'iwdar, March 11, 1151 ' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saleas, Ortfoa rot 1 DOUBLE STAMPS apish DOUBLE STAMPS MM Jawel Casts 99' 1.50 value ' , Assorted colon Troy - rtxcAU ' Sh::tJ 2.99 - t o!08 ' First quality Cellophane pack ' . liberty street ftere WIDNESBIOT MHH IT """""ft DOUBLE STAMPS ladies' Nylon Slips 3.95 value Assorted colon Fancy trim DOUBLE STAMPS CHILDREN'S Jeans 1.00 Sizes 2 to 8. Elastic tops 1.79 value DOUBLE STAMPS OWLS' Cotton Panties 25',.. Sizes 2 to 6 Assorted colon 49c value DOUBLE STAMPS IBSTFORM Brassieres $50 Nylon .-. Popular sizes Large selection DOUBLE STAMPS ARTIFICIAL Flowers 50 Large choice New colon New shipments DOUBLE STAMPS LADIES' Blouses 2M Ship, and Shore Stripes, plaids Popular sizes DOUBLE STAMPS WHITE Terry Cloth 79',d Heavy weight Assorted lengths 1.19 value DOUBLE STAMPS CHILDREN'S Dresses $093 New selections Sizes 1 to 6 Easter stylings DOUBLE STAMPS SKIRT " Hangers 49' , .-kJ DOUBLE STAMPS ON CASH PURCHASES WEDNESDAY I ijei nirrm ' UMWMrW MEN'S WOOL SLACKS 100 wool Gabardine Sizes 29 to 40 Popular sizes Flannels 10.95 MEN'S MAIN, FLOOR $99 ROBERTS BROS. APRIL DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY SPECIAL EASTER SALE! ; N Perfect Quality SHEER U Pr. (6 prs. $5.75) Compare this FIRST quality nylon hose with values to 1.85! Black heels, blue heels, dark seam or self seam in sheer, sheer ladies' nylons to compliment your Easter finery! New shades, .popular sizes, average length! ;i '. v HOSIERYMAIN FLOOR ROBERTS BROS. APRIL DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY SPECIAL PURCHASE! 2000 Yards New, Spring Ml You can't afford to pass up this value! Ordinarily sell up to 1.19 yard. Crisp, fresh plaids and checks by famous mokere such as Dan River! Lengths up to 6 yards. Sold by the piece! A large selec tion! Shop early! FABRICS MEZZANINE ; ROBERTS BROS. APRIL DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY SPECIAL PURCHASE! 11.95 Volue Men's "Webfoot" $i89 Nationally advertised at 11.95. Made by a world famous maker! Rich blend of nylon. Vicara wool! Popular pullover style! Double rolled neck fashioning. Mostly first quality, a few Imperfects. Sev en colors! Sizes 36 to 46! A tremendous value! See them today. MEN'S MAIN FLOOR ROBERTS BROS. APRIL DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY SPRING SELECTION! Tom Sawyer m jacket: $98 If you haven't seen these, you've really missed a value! Water repellent, washable, shrink proof. 2 slosh pockets, full length lipper. Assorted colors. Sizes 6 to 1 8. The perfect jacket for boys! BOYS MAIN FLOOR DOUBLE STAMPS 16-RIB Umbrellas 1.99 Regular 2.95 Assorted patterns Novelty handles DOUBLE STAMPS COSTUME Jewelery $00 White styles New shipment Large selection DOUBLE STAMPS LADIES' Shorty Coats '24.95 Values to $35 Many colors Special purchase " . DOUBLE STAMPS LADIES' Handbags 2.95 New selections Large assortment , Patents, Straws DOUBLE STAMPS "POLL PARROTT" Children's Shoes $4.45$6.45 Oxfords, straps All sizes Many styles DOUBLE STAMPS LADIES' . Sportswear One group Skirts, blouses Sweaters DOUBLE STAMPS MEN'S Hones "T" Shirts 74c 1.00, if perfect Sizes S-M White cotton DOUBLE STAMPS MEN'S Sports Shirts 2.88 3.98 value Checks, plaids 2 pockets, double yoke DOUBLE STAMPS MEN'S Leather Gloves $1.39 Regular 1.98 Horsehide 'Work style G-E ELECTRIC BLANKET Regular 67.95 ; Double bed 2 controls - Single control 44.95 Assorted colors New low prices . V DOMESTICS LIBERTY STRUT ROBERTS BROS. APRIL DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY HUGE SPECIAL PURCHASE! M00 Wool-Spring Styles:, This huge Easter purchase will amaze'you! Beautifully styled spring coats worth as much os 65.00. A tremendous selection of colors, fabrics and styles! Save at the peak of the season! All popular sizes! A double stamp Easter vclue. ' ' i : FASHIONS SECOND FLOOR ROBERTS BROS. APRIL ' DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY . REPEAT PURCHASE! FAMOUS TEXFOAM LATEX FOAM , pillow $88 Back again after a long absence! 6.95 values! Special purchase to save you dollars! Allergy free. Percale, cover, latex foam rubber , with hundreds of air cells.. Minute irregularities! Shop early! Double Stamp Feature! ' " ' , ' DOMESTICS DOWNSTAIRS ' ROBERTS BROS. APRIL DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY " COMLETE EASTER SELECTION! . , . Ladies' .. ' iasierMillineirv Roberts "one price" millinery is "the talk of the town." Hundreds and hundreds of fashionable bonnets in the very latest of design ond fashion!. Almost any style to fit your most discriminating taste! Colors galore! Beautifully flowered! MILLINERY -SECOND FLOOR ROBERTS BROS. APRIL DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY SPECIAL PURCHASE! Jumbo Size 2 V These targe plastic garment bags will hold 16 garments! Clear plostic, strong zipper, double Jiooks for hanging. Well worth much more! A jumbo size bog at a tiny price! ' CLOSET SHOP MEZZANINE '.. DOUBLE STAMPS ARROW 1 Whlti Shirts ; 3.95 S collar styles t Sites 14 to 18 v Mltoga f It ' " -,-s ... ..- - DOUBLE STAMPS LADIB' , 1 Plaid Jcckets l!?14.95 Woshoble - Sanforlon F . , Many plaids ' DOUBLE STAMPS unr . Gloves 1.69 New shipment v; Large color choice Various styles ' J DOUBLE STAMPS , IASTCR Stohs 3.95 Jersey . Knit i v1""" Large eolor selection DOUBLE STAMPS , OYS' Polo Shirts 49c StffpM Solids -j- Popular sizes DOUBLE STAMPS Y i - MOW 7 Sport Sox 3 $1.10 Plaids Stripes ',, i Popular sizes DOUBLE STAMPS PERCALE Pillow Casts 59c Type 180 42x36 .y'r' First quality. DOUBLE STAMPS DCNIM Yardage :- - 59c i - Plains Plaids . 1 V ' Compare 69c DOUBLE STAMPS COTTON Dresses $3.98 Large selection Spring print All sizes : ' Metal clips 4 skirt sizes Metal hook