrs. Clayton Jones will en tertain the South Salem Lions club auxiliary at her home, 1147 South Commercial, on Wednesday at 8 p.m. Nomina tion of officers will take place, For the program, Mr. Jones will show films. Assisting the host ess will be Mrs. R. E. Emmons, Mrs. Robert Morrow and Mrs. Charles Swelstrls. , 'J . i x x I v ; J THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ortfon Mr. Hatfield announced that in the recent poll, to determine U the membership wished to continue the present' seating policy of . "first come, first served," or change to a re served teat system, mora than half the membership had vot ed. Of that half, three-fourths voted to continue the present policy. Mrs. R. D. Blatchford, sec retary, reported the member ship week is underway this week with offices in the Port land General Electric company office and that workers may reach her by calling the asso ciation number, 4S889.. The Concert group's hours are the same as for the PGE, closing at 8 p.m. The group expressed appre ciation to Dr. Chester A Downs for hit work at pretldent last year. The new board members Introduced were Miss Lena Belle Tartar, Mrs. James Wil ton, Mrs. Peter M. Gunnar. Justice George Rostman and ur. raw it. poling. The Community Concert ai. sociation board it meeting Wednesday evening to line up me concert tenet zor next tea. ton. . . A SON. who has been nameri ne Richard, was born on March 38 at Emanuel hospital, i-vruaim, kj rar. and Mrs. Eu. gene Zarones (Virginia Hus ton), Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Oliver B. Huston of Sa lem and Frank Zaronet of Al- oany. Surprise Party Friends of Miss Millie Isaac surprised her with a party on her birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dreyer, Fri. day evening. Those ' present were: Misses Millie Isaac, Petie Utjen, Maxlne Snook, Sharleen Weber and Mr. Ray Whelan. Jerry Curts, ; Chet Evanoff, Gene Fowler and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dreyer. Today's Menu Family Dinner Stuffed Hamburger Roll Browned Potatoes Carrots and Celery ." Bread, and Butter Wheat Germ Chocolate ,.' Squares Beverage Wheat Germ Chocolate '' Squares Ingredients: cup shorten ing, 2 squares (2 ounces) un sweetened chocolate, 4 cup sifted flour; V4 teaspoon bak ing powder, Vt teaspoon salt, 2 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla, Vi cup wheat germ, cup chopped walnuts. Method: Grease an 8-inch square cake pan; line bottom with waxed paper; grease pa per. Melt shortening, and chocolate together over hot water; cool. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Beat eggs until they begin to get foamy; beat in sugar and chocolate mixture until blend ed. Add sifted dry ingredi ents, vanilla, wheat germ and walnuts; mix well. Turn into prepared pan. Bake in mod erate (350 F.) oven 30 min utes. Place pan on cake rack to cool for 8 minutes. Turn out on cake rack; remove pa per. When almost entirely cool, cut Into 16 squares. ow spring fashion In print on smooth 100-denier rayon 9.95 Uk O breath of Spring... this tcrlbWe print on a white bockground, jln ,ofy.tree m0f Id red, blue, green or brown. You'll love the youthful touches In the showl collar, perky bow end ihlny plastic palenl be. U to 30. (sits) RM SUCK AND CQ Plenty Free Parking - Phone 39191 Bride-Elect Pdrty Feted Miss Margie Dunlgan, bride. elect of Richard Cole, was feted Friday evening at a miscellaneous shower ana so. Oil hour with Mrs. K. J. Mc- Gulre as hostess. Guests invit ed were the bride-elect's moth. er. Mrs. W. A. Dunlgan; two grandmothers, Mrs. Louis Yarnell and Mrs. Minnie Dunl gan; and Mrs. Ruby Cole, Misses Pat Seamster, Pat Mc. Kenzie. Robera Sjodlng, Billle Miller, Bernlce DeMouae, Har riet Just, Cleta Msrtln, Helen Cadd, VlAnn Chance, Marica Slebert, Mary and Sophie Pol. lies, Bonis Nohlgren, Patsy Walters and Carolyn Parker. Assisting the hostess during the social hour were Misses Wilma LInhart, Xtfy and Mickey Yoder. p i THE NO HOST DINNER planned by Oregon .Grape camp, Royal Neighbors of Am erica, for Wednesday evening, hat been cancelled. However, the group will meet for inltla tion and a business meeting at 8 o'clock. Art Center Event Eugene Art center announ ces its second annual member ship show April 8-8 beginning with a reception Friday eve ning, April 8, at the center building on the Lane county fair Grounds. The group, now beginning its third year in Eugene, will present original work in all art mediums by some 60 mem bers. - This membrMt !a dudes both ' professional and amateur artists in the Lane county area. The bulk of this year's ex hibits is composed of oil and water-color paintings. Applied art will be represented by ceramics, woodcarving and weaving. Mrs. Thomas V. Stockman, Eugene, is ar ranging the show. Are Engaged Willamina' Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Holstad have announc ed the engagement of their daughter, Miss Verda Jean ette Halstad, to William Stan ley Felton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Felton, aU of Willa mina. The young couple plan to be married soon. 4 SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy have written local friends their intentions of leaving on their return trip for Silverton April 6. . The Murphys have., spent five months at Winter Haven, Florida, with members of their family for their annual vaca tion. IjaisaVsVjMaajt Yfi'if IT""" msunmcti V YW IT""'- I y 1 Hot Cross Bun Sale On in City The traditional pre-Xaster sale of Hot Cross buns by the Y-Teens of the YWCA is now underway for the third con secutive yesr. Y-Teen girls from Salem and West Salem will deliver the freshly-baktd rolls on Thursday and Friday, April and 8, after school It dismissed. Thit sale Is the only finan cial project during the year knd money raised by the sale it used to send girls to sum mer camp. This year, the girls hope to top last years' sale of 1005 packages in . order to send more Y-Teens to the YWCA older girls' camp at Silver Creek Falls, August 16-22. Miss Scott Is Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Cllve Scott are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss .Virginia Scott, to Arnold Poppltr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Poppltz. A June wedding is planned by the couple. Miss Scott is a graduate of Salem high school and is em ployed by the state industrial accident commission. Mr. Pop pita it attending Olympia Jun ior college where he will gra duate in June. - 'LUCKY TEN' Of the Week 1 ide by Side ' 2 'Til I Wortx Again With You 3 Doggie in the Window Tell Me You're Mine 5 O'-Happy Day Pretend . 7 Hot Toddy S Don't Let the Start Get in Your Eyet 9 Have You Heard 101 Believe SQUARE DANCE PEOPLE FASCINATION TANGO NOW IN STOCK TWO LOCATIONS: Oregon Bldg., State I High Mink Center, Capitol Shopping District START THE WEEK OFF RIGHT . . . . SHOP AT BERGS YOU WILL FIND EVERY-DAY LOW PiRICES ON NATIONALLY ADVERTISED FOODS PLUS SHARP SPECIALS. At the present time we have tome super prices on Sociere Easter Candy. We also have a large display of Chocolate Hens, Bunnies and Eggs. . See them now. EASTER JELLY EGGS Lb. 29c GIANT EASTER EGGS Lb. 39c SWIFT'S PREM lTm e.nert. ........ .......... 43c B fir M BAKED BEANS lu no..c.n.... . . .. .. 30c BEEF STEW DfetC.:. ..49c CR. STYLE CORK. "Wean....... ...... ........ 17c PACIFIC OYSTERS mMtn 8w.39c MINUTE TAPIOCA ...20c HEINZ KOSHER DILLS iPt.o, 5c PRICES BELOW ARE EFFECTIVE TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY. SLICED BACON Armour's Crescent .Per Pound49c FRANKFURTERS Armour's Star. . , 1 Lb. 45c NETTED GEM POTATOES No., 25 lbs. 1.19 ARIZONA GRAPEFRUIT . 8 Lb. MBt? 39c EIIIl Wedding Set For May 2 Announced for Saturday, May 2, it the data for the wed ding of Mist Martha Pauline Proctor ' of Ottumwa, Iowa, and Dr. Winfield H. Needham of Salem. The engagement of the couple was announced earlier in the winter. The wedding is to be n afternoon one at 4 o'clock in the First Congrega tional church, the reception following to be in the church social rooms. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Emery Proctor of Ot tumwa, Iowa, and Dr. Need ham is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Needham of Salem. PRINGLE PLEASANT Point Social club will meet Thurs day for luncheon at noon with Mrs. George Guerne at her home. NUCOA Is Hie one to buy- HUM' HihllO BE nil niissrsKS1.: s nfllJUIIilNUU! First to give you food value in every tingle ingre dient! No benzoato preservative no synthetic flavor in Nucoal Even Nucoa's sunny color comes from Nature, from golden carotene. Everything in natu rally delicious Nucoa margarine is good for you. Next time you buy, buy AlL-NUTRmON Tuesday, March SI, 1958 Guests at Club Several guests attended the dance of Cosmis club Saturday evening at laaak Walton lea gue club house. They included Mr. and Mrs. Robert Covert, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Marsland, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. David Whelan, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Riffey, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yogle, Claude Graham, Mrs. Coranell Prtyxilla. Hostt for the eve ning were Mr. and Mrs. BUI Patton. The next dance it to ba April 18 at Mayflower1 hall. ! EXTRA : if 8 Pen-Toasted Nucoal the first Yelloiy tMatsffne i aw aw mm WCMDC 550 N. Capitol Salem