Tuasdiy, Much 81. 1958 WANTtO POSITIONS Dobt cunii. doting, dirt inti. lag, grading. Pho-to lltl. h77 Landscape ntBiBteaaaoe. r aa la t, trimming, planting, lertutttng. Serv 1m Center. Phono 4-1571. h7 EutTOM WOH plowing and dleclng. Phem. Ml. UH Rtrchwoon1 Sr. ikli WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Iniimd wnt. John Payne. Ph. I MM h1 CABTINTIB Otblaat wot, home re modeling, froa nllnM. Call f-Mll, 4.14H. hio ILADIQ TV SERVICE V ANTENNA Bonded 4 licenced gpeelallst. Installed, lit plus material. Call any (low. Pre. eatlmatea, FImm ci3ti. tawi ROOM & HOARD BOOM AND BOARD-Pemlly atyle. Ph. w jut FOR RENT , . I-3T0RY CONCRETE WAREHOUSE BUILDING ' vith electric JTtor, alley en-' tun, tank it KoUl Salem, a good dUtrnuter't heedouartere. STATE FINANCE CO. 107 S. HIGH ST. WANTED TO RENT Wf ANTED TO LEASE LtrgB house with DtlCLUCU awn vivav ui, s-uJODC 43731. . ' ' Jk70 f OR RENT ROOMS t ATTRACTIVE furnished roome with telophonee furnlahed, ISO end 137.50 month. Alia air condition, H N. winter. Jk7 BUS. HAN. Nice sleeping nn. with hot And eoia water, see venter, jave' ni CI LIGHT hoatekecplng room. Lady. lit . Ohnnb. jklio ' FOX RENT HOUSES SPtOVSBWV.BtLe WHU pWWH V1U Die yard, basement, adults, phone MDDEKN NEWLY decorated I room du. pits. Large room, wardrobe olosets. iecrio neat, nerawwoa iioom, -adults. Refrigerator, stove. jm7 CTJT1 1 BED BOOM. living room, kltflh- en, -dinette, eleetrio stove, attach, ga rage. 3t.h. mene i-is.ro. jots f.BEDBOOX home, partly furnished, cloae in. Adult, call 37291 after 6, or Sat. 6un. jmU I7NFUKNUHED small house, nice yard. $40 montn. i-aao8 evenings, jam CLEAN unfurnished one-bedroom diT plex. Adults. 3-4708. JroTB' CLOSE IN, 3 bedroom unfurnished cot- tut, aii electric sac . enured, Jm81 BEDBOOHS, 3 bathe, completely fur- nuneo. oianwasner, automatic wash er, basement. Older comfortable home. Nice neighborhood. $100 per month. Phone 3-8128. Jm8l rOB LEASE April 1, 4-year-old, 4 bed room horn. Automatic washer, floor furnace. 875. Mrs. P. L. Rpley, 3193 Fare ATI. pnone 37818, m7T MODERN s BEDROOM home, with la rage. 190. Phone 3-9(84 after 8 p.m. v Jm78 CLEAN, NICELY FURNISHED l-bsdroom home and Karate, 860. 13 U Edge water. 35108, evenings 39980. Jm78' THBEE-BEDBOOlf house, 780 Oregon street. Phone 1907 Turner for de tails. jmW FURNISHED s-room arate house, aar den spot. 1887 Park Lane, 48333. itnTI" l-BSDBOOM furnished rental, newer, dean and Beat, only $80 per month. Call Rawllni Realty, 3-484-4 or 41781. Jm OFFICE FOR RENT OB f-BOOH BUTTE, t stasia. Oregon Building, phone 3-4114. Jo FOB RENT: Room suitable for Office Ferry Street, r store. State Finance Co. J017' &ROUNd"fXo6b office or store apace for rent. Call at Pitts Market, its FOR RENT APARTMENTS BOOK APARTMENT. Electric ranse. Private entrance. Adults. 70S N. Liber ty. Phone 38947. Jpsl BICE BOOM, private shower, mostly lurnuned, ground noor. wuietr couple. 137 month. Phone 3-8810; a.m. p82 BUS. DIST. nicely furn. 3 rm. apt. KS Center St. Jp78- 4 BOOM furnished apartment. Phone !-3H. 1P7I ROOMS, private bath and entrance, furlnahod, clean, close In. 492 So. ' Hlth. Jpt2' ruBNISRED 1 bedroom apartment. Close to elate olllces. Phone 4-1178. JP7I 47L08E IN, furnLshed bachelor apart ment, kitchenette, utility furnished. Reesonable. One or two men. Phone 4-t2, jp78 MEW SPACIOUS ant. One bedroom. Ranee, refrlierator. larbaee serrloa. 100.00. Olose-ln suburban. Business couple references. Box 14, Capital Journal. - Jp78 CLOSE in, nice modern l-room furnish' ed apartment. . Adults only. Phono 3C4P0. Jp82" t BOOM around floor apartment. Only III. Lady preferred. 148 Perry. Ip7' NEWLY REMODELED furnished apart ment, I room and bath, 4S. 110 So. 14th, a-IHI. Jp78' KI.Mi 1 BOOM furnished aptrtment, Including1 refrigerator. Close In North. See Burt Plena, 171 N. High. Phone 1-4047. JP78- PUBNianED I BOOM apartment. 15S Oak St. ip7i I ROOMS, furnlthed, and bath. Outside entrance. 4M So. int. Phone 1-0887. JpTI- NICE COURT apartment, furnished. Ideal for working girl. Phone 10714. )P77 I BOOM11 Nicely furnished, Quiet neighborhood, 1 block east Memorial hospital. 006 So. Summer. Jp78 BEAUTIFUL furnished apartment. Pre fer permanent resident. 444 N. Cot tage. Phone 2-1887. JP' FURNISHED APARTMENT, 131 and lit, 1MI N. Corn's. Phone 4-Hl eTcnlnti. JP77- -ROOM FURNISHED apartment. 44 So. winter. Jp78' l-BOOM pertly furnished apartment, private entrance, fenced yard with tpace lor garden. Adults, use erty. Jp7' LABOE rtTmjtftnnitf. Aot. 1 rooms. 1 block to capltol bulldlngl. AdulU only. Phone 140)1. . , u B -I, - . t.nfiirn .dL. near cannery It but. Phone 28000. IPH VEST ATTRACTIVE court apartment, 3 rooms bath, electric ranee and re frigerator furnished. Oil heat. Com munity TV aerlel available. 114 So. 17th St. Phone 1-1128 days, or 1-1716 titer I p.m. 'n SIVeAal furnlehed apartmenu. gooo location. Inquire 8. U SUtt Pumlture. Phone 1-1185. 21 NICBLT FUBNISRED apartment, Am bassador apartmenu. 660 N. Sum mer -ROOM newly decorated "lUJ.i; apartment, 140. All utllltlet peld, JIM Maple. Phone 1SOM. ATTRACTIVE, clean apartmenu, furn ished! cloie In. Comfortable beds, elec tric refrlieretors. stoves! private en trance. Suitable for home, tor working people. Also a basement apartmetil furnlthed. 111. JU Union. Phone 4yee JfAtARTMINTS -!- "J"'Ul l room - w wir miunc mi ruBNiiBED i room, btmuni apuv mlihn. round "SS. H,'"' tomrtnr foeliitlM, dultt. iih k, cpltoL Fhon inii lpTI OBOIINO riiOOB ftoBt, 1 room, uui w .wm., mkaj HI W. Corn-I, jp7. Lee Apts. tlm'i Uoct DttttnnUh Addrw foUowla, ranttu md k. thown bow: l-Bdrm. AT.ll.bl, Now Ul.oo 1-Bdrm. ATill.bl, Mow 17.M 'J'H? ' od.rt ntu cU at in . wtatw M. Ph. .imi. If OOM lurnlihtd aptrtmant, in, and ' . .mm aparimm, lor on. 1'A y.omm- ' " i-tm. p7. tOSTSfOUND 101T 4" WILL DULL Ut an So. BJm Joad, atar Bobtrti, about lorn. Threaded on one end. Apian. IN lb s. Reward. Phone 17291. k78 MtSCELUNEOUS BEE-HIVX . , TRUCKS U-DRtVB . afOVB TODRSBLP SAVX 4 ncKOFS STAKES TABS TEXACO STATION OOORT ST. PKONI 1-1911 PAOB STEVENSON and Ab lUPPORO m , DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST OASES DR. BARVEY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldr., State de Commercial Ste aaa PH. 11111 ALEM SAND GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work ' Boad Clearing - Dltehtnt Sewer end Basement Equipment Rental DHchlns by the Pool , Phone Dara 3-1401 Beee. 1-4417 01 17411 BUILDING MATERIALS ROOrlNa complete une. Cell WeeUm Auto, 1-7177, for free estimate. Oam ble'e Western Auto Supply Co., 101 b. Commercial. uaTT Coast or Mountain ' Cedar Shingles No. la, 11 Inches clear. Hi Mo. I, I Inches dear. 14. Na wami a. culli. Come and act them. Ted Muller, Salem-Independence Road. Ph. Salem 4-1 ivo. KEITH BROWN SPECIALS Close Gut We are closing out our entire stock of Plumbing, Housewear - and Work Clothes, Overalls, ahlrts, pants - at 25 off while they last. Keith Brown Lumber Yard FRONT At COURT 8TB. PHONE 3-9111 (we five B H oreen Stamps) ma SPRING IS HERE Build Now and Save) 4S W Shoetrock 11.40 Sheet 4x1 e," Shoetrock 1110 Sheet 4il W Shoetrock I1.M Sheet Knotty Pine Panellu Mttc Boot Oood Oak Ploorlni 1110 M I stab Shinties al.it sejuare . FREE DELIVERY OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C& K LUMBER YD, LANCASTER a. CENTER PH. t-l0O nalO' DOORS DOORS DOORS Panela from I.M to 7.M. Back doors 8.95. Mahogany, vertical grain fir, and birch alabt priced right. Many in stock, take your pick. Oak Flooring, all trades, in heated room. Plywood - oodlee A oodlet - 4x8 or cut to your tlae. 4xa aneeio in oiow -a 1.20, 1.28. Carload In good rejecu at everyday low price. Rooting ThlckbutU, Roll Roofing all of top quality. Shakes, VO Bev Biding 1136.00 to 88.60. Cedar Panel 329.60, Hemlock Panel 121.00 to 189.60. Wallboardt, Urge variety, low at 1.40 sheet. Haroooaras s.v ts. Vr.. Cheerful estimating gervlee. Mod' ernlte with email monthly paymanU nothing down. Come In and visit. OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY Portland Road Lumber Yard eats Wartland Rd. Phone 44411 me Price War Reverse trap toilets, complete ..$35.50 30"zl8" Wash Baslna 117.90 cut Iron bath tubs, complete ..888.50 40-gaI. water heaters 673.50 New 4" soil pipe . New shower cabinets complete ..$43.00 Medicine cabinets, 14"x3i" ..,. 7.0 600 gal, septlo tanks 682.50 tJnpalnted eedar shakes $ 5-75 Painted cedar shake 8 9.75 Overhead garage hardware 818.50 Waterproof wall board, 4x8 .,.-$ 1.00 Plywood, Interior St exterior ....Cheap 3 tab comp. roofing $ 8DS Steel garage doors complete . 855.00 No. 1 doors. 3'8"x8'8" t -50 New door Jambs $ 3.50 Chicken house, barn windows.. Special New picture windows $ 8 00 Mew weathers tripped windows.. .$14.30 New door locks 11.00 Exterior white paint gal. $3.05 New plasterboard, 4x8 $1.40 HARDWOOD PLYWOOD Imported light woods and dark wood, V" and V. Perfect for natural color wall paneling and kitchen cab inets. Prices close to fir plywood. C. G. LONG & SONS Phone 45091 1 mile North of Seller) NURSERY STOCK NORTHWESTERN Strawberry plant,, new patch. I miles N.W. of woodoura. X C. Slover, Rt. 1, Box 38a, Woodburn. mb7l a. f09 For Sols MISCELLANEOUS TIER MABOOANT Duncan .Phyfe lamp table, like new. price at 18.95. 100 other tables, 3.36 pp. Olenn Woodry's, 1805 N. summer. n77 DAVENOS All slses, shapis, colors, $33.50. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 370 So. Liberty St. Phone 46371. n77a IPC. SALE! 1 Chrome 5 pe. dinettes, Reg. 80.0" now w,. pjub .nee. i i New 30 pc. pottery dinner set. 19.98 down, balance low as (.00 per month. Olenn woodry'a Bargain Store, 1805 N. Summer. n?7' PIECE walnut dining set. Pour piece bedroom set, lnciuotni springs and mattress. Drapes, draw drape. Hoover vacuum utaner. curiam stretcner. 1-7029. n78 SMALL COLEMAN Oil Circulator, like new 34.80. Olenn Woodry's, 180$ N. Summer. ' nT7 NEW AND used chain saw for sale and rent. Also complete repair service, alley Weldlnt Bupply ce, 7f ft Sol MlSCiUXANEOUS NEW SINGER . ELECTRIC ! veJnwt aaMnel eewi&a gaachlaM den- esutrator. Bound bobbin, knee or foot euntreL, Bewa forward and reverae. Mew maeUne a oar an tee. $81.8$ ff now price. .Blnter aewlns Center, IS$ M. Oommercial. nT8 ro. walnut dinnu mm. nM. Hod- arn, itardr, u ut, m. oimw Woodry'. Brin Stort. 1IM M. Sub ra.r. TsriM TrtdM. BTI WE BUT AND WLL VKED IM1 OT ALL TTPM. Vm lORCHAMDISI MART, no So. Ubartr, ,hau Mil. Ttrma o( court,. nT7 USED SINGER drophsad treadle eewlnc saaehlne, A-l condition and guaranteed. Full price 14.W Inin Sewing Center, 1M N. Commercial. n7l AMAHNO TALVB Kit Ml col ton ruu. Bcnutuui colon pH,mi Terr durable. Only 3..U. olnn Wood n UW M. Bummer. an O.L BUNK BIDI with arattrauH, 111. MM BlUf. I7I, BTI BAKOWOOD plar pen. Ilka new, ll.U. uitsa wooorr,, im B. Buaunar. nTT FOR BALE li-w. Tar pa weight before treated. Strong, Lap-tolled double atltehed aaaina. OrommeU eet u heavy rein forced patohee, apaced 41 In. apart. S'I7' 14.16 I'Xlf 1091 10'114' 11.10 aaany other sitas Prtcad Accordingly Sporting ooodg Dept. KOE39UCX. at oo. U N. Capitol ' B7T ' DOOB MPABOBd, 1.41. ry'e, 1805 N. summer. Olenn Wood. B77" UNFINISHED TABLES Coffee, step, only 'fun. UBK0 atawtTHAHDlSE MART, 170 So. Liberty St., phone 41171. n77 OFFICE DESK. Typewriter Style, reftn- loned 4I.H. Olenn Woodry'a Bargains, 1108 N. Summer. h77 NEW LINOI.EIUM rugs, i.n. Olenn n77 Woodry'a, itH N. summer. OOOD, CLEAN, USED clothing, aheap. w . wpna eeeeg. HTV" BXCELLENT BABNTARO fartUlger. Ph. seew or 43907. B79 FARM HOME GAHPEN Rotted manure, aompotta, the same duality ae last year, for home and garden, yiagatonee, red lava atone and otner types lor wane or sardeni. Rut- no cedar fencing and treliu work. PhlUlpe Bros., Ra, a. Box 493, Salem. rn. a-wei. WEBTINQBOUBE tleetrle automatic elotbu dryer. Immaculate condition. Just 1M.W. Pay at little as M.50 down Olenn Woodry'a, 1108 N. Sum mer. ' . j n77 RECONDITIONED vacuum cleaner, ' tM. with all attachmanu. USED MER CHANDI8R MART, 171 So. Liberty St., phone 48371. b77 NEW I Drawer Kneehole Desk 34.60. Also Drop Lids, new and used. Olenn Wood ry's, 10M N. Summer. B7T SALEM DIESEL Roller and ball bearings for trucka and tractors. 1778 Sllverton Boad. TOP SOIL River silt and fill dirt, promptly delivery. Phone 3-1748. n.B USED washing machines, 16.85 and up. YXATER APPLIANCII CO.. 376 Che meketa. n OLOSINO OUT used suitresses. Over 60 Must make space. Values to 18.50. 4.75 to S.60. Olenn Woodry'i. 1606 N, Bummer. s77 6M ALLOWED for your old water heater on this new 43-iallon automatlo elec tric water beater. Teater Appliance, 378 cnemeketa. rn. 3-4311. n BOLLAWAT BEDS 8.60. Olenn Woodry. n77 BABT BID mattress, 912.6b. USED imtOHANDXSI MART. 370 Bo. Lib erty at., phone 40371. n77 DAVENOS, USED. Reg. H.O0, Now J3.60 to colee out. Olenn Woodry'a. 1000 N. Summer. n77 Mcculloch chain saws, tot xdte water, Weet Salem. Salem Logging Sup ply. Ph. 4-1141. n S WHEEL TRAILER 36.00. Olenn Wood ry's, 1405 N. Summer. n77 DRY POULTRY FERTILIZER Is very good for lawns and a air to apread. By tack or yard. PhlUlpa Brae., Ph. 43011. n SPC. DINING SET, 137.60. USED MER CHANDISE MART, 370 So. Liberty St., phone 48371. n77 FERTILIZER Pulverised, rotted manure, delivered anywhere. 30774 or 1-6073. n7l ELKCTROLUX VAC. Cleaner, complete with att. Spc. 39.80. Others low ae T.M. Olenn Woodry's, 1805 N. Summer. B77- Gravel and Sand Anything In gravel, wholesale and retail, valley sand at o RAVEL CO. Ph. 3-4003. n ceramic riRiNO He per 3330 Liberty Rd. au. Inch, nil REE Westlnghouse aewtng machines on all floor Samples, save up to 40. YXATER APPLIANCE CO., 371 Che meketa. a BLONDE O.E. RADIO, only t mos. old, like new, save over 1180. USED MER CHANDISE MART, 370 So. Liberty, phono 48371. n77 PLABTI-KOTE requlree no waxing. For your floora or linoleum. YXATER AP PLIANCE CO., 378 Chemeketa. n CEDAB TELEPHONE and electric poles, fence posts, bean posts and stakes. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6, Box 493, I miles east of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3081. n REFRIGERATORS, NEW and Uied. TEATER APPLIANCE CO., 37tj Che meketa. n COW FERTILIZES $5 Phone 38031. yard, 89 load. n78 LAWN MOWER, $5. USED MERCHAN DISE MART, 370 Bo. Liberty St. phone 48371. n77 DEEPFREEZE home freesers. TEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n" BABOAIN OF THE TEAR! I Big well made plait lo swing rockers, Reg. 32,98 value, Now only 10.95 while stock of 30 lasts. Red, green, beige, chartreause. Olenn Woodry's Bargain Store, 1805 N. Summer, htt these! I n77" REDUCED! $10 per day until sold. USED ONE 1 INCH DRUM T FLOOR SANDER. 380 SHEETS OF SPEED ORIT PAPER. THIS PAPER . ALONE IS WORTH 1180. Starting price Feb. 26, $575 MARCH 31 - $285 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT at COURT STB., PHONE 1-1111 (We Olve SatK Oreea stamps) a SEAL VALUE HEREI I Twin beda, full panel. Bleach, mahogany, walnut or maple, coll tprlng, good kwallty nut trees. Complete, only 34.60 or 14.60 without mattreea. This Is a real deel. See them at Olenn woodrire Bargain Store, 1108 N. Summer. Terms - Tredes. Pre. Parking. B77 I'H.P, GlnaoN TRACTOR on rubber, with tooth borrow, plow, blade, tan- dam disc e Jr. teed planter. 411 W. Locuat, Slayton, Ph. 8893. B7I STEEL FOLDINO chain, new, Spc. at 1.16. Olenn Woodry'a, 1608 N. Summer, n77 HOSPITAL BED for eale or rent. H, Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 1-9181. NEW HI cnAIRS, 7.M. olenn Woodry'e, loot N, Summer. nn NEW AND USED Cabinet Door a. Ma hogany, oak and fir: some hove tloss. Small table. Portable Forgo with elec tric blower, o. c. Ollbtrt, U48 relr grounds Rd. a78 SACRIFICE 493.00 Xarpen down filled Slelth Soft. Nearly new. ltt 160.00 buya Ik Olenn Woodrra, 1901 N. Sum mer. . B7T THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balm, Ortgoa tot SsUMISCkUXANEOUS U"at4" MIBBOBS let Kwahty. Wa kougM Me) ed teea to live our Monde s ran laraats. -texat I N aaah. (Worth 1.10) Wheel a aw. Ortena Weadry'a. INI M. aMeamer. : BIT PLAT PUN and gad. f7.lt. Phgag I-17M. lPC. USED Chrome Dinette Set 33 10. Woodry. taw M. Summer. nil" tea CHEST O P RAWER. Lowest prices. Olenn woodrra, itwi at. Bummer, arr LOVELY C III BET red t velvet davea- port and chair, very a 004 gonouiioa. Cell 1-1841. B7I IS MODEL lUfrtseratort. Caa't tall from new. V tw I4t.lt to 141.60. Others low at 41.50. Olenn Woodry'a, 1104 N. summer. Terms-Trad.,. n71 FOB SALE Wurman Spinet, Call 1-7M6 avOBlnga B7,- .-, METAL FENCES Chela Imk ec enaaatntal typea, taeldentlBl and laduatrtal. Ma lob too largo or Mo email. Material only or job complete. Free BettmaUe. BOtlEUAN LBR. Si CDWE CO. 4tt Slew Street Ph. 1-3701 RT7 PIANO-MABOOANT Bungalow, Player, like bow. Smell, plain model. Worth twice the MOM asking price. M.M down Bad 34 moa. on balance. Othera M-Ot bp. Olenn Wocdrr'a, leu N. Sum mer. B71 tall A3DUNCTIB BUO Bud pad, like avow, 141. Thor aatuBauo waaner, A-l condition, fit. OUld'i ttdewalk bike, pneumatic tires, U. 3-53M. Bate MEW LAWN Chain, Spc. Factory Par eraaaa, 3.11 each. Solid Oak Framaa. Olenn Woodry'a, 1904 M, Summer. . nTT APARTMENT SIEE gaa KM So. 11th. IT1M. range. Apply B7I SALE ON noUBlNEaWColonlal Man or Lady. Choice Mc About H off Ret. Price. Olenn Woodry'a, 1MI M. Sum mer. B77a ORGANIC FERTILIZER, pre at weed aeede, and odorless. Sack or bulk or ders delivered. Phone 1-1117. all MEW SPC. Bedroom Suite. Solid Maple (Modern), ret. 119.00. on sale at 121.10. Terms. Olenn Woodry's. leol M. summer. The Hon with Sensible WrfnM. B77 Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Walnut meats, and walnuts in shell. Highest cash price on delivery. MORRIS SUiORFEIN rACtUIVO CO. 4M N. Front at, aalem Ph. 3-733 na WOODBT WANTS Flanoa. Phone 3-6110. na KIDS mint crawlers wanted. Mo hun dred. SM03. nan- ELECTRIC EANQES. Woodry'a. 3-1110. LOGS WANTED" atud ilin. Lanatha I' 4" or II I' Diameter I" to II". Sawmill. Lrattbi 13' and longer. Diameter I" M so Top prleet paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turtifir. Crrtv. : Phone 1136 SPORTING EQUIfMENT "BUT WHERE you let service." All new Johnson outboard motors, guar anteed. Reasonably priced. Balem Boat House, 100 Chemeketa. 3-S303. ncTt PERSONAL I will NOT be nsponalblo tor any dabu otner tnan my own, sere, owv, nam. Arteata. Pl9 ANYONE KHOWINO the whereebouU of Harriet Jackson, aometlmea known Harriett Jackson, one time of Salem. Oregon, la reouested to communicate with the underelgned. The Canada Permanent Trust Com pany, 1778 Scarth street, Regtna, Saa katchowaa, Canada. P7I ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup No, 1. 1081 N. Commercial. Ph. 1-1419 or 1-4837. Ml1 AUTOMOBILES . PLYMOUTH, good condtloa, 1196. 4-8813. 3330 Abramt Ave. 471' '47 OLDS 66 Club sedan. Radio, . heater, Hydramatlo $845 LODER BROS. Center, Phono 17171 Q7ga '40 CHEV. COUPE Oood radio, heater, defroster, motor good oondltlon, fair Urea 14 43383. Make offer. Call after 4. 078 NEED A OOOD SECOND CARI 1931 Plymouth Coupe. 17,000 actual miles. Overhauled and has had the but of care. Beat offer over 1180. 11147 after 8. 063- 41 PONTIAC $75 Sedanet Heater Full year's license MAJOR MOTORS 18TH cV STATE PH. 2-0513 ej77 '49 OLDS 88 Club coupe, Hydramatic, Radio, heater, perfect thruout $1495 LODER BROS. I-T97I i 71 t PLYMOUTH Club Coupe. Completely equipped. A-l condition. 11109. 4136 N. River Rd. Q7I PRIVATE PARTY WANTS TO BUY '17 to 'II petaenter car, or will trade wuiya eedan la A-l inapt tor nuitr. Phone 11366. 071 1980 CHEV. 3 door deluxe Flsetllne. Power Ollde, heater. Clean' Inside and out Private owner. 11398. call 48333. 071' $400 DISCOUNT 1952 FORD Vi-TON PICKUP De Luxe Cab 5 white wall Urea Custom 8-tube radio Fresh air heater Chrome wheel covert Undercoated Twin exhaust system Double front bumper Beautiful dark blue finish This Is the classiest pickup in town! SEE LEE 240 N. CHURCH AUTOMOBrUS CONVERTIBLES at LEE'S 1948 PONTIAC "TORPEDO" DE LUXE '8 Complete engine overhaul, new moonlight ' cream paint, Hydramatic, immaculate Interior, nearly new top, tog litet, turn signals, radio, heater $1380 1947 BUICK SUPER Recent engine overhaul, yellow paint nearly new top, electric windows, turn signals, radio, heater, sportllght $UB0 1947 DODGE "CUSTOM" - Fluid drive, radio, heater, turn signals, back-up lite, white wall tires, imitation Cadillac hub i capi, fender skirts, twin sport lights. Hss a very sharp interior, with customized leaded-in deck lid ...8S LEE'S 140 N. CHURCH FARM EQUIPMENT SAVE$$$ ' SAVE$$$ New Farmall "H" . . .... . . ....... .Save $350 New OS-4 Save $450 OS-6 (Used 100 hrs.) ". 25-V Mower (Like New) 5' Rubber Tired Disc . . . TD-6 with blade (complete overhaul excellent condition) ........ r. .Save $1700 PACIFIC EQUIPMENT CO. "International Harvester Dealer" 14 Mile Post on Hiway No. 99W 4 Miles West of Tigard Rt, 4 Box 74 - Sherwood, Ore. AUTOMOBILES Specialists IN GOOD USED CARS (We seU nothing but USED CARS it's our specialty!) 51 FORD $1595 Custom sedan. RdrB, over drive, white elde wall Urea, 1 owaer, excellent oondl- tlon throuehout. '1 CHEVROLET . . . . $lfl45 dub aedan. RAH, spark ling 1st black finish, only 30,000 miles, 1 owner real ly .hero! 50 BUICK . .... i . ... .$1895 Riviera sedan. RAH, ese eye glass, beautiful 3-tone blua finish. JO CHEVROLET .... .$1305 Club coupe, heater, only , 38.000 miles. 1 owner. '49 CHEVROLET $1195 De Luxe 4-door sedan, RA H, new tires, excellent con ' ditlon through. A bargain 1 '48 CHEVROLET ..... $1045 Aero Fleetllne sedan. RdcH, white side wall tires, glow lug jet black finish ... here's a big buy, the oar . you've been looking for It's Chevrolet's most " lousht-after model. CAPITAL Auto Sales CIHEMEKETA AT COMMERCIAL PHONE 4-1607 0.79 FOR SALE '38 Ford fordor sedan, MS. Phone 44091. qw 41 CHEV., good -condition. 1993 Lan 079' caster. - 1981 FORDOMATIC custom de luxe, loaded with extraa, 11698, tin unaer average for like quality. 838 Main, Indspsndence. Phone 361. q87 IMS BUICK 4-door euper. Radio a. heat er, good rubber. 11036 or make oiler. Call 4-0390 alter t:30 p.m. 079 1141 CUSTOM FORD aeden V-l, radio, heater, low mileage, Clean, mono 1-3883. 481 NEW 1963 Chevrolet 4-door de luxe ae dan. 8800 mllea. Sell below list price. Call Salem 3-1971. nit,' 19 MERCURY 4 door, radio, heeler, good condition. Will take older oar In trade. Phone 30190. 077 MUST SELL one of two cart. '49 Chev. 3' door deluxe with hector, l,060. '80 Ford I door V-l, R AH.. 11.300. Both la A-l condition. See at 1740 Waller. 77 SACRIFICE EQUITY for oulck tale la 03 Pordomatlo Cuatom tudor godan, 3-1331. 077 9 PONTIAC, hydramatic deluxe, new Urec, aew point. One owner car. Can be teen at 334 So, Hlth. oeo FOR SALE OR TRADE Oood 1936 Bulck aedan. Heater, radio, delroeter and apotlleht. 1100. Phone 4-1703. q71 1947 BUICK SEDAN clean, good oon dltlon. Phone 1-1684 alter I. 479' WILL MAKE good deal on 1919 chrytler Hlehlander. Every acceeiory, penect oondltlon. Will take older oar In trade. Call 39139 dare, ask for Del. 071- FINANCIAL STATE FINANCE CO. 5 SIMPLE WATS TO END YOUR MONEY WORRIES 1 Furniture Loan ' 3 Auto Loan , I Liveetock Loan 4 CoMaker Loan I Sleneture Loan Maximum Small Loan 1300 Maximum Auto Loan I6O0 117 So. High St. Phone 14131 a-l ii M-JI1 rl3 NEED CASH Must sell my contract on 10 acres with two homes, In Jefferson. Olve Insured title and deed. Unpaid balance 11110. Take 14000 cash. Pays back 140 per month Including t Interest. See my eeent, Ben Colbeth, Realtor. . Dial 44.94. T79' SEE US FOR FARM. CITY OR ACREAQE ' LOANS REST OP TERMS WE BUY Baal estate mortgages a eontracti State Finance Co. 117 So. Hlth St, Ph, l-llll NEED 18,300 for 1st mortises loan. Interest, Excellent Diet. Al lseak Co., Realtor, law Portland Rd. Phont Win AUTOMOIH.CS PHONK J-1MT FARM EQUHMINT SAVE$$$ . . Save $600 Save $ 90 Save $165 FINANCIAL PRIVATE MONEY Special Ratee and Terma On Larger Loan a Long and Short Tuna Parmentt BOY H. SIMMONS 136 Bo. Commercial St. Ph. l-llll 5 Interest If yon have Idle funds aeaklng tB vestment, then you are the type of pereon to whom wo can be of service. For over Twenty-five Yeare w. have been helping people la this community find profitable work for their money. During thle period wa have Promptly paid ao eemi-anBuel tntereel Baymeate totalling many Thoueends of Dollars. . Wa era currently paring 1 INTEREST on lundt from tew eo taooo. . General Finance Corporation 131 S. COMMERCIAL ST. Salem. Oregon Fhoao t-Slll a Lie. S-133 and M-331 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear 'Top Tradet" 11:06 Dally KSLM 1390 Be. ' GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 111 So. Commercial St. Tel. 3-1161 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. . 113 south Church . Parking a-Plenty Ph. 1-3117 Lie No. M-160, S-184 r FARM EQUIPMENT bottom DISO plow. New axel and bearings. 11101 Phone 30168. wir fountain WAITRESS for cafeteria. Hours I to 4:10,, No Saturday's or Sunday's. Phone 3-8114. gb78 OW00 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVINO RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co. experta will eolvo your prob lems and cava you money. Free eatl mates, snssdr service. Center at Lib erty, to" TRUCKS 1941 DODGE 1 ton, with van. MOxlt dues. A-l shape. Phong 4-3e-, 4-1608. ed7l SPECIAL AUTO USED PARTS Motors, radiators, fenders, axles, bodies, gears, batteries, etc. Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers 3555 Portland Road NEAR SAN SHOP DRIVE-IN BOATS BOAT, FOR SALE. 13 ft., (0"x4 " Bit, Dtoa. fir plywood, V." and " 43691. Rt. I, BOX 907. Phont 077' TRAILERS 01 18' KIT trailer, I bedrooms. Also 10' bus, 36 Chev, truck. Tag along 41 Jeep. 1861 Hlghwey Ave. 177 HOUSE TRAILERS NEW 1981 II' Mayflower house trailer, ellghtlr need. 1316 discount. New price 13083, tale price I30. Mr. Thorefaldt at Lena Lane Trailer PI est, after I P.m. tell- EQUITY 1181 ll-It. Liberty bouee trailer. Ph. 46116. talo MACHINERY WISCONSIN gat engine with clutch, f tt n.p.t unver walking plow. Both aew. 3086 N. 6th. V79 DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINES All mekea used meehtneo eold, rented, repelred, Roen, 481 court. Ph. 1-1771. BULLDOZINO Bulldoslng rood, cleerlng teeth, Virgil Husxey. loio rairview. Ph. lll40. oil BUILDINO MATERIAL O. W. KLANO Wrerklnc Co. Builders cheep euppllee. 37396 evenlnce. oil i CASH REOISTER8 Inatant delivery of new RCA aaah register,. All makes, eold, rented, re paired, Roen, III Court. Ph. 34771. DRESIMAXINO Alteratlone, hematltehlnt, b u 1 1 . a a, buckiee covered, buttonhole.. Mil. X. M. AUeedor, MM. att AURORA CHURCHES, bb in. jaiatBuin a mfm'vm;f)fmi' I'r: At the left It the new edifice of Christ Christ Lutheran church now nearly complete and replacing an older Au rora church of this denomination, right, of an arcUtejtrtural type afunsarUns eonftruction in. the 1880. 4 Mid-Willamette Obituaries Alfred L Geddes SUyton-llree. L. Geddes, 7B, Mill City, died in a Salem hospital Saturday, March 38 after two months Illness. Mr. Geddes was born March : 4, 1878 at Glenwood, Minn. Surviving art) his mother, Mrs. Ida Geddes, MiU City; a sister, Miss Daisy Geddes, MiU City; a step-daughter, Mrs. Grace Marquam, Eugene; and a step-grandson, Stewart Cle len. Twin Falls, Idaho. Mr. Geddes' wife preceded torn in death in 1019. Funeral services wUl be at I p.m. Wednesday, April 1 at the Presbyterian church at Mill City with the Rev. Noble Streeter officiating. Burial win be in Fail-view cemetery, Mill City under direction of the Weddlo Funeral Home, Stay ton. ":'.:' v;-'!,,';'.j'v';,':v Pearl L-Fishback ' Independence Pi a rl L. Flshback, 60, lata resident of Monmouth, Ore, died Monday morning. March 30 In Salem. Mr, risnnacK was corn March IT, 1884 at Monmouth, and had been a resident of the community all his life. He was DIRECTORY DRIVING INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" way. Call or aeo Mr. SatUlng, Valley Mo tor Co. Salem. Phone 1-1147 41074. EXCAVATINO Baa Otlen Bon. Bicavatlng. trad tag, land clearing, l-hone 3-30M. otl rOBNITtJRB BBriNUHINQ rurnlture reflnlshlng. repaired. tar Brook. H4 Norway St. Phone .W. oM DtDVJSTBlAL TRUCK! Tork-Uft trucks. Inside and outside work. Hyiter, Clark. MobUe lift, sooo and 4000 lb. machines. By day, week or month. Ph. I-J43I. Capital City Transfer. - 0 Insulation, weatherstrips, screens. Free estimates. T. PBiimaa. Pnone Jftteo 010 MATTUSfEl Capitol Bedding, renovates. Full line new mattreues. pd. a-40. OrFICI rUBNITCBI ICPPLIBB Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, safes, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer stands.-Roen, m court. PRACTICAL KVBBK4 BEGHTBT Licensed and non-lleensed practical nurses, or domesiic cau i-mti. ob SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Beptlo Service. Tanks vleaned. D'rooter cleans sewsrs, dratna. Phone 3-04N. 014- Hamel's aervke, 1-7404. aeptle tanks Ouaranteed : eleaned, line work. Phone Bewer, septic tanks, drama eleaned. Ro-to-Rooter Bewer BerTiee. Phont 3-6S27. TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington, Royal, Un derwood portables. All snakes used machines. Repairs 4 rent Koea, 486 Court. . o TV Sales. Service! Antenna. 1171 Lena Ave. Phone 4-1913. otl VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY canftsld'e Laundry, Repairs, Beflalsh Ing. 1441 s. 11th. Ph. 4-1401. rick-up, Delivery, oto WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleanere. Industrial floor waxing, houseoleanlng. Phone J-3317. 147 Court. a" LODGE SALEM LODGE A.F. A.M., Wed. Apr. 1. Stated communications. Address. Mu sic. 7:30 P.M. Lodges 78 DENNIS the MENACE trir-ninin LOOK, WL.THAT WAS VESTERDAV. TOQAV ititkn h tub fWCVfo em&uf Pat OLD AND NEW Re!!! a farmer. Be It survived by three bro- thers, William M. and C. C Flshback of Hiusooro, or., and Len B. Flshback of Bums, ' Ore., and one sister, Mrs. Ina Creekpaun of Cornelius. Ore. Funeral services wUl be con- . ducted by the Smith Mortuary, Independece, at the First Chris. Uon church, Monmouth, WedV nesday, April 1, at 3 p.m. , Rev. Lynnton H. ZlweU of the First Christian church wiU officiate. . Thomas L Barker Lebanon ' Thomas Loren Barker, 77, a resident here for 22 years, died Sunday night in the community hospital,' He was born at fit. Joseph, Mo, Feb. 14, 1876 and came to Ore gon 65 years ago, living pre viously in Klamath Falls, Med ford and Corvallii. Survivors are his widow, Martha; daughters, Hazel Hall, Lola Rucker and Berta Rowlee. all of Lebanon, and a son, Don ald Barker of Los Angeles. ' Funeral services will be held from the Huston chapel at 3 p.m., Wednesday. Rev. Harvey 1 Schmidt will conduct the rites and burial wiU be In the IOOF cemetery. , 1 - DEATHS Trwswaa lweailngew, Truroan Brwaarlngea. at the Tesldenee, 40 Trade Bt March M, the age ot 68 years. Survived by wife, Mrs. Best Swearlngen,. Balem. - AnnwiiMvament of aervioaa win oe maie later ay inw -HoweU-Edwards Co. , Jataea Irvta leett Jamas irvin soott, lata ranaeni ok 1S0 a. Summer St., al a local hospital, March II, at the aaa oS el years. Surv ived by a aoa Harlan Scott, Salami dauthtera, lira. MyrUa BUsall. Dalles, and Mrs. Marl McConnVck, Wcwdburni father, Arthur Scott, Monmouth; sisters, Mrs. Mary. Nickel, BJhrata, Wash., and Mrs. Mlnnla Stella, Olenwood, la.; bro thers, John Scott, Independence; Fiord Soott, Albany, Route 3 Glen Scott, Hoqulam, Wash., and a half-brother, Roy Scott, Monmouth. Also survived by nine arandchlldren. Servleee will - be held Wednesday, April 1 at 3 p.m. la ; the Rowell-Kdwarda Chapel with tha Rev. Bar. Benbow, Dallas, officlatlwt. Interment at City View cemetery. .,. , be. J. Seett Zadle J. Scott, at the residence, liu 8. Summer St., March 38, at the age of 54 rears, survived br sisters. Mrs. Xthel Xessler, Bremerton, Wash., and Mrs. Eva Saunders, Portland, and a brother, James H. Miles, Salem. Services will ba held Wednesday, April 1 it I p.m. In tha HoweU-Edwards CbaDal with tha Rev. Bart Benbow, Dallas. - offtetatlna. Interment at City View cemetery.. Wilier! O. Swisher Wllford O. Fisher in this alt Martsh 39. Late resident of 650 N. Summer St, Brother of Joseph J. Flshwr of Portland.. Member of BPO Elks No. IM, Salem. Services will be held Wednesday, April 10 a.m. in tha W. T. Rlsdon ChaiML with concluding services at St. Barbaraa cemetery. LEGALS NOTICE OF BEARINO ON FINAL ACCOUNT Notlco Is hereby given thai the Pinal Account of The United fits tee National Bank of Portland (Oregon) as Executor of the Estate of Alice 8. Page, deoeaeed. haa been filed la the Probate Depart ment of the Olroult Court for Marios County, Oregon, and that April a, ltu, at tha hour of 1:16 o'clock tua, fa the courtroom of said court have been Head aa the time and place for hearing b)oo Mono to ouch Final Acoount and for aettlement thereof, at which time any person Interested In eald estate nap appear and file objections thereto la writing and eonteal the came. Datod tad first published March is. Till UNITED STATES NATIONAL BAITX OF PORTLAND (OREOOtt) Ae Such Bxecator John A. Belleel Attorney for axentrlt Pioneer Tract Building Salem, Or aeon. Mar. 10, 17, R M, MM ' By Ketcham