Monday, March 80, 1953 DENNIS the MENACE" Hi ffl - I CANT. XsBUSmD.' BUILDING MATERIALS SPRING , IS HERE Build Now and Savel axS-W ShMtrock 11.40 sheet 4x8 " ShMtrock ... .$1.40 Shut .11.90 Sheet 4x8 W ShMtrock ... Knotty Floe Paneling . Oood Oak Flooring ... I Stab Bhlnglee , ...,U0 Foot 4110 11 ..f.N squan .FREE DELIVERY . OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY . C & K LUMBER YD, LAJfCASTZR CKNTER PH. 3-H00 maao1 DOORS DOORS DOORS putU from .fi to I.N. Back 4om $.9t. kftvbof&nr, wueu tram w, and Mrcb alibi priori right Manr in tock, tak roar pick. Oak Floorinf. all vradat, In hi atad room. t plywood - oodlei k oodlti - 4x1 or cat to your iut. gtxttit in now 1.10, 1.38. Carload In food rejecti at orairdar low nrlca. . Bootlni - ThlcfcbutU, RoD Rooflnr all f top quality, aoakat, TO Bar BMint ' ill6.00 to 69.50. Cadar Panal 1M.M, . Himloek Panel l.t0 to 1M.M. Wallboardf, Una rarlatr, low aa 1.40 ahMt. Hardboarrfa l.M tat. Wi Cheerful titlmattnt icrrka. Mod aratit with amall monthly paymanti BOthlnc 4own. Coma In and visit. vrun auu vni oni unum rut wtuia nuau jjuiui-r .uu 4t) Portland ltd. Phono 4443) ma : rnce wax atraraa trap tollflta, ooinplito ..3&W 30"il" Waih Baalna 111.50 Cait Iron bath tuba, oompleto ..ftf.50 40-ial. water heater 4)72.50 Hew 4" aoU pipe .10 Mew ahower cablneta complete ..I43.C0 lfedlclno cablneta, 14"z34" ....$ 1X0 BOO tal. veptlo tanks $63.80 TJnpalnted cedar ihakei ,......$ 6.16 Pslnted cedar ahakei ........$ 9.76 Overhead garage hardware ..I1S.M Witrproof wall board, 4zt ,...g 130 Plywood. Interior exterior .Cheap, a tab conip. roofing .! Steel garage doori complete) ...065.W No. 1 doors, JT'xt'l" I tt.M Hew door Jambs 1.80 Chicken house, barn windows. .Special Hew picture windows , $ 1.00 Hew weatherstrlpped windows. ..$14.30 Mew door locks Hj00 Xxterlor white paint gal. $3.95 Hew plasterboard, 4x1 .$1.40 HARDWOOD PLYWOOD Imported light woods and dark wood, y" and Perfect lor natural olor wall paneling and kitchen cab inets. Prices close to fir plywood. . C. G. LONG & SONS Phone 4&081 (1 mile North of Kelxcr) ma NURSERY STOCK PBIMXOBEH A DELPHINIUMS 3 50 4k foe. Peonya ft phlox, 10 colors and lietlecs; boxwood, heather, daphne, camellias fe rhodes. Merrill's Oreen house, Brooks. mb78 COMB IN and see our line of garden sup plies, shrubs and bedding plants. Roto tlller, work. Middle Oroya Nursery, 4130 SMvertott Rd. mb7e MOKTHWEflTERV strawberry olants. new patch. 3 miles N.W. of woodburn. r. c. siover, ru i, box no, wooooDrn. mb78 lUNSlEB, 11.00 doieni primroses, 25c each. Other plants reasonable. Mile mi rruiviana tcnogi. onu urecu house, Rt. 6, Box 808, Sstem. mb78' For Sole MISCELLANEOUS PIECE walnut dlnlns set. Pour piece bedraom set. Including springe and mattress, Drapes, draw drape. Hoover Tacuum cleaner. Curtain stretcher. 3-7029. n78 BOTTLE OAS range. Oood condition. Also other household goods. Call 43744. n7fl SPINET PIANO Use new, reduced $375. The Music Center, 470 M. Capitol. phone 3-B371. n78' NEW SINGER ELECTRIC walnut cabinet sewing machine dem onstrator. Round bobbin, knee or foot control. Sews forward and reverse. Mew machine guarantee. $31.80 off new price, sinier Sewing Center no N Commercial. n78 USED SINGER dropheed treadle aewlnt machine, A-l condition and guaranteed. Full price 14.40 .sinter Sewlnl Center, ISO H. CommerclaL n7C nw AND oaed chain 111 for aal. and rent. Alao complete repair aemce. Valley Weldlni Supply Co. n7( MAHOGANY furniture: 1 Warflald drop leaf Ubla, 1 Brandt coflee table, 1 pie crust table, 1 Brandt eonaol, table, 1 ' email bookcaaa. Call I-4H0. n7( f BOOMS of furniture. Including almoet . saw telerlalon aet. km Peruana Road. n74 FOR SALE 13-oc. Taroa wtliht before treated. atroni, Lap-telled double atltched ' aeama. Qrommcta aat ln haarr rala ' forced patches, jpaeed 41 in. apart. rr MB rur looo . lrnc is" Uany Other suae Priced Aocordlnely Sportlne oood. Dept. MARS. ROEBUCK A CO. 110 N. Capitol nTT EXCELLENT BARNYARD fertiliser. Ph. ((400 or 43907, tl7t Journal Want Ads Pay By Ketcham For Sole MISCELLANEOUS FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, composts, the same quality as last year, for home and garden. Flagstones, red lara stone and other types for walls or gardens. Rus tic cedar fencing end trellis work. rnuups Bros.. Rt, s, Box 403, Salem, Ph. 4-3081. n Roller and ball bearings for trucks and tractors. 3775 suverton Road. n TOP SOIL ' River tut and fin dirt, promptly ociivory. rnons 3171,. - n7B' USED waahing machines, (9.9S and up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 371 ChS- meketa. n 440 ALLOWED for your old watar heater on this new 43-gallon autometlo elec .trie water heater. Teeter Appliance. 370 Chomeksta, Ph. 3-4311. n MaGULLOCH CHAIN SAW, 404 Xdfe- water, will Salem. Belem Logging sup- plr. Ph. 4-1ML DRY POULTRY FEETILIXER U Terr food for lawna and eair to apread. Br seek or yard. Phiuipe Brae.. Ph. 410(1. n PEETILIEER Puivgrtaed, rotted manure, delivered anywnen. 3-0774 or 4-4073. n74 Gravel and Sand Anything Ln aravel, wholeiale and retail. VALLEY SAND at GRAVEL CO. Ph. 3-1003. n' CERAMIC FIRING o par eu. inch. 1330 Liberty Rd. all REV Weitmehouae aewiwi maehlnee on all floor sample!, save ma to 40. YEATZEs APPL1AMC1 CO, 371 Ch meketa. - n PLASTI-KOTE requlree no waxing. For your floori or linoleum. YEATER AP PLIAHCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n' CEDAR TELEPHONE and electric polea, fence poate, Dean poau and atakea. Phillip. Broi., Rt 4, Box 443, 1 mile, eaat of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-30(1. n REFRIGERATORS. NEW and uaed. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 371 Cha meketa. n cow FERTILIZER $5 yard, (t load. mono anvil. n7( DEEPFREEZE bona treeiera. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 371 chemeketa. n REDUCED! $10 per day until sold. USED ONE S INCH DRUM TYPE FLOOR SANDER. 300 SHEETS OF SPEED ORTT PAPER. THIS PAPER ALONE IS WORTH (1(0. Starting price Feb. 26, $575 MARCH 31 . $285 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT if COURT STS, PHONE Mill (Wo orre SdtH oreen stampa) HOIFITAL BED for aala or rent. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-alH. n- PLY. MOTOR Will fit '36 to TS. Olve nve an offer. 439 Marlon. n70' APABTMENT SIZE (u ranee. Apply 3!0 SO. 13th. 3-7140. Ill OROANIO FERTILIZER. Free of weed aeeda, and odorlesa. Sack or bulk or .lera dellTered. phone S-8137. nil Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Walnut meats, and walnuts In shell. Highest cash price on delivery. MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKINO CO. 480 N. Pront 8t Salem Ph. 3-7833 na RUBBER BOAT. 3-men else. Ph. 34407. na7" WOODRY WANTS Pianos. Phono 3-tllO. na' ELECTRIC RANGES, WoodryT Ph. 3-5110. na LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Lenlths C 4" or ir I". Diameter 4" to 14". Sawmill Lniiths IT and lonier. Diameter I" to (0". Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Phone 1134 na PERSONAL ANYONE KNOWING the whereabouts of Harriet Jackson, sometimes known as Harriett Jackson, one time of Balem, Oregon, Is reeuested to communicate Wlin cue onoersianMi. The Canada Permanent Trust Com Deny. 1778 Bcarth Street, Resin a, Sas katchewan, Canada. P78 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Group No, 1. 30SS N. .Commercial. Ph. 1.9(19 or 1-4537. w.- AUTOMOBILES 19 PLYMOUTH, lood condtlen, (19S. 4-0013. tin Aorama A... 94 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe, completely .quipped. A-l condition. 1190. 4(34 N. River Rd. QIC PRIVATE PARTY WANTS TO BUY '47 to '(1 p aliens ar car, of will trade wuir. aedan in A-l anapa lot equity. Phone 113(4. .71 IBM CHEV. 1 doer delu. Fleetllne. Power OUde, heater, Cleen lnatde and out. Private owner. I1K4. Call 45333. q7C 1449 CUSTOM FORD aedan Y-S, radio. heater, lew vauomb, eleaa. Phone l-te3. qai NEIV 1901 Chevrolet 4-door do hue ae- din. rjoe miles, sou am uat ptko. Call Salem 3-1479. q7( IS MERCURY 4 door, radio, heater, ood condition, will take older car ln trade. Phone 30110. .77 MUST SELL one of two cars. '49 Cher. 3 door deluxe with heater, SI.050. 'bo Ford 1 door V-4, F AH . (1.300. Both la A-l condition. See at 1740 Waller. .77 SACRIFICE EQUITY for quick eale In 43 Fordomatlc cuatom tudor oeaan, 1-1334. 111' (9 FONTIAC, hrdramatlc deluxe, new tlrea. new paint. One owner car. can be seen at 111 Sc. Hllh. (( FAKM IQUffMtNT SAVE $$$ ; SAVE$$$ '; : New FarmaU "H" ......... . . . ... . Save $360 NeW OS-4 .... ......... .... ..... .Save $450 OS-6 (Used 100 hrs.) ............Save $600 ' . 25-V Mower (Like New) .... . . . .Save $ 90 5' Rubber Tired Disc . .". ........... Save $165 TD-6 with blade (complete overhaul excellent condition) , ... Save $1700" PACIFIC EQUIPMENT CO. "International Harvester Dealer" 14 Mile Post on Hiwiy No. 99W 4 Miles West of Tlgui t Rt. 4 Box 74 . Sherwood, pre. AUTOMOBILES $ for $ You Can't Beat Our Cars For Value TONTIAC B. Ml.n Tfvrirn. UAH .t9t .(loot .41091 .(1390 .(1300 .(IMS ..! 41 Sedan, Hydro, R&H 'SO Sedan, 1-dr., Hydro, RH '44 Sedan, Hydro, ROB ' Sedan, R&H it sedan, RH '47 Sedan, RH CHEVROLET 10 BelAlr, O.D., RAH ......... NASH h';- t0 Sedan, O.D., RAH FORD '47 Sedan, Heater , '41 Sedan. Heater H PLYMOUTH '40 CHEVROLET 40 PACKARD INTERNATIONAL PICK-UP PLYMOUTH .11190 .lift .441 ..I39S ,..(9S .S19S .(19S ,.439 .(S " ALWAYS THE BEST ', FOR LESS AT KELLY OWENS Co. 880 N. Liberty Pb. 2-4113 .74' 'II CHEVROLET. 3-door. "Power OUde,' deluie. See at shell Service Station, 13 Ui and Ulaalon. , 7S 1(4 CHEV. coach. Phona 3-1309. 1373 Third, weat Salem. no- 1N7 PLYMOUTH ooupe. clean and atur. AT throuihout. can be aeon at ie II. Sth. I .70 1((S PLYMOUTH 3-door, (ood trarupor. tatton. rnone a-rwo. FOR SALE OR TRADE Oood 1030 Bulck Mdan. Heater, radio, defroater and apotlltht. (100. Phona 4-1703. .77' 1947 BUICK SEDAN Clean, food dltlon. Phone 3-0404 after 4. BLUE 104S DE SOTO aedan. Clean car, has everytnini. ii,iso. pnon. yosss avenlnts. q7fl 1491 "3001 DE LUXE Packard, 4-door se- oen. uitramatic nve, unacr ti,wu miles. (3300. 3040 Hiahway Ave. .7( WELL MAKE sood deal on 1949 Chrysler Hiehlander. Every accessory, perfect condition. Will take older ear In trade. Call 39139 dare, ask for Del. q7(- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co. experts will solve your prob lems and aave you money. Free eitl mates, speedy service. Center at Lib erty. TRUCKS IMS DODGE 1 ton, with ran. 46M14 duale. A-l shape. Phone 4-9043, or 4-350!. 0d7( FOR SALE 1991 "(" F-S dump truck. No trade, no phone calls. Best offer takes. Can be seen 3315 Portland Rd. od7S SPECIAL AUTO USED PARTS Motors, radiators, fenders, . axles, bodies, gears, batteries, etc. Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers 3555 Portland Road NEAR SAN SHOP DRIVE-IN TO- FINANCIAL SBX US FOR FARM, CITY OR ACRXAOE LOANS BEST OF TERMS WE BUY Real aetata mortgages as contracts State Finance Co. 1(7 So. High SL Ph. 1-4111 PRIVATE MONEY Special Ratea and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROY H. SIMMONS 114 So. commercial St. Ph. 1-91(1 STATE FINANCE CO. 5 SIMPLE WATS TO END TOUR MONEY WORRIES 1 Furniture Loan 1 Auto Loan 1 Livestock Loan 4 Co-Maker Loan & Signature Loan Maximum Small Loan (104 Maximum Auto Loan 1404 1(7 SO. High St. Ill Phone 3-4131 kill g71 r7C TH CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balm, Onm FAKM IQUMIWT SAVE$$$ FINANCIAL 5 Interest If yon ttsTe Idle funds seeking In vestment, then you are the type of person to whom we can bo of service. Per over Twenty-five Tears wo have been helping people In this community find profitable work for their money. During this period we have promptly paid 54 aeml-annaal Interest varments totalling many Theusanda of Dollars. Wa are currently paying 8 INTEREST on funds from $&00 to $$000, GenerU Finance Corporation 1343 S. COMMERCIAL ST. saiem Oregon rnoaa g-e)il r LOANS UP TO $1500 ,' eo Blinature, Furniture, Car AT PERSONAL It's "yes" promptly to employed men or women. , 1-THlt loan . . . phone tint You aeleet best payment data. 4) Between payday loans. Phone,, write or come In TODAY! Personal Finance Co. 1M S. HIOB ST., AAL KM ., State license Hoc aVin, MVIW Loans over ((00 up to 11 000 and up la 30 months to repay made by personal Finance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Cempanlaa Act of Orston. tie NEED (4,100 for let mortcasa loan. ( Interest. Exeeuent mat. Al laaak Co., iteaitor. avas roruana ita. rnone 3ii r UO. S-133 and M-324 , . and - ROY H. SIMMONS ' , INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Trades" 13:05 Dally KSLM 1394 Kc. GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 134, to. Commercial St. Tal. 3-11(1 AUTO LOANS -WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 1(3 South Church Parkins a-Plenty Ph. f-3447 Uo. He M-1S0, S-l(4 TRAILERS 41 SS' KIT trailer, 1 bedrooms. Alao w dub, so unev. track, lac alone 41 Jeep. 14S( Hlihway Aye. 977 rldllSE TRAILERS' NEW less U' Mamower houae trailer. aliehtly naed, (33S discount. New price S2040, sale price (ano. Mr. Tnorareidt at Lena Lane Trailer Plasa, after a p.m. ta7(' EQUITY 19S1 ll-lt. Liberty house trailer. pn. e-aiio. usoa DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINES All makes used machine, sold, rented, repaired. Roan, 4S( Court. Ph. 3-4773. BULLDOZING Bulldoilnr road, clearing teeth. Vlrcll Huskar, 1919 ralrvlew. Ph. 1-1141. off BUILDING MATERIAL O. W. KLANO Wracklnc Co. Builders cheap supplies. 3-739S evenlnts. 091 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash reglaters. All makes, eold. rented, re paired. Roan, 454 court. Ph. 1-4771. DRESSMAKING Alterations, hemstitching, bnttone, buckles covered, buttonholes. Mrs. H. M. Allsnder, 3-9911. o(0 DB1VINO INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" jray. Call or see Mr. Snelllng, Volley Mo tor Co, Salem. Phono 1-1147 or 4-1074. EXCAVATING Ben OUan it Bon. Excavating, grad ing, land clearing. Phone 1-30(0. o(8 FURNITURE REFINISHING Furniture reflniahing, repaired. Bd aar Brock, (44 Norway St. Phone DIDCSTBIAL TRUCES Fork-lift trucks. Inside and outalde work. Hyater, Clark. Mobile lift, 3000 and 4004 lb. machlnea. Br day, week or month. Ph. 1-3431. Capital City Tranafer. a INSULATION Inaulatlon, weatherstrips, screens. Free estimates. T. Pullman. Phono 1-1941. MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding, renovates. Full line new mattresses. Ph. 1-40(9. a OFFICE FURNITURE ft SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, aafss, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer stands. Roen, 450 Court. e PRACTICAL NURSES REGISTRY Licensed and non-llcenaed practical nuraea, or domeatlc Call 1-4073. o(S SEPTIC TANKS Mlke'a Septic service. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter cleana sewers, drains. Phone 1-9444. 044' Hamel'a aeptle tanks cleaned, line eervlco. Guaranteed work. Fhone 3-7404. 099 Sewer, septle tanks, drains elaaned. Re ao.Rooter Sewer Service. Phone 3-SS17. o TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington, Royal. Un derwood portables. All mease Read machlnea. Repairs Jk rent Rosa. 494 Court. o TELEVISION TV Seles, Service, Antenna, 1179 Lena Ave. Phone 4-49(1. 0(1 VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDBT Canfleld'e Laundry, Repalra, Reflniah ing. 1444 S. 19th. Ph. 4-4403. Pick-up, Delivery. oeo WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleanere. Induatrtal floor waxing, houseeleantng. Phona 3-3337. 347 Court. Journal Want Ads Pay j GOLDEN WEDDING ATTENDED IY FOUR GENERATIONS P 'ft !! : yl W- !x ... jet - When Mr. nd Mrs. Jamej C. Burkholder, Route 1, Aurora, celebrated their golden wedding at the Knight of iythias hall at Aurora, Sunday, March 29, lour genera tions were ln attendance. From left: Mrs. Edward Kluklt, a daughter, 86 South 18th street, Salem; Susan Paris, great granddaughter, 4, 4518 Claxter road, Salem; Mrs. J. C. Burkholder. Mr. Burkholder, .72, was married Jo Clara Yoder in oauera un March ii, iiuo. Kis intiier, tii Burkholder, was a member of the Or. William Keil colony that founded Aurora March 20, 1857. Other children present were: Mrs. Mabel Rose, Aurora; Mn. Mildred Roe, Canby; Mrs. Opal James Ktixer and Mrs. Ivy Krleger, Woodburn. STOCKS (By The Associated Praia) Admiral corporation Allied Chemical AlUa Chabnera American Alrllnea ; 37 .... 75 M, .... 53 .... 11 .... 1 ....1(7 .... 9 .... 40 .... OSU .... 53 .... 44M .... St .... 19 .... tt .... 30 .... 94 ..... 10 .... SI u 39U American Power Ji Llih. Amerloaa Tel A Tel . -. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper ....M. Atchiaon Railroad Bethlaham steel Boeinl Airplane Co. .... Bore Warner Burrowa Addlns Machlr. California Packlns ..... Canadian Paclllo Oaterplllar Tractor .. eelanese Corporation . Chryaler Corporation ... Cities Servian ConMlldated'l a'Bduon ' Consolidated Vultee 30 06 I Crown Zellerbacb Curtlas Wrlsht Douslaa Aircraft ..... 44 Du Pont de Nemours . Eastman Kodak MM 40 II Emeraon Radio ' Oeneral Blectrlo NH 9t General Foods General asotora Qeorila Pac. Plywood (4 14 SIM Ooodyear Tire ooodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co Vnt.rn.tlnn.l H.rveatai. . (0 International Paper SB 14 Johns Manvllle 71 Kennecott Copper T3H Ubby McNeil S Lockheed Aircraft tltt Loewea Incorporated 13 Long Bell 33 Montgomery Ward (3 Nuh Kelvlnator 31 Nsw York central 13 Northern Pacific 73 Paclllo American Fash 11 Pacific Gas Electric "Y Pacific T.I A Tel Packard Motor Car .... Penney. J. C .11714 .. ( .. (7 .. 31 .. 13-,, .. 33 ,. 34 .. 31 ,. (I ,. (0 Pennsylvania R. R. ..." Pepsi Cola Co Phllco Radio ." Radio Corporation .... Ravonler Incorn Rayonlar Inoorp. PId. . Republlo Steel Reynolds Uetala Richfield Oil Safeway slorea Inc. ,. Scott Paper Co . ii ,. S7V Scare, Roebuck & Co. . Socony-Vacuum OU Southern Pacifio .. 49 . 15 . 44 Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N.J . 71 . 17V. . (V. . 11 Btudebakcr Corp Sunshine Mining ......... Svlft & Company Tranaamcrica Corp. .... Twentieth Century Fox,. . ii U 40 .113 . 19. . 30 . 1 . 30 . 40 . 11 . 4m . 17 . 47 . 44 Union Oil Company Union Pacifio United Airlines United Aircraft ......... United corporation. ..... United Statu Plywood. ., United 6tatea Steel , Warner Pleturea , Western Union Tel Weetlnghouso Air Brak.., Weatinghouae Electric .,, Woolwortb Stack Market New York tin The stock market tumbled Monday In one of the wortt h...k. of th. east two years under the Impact of new Korean proposals. At the wont the break went t be tween 4 and S points. Small ranlea from time to time brought me list aaca irom the bottom allghtly. Tju. .r l to around S potnta were frequent on the Uat. Oalnera wore amall and laolated. Volume etepped IP sherplr to an esti mated 3.700,00 aharsa. That la one ct the heavlett days la the pest 17 months. Friday's total cams to 1.440,90. sberee. Belling entered the market Immediate ly on the opening with blocks aa large aa 10,000 aharea oa the tape, Alrcralu were especially hard hit. together with virtually all companies heavily engaged la war work. The rush to Mil aroae from the ua- eertalntlee surrounding the communist propsala to excheaga alck cad wounded prisoners or war. 33 Old Persons Perish in Fire . Largo, ria. AMD Investlga tori combed through a mass of ashes, blackened bed frames and other debris today in an effort to determine the cause of a wind-whipped fire which killed 33 persons at a nursing home near here. Ages of the dead Inmates ranged from 65 to 91. Twenty nine of them were women. WiUiam L. Littlefield, oper ator of the home, said the fire roared through the structure early Sunday and killed the 33 dazed and feeble inmates with in 15 minutes. Twenty-five oth ers escaped the flaming struc ture. Don Jerllta, deputy Florida fire marshal, planned to inter view witnesses, some of the personnel of the home and oth ers who riaihed into the flam- ln structure to iv those who UTCVm Mrs. Lind Dies At Home Here III for the past year, Mrs. Marcus Lind, 48, died at her home ' on Route 1, Salem, March 28. A native of Missouri, Mrs. Lind came to Oregon ln 1933. She and her husband lived at Albany for five years and then moved to Portland where they made their home for six years prior to coming to Salem eight years ago. Surviving are the husband, Marcus Lind: two ions, Loren Jay and Gerald Lee; and one daughter, Mary Ellen. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, March 81, at 1 p.m. at the Western Mennonite school auditorium. Interment will be in the Albany Memorial park. Friend I are being re' quested to please omit flowers, Portland Race Driver Killed at Speedway Portland (VP) Funeral serV' Ices were pending for Henry J. Duboae. 27, of Portland, killed in a stock-car race on Portland Speedway. Dubose was pronounced dead on arrival at Emanuel hospital here yesterday after crashing into a jam of cars. He was thrown from his vehicle to the pavement Mid-Willamette Obituaries John Bye Silverton Mrs. M a g d a Frank of 909 South Water St., Silverton, received word Satur day of the death of her uncle, John Bye, 72, of Ryder, N, D., Friday, March 27. Mr. Bye passed away at St. Joseph's hospital in Minto, N. D., where he had been 111 for several months. Aside from a nephew resid ing in eastern Canada, Mrs. Frank is the only known rela tive and had recently visited him at his North Dakota home. FLORIDA NURSING HOME BURNS LyWgy v-r Cto On The Littlefield Nursing Home near Largo, Fla., waa . totally destroyed by an early morning fire which Is still burning as this picture waa made. Many of the elderly in 'matei perished ln their beds. No one could lay what started the flash fire that engulfed the frame building. (AP Wlrephoto) , SALEM MARKETS Compiled treat tqatrta of Salesa Oaten ..lay (be gmllaas. al Oaallal Jecraal readere, Uteresed dairy.; Retail Feed Piteaai BabUI FeUats D3.N N. . bee). (I.eo-a.n uod-lb. heel. Be Maaa 99.90-44.44. .'- - T ' Dairy PmS 49.94 -I II (N . beg), (4.0S-5.44 (100 wt.. Paaliry Bar las Prlaaa colored fryers, Me: old roosters, lie; colored fowl, ITci Let born fowl, Itci foutera, Mc, Egget Bartat Frlia. awes, AA. etc; tarn A. 49-1301 medium AA, (Mi medium A, 41-4101 email. 19c. Wkaieaale Prlaaa Ba( wbolaaale artMC generally 9-7o leher than the price above. Large srada A generally noted at Kol medium, Mc. Batteries Buying price: premium, Ti ne; No, 1, M-70CI No. I, 47c. Batter Wholesale grade A parch ami, Tlo lb.l retail. Tic. OUeagc Grata Chicago (O- Orein prtees tameled act the board of trade Monday m the wake of International dOT elements arrrntln. toward possible geluUca to ahe war In Korea. Heavy losaw were ysesoe al the outMt of daaltnga. 1-reaa ttaa. ta tba. the market mad. abarerUted attempt, at rallies, but taeg. never attrMted much following and were xcDowcd by decline, into new low around. - In many eacM final atlOM wen ana day'a Iowa. All can contracts, aa well ac May rye, set aew Mason.! sows. Wheat clotad 4 to 4 lower. May (1.J5H-I3.35, corn 3H-H4 lower, Hay (l.u-. ecu l-4 lower. May M. Hi. m IK-ID lower. May (1.70-, aoybeana 4 -4 lower, May (3J7- 93.9BK,, ana icro to as ccata s bur. died pounds lower, May (19J7. Ohleae. UmtMk . 1 Chicago (At Hogg a en ar ally gold at girong to so centa a nnaorca aouncu higher SSondey although trading alowod toward the cloac with some of the ad vanoe lost. Bhlppera atUt were notice ably dlaintereatod In numbare. Cattle were steady ta (1.M higher with the Mtuaatod 11. BOO aal able amy. ala being far below the approximately 19,000 a week ago. ShMP trading wag alowod by delivery of me Israeli sum. bar la more than two raontha. Butcher weight bate gold from IM.34 to 191.10 with one load at a top of (IMS. Sowa took 117.00 to 411.34 most ly, a few lights getting ap to 419. w, Clearance waa good on the an proximate ly g,ooo nogs on cbic. Good to prime steers and rayllags cold from 930.00 to (37.00 and one prime load topped at (3(.00. Good and choice heifers brought 430.00 to (33.90. Cows topped at (19.00, bulla al (17.90, and veaiers at s?s.w, . Estimated arrivals .also Included g.000 boss, loo calves, and a. bob bump. rarUaad BaateM. Markrt Fortlcnd (JJO Field srown rhubarb sold for 11.90-1 U a la-lb. lag today aa th. Portland Bastaldo Farmers Whole- aala Produce market.. Willamette valley beata wen M-toc doaea bunehas. Turalpa brought SBc-SOe a doaea bua- onM and Mid-coiumbia sreaa wen 94C-90C Pertlaad Uvaaleak Portland ous OatUa! 1440: alow: steady to SS-40. lower: choice 1004 lb. fed euera 11.40; choice light ctMra sa. 3J.39; good SIMM ll.S0-39.40l utility, commercial 17-31 1 good fed heifers 11: eannar-euttcr cows 10.00-13.aoi atllltr commarelal bulla 17-lff. calves: ISOl steadyi a ood. choice yeal- era 34-30; good stock c aires 30-31. How: 1100: active strode to no high er: choice 1M-13S tb. bntcbera 13.S0-1I: 190-144 lbs. 13.90: 190-170 lba. 10-11.40: hsevley down to 11.40, Sheep: BOO: aetlvs. .trout choice wooled lambs 11-11.90: utility lembs down ta II; flashy feeders IS; utility- low good cwm i-ii culls down to I: choice own quotable ta II. Portland Orata Portland W) Ooarae BTahu aaauotad. Wheat (bid), to arrive market, beau No. 1 bulk, delivered eoait: Soil whits 41 i Soft White (excluding Bag) 43: White Club 1.13. Herd red winter: Ordinary l.ttUi 10 per cent 3.49i 11 per cent 3.49l IS par cent 1.41. Mondara car rcMlptc: anuat u, wr. ley 4: flour II; acta III aal Si mill fssd 11. VT -Vef w r0 rSfc -1 I raft IT MAR K E T QUOTATIONS Portland wwoavm um ItetUrf.t Tentative, nblecl lav tel. udlaia chance: PrcmlsuB aualltr. . JS af m. aw aanl Micier Ihrarcd In PartlaM ew-TM lk.l flrat snal Itr 47-74.1 aaccM nallty. 44-M- Taiur iwatac end mob try poula. I casta Mac caaar waciesaM I.CJ. nun new. m w.i.i. mt4 aa ss eoorr. feet A srada, (3 am ceci B. 44 eoorc c C at ace eta. ami. ssimc miMf . le-iM to Cwecarn Oawlaa oBta.4Sal Orcmi t Ox ill. MU-klVc; trtputa. Itta aaaa snaa atuMc Brae to wbiiaaaisis caaowe can oontaralruf M toas, aaa.l Included aVcfc. roruana. A amc aarae. aci-aiH.i erad. audlaaa. Mta-dSVaci B snda aarse. 1W-43MC BalaaawPriaa 4. ntaaarat OMca AA print, net ft aartca. net A artnta, tfei carton, nai artnta, CM. Bgga To iweaiasra. araac aa aarvc Hal A lane. 44-W.I AA aaadloyA. MM A modi em, (Mi ft- amall. nominal. Car- aeag, ac aamtiaaaii CTaaew Price ta reUllera. Vcctaamd. Oram aaaclec, 44-4Mi S-S. Imtcc, U-Ureci trlaMs. 1. laea (has aat slec Preealum brands alaglea, M4I leaf. KMC. Fiseaned Amertoaa sbeaaa. a-lb. loan, be retail. 44-44e. Ik. lie. Olibaaw fNc 1 eraaltty. ta.b ylanU.I Frnem. I-1 aba. M-llei (-4 lu.. M-Ila rwvers, 4 and 4-rar, aa-ll: heavy- kaaaa, all weights, net aghl beat, all waeghlu, tsci cat icatt ara, 19-lMi DnaMI OMeEema Pryeta. IVi-l aac, 41-49.1 naatara, 41-Moi light hern, II. 33.1 kMvy kaaa. 34-1741 aut ap fryeea, all weights. 43-4 ic BabMaa -. Average to trowcra: lira whltaa. 4-1 Iks., 14-I7et 1-4 lb... u-uc tb., eld dew. 14-14CI few higher. Fresh dreeacd tmra t. rctaucra, 41-4401 cut n. M-asfi. . Cewalry Koled Meals ' vcatt-wrov quail ly, sa-aac gci goaaa . aeavleg, 34-13C. JlegB eaa Hooaere. at-Hoi aowa, aaaa. SJ-Uc. g.Mha, iTrra nada aoriagayl. ath.r nadaa. acoordtag to quality. Mawea aest wm ana weuere... aa tlo lb. oag puugy avws, aaj-aac bm nttcra, 14-310. , Fraak Dtwssad Ma. 4a Wholaaalara ta retauers: Douan pw "iLl aiaem, eboke 400-700 bm. ll.O0-40.00l food. K.00-39.O0: commafelal 1S.04-I7.00I utility. aa.aa-BB.wi aww oommcrclaL 10.0o-13.00; utility, fJ-gO-XI.Mi Man era eattera, M. 00-39.00. cam tunoic aww.. ejaaitarc, rouada. ea.oo-eeeoi fall Mac, trimmed. 41.M-71.M; tot angleg, K.oo-11.00; fore-quarters, 13 00 19.00; cljucks, 17.00-41.001 ribs. 41.44- U.M. Veal Oood, 141-13.40: aommerdala. B97-49. . Oalwa Choice, ttt-U.M; uaE Stela, (37-44. Laalba Prima apilnasra, at-M sM. tl-4i awed, (40-44. eaae-um ww, - . Park CwU Lobs, 14 1, 1-11 Bia, saV 11: anealdsrs, II lb.., (39-39; gparulba, 14-441 man name, . vs, ac-e. aU Wmmrn nklnnad 457-93. 90. 1BB- ftaed lard la drama, (11.90-11: -alab kaa. Petlaad aameaflgasaea ' OelatT Cel. net ante, a-in aaa. UM-CM, Few ta (4.(0. Ore, (He al. M. Oalsaa IS tb. sacks Welt Ortcoa yel lows, BMdlam, 1-tn. mln., No. Is, 14.44 tl; l-lsch KOo-1.71; No. la, HJsJJti BOuere, 10 10. aacaa, io-ji pellowa, large, (4.90-5.00; No. i, white, lane. 4.14-4.00, . Fataleaa ore.-waaa. yaaaeta, na. a. M 00-4 all aamo brands to n.Mi kaaan. 1404-4.34: U lb(., alao A. (1.U-1MI IS Tb. saeeh. Sa-aOci paper. 4S-aac; Mo. a, It tbg, ( Idaho bakers, bales, (-14 -lbs., (190-3MI 100-lb. Sack 46 00-IKI II lb. No. la. (1.1b. - Hay V. S. Mo. 1 green alfalfa, de livered ear lota l.o.b. Portland, nominal. ly 1)9.00 torn Seattle, asi-ii. . vur --- ne! at 49c lb. areaaa baala. Idee-Calves, ll-llc lb. accorcuas aa welshes; even klpe. ll-Uci bulls, 4-Mi tnen butcher cow hide., 7 -9c. FllberU Wholesale MlUng price Kc. I tarn Barcelona., 14-3(0 lb.l grower ariose, orchard tan. 14-lOc lb. W areata WholMale Bailing price, first duality lane Itanquettes, 33-330 ln.1 grower price, orchard run, 15-lM Be. few bwt to 1M. Caleago Oatans Portland (un- SuppUea moderate, db mand moderate at lower prices, market weak. . , . Track salM (co los.n u. . i aw. v.llow Barmudaa I to l-lttch 3 .40-3. 40, aranaa 1 to 1-Inch aproxtmat car 1.(0, Qraae I -Inch and larger ap car 9.44: Oregon Yellow Dea- van fa to M nay cent l-lnch and larser t can, Colorado l-lneh and larger car 1 90 with SS pgr cent l-lneh and lanar 1.11. aireat wtts (M Idaho and Ore gon spcnlah l-lneh and laner 4.00-4.34: mMWMt medium yellow uioom a.a. 1.74, occasional 1.00, come fair IJ0I Mexlc. Crystal Whit. Wax 1-Inch and larser, alao I to l-lnch, 4.75-9.00: soma fair l.Mi Michigan Whites S to S-lnoh ordinary quality 1.S01 Tbim Yallow Barmudaa aad'Oranax S-tnch and larg er, alao S to l-tnen,; urano l-lnch and larser (.44-1.35: 1 to l-laob 1.90-1.75. few I.M, DEA THS Tyamaa SweaaaBgem, Truman aVwearlngea, at tne nsiaeguya, Ml Trade St., March 34, at the age ct M yeara. Survived kg wife, Mra. Baea a wearing en, Baleag. Announcement ct servlcM win be mad. later by th. Howall-Bdwarda Co. O. atecra Ansellna O. Moon, aa March 29. laU raaldenl of 441 M, Wlntar. Orandmother of Mrs. Patricia 1. Jackson of Portland: Mlaa Moyra H. Moon ct Salem: great aunt or Robert FaUon: mother-in-law f Mrs. Myvtoa Moore. Private asrvlcu will be held Tueeday. March 11 at I p.m. ta the W T. Rlgdoo Chapel with con cluding service, at Belerest Memorial Park. R,y. oeone H. swift will offi ciate. FleaM emit flowers. WUfcrl O. Pteber . Wllfcrd O. Flabor at thii city Mareh 19. Late naldent at M0 N. Summer St. Brother of Joseph J. Fisher of Portland. Member of BPO Xlka No. IM, Salem. Services will be held Wednesday, April 1. 10 a.m. la the w. T. Higdon onapei. with concluding services at St. Barbara, cemetery. ... ladle f. ladle j. Scott, at tba reildence. 115C B. Summer St., Merch 11, at the age ot 44 years. Survived by slaters, Mrs. Ethel Keaaler, Bremerton, Wash., and Mra. Bva Saundera, Portland, and a brother, Jemee H. Miles, Seism. Announcement ct servless will be made later by tb. Howell-Bdwardg Company. Jams. Irvla Seell Jemw Irvla Scott, lata rsaldent ot 1194 s. Summer St.. al a local hospital. March M, al the aaa of (1 years. Surv ived ay a sob. Henen Scott, salami daughter., Mra. Myrtle BlassU. Dallas, and Mrs. Marie Mccormick, woodtrorai father. Arthur scott. Monmouth! alatara. . Mra, Mary Nickel, Xphrata, Wash., and ears, sainnis atsue, oisnwooo, aa.; Bro ther. John Scott. Xndepcndencai Floyd Scott, Albany, Route 1: Olen Scott, Hoqulam, Wub and a half-brother, Roy Scott, Monmouth. Alao eurvrved by alao Brand children. Announcement at eervlcee will b made later bp the Howoll-Sdwarda Company. LODGE SALEM LODGE A.F. & AJa., Wed. Apr. 1. Stated communications. Address. Mu sic. 7:80 P.M. Lodges 78 ItecriFfea-Ev? incdlcb stops SOeir Kwrtbuni Ecj sas awlra fmtU sswmacn dittnut Mew it's aiealam ta suffer burning peine at MM taalermtMa, sjas, gMrtkura-theaaa ta "prMerlptl.a-typ." formula of F. . rfunder, PVO. Madkally-pTevrf Pfuaaera TableK awoth. away palu with aeld-aaa. Mutes aha. Tew Ml moat anything paa Hkwtlbwrt (say of dletreaa. Amailaerbj faleb ydief gwaraalaW or money back I Oct rtaaaer'a TaalM taday. 1444C,IM Mta.