"Kfi f THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon In; the Valley Edited by MIKE FORBES . Willamina wma Lyons Guitafson. He bat returned to Seattle, from where he will be aent to Alaska. ' Mr. and Hri. Ramie Martell and a oni, Timothy and Tommy, spent the week-end with rel atives at Newport. ' Min Vivian Boyce, teacher at the Mari-Linn school,, who is ill with the flu, has been absent from her duties "several days, . . ' Lyons The Lyons Garden club will hold Its spring; flower show April 17 at the Rebekah hall. There will be cooked food nd flower plant for sale, The Women's Society of Christian Service held its reg ular meeting at the home of Mrs. Olen Julian, with Mrs. Alice Huber, president, pre siding over the business meet- si :,.. - .J ... ... . Mrs. Harris Nelson . rimn were meue xur uiv Bu yer tea which -will be held at the Rebekah hall Tuesday af ternoon, March 31, with the following committees appoint ed: u Food: Mrs. James Hollings- head, Mrs. George Huffman, Mrs. Donald McWhlrk and Mrs. Alice Huber. . Tables and decorations: Mrs. Glen Julian and Mrs. Charles Cruson. ' It was voted also to accept an invitation to visit the 811- verton society April 21. Mrs. Wins Cake Contest ' Woodburn Sixteen cakes were baked by members of the Woodburn Woman's club at the fifth cake baking contest sponsored by the May Furni ture Co., and ingredient for the cakes by the Food Market. First prize for the best cake went to Mrs. Harris Nelson, the second to Mrs. James Lamb and third to Mrs. Percy Seely. Mrs. Harry, VanArsdale re- Willamlna The annual Eas ter Sunrise service sponsored by tne willamina Ministerial association will be held again in is year, it ha been announc ed by the Rev Emil Howell, president of the association, The service will be held Eas ter Sunday morning at the sun, rise hour on the hill by the large illuminated cross. All five of the ministers of the city wm participate in the service, with the Rev, Warren Pechman bringing the Sunrise Medita tion. , -. The cross, which Is electrical ly illuminated, was lighted for the season on March 27. The city council met1 in a special session last week. It was voted to purchase a chlorinator for the Lady Creek water line. Mayor Frank Smelter an nounced that each department of the city will give comnlete financial report each month from now on. He also announc ed that the budget committee 3.- L. Brown; costumes,' Law rence Ellis, Ernest Hutchlns, Glen Eastburn; wardrobe, Dor is Suns; worship, Verla- Kunz ler; properties, Ina Mae Kunz ler; stage setting, Norman Mc- Kibben, Gerald Gardner; light ing, Rodney Eastburn, Vernon Blrki. Mrs. Everett Gardner, MYF counselor, Is director.. Independence Woodburn Woodburn "Becoming a Good Buyer" will be discussed by a home demonstration agent Thursday, April 2, at the meeting of the West Wood- burn Home Extension club unit in the Woodburn library The group will meet at 10 a.m. and a sack lunch served at noon. Hostesses will be Mrs. Thomas Relling and Mrs. Al bert Relling. Also on Thursday, April 2, the Union Home Extension unit will meet at the home of Mrs. Alfred Aicher at 10:30 a.m. with a sack lunch at noon j i ik. , . MH?. Care of Rug. and Up- holstery" will be the topic discussed by a county home extension agent. I - I . . J . U 1. , T . 1 Cruson and Mrs. Ivan Smith - were apyuuitcu me uvuuuaiuii committee for the new officers for 1983-64, . - L A 4U i Alt Cruson brothers will donate a load of wood for the church services. . ' At the close of the meeting, Mrs. Julian served refresh ment to Meidaraes Willard Hartnell, Loren Chamberlain, James Hollingshead, George Huffman, Leonard Cruson, Donald McWhirk, Albert Rem menga, Otto Weidman, Charles Cruson, Clyde Bressier, Mrs. Inez Ring and . Mrs. Alice Hu ber. . t Mr. Marvin Berry left Tues day for San Francisco, Calif., where she will spend some time visiting with relatives. The Three Links club held a meeting at the Rebekah hall Friday with a 12 o'clock lunch eon served, with Garnett Has sett and Helen Johnston ai hostesses. Followed by a bus iness meeting with Mildred Carr, president, presiding. . Plans were made for a cake sale, to be held Saturday, April 4, at the Lyons Variety store, jit was reported that they made $16.tS0 from the cooked food lale held on March 14. . ; Mdvum otwiiw una uuii iviyvro will be hostesses for the next meeting. Present for the Friday meet ing were Mildred Carr, Lois Myers, Jean Roberts, Zona Sischo, Eleanor . Christenson, Hazel Lewis, xtnel Huffman, Helen Johnston and Garnett Bassctt. - Mrs. Alex Bodeker, Mrs. Wood Oliver, members of the Women' Society of Christian Service of Lyons, with Mrs. Harry Roe of Stay ton, attend ed the annual meeting of the Salem district of the Women's Society of Christian Service, held in Dallas Thursday. - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen re turned home Thursday after noon from a week's visit in San Francisco, Calif. While there they were guests at the home of his cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Sommers. Stevle,. Bruce and Greg, from Sheridan, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Matthews, Mickey, Monte and Maureen, from New Meadows, Idaho, were re pent iHt tnn af tV- uAm. -- .... Itulllc u. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carleton The two ladles will be remem bered as Nancy and Helen Trask, former residents of Fox valley. A. P.. Culwell of Metronolln. HI., called here by the death of his brother Sam Culwell, who passed away at the Salem Memorial hospital Thursdky afternoon, arrived in Lyons rriaay. Bud Rydberg from Car by the May Co. The cakes were placed on sale Saturday morn ing at the Food Market with all receipts going to the Worn' an's club. The next baking contest will be AprU 10 with St. Luke's Mother' club participating. Aurora Aurora Palm Sunday mark ed the beginning of Holy Week with special services conducted by the pastor, Rev. Robert S. Hampel, and special music pro vided by choirs and soloists. The morning services on Palm Sunday the combined junior and senior choirs sang with a soprano solo by Miss Doris Colvin. On Good Friday the choir will sing with Mrs. Henry Col vin and Mrs. James Mason as soloists. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed at these services, and new mem bers will be received into the fellowship of the church. On Easter Sunday, the junior choir will sing with a cornet solo by Wayne Lowrle; senior choir will sing with a solo by Mrs. WiUiam Lowrie. In addition to these services at the churches, the Youth Fel lowship Is planning an Easter Sunrise service, similar to that held last year. The Aurora Women's Asso elation met Friday afternoon, March 27, at the church. Mrs. Harry Van Arsdale spoke. Mrs. Herbert Jolin led the de votion. .; . Hostesses were Miss Hilda Reiser, Mrs. Frank Thiel and Mrs. Willi Matthlll. The Aurora Women' asso ciation Is sponsoring family night dinner for the evening of April 14 in the church base ment. Dinner will be pot luck, at 6:49 p.m. The speaker for the evening wiU be Dr. Ralph C. Lewis, M.D., of China. Dr. Lewis was under communist imprisonment for three years, and with his wife, was the last Presbyterian missionary to leave Peking. China, having left as recently i as last summer. Hostesses for this family night will be Mrs. William Jensen, Mrs. Herbert Jolin and Mrs. Percy Will. On April 19 the Aurora church will have a guest speak er from Lewis and Clark col lege. On April 25, there will be a swimming party with the Hubbard group at the "Y" In Salem. Eighteen members of the Young Adult Fellowship re cently met in the home of meeting to begin itudvina- the financial problems of the city. It was voted by the council to set up a complete set of books for the water department beginning April 1, and that the Independence 8unday guests of Rev.- Paul Boomer and family were Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Chrlstlanson and their two children from Xebanon. Mr. . and Mrs. James Cook from 2'ortland were also din ner guests. . Mrs. L. J. Arnet 1 recuper uting at her home on D street, .following surgery. Staying with her Is her daughter, Mr. DeFreese Rltchey and her children. Mr.' and Mrs. Dean G. Fisher are being congratulated on the birth of a ton, born Friday, March 27 at the Salem Gen eral hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Moon and two daughters, Helen and Mary, from Portland, have re. turned to their home after spending several daya visiting friends and relatives. . Gary Burch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burch, 1 sta tioned at Fort Lewis, Wash., where he is receiving hi basic training for the armed serv ice, Mr. and Mr. George Cor wln have returned to their home In Hood River, Ore., fol- records be kept separate from will be featured at the regular A miscellaneous display of lowing- several davt vacation handwork and other- items t the home of their daughter the rest of the deDartmentt. Leota Noreen, city treasurer, will be water clerk, and will be paid $150 a month to keep the water books. The water meters will be read on April 1, and the first bills for metered wa ter will be sent out on May 1. The bid df the E and G mo tor company was accented for six new tires for one of the lire trucks. Don Cunliffe. head of the Willamina Civil Defense or ganization, has announced that Willamina' application to the federal government for a fire truck and a walkie-talkie ha been accepted. Formal aDDll- cation for a new truck, which win cost 13,000 will be made. The Class A fire truck will have a 200 HP motor and pump capaoie oi pumping 790 gal lons of water a minute against 190 pounds pressure. As neither Sheridan or Willamina have a class A piece of fire equipment, the addition of such a truck to the local equipment would de crease fire insurance rates. The Doyle Lumber company of Grand Ronde, owned by Joe JJoyie of Willamina, has been sold to Elon Hokanson of Mc Minnville. He will start the mill as soon as the weather is favorable. Mr. Doyle will devote all his time to the Doyle Cable Cutter, which he designed and now has put on the market. He has received a certificate from the State Industrial Accident Pre vention division in approval of tne cutter, meeting of Woodburn Grange No. 79 Friday, AprU 8, at the grange ball at 8 p.m. Refresh ments will be served by Mrs. B. W. Odfkirk and her co hostesses, Mrs. Robert Dixon, Mrs. Laurena Whitney and Mrs. Naomi Alleman. Saturady evening, April 4, at 8 p.m. members of the local ! grange will meet with tec Ankeny grange near Jeffer son. . 1 Sheridan Sheridan The Methodist Youth Fellowship will present a sacred play, "The Seamless Robe," Easter night at the Methodist church. The cast in cluded Norman McKibben, Louise Henry, Betty Jo Ellis, Elizabeth Eastburn, Thelma Evans, Carol Ann Hutchins, Dennis Jones, Wilson McKib ben, Vernon Blrks, Gerald Gardner. Managers are: music, Mrs. The regular meeting of Woodburn chapter of De Molay and the Mothers' Cir cle - will be held Wednesday night, April 1, at the Masonic temple. The mothers will make plan for a mother and son pot luck dinner in May. Mrs. Clarence Ahrens and Mrs. Ray Stampley will be hostesses for Wednesday night and will serve refreshments to the DeMolay boys and advisors. and family, Mr.', and Mrs. lem, Marvin Sparks. Russell Graves left Monday morning to report for service in the armed forces. Sunday morning, his friends of the First Baptist church bid him farewell, and Rev. Paul E Boomer, presented him with a New Testament. Frank Ellis, teacher of the seventh' grade al Henry Hill school, Is confined to his home following surgery. Mrs. James Hart is substituting for him until he is well enough to return. Lynda Werllne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Werline, is confined to her home with measles. Moore Rites Held Today Private funeral, services were held at the W. T. Rigdon chapel Tuetdav afternoon for Mrs. Aneeline O. Moore, late resi dent of 468 North Winter street and widow of the late Will Moore, state insurance com missioner for Oregon at one time. Mrs. Moore died in a local hospital following an illness of several days. Rev. George H. Swift officiated at the services and interment was in Belcrest Memorial park. Born in Walla Walla, Wash.. Mrs. Moore was a graduate of Whitman College there. She had been a Salem resident for 30 years, and prior to that bad lived in Pendleton. Mrs. Moore's husband died in 1932 and her only sou, Myr ton Moore, Salem, died a year ago. Survivors include two grand daughters, Mrs. Patricia J. Jackson of Portland and Miss Moyra A. Moore of Salem; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Myrton Moore of Salem; and a great nephew, Robert Fallon of Sa- vbim bv 13th Naval District in spection team. Awarded Medal Capt. DeVerseR. Yost of Albany, recently wat presented the Air rl.i at MMmAnlM hAld In KO re The captain was cited for meritorious achievement In aerial light while assigned to the 45 th iu.im air ftawirim Th nresenta tlon was made by Ma), den. David L. Ruiner, comma ndin general of the 49tta Infantry division. Jehnien In Prance nriii.xln. n.n, .Tidinuvi fa , .,-,tAnAJl -f !) r-hntaftlimix . ti n ,MWHW H.w ....... Air base near Paris, France. He nas oeen in rTanco iwu wu months, and his work consist of -1 wa,nKA- a nA ..v. n 1 1 atp. craft instruments. He Is the ton of Mr. ana an, bin nxuuuu ui Willamina. Join Staff Korean Bate section Pvt. or- val O. Nelson, whose wife, Geor gia, and Darents. Mr. and Mrs. Clay A. Nelson resided at Dayton, Oregon, recently joined the 21st evacuation hospital in Korea, which is part of the Korean Bate section. Nelson attended uie uay- ton union huh school and prior to entering the Army 13 months ago worked for Uie River Bend Dairy. , ' Clothlnf Allowance ' Air Force reservist falling into two categories will soon be en titled to a new uniform clothing allowance ranging from $50 to Tuesday, March 81, 195J lioo. In the first category are for active duty allowance. 7v7 will be paid officers wiwTeW? on active duty or active dutiTi!; training for more than to dli (on or before June 2S, I960) T two years elapsed between iS5 periods of active duty. Then fleers will receive a maximum -100. Not eligible are those oaw whose service within Uie prrn two years was as a regular T7 Force officer or any oIfi-. received an Initial uniform l lowance of more- than $2000 6W ing this current tour of duty All Air Force reserve off'. will be entitled to malnteniS allowance not to exceed aviT? each four years of mtUiuia, service in an active status teul same reserve component, tv, four year period must include a! days of active duty or active 4uS fcrainlnc PrinH nf v,nj.j ' ttve duty in excess of on l cannot be computed toward trii years of eligibility. The four vZ period may have started helw. June 9, 1063. but mutt have completed after that date. Payments of active dutv ... maintenance allowance may hi made to reserve officer no lonwr maintained at military statu. they meet the requirements. . Application Is made throueh the reserve unit to which theySJ uie reservist is assigned, 11 he a still with Uie reserve, end If jJ? through the nearest volunteer Air Reserve unit, Gervais Young GOP Will Meet at Silverton Silverton The Young Re publican Marlon-Polk county club, will meet at 8 p.m. Tues day, April 4 in the Silverton -Double J basement rooms, Quintin B. Estell, state execu tive board member, announc ed. The speaker will be the state treasurer of Oregon, Slg Unan der. The program is open to any one interested and is bl-county wide. Gervais Mrs. Norman Nlb- ler entertained the Junior Women's club at her home re cently. Eleven member- were present. . Mrs. G. Cutsforth drew the high prize and Mrs. K. Brown low prize. Plans were laid to hold a dinner party at the Mar ion Hotel, Salem, April 7. The ladies will attend a show at the Elsinore following dinner. A record crowd attended and enjoyed the senior class play Friday evening at Gervais high. Miss A. Austin directed the players. Less than 90 years after the landing' of Columbus, the Spaniards had penetrated what is now New Mexico. WHEATLAND WOMAN ILL Wheatland Mis Nora Smith, aunt of Mrs; Joe Beaty of the Wheatland district, is ill and in the Good Samaritan hopiatal, Portland, N. MARION CONCERT Hubbard The North Mar nn high school band and chor us will present their annual spring concert, Friday evening, April 10, at the school. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Tuesday, March 11 USAB school staff only, at ORG armory. Wednesday, April 1 929 field artillery battalion. Army Reserves, administrative meeting at org armory. On Los Angelet Thursday, AprU t Company D. 162nd infantry regiment, Oregon National Guard, at eaiem armory. Battery D, 722nd AAAAW bat talion, Oregon National Guard, at Cjuonset huts on Lee street. Organized Naval -Reserve sur face division at Naval and Ma rine Corps reserve training cen ter, inspection 01 xoclilty and dl- . O "fHOMta -7829 1 IAIIJH 6AI01NJ, HIGHWAY ft ff al Gates Open 6:45 Mi A Show at 7:15. Ends Tonite (Tues.) M 1 "MY SON JOHN", f I 1 - Helen Hayes "UNDER THE H I RED SEA" M Friday is Onr Big m Jk Easter Bunny Nltel tair3aaspaiu - b ffaWsPflrn.iTWiTffTTW M II Mi- ifiii-f living' i.'1'UP 11 n!Ku5S71 a9B3eK9aHjK3BLaiLaaa ENDS TONIGHT Open t.U "APRIL IN PARIS" And "WAGOWS WEST" Starts Wednesday Open S:tg Wnrntin c"r'Feclwictlor fmwmcmA ffliELSiumn w IHKHrTO Also Peter Lawford, Dawn Addaau r:'W'nTiaay.. DOUBLE HEADER Enjoy j fin dinner in our TV Lounge while viewing the fights!!! WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS Chuck's Steak House' S190 Portland Road Salem Phone S-3992 Walt and Frances Racette. This May, N. J., spent an eight-day gr.up or 8inglf joung adults furlough at the home of hi.l mcet' AprV f2" .meTef parents, Mr. andMrs. Nick. Bud and Margaret Yergen. ZING, ZIP and Zest THE KEW VILLAGE INN PRESENTS Direct from Hollywood This Week Only THI HOLLYWOOD RANGE RETTES Oatsteadhig in appearance, personality and performance, wheth er H'a western tr modern they bit a happy high In entertainment. LIMnf tempos, pleataBt melodies and haunting vocals designed especially for year dancing pleasure. Two complete floor shows. SAVE THESE DATES OREGON COLLEGE OF EDUCATION FACULTY PLAY MONMOUTH APRIL 16 & 18 1 KM. ,. STARTS TODAY! MATINEE DAILY fflOM The Screen Has TVever Matched THE TUUNDER OF THEIR PLUNDERING ADVENTURES! S7alT v7 LA6KBEARD THE PlMTE NE'TON-DAUJELL BEIJDIX ROIIRT co-Hin susmsi WENT t, a eaasaWv BairbWIfTl aaruKmi intriguei (MM U1TO0N AIRHAIL BMUSOa-NrsArPariia NFWt nciafettt 3 TTl: .4T C- PHONI1 BJuhard Wtdmark Joanne Dry MY PAL OU8" O . Jan Sterllnr Carleton Carpenter "SKY FULL OF MOON" OPEN 6:45 P.M. ENDS TODAY! BELOVED COUNTRY" ind 4 ART REELS! C-CBY. 1 TOMORROW! AT BARGAIN PRICES STRANGE THRH1S OF TERROR m MACABRE MYSTERY! Ua liniiiiirtltis Slevinsin'i KLA LOGOS mm omwu rktn SSSSOl KMC SHUriN ecsrciT tntm H W um PnM H Mill aut CHILL CO-HIT! t GUI') ifTPfiTI r Oerkeef WITH A J AMIS tlUSON MANCES OH TOM CONWAY ENDS TODAYI (TUtS.) "NAKED SPUR" end "AU ASHORE" OPEN 6:45 P.M. STARTS TOMORROW! the Sn&e sSer ...FOR THE YEAR'S BRIGHT-LIGHT MUSICAL DELIGHTI ylHIAY0 1 CO-HIT! HIGH GEAR HILARITY! FRANTIC FUN' They're lb poofiel race driven In faugh hitforyl 9 ? rta m VUCT li JT m