Tuesday, March 31, 1953 Pje 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon If is 1 1 !tr Gurif ighter 's Return y USUI ERNENWEIN AP MtUHMnil CHAPTER It Haloes poured himwll a second ip of oof fee. Be said, "This k the liist Urn I ever bed to dodge the Uw. By Qod, J tope It' the Ut." Afterwards, u ne shaved at the link, be asked, 'Do you know Eve Odetarde?" When Rimbaud nodded, Malben said, "We plan-, ned to let married next month. Had our plana all act. Eve moved aome of her furniture ta here. I think 111 go to town and nave a talk with her, after dark. Maybe I'll nve myaeu ud and ttand trial, If ah think, that's the thing to do." . "Any way of proving you got gramed?" Himoaud inquired. Malben ahook nil bead. "The deal will be rigged againat me right from the start. The circuit Judge 1 a friend of Stramberg's and so is Sheriff Roblllarde.'' "Do you figure Stromberg planted that Roman Four yearling on your range himself?" Rimbaud asked. "No. Hugh Jubal probably did the dirty work. Delia says she heard her father tell Jubal a week ago that he hadto get the gooos on me or find a new Job. Lew has haled my guts ever since Xve and I started keeping company. He wanted her for himself. "I can understand, that," Rim ' baud reflected. - Malben eyed him sharply, ask ing, "You friendly Tilth Eve?" Himoaud smiled and said, "Friendly enough to know she's an attractive woman." Malben thought about that in frowning silence for a moment. He glanced at the bottom shelf, where the Jug was hidden, and said, "I wouldn't want her to Viyni hiai hnvtnffl. whtftktf in the house.' fine's dead'set against booze. Her old man turned into a terrible drunkard, and Eve wont have anything to do with a man Who annus." The bald hypocrisy of it shocked Jim Rimbaud. Malben not only admitted winning Eve's favor by false pretense, but seemed to think It was reasonable and right to do so. It occurred tc Rimbaud now that a man who'd cheat a woman he was going to marry might also steal cattle. He asked, "Are you teUirur it straight, about that altered brand?" "What do you mean tralght?" I mean did you do u yourseu?' Rimbaud said bluntly. Malben grinned. He aald, You're the first of my friends to doubt me." "I'm not your friend," Rimbaud said, wanting this understood. "I m Just a galoot who owes you a debt, and I'm Daylnff K." "Well, I didn't have anything to do with that particular calf," Mal ben announced. "I've hair-brand ed few that mlght've strayed away from Roman Four cows. and caught myself a maverick now and then, like everyone else. But I didn't change that brand." Then be asked, "what difference would k make to you, one way or the ettier?" "Not trfcoh," Rimbaud admit- 2658 SIZES 11-40 ' SeooD of the Season! This oulck- tv-anade little dress concentrates new skirt fullness In soft front it I Juat as easy to sew this soooo neck with tie-shoulders w included In this Dattern. No. 3668 is out in 12, 14, 1, It, 30. 90. 38 and 40. For site 1: cap sleeved version, Vi yds. SS-in or SV yds. -in, , Send 900 for PATTERN with Name, Address, myle Number and Blse. Aooxess rAinuw w watt Te.riud Journal. 69 Mis slon Street. Ban Francisco , Calif. ted, knowing that this talk wouldn't alter his obligation to nay the debt he owed Malben. "But It a man is Innocent of the crime he's charged with, there's always bar chance K can be proved." Malben shrUKZed and said wear ily, "I dont see how. Jim. I Just oont see now." Neither did Rimbaud. But be asked. "Do you think Lew Strom' berg knows that : Jubal framed vou?" . 0 I or surer, joaioen saiu thoughtfully. "Lew Is suck when it comes to keeping oui or iroune with the law. . He walked to the doorway and said again, "I don't see now could be proved. Nobody saw Jubal do it. and he'd never tell on himself, so now couia you eon vlnce a court of law that it's dtrtv frame-UD?" Jim Rambaud was' thinking about tnat as he watched Malben ride off a few moments later. Truth might not count for much in court, but sometimes It could be used as a club againat a guilty man. If Jubal had altered that brand, there might be a way to force a comession out oi nun. And presently, as he saddled the roan, Rimbaud thought: If Jubal was caught he could be made to talk, one way or another. Lew Stromberg eouldnt under. stand it. His crew hsd ridden half the night and watched every homestead on the Spanish Strip without catching Bam juaiDen. Boocer Bill, suuoosed to be the beet tracker in Quadrille Basin, hsd not only failed to find the Boxed M rustler, but had come home hair drunk with a Danaagea hand and garbled account of being pistol-whipped by Jim Rimbaud. berg, had gone haywire these past few days: Francisco Durango's death, the crew's failure to catch Malben, and Jim Rimbaud's loco decision to guard Boxed M. Even Delia, who'd always been a trifle on the rebellious side, was brazen, lv refusing to obey him. For the first Urn In his life Lew Stromberg felt the tight grip of enormous iruairaiion, oi oeing thwarted by circumstances that he could neither control nor avoid. Every move he made was blocked, somehow. Even Sol Roblllarde, who'd been his good friend ever since becoming sheriff , was warn uw him to watch his steD. Something was wrong. But think as he might, there seemed to no logical answer. Every move he'd made, except for allowing Ernie Link to try a shoot-out with Rim baud, had been deliberately weigh ed and cloaked with legality. Ev ery single, solitary move, including nis revenge against asm Maioen. No court of law would Question his right to hunt down a cow thief, or fall to convict on such evidence of guilt. But he had to be caught first. That was the thing that aston ished Lew Stromberg, the thing that wholly confused him. Even though It had been necessary to sena nau nis crew to eonora, mere should bave been enough men to capture Malben. Yet he hadn't been caught. (T Be Continued) Toasfmasfers Hold Woodburn Session Woodburn ' The regular breakfast meeting of the Toast- masters' club at Woodburn was held Saturday, March 28, at the Coney Island restaurant at 6:30 a.m. with Jack Bush pre. siding. Toastmaster for the meeting was Melvin Bllyeu; table topic chairman, Ernest Livesay; mas ter evaluator, Philip Branson; timekeeper, Ralph Pickering Main speakers are Jack Bush, Joe Golik and Rev. Arthur Goble, evaluators were Lynn Simon, Kilian smith and Uy man Seely. Guests were Fire Chief Floyd Maricle of Woodburn and Francis Manning of Mt. Angel Next meeting will be Apr. 11. Portland Paslor Speaks to Rotary Woodburn Speaker at the Woodburn Rotary club Thurs. day noon was Dr. Titus Rrazee Portland minister. His topic was "Event in Eternity." Ern est Livesay was program chair. man. Guests were Miss Barbara Paulson, spelling champion and her Instructor, Keith Llew ellyn. Next week, Dr. Gerald B Smith will show colored pic tures he took recently Hawaii. Zs j 3--S-SfeBr oATg TURNED HOMC EARLY, IXjf WTO A CALL MR. ROPES? TXOH THE CARPET rT Tt jj WHEN yOU GROW UP. DONT MAKE THE MISTAKE OP VVORWN6 FOB A WOMAN --eSlttlALLv A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN 1Tb BADKOR THE NECK , aw at a Ct U.Z . . . I M RADIO PROGRAMS FOGO TffiAeTKiH'f TMAVIOl It WEN l&US MUrMTMEgVEf' JMAMieitATcVcy iOm'MUWeV BHIcP AN eOTTA WMLDtSMXi 1 GONOKTU WITH K OL'MOtt TOLJ jsi ma, rarSfseaeaaMrj 4mtiimamata7 eeaemTateamsCS Eirf?ss' M.I ORPHAN ANNIE etXI ALUM V wlLL.OlMOLe rounu6 i on mi he 19 THE PEfT WKP Wiiu it, 6066 iwssi IN thcm. iravi nmvu; :uf CX5W 'ROUND N BO TCCT ? BUTNoreavfey . svjiniyl CeWSTJHP-AN- NOT HAkPLT 6 1 CANSfTCWil EDUN'I s I jUOQE 68AL VMS f EH? OH-OH,YES-"1 I I HERE AND READ rM TO WH6RIT 1 U NOU THE WILL QMS I HftLF THE PAPER- I EFXSHREOWW IP I WW IT- J PTDowTECcyTrT I eAONOTHHI'fiBOuT HM VE6-. 1 I WfitmN'IT.OR NOT AND KIT , 1 WftNTIN'IT--6ir GCT8 THE I ' InL. ggT rT'" I OTHER HPLF I VES-AND SHE GETS THE REST OF HIS ' PROPERTY-FfiNY-MORTGAQEO. I HEAR- f ODOo hND NOT MuCH- 1 y y weu.,SHE cm YJ I OF THE EflES8 I ) 80, TEX- J I WIDNKDAY t. M. 11:1 nulla Dum rffMISS is rials BUI Vrrit rrrll LJMH D'inif KGWIKOINI KEX IKSLM sis hmo mem nso o w Mo WClMH Trsvtltrs Dr. rial Dava Grnrr EUaBaaaillai Malta Bai Hail, Baa Ma.la Bai Nava Nawa mean Palariar Balai wUk Mill. M, Saa Jaaa Mr Saa Jtas N,, Caaaa Gal II aaaa raill aaaa ran. SUkbaai BaUSiklaa JlaiWakalr Taaalallr riarkaaaa Wkal'a Mr KlrkwaaS klrkvaa Laakr V Banrk Ual Tlaaar Cal Ilaaar Un Ult Mlulanalra Maala Bavaa Blaa Skaar far lha Olrli Far aka Olrte Tlar Taara Saalrral Cat aalrral ca Marraw Naw, I.I.M Nawa WarM taaajICHI Haatlar a mmm uama Waatkaraiajl naaia sa. OaaS LUa. OaaS lUt Mall, Maala Mail, Skaaaar Pliltaa Lawb H,ailawaF Mail, Saaa Baraa GaarlHaalaf MW Nawa Braaakaar , Isaa, Baraa lla, DaaSr Ska Jlaa DaaSr saaw Una. Trafaa Maila Mart Maala Marl WaauSLaak MaaK Mart waaaa'a Tt. Maala Marl Maala Marl Maala Marl MailaMarl Maala Mart SltaOfl K0C0 lie Las WarM Nawa BiarTtaaa pkawaaaa ISkawcaaa Val'r Batart aaa.aa.aar ICaaSlaUakt ll'O Casakaa flawa BS Kara Maa's Faaa Oraal DUlaralaan l!i Bob Hoaa Bab Hapa Walk a Mil Walk a Ml Ed Stan Blaaa IwarH Affair! rarai Nawa lOo Saal Dr.Ckrlatlaa Dr. Cbrlstlaa Baaailai Sparta rtaa) Maala Haar Macle Haar Marie Hoar Mai la Haar Cllr CaaaeU Cltr CaaaeU H:Sellia Ott Bllaal Laaa Baafarl Laaa Baasar Mratarr Tkaalar Srrapkanalta Braapkanatla Mr. PraaHanll Mr. rraaMaat r. B. I. vaaca a War la StaflarS Uanlar Ml.a Talaa Taajar, I Star nasi Iatarrrawa Maala Maala Orian Mai. lOrr.Maladlaa Traaaary BaaSalaaS Mr BaalaadMaala DaBaa Ttaaa Dawaa Ttaaa Danaa Tlaaa Daaaa Tlaaa Maala Maala Dr. BlUara Dr. KUlara QXa BarSr nit uwla Maala BaaisSSIaCT Nawanal Nawa Dear Marrr III MarSar Malailaa -Mlalaa MalaSlaa Maala SKaaarr ptara liar Maala -Isaarta fTraak 14ta Traek HM fTraak im Irraok KM Traak KM Track 1IM fTraak 1M Nawa Nlikt Saas Nlakl Saaa Maala las Waal Naatarna Naalaraa Naataraa Naataraa LIL ABNER ra?IBaMrr' TWtN WANTS TtSTSkBaiMft ( 'lilSiA 1Z PARTNE,EH?-WL,AH KNOWS BS V RHOOAaV J2Z A FEW tXASSUN'TRICKS.'' FOR tummml t, jARa INSTANCE, MAH'VaVaVy'rWISr rf) VimSUSaSS ftOttV.TWIST.-WHICH AH OOE4 OTaV : ' JSl. HOPALONG CASSIDY fJ1 f RkSHTOVER jjRj0Tr THEO-IFF-V , EEFCTrS? TO' IS .eMOHp.r. raeLS NOT TO SWIPE A COUPLE O' STEAKS KVYORE- SEIFSA' MaT-A FUTURE MOTHER GOTTA SETA GOOD , EXAMPLE FO HER UNBORN CHILD. EF ' CMF FT CfTMETU U STOLXN. IT MIGHT & HAVE A BAD EFFECT ON THE U'L VARMINT. LIHB A TIDAL WAVE, THE UHILEA6HSP I WATERS POUR THR0U6H THE BREAK.. Music for Imperial balls the time of Napoleon III some. times was supplied by median- leal pianos. ROOM a BOARD By Ahren M ..YESTERDrV 1 WENT BACK OUT THERE AND MOSEYED ABOUND TO FIND OUT VHO OWNS THE property; and learned it was LEFT TO A COUPLE OF OLP S AAA D SISTERS WHO Live OUT Of THE STATE. ..ITS SCRUBBy-J LOOKING LAND AND ISN'T WORTH If SO JOVE. HANOVER..ilNCE NOBODy KNOWS ABOUT THIS STUPENDOUS FIND MAYBE WE CAN LEASE 100 ACRES OT THE PROPERTY. ESPECIALLY THAT SECTION WHERE "rOU MADE THE . AM ACRE; A FIN6ER OF WATER THRUSTS MS WAY, ACROSS THE FLATLANP TOWARP THE , BLAZE6 V BET6Y.' IT MEAN6 THAT WHAT6 IT ALL MEAN? OUR ONLY CATTLE TRAIL CR04SIN6 awB-yy OUT OF BUCKSKIN MUTT & JEFF 2SH 1 JSu WAS I CWVlNsY HECK.NO TOO FAST P r VOL) WERE PO YOU KNOW THAT I A MAN IS RUN OVER IN NEW YORK EVErRV HALF. HOUR 8V GUVS, .e vou? f ReAut-VPl MATTER WITH VOLI? DO VOU TAKE STUPID PILLS? SAV, WHATS THETpiixS WITH A LOW MENTALITY? I NEIER HEARD OF SUCH A THING WHERE A so you BUY 'EM? n PILLS? ; CHIEF, I HAD ENOUGH I CAN'T TAKE ANY. MORE I'M QUITTING . REX MORGAN, M. D. as you can sas, ousTi but onlv a CHiMISTS' ANALYSIS -ak, TRACE 4 SHOWS THAT ARU'S TJr CONCOCTION 15 MOT A5 J I) HARMLESS A9 IT WAS Jk 1Jl r'vee: no MfiwWjjj' tucbw WAS NOT 1N0U6H TO KIU. A HUMAN B6IN6 BUT 19 se WU.IN6 to err that AN aWKMINATION OF eEOBSE TUkNBR s Tissues WOULD FIND THAT HIS BODY WAS R SATURATED WITH IT.' T VeBATROM...! f BAR6LV RgMeMBeiC HSARIMS ABOUT IT OueiMS MV ! I MCPICAL SCHOOL Tr PAY5 : Til TT I 1 1 I I asaJ V II I f I WON0SR WHAT TlTl I THB SYMPTOMS Of 132 .. I VSRATHUW y HA DONALD DUCK Don't fret oyer a dawn payment. We take molt anything an a trade for a beautiful RaylhcoiTf Set. See Us First for the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV. 170 Lena Ave. " Phone SRSSt Open Monday and Friday Ereninn THURSDAY S A.M. TO 11:43 A.M. .0 Maale Tlma Nawa - Ora. Farm Nawa Braakfaf! . W. Malaeiaa i15 Haale Tlma R.F.D., Ore. Ora. Farm Para, Nawa - Naak - W. Malaeiaa 'lb Maala Tlma KOIN Klaek Ora. Farm Nawa Braakfait Farm Nawa 5:45 Farm Time KOIN Kleck Ora. Farm March Tlma Week New, Coentrr Ed. KOIN Klaek Plrat Edltlen Bemmraawai Breakfaaa aredltallaaa 5 Jobnnr Willi Nawa M. Aarenakr Breakf aat Naak KOCO Klaak I !() Vewa Newa Bea Garret Braakfaat Breakfaat KOCO Klaek 7';45 K. Hannlnc H. Babbitt Bab Batea gam Harea Naak . KOCO Klaak TMOId Sonta Carela Breakfaat Caell Brawa Jim Dandr Newa S.'iii Old Sent, Newa Breakfaat . Fam. Altar Jim Deadr KOCO Klaek Iln Maala Box Grand Blam Breakfaat HaraiiafB Jim Dandr KOCO Klaek 1:45 Mule Bex Beatmarr Breakfaat Harea at B Jim Dandr Nawa .an Newa W. Warren a am Idltlai Nawa Baek fanca Raaplaeae '1? Haale Bex Jenar Tadara 8taraMeladr Mam Matlaaa Tinetlme Maale Bex Helen Trent Friend la Faalar'a Call Baek fenee Flaae Fat. :4F V. Llndlahr Par Gal 8un Need Bar. Caantei Matlnaa Plnambara la.Art b. Rernelda Road af Ufa D. Gardner Glea Hard Baek fenea Kara II 15 B. Rernelda Ma Ferklna C. Hantler Tela Teat Matlaaa Raearda l:M Strike It rlelDr. Malane Traa Starr Aaewer MaaBaekfeaea Bare H:45 strike It rlcb Paid. Uiht Traa Sterr Maale Matlaaa Raearda 11: td Dbl ar Neth.Mr. Barton Whlaaarlaa Ladlaa Fair Baekfeaea Bare 11:15 Dbl ar Nolh P. Maaaa Girl Maarlaa Ladlaa Fair MaUnaa Kaearda 11: JO Bob A Bar Nora Drake V. tladlahr Qa. far Oar Baekfeaea Rare ll:r Bob Hope Brlihter DarBarner KeeaQ. for Par ' Matlaaa j Beearde TM Mai.l KOIN 11 1.1, a.m. la 11 p.m. KEX W.x, S la n-m. DIAL LISTING KOAC, IS KOAC Wadneedair . m. S:M, Ore ran Renerter: I:1B. Maam af the Maatarai 4:00, Serenade in Blaei :, CUIdraa'a Theatari:W, Cbleaia Baaad tablai i:M, Newa and Weather: 4:45, Ore tea Lorlrletaret 7:U, Erealar Farm Heari :H, Badle Sbarthaadi :45, Newa, Waath an :, Medltatlaai 11:44, Slra Off. KOAC VZ Tharadar a.m. f t. Newal Baveelally far Wamaat 11:44, Sebeel af Aln 11:11, Ceaeerl Mailt ' 11:04, Newai U:H, Naaa Farm Heart l:N, Far Wemoni t:M, lnaalrlng Maaielaal t:4S, Ora. School af Air: S:44. Oresaa Ra- aerteri 4:44,. Vnlrerallr near. Cast Chosen for Woodburn Jr. Play Woodburn As a result of tryouts, the cast for Woodburn high school's junior class play has been chosen. The three-act cor-.edy, "The Inner Willy," is scheduled for April 10 at 8 p.m. at the Woodburn high school auditorium. The story centers around Willoughby Adams' graduation dance. Sixteen-year-old Willy (as played by Bill Kersten) has been smothered all his life by his three maiden aunts (as played by Dixie Bean, Mary Yuranek and Dorothy Baxter.) Inner Willy, a supposedly ghost - like, cucumber eating creature played'by Dick Alex- Jim ' n ("CHILDREN MUST HAVE APETA I BUT AS TM&y SOMETIMES V eu Ay BOuaHLY, ir..."r. MARY WORTH '..IS IMPORTANT TO CHOOSE) ONE THE WON'T IN JURE I" J PET SHOP ' 90VS, meet yous ) iAm.-1 l NEW PET.' r i a - n 1 VOU SAV A GWENDOLYN TWVKT0NUHFI6UR0 IN A rvLICL IN 1948 THATS SKSHT..A fitAftllATf STUDENT ATTHE UNrVERSITVj SHE CHANGED HER NAME ID THACKERT, HUHf. THAT Wt NEVER COULD A5C t amTdTTBm.TatHmL'S I WH0ARE'rOU?..ANDyf' ,nD ) whereu t fiN0- 51 Cfj,?;: .1 J -? t DON'T WANT HER 1 ( 1 1 RECAPTURED--TUL JUST t & THERJfiHT MOMENT! 2 ander, Is visible only to Willy and encourages him to assert himself. Other members of the cast include: Carol Martin, played by Jane McGrath; Mary belle Turner by Jean Samson; Trudy Marshall, by Sharon Guthrie, and Janet Marshall,' by Joanne Schmid. Richard Lee will ap pear as Stanley Clark and Mike will be played by Marshall Dick. , I - LOCUSTS SW ABM IN JORDAN Amman, Jordan (Jf) Swarmi of locusts once again are threatening Jordan's cultivated areas.. Experts from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Kenya met Monday in Maan with Jordan officials to discuss coordinated action against the crop men ace, i ILII ITIEI IE R I LIA1L1EI IaIlIoInUcaMLJi1eJ across 1. Cupid 8. Owned (.Log float 12. Talk wildly 13. Yale 14. Bacchanalian cry 15. Arabian aeaport 16. Free 17. Part played 18. Profit 30. Cleaves 21.Molit 23. Father 33. Say further 20. Place (or keeping goods II. Sain hard 33. Vapor 34. Cabbage salad X. Cheap dwellings M. Dutch commune 39. Footlike part 40. Floor covering 41 Protective garment 45. Love story 40. Coffin 50. Plaything tl. Fail to hold water 12. Gain the victory 53. Imitate 54. Sea bird 55. Serpents 1 1 ItIE n AlCtAI R E tj fc K olutlon ef Yesterday's funis 58. Color IT. Drunkards DOWN 1. Spirited horse 1 Comtructed rrrrmr' v WM $ l,a I" pir a WWW w w ZZ'-Z E" ?r gsr w "1 1 1 WrrWr r t Soatting chamber 4. Reiume 5. Birthrights 6. Dlimountea 7. Performed 8. Altar screen . English river 10. Crease 11. Golf pegs It. Not many 20. College cheer 22. Ruined 23. Likely 24. Female deer 25. Press for payment 27. Went quickly 28. Rubber tree 29. Pathetic 30. Female sheep 33. Rumors 36. Adult boys 37. Total 41. Strong winds 43. Father 43. Crusted dlihea 44. Harvest 45. Hawser 46. Roman emperor 47. Tip to one side 46. Pieces out 0. Black liquid