Tuesday, March SI, 1958 tug It THK CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saltm, Ortfon FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNKR Coy new l-bedroom hem, with fireplace. I blocks from KtlHr ... MkooL Lot loiita. i-ttii w i-nii. ell. LEAVING UU Muat Mil 1-kedroom bom. In Mutuant r.ald.ntlal district. Phone 1-1111. MB Rom St. SIP ONE-BEDBOOM turnlahad borne, kr owner. M4 . Medlaoa, auvertoa. Orasoa. Bath with ehowtr. Utility . loon, attached lerato with weod ho fruit iterate. Oerdea. sea tail el M7M uih. O. O. Murrr. all k( OWNIB. 1 ballroom, full aatommt, . good location, priced runt. Phone an koOTS tillage, bedroom, dinint Itn, krcekfeal Book, fireplace, eulo naalle utllltr Mom, atteeh. double crate, Puluaa bath, fenced back yard, patio, ehreba. hade. Phone 1-414A. !' ft) US OOBNEBS BUT. Two-room kanae am itt aaree. auot. atato with aaoo dowa and ail mo. for -b.r. houii la ton. ava. oau ,.. i"twn. aaia. an urKiifBBAL. bealtor. 4M M. H30JI. PH. VMM. all to. IALX, t badraoma, aatumlened attic. Mtot. bow cowa irw- aera. Selscr dlatrleL 1111 Cbehellr Or. " tOB MUI by owner, 10 atret with arttk and aprlni. J bedroom, mint room, dlnlnt room aomblnatlon. Pert kr furnished. Moo down. I3N0 Balance. PU.UI. CANDALAklA, Maw I bedroom, double amitn. oau e-seio. -1 ' flroriaee, oouoia a.... Y basement, 118,000. ill Boieo. Ph, IHM. OWNER'S SACRIFICE fttt thla modem 1-Wnn. home with B.fdwood floor, attached iwui. U floor furnace. Nie lot 90 x 130. Close In and can Bt aaa-woa ivt mm glow flown. . L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 001 Portland ltd. Ph. -' Mill a LOOKDKJ FOR A aT0S? aw I.- a ham.. In 1400 Hook awui ohnMh. 83 iw mi aaodarn bouit. T.rm. Out leacU.r Mri. ml a. box ao. -u- I BaTrjIOOMS, betemant, all turn let, flraplaca, buIR-lne aalora, Penced-ln yard, laraie. w. JIM "faUm tlMM. W"""' aawduat lurnaee, eoVre, 11M Hood I. Ph. U9M. 'M Chelae location In Sntlewood. A ' fMllBUt nooa an two iota. u. no. antn nrapiaoa, lit. ball, aun room, I la. k.r., lit. ' katk with aaparata ahowar, full burnt.. w imkii. iknritoaDMl laid, undar- armind prickllni intra. Thtr Juit 0K)O I waua tana lit wwt - Aox for BOB CONIOJN COZT FTRKPTjACI A food J-b.r. homo wllk btatolator ffroplaot, hwd. flri., loU of built-in., krrolr rard, ltw than I rn. old. moo. V.H.A- ttrmi. Atk for BOB OONKUN . cioet in ' If yea art looklnf for a, nlca, ntat, l-k.r. kouio within walklm dlltanot aa downtown, tea thU ona. Prutt Irttj, u. to Parriah Jr. hllh. $11,100. all ALLAN PLTrcBBB aajBLTHBAN A good boma luit ouUtdt of allr. r.B., D.R, kltchan, with 1 B.B., oolr ' tat, with into down, Tai at. : Ha ALLAN PUrTCHZB M0 DOWN tVBJL kcmt, ka. lot, Wat troondi, I aharrr, 1 walnut trta, enlr 14000. aa DON WAUL MM DOWN f-B.B. boita on 1 aora la Brooki, alr aj.wo. aaa DON WALL. Burt Picha ns n. Huh at., on.: mm Btu: Allan Plttchtr I-I1N, Don Wall 4-ai47 Tt &UTB aa can be Nlca S-b.r. horni, Jaria ftraDlact. hdwd. lira., handy kltehtn. full dry baamt. with flrtplact, party room and ou plpto iurn. iwoo. ms. REALTOR, all N." JHOH., Ph. J-MSo! 77 TOU sale by owntr. Two bedroom houat. Phqna jM. al i KDKOOM hoilat, eloa In, alio t room . aparimtBt for rtat. call btfort I or ater e. i-ttti. FOR SALE LOTS tOT, KINQWOOD, I bloeka Dallaa BUhwar, MO. Oantral Real Batata. aa) Caalar. Pboaa l-nal. aall fcOTI, 111 DOWN1, 18 month, with watar . aad alaatrlaltr. Cloao to a tort and oanotfl. uantrai naal jntatt, no utn tar, Phono mw. aall aV5wNks--Lota, 111 dowa and 110 par ato. 4-uii. aall POR SALE ACREAGE MAS CBZHAWA Indian Ben. 10 of tht tuatt oultlyatad aerat of Wlllamtttt am toll rou will em att. Variety of fruit and nut tract, flowera At ahrubi taloro. Dandy eompleta mdn, l-b.r. Bntuah-atrle home with dlnlnl rm. at full baamt. Iie.sso. ZVS. call ED, t-4104. BD U1KINBIAU BBALTOR, an M. Biih. Ph. 1-tteO. bbT) PTTB ACRBB, IW-PT. FRONTAOl plea two houaot, located Lancetter ewlvo, aultable for houami center, Would eonaldor houae In Balam on dm. Pull Bike U1.000. Ifebel Meed. kam. Real Beteta Broker, ph. Itui, ar aau at Auen jonea oriiee, ail n. Blah at. bbit BM ACRM eood Mil with I A. pruntt. and tome timber, on payed road, near . Bruin collate atore. call Allan Fietch ar. ACBBf aouth, ao bldoa., teaetd on I atoaa, oak da email fir treea. ltoo. Call Allan Pltlchtr. OOD IT-ert term, ao bldil., norUi : to au. only io,w. cau Don Wall, BURT F1CKA na n. aith at. off.: I-M4T ' Btte,: Allen Plttchtr 1-1101. Don wan 4-etn son SkOHT ACBU of rood dark toll 11 mtlea ut, rood barn. Nice widn. 4-b.r. home with flrepleca and baamt. In nice tal tlna of oeka. Pvd. rd. Eve. cell RAT DA VIA. 4-S017. SD LDKINBEAL, 491 N. HIGH, PH. 1-MI0. bMT ww....... ,tweeteeaa.Wi REAL ESTATE 4 Acres, 2 Homes Will Dlrtde 1 A. with l-bedroon oouae, awoo. other l A. emeu houae. eueoo. The a. lor ntoo. Roomv Home New 1-bedroom. Double aeraaa, m katlu. Larta lot, aloea to achool. fit.aoo. Entrlewood District. l-bedroom. Mleely landeeeped, elnae be atorea choola and ahopplnt. totoo. WU .t.t CMJU, Home on Creek Olote to Capitol ahopplnt enter. Nice LR, DR, Plreplaot, 1 bedrooma. Pull baamtnt. OU furnace. Thla la a bur for ii.ito. 18-A. Farm All In cult. Modern e-btdroom home, tote of tood water. Nlca lettlnt on 1 roadt. AU la wheat crop now. 10.100. Low Down Payment Older l-bedroom home on m arret. Oeraea, work ohop and chicken koute. Juit off Hl-way KI North, Art Madsen Realty ISM Slate at. Ph. MHO, 1-illl en Journal Wont Ads Pay CLASSIFIED ADVKRTI81NO Per Word. Uetea Ur Per Wera aa Per Word, llmea lie Per Word, 1 month eve Na Rolando Mlalareaa II Wtrdt. EIAnsas la Local Ntwa Calama Only. Per Word to Mnalmam II W.rae Ta Place Ad In Bamt Daj'i Paprr, Phone l-ttot Before JO a.m. REAL ISTATI CITY COUNTRY HOME Thbj la aa total faaulr hema wltk 4 badraoma and baatmtat. dtubla araaa, M aara lat, lartlr mavla akada Irtaa and a a ardtntr'a raradltt, Plata for aha aklldran and thtlr aati, trtn room for tot aaar. Thla kamo la wall loaatad la a atiahbarbood ion will ba proud to bt a part at. Call far araolalmaat, call TUattta. FULL BASEMENT Tfali BltM dVkodrotm km vlth full butncDt, u.uil finite, loo ' lr iMck ytrc, 1U flita iooj n& kixk yard (iroplMt, nwtioumllt will lMtto! Tb Iwmo U Ml f Iwt 11t yo wlU uih IMI i ITioO 2-BEDROOM - SUBURBAN - FULL DIN ING ROOM - $8900 nil f-TMr-tld tnburbui it bIm lni lot nd U Juit bok full f Btcor tmaioM. Im hardwoo4 flow, mtl iblneLa 1b wtll-arrtuai t4 kltebM, (aU'flMd tfJuLaf rom, Mt llTlnc room, bodrooni art Urtt, lou C tlOMt ipr4, attMhtd itiut. 9tti 1 lwrd iurttM, Call Jla. LARGE 2-BEDR00M - $12,000 l-Wdroata, rtrilit 11t1d room, Bio flnpltct, blf dlalnc room, viQ BtRBBtd kltsluB, klf omblnaUoa utility ind plr room, doubl piumb . Int. sttuhod firm, tuutetloa, WMttaiMtripplni, lnunvdlaw pcmhiKb, Surrrl TfaU wob'I hut. HOME OF THE YEAR t-bodroom auhurban, aorthtut, ntar Waahlnfton aehool. III! Chittar Art. Baa Intlda ntuilr. attteht dtaraat, auto, haat, lota of bullt-lna, V wall at fttt oaan. Pull rrlaa taooo. Ttrmi. call Cbtt. 8-BEDR00M - KEIZER - $6900 Stiv l-bodroom homo 1& XaUtr, 1 block from Mhool. Hotni la not quits -finUlwd, bm hardwood floor and auto. haat. Prleo U oolr 6Wt. Bttttr hurry on thla. Ttnna. Call Chat. 2-BEDRM. SUPER DE LUXE SUBURBAN ThU lorair homo haa all tht prtrtqulaltaa lor bttttr llylnr nlct flrt piftu. lartt bltcbtn, unujuallr larta utility room, which would b tdaal for hllda planoom, attachtd taraat. Thla UaUiv you should ata. Prle tNHO. bloeka from aahoolj 1 block from ltr traaap. Wot appolBtmtnt t to im, tail Dala RayfaurB. NEW 2-BEDRM. AND DEN SUBURBAN If ro ltkt altr homo la tht aountry, don't fall la aaa ihu lartlr -koma. Brick front, aornar lot, altr watar, ralitd flrtplact, 1100 aa. ft, Thla la wan prlctd at tlLIOO. For appolntmtnt to ata, taU Dala Barkurn. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) Of a. CkHal Oftlaa abonaa: .aai ar 441M Braalaa phonaj: . . Tlkbttu l-lttl am t-MH cfctt -tm Dala Barbura l lot all" Grabenhorst Specials APARTMENT INCOUB-4110 par mo. ai apartmtnU. Rouu In Mo. I tont. PMoa ail.eoo, CALL pmn B. OBUBR BAMBUNO RANCH-TYPI HOJlk, with fcaiamtnt, dblt. aaraai, lit. llr. rm. with flrtplaot, din. rm., I bdrau. and knotty plno dm, bath with built-in ranltr and lcdlaal a draam kltohan. Oil forced air lur. aaco, luulatad and wtalhiritrlppad, bttutlfullr landtcaped with lawn aprlnkllu aratam. ahown br appt. enlr. CALL J. . LAW . ICB CRBAM BTORB In tint location. Dolna food builn.il. Good Itut. If rou want to own rour builnttt, aaa hu flrat. POR DPTAILB CALL O. B. OBABENHOBoT, JR. I MNABRIN OAnDBNS Whtra pttj and ahtldrtn art wtlcomtd. I kdrmi.. full kaamt. apaeloua llr. rm. with firaplact. Din. rm., rtrr con. . rtnlint kltehtn with krkf, arta, Ua. boautllul rard. Prica 111,100. CALK, K. X. IATMON ( Dtxnnoua Uvnro la rouri whta rou mora Into thli lorabla homo. Orand panorama from almott ararr room In tht horn.. Birch kltehtn, tilt both, mahotanr woodwork, darllibt burnt, dblt. aaraat. Flrt plutir Ton botl aaa tht bait la town, ata It now. CALL Piter h. . OkUSCH GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS U a. Ubartr at. Ph. J-HTl Branlnii aundara call 1. B. Law Hill Polar . Oalitr l-ooai b. l lanitn l-aita .n. FOR SALE FARMS ORADB "A" Dairy Perm. 141 aeree wltk altw. 4. B.R. plaattrtd bouat, laa. la-atanthlon kam, I aprlnti, all-ytar itat, payed road, 10 ml. to aaltm, loo acrti In drop, 10 A. pattura. aea DON WALL. BURT PICHA IT! N. Blab at. Braa. 4-IIIT Off. 1-4041 kTT REAL ESTATE mill IMtlill IIHMHM IWMMM laeaeetHI atltllllll , . IIIIMIHIHIHIH Lint Mwnmum Buv IHIIIMIUIlttUIIU , J . (aatHWII It lltltuill llllllll II Wltllll a awii m SULLIVAN RAILROAD PRONTAOM. Tbraa aerta of Induatrlal propertr on Lancaater Drive. Plentr of room for atorete and approx. Ill feet of Hlwar frontaca. CaU W. B. BulUran. i-llll. PIVB ACRBB near Prultland aehool. Mutt be aold br Ut of May to aottle an aatete. Onebedroom houae 4ft rra. old. 11,000. CaU llr. Brl.loL Bret. I-M14. THREE BBDROOMB and anly air rra old. 14&3 Ruae at. Outalda patio and . fireplace. 11,100. Oall Mr. Brlatol. DUPLEX PHA aonttruettd. Thla flnl duplti located on pavtd atrtet near ahopplnt ctnttr. Two lane bedroom In each. Tou tet an extra lot and a rerr tuoatantlal loan mar be aeoured 111.100. Will take a home In trade CaU Mr. Darla. Bret. 1-0114. BAST HORELAND. Three bedroom. Cloae to Baker eehool. Paved ttreet. Approl. 1000 at. ft. A totel of aeven reoma. 11.000 down, 111,100. CaU Mr Rice. Bvee. I-4MI, TRADE. Story and a halt tour-btd-room home near Lealle for emeller three bedroom. Thla kt one of our beat iminta toaar. llB.ooo. call lfr. Nel eon. Bvee. 4-1441. II ACRES near Bruah Colleee aff Wallace Road. I bedrm houae built In reel, wonderful Income from peara. applet, chtrrlea. and prunet. Owner win dlvldt to tult purchaaer, 114,000. aoe uavia. arret, i-riaa. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN KEALTOR IHI Portland Road Ph. 4-nl Branch Office 111 N. Blth, Ph. 4-s aTT HANDY-MAN'S SPECIALS $2,500 4 Corntra dlitrlet. l-b.r. homa, tOxlM lot eioaa to achool. 1600 down. $3,950 Cltaa t-br, homt Inaldt Hy. Qarait. Vary nlet yard with ahrubi. Thla hoat U a, good valut. $4,500 Dupltx, north. 9 hatha, wlrtd for ranit, laundry Iran, clean. Can b uied aa ont-family dvtUlni. 11,000 down. $5,500 Lata-bullt b.r. homt. Attached ta raat. Hardwood froora. Located N.I.. Nfrxlt redMoratlni. $5,590 Baltm Btlihtc tut. I-room attractlTt noma, oartct. TDiioo lot. A dandy, but necda rtdtcoratlni. oo down. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS in a. Bitk Pa. Mm Bvta. caU O. . Buine, Co-op. Broker. I-II0I. ar Stanley Brown. I-Hll. It. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES wb need LTsmrcia. particit. LAHLY HIOHER PRIClfD UOUn AND ALL TYPSB WITH LOW DOWN PAYMENTS. Possible 4-Bedroom Cloet In near atatonouno. Room to add 1 kedrooma upatalra. plumblnt routhtd In upatalra alto. Tnaulated. I-ear laraie. 1 blk- to aehool and but. Putt price lU.loo. Most Gorgeous and Outstanding 4 lovely lane bedrooma with bath- rooma att. In addition, It baa 3 aitra nan netht. oorteoua wall-to-wau car- pete. Unuaual fireplace In Uvlnt room plut vtrr met one In the lovely perty room in heaement. Porced air on fur nace, t-ear tarate. Inaulated and weatheratrlpped. One of the ftnoot homee on the market and the price kt only 19S.OO0. ECONOMY Roma In Tecillt DUt. It't not ntw hat It hat a flrtplact and la tn vary tood repair, iniuuitd. Harawood noon. Att. caratt. Bus front door. Deep lot. Price la only 17050. You Can't Spend a Nickel on una noma, na Ttry eiaan. i ota raonu with an unfinished flat. Xlrt' place. Acra lot. Small treenhouaa, chicken hoiut. Oood well. Eua front door. Several fruit and- walnut treea. Netr achool. Pull price only U.00. CALL FOR MR. CRAWFORD. TVE, PH, 4-snao, or MR. KTOaiNS. EVE. PH. 4ow. ir bo aniwer, can 4.331. BUSINESS BLDiG. 1 rentala. Potential lncomt 1100 par mo. In good repair. Corner lot. Owntr may consider a tood contract as part payment, ruii price tio.soo. Terma, MONEY-MAKER Rental unit or motel, whichever you desire to operate. Each unit strictly modern with S bedrooma, full oatn tnfl kitchen. In the best of re pair. Inneraprlnc mattreues. Retr ti ers tori. Extremely low per stint ex. pense. Liberal terma. Pull price IS0.0OO. tou-u oe surprised at the income. Net $10,000 Per Year on thla almost downtown apt. home Vacancies atmoat unheard of. Modern In all respects. Completely furnished. Walking dUtanrt from it at chouse. Liberal term. Pull price 170.000. CALL FOR DAN IBAAK, EVC. PH. e-j3j. a no anewer. cau 43341. 6V0-ACRE TRADE A very desirable property. Beit of on. ueata eaat or BaJem. Road fentaae on t aides. Very good mod em l-bedroom house with full base ment S bathrooms. Fireplace, otl htat. Tary tood 30 1 30 barn, chicken houit, 3 -car car ate, greenhouse. Good o-ft. well. ThU la an outstanding property. Pull price $33,M0. Owner will accept 4 1-acra place as put PRrmeni. REAL HOT 3 ACRES Homt la Ttry good condition. Built w iv. stick wait nouea. tmicKCB a.v.w. BlltU TBINIT ITUlt. Aaalitul V,aa 4aU..a W....I ,, f"" bi. run Fiic oniy W500, Owner may eonaldor trade for -vruivum noust in lown. 60 ACRES with 41 undtr aultivatlon. acree etrawberrlea. II ecreb ceneberrlea. Thla la the Ideal time to bur a berry farm. The hervett la Jual around the eorntr. Very tood modern l-bedroom houae. 10 by 40 bent. Onion houae, ma chine thed. Over Moo ft. Irritation ptpe. Excellent aoll. Pull prle. ale ooo OAU. POR Ma LEAVENS, EVE. PH. a-.ie. ir no answer, call 4-1)41. kfORTOAOE LOANS 10-Yeer Melurllr Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phenea: 41111 or J-TIW 1011 PORTLAND ROAD Etc. Phonea: 1-47JS. 4-1414, 4-1030 or S-1SM If ao anawer, phone 4-1241 REAL ESTATE COLBATH HAS THE BUYS $860 DOWN 1 PLBMTT IH POR THE MOtfYY. Mala floor with 1 kdrml, LB. DR. katk, kllcnca floor furnace, upatalra wltk ktlh, i kdrma aad kitchen. Attached tereeo. Lane lei. IDEAL LOCATION ON N. llth at. PRICE is aeeee. EVE. PH. 41101. DAVID COOK. Ual Na. M-l. $3500 FULL PRICE THIS H A DANDT OLDBB LAROS bedroom borne aa lot Kllll. Lotatad aa Brda at. amall dowa payatt. Buy thla and rtnt It for IM per aoonib. CALL DAVID COOK. EVE. PB. aim. LUI Na. M-L BUSINESS ZONE A LAROS BOMB IN BUSINESS BONE ON N, COMMERCIAL. MOO PULL PRtCB aad wortk a lot more. I lane kdrma, lane LR with fireplace, hdwd floore, lovelr DR wltb ahlaa eloaet. Bite hen. krfat rat. Pull baamt with all furnace. Double yluntblaa. Lane lot. terete as paved alloy. Tan MA. vaui 0AV1D OOCtK. eTVB. I-B, 41101, LUt No. M-l. 8 BEDROOM HOMES M. 1 Lane Uvlna na, with dlnlnt rm, modern batb aad kute kltehea. PuU baamt wltb automatla au floor furnace. Oarata and very cloao ta le action. PBIOB I TOM. Poaalbla MM down. Lilt Na. M-4. aBB BARRY VAN fluatn. ava. rn. aiTta, No. I SMALL RANCH STYIil BU- BURBAN SOUTH SlAUTinJL VTWW. Hdwd Sri, attlo kdrm aver attached ereia. Auto oil fir furnace. Bute lot. TAKE TRAILER BOCSB IN TRADB dp TO moo. Lilt no, M-4, ata Van Bora. Eve. Ph. 41111. ONLY $950 DOWN OLDCt BUT NICB X kdna bom, wltb oomfortabla lana llr. rm. DR, bath, attached aarata. WELL LOCATED TO STATE BUMS. TOTAL PRICE 14100. ALL PURNrrURB INCLUDED. Lltt No. M-l. BBB O. OLOBBBEE. BVB. PH. tun.- $1000 DOWN BUT THIS ALMOST NEW bedroom kamo wltb omblned LB da DR. Com pact kitchen, aaparata utility na., au beat, hdwd fire, aaraae. Lane lot for CBrd.a. LOCATED NORTH IN NEW AREA. Price MIX. Uat No. M-l. eYSE a OLOBBBEE. BVB. PH. HITS. TRADERS SPECIAL THia ALMOST MEW bdrm eherm Int auburban borne It too lana for preeent owner. WILL TRADE POR smaller t bdrm borne. WHAT have YOU, LUt No. M-7. SO a OLOBB BEE. EVE. PH. ItlTI. ALMOST 1 ACRE ' with I bdrm modern aheko home, tarate, chicken coop, flowera, fruit troeo, S mllee out on pared road. PULL PRICE into. Llal No. M-l. aEE T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 42114. 2 LOTS PLUS ami-modern borne' at aratt. It. mUea H E. PULL PRICE IJtjOO POS SBUION NOW. MOO dowa OR TAKE LATE MODEL LIGHT CAR. Llet No. M-B. SEE T. T. ANDERSON. EVE. PH. X.U114. , 26 ACRES - la ult. Bat pasture. On saved road, a bdrm modern home, large Dm, m. u crop atrawotrnta. a tood bur for 10050. List Vo. U-10. SEE T. T, ANDERSON. EVE. PH. 43711 40 A. ON PAVED RD. 14 A oatt it vetch. Bel. paaturt. 1 . bdrm mod borne, lana karn, live areek, owner wentt to oomo to town and will taka 1 bdrm home In trade or 110,100 on OOOD TERMS. Llet No. M-ll. SEE T. T. ANDERSON. EVE. PH. 41114. . ROLLER SKATING RINK ' TO TRADE ALSO COAST CABINS 41 APTS TO TRADE POR OOOD PARKS. WHAT HAVE YOU. BEE T. T. ANDERSON. EVE. PH, 41114, COOK 41101 VAN HORN 41711 OOLBMBE-IHU ANDERSON 41714 OFFICE DIAL 4-4494,24552 Irrigation fee 10 aorta of aa good a aoll aa rou could aak for with a well and irrita tion equipment to handle It all, a MODERN l -bedroom home about 0 complete and some equipment. The owner will trade for amalltr acrtagt with a email or old house that needs Improving. Full price only 111,000, $500 DOWN 1U acraa of ground, 3-room house. aomt barrlta In, pay the balance at 335 per montn. run price gst&o. FINISH YOUR OWN This l-bedroom home needs aoma finishing to bt complete. Do It your self and aavt money. Houtt and 3 lots 15460. 130 down, and financing available for finishing. The houit la llTtblt now, ao that you can aavt rent, too. NEAT 2 BEDROOMS Here ta a very oltan l-bedroom home with attached garage, oil fur nace, hardwood floors, and located on a creek lot. I8S50 will buy It, and there are good terma available. NEED MORE ROOM? Here la t nearly new. very clean , 1-faedroom home with a basement and attached garage. Heated by a Montag forced air furnace, and Including a good-aiiM xirepiact. RON JONES, Realtor 1ISS Palnround Boad Ph. Mill Eve: mil r 41777 C7I $40 Per Mo. Only 115.00 down bura your l-bed room home. La ret lot good soil, room for ehicktna, plenty of good water. LARGE PLAYROOM with a fireplace in full baaement for rour extra fun room. Alto cheery fire Place la living room. 1 lovely bed rooms. A kitchen that's a woman's dream come true. AU hardwood floore. Porced air oil heat. Attached tarate. Inside city on paved street. 01-00 per monin an r.a.A. terms, COLONIAL MANSION Seldom la a home af Lhla tvn nr. fared tor tale, Built for complete comfort to rou and rour family for tentratlona to come. 1 hatha, a aitra writ oeoroomt. it i 10 living room with latge fireplace. Large dining r pom. Lovely kitchen and nook. Musk room. Full basement wltb automatic all heat. Double garage. Inside city limit. Impossible to replace at pres ent building casta. Price $33,000. and wiu hw i or m emaiier aomt. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 101 South Blth Street Phone No. I inl Phone ovenlntei 4-1111, l ine, 4-nu. 1-4174. 4-M1I. l-IHt elr To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 . REAL ESTATE r ! NEAR ST. dePAUL 1 Pint time far Belt, lartt modern 1-ledroom aoate-al! BOW tar aa. appolataatat, 114.000. Lao Oauaarl f 4160 BUYS THIS LITTLE HOME lit a teod bur far the metier, baa t kedroeea, flrepleca. am ell tot. DO YOU LIKE SECLUSION? . ' Aad a beautiful atttlnat If ta, you wlU love thla l-bedroom home l located South an I A. The new la trend and the tualle homt and roundt are weU plenned for both Indoor and outdoor Urine. Tht price to rltht, al 11400. WONDERFUL FAMILY HOME 4 BDRMS. NEW Located an Bntlewood Ave. oil furnace beat, fireplace, lent lot, att. ' tereat. Priced to tell at IIJ.1X. INCOME Lira In tht lana euertera downatalra, rent the I apu. up. Alao bat treller park. Located la the North part at town. WlU trade for a bamt. Thla la oood property, LOVELY NEW (-BEDROOM HOME Jual walk In and make rourtalf at homes ll't ready far aaaupaner. ' Haa beautiful birch kitchen, extra plumblnt, colored hathroont fll- aaret. Von It an eieopUoaallr tood buy for 14,ooo. Ohmart tS? Calaba, Realtors 471 Court St. Phont 14111 . Hill Ere.: Henry Torvend I Ml I Tad Iforrlaon 15044 Louti Loreat IIM Ralph Maddy 19411 eTT J. E. LeCLERC, REaAJLTOR ' YAKIMA VALLEY, WASHINGTON Custom Cannery Fully equipped with two-bedroom Uvlnt tmartera attached. 130,000. WlU trade for large farm. Income propertr or what have youl ' , ' ST. HELENS, OREGON 114-Acre Perm 40 acres under cultivation, atumpatc, pasture and Umber. But of toll. 433,000. WlU take subdivision moat any place. RESTHOME . Near Balam Large eitbt-bedroom boma with double plumbing. Pullr modern with acra of tood eolL $10,b00. COLUMBIA RIVER ISO Acre river bottom land on Columbia river. Two l-bedroom home aad outbuilding. OtyOOO. ,WU1 trad for farm near Lebanon or Wood burn. . LYONS, OREGON 1 10 Acres on Bant lam river. Oood B-room house. Oood hunting and fishing. Cloaa to plywood mill and logging camps. 011,800. Will take amall business, dress chop, grocery store, around here or California. - SALEM, TTjnJt Motel with l-bedroom home, ajem or California property. 1898 N. CAPITOL ST. REAL ESTATE TO BUY OR SELL HOMES, PARMS, , BUSINESS . ; PROPERTIES SEVERIN REALTY ST YEARS OP a ATTSFACTORY SERVICE SUBURBAN EAST On Center Bt. ' Real nice l-bedroom home for asking price. Fireplace and cut kitchen. Attached garage. Vi ae re of garden, lovelr lawn and ahruba. Only 910,100. - SUBURBAN WEST lVi aercc of fruit, nut, trapei, tar- den. WeU-buUt l-bedroom home in excellent condition. Full basement with furnace heat. Double garage. Owner asking 911,000 and it well worth it. CREEK HOME Hear Bush Pasturt. The lovtly land- teiped ertek lot ha a real nice room home with 1 bedrooms, garage patio. A close-in home for only 110,000. ENGLEWOOD There are not many home in this price class In thla popular district that hat to much to oiler lor price aKea. 1 bedroom, fireplace ft full basement. Living and dining room, nice kitchen, attached garage. Tou should tee tht nlct garden. Owner asking 13,500, NOB HILL Wt don't often havt a nlct homt to offer In thi deairable achool district, The room home Is In perfect con dition. Haa 1 bedrooms and den that could be used at a apart bedroom. Fireplace aut. heat. Full baamt, with recreation room. Trees, shrubs hedge complete this lovelr corner lot. immediate occupancy, owner ask ing only 913.500 for thla 116,000 home. Mortgaca la 19,000, could be increased. MANBRIN GARDENS If you are looking, for a real well-built l-bedroom home all on one floor and a full bacement on a large landscaped eorner lot witu fruit trees garden, don't fall to aea thla newly-built qual ity homt for tht asking prkt of 910. 400. Business Locations Upper state Bt. Ont 80x334 plus alley at 'til, 5 CM). Ona 40300 Plus allty at ao.TrW: nivinesa location tou are octree and going up. Tht Bbovg lota art in ojc, pnet. Severin Realty Co. Ill H. High 4-MO; Eves: I-MOfl Mr. Emu 1-331 Mr. Moon l-ieoi en- Journal Want Ads Pay JOE PALOOKA r? ' HDNt Mill l-P 'ialton i ! tV 166 NORTH CAPITOL BT. j OV. BALEM. OREGON REAL ESTATE VINCENT Bud, Calaba OREGON on 99 X 943,000. WW trad for PH. J-3255 REAL ESTATE NELSON Near Hoover School NEAR HOOVER BCHOOL B-yr.-old 2 -bdrm. plastered bom, hwd. fir., weU lighted Ut. living rm., nr.. lot 90 X 100. on traveled at. Only $7350 for thla cheerful horn with 91&0Q down, cau Mm. wooiien, 4 BEDROOM HTOHLAND DISTRICT Oood-ala bdrm., dlnlnt rm. (11 s 9), lnsul., new tar., lot 90 x ISO, int. fin. platter, 3 blk. to trad ohool, altr but by door, price our 97400. 011 Mr. Wootten. WANTED 1 bdrrnJ. wltb basement. Have party with 3 cniKiren wno wian to live in Leslie or Englewood dtatrlota. Will pay VP to 915,000. WlU rour home meet tneir nteasr cau ai. nstu, 1-T306. TRADE HOME FOR BTJBURBAN GROCERY Well-located neighborhood atore, aervlng a large territory. Profitable family operation, living quarters on premlaec. Inventory 9S0O0 to 99000. Call Mr. Schmidt. Above the Average BEAUTIFUL DESION Attractive ranch-atyle horn with recV-ttled roof. Outstanding corner fplt.ee which can be enjoyed from a lovely dining rm. All hwd. trim, dream kitchen with birch built-lns. For a discriminating homeattktr de tlrlnr tht best. aU for 414.S0O. HOME -4 ACRES 4 acrta with tood 1-bdnn. home, ltulde util. rm., attractive fplaee., oak f'r., dble. tar., family orchard, chick en hse. 1000 capacity, barn 13 x 30, owner sere cell, reduced from 116,000 to 913,000. Soma terma, can Mr. Gallagher. NELSON & NELSON Specialising Realtor 70S N. High At. Ph. 1-KM C77 ONE OF THB BEST 40 acre tract In Central Oregon, aU under Irrigation and In alfalfa and permanent pasture, 9 bedroom, modern home, barn, milk houce. 113.000, with 15.000 caah or will comtder farm In vicinity of Sa lem or Independence bp to 911,000. 198 acraa with 199 water, M acres good, old alfalfa, 10 acre new alfalfa, 35 acre permanent pasture, levelled and border-stripped for efficient Irri tation, big cistern, 1 clock ponds, Irrl- Iatlon reservoir, 3-bedroom home, new, mall barn, large cow atied, lane machine shed. 930,000 with 918,000 MTDSTATE REALTY CO.. 109 Minnesota Av Bend. Ore. 79 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE: If your property la for aele, rent or txchantt, bet It with ua. We here all klnda of eaeb buyart. STATE PINANCS CO., REALTORS ' III 8. Hlth at. aa GREAT BUTINO DEMAND for terma and aereataa. Lilt youra with Colbath Land Co. Sea T. T, Anderton, Perm Aetna, Phone 4-4404, Eve, 4-1114. aa WANTED RIAL tCSTATE WE HAVE BUYERS for I or i-B.R. bomee In walnut ram aoo. o. I41 or Hill, aak for Mr. Klauf. SEVERIN REALTY CO, aari I HA VI ll.eoa for dowa parment on a tood alean pott-war a or Mwran plaeuied home with flrepleco. Mu,t be reasonably priced. Phont 1-4430 after 1:10. aa7l WANT TO BUT Urgt bout. Mut. be clot in. rnone gait WB ABE badlr In need of 1 and S-btd- room Bomes, in bue urn. io . hem anywher with maU down par meat. What have youl AL IBAAK, REALTOR, PH. 41311 If bo anawer, ph. 4-3349 ca JIM RAMSEY wlU formally open ht Ramsey Real xstaic onic waonaeoay, AprU 1, at 1094 North Commercial. Listing of all kinds being taken now. phono 4-1499. prompt and ourttou service. c77 WE ARK In need ef good home to Mil, to or Bear num. u rou wisn to list rour property for tale, act OR AB ENHORoBT BROS.. REALTOR. 134 B. Liberty Ph. 3-3411 aa EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE DUPLEX New tldo-hr-alde, each baa ana B.R., bwd. fire., aleo. rente at hot water keattr, tarate. A tood buy at 17100 with 1K down or will tradt. Aak for BOB CONTUN. BURT PIOHA 71 N. HUh at, Off.! 1-4041 ohlT. WILL TRADE euultr In 1010 Hudton Pacemaker. Radio and heater, clean, aa down .parment on borne. Prefer , countrr. Phone 44214. cbll RESORT PROPERTIES COAST CABIN, 1 lota, 11410. Trade lor truck, car. 1-0191. aoll BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE 711 ta 1121 Inreatment dlvei rou your own Independent buelnoit operet lat a route af new money-meklner ao ellapanten kandllnt n.w, faat-movlnt aonfaetlene In drut atorea, eafal, dube, kua depote, etc Route act up for rou by our expert, and proteotd by fir. and thft laauranee. You -mutt have aar, reforencoo and 1713 to 10.221, which la protected by an tron-clad 1M kfoney-Beck Guarantee kecked by a 10 Minion Dollar national In- aurance company. Devottner a few of your apare boun each week to the buelneaa you thould tarn up to 110.00 weexir apare time, xun time more. Liberal flnanclnt aaelatance to aid expanalon. Por full Information write, living phone number and addreal, to Box 12, Capital Journal. od7t WE HAVE a load MAJOR OIL COM- j-ani aarviet elation lor lean. Call 4-4411. od7T TOUR OPPORTOtnTTT (BUSINESS PROPERTY 4 bloeka from downtown canter, lis ft. frontece, homea that will rant well. caU Ohmart At Calaba, Realtora, for further Information, 477 Court Bt. Phono illlt 31111. cd71 Houae and lot near new Meier at Prank Co.a new location, 112,100, Chas. Hudkins &, Son REALTORS M0 N. Blth St. Ph. 1-4129 Ph. Bvtl. 1-4110 ullv. WANTED FURNITURE WANTED , Oood vsed furniture and appUancea. Phone 3-6008. da FURNITURE FOR SALE Furniture AUCTION 7:30 TONITE MIDWAY AUCTION 3Y55 CHERRY AVE. dd77 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CHINCHILLAS Proven breeden or youni mated pain. Eaey terma. Write or phone for free llteratun. Vlaltora welcome. CreaC Chinchilla Raneb, MI0 Portland Road. Ph. 4-4011. e2 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF White face Hereford. 2ec. Locker pork, 15c. Nothlni down, mot. to pay. Cuatorfl kllllnt, Treller loaned free. Salem Meat Co., 1121 s. 25th. Ph. 9-4151. ee" RABBITS WIND NEEDS BABBITS 1981 State. 49911. ebes CALIFORNIA BUCKS end doea. phone 4-2011. 4410 Claxter Rd. ebBT RABBITS WANTED. Any alio and quan tity. Alao purebred brtedlnt etock for 1. 1un 9rinv I ah7t. PETS TOY MEXICAN CHIHUAHUA pupplee and trown doit. Melee, for aervlce. 2029 So. llth. C7I HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1958 McCoy, on. block eaat of N. Capitol. 1 bloclu north of Madison. Ph. 3-1891. OC102' MOORE TROPICAL FISH, equipment, auppllea. 3 mllee from Lancaater on Mecltey road. Phone 4-1172. cloaed Wednetdaya. ac88 GOOD ROLLER, orantt canary. Phone 1-8181. Wit1 CHOICE CANABIIS 1140 Chemtketa at. Ph. 1-4915. aell BOXER PUPS reduced 125. Champ aired. AKC retlatered: brlndlex and fawna. Phone 19523, ,750 HewUiorne. C77' FUEL Hiway Fuel Co. Sewduet tube eervlee, all llnde sf wood. Phono I-II4I. . WALNUT SHELLS, 20 aacke for II, or 12 ton. II ton delivered in town. Mor. ru Plorfeln Packlnt Co. 410 North Pront. ae Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up your Preato-Lota, Brloueta and Wood. 29S So, Com'U phone 1-7721. FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. M" CLEAK IMM0EDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood UN Edaawttar . Phono Salem 1-4011 - Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Pboaa a-MJI Broadway Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPBOIAL POR M DAYS Planer tflmmlnti, M load. PboM ITTIl ae aa.at.d.aawaawt PRODUCE OBQANIO OEOWN ffBEB - BIPSNSS orantw and raaafrull. Potetoee, on. . lona, applea and nuta. PBIPPIP BROSL park MARK IT. MM) Usaaatw Drive. Phone 1-11N. ..II FOR SALE POULTRY aoLDiN BBOAD sad Mt Bampabtra cniexa, aatenoa av.rr nn.i w Thuradar. Our Meat trow falter. Pox'e Hatchery, lilt atete at. Ph. 1-4H0. f WANTED Colored frrert, aoVored and letnorn nent. Hitnett prioee, en. Hatchery, phone l-llll. f POR (ALE Twice weekly, day-old ehlokt In Now Hampanire, parauntert. Red, Whit. Lethorna, Auatra-Whlta, White Rockt, White Wrendottaa, Per m.nter cock. re le. Lao Hatobirr. phont 1-2111. f" HELP WANTED IN TATTON, eoTretpondant for Capital Journal, man or woman wiut type writer, educated, experience preferred, ood opportunity for extra money. Contact alike Porbat, Teller, editor. Capital Journal. e" RESTAURANT BTfOHBK CMW far new Speedway Reitaurant, U70 center, x parlenca not neceseary. No phono aella. APPLY IN PERSON from 14 Is 14:l a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. ONLY, ar WANTED aatDDLE-AOBD aoupla for houaework and cara ar aaau-taTaua, No drlnkera. 411 So. Utb. ITS WANTED Male or f emtio eurperttMoci dry aleanini aoucitor an ptaaua ana delivery. Own truck preferred. Call la peraon at Seenuter Cleaaera, txa B. Blth St. HI. HELP WANTED MALE TV SALESMEN Pull tlma, top aommta- alon paid, aaltm TV, NOS patrircnindt Rd. t.7l OPPICS MANAGER ABrnBTANT - Youni man lntereeted In futur. with well-eetabllehad firm few mllee out of Salem. Boma collate trilnlni datlrabia or able to handle bookkcoplm and pay roll under tuperrltlon. Trplnl helpfuL Applr Oreton atatt Employment aerv lce, 710 Perry Bt., Salem. By employ er1, nqueat, lalt WANTED Youni man to file emtt, de liver tear tneett, ite. sat arrows al the Oapital Journal. t.77 TRUCK MECHANIC, btarr duty, tUadr wore, rnone ear, eanaani, jnaepend ence 192. lalT HELP WANTED FEMALE PAHILY COOK, epllt ahlft. I a.m. ta 0:10 a.m., I p.m. to : p.m. Monday thru Prlday. 76o par bour plut meaet. Phono 1-1120. ibll TOUNQ WOMAN or Ctrl to Uko car of 3 cniKiren, ona of achool ate, and ta help with houaework. Mutt ltv In. Good wages, phone durlat day, 31047, evening 16637. Bb79 EXPERIENCED SALESGIRL wanted. Hartman Brca., Ill State at. Ib1! CAR HOP JWoodroff' eaa Rhop, 9400 roruana hq. ho pnone aaua. to WAITRESS Woodrolfo'l San Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone call-. . tb VACATION WITH I Counaelort wanted for oek Olrl Scout camp. ' on. Oood opportunity for eolletc b...a and teaehert who can auallfr. Write Sen- tiam Area Olrl Bcoutt, 111 Wait Plrtt. Albany. tb17 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Office Jobs Be ua for auellty Job. Benefit by our knowledge of employer and by our ei- nerlence In the community. - Check our Ustlnti Monday Wednes day. COMMERCIAL PIaACTOCENT AOEMCY 494 fitat St. (Oragoa Bldg.) 4-3191 tf77 WANTED SALESMAN BEAL ESTATE salesman wanted. Must be qualified for better class property. Man requiring 97&O to 1,000 monthlr lnoom l type but eulted for our ex clusive listing office. Snappy, altrl of fice. Productive advertising. Only wide awake experienced man wanted. Our present ataff know of thi ad. flcvtrla Realtr Co., 139 N. High St. No phono call pleas. ggT9a WANTED POSITIONS WANTED BABY tlttlns job.. Day ar evemnr. ceil c-iooo. n77 WILL DO CEILING, one wall or antlrs ' bouae. Do all klnda of palntlnt, kruaB and tpray, furnish refereneee, by bour or contract. Ph. 4-2944. bll ALTERATION WOMAN want, work In .tore. Peat, tood worker. 1-7004. h79 DRESSMAKING. At alt. Prleet return able. 3-7001. b7( SERVICE STATION attendant or odd lobi. part time, pnone 4-lltl. b77 JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER, atete 11. ccnaod. 25. wants ateedr ampioymant. Box 10 capital Journal. h71 PAINTING. Free estimates. 30 years ex perience in Salem. Phone 3-7551. hll CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowlnr, dlsclnl, aaedlhr. Phono 1-1041. hll PLOWING, IMMEDIATE SERVICE, I990O. nil" WIEMAL'S DAY NURSERY Llcenaed and state Inepected. Infenta bp to 1. Phone 1-5019. hlo SPECIALIZED CHILDREN'S aowlnt, 'al terations, pn. 2-5011. nil' CUSTOM ROTO-VAT1NO M hoar. Phont 1-7298 after I p.m. bit PLOWING and dtaelni. Orover L. Ha- mann, 1498 Blossom Dr., saltm, Pbona 8-1111. h!(" MOWERS SHABPENED at door. Male It run oear. Phono 1-8314. hBJ FINISH GIRL wants house work. By hour or day. 1-8012. h!2 NEW I.wbb. Rotary heme. Prea aatl mate Duana Woleott. Phono S-I121. hl7 PATCH PLASTERING, betementt water proofed br plalterlnr. Prank's Servlct, phont 1-1548. hai TII.1VQ WITH mw M.B. ROTARY TIL LER. Phone ovenlnt I-UI3. hll To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 By Ham Fisher