Part 16 Monday,. March SO, 1953 THIS CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orcfoa Di Sc T , t Hoi tHugl G.Fl were E. E. daugl enter corni) recej on IS 8 nl Satu hom ' U the i ; past! . , Chrli i toed) . 4 wed) k fM , M ' ding T, - - chit ' drei ' belg Jew ' gift ' ein whl T and Neb Mm lac lam and ' Dial ? F 1 Mr, bit . or) row r; jji wit a aag v 1 , wai i the ' r ' I : wt ? Va 11 brl ; Mr ' we for f ln act wl CM k; G. I Ft mi ! hi) de Vi lat A. ' M. th to 81 CO ec ct v. ar . ' . th Bi M C b v M d . ai t ec D . c C Jv I v I V I I ! i 1 ,-' 1 ! i I I f i . I FOR SALE HOUSES Country Living City Conveniences Have all the comforts of city tlrln, yet enjoy th rxfretolas gauntry sir, PMC ud contsntmint. Have view ever ellr, v tiler and uouuiai, sod sllU be within six miles of dir. It's all yours cm this little souniry estate. Lovely ranch-stria bom of 1,100 as, ft. Lars living room with fireplace that tskes 3-foot Jog. Thermopane view window. Dining room with fireplace. Knotty plot den, 3 Isrgs bedrooms and two complete baths. The kitchen U tops with iar Hew brtakful nook. Utility. Patio with fireplace barbecue. The bouM la double insulated and weatherstrlpped. All floor hart expensive wall-to-wall umu except feHebfn and baths. Tht stable contains I larrt box sulla, knotty mm tack room, toilet, showtr .and hal. Corral, shop, storage bid. . chicken boust. About f acres In permsnsnt paitara for horsaa r aU. 1 Young orchard with tbtrtr -choice fruit trees. The lawnc bar 10 sprinkler heads, ampla good tasting water. Ofur will asU fat consider ; abls under eash investment. A chanco that seldom comas. Will trad for modtrn city hom Id good loestlon r business propertr to $34,000. . Balance, 131,000 morUago. Call Owner, evenings, 3-8eB, dare, 4(ti FOR SALE HOUSES CHEEK PROPERTY ' Mow is the tlmo of rear to appro - oiato this trpo property. 19$ ft. along wooded creak bank, S-bsdroom ranch home with full bassmsnt and party room. t-ar garage. Her la ral al s. CaU Ralph Uaddr for appointment on rum, srv. sstsi. OHMART CALABA, RBALTORfl 77 Court IL Phono 34111 34114 71 K. 3Aii- by buUdtr, new 3-bdroom homo, off fouth Lancaster, 3 blocks oast on Hunkers Street, P.H.A. com mi (men t. Phon 3-173K, a74 4 BEDROOUA ' It's new and in top trad location. t bedrooms down and 3 up, extra nice fireplace, oil heat and atL garage, , ios to acnooi ana ous can sfaody. OHM ART CALABA, HEALTORS T7 Court u , Phon 31 la 34113 73 Wt OWKiaOoaV new 3bdroom home, with fireplace. 3 blocks from Xelser ahooL 2xt 70x10ft. 1-1464 or 3-Tole, a78 aVT OWHKB, 3 room hom",""baaemnt aawdust furnao. IM7, 1180 Hood Bt. Ph. 3M0. 78 IXAVINO IALEH. Must sell 3-bedroom hom In excellent residential district. Pboo 3-777. 385 Ron Bl. a78 CffB-BEDROOM furaished home, by owner. 804 1. Madison, BUrerton. Oregon. Bath with shown. Utility room, attached staraca Trtth wood and fruit tor as. Garden. g)e this at H7M cash. O. O. Milrry. a7B IF OWKEB, 3 bedroom, full basement, ood location. Priced right. Phone S-0O. a77 PACIOUS S-BKDBM. bom Just 1 block uUlde city Hid It N.S. 14j31 lit. tm. with fireplace, din. nn., lie. kitchen dt sook, ve. bathroom with colored tub and sep. shower stall. Utility nn. t attob. vara Many mora features to numerous to mention. Price, fi,ooo. Call 3-741 for appoint, to a. a76 gtrNOWOOD BE1QBT8 Karllast In leaf v ar sottonweoda, shading th rooms front th sun. turning bright yellow that reflects into th whole house In . fail, swing th bammocK gsnuy, the , older ones sift sand, dig sarrots and , worms, climb th arbor for ripened rapes. 301 Cascade Dm. 7s' gtOTJTH TUXAQB, 3 bedroom, dining room, breakfut nook, flreplao, auto-r- matle atiiity room, attach, double ' garagOf Pnlman bath, fenced back . yard, pstlo, shrubs, beds . Phone 3-3749. a0 fOUB QORNIBS DUT. Two-room bona on 3 acres, 34300. $4930 with 600 down and $65 mo. for 3-b.r. hous in town. mvm. can int. hxtzostr, 4-3713. ED ' LUKUTBBAL, REALTOR, 433 N. HKUf. PH. 3-MflO. 77 FOR SALE, 3 bedrooms, unfurnished attic, 34800. Low down payment, ft aor. 'Xelaer district, 8373 ChehaUs , Dr. aso FOR SALS by owner, 10 acres with creek and spring. 3 bedroom, living . room, dining room combination. Part- . ly furnished. 3800 down. 83880 Balance. South. Call 4-3815. a77 CAN DAL ARIA, New 3 bedroom, double fireplace, double garage, plastered basement, lio.soo. 318 solo. Ph. 38188. a77 CUT! as can be Nlo 3-b.r. horn, Urge fireplace, aawc nn., bandy xitenen, full dry basmt. with fireplace, party room and on piped rum. idmo. ire. all PSCK, 3-8413, XT LLUXINBKAL, nauutivH, tsi n. juaa., ra. i-seso. T7 Ft br owner. Two bedroom nous. Phon 4-47M. aSl 1 BXDROOIf house, ios In, also 3 room apartment for rent. Call befor 8 or aftor 3. 4-3343. aSl eeessssss FOR SALE LOTS ilH HADMON 1 lot, 100X100. Ml. I -MM, Wtlt aooolatikr, ItttI aiUtf. n OWMEa Ixrt, ,11 town ud 30 POT FOR SALE ACREAGE NCAB OHUAWA Indian aeh. 10 of th. flnMt ultlTAted nem of WlllMn.tu lit toll rou will r.r i... w, el fiult And nut tr.M, flow A itmbi wftloro. D.ndr .ompl.t. men. l-b.r. BUUhitrlt hom. with dlnlat rm. a full bwat. llt.OoO. XVX. call XD, 1-4704. KD LUKTNBBAL. XXALTOR, m a. aiAh. ph. i-mo. bii77 NORTH M tont uu Woodburn ol .alt. I no. MioborrlM hnrlnt tood. Pan. fruit, kit of MlU. J. D. bMtor ud ttooh nU. l-rm. mod. hom. B. rant. u alnulatn. Barn, li.nhH .it. A mi hiu. tarn a.lom available, ninau foren aalt. ONLY 11,000, l,000 AL XAOTH MAL BSTATI Ualn atroit - lit. Ani.1 Phon. Oram 44 or Blu. M ' ; bb7 BOBT AOIX4 of lood dark aoU 11 mil., at, oood barn. Bk mdn. 4-b.r. hom. with flrtplao. and baimt. In nk. ,.t tint of oaka. prd. rd. Iv.. .all RAT SAVrS, 4-W17. XD LUKTOBKAL, 4S3 H. HIOH. PH. I-4M0. tbTT .WMWIWWIWi REAL ESTATE HANDY-MAN'S SPECIALS 2,800 4 Corn. re dulrlot. t-b.r. home, KOQ00 m .IOW M MOOOl. .D0V OOWn. SS.MO Clean l-br. home lnalda eltr. Oarae.. Terr nice rard with ahruba, ThU hom. n food vaiae. $4,800 Duniai, north, t bathi, wired for ran.e, laundrr trare, elean. Can bt wed 4s one-famllr dwelllni. 41,000 $5,800 La-buul t-k.r, home. AliachM a.. raee. Hardwood floore. Located N.x. n.eoi roaKoraiini. 5,590 alam la Dl.l. t-room eMracUr. home, oaraie. 701100 lot. A dandr, hat raoj rwiocoratinf. ,aoo down. BTATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 147 a. Bleh Ph. 1-4111 fee. call O. T. Hume, Co-op. Broker, t-aroi, or aunler Brown, 1-owi. C7I" CLASSIPflD ADVERTISINO Per Ward, S llmee 14. Per Word 4e Per Word, I time. 10. Per Word, 1 month 40. N. Befande-Mlnlmnm 14 Weeda. BE All IBS In UmI Newo Clnma Onlr. Per Word to Mlalmom 10 Word. V Plact Ad la Bams Dajr. Paper, Phon l-MM Befors 10 a.m. FOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES ROOMY INEXPENSIVE 3 Bedroom bom. All rooms n o floor. Pvd. Bt. Insulated. In Terr food AflBdition. Owner lavlns state. ry uy horns to hsat Only 81413 down. Pull price 8w. miter aviu. JUST ON MARKET Bedroom tarn, am kwMtak Flr- p1m. I bit to wm T,rl lim Iwn ud tfirabt. All Kiai.. Shown br uwolntxxat '' YOU'LL WANT THIS HOME Ke,Mai as Amslateli' remodeled to- atyu vu iaw dl fored-lr fuvnac. Plreplac. 4 Bedrooms. In very fine wtion. Walnuts. Bew wiring ana vlumblnr. Pull price Is only $330. Ttrml LIKE A BASEMENT .-..-5i fc. rT 4 Tf - or iiimi. oil lum.ct. P H A. Wrm. I blU. to lohool. Bui br Ooor. Wl eon Uln IhU a t.rr ood bar lor liyoj. nir. mil in. CRAWFORD. XVM. ph. 4-o or at. xiooms. xvx. ph. i-utt, it no Dir mi -. EVEN A PESSIMIST Oould make good money with this well etabltshad resuurant. it s in a sew. location, equip, is in gooa gnoition. Rent la onlr 3105. which lnei. an apartment plus a full basement. Own r must sell, run pric eiz.uuu. BUSINESS TRADE Very clean operation. Do-nut factory. We think this has good possibilities. Th right man can really get th job done. Owner win exchange for home or acreage. Pull prloo only $4398. 3 HOUSES On 1 lot plui room noinh to bund 'notnir. Aim Oct nnr. lull li An Mul lneom. proportr th.t douo't nqulr. lrr, InTMtment. wu Aonairuoico. shown br Appointment onlr. mu prk. 91..0UV. inmi. CALL TOR DAN IIAAT, TO PH. 4-ml. n no aniwtr eU 4-11 U. 10 ACRES touted north. Virr tood ion. Oood 4 bodroom bomf. MMhln. AhMl. Pvd. Rd. onlr 13000 down, pull, prlct onlr 6 ACRES PLUS Close In north. With modern t room borne. Older type but in very ood condition. Barn, brooder not., 3 chicken houses. Extra new 3 bed room hous which Is rented 414 sores strawberries. Lots of fruit tree. Very good sou. puu price only iB,ooo. FIR GROVE aattlnr with e teru. Ifodon nlnrnt now hone. H.w bftrn. chtektn houM. Good w.U. Oood aoU. tehool. Own.r lvuu aUte. Poll prle. mso. CALL FOR Ml. UAVXNB, CVM, PH. I-47JB. IT no aniw.r au 4-ii. MORTGAGE LOANS . K-TIAK MATDRTTT Al Isaak & Co., Realtor OUle. pjiodm: -ll or rm 1099 PORTLAND ROAD It.. Phonea: l-7, 4-Mti, 4-MJfl or l-nu V no nuw.r. phono 4-I34I HM4IM MMUU aimilllM rnmim . waHIMW MUllllll - nilUIIMHUIIIt imtfitttttii List Buy 144414144, 44 4111144141 SULLIVAN RAILROAD PRONTAOX. Three scree of lnduatrlal propertr on Loboaater Drlre, Plantr of room for ornate and epproi. Ill feat a Btwar frontaie. CeU W. B. SulUran. 1-lltl. PXVX ACRES near Prut Hand achool. Mutt bo Mid br Let of Alar to cattle an ait. I. onebdroom houae 4U rre. old. at.OOO. CaU llr. Brlitol. Brae. 1-1414. THREE BEDROOMS and onlr all rra old. ltt Ruee St. Oulelde patio and nrepiace, ii.ioo. dau Mr. srutoi. Bree. 1-1414. XUPLXX PHA oonitructed, Thle line duplex located on pared atreet near ahopplni aanter. Two lana bedroom. In each. Tou act an extra lot and a verr eubitantlal loan mar bo eeeurod. eu.wo. win take a home In trade. Call lev. Daru. area. 1-4701. BAST MORELAND. Three bodroomc. Cloeo to Baker Khool. Pared elreet. Approx. 1400 an. fl. A total of aet.n rooma. down, tll.ioo. cell llr. Rice. Bvei. 1-4440. TRADE atorr and A half ionr-ked. room homo near La.ll. for amallcr enrM Dedroom. Thle le one of ur bait lUllnta todar. 111,040. Call Mr. Nal- aon. arrae. e-OMl. n AORES near Bnuh OoUeio off WaUace Road. I kadrm houaa built In 1051. Wonderful lMom. from peera, applee, cherrlaa, and prune,, Owntr will dlrlde to ealt punhaeer. H4.W0. w WT.B, -eria. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR ' SMI Portland Road Ph. 4-4631 Branch Office 141 M. BKk. ph. 4-1433 eTl NORTH BUB. CORNER Cloaa In, comfortable S bdrm. home wllb a oU heat, at'a. a Alia) pared, lot 70x114. Onlr 117,100. . WALTER fWCOLOPSKT Real Balale Ph. I-4UI .71 ONI OP THE BEST 40 acra Iraau In cratral Oraron. all undar lrneetlon and In alfalfa and permanent paature, I bedroom, modern bora., barn, milk houae., with is. 000 ah or will coruM.r farm In rlclnltr of 8a lorn or tndopondonea up to ,11,000. us torn with It4 water, 44 acreo toon, ow aiiaua, l. acraa new alfalfe, 14 acree permanent petture, lerelled ana ooraereinppea ror eiiiuenl irrl tenon, an auMrn, l atock ponda, Irrl. cation reierrolr, l.bedroont home. new. email bam, lane cow ohed, leree machine ahed. 110.000 with 111,000 own. UTDSTATB RXALTT CO., 104 MlnncoolA Ar, Bind, Ore. 471 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 urn itn sv REAL ESTATE COLBATH HAS THE BUYS' $850 DOWN . . PUMTT BXRI POH THX UOMXT. w.m floor with I bdna, LR, Da, bath, kilehan floor furnace lip. lain with oath, t Vdrau and kllohtn. AtUehad (araio. Lett. lot. IDEAL LOCATION on a. lain at. pricx ia autt. xvx. PR. 4JT0). DAVTD COOT. LUl Mo. M ,33500 FULL PRICE THIS M A DANDT OLDER LAROB I hadroom host, on lot ttalll. Loaalad m Brdo AM- amall down Krai Bur Ihla ud rmt It for 144 par aaonth. CAU. DAVID COOK. BVX, PH. 417M. LUl Ma. 14-1. BUSINESS ZONE ' A LABOR BOUB IN PUIINEBB COKB ON N. COUUKRGU1. $699 PULL PRICE and worth a lot mors. I large tvdrma, lam LR with fireplaos, ,hdwd floors, lovely v with cwna siosei. Kitchen, brfst rm. Pull basmt with oil tarnasw, Ooubls phrmbtng. Large lot, garag so paved alley. TBRisJI. CALL DAVTD COOK. BVX, PH. 41703. List Mo. 14-3. 3 BEDROOM HOMES Ho. 1-4-Larte 11 Ting ra, with dining rm, modern bath and bags kitchen. Pull burnt with sutomatls U floor; furnao. Oaras and vstr close to lo- at ion. price S70BO. Foasib s down. List Mo. U-4, SSTX BLUtRT TAB HORN. EVE. PH. 4170. Ma 3 SUC ALL RANCH CTtXR BURBAN 3KWTB BEA-JTTJTn. VIEW. Bdwd firs, attic bdrm rar attached tsrsgs. Auto oil nr lurnacs. Huge lot. TAKK TRAILER HOUSE IN TRADE UP TO 81300. List NO. IS-4. Be Van Sloru, BT. Ph. 41730. ONLY $950 DOWN OLDXR BDT KICX Bdna homo with oonuorlablo lario uv. rm. PR, bain. nltaahad larai.. WILL LOCATBD TO BTTATB BLDOfl. TOTAL PRICK 44500. alt. PDnirmntl included. LUt Mo. M-l. BQ x OLOSBBIX. XVX. PB. J4I7I. ; $1000 DOWN BUT THia ALVIOXT NXW 1 bodroom homo with combined LR 4 DR. Co; pact kitehan. ..piirate ntiutr rm., oil, hdwd flri. farai. Lars, lot for ardan. LOCATED NORTH IN NXW ABBA. Prle. HIM. LUt Mo. M-4. aVXX O. OLOIBBES. XVX. PH. X517I. TRADERS SPECIAL THTB ALMOrTT NEW I bdrm harm ing suburban home Is too large far present owner, wiu trade for SMALLBR 3 bdrm bom. WHAT HAVE TOUT LUt MO. M-7. EXE O. OLOES BXB. EVE. PH. 3S373. ALMOST 1 ACRE with 3 bdrm modern shake home, garage, chicken coop, flowers, fruit trees, 3 miles out on pared road, PULL : PRICE 13930. List NO. Sf-8. BEE T. T. ANDERSON. EVE. PH. 43714. 2 LOTS PLUS aeml-modarn homo 4k tarait. 3tt muei N.x. poll price 1X00 POB- 6IX43ION NOW. tSOO down Oft TAKE LATE 1IODEL UOHT CAR. Lht No. M-(. BEX T. T. ANDERSON. XVX. PS. 43714. 26 ACRES In cult. BaL pasturs. On paved road. 3 bdrm modern home, large barn, 3 A. let crop strawberries. A gooa miy for umbo. List No. lf-io. SEE T. T. ANDERSON. EVE. PH. 43714. 40 A. ON PAVED RD. 14 A. oata 4k retch, Bal. paature, I bdrm mod home, lane bam. llvo oreek. owner wanti to com. to town and will take I bdrm home In trade or ,10,11110 on GOOD TERMS. LUt Mo, Xf-U. SEX T. T. ANDERSON. XVX. PH. 4)714. ROLLER SKATINQ RINK TO TRADE ALSO COAST CABINS 41 AFTB TO TRADE POB OOOD PAH44B. WHAT HAVE YOU, BKB T. T. AHDBKJBON. KVE. FH. 43714. COOK 41701 . VAN BORN 41741 OOUBBIX 9(171 ANDKRSOM 43714 OtTlCX DIAI, $40 Per Mo. Only 313.00 down buys your 3 -bed room bom. Lars lot good soil, rooa for chickens, plenty of good water. L.RGE PLAYROOM with a fireplaos in full tMssmant for your eitra tun room. Also ehaery fire Plac m Uvlng room. 3 lovely bed rooms. A kitchen that's a woman' dream some true. AU hardwood floors. Porced sir ell beat. Attached garae. Inside city on paved streets. $08.00 per month on P.H.A. terms. - COLONIAL MANSION Seldom Is a bom of this trp ot tered for sal. BuUt for somplets comfort to you and your family for generations to come. 3 baths. 3 sxtra larse bedrooms. 18 x 30 living room with large fireplace. Lars dining room. Lovely kitchen and nook. Music room. Pull basement with automatic 41 heat. Double sarage. Inside ally limits, Impossible to replace at pres ent building costs. Price taz.300, and will trad for a smaller borne. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 South Hlch stnet Phone No. 1-0303 Phone ovenlnti: 4-1671, 3-3141, 4-ntl. 1-4676, 4-SS1I, 1-3364 e77 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE: If poor propertr le for rent or oxchame, tut It with as. Wt an ajiKia or cean eurert. STATS PINANCB CO.. REALTORS f 151 S. Hlth St. .. ana: htiw i. .. . .- k.. . u V . 1,11.1 .-V.U- room hom.i. tn Lctlle DUt, Alto need home anrwher. with email down per meate, wnei nere rour AL ISAAK, REALTOR, PH. 41111 uv answer, pa. -.. ct" JIM RAMSEY will formellr open hit ..ui.7 n..i niih .inc., April 1, at toil North Commercial. Llalini, of all kind, beta, taken now. Phone 4-1696. Prompt and aonrteoua aerrlce. ea77 GREAT BUYniO DEMAND far fernui and acreaeea. Lilt route with Celbeth Lend Co. s.e t. T. Anderaon, ram Acant, Phone 4-4404. Eve. 4-3711. .a CASH Wanted to buy-3-bedroom and dsn. 3-e-fdroom hom with baaemsmt basement snd double garage. Call 3-80M. ea7B WE All In need of tood bouses to 81L In nvmx ewiem. you with to list TOUT BrfMrt frvr a.iA. ... ORABENHOBST BROS.. REALTORS 194 A. Libert Pt ... i- rrrrffB-yrr.Tjjjjj, EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE eoullr In I960 Hudton Pecemeker. Radio and healer,, 0""'l,mienl en home. Prefer .uunirr. rnone 4D7I aas4a..rfff.. r JT J J r r ff H I a a RESORT PROPERTIES COAST CABIN, I lota, IliM. Trad, for "Hca. c.r. X-01J1. c.rt FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER trill TW OPEN PHIDAT MONDAY BVEWIHOB 378- eV f 4494, 24552 I t&maaa PtRNITl'EI POB 3A1X-Pijoo $IM9. REAL ESTATE S 1 s NEAR ST. Plret time for bedreoa homo aee.lalai.nL - l. Ls Ohm art $4150 BUYS THIS LITTLE HOME It's good tray fat lbs money, has 1 arootm, flreplae. small let. DO YOU LIKE, SECLUSION? -And a beautiful setting It so, you will lore this 3-bedroom horns .'. located South so 3 A. Th view 1 grand anVth rustic home and rounds are wtU planned for both Indoor and outdoor living. The price Is right, at 88400. 7 WONDERFUL FAMILY HOME 4 BDRMS. NEW , ' Loo tad on RngUwoed At, oil furnace best, fireplace, large lot, stt. - arace. priced to sell t $1X700. INCOME Lira In th lam suartara downstairs, rent the 3 apts. up. Aiso has trailer park. Located to lb North part f town. W1U trade for home. This Is i0od property, LOVELY NEW I-BEDROOM HOME Just walk In and soak yourself at home; it's ready for occupancy. Baa beautiful birch kitchen, extra plumbing, colored bathroom 111- tuna. Hen la an ewcpUonaIly good buy lVr $14,000. Ohmart G? Calaba, Realtors 477 Court at. Phon. t4UI - 1411 XT..: Benrr Torrend (Mil Tad htorrlion K0t( LouU Loreni ItstO ; Ralph Maddr M a AS LITTLE AS . (M4 down twra late-mint 4-br. home. Alt. iuhi. Oil floor furnace. Bw. floora. Total prlea 40400. AS LITTLE AS 1141 down kura l-rr.-old auburban I-br. home. Alt. oaraie. Plr.pliee. Bw. floor,. Lane lot with fruit and larden jpaoe. Total prlee 49200. AS LITTLE AS ' ' 4100 down bur. loralr l-br. home. Ht- bath. Din loo ra. Porced-atr kaat. 4 roan old. Ball acre, oicellent (arden .00. Low tntareil. Low tain, pull price 111,000. AS LITTLE AS ' 44000 down bun thU apeotacular home. I flreplacee. Baaement, Patio, 1-oar laraee. Lane aor. lot. Reunited dUt. Total price 133,000. AS LITTLE AS 47000 down bun n close In income propertr. 43SO mo. Income plui ownera apt. with S bdrma dn. rm. Piracies.. BuelUnt Miwluim. tw.. w. compl.telr fUled with rentera. Jnreetlfato thle If rou are lookhik for Income propertr. Pull price 430,000. These arc all exclusive listings. ' A. A. LARSEN, Realtor in at. Blah Andr Halronen Ph. 17101 A. Weill - Xvee. and REAL ESTATE SALES W ars accepting a few listings for our new N. Capitol it. office. If you ars seriously planning to sell your pioperty, It will b wise to dis cuss th property problem with a aaleeman who has been selling as well as lilting property. Why not consult list ' If ws accept your lilting w will guarantee to advsrtls snd put forth more then a reasonable effort to produce a sale. Over 400 sales tn last two yesrs. Perhaps we can sell your property. . Claude Kilgore Realtor & Auctioneer 390 8. LANCASTER . . PH. 4-6082 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MONEY-BACK GU.ARANTEE 3713 to $3335 investment gives you your own incwpsnaent Dusiness operat ing a rout of new money-making 6c dispensers handling new, fast-moving Confections In drut stores, cafes, elutu. bus depots, etc. Rout sat up for you by our experts and protected by fir and theft insurance. Ton must have sar, rsiersnesa and Ti to 33335, which Is protectsd by an iron-clad 100 Money-Back Querent backed r a io Minion Dollar national In surance company. Devoting a few of your spars nours oach week to the business yon should asm up to $30.00 weekly par time, full time more. Liberal financing assistance to aid wxpewion. .ror iuu inxormation writ. giving phono number and address, to Box 33, Capital Journal, cd78 Wl HAVE a good MAJOR OIL COM. i-Anx mi-vice siauon lor lease, call 4-438. edT7 roosinsT baby shoes, ftmsli lnrsst ment bis profits. Personal initfne. tlons, mstsrtals Included. Ton can't mmm. nuusivs temtoy. writ to P. O. Bog 311, LongvUw, Wash. d7 TOTJA OPPORI'U Nl'J 'V-UBINTOfl PROPERTT 4 blocks from downtown center, 160 ft. frontaie, 3 homes that will rent Wali fBll 4-1 p.,. av at.l.w. w, . . . wp XatiasuBV, nwtliMira, for further Information. 477 Court ... ATAIVAII cHAMr aftllO, CQ7T 33T LIAll n safe, on busy highway. good business. Bell for $13,000. Ph. House and lot near new Meier k rank Co.'s new location. $13,300. Ghas. Hudkins & Son RKAUTORB 330 X. sUsb Bt. ph. 1-4130 Ph. sas. 3-3130 tin BUSINESS S INCOME FULLY EQUIPPED BEAUTY SHOP Can be bouiht with the kuUdlnt , or kualneu and all equipment ralued at aooo leaae an an. bnlldlnt. Ut me thow rou thU ahep-rou act I SC or .all PRANK VLASIO I-M30 or 4-H70 McKillop REAL ESTATE ..T..lfflT,iT.;ftl!?: WANTED FURNITURE MIDWAY AUCTION Wt bur ud aall. rnqq. a-W3. 4,74 WANTED Oood nied turnlturt and appliance rnonc i-totl. a.. an: Mewt.4at AUCTIONS Auction OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS 4144 CENTER BT, SALEM ddTf . da L ESTATE VINCENT Ryi dePAUL aala. Una modem aall NOW for ar- 114,400, Rudy Calaba Ph. 343i A. I. Beckett Ph. aim Ph. 13711 Bunder FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CHINCHILLAS Proren breederi or rouns mated palre. Batr tcrme. Write or phone for free literature. VUltore welcome, Creet Chinchilla Ranch, 0090 Portland Road. Pb. 4-4069. e93 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEP White face Hereford. 16c Locker pork. 16c Nothlnt down. I moa. to par. truaiom kuitnc. Trailer loanea ire., scion Meal Co., nil a. 36th. Ph. 1-4461. ... ...... ....ow.. RABBITS) WINO NEEDS 41911. BABBITS 10s8 Stat.. Cb69 CALIFORNIA BUCKS and doea. Phone -3081. 4410 ciaxttr Rd. ebl7 BABBITS WANTED. Anr tlie and auan- uir. Aiao purebred breedlnt atock for cale. Phone 3-7107. .h7e. PETS BXOISTEBED SIAMESI kitten. Phone 4C76 4-0610, TOY MEXICAN CHIHUAHUA pupplaa ano frown doia. Malet for eervlce. 1034 so. 13th. oc78 PUREBRED COLLIE pvpplea. Robert CC76 Ramaer. Oervala. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1931 MeOor, on. diock oaat oi it. Capitol, m blocka north of Madison. Ph. 1-0497. eoioi MOORE TROPICAL PISH, eaulPm.nL auppllec 1 mile, from Lancaeter on Maclear road. Phone 4-1771. Cloied Wedneedare. ec68 OOOD BOLLEB, aranta eanarr. Phone OC7I" J -0008. BEOIBTERED COCKER Spaniel Pupplei, .rora cnampion etocx. Bieeka, blonde, and tolden. Phone 1-1363, cc76 CHOICE CANARIES 1340 Ch4meketa at. en. a-aaae. celt BOX EE pupi reduced 3S. Champ sired. Atw rcgiscerea; orinues and fawns. Pnon 13533. IBO Hawthopn. aulia FUEL Hi way Fuel-Co. Sawdnat tube aerrlce, all klndt .f wood. Phone 1-6144. ec WALNUT SHELLS, 10 aackl for II, or ' 11 ton. 13 ton dellrtred In town, Mor rU norfeln Packlni Co, 400 North Pront. ec West Salem Fuel Co. . BLOCKWOOD, H" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1634 Edcewater Phone Salem 1-4011 J Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick p rour Pratto-Lott, BrlqueU and Wood. Ill Bo. Com'L, phone 1-7711. . Oregon Fuel Co. BLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phone l-Mll 1017 Broadwar Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. BPEOIAL FOR 10 DAYS Planer Ulmmlnaa, 41 load. Phono 17711 PRODUCE ORGANIC GROWN TREE - RIPENED orantea and irapefrult. Potatoea, on lone, applet and nuta. PHIPPIP BRoa. PARM MARKET. H90 Lancaater Drlre, Phone 1-1194. fl JOE PALOOKA HERE'S A L, I E' . W SV0NEY,AU5TRA1.VA, UVIN'... REWEMBER, WTOrwi TPERTHAI aSmj W?.f5?L3"U O FOR SALE POULTRY OOLDCN RBOAD and New Hampshire cnlck. hatched avery Monday snd Thursday. Our chicks stow faster. pox Hatchery,. 330 Stt SL ph. 3-4383. f WANTED Colored frrers, colored snd legnorn nens. mint, prices, ui Hatchery, phon 3-3141. f FOR SALE Twice wekly, day-old chicks in New uampshlr. Psrmenurs, Red. WblU Leghorns. Austrs-Whlt, WhiU Rocka. whits Wyandotte. Pa- mntr cockerels. Los Hatchery, phon 3-3881. x1 WHITE LEQUORNI, Austrs-WblU, and New Hamnsnir cnicxs, ft nunorea. Ph. 3-83U. palmer's poultry psrm Brooks. fl$ HELP WANTED IN BTATTON, corrupondebt for Capital journal, man or woman witn irp writer, educated, experience preferred. good opportunity lor xtia money. WANTED IfTDDLE-AOED couple for housework ana cars oi tami-invaua. No drinkers. 478 So. leth. gTS WANTED Hal. or female experienced drr cleaning toneuor ann picaup ana dellrerr. Own truck preferred. Call In pcrton at seamaMr cieanen, no n. Hlih St. .7I HELP WANTED MALE TV salesmen Pull time, top eommu- .ton paid, Salem TV, 3303 Patrtrounda Rd. . tail- TRUCK MECHANIC, hearr dutr, ateadr work. Phone Air. Lin da hi. Independ ence 113. taiv HELP WANTED FEMALE FAMILY COOK, tpllt Ahlft. I a.m. to 1:10 a.m.. I p.m. to 1:10 p.m. lfondar thru Prldar. 70c per hour plui meaia. Phone 1-7630. Ib7" WANTED experienced oaletladr. Phone 1-1090 or 3-4HI. 071' frXPEBIENCED SAJLESOIBX wanted. Hartman Broa., 344 state at. b7l' CAR HOP-JWoodrofla'a Ban Shop, 1400 Portland Hd. No pnone cant. so1 WAITRESS Woodrolfe'j San Shop, Portund Rd. No phone call,. VACATION WITH PAT Cowntelori wanted for eraltb Creek Olrl aeout camp, t weekt eeeaon. Oood opportunltr for collece flrU and teachere who can quallfr. Write Ban tlam Ana Olrl acouU, 13S Walt Pint. Albanr. cb77- OENEXAL OFFICE (irl, with bookkeep- tnc and trPlnc oxperlonee. Applr In r'"r, PerrUns .l!r. N Capltol. i fb WANTED Bxperlenoed aaluladr for dreet chop. Permanent poiltlon. Field'., 430 state. tb76 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Good Jobs Just a sample listing below F Oeneral office 3173 r sales clerk, jewelry si P -fiteno,. doctor's office saw r ncccPw.-steno., part nr. PReopt., light shorthand 3173 P fieo'y., aptitude figures , 3333 uooKKcoper q 1375 M Accountant, senior 3435 M Office boy, must type 3300 -me isest way to the Best Job COMMERCIAL PLACEMSKT AGENCY m B.a si, (uregon jcg.) 4-3351 PORTLAND OPPICB, 300 CORBETT BLDQ, .rf7.ti WANTED SALESMAN BCAL ESTATE salesman wanted. Must oe quauiiM xor natter Class property. Man requiring 3730 to 1,000 monthly ju-som is type oast suited xor our ex elusive listing office. gniDD. .t-trrfc flee. Productive advertising. Only wide awake experienced man wanted. Our present staff knows of this ad. Ssverin neaur -uo S3d iv. High Bt. Mo phone calls please. gc78 WANTED POSITIONS WANTED BABY Jit tint Jobl. Dar or h77 evenlnr. Call 4-&066. WILL DO CEILING, one wan or entire houae. Do all klnda of palntlnt, bruih and tprar, furnUh referencca, br hour or contract. Ph. 4-3944. h81 ALTERATION WOMAN wantl work In aw., a-aaa, aooq worker. 1-7004, h79 DRESSMAKING alt. Prlcct reaaon eOlC 3-7004. h79 SERVICE STATION attendant c odd lobe. Part time. Phone 4-1146. h77' JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER, ttata li cenced, 36. Wanta tteadr employment. ju -wapitai journal. h77' PAINTING. Free eitlmatei. 34 reart cx- periBnce in saiem. pnone 1-7663. hll CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowlni, dUclnt, Medina. Phone a-coai. h96' PLOWTNO,. I44MEDIATX SIRVIOE. eyjuu. n7i' BUILDING BEMODEUNO. PlaaUrlnc. erica wore, no job too emaU. 4-1346. h7l WIEMAL'S DAY NURSERY Llo.DUd and atata Impeded. Infante tip to I. rnone a-ouio. hg(, SPECIAUZED CHILDREN'S Jewlnt. al teranont. pn. a-6061. h63 CUSTOM ROTO-VATINO 44 hour. Phone - we aiicr a p.m. hit' PLOWING and dlaclnt. Ororer L. Ha- mann, 349S Blouom Dr Salem. Phone .-mi. h36' NEW lawna. Rotcrr hoemt. FT a. eetl- matec Lmana woieott. Phone 31137. h!7 PATCH PLASTERING, buementa water proofed br plaatcrlns. Prank 'a Service, fn.D. .-.on. ntr GARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre. paratlon. Plowlnr, dlaclnt, lerellnt, imiiuuiii ejervieo venter, rncnt 43671, h76" TILiyn WITH new M.X. ROTARY TIL LER. Phont trenlnt 1-1133. h64 LIGHT CRAWLER, doxlnr, dirt level- int, trtdint. pnont 3-1330. h77' LANDSCAPE malnttnance. p r n n 1 n m. trtmmlnt, planting, fertUUlnt. Berr Ice Center. Phone 4-3673. h79 CUSTOM WORK plowlni and dlaclnt. Pnone 1-4149. 1191 Blrchwood Dr. h!4 TREE WORK. Topplnt, trlmmlnt, re morlnr. Iruured operator. John Payne. Ph. 1-6636. h79 CARPENTER Cabinet work, home re modellnt, free eathnatac Call 1-4411, 4-1133. han. ft RADIO TV SERVICE TV ANTENNA Bonded and Ikenacd apecleiut. Inatalled. 10 plut maurlal. Call anr time. Free eatlmttet. Phone 4-3363. haloi WANTED TO RENT COUPLE with 3 email children detlr. 1 or t-oearoom nnfurnlahad hout. Pre- icr n.a. eaiem, up to 60. Phone 13034. 1,7,. ............................... ROOM & BOARD BOOM AND BOABD Pamllr ttrle. Ph. 1177 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 EDUCATION TELEVISION NEEDS TRAINED MEN!! PAY $3 TO $5 AN HOUR ? APPLICATIONS ARB NOW BXINCt ACCEPTED PROM MW IN THIS AREA WHO ARB EARNING LESS THAN 11000 A TEAR AND HAVE A SINCERE DESIRE TO MAKE A PRESH START IN THE MULTI MILLION DOLLAR TELEVISION PI ELD. MEN APPLYING MUST BB BETWEEN THE AOES OP 17-11. THIS LOW-COAT TRAD7INO PRO- . ORAM WILL NOT INTERPERB WITH TOUR PRESENT JOB. . ! TV FURNISHED WE TRAIN TOO WITH ACTUAL TELEVISION EQUIPMENT, TNCLUD- " INO PINE TV RECEIVER, YOURS TO KEEP. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE TO ASSIST YOU IN LABDINO THE JOB OP YOUR CHOICE. IP YOU ARE SINCERE AND AMBITIOUS TO BREAK INTO TODAY'S PASTKST OROWINO INDUSTRY WRITS TODAY I WRITE TODAY USE CLIP COUPON , Sure ! I want to enter the high-paying field of Television SERVICING and MAINTENANCE ' Rush me full information HOURS t WORK., MAIL TO TELEVISION TRAINING, BOX 11, CAPITAL JOURNAL . " rih-a . FOR RENT I-STORY CONCRETE WAREHOUSE BUILDING with electric elevator, alley en trance, back of Hotel Balem, a good distributor's headquarters. STATE FINANCE CO. ' 167 8, HIGH ST. ' r- FOR RENT ROOMS NICE LIGHT housekeeping room. Lady. 035 N. Church. Jk81 3 ATTRACTIVE furolshsd rooms with telephones funtlahad, 830 and 337.50 month. 339 N. Winter. iw SINGLE BOOH with dressing room for young lady. Walking distance. 348 N. Capitol. Jk76' FOR RENT HOUSES S64 MODERN nnf urnUbed 4 room duplex, a bedroom.. Hardwood noore, renc tlen blind., combination tub and ahower. Auto, furnace, auto, hot water. rantt and remt. n, capitoi Bt. corn er Marlon. Phone 4-1405. Im76 FURNISHED modern auburban, beautl ful location, 10 mln. drlrel Phone 3-1337. !m70 CLOSE IN, i bedroom unfurnlahed cot- late. Ail electric. 066 n. cnurcn. Jm81 S BEDROOM house, fireplace, electric heat, tarace. Waller atreet, Phone 1-4440, Jm70' S BEDROOMS, 1 bathe, complatelr fur- n Lined, cuanwasner, automatic was li ar, baaement. Older comfortable home. Nice nelthborhood. 4100 per month. Phone 3-6136. Jmll" FOR LEASE April 1, 4-rear-old, 4 bed room home. Automatlo waaher, floor furnace. 476. Mra. P. L. Epler. 3193 Park Arc. Phono 37111. lmT7 NEWLY DECORATED houie. Dderlr ladr preferred, couple eoneldered. In quire 710 N. cottate. Im76 MODERN t BEDROOM home, with la- race too. Phone 1-9614 after I p.m. lm7l' CLEAN, NICELY PUBNI8HBD 1 -bedroom home and garage, 350. 1311 Edge water. 33103, evenings 30339. Jm78' THREE-BEDROOM house, 760 Oregon street. Phone 1907 Turner for de tails. jm77 FURNISHED 3-room garage bouse, gar den spot. 3087 Pars: Lane. 45533, Jm78 FURNISHED OB unfurnished 1 -bedroom cottage, gaTag. Inquire 3846 Port land Rd. Jm78 X-BEDBOOM furnished rental, newer. clean and neat, only 330 per month, call Rawlins Realty, 3-40e or 41711. im OFFICE FOR RENT OB 3-BOOM BDITE. 3 singl. Oregon Building. Phone 3-41 H. Jo FOR RENT: Room o Perry street, suitable for Office Plnance Co. r stors. Btate ion- GROUND FLOOR effise ar store space ror rent, can at nus Market. Jo' FOR RENT APARTMENTS BOOM APABTMENT. Electric rente. rnrate cntrence. Adultc 700 N. Liber tr: Phone 36147. Jpll 17LOSE IN, fumUhed bachelor apart ment, kltenmettt. ntuitr furnuhed. Reasonable. One or two men. Phone -33. 1p7' NEW SPACIOUS apt. One bedroom. Rente, relrlcerator, tarbatt aerrlce. 460.00. Oloae-ln euburben. Buaineae couple referencca. Box 14, Capital Journal. Jp78 NEWLY REMODELED fumlahed apart ment, a room ana bath, 146. 130 So. 14th, 1-0339. Jp7t. Ito.oOi 1 BOOM fumlahed apartment. lnrludlnr refrlterator, Cloae In North, flee Burt Plcha, 371 N. Hlth. Phone '-"" JP78' FURNISHED BOOM apartment. 956 Oak St. JP76' BASEMENT bachelor apartment. Prlrete oein aoo. entrance, cnoaa in. 443 Union St. io7t SMALL, CLEAN apartment for ladr. 679 w. man. . jP7,i ROOMS, fumlahed. and bath. OiitaM. entrance, em so. till, pnont 1-6467. Jp79 A R O E TWO bedroom unfurnlehed apartment axeept a tor. and refrlter ator. Oood deel to rleht partr. Alio nlcelr furalebed clean apartment, utiiitlea fumlahed on both. Ill south 16th. Jp76 BEDBOOM Unfurnlehed anartment with atore, refrlterator and T.V. an tenna. 407 a 11th. ip7l NICE COUNT apartment, fnmUhed. Ideal for workins alrl, Phont 30714. Jp77 BOOMS Nlcelr fumlahed. onl.t nelthborhood, 1 block rail Memorial hoepltal. 404 Bo, Summer. Jp7l EDUCATION FO RENT APARTMENTS BEAUTIFUL lumlahed apartment, far permanent realdent. 444 N. tact. Phone 1-1167. Pro. OoU 1P FURNISHED APABTMENT, 111 and 131, 1941 M. Com'c, Phono 4-16M artnlnta. Jp77 S-BOOM FUENIiBED Apartment 414 So. Winter. jp7l SEVERAL furnlthtd apertmaaU, tood location. Inqulrt H. L. atlff Purnltur. riiwi;. s-siss. jp NICELY FUBNISBED apartment. Am. baaaador apartmanti. 160 N. Sum mer. J077. 1-BOOM nawlr decorated furnUhed apartment, 140. AU ntUltlat Mid, 3604 Maple. Phone 16091. Jp77 S ATTEACTXVK, clean apartmanti, turn. unea, uoae in. i,-omiortaDl4 beae, clec trio refrlteratora, ttoreii prl.atc an. trance. Suitable for hornet for worklns people. Aleo a batemant apartment fumlahed, III. 341 Union. Phont 41461. ' JP77 CLEAN, COMFORTABLE 1 room Apart, ment, cloae In, ladr preferred, all 'errr. jp7T ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED upper floor, on creek. TV antenna. Adulta. 490 Wll low. Phono 17494 or 30 607. ipso SMALL FURNISHED apartment. Ladies preferred. 640 Perry. ; Jp77 FURNISHED s room, baaement apart ment, utuitleo, prints bath, 430 a. 30th. jp77 DUPLEX S room. lurnUhed, around floor, oil furnace, laundrr f acllitlaa, aduiu. 1161 N. Capitol. Phone 11771. jpTje GROUND FLOOR front, I rooma, bath, a rooma, oatn; tot fl. com'l. 3P7I Lee Apts. Balem'a Moat Die tint uUhad Addrecs FoUowInt rentale can ba ahows now: 3-Bdrm. Arallabla Now 110.00 1-Bdrm. Arallabla Now 77.00 For -luxury urlnt at moderate ratca caU at its N. winter St, Ph. 4-1611. ' Jp ROOM fumlahed apartment, 436, and 430. Alto 1 room apartment for em plored woman. 130. Phono S-4406. rc7ie 4 LOST & FOUND LOST 4" WELL DRILL bit em Bo. Hirer Road, near Roberta, abont 4 Ions, Threaded on one end. Aproox. 100 Ibe. Reward. Phone 1-7399. k7S LOST i LADY'S watch. "Ornate Keep cake." Reward. Oall 1-8366. kit FOUND Black oocker tpanlel, capital bulldlnt, laat week. TlclnltF 3-4741. HP ,t MISCELLANEOUS BEX-KIVI TRUCKS U-DRtVB MOVE TOUaSELP SAVE Mi PICKUPS STAKES TANS TEXACO STATION 119 COURT BT. PHOHX 1.1131 PAOX STEVENSON and AL MXPPORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST OASES DR. HARVEY 8EMLER. DENTltfT Adolph BIdt., atata a Commercial Bit. SALEM PH. 1-1311 m" SALU4 SAND ORAVEL COMPAXf Contract wrk Bead Cloarlns - Dltchtss Sewer and Baaement Equipment Rental Zntchlns br the Pool Phone Dare 14404 Xrea. 3-4417 or 1-7411 Salem. Oravon W4 BUILDING MATERIALS GARAGE complete on your lot to rour epeclfleaUont, at low at 111 per month, no down parment, BORKMAN LBK, 4k HDWE. CO. 1(40 (Hate SL . . Ph. M701 ma7l BOOFINO-Complete line. Call Weatern Auto, x-7177, for free cellmate. Oara ble'e Western Auto supplr Co,, 101 N. Commercial. ma77 Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. It, li lnehet clear, II; No. i, I lnehet clear, 14, No aap wood ar eullt. coma and set them. TM Muller, Baltm-Independenco Road. Ph. Salem 1-1100. ma- KEITH BROWN SPECIALS Close Out We art aloalnt out anr sntlrt tlock of Plumblnt, Houtewtar and Work Clothea. Orerallt, Bhlrta, pastl - si l off while ther laat. Keith Brown Lumber Yawl FRONT At COURT STB. PHONE 14111 (We tin a a H Oreea atampa) ma. By Ham Fisher Journal Want Ads Pay! m teaiucrs dff