I In the Valley . I L DJIiaJ It UIVW VADDDO S i'lmn i in mi hi ii mill 1 1 iiiiiiiirinfcida iiiiiMfciiw ii i winnumwiwwin Egg Hunt for Ml. Angel Tots ' Mt. Angel American Le gion Auxiliary members met at a builnesi session Tuesday eve ning In the Memorial Hall to complete plans for their an' nual Easter Egg Hunt and bake sale, both scheduled for April 4, Saturday before Eas ter. . The Easter Egg Hunt will be held in the afternoon on the lawn of President Mrs. Gene Holier. Members are asked to donate colored eggs for the 'hunt, and all members' chll dren, six years and younger! are invited to attend. . . Mrs. Peter Gores was named chairman of the bake sale. which will be held at the Stiff's Furniture Store, starting at I a.m. Saturday. Mrs. Mae Heggie, Mrs. Er nut Crowder and Mrs. Ira . Herrlford were appointed by the president to serve on the nominating committee. The unit voted to send a copy of the Mt. Angel News to the Veter ans Hospital in Portland. Mrs, i2 Micht. gave a report on the banquet in honor of the . national preslent held In Salem last Saturday. Poppy Poster chairman, Mrs. : Fred Lucht, announced she had contacted the Monitor and Mt, Angel schools in regard to the poppy poster contest. It was i voted to order 80 window pos ters for display before Mem orial Day. A copy' of the new book, "The Vatican and the Krem lin,' dedicated to all the Amer ican Veterans by the local unit, will be presented to Mount An gel Women's college at the time the awards for the Ameri can Essay contest are made. The unit also voted to pur chase five copies of the book, "Key to Peace" to present to the city library and to the va rious school libraries In Mount Angel and Monitor. SHIPSTRDS m NOTICE! BECAUSE OF EXTRA HEAVY DEMAND FOR TICKETS, SUGGEST YOU ORDER YOURS NOW WHILE CHOICE SEATS ARE STILL AVAILABLE 10 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE SEEN ICE FOLLIES! all-new 17U1 edition! 031 i This Cavaon Eves. 8:311 P.M. MatlntM Sat, 3:30 No Sun. Fvr. fcsj Follies of 1 953 Mall Order Application PORTLAND ARENA, N.W. 20th and MARSHALL fmloMd h check Monty otder O - " t f ,1c, nhm l Mot,.- JJ M . $3.00 $2.50 $1 JO, Tax lad. tvt. Mot. lit choke W2nd chotco No Addnu cay ; Please endow stamped LECTROLUX fy VACUUM CLEANER p XOIk if with 7 Attachments! I try rfl9iar J OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE IN SALEM THIS WEEK Writ or Phona NOW! FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION Hubbard Hubbard Members of Thalia Refbekah lodge voted to help with sup; jrt of an IOOF float In the Rose Parade, Tues day evening. A Cakewalk will be held at the next meeting, April 14, to raise the lodge's share for the project. Announced were the dates of the Rebekah assembly in Portland, May 19, 20 and 21. i Refreshments were served by Mrs. Charles Vredenburg and Mrs. Harry Reed. The ta bles featured spring bouquets with tall rad tapers and small baskets filled with Easter eggs. Members of the Ladies' aid of the Hubbard community church will clean the church March SI. They met Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. L. Murphy. Devotional! for the day were led by Mrs. John Morrison, as slated by Mrs. Glen Hunter. Mrs. George Leffler and Mrs. W. T. Lord reported on chapters from "These Rights we Hold". , itev. m. H. Hastings was present and with the members set the first Sunday in May for dedication of the woman's gift. e also thanked the aid f supporting the Oregon Coun cil of Churches. Co-hostess for the day was Mrs. N. A. Mann, Next meeting will be at home of Mrs. E. C. Boyd, April 8. Mrs. Ivy Martin was honored on her 78th birthday with a party and "Sweet Sixteen" birthday cake last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. June Billing- ton, with Mrs. X. C. Boyd as co-hostess. Several neighbors were present for the party. Mrs. Robert Leith of Aurora is now Avon representative for the Hubbard area. ratum WSCS Pratum Women of the Prat- um Womens Society of Chris, tian Service who attended the district meeting at Dallas were Mrs, Ray Lllley, Mrs. Glen Olson, Mrs. Harvey Mey er, Miss Wllma deVries, Mrs. Oscar Wlgle, Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Bruce, Mrs. Harold deVries. JOHIISOn Now an HUNT MISS IT! . Tern PObr,"0""1 (5fi mh P., ; "I'm '. 1:3 A CIO TM. Mion self-addressed anaUs. SCJ 23 "-J Woodburn Woodburn The regular monthly meeting of the Woodburn Cub Scouts was held Thursday evening at the Washington school Instead of the regular date of Friday. Awards presented' to the boys by Cub-master Ralph E, Pickering included: Johnny Connell, wolf badge, wolf gold arrow and two silver arrows; Mlcheal Renn, bear badge, gold and silver arrows; Charles Tyler, bear silver arrow. Two new boys were added to the membership roll, Danny McDermott and Clif ford Terry The next meeting will be AprU 24. Mrs. ' Myrtle Peterson ol Napervllle, Illinois, and Miss Martha Neilaon of Gordon. Neb., left Wednesday for their homes after visiting Mrs. Peterson's sister, Mrs. Ivy Donner at Woodburn and her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Donner. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hoefer have returned to their home here from a vacation in Southern California after an absence of about two months. They visited relatives and did considerable sight seeing in cluding attendance at a mam moth flower show and several radio and television shows, They also visited at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lantz at Corcoran, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Widmer of Woodburn returned home recently following a three, weeks visit with their daugh ter, Mrs, Wayne Yoder, and family of Northrldge, Calif. Dr. Claire Renn, recently of San Francisco, Calif., la visit lng in Woolburn with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Renn, Dr. Renn will leave April 8, to Seattle and from there will go by ship to Anchorage, Alaska, where she will practice. A medical doc tor she practiced in the Bay area for the past 18 years. Glen Ahre of Woodburn and George Berg of Canby left Tuesday morning for San Francisco, Calif., to transact business In connection with the Butteville Insurance Co. They also visited Palo Alto and are expected home this week. Rev. Arthur Goble of Woodburn spoke Monday night at the Crusaders youth rally of Foursquare church of Pugent Sound area at Che- halls, Wash. Clair LaBarr, who has com pleted hla boot training at San Diego, arrived Wednesday to spend 14 days with his par ents Mr, and Mrs. P. I LaBarr. Jamboree Draws 9 Lebanon Scouts Lebanon Nine Boy Scouts of this area have announced that they will attend the na tional Jamboree July 17-23 at Irvine Ranch, Calif. Total coat of the trip Is $195 each, and the nine youths - are seeking work to aid In meeting the ex pense. Scout officials, are appealing to residents for Jobs for these boys which will include weed. lng, spading and other small chores. Money for such tasks Is not to be paid to the boys, but is turned over directly to Howard Berger at the Bank of Lebanon, who keeps it In a fund for payment of the trip costs, A community wide court of honor for Scout troops and Ex, plorer Scout post will be held at Green Acres school Tuesday, April 7 at 7:30 p.m. Among troops and post to be represent ed will be four from Lebanon and single troops from Salt Lake, Waterloo and Liberty districts. Merit badges will be award ed at that time, said William Baldwin, scouting official. 2 Year Guarantee "The Northwest's Most Popular Vacuum Cleaner 8torea" ST ARKS 12 S. E. Grand Ave. PORTLAND 14, ORE. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Mardi Gras for Cubs at Dallas Dallas "Here Comes the Mardi Gras" was the theme Friday night at the Lyle school when the Cub Scouts of Dallas held their annual parade and circus. Following a parade in which all Cub Scouts participated, the attending group was addressed by Cub Master Gerald Zahnle, who presented prizes for the winning costumes and awards earned during the past year by Dallas Cub Scouts. Zahnle stressed the fact that in order to carry out the Cub Scouting program in Dallas during the following year it will be necessary for five or six mothers of Cubs to accept posts as den mothers. It was also announced by Zahnle that a cub master will be needed for the coming year. Zahnle. who has led the pack for the past two years, will be forced by other obligations to give up his post for one year, and then -resume hla activity at a later date. Awards given at the meeting were: Wolf award, David Wal dorf; bear award, Treat De Newcomb; lion award, Timmy Bartel; gold arrow award, Da vid Waldorf, Philip Wilson, Carl N. Fauset, Larry McEl, roy, Timmy Bartel; silver as row award, Larry Bollman, John Mean, Philip Wilson, Biff Dodge, David Yeo; denner stripe, Michael Gentry, Dennis Jackson, Bobby Hague, Dwlght Smith, Russel Spady; assistant denner, Carl Fauset, Timmy Bartel, Erich Shetterly, Trent De Newcomb; service star, Lar ry Bollman, and den chief cord, Billy McCleary. Monmouth Monmouth Mr. and Mrs. John Hergreaves have pur chased the Neal property at 155 W. Clay St. and moved in this week. They, came from Lyons. Their two children will attend OCE this term. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Campbell left Thursday evening by train for an extended visit with their daughter, Mrs. Vernon Nichols, in Princeton, Mo. Mrs. Nich ols came to help celebrate her parenst' 45th wedding anniver sary, and all are traveling to gether. Another daughter of the Campbells, Mrs. Vera San sing, came from San Mateo, andvls leaving Friday for Bay Minette, Ala., to make her home with her daughter. J. O. Russell of Turner was a dinner guest of his brother, J. L. Russell and Mrs. Russell, and sister, Blanche Russell, Wednesday. Mrs. Sidney Howard was named by the Polk county fair board to serve as superintend en . of the community booths for the fair. Mrs. Anna Mathany, who is confined to the Anderson hos pital at Corvallis as result of a fall at her home two weeks ago, is improving and may be able to return home soon, one suffered a broken arm and back Injury. Scoffs Mills Scotts Mills A large num ber of cousins and friends of Ralph John Splonski came to help him celebrate his sixth birthday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Splonski, Monday afternoon, March 23. Mrs. Bill Kraxberge of Myr tle Creek is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ettlin. , A conservation district meet ing is to be held at the Scotts Mills grade school Thursday, April 2, commencing at 8 p.m., county extension agent Hallls Ottaway announced. All landowners and others Interested in soil conservation are urged to attend this meet ing. A new well was dug recently at the water supply site to aug ment the city's water supply. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Millard attended the funeral Tuesday of Mrs. Millard's mother, Mrs. H, D. Topper, who passed away at her home near Albany. Fairview Falrview The arrawannah needle club' met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Allison Thursday afternoon. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Steven Benedict, Mrs. Marlon Boulden, Mrs. Scott Ed wards, Mrs. Ersel Bubser, Mrs. John Heffley, Mrs. Glen Mc Farlane, Mrs. Raymond Palm er, Mrs. Carl Wood and Mrs. John Allison. , The next meeting will be at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Scott Edwards. mn UIU00N 1A 40 USSONS 40 10.00 Full Price Special Paul Armstrong Studios tea 10 UL H 10 p.R. 1SS i llkerrj N. 2 7523 Dayton Dayton Mr. and Mrs. L. R, Alderman returned home Sat urday after spending four months at Newport Beach, Calif. While In California they were visited by several Day' tonltes who were also vacation' lng In the south. ' Mrs. W. S. Hlbbert entertain' ed with Sunday dinner honor lng her daughter, Mrs. Floyd Willert, on her birthday anni versary. v Others enjoying the day were another daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Helder and sons, Steve and Frltx; and a granddaughter, Pat Willert Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wright and children spent Sunday with her sister and family, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Barnes at Woodburn. Electa chapter, OES, met In the Masonic hall on Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Ed ward Clow, worthy matron and worthy patron, presiding. The evening honored the past matrons and past patrons of Electa chapter. It was announced that Chel- owan chapter will be honor guests at the next meeting, on April 14. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Ruby Fern, to Johnnie Harold Wasson of Carlton. . Mr, Wasson, who is with the U. S. navy In San Diego, Calif., u uie son ol Mr. and Mrs. John Wasson of Carlton. No definite date has been set for the wedding, Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Taylor were their children, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sutton of Milwaukie and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Harris of Eu gene. ' Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutton and son, Charles, , of Willamina last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Earl Lofton is confined to her home because of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Orange Willard spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Boyer at Oak ridge. Mrs. Clarence Covington and daughters were guests of her sister, Mrs. Ha Paris and fam ily Sunday. Wendell Willard, Sr., has been confined in the McMlnn vlUe hospital this past week with pneumonia. He expects to be able to return home the last of the week. Ballston assisted, by Mrs! Clark Moon! j entertained tne Sew and Social ciub at her home March 20, Refreshments were served to Mrs. Ed Miller, Mrs. Elwood Small, Mrs. Mae Yokum, Mrs. Roby Duly, Mrs. Lily Bowman, Mrs. George Gardner, Mrs, Do neva Mellema, Miss Elsie Tay lor, Mrs. Charles Kadell, Mrs. Lizzie Bissel, Mrs. Fred Edson, Miss Myra Edson, Mrs. Ezra Kilmer, Mrs. Jerome Reece, Mrs. Howard Shafer, Mrs. Har ry Kaltenback, Mrs. Bob Brooks and Mrs. Martin Van Gross. A large crowd attended graveside services for Zeta Ed na Miller at the Greencrest cemetery Monday, March 23, which were in charge of Clough Barrick of Salem. . Rev. Evertt Gardner of Sher idan was the minister. Zeta lived her early life in Ballston and had been ill many years. Mrs. Elwood Small fell In, her , home and broke her toe. I She was taken to McMlnnvlUe 1 for x-rays and treatment Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edon left 1288 STATE ST. RANDALL'S FINE MEATS ALWAYS THE BEST MEAT VALUES These prices effective till further notice. Bay with confidence! We guarantee you the best value for your money . always. Plan to i buy a week's supply! Any of our retail cuts double wrapped for year locker FREE! ) BEEF FOR YOUR LOCKER FANCY EASTERN Front Quarter Half or Whole Hind Quarter :32' fc-36"fc::30' ,.. ' FANCY U. S. GRADE A GOOD LIGHT STEER BEEF Front Quarter Half or Whole Hind Quarter Eastern Oregon Hereford Arm Blade Romp BEEF ROAST RIB STEAK SPECIAL Freshly Ground HAMBURGER BEER HEART or Extra Lean Ground Round this week for a trip to Califor nia and other points of Interest. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg of Eugene were here to attend the funeral of Mr. Gregg's niece, Zeta Miller, Jess Butler has returned following three weeks spent for treatment In the McMlnnvlUe hospital. Mrs. Ruby Dooly of Portland is assisting in the care of Mrs. Mae Yokum who recently suf fered a broken arm, Mrs. George Gardner and Mrs. Doneva MUlema attended a project leaders meeting in Dallas on Ready Mixes. They will demonstrate it at the home of Mrs. Howard bnai r at an all day meeting start ine at 10:80 AprU 2. Dick De Jong, Sr., is quite ill at his farm home south of Ballston. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jarmon of Turner were week end guests at the Howard Shafer home. Another of a series of card parties was held by the IOOF lodge Saturday evening with four tables of 500 in play. High scores were made by Mrs. Jerome Recce and Merton Bissel. Silverton School Hears Career Talks Silverton Robert Miller, dean of boys of the Silverton high school, reported the pro gram for career day, Wednes day. E. B, Lemon, dean of ad - minirtratlon of Oregon State college, was the keynote speak - er of the opening assembly, conducted by Howard George, principal of the high school. Dean Lemon . emphasized three important points in se lecting a career, faying that one should be in love with the vocation selected, and is will ing to pay the price for suc cess after making a careful evaluation of one's capabilities. More than 25 speakers from Salem, Silverton, Corvallis and Portland participated in the various sectional meetings which were conducted by stu dent leaders. , The speakers were luncheon guests of the students at the high school cafeteria. . Fruitland Frultland Mrs. J. Mattson, Mrs. K. Bruce, Mrs. M. Lucas were hosts to the .Frultland Women's Circle at the church Mrs. Thomas was In charge the business meet- ing. i After refreshments were served to the 28 women present a plant sale was held. Fruitland . Women's Society of World Service had their election of officers. Those elected for the year are, president, Mrs. OrvUle Rehfeld; vice president, Mrs. Kenneth O. Runner; secretary, Mrs. Herbert Hilke; treasurer, Mrs. Anthol Riney. Aluminum .deposits discov ed in Jamaica in the West In dies In 1942 are expected to yield 320 million tons of ore. Now Showing : Open 6:45 Bay Bolser-Dorls Day "APRIL IN PARIS" , . Abe Rod Cameron "WAGONS WEST" SALEM, OREGON Eastern Oreron s I Round and T-Bone sPaf 39 I BEEF STEAK ,,, 59' Lb. While They Last I fresh Country Stj lb 391 SAUSAGE TONGU E 59' Lean Tender BEEF CUBES Lb. Aurora Aurora The new educa- tional unit of Christ Lutheran church at Aurora is Hearing completion and Rev. L. C. Lelkauf and members of the conm-egation are planning to conduct Easter Sunday serv ices in the new building. Re ception of new members will be a special feature of the Easter service. Communion service is scheduled for Maundy Thurs day, April 2, at 8 p.m., and a special Good Friday service will be held at 10 a.m. April 8. Easter festival service is scheduled for 11 a.m. April 6. Mr. and Mrs. David DuRette of Aurora are parents of a son, their third, born Tuesday, March 24, in Hutchinson hos pital. Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. vernon jiepier of Marks Prairie, cast of Au rora, are parents of a son, weighing 9 pounds 12 ounces, born at Hutchinson hospital, March 24. . . Tommy Crlsell, 22 months, son of the Glenn Crisells, Un ion HUl district, north of Au rora, suffered nose injuries while playing Sunday at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Gibson in Can- by- ... . 1 Young Tommy stuffed a dry navy, bean up one nostril and had to be taken to an Oregon City hospital and given a gen eral anaesthetic before a phy sician could remove the bean. 'if ii II I f. M 0707 0101 1 9 Hubbard CecU McCarty was crowned "Daddy St Pat rick" by his daughter Joy at the annual daddy night of the North Marlon chapter of FHA, Wednesday night. Peter Kleczynski, father of Frances, received a gift for "daddy ; with the longest name". Al Barendse was awarded a gift for looking most like his daughter, Nella,, and William Brown received a gift for com ing the greatest distance with his daughter, Shirley. . . Junior awards were present ed to Bonnie Hathaway, Sandra Eppers, Darlene Burnham, Beverly Copeland and Shirley Moore, The welcome was given by La Donna Sather, president of the chapter, following a lolo by Myrna Foltz. The dinner was served by members of the FFA. Group singing was led by Mary Wettsteln. A dress review by the soph omores and juniors and a skit "Strictly Confident", were un der the direction of Beverly Copeland anc" Shirley Moore. Connie Beard was guest mu sician who also sang a duet with Judy Alberi. Mrs. Jack McLaughlin is ad- Thohi 2-7829 1 MliiH MIDlNi, HWHWAT ft J Gates Open 6:45 Show at 7:15 Ends Tuesday! "MY SON JOHN" Helen Hayes Van Beflin Plus "UNDER THE -'REP SEA" Friday Is the Big Nile! PHONE 3-6489 OREGON HEREFORD Hereford 49c Lb. Style 39' .Lb. 39c Lb. 59' Lb, Monday, March SO, 1953 viser' of the North Marlon chapter. Committee chairmen for the evening included, Judy Albers, in eharge; Janice Ray, decorations; . Joanne Evans, clean up, and Joan Solberg, food. ,: Wheatland Wheatland Mrs. J. S. Gil key, chairman of the Wheat land Red Cross collections, as sisted by Mrs. Roy LaFollette, completed their work Tuesday contacting the 30 famines In the district and took the total of $49 to the Yamhill county chapter Wednesday.- ' 1st Lt. James Gilkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gilkey of Wheatland district, returned home Tuesday morning. He had been in the U.S. air service three years., He received his discharge at Ogden, Utah. , , He expects to return to his position with the , Simpson Lumber company at Forest Grove April 1. Grand Island Grand Island Mr. and Mrs.. Dale L. Fowler entertained at their home with a canasta par ty Friday; Five tables were in play. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flnnicum, Mr, and Mrs. Ersel Gubser, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pilcher, Mr. and Mrs, L. T. Pomeroy, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rockhill, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sargeant, Mr. and Mrs. victor x. scoggan, .Mr. ana Mrs. Cecil Will, Mr. and Mrs. Worth Wiley, Mr. , and Mrs. Pale L. Fowler. . . ; PHOKia.s7ta ' Jaraea Stewart Janet Leigh "NAKED SPUR" Mickey Rfloney ' Petty Ryan , In Technicolor 'ALT, ASHORE" PHONC 1SOSO Academy Winner Anthony Qainn In Technicolor "CITY BENEATH THE 8EA" f: ' Dale Robertson "SILVER WHIP" PHONt S-S72I Filmed in Africa; "CRY, THE BE LOVED COUNTRY" Academy Winning Co-Featurette! "LIGHT IN THE WINDOW" Mat Dally From 1 P.M. I "MA I i ENDS TODAY! "MAN BEHIND THE GUN" & "RUBY GENTRY" TOMORROW! AT BARGAIN PRICES! THE LITTLEST ROUGHNECK EVER TO STEAL YOUR HEARTI WIDMARK " lii t Wat. atom wiwsiow auowy tottw CO-FEATURE! (arieton(AMNTT5 1 nwii'Miirr Mil aVIIW WKttJI "jj 1 PLUMP YOUNG HENS 8J) 49c 1 Dressed and Drawn ... . Lb. CARTOON Newt i Toll Fbeae EA 4101