Monday. March M, IBM sVl Sailor Kills 2, THaT CAPITAL JOUKTIAL, tWesa, OfgWI taaaaaaMSs ' CiIZClIcS tae "fcSissfi Peal" nn abmh I.; lTMf U I UUII uQyWLIll o o o U WWo- I Coquill CUD A Puerto Me an ship's cook today faced two count of tint degree murder ' following shooting ipree that Ntulted In two dead and five wounded. Florencio Mart Tileries, 18, signed a ttatement admitting the abooting, Coo County Dis trict Attorney John J. Pickett aid. ,' Police Mid run-tee tired point blank at Mable Alice Pressnall, 25, North Bend, and Harold Kdiion Carter, 24, Hou r. killing them both. Wound' ed were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pettlt both 27; Harvey Har gent, 24, all of North Bend, and two teamen, Amos Jones ana John Patrick. Fuertet, a crewman aboard the Weyerhaeuier lumber chip F. b. Bell, entered Kippers Roundup room at North Bend about 11 p. m. Saturday night , and emptied fill gun into crowd of patronc , police acid. According to witnenei, Fuertei wai In the club about an hour earlier and aiked Mn. Pressnall, divorced wife of a Portland policeman, so aance, . She refuted. He returned to hit chip and re-entered the club, walked to Mrs. FrewnaU'a table and blast ed away at her and her escort. Then he fired into the crowd and raced Into a atoreroom to reload hit .88 caliber piatoL Ha wu overpowered by patrons. . Einsfein Offers New Relativity Theories " New York tUo-Aubert Bin etoln hat publlahed new tneco lea of relativity which be ex pect! to become the matter key to the physical makeup and operation of the universe. The matter scientist and . mathematician considers hie new conclusion the crowning achievement of his 74 years of life-conclusions that may even tually remove all mystery from fundamental laws governing the cosmos. The work Is the climax of 40 years of study, scientific deduc tion, and thinking by one of the world's . most discerning brains. ' ' v The new Einstein theory is a development of his earlier !-nown convictions that the ma 1?rlal universe, if composed of two major fields, the field of gravitation and the electromag netic field. His belief Is that the physi cal universe is one continuous field, similar to an endless stream. Kills Crippled Son As Ad of Mercy Clifton, H. J. UftAn an galihed father, fearing his own death was near, killed hit erip- 2ed five-year-old son In what i told police was an "act of atari ji. Albert Sell, 44, a restaurant owner, faced arraignment today en a murder charge In the death of his son, Albert, Jr., a cerebral palsy victim. Sell, a World War II veteran ..who underwent a major oper ation last January, aald he shot and killed his son to keep him from "growing up helpless." He told police that he also fear ed he himself might die toon and he did not want the boy to besom a burden on his in wife. Roberts Calls GOP Meeting for April 10 ' Washington J. Republican Chairman C. Wesley Roberts today etUed the GOP National Committee to meet here April 10 to choose his successor, Roberts resigned under fire yesterday. He left the unpre pared Elsenhower administra tion with an urgent repair job to perform on the party organi zation. Canadian Says Reds Hopped up with Opium Toronto UD A Halifax veteran fresh from the Korean front said today that Commun' 1st troops are so "hopped-up" with opium they can't shoot Straight. Pvt Earl Jones, who made IT trips behind enemy lines on reconnaissance patrols In a year, tald Red troops were ' given opium rations before ac tion, and prisoners were always found to be doped when taken. He aald the opium Is carried in little three-ounce bag tied to the soldier's belt along with his rice. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Trasses. AbdO' mlnal Supports, Elastic Ho siery. Expert niters, private rutins rooms, "Ask Your Doctor" Capital Drug Store 4M Itate tt. Carner ef liberty Mil Green Stamps Hams, Hams, beautiful Hams Safeway is loaded with themcome in and make your selections early! Swift Premiums 16 to II lb. Avarage Half or Whole . Other f ovular Brands 10 to 14 lb. Average rtorf or Whale Safeway Setts Only "U. S. CImW' and "U. S. ood" Seef, Lamb and Vaal All Quality Cut Lb. 3' Lb.(M Sirloin Steaks T-Bone Steaks 1. 1 etc' I L Casks llltef 79c 95c Pure Ground Beef Fresh Oysters . n 49c 59c 1 pOTMOBS 1 I RHUBARB 1 GRAPtfRmT EVERYDAY VALUES AT SAFEWAY . .. Cranberiy Sauce -sr 23 LMiblets Mexicorn -r . - 21 27 Heinz Ketchup On ef Helm - Famous 17 Varieties 14-ei. bottle c c c PAMOUS Camay Soap 4sV Rag. bars 25c ' . OtNTLt ' Camay Soap 3 Bath ban 35C WATIR SOFTINER White King . 30-ox. pkg. 25c STIINPILDf Sauerkraut 11 -as. can 10c TIINraLD3 Dill Pickles Kernel Corn ' i Nlblet 12-as. an Lemon Juice IT MCP 7-oi. eon Margarine 27' Durkee't 1-tb. kg. U-as.)or 22c CL0R0X BLEACH HouMwIvat aall It The Safe Bleach" Dog Food 9' Pooch rand Par eon Vi Gal. yj)(8)c Ruth Ashbrook Pastries Bottle Lk 2 fkMt lilV Swansdown uuu rim SLICED BEEfarav, ,,-o.Ht?47( PLAYFAIR DOG FOOD Mn 9c DELRICH MARGARINE - l lb. 27c BRADSHAW HONEY , B..r.,4 52c 30c Anrtl Food Pkf. pkr- 14-os. CO. JOY BRAND Liquid Soap 7-, 30c QRANULATfD SOAP White King 22-oi. pkg. 29c MILD Ivory Soap 4 "IT' 25c INTLI Ivory Soap JLt Large bars 27c WOODWORK CLEANSER Spic & Span 16-ei. pkg. 25c BORENE SOAP , Mode here in Oregon Granulated Soap Prket food through Wednesday April We reserve the right to limit quantities u U. S. Gov't "Choice"or "Good Meaty Blade Cuts A Pot Roast from Safeway Ss loaded with generous portions of tender eating meat. Carefully aged to bring out peak tenderness. Just "U. S. CHOICE" and "U. S. GOOD" Beef. This is the buy of the YEAR. Round Bone Cuts Boneless ' Boneless MS STEW CB0SS Big LEAN TENDER JUICY BEEF "" ""i" UARAiNTftD TINDfR HK9S W THIS AO ARE BFBCTIVI THROUGH TUISDAY, MARCH 11, AT ALL SALIMIAPIWAY STORIS.