Monday, March 30. 1958 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon I'wmitas 'Hi a Capita I ,.' Edited by MARIAN Duo Wed Saturday; To Be Feted Honoring her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mri. Lester . O. Talk (June R. Berdell), who were married Saturday, MM. X. E. Richmond, audited by her dauehter. Mr. Carl Neoei, entertaining at a reception this coming Thursday evening. The reception will be at tneir noma on North 25th street between - 8 and 11 o'clock. The couple were married at a ilmDle tervlce at 2 o clock Saturday afternoon at the home of the officiating pastor, the Rev. Phil Hurd, assistant nastor of the Court Street Christian church. Only the im mediate families attended the wedding. Mr. Falk is tne son of Mrs. Nellie M. Falk. Mrs. Hurd played the wed. , ding music. The bride wore a pretty champagne lac over taffeta dress, ballerina length with beige accessories. Her only Jewelry was a strand of pearls, ift from the bridegroom. She carried a white Bible with white orchid. The bride'a brother-in-law and slater, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Nebel, attended the couple. Mre. Nebel wore a cocoa brown lace over taffeta dress ballerina length, with beige accessories and her corsage was of Talis- man roses. ' For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Richmond wore a navy ' blue sheer with pink acces sories and a corsage of red roses. The bridegroom's moth' r wore a sheer green dress WiUi mavK HUVVBBurivv aim wu- sKe of red roses. - Following the service, there was an Informal reception at the home of the bride's moth er for the group attending the wedding. Mrs. W. E. Ross of Watertown, S. D., aunt of the : bride cut the cake. Mr. and Mrs. Rosa were here for the wedding. - - ' V The couple went to the coast for a few days, the bride wear ing a brown suit with beige accessories for traveling. They : will be at home at 1210 Icel court, Salem, after April 1. .. Garden Club Sets Future Activities Salem Heights Nineteen members attended the dessert luncheon when the Little Gar den Club of Salem Height! met last week at the home of Mrs. A. A. Taylor on Culver Line. Mrs.. Jot Van Cleave was the assisting hostess, The club decided to enter the camellia show, scheduled for April 4 and 5, at the Stan Baker ahow room. Plana were completed for the club'i lunch eon, to be April 8, at the home of Mm. John Ramage on Crols an Creek Road, at 12:80. On the committee are Mrs. Lyle Bayne, Mm. John Ramage, Mrs. Kenneth Zwlcker, Mrs. Charles Hageman, Mrs. L. L. Bennett, Mrs, Hunt Clark, and Mrs. E. A, Carleton. The Gar den Clubs In the south Salem area have been Invited to at tend. Named on the nominating committee were Mrs. John Douglas, Mrs. William Nelmey er and Mrs. X. A. Carleton. It was announced that the Oregon Federation of Garden Clubs convention would be on June 11 and 12, at the LLifleld college campus at McMlnnville and the National Council of State Garden clubs is slated for April 27, to May 1, at the Fairmont hotel In San Fran Cisco. Mrs. Joe Van Cleave and Mrs. A. A. Taylor won the hospitality award and Mrs. Bessie Hutchinson was a guest. Guest speaker on the pro gram was Paul Grlebenow, who spoke on rhododendrons and azealas. Square Dance Club , Salem Heights The Bells and Beaut Sauare Dance club will meet on Tuesday, March 81, at 8:00 p. m. at the Salem Heights Community ball for their party night. Don Reed, program chairman announced a surprise program Is being planned and plana are for all guest callers. : VISITORS here for the week are Mrs. O. H. Taylor of Port- innu aim ucr uuukiuct, mis. William Judivlne of Weiser, : ' Idaho. They are guests at the home of MM, Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. W. Davies. GSffllD c ftnTi Him Women LOWBT FISCHER aMa V Tells Engagement Miss Grace Lovelace, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lovelace of Co quille, recently announced her engagement to Dean Al lyn Walter, son of Mr. and Mm. Jesse A. Walter of Sa lem. Anniversary Observed Mr. and Mm. G. Grenz are observing their 40th wedding anniversary on , Wednesday, April 2. In celebration ox the event, they were honored at a surprise dinner Sunday at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moser, in Kings Valley. Family attending the gather ing Included Mr. and Mm. Grenz, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Eddy and Bobby; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blvens, Bobby and San dra; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grenz and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Moser and their children, Donald, Shirley, Maria and Carol. " i Dr. Love Gives Talk Before Club Dr. R. . Ivan Lovell related historical highlights about the kings and queens of England at the Salem Woman's club Fri day afternoon, emphasizing the reigns of Queen Elizabeth the Great, Queen Victoria and the present Queen Elizabeth. Mrs. Earl T. Newbry, Mm. , B. Dyrud end Mrs. Winifred Kurt .were voted into mem bership during the meeting that followed. Named on the nomi nating committee were Mri. Walter L. Spaulding, chairman, Mrs. John Carr, Mrs, Mem Pearce, Mri. Glenn Paxson and Mrs. Henry Hanzen. Plans were discussed for the state spring conference of Wo men's clubs to be in Salem April 8, Club members from all over the state are Invited to attend this workshop meeting. Quests included Mri, Theo dore Jenny, president of the Junior Woman's club, Mrs. Sam Campbell, Mrs. Ralph Atwood, Mrs. Douglai Hay, Mri. Gordon Graber and Mrs. R. Eugene Morrison, all members of the Junior Woman's club, Mrs. Paul Bramlett, wife of the su perintendent of Chemawa In dian school, Mrs. Dale Knight, Mrs. Dora Crltes of Newberg, Mri. John Mulr, Mri, John Maud. White tulips and candles dec orated the tea table and pour ing were Mm. Theodore Jenny and Mrs. Ralph Atwood. Mrs. Grant Rogers was chairman of the tea committee. , Plan New Bethel ' A new bethel of Job's Daugh. ten will be Instituted Monday evening at the Scottish Rite temple. The event will begin at 7:30 o'clock. MISS EDNA MINOCS will be hostess to the Past Regents club of Chemeketa chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, for a no-host luncheon on Tuesday. The group will meet at her home, 2693 Hulsey avenue, at o'clock. Tele-fun by Wirrait Goodrich "He seldom gels the right party. Can you Imagine using number list as aid as rhatt" , . .Why not got a free booklet for your local and out-of-town numbers at your Paclfio Telephone businesa office? Miss Howe Wed Here On Sunday The Court Street Christian church was the letting for the marriage of Miss Mary Ada. lalde Howe to William W, Co vert, Jr. on Sunday afternoon, March 29. Calla lilies and fern decorated the church, the Rev, Glen Vernon and the Rev. W. Harold Lyman officiating at the 8 o'clock ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mm. Ade lalde Howe of Camas, Wash., and the bridegroom is the ion of William W. Covert of Stay, ton. , Preceding the service. Miss Gloria Nandie sang, accompan ied by Maurice Brennen who also played the wedding music. Miss Janet DeWeese and Dale Ackerman lighted the tapers. The bride wore a white wed ding dress with satin applique on the lace bodice and long sleevei coming to points over the wrists. The skirt was of satin and fell Into a c o u r - length train. A pleated bonnet oi satin held the lac edged veil in place, and the bride car ried a white Bible topped with a white orchid and stephanotii. Mrs. Stan Smith, lister of the bridegroom, was .natron of honor and wore green taffeta dress. Her bouquet was cas cading one of white carnations. Miss Jane Plnkerton and Miss Marilyn Merz, sorority sisters of the bride, and Miss Wilma Aller were the bridesmaids and they wore dresses styled like the matron of honor's only they were in a lighter green color. Each carried a bouquet of white carnations. - ' Ruth Webb was flower girl and also wore a green frock. The bride'i .brother, Robert Howe, was best man and usher ing were Laval Olson and Don Scarborough, fraternity, broth ers of the bridegroom, Dale Klrsch, William Poole and Stan Smith, the bridegroom's broth er-in-law. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Howe wore a blue dress and wore a eonage of white roses. A reception followed the ceremony In the church par lors. Mrs. Maud Van Carmen, aunt of the bride, cut the cake and pouring were Mrs.' Vern Davis, the bridegroom's aunt, and Mrs. Nelle Thurber. Serv ing were Mrs. David Piatt, Mrs. Vern Hulett, Mrs. Laval Olson, and the Misses Donna Cheldel- In, Lola Brook, Marie Basl, Betty Royer, Ardith Roseberry and Mary McLauchlan. When the couple left on their wedding trip to the coast, the bride wore 'a ' navy blue suit wlthTJlue and white accessories and : a white orchid corsage. t H vi Y i . ; v , k IX 4 No. - s I --" ' 5 If , Hf M i ' W. i ( Sr-.-" i J ft fir; tj i '?4t. pr Wed ReeenUy Mr. and Mm. George MagarreU (PhyUls Music) were married recently at the FiMt Methodist church in Stayton. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Music of Aumsville and Mr. Margarrell is the ion of Mr. and Mm. Ron MagarreU of Sclo. (McEwan atudio picture) Spinsters Club Benefit Success More than 300 women at tended the Spinsters club's fashion ahow and benefit card party on Saturday afternoon at the Marion hotel. Dessert was served, follow ed by. the interesting showing of spring attire, then bridge games. The styles Were iroui the Fashloneiie. Miss Evelyn Johnson was general chairman for the benefit, the proceeds to go to the hospital projects of the club. Mrs. William Smith won the prize for the high score in bridge. Winning apecial prizes were Mrs. William Pettlt. Mrs. Robert M. Needhant, Miss Ma ria Dare, Mrs. Jack Friable, Mrs. James R. Phillips and Miss Ruth Skinner. MRS. NILA GRIMES became a new member of the Neigh bors of Woodcraft Friday eve ning. Delegates to the district meeting in Newberg were nom inated at the meeting. They will be at home at 1142 Leslie in Salem on April 13. Mrs. Covert was graduated from Willamette university in 1952 where she is a member of Alpha Chi Omega. Mr. Covert will graduate this June from Willamette university and is member of Sigma Alpha Epsl- lon social fraternity. 1S5 N. Liberty fhone 3-3191 1 lU'i'Ati T 'King Cotton' Named An event of Saturday eve. nlng was the annual Cotton ball presented by Trl-Y groups at the Salem senior high school. Dave. Johnson, son of Mr. anp Mrs. Charles H. John son, was chosen "King Cot- ton," and reigned over the 300 guests who attended. Miss Jesnnlne Graber was general chairman of the 'ball, i . . v, . IN CORVALLIS, Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. William E. Healy, accompanying their daughter, Miss Patricia Healy, who has returned to Oregon State college for . the spring term following the vacation week. . -.'. J.U.G. CLUB of the Neigh bors of Woodcraft will meet Wednesday at Mayflower hall for a no-host dinner at 6:30 o'clock. Guard and officer prac tice will follow. IN SPOKANE for the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam L. Phillips, Sr., Mr. Phil Hps being on business for the regional Boy Scouts organiza tion. 1 It "ASPIRIN WHS BEST ' j Special for, Easter . . ; With each box of Christian Dior stockings you receive a lovely satin Christian Dior stocking ease FREE of charge. Gift-wrapped of course! H ' 135 North Liberty "Miss Dior" Diorama ' Hi Dior's two stocking shades that perfecO and literally complement every costume color I "Miss Dior", the subtly-soft beige; "Diorama", the smoky-soft taupe. Both, available ini OR--511S . . . "OR-S1XTY" (6015) (tapered bee!) "ARGENT-CO" (6015) (new small French heal) ll.6Sftfl.9S Open Friday Night TH 9 INTRODUCING THE NEW WARDAMATIC AUTOMATIC WASHING AT 249.95 $10 Down on Titan WordomoUe woshlnfl U wonderful--to eory md fast. Put deter gent and soiled domes in the WardamaHc, select hot or warm water and set time control. You can hare the rest of the doy for leisure. Your WardamaHc will wash, deep rinse, spray rinse 3 times (all warm water rinses), spin dry and shut itself off all outomatkalry. Gentle agitator action oets domes really dean exclusive "Select-A-Fill" control saves hot water, soap. Top-load-' mo no stooping or bending. Vibration free can be installed on any nounal floor, no bolting down or remodeling needed. mmrn ITS FINEST