,1 ;v r , Monday, March 30, 1953 RADIO: PROGRAMS Gunf ighter's Return TUESDAY P. M. y LESLIE ERNENWEIN Pafi-e 14 . THE CArn Ali JUUKlMAiu, ftaiem, uregun I STEVE BOFEB , . , , r-rr, . : ni I . C5i5ifcr cnpooce iwc 1 T' this mamtir-m irmr aprrmntr; i follow him-mwi v OONT BE DIFFICULT N. SUBJECT, WT f WE BOYS-jrZZA stf fA trJi STEVE MSJELV BECAUSE) -AND THE XJ 1 M IT I 'iy II C "9C I I WANT YOU WORKING JU DOOR a )! fl WSPfJL till h TarnisTTO SErV. I pogo , - i .-a-Ao. iiwMgMAUimaAttMiwmsti1SA9ua.1 inwi. "V loucuwrw I IJJ.iVntk I I i a.ef P. iTAiiMSJiuefMariiMfV.UsI urn i Atep-l-VM AN' WMMOiflyo II ORPHAN ANNIE ' ' : -- : I S "ss sj 1 HEKSQBISDKt) imagine Al Ifl -shucks! down home weA I r MS HAD BFStl T RNflLUV HE ii H WAS GROMEO UP I MR. VMS-SUCH VII HEVEB DKl CONfilDEP UHOT I I 23 eueKMftiL I oeaoEoioeiBp fl n how and woulo H a nice, sweet, H he done no realsn-. I I T1 "TO THOSE CROOKS-1 fWWQ.QOMCK H WV ONDERBTOND, U fllHET LITTLE CH-1 H IT WAS A Fr&B FK3HT-" J y II I V - II r7T - lllMWcutl -Nl THE II I vw ' U ffVi'B VI I I I I I i S7 K1 I II. IU,I f .--fV IH II J I IVWI I LIL ABNEB ' :. ' ." " ' . I T"! SLCevBOIANS TRUSTED 1 I AH HEE W OUR VOUNS llNS WAS 1 n""SU TN'SCLFJSM ZJX VMRHIMTS.V Y ALL WE. M r WHAT WWr P I KFFP HFARIN' A A k ' i MdMT 'i.' TJW MUTT & JEFF ' jaaiiHEHADRftwa wrruM.MTOrCM 1 K T ti"1P tp J did 1 IfiiD.iirTrrinr ur 1 ' 10 TWELVE INCHES THE FIRST BRANCH Luat ) FOB IT f I sjn, . o, ,t -r , .-ut i-r fDPAT 2,r rpap03 I WIDE--T RAN WAS ABOUT THIRTV ) CAU6HT IT eHAsA0 HEEAWAS ) "OR MV LIFE J ( FEET FROM THeX Tl D0WHJ ' AT LEAST TEN FEET j F0R A TREE V. GROOHOlj ft V7 T)r" jall w--. tt r- VcJ r ,1 IM : BEX MORGAN. M. P. . lrllllll II II II I I H mBJy T rwjT rr1 W v6u,86BeSlNNINS TO ACT "M Hill M T THAT REPORT ON SHEILA TURNER J JHAT MONEV, I 1 LIKE VOU'RE SORRY YOU ) tUU e ANP BARU IS CIRCUMSTANTIAL, la f AS SOON AS TH INSURANT X BARU .' A EVER MET wVf I 11 II DRl MORGAN.. .BUT THE REAL Jtfto COMPANIES PAY OPP, WEU. JL A I 7 MB, SHEILA.' FITXTTri I II! ill'' SHOCKER IS IN THE F.P. A. TtU BOTH. 6ET OUT OF TOWN. JF i UV" JZVl 1 I I I U W ANALYSIS OF BARU'S "HARMLESS' JffW I IMIEUI II ll ir--?il 1 l-.iUI ll1L.rL' IIIIIIIIB'MIIM I.:-!cv III II JHCHI I DONALD DUCK . I I I, I f'lVE GOT MV SlDEV FINE.. C UALP COVEPPO i,V JnrlSS ilTTTTlTf Si 'iSnTSns m wBXXRaii VXu -VC 3 ' L-lJ IMTO " " 11 . MARY WORTH ' r rNIMkJJJSt AWAY IN A DRUG 5TPRL ) Tl" H C THAXTON ?! SHE WA5NT A DOCTOR.. J VOULOOItiAaAl ,w., TiiiiJKiN6tlf AKlT t JUST THOUGHT YOU E ij BACH IN 'I8- WHEN UDLtbXl yJi ewtNi-ISANY-V1 WAS THINKING FAN n CT1 SjJs AM6HT BE ABLL TO TELL ME )dl THAT !y rYoWUSAY TOIW?MVftKlTOWr kt SOMETHING ABOUT THIS DR.6WEN- TJfkl ... .6l-A MfwHf ov)l DOES JAy.' 3 W IS DOLYN THWTKERV.OIItF JONtS A 1 I. Til ' lLrf ZnT TfTTn WOAyLW 7W BS r&JMt PROBABLY HAD SOMETHING J J I I itm !o! ipjl "n CHAPTER J6, Uountlns the ron, Rimbaud rode cns Uie ridg and gar MuHai puce a casual apprauai. The lone, dirt-roofed log cabin mi flanked by a wagon ncd and two corrals, except :or uiree uun- arlak trees Uiat aliaded It on the weet, the yard was free of growth and thus furnished fair protection against a sneak attack. A fly swarmed quarter of beef hung in the wagon shed, two ahrunk-up cowhides draped the corral fence, and tin cans littered on aid of the yard. - "Not much of an outfit," Rim baud reflected. But presently, as he explored the cabin, he found the two rooms surprisingly well ' furnished. The kitchen, with Its cupboard shelves neatly trimmed by acalloepd red oilcloth and white ourtalns at the window, revealed a woman knack for frilly fixings. The other room contained a huge four-poster bed, an ornately carved bureau with a large mir ror, three comfortable chairs, and a varnished commode, a stone fireplace, flanked by filled book ahelvce. formed one end of the room, and there were eolofful drapes at the window. ' Eve's dotaM. Rimbaud (uessed, and thought how it would be with her here. One hour with Eve would turn this cabin into a king's palace. He wondered if a wedding CMM naa neen set, ana lor wie first time in his Ufa was envious of another man's possessions. aUclng meat from the quarter d beef, Rimbaud aooked a meal and ate U without relish. The thought same to Mm that a man shouldn't have to eat supper alone, or alt listening with a loaded rifle beside his chair. -The gunsmoke was all right for young bucks Far Every Mood at the Dayl Sew casual dress with easy un- any this mounted short sleeves In fabric you can name. The Prin cess seams in the bodice and skirt insure figure fit and flattery I No. 3881 Is cut in sizes 14. 16, 18, 30, , 38, 40, 43, 44, 4, 4B. Size 18: 4K yds. 5-ln. or 4K yds. of 38-in. ,, Bend 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and Size. ' Address PATTERN BU REAU, Capital Journal, 053 Mis sion Street. San Francisco t, Calif. esG wanting adventure and a repuU' tion. But there came a time when a man got over that. A time came when he wanted his own home and a swee Moving wife to share it. . "Must be getting old," Rimbaud sua, ana was snocaea at uie real ization. It had never occurred to him that the seven short years that seDarated twenty-eignt irom twenty-one could make that much difference. At dusk he sat on the cabin's front stoop with the Winchester near at hand. Three bones, two bays and a paint, had come in from the horse trap for their eve ning drink at uie water trougn. Thev stocd near the oorral gate for half an hour, enviously watch ins the roan munch hay: then they departed in single file, thelr shadowy shapes merging into the mauve dusk. when full darkness came he went to the haystack and toted hay to a wagon in the shed, then nrouent- Dianaets irom uie caoin. The wagon might not be as com fortable as that four-poster bed, but It would be a safer place to sleep if Roman Four riders staged a night raid. And' they would, eventually. Jim Rimbaud awoke at day break, fully rested. He had fed his horse and was making a fire in the kitchen stove when the roan nickered. Whirling instantly, Rim- oaitt picked up me wincnester. He stepped over to one side of the doorway and aaw his horse stand ins: at the corral gate. Ha ears wicked forward. eomeooay coming iron we east, mmoaua mougni. uoing ouwae, he kept elose to the cabin wall until he could see around the cor ner. A single rider, coming slowly across the mesqulte-blotched flats, was barely visible against the shadowy bulk of Jigsaw Divide, which reared men oenind nun Rimbaud was reasonably sure that it was Sam Maiben. wanting a oup of coffee at his own table. But ne waited iinoi ne coma aeiuuieiy identify the oncoming horseman before returning to the kitchen. Rimbaud had the coffeepot on and bacon frying in a skillet when Maiben rode into the yard. A faint irrln creased - Malben's bearded cheeks as he got down, announc ing. "The oroaisai son returns." His red-rimmed eyes warily raked the yonder trees and he asked, 'Anyooay around last nignt?" No. Rlmoaud said standing in the doorway. "Did they bother youf" " v'v' ' Maiben snoot nu neaa. "But i didn't sleep regardless. Not wink." He led his horse over to the cor ral, unsaddled, and forked it a feed of hay. When he came into me xiicnen ne aaxi wearuy. -inis aoaging suit no tun. -for a fact: oven witn a pretty girl to Keep you company?" Rimbaud asked siyiy. Mai Den aidnt like that and showed it in the quick way he mM 'nlla HMnt ilav Iayw " U watched Rimbaud pour coffee, adding, "She's a trifle on the flirty side, but it don't mean a thing." Rimbaud grinned. "It might mean sometning to iw Btrom- berglf he caught her," he sug. "I tried to tell her that. She says her old man thinks more of cattle than he does of people." "Shouldn't ' wonder," Rimbaud reflected. t Maiben sat down and blew steam from his coffee. Then, as the two roans started a commotion in WW mih iw uuiimi up, wpiniig over his chair and clawing for his gun. , . Just our ponies trying each other out for else," Rimbaud said. Seeing the tension ebb from Mal- oen's naggard lace, he added. "You're soookv as a bunch-aultter bronc." "It's the listenlna." Maiben said. "Tlie listening. I listen all the time.". .. ...-: . He reached behind some staples on a bottom shelf and brought out a gallon tug. He puuea tne con, tilted the Jug expertly, and took a long drink. "snake-Dite medicine,' he said. "Want a swig?" Rimbaud grimaced, the thought oi wnisxy oeiore Dreaxiasl was hugely distasteful to him. "Don't like the stuff that well," he said. Maiben took another drink be- fore putting the Jug away In its hiding place. "I'm supposed to be i a teetotaler," he admitted with a 'sly wink. "A fellow who never I takes a drink not even a glass of i beer. Folks would sure be sur 1 prised to know I keep a Jug In the house. But Uteres times when a man needs a drink real bad. Like now." He sat down and loosed a gusty sigh and began eating. But his bloodshot eyee didn't relax. (To Be Continued) Keep teeth bright Chew Writtys Spwurt Cum. .turally t1"" A sparkling imile it "oghty important Helps keep Enjoy th' daily. 9 aulM ROOM aV BOABD Y'KNOW THE ROAD THAT CUTS . OvER FROM DREARyVILLE TO THE STATE HIGHWAY ?.....THE LAND ALONG THERE IS LOW AND SCRUBBY LCOKINe.....'vVELL,I WAS DRIVING 67 THERE LAST WEEK. AND MY CAR GOT OVERHEATED, SO I FOUND A CAN AND HEADED TO A SWAMP POND FOR. WATER...AND ABOUT 100 FEET FROM THE ROAD I WALKED ANKLE-DEEP INTO A POOL OF CRUDE OILt F7 NOW, HANOVER... Um uniffll1 firr rnnn 1 .1 INQUISITIVE EARS If m IN MY DEN AND fj CAN TALK FREELY... f r.V SO WHAT IS THE ft) GREAT DISCOVERY OU MADE f V MlliMl t lrrrr jfeii i n,.';Mszsaau KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE K0C0 J CM NBC ttt CBS UM ASC IMS MBC MSS MM las '', N ' Ntvl rftalSUrvo T T4m Bsldir Ntwt ' alTs W UH Cmm Ort II NaXJIttoa N.w, S,ltu - r. Oa V 1 ll'lf, rnnr I'h b..m r.n JMkOw.M o ess sM,r . r. d. v 1 HwImm " ' Mn' Mm' ssldtr aithu ; "TTuBkil, WHe hiiiim KW,,I JMk SUit MKa HtlT ' I K Jl.uiolM Mr. Ufa, a.r W,.l KlrksMS SslStr H.,1, Md. i:i!iWU. Brawa hlrkhus . Km Wtit 1. S.kaillu lUit Nm 1:8 W hi Mm, Klrtb.- K WmI Ml SHew "" i-fSTrUlD BUI Mf.SpkU. C1IID Nawi SpUn Mil ll :Tr T' rr'll A. OadlM, Cl Tlnm, Mall, SplSar Milaer 11 L Jaae, A. OoSlrar U,a Llka Mail, SplSar Maalr '.JJ Dae', WHa A. Oaalray MlUlaaalra Skappar f SpHar MiUar ..-a W.Icbi Gadlrap aaaaa Maala Oa, Tawa Ilaa DaaSp Mat la K ,L " l.il TraitUra OaSliar BUI Bias laSepaaSaaaa Ska Maala MaL i.K, Dr. Pail Codlrer Uia Nawa Ha, Daaar Maala Uti. J'.Jj D. OaftawaT Mawap Clrla faala Staaa Skaw Maala MiL i-Taj Maila Baa Klrkkaai Taaaa ValUa LavlaVISSIaa Brjr Karla Nan i Mailt Bai Bath Aahlaa Saalrral Huailaivar Mail, Halt. Hara'a la.Vifc A 'A Mail, Baa Jin Wakalp Caaa Cart Mauap Hail, Marl Saaaal Laak 4145, Bit, af Day Taaafallr Happy Tlaia Baat Mayaa Maala Mart Waaiwa Ft .aa Nawa SS Mairaal Marria Clrali Sit. Vraataa Mail, Mart Skavaaaa I II Nana Nava . V. riaklay Sat. Fraalaa Mule Mart Shawcaia !: L MaCaU . WarM TaSay O. Baallay Sky Klai Mailt Mart VallarTla, g':StE. Patataaa Irank Oaaa Bek OartaS Sky Klas Maala Mart SaastaBf. : S-MlBalaa Maala Jahany Waatbarataa IQaa. Baaltar Maala Mail tCaailaliKkt ' J'.U Belaa Maala Dollar Hama Zd. NW N,l- Slta Oil Caadltllikt i'-io Fibber a My FrlaaS Oaad Anaaar Mas Nawa g;45 MeUy Iraaa . Llataalaa Baaa Hay,a ' Inaam, Taa a .aa Herb Sbrlaar Fcopla Ara Silyar Bat la Bapartar Beearr v ' 'k Herb Shrloar Fanay Sllyar Raila Baaadap SlaraSlaa ' .)n Swayae Maala Ball Mlcbaal W Caaal . Maala 45 Jaaa rlebaai Maala Mall Shayna Bamblara " Sparti .a Maa'a Farall L. Tbenaa Sympheaetta Hiah Traek 14M S'.5 Warld Nawa Oa Spat Symphenette Adraatara Traek UM IM Calraleade al Mr. and Mra Meal Your Maila Tratk ltn t:4H America Warlh Nelabber Maala Track Hat .as Marlla a Darla Day Tawa Glaa Hard! Track llll 'if Lewli Darla Day Meellas Fallaa Levi! Track I4M . I'M Fraedara VII Ja Stafford Tawa Meal. Maala Traek KM ' 1:45 Fraadaaa 1)81 Jialer Mil, Maallar N. Maria Warld New, 4:40 Beaarter 5 Star Flaal Final Id. Behind Stan Nlahl Seat' 1:15 Sparta Flaal Ultra Denea Tlrae Newareel Nlaht Sear 4:tS Tha ChaM lauralawa Danea Tlaaa Nawa ' Maila 4:45 Tha Chara Nayy Shaw Danca Tlraa Hammer Oai Tea Waal i;tO Nawa Orfaa Daaaa Tlma Hammer Ga Naetaraa :f L. MeCaU Meladlaa Daaea Tlma Mldalfht Naetaraa :1A Wax Traaaarr Daaca Tlma Meladlaa Naetaraa :4,r Maeeam Bead Danca Tlma Meladlea Neetarne I8:tl Sura Oil 8lrn Oil IDanea Tlma IXtra Hear ' I Isira Ofi Don't fret over a down payment. We take most anything en t trade for a beautiful Raythcoir Set. See Us First for the finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 lana Ave. Phone 3S$8 Open Monday and Friday Evenings WEDNESDAY S A.M. TO 1 1 :45 A.M. g.fO Maele Tlma Newt Oreaea Fara NW New, IBreakiait . Maladlai 15 Maala Tlma BF0 Oracat Hear Timekeeper Naak Meladlet g-'lg Maila Tlma KOIN Black O.e Farm Newa Breaktaat Farm Newa (:4( Farm rim, KOIN Klaek O. Farm Br. March Time Naak Nat. Newe a .aa Caantry Kd. KOIN Klaek New, Hemlnrway . Breakfaal Medllatlaai VI? J. L. Will, New, M. Airenaky Breakfaal Naak KOCO Klaek 7 -lb New. Newa Bab Garred Gana Breakfaal KOCO Kletk T:45 Knox Man. H. Babbitt Bab Baiea Sam Hayaa Naak , KOCO Kletk S'to Old Sanaa Can. Newa- Breakfaal Ceell Brawa Jim Dandy New, glS Old Sana, Newr Clab Family Alter Jim . Dandy KOCO Klaek IIO Mnale Bax Grand Slam Breakfaal Haren al Jim Dandy KOCO Kletk 8:4. Mnale Bax Beeemary Clnb Bert Jim Dandy Nawa UoMeile Bax W Warrea A.M. Edit Dr. Sward Back Feaea Bapplaeu ;15 Maiie Bex Aaat Jenny Teday'a Star Cptl Cmatry Matlnea Tana Tina t 'to Amer. Trail Helen Treat Friend la Paater'k Call Back Fence Plana Pta t:4f V. Lladlahr Gal Sanday Need Baa. Ceaatei Matlaea Eyalra K. ' H'St) Haateaa Bsc. Read Uie D. Gardner Glea Hardy Baek Fenea Bare 1415 Beeteaa Bh. Ma Perkins Cbet Huntley Tela Teat Matlnea' . Beeerle li'M Strike II Dr. Helena Mr Tree Anawer Man Baek Feaae Bay, ISjdf Blch Paid, tltht Story Maele MaUnea Bceerd, 11 .gf Danble ar Mra. Bartan Wblrperlni Ladle, Fair Baek Fence Baya 1115 Nethlnff Perry Maaen Girl Marrlca Ladlca Fair Matinee Reeerd, l'r Bob and Bay Nera Drake V. Lladlahr Qaeen Far Baek Feaea Bare ll'djr Bab Bope Brlahter Da? Barney Keep1 Pay Matinee Beeerdl FM M.a.i KOIN 10 1.1, . a DIAL LISTING, u-l Taeaday F.M. IS:M, Newal awnv. 12 p.m. KKX K.I, S la S a.m. KOAC. ISO 12:10. Polk Caanty Afentl 1:00, Blda 'Em Cewbeyt S:W, Especially far Wemeni 4:00, Warld Review; S:0O, Chllfren'a Theatart 0:00, Newa aad Weathert S:45, Oreran Laalalatara; 7:1S, VD&r Wedneeday A.M. XWn-W Mewe and Wealhert 10:00, 10: l. Eipeclally far Women; lt:00, Oretea Schoal al Alrt lt:15, Neaa Farm Hear. Eyealnr Farm Bean 0:45, 10:00, Slrn Oil.' Medltatleal Population up At Woodburn Woodburn The official pop ulation of Woodburn has in creased by 184 due to the cen sus taken of the area east of the highway annexed to the city since the census of 1950, and brings the total population of the city o 2579,. according to confirmation by the secre tary of state's office. The count was taken last week by Mrs. Sarah Larkin of Woottburn, under the supervis ion of the office of the secre tary of state. The area in which the count was taken was the section east of the Pacific highway along Tomlin and George street and the Silverton road, annexed jflSl ACROSS ' 1. Animal 8. Edge '. 9. Old piece of clotb 12. The chosen 13. Silkworm 14. Liquor 15. Clow 16. Calcium carbonstt 18. Not buiy 20. Relieves 21. Soft mineral 34. Indefinite number 26. Simple 27. Pertaining to Ariui 29. Make leather 31. Kind of tress 33. Jail keeper 38. River em bankment 40. Wake 41. Nickname for Theresa 45. Kind of dog 47. lnvemgate 48. Sign of the zodiac 10. Propels a boat 83 Business associate 54. Make amends 58. Inhabitant of: suffix 89. Wing 80. Take up again 81. Male descendant 83 Run between ports (3. Bang loosely. DOWN 1. Stake IGuldo's highest note 3. Trouble 4. Resolutely calm 8. Look after 8. Late Nov. 7, 1950. The new Wood burn population figure will be used in the distribution of state liquor and highway funds. : . . ; Cost of the enumeration was borne by the city.- . Reed College May Start Giving Grades Seattle U.R Heed college, at Portland, Ore., may upset a 40-year tradition by issuing grades to its students, President Duncan S. Ballentine said here. Speaking at a Reed alumni meetings, Ballentine said the system of not giving grades was defeating its purpose. Solution of Saturday's Puzzle 1 One of David's rulers 8. Measure of distance 8. Elevate 10. Change 11. Swimming birds 17. Eccentric rotating ' piece I 12 15 14 lb jplb 7 15 IpW llO III iniife::!"--- H m 17 liiiir I 1 1 ii ki zr 5rsr a ii ," ST W WW VtjhyhJ A. j m ''Wm Twfrwjr tfri 5T -ST 5o- ':''. '--w 5T jST ET It. Old exclsmstioa 21. Headpiece 31 Brazilian macaw It. Organ of speech -39. Steer wildly 38. Masculine nickname 30. Conflict 32. Juice of a tree 31 Baking vessel JS.Call 16. Compass point 37. Fishing device 39. Fsther of English grammar 41. Material used for hangings 41 Muse of lyrls : poetry 43. Alarm signal 44. Harden 48. Leave 49. Crackle 5L Division of a hospital S3. Part of a building S3. Indian of Tierra dot Fuego 56. Catnip 57. remalo sbeep MARCH II i