Mw March 10, 1853 Is Lien -Jrned by ijnbows I Arda Lien, worthy ad 'tt Chadwlck auembly jwii named a grand rap live at the grand see- a the Order of Rain- lor Girl at Tillamook reek-end. Chadwlck as jr exemplified the ballot t s-iuu jwiudow giris ana !hperons, Mlai Sally Itte of. Dallas, grand jr adviser, presiding. Oth- tin girls taking part were Ifarlyn Lorenz, grand fi- Miss Nancy Bone, grand pontauve to Ohio; .and fancy Rust who perform- he Lord's Prayer" In pan to. "The Light of Faith" the theme of the grand ply, light houses decorat m rooms of the pew hlgh- ywhere the session took K'3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Rale. OrtfM was.. L' Arnold Johnson, moth- viser, Mrs. Emery Wood Uri. Zina Sharpnack ac juiied the 43 girls from t'who attended the meet t Tillamook. ' Idwick assembly will or a cooked food and f, sale on Saturday at the an center. i, Chapter at ikon Meets Nrton Ramona chapter, ill Order of Eastern Star, red guest night at last meeting. Guests includ tembers from Mill City, yn chapter; Stayton, Aca- Chapter; and Bremerton, if Rainbow chapter. i.5 Floyd Johnson, worthy m, and George W. Huff worthy patron of Marilyn er, were introduced and tad. A degree honoring has was presented, with ' emental music, including j solos by Mrs. John La- r and Mrs. W. P. Scarth. (A. Fish told of the De f meeting and Mrs. W. P. si mother adviser for Or if Rainbow for Girls, an ced the grand assembly 1 was at Tillamook, March F and 28. Twenty members the Ramona assembly of rton attended. Miss Peggy on is a grand choir mem snd Miss Shirley Green . is grand representative - i state of Tennessee. Mrs. 9 Scarth is a member of Rate executive board for Jrand assembly. Mrs. F. E. later and Mrs. Elwin Hood : .ted on the visitation to Jalem chapters.. . Charles Leonard at M l by her son, David, ar id the Easter decorations. ae refreshment committee i'Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark man, Mrs. F. E. Sylvester, Glenn Green. Allen Grlb nd Harry Vince won first wcond awards 'in the Eas ranet contest. Mrs. George i served on the hospitality littee. The April 14 annl ry supper is to be no-host 10 o'clock. i Forrest Wed mg Mid-March rora The wedding of Charlotte Rae Forrest, liter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray . I 11 Forrest of YamhUl, iebert Hegeman Gray, son f. and Mrs. R. Louis Gray ortland, was an event of day. March 14. The cere- f'jwas performed at the jresoyterian cnurcn Dy Carl Benbow of Dallas. A itlon was held afterward e church parlors, a bride wore a white lace , a cap of matching lace ng her finger-tip illusion in place. She carried a prayer book topped with gle white orchid. Mr. For gave his daughter In mar ts' Jane Newman was maid irior for her cousin and a ballerina dress Of deep satin and nylon net with 1 matching satin. She ear a. basket of heather, vio ind sweet peas, is Kathleen Forrest, the 'a sister, and Miss Sally , sister of the bridegroom, ( junior attendants. They .matching frocks of sea pink satin and nylon net , headdresses pf matching and carried baskets of I peas and violets. try Johnson stood as best for his cousin and ushers t Ronald Bachi, William a, Jack Tompkins, Halj yv i X 6- 1 iiitil Wed Recently Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohen (Pearl Wen- lnger) were married March IS at Oswego. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Crockett of Sllverton. The couple will live in Oswego. Today's Menu Family Dinner Beef and Green Pea Casserole Steamed Rice Salad Bowl Fruit and Cookies , Bread and Butter Beverage Beef and Green Pea Casserole Ingredients: One 10 - ounce package frozen green peas, ft teaspoon salt, cup boiling water, 2 tablespoons shorten ing, 2 tablespoons finely chop ped (1 small) onion, 1 pound ground round steak, 1 eup well drained coarsely chopped can ned tomatoes, V teaspoon salt, tt teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, 1 table spoon butter or margarine, 2 tablespoons fine dry bread crumbs. Method: Add peas and H tea spoon salt to boiling water; bring to a boll again, breaking up peas with a fork if neces sary; reduce heat, cover, and boll gently until Just tender S to 4 minutes. Drain. Melt fat in 10-inch skillet; add onion and cook, stirring often, over low heat until lightly browned. Add meat, mashing with long-handled fork to crumble, and cook over low heat until lightly browned. Add toma toes, teaspoon salt, pep per and the Worcestershire sauce; cook and stir about 5 minutes. Place one-half of the drained peas in greased iVi- quart casserole; cover with meat mixture and top with re maining peas. Cover and bake in moderate (350F) oven until hot through about IB minutes. Remove from oven. Melt but ter in small saucepan or skillet over low heat; add crumbs and stir well. Sprinkle buttered crumbs over top of casserole and brown lightly . under the broiler; watch carefully be cause this will only take a sec ond or two. Makes 6 servings. Cuffle, Gary Leaverton and William Holmes. The couple will be at home In Portland. mm Get 3 Color-Matched HAZEL BISHOP Lipstick Shades Blondes! BruMlks! BrowntuMt tNow get your 3 saoft becoming hida orHutl Bubop's subous No-SmMr Lipstick -keytd to jtmr ewn oloring-ww wilh 117 bihion eolor- lor any cccmioo. (2.25 VALUI II2J n 11 I 1L 1 1 l- 1 nful cramps of "Monthly Periods" stopped or amazingly relieved v Q 1 f h V In 3 out of 4 coms In doctors own foils I Den and girls who from those function ftUAtd cramps, back-, 1 and headaches of nation who feel and Irritable on cer "particular days" ftften be suffering unnecessarily I h Is the conclusion tests by doctors In Lydla E. Pinkham's ible Compound gave sfe or striking relief men distress In 3 out t the cases testedl Medical evidence ehowe Plnkhftm's tborouithlr In action. It exerts irtubiy eJmin ffec en toe vterue without tht m 0 fMiA-iaaftifii tnifMi The effectlrenees of Lydla Plnklum'e needs no proof to the millions of women end flrls whom It has benefited, ut how about you? Do you know what It may do for you? Tefce Lydla Plnkbam's Mm dont iret the same relief Jrk from the pains and weakneaa r or "those aayr'i Bee u you don't feel better beor and during your period I , Oet either Lrdla Plnkham'a msa Oom pound, or new. Improved Ly& Pinkham't laoitia, wiu aoaea iront If you're troubled with "hot Cm hpt" and other functional dint me of "change of life" you'll And Lydla Pinkham's wonderful for (Tut, tool ou siaHB QuUtina mffaet on the wfftins contraC' tioni (tee chart) 1 which of tenctu aMnitruol' pell Dallas Club f i Dallas-T-Tb art appreciation section of the Dallas Woman's club studied French, American, szi Mesitsa vUrns at their regular meeting last week. The group made plans for the pending trip to the Art museum in Portland and the possibility of selecting a print which will be framed by each Individual as a culmination of the elass project. Present were: Mrs. Paul Mor gan, Mrs. Cecil Meeker, Mrs. R. G. LeFors, Mrs. Allie Han nagin, Mrs. O. E. Anderson, Mrs. Wm. A. Duncan, and Mrs. Dean Forbes. MBS. CHRISTENA NEW BURGH Is leaving Monday eve ning for El Cerrlto, Calif., for tflree or four weeks to visit with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith. , Party for V Mrs. Brown Sllverfon Mrs. Virgil Pet' tit wis hostess to group of Sllverton and out-of-town friends, complimenting Mrs. Kenneth A. Brown - (Donna Upjohn), at her noma Friday evening at a social hour and a surprise gift afaower. The dec orations were in pink snap drai'ona and blue grape hya cinths. Present from Salem were Mrs. Donald H. Upjohn, Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, mother and sla ter of the complimented guest, and Mrs. C. H. Brown, mother of Mr. Brown; from Portland was Mrs. John Schwabe: and of Silverton, Mrs. David De meter, Mrs. James Xkman, Mrs. Harry Carson, jr., Mrs. Nor man Dedda, Mrs. Olaf Paulson, Jr., .'Mrs. Jchn Middlemiss, Mrs. Wayne Grodrlan, Mr. Keith Anderson. Mis. Robert Duncan and Mrs. William Dun can. . Mrs. Schwab and Mrs. Wil liam Duncan assisted the host ess - during the refreshment hour. SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pelater (Diane Gam ble) are being felicitated on the birth of a son, their first child, March 19,. at Naval hospital, Oak Grove, Wash. The baby has been named Stanley Duane. Jr. The father is third class petty officer in the Navy air corps, stationed at Whidby Is land, Wash. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Pelster, Silverton, and Frank Gamble of Mt. Angel, and maternal great grandmother is Mrs. Ed gar Hagennan of Alnsworth, Nebr. - - ' Crown Prince Sails From Japan for U. S. Yokohama, Japan U.n Crown Prince Akihtfo sailed today from Japan - for the United States and Great Brl-, tain, where he will represent his country at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth. The 18-year-old heir appar ent to the Japanese throne left Yokohama aboard the Ameri can luxury : , liner , President Wilson. ' Press Awards Won by Four CJ Staff Women Four Canital Journal staff members received awards in the annual contest of the Oregon Press Women, It was announced at the group's an nual spring workshop In Salem over the week-end. " 1 To Corabelle Hill went the first prize for best display ad vertisement To Margaret Mage went first place for beat feature ste rr In a daily. . - - Five first pluce awards went, to Marian Lowry Fischer, as follows:. Best news story In a daily, beat interview, best pub licity , and promotion work (foods section); best woman's page, and best column in a daily. . . v-k-KtA Vata T .X.nnn Express and correspondent for the Capital Journal from ut anon, received three first place awards: Best feature atory In a weekly; best editorial In a weekly; best special edition newapaper published er edited by a woman. , Others given first - place awards were: Elizabeth Salway Ryan, Portland, for best news story in a weekly, best feature story in a magazine, best col umn In a weekly. Rebecca Tar shls, Portland, best publication other than a newapaper or book edited by a woman. Josephine Barnett, Oregon City, best news picture In a newspaper, best feature picture In a newspa per.' At the election of officers, Marian Lowry Fischer of Sa lem was named president; Mrs. Mary Brown of the . Spokes man, Redmond, vice president; Corabelle Hills of Salem, sec retary: Katherln Harris of Lebanon, treasurer. Mrs. nscner was named delegate to the convention of the National Federation of Press Women in Los Angeles in early June. : Bend was named place for the fall workshop, in early Oc tober, i Closing the workshop here Sunday was 4 breakfast at the Senator. For the program, Leonard Rowan, and George Laird showed pictures taken while they were in service In Korea. Highlighting the Saturday Food Prices Drop in Portland in February Portland Vft Food prices dropped l.S per cent in Port land in February, the Bureau of Labor Statistic reported Saturday. Fruits, vegetables and eggs ledv the "decline. Meat prices dinner were a talk and collec tion of pictures by Duncan Me Roberta on his trip to India, China and Formosa. nded a five-month downward! trend by advancing two-tenth of a per cent.' : ;, . The February food price in dex for Portland was lll.J-19 per cent higher than three years ago. Prices during 1847 1049 are used a base of 100. tswRderfsl EsHsf for iTCNHiGCiiini Zuno, 4octor'i hlfhly mdiemted uti septki prompUy relMTte Hch. Mops aentehlas tnd k sids litttr hnllnt nd (twins U surfx sUn 7eHfl and scalp troubled -LEMV 18624 T One Part Glamour, One Part Thrift A 1 vneruii uiuiiiwui, wnc run fimit WEAStER HON. Liberty Salem, Oregon FASHIONS Get your free tickets for the" 1953 Pack- ard and many other valuable prizes. AV I SUJ.1 L color 5 1 v . 160 N. Liberty St. Salem, Oregon SALEM MERCHANTS Perky, New EASTER STRAWS THEN Caster's own favorite ALWAYS RIGHT anytime, anyplace ; i r Rough, shiny bonbon straws in pretty new shapes ... all dona up with roses, posies, veil ing, fascinating touch Mi Try on so many at Penney's right now . . . leva thorn all for Easter 298 SECOND FLOOR 1 -J-) IV V Half Sizes 75 39 7 Acefafe and Rayon BLOUSES eoutlfuj ... all In handsom . oft textur navy wool fabrics and they're cut and tailored with car worthy of such superb mate rial. Expensive looks . . .'don with slmpl lint, flawless detail. . Rayon rpa Nningt. Thes navy suits g o anywhre, anytime. .', ' lENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR at: 298 Hand woihoble blouses of ace tate and rayon ar tha talk of Hi Easter fashion parade. Whit, pastel and darjc tones. Sixes 32 to 44. SECOND FLOOR STORE HOURS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. - FRIDAY KITE TILL 9:00 P.M. V