Mi,), , .11 Monday March 80, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Baku, Ortfoa Part 1 Death Closes Fabulous of Jim Thorpe LomlU, Calif. (U.R) Funeral arrangements were itlll pend Ini today fer Jim Thorpe, the bit Indian who won sports fame that never dimmed dur ing Ma lifetime, but who tatt ed bitter disappointment al most from the moment be : reached greatness. Thorpe, 04, died Saturday of a heart attack In hli trailer . home here, where he had come Juit a week earlier to rest and fish. He and his wife, Patricia, were eating dinner at the time. ' It had been more than 40 years since Thorpe started an athletic career, which included exploits in nearly every major sport, that brought him world acclaim. -To m a n y he was the world's top sports figure. King Gustav of Sweden told him in 1912: "Sir, you are the greatest athlete In the world." That was perhaps the highest point in his career, coming af ter he had won both the deca ;. thlon and the pentathlon at the . Olympic games at Stockholm. But long after he no longer was active, his feats in football, baseball and track and field continued to speak for his greatness. Just three years ago, l-ports writers' poll named him the greatest male athlete of the half-century. And Iti 1951, the movie, "Jim Thorpe, All-American," depicted his career. - But only a year after his Olympic showing, he receiv : ed one of his greatest dis- I Plans for WU Relays April 4 Nearly Complete ;. Plans are nearing comple tion for' presentation of the third annual Willamette relays at McCulloch stadium on Sat urday afternoon, April 4. The huge cinder festival, un der direction of Ted Ogdahl, is scheduled to start at 1 o'clock harp and will finish at 5:45 meaning that a field of over 1500 prep and college athletes will run through the Jam packed schedule in less than five hours. Ogdahl reports 109 high schools have entered to date plus 12 colleges. More entries are expected by the deadline which falls on Tuesday mid night, March 31. The colorful track classic, recognized as the largest in the entire northwest, will be supervised by some 70 officials. Admission to the event is 50 tents for students and 90 cents for adults. Tri-City Buys Pitcher From Los Angeles Wenewick, Wash. (U.R) Jens Dobernic, veteran major league and Los Angeles Angel pitcher, has been purchased by the Tri-City Braves of the Class "A" Western Interna tional Baseball League. The 34-year-old right-hander, who was sold yesterday, will be used principally for re lief, according to Tri-City Man ager Edo Vanri. Dobernic has played with both the Chicago Cubs and the White 6ox between stints with the Angeles. He was purchas ed for an undisclosed amount from the Toronto Maple Leafs of the AAA International League. After winning one and los ing three in 86 relief appear ances last season with Toronto and Springfield, he was sent to Denver of the class "A" Western League. SCORES In the Alleys t 1 C Cm Jim Thorpe appointments. It was discov ered that he had played base ball for a small league in 1910 and had received $60 a month. ' Thorpe admitted it freely, and under the Olympic code he was stripped of his medals and his marks wiped from the rec ord books. . . There were other frustrations and hardships in Jim's life, such as when he swung a pick and shovel for a living during the depression. In 1951, sick and broke, he was a charity case In a hospital while he underwent surgery for removal of a lip cancer. ' " Thorpe was born on a farm near Prague, Okla., in 1888. He won his first fame playing foot ball at Carlisle Indian school, setting records there the same year ha starred in Olympic games. . Teague Wins 100-Mile Race Phoenix ) Marshall Teafu, Dayton Beach, Fla., the 1053 champion, Sunday won the Phoenix 100-mile American Automobile Asso ciation national championship stock car race. - Jack McGrnth, Pasadena, Calif.; finished second. Unof ficially, Ebe Yoder, Goshen, Ind., was third; Jimmy Bryan, Phoenix, fourth, and Bob Christie, Grant Pass, Ore., fifth. : , .-- LEGALS LEGALS NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE I RrVERVIEW DRIVE FROM KTNOWOW I DRIVE TO LOT It, ' BLOCK S, KINO- WOOD VIST a. ' NOTICE HEREBY U GIVEN ibevt tfa. Common CmneU of the City of Siem, Oregon, deems It seoeunry and xptxll ent fend torebr declares It purpou anil intention to improve RXVERVXKWJDRIVK from the north line of Ktngnood Drlre to the weet lino of Lot 13, if extended northerly, Block 3, Klngwood Vlitrn, in the city of Salem, Polk County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and ad jacent property, except the treat and alley Interactions the axpenae of which will be assumed by the City If Balem, by bringing eatd portion of aald street to the established grade, providing atreet drainage, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving aald portion of said street with a 2 Inch asphalUo concrete pavement 30 feet wide, In accordance with the plana and apeclflcatlons therefor which were adopted by the Common Council March f, 1863, which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto an made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described tmnrovement by and through the street Improvement department. written remonstrance against the above proposed lmnrovement may m filed with the city recorder at any time wiuun ten aays alter the iinai nunuoa- tlon of thlt notice by the owners of the property anectea. Br Order of the Commoon Council ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. Date of first publlcatloon hereof la Marcn 10, 1953. Data of final publication March 30, 1VDJ. March 18, S3, 30. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE FERRY STREET FROM TWENTIETH STREET TO TWENTY-FIRST STREET NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the common council of the City of flelemi Oregon, deems It neceasarr and axnedl ent and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to improve ferry street. from the east line of Twentieth Street to tne west line of Twenty-first Street, In the city of Balem. Marlon Count. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley Intersections the expense ef which will be assumed by the City of oautun, aw pruning saiu portion of aald street to the established grade, provid ing street drainage, constructing cement swusrrw euros, ana paving aald portion of said atreet with a 2Vt inch aiphaltte concrete pavement 30 feet in width, in accordance with the plana and specifica tions therefor which were adopted by !h CttSEcsn Csunl M;r;h f. ISM. which art now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares lta purpose and Intention to make the above described Improvement by and through the atreet Improvement department. written remonstrance against via above proposed improvement may be filed with the eUy recorder at any time within ten days after the final publica tion of this notice by the owners of the property affected. Br order of the common council March I, 19B3. Alfred MUNDT, city Recorder Date of first publication hereof la March IS, IMS. Date of final pubueauoa Mares ). 1A63. March !, , 30. NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT No. 16001 ZN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE Or OREGON FOR TnJK COUNTY OP MARION Is the Matter ef the Estate of ARTHUR L. HARDUto, Deceased. Notice is hereby elven that Tuesday. the 38th dar of April. 1051. at 0:10 A.M. in the court room of the above entitled Court, la the time and place set for hear ing of objectlono to the final account on file In the above entitled estate and for the settlement thereof. Dated and first published March to, IMS. Date ef last publication April IT, 1051. LOTTOS B. HARDING, : Administratrix PATRICK K. DOOLEY Attorney for Administratrix. March 30, April o, 13, 30, 37. 1033 " NOTICES Examination for Certified Public Ac eountalnts ef Oregon will be held In Portland from 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, May i9. snrougn rriaay, nay is. ism, Applications must be filed with the secretary en or Aerore April is, 1053. WILLIAM H. HOIAs, CJJ., Secretary uregon estate noara ox Accountancy, 414 American Bank Building, Portland 3, Ore. Mar.38.30,31 BIDS WANTED The Aurora School District No. 33J Board of Directors will receive bids un til s:oo p.m. on Friday April loth. 1053 for one 10B3, 43 Passenger School Bus. Specifications may be obtained at the Aurora Grade School from Mr. Me Lin. Board reserves the right to reject any or an bids. wm. Jensen, Clerk, Rt. 3. Aurora. Ore. Mar.37,33,30 University Alleys COMMERCIAL NO. t Later "I" ( Bt.ck.IMrs 412, Bul U 44, Horn 13. Rollofeon 40J, Per ham M. Watl'e Km. 1V zwlcker tn, rM 4U, K. Lewi, 447, paler 443, uameie ... "4" Crner. ) - CM. Ml, Miller SSI, . Brtm 4. D. Elun 40J, Moo. aui HailrwMd Cleaner. (4 Ree 417, JUHMnoO 114, Ferrll 433, CUI S3S, Oould 41S. . , SIX. Tlr. U woner , ; 10, BT 48S, lotto 474. AM'. Br kr, Ttih 44!, Prker 470, Alt itun S, Bullock 41, H.iuer 43. runk'. Conilnel.n (B French 4, Kuhn 419, S.muel 433, Plnk 44, ... .J. MA (-1.1 . k rk .1 11 Wftla BC(IU1Q BWW. , 1 ....hv- .... Uri 177, flUBKm 41. Reno 40, WU-1 ion 43S, H.BMtreet 437. i Kith Brwni (4) Mile. 178, Ollnee 471. CUuen 43, D. HUlertch Ml. B. Hlllerlch JS7. Nick'. Inn (0) B. Wll ber, 453, Mull ,39, Dlerk. 437, MUler 01, Trel.wl 444. : ' AppU.ne. (,H) Tlbot 4,3, Dutfr 478, CtiurchM 483, McP.rland 0,. Ber,', Mrk W Allenier 463, Dreel 481. LeboM 183, Bnltker (3) 133, ; Wlen, 403, Peteraon (1) 10. HUH team rl Keith Brown. 38S6. ; Hlth team tame Plank', Conatroc tlon 103. Rim Ind. ,erlei and lam. HIK. MCT.rjanc . w I , Joan Robert Thorpe Thorpe's Son at , Chemawa Grieves Death of Father j John, Robert Thorpe. shy lB-year-old Chemawa student, today awaited word from Los Angeles as to whether he will be able to attend the funeral of his famous father, Jim Thorpe, who died there late Saturday, aged 64. i The boy is a sophomore at Chemawa, where he has been for five years. Prior to com ing here he spent three years at an Indian school at Pawnee, Okla. He expects to be here until ha finishes high school. John plays football, basket ball and baseball. He has been troubled by asthma but is out growing it. His brother Rich ard left Chemawa two years ago and is now in the navy stationed at San Diego. Two older brothers are in Korea. John last saw his father in Los Angeles last summer. The elder Thorpe has never been here. The boy is wondering if the family will now get the Olympic trophies his father won- in 1912 but which were later taken from him when it was learned he had played pro fessional baseball in ignorance of the fact that it was forbid den. The Thorpe boy is a quiet, reserved youngster who volun teered no information but an swered all questions readily. Exhibition Baseball (Br Hi. AHoclated Imi) Bmndar Detroit (A) 11. Boiton (A) 1. St. Loul. (A) 8-1, Chlcaio (A) 4-1. - (ficoni nu 7 tonlnli). Clerelaad (A) IB, New York (It) S. Brooklyn (M I, Mew Tork (A) I. Philadelphia. (N) 10, Philadelphia (A) . 8. Waihluton (A) 10, UUwaukw OX) T. at. Louli (If) I, Cincinnati H) f. Atlanta (SA) 4, Milwaukee "B" (N) 1. Chlcaio 04) 91, CM. Orantfl Oottoo FJn I. (Called end 7th by agree ment.) Cincinnati -V IN) I, Srracuie (lb) 1. Satordar Boiton (A) S, New York (A) 1. Chtowo (A) I, Chlcaio (N) 4. Cleveland (A) I, Hew York IN) t. Cincinnati (N) 7, Brooklyn (Nl 1. St. LouU (A) 1, Milwaukee (Nl 1. Toronto (n.) 1, Cincinnati "B" (N) 1. Milwaukee "B" (H) 18, Atlanta (SA) 8. Plttebunh "BT (N) 4, PltUttunh "A" (M) I. Detroit "B" (A) . Buffalo (JX) 8. 1 (Called at and ot eletenth Innlni br aireement.) 1 East All-Stars Defeat West Hoopers, 72-54 New York. () Eastern col lege all start turned on the steam in the second halt to de feat a picked team of West erners 72-84 in the Herald Tribune's seventh annual char ity basketball fame in Madi son Square Garden Saturday night The West, led by All-Amarl- ean Bob Koubreg of- Wash ington, matched the east bas- ket-for-basket in the closely fought first half but faded in the final periods in the face ef an attack by Larry Hennessey of VilUnova and Seton Hall's Richie Regan. Houbregs' tap in with 40 seconds left in the first half put the West out in front 31 80 at the tntermiuion. Hennessey, Regan and sm other All-American, Walter Dukes of Seton Hall, started eonectlng for the last tn the third period. Regan poured tn 11 points and the quarter ended with the West trailing 81-44. Houbregs topped the scoring with 17 points for the evening. Teammates Joe Clpriano of Washington and Chet Noc ot Oregon dropped in 'six and three points respectively. Regan was voted the game's outstanding player. The game was played for the Herald Tribune's Fresh Air Fund. The win gave the East a 4-3 edge tn the annual series. Salem IWLA Chapter Plans Member Drive The Salem chapter of the Izaak Walton league of America will ' conduct a membership drive, beginning Wednesday. All members of the local club, with the exception ef Death Mars Opening of Racing Season Portland Death marred the opening of the auto racing season at the Portland Speed way Sunday. Hank DuBose, 17, was killed when his stock ear rolled over on the north turn on the fourth lap ot the 100 lap main event The race was won by Her schel McGriff, driving a 1881 Oldsmobile. Willard Burke Lands Position At Eugene High Eugene ) Willard E. Burke, former Little All American football player at Moorehead State Teachers col lege tn Minnesota, has been appointed head of the Eugene high school health and physi cal education departments, of ficials said today. The 10-year-old star was three men who are conducting the drive A. C. Shaw, Willard Taylor and Paul Nicholson- will participate in the cam paign. Five prizes will be awarded to top membership-getters. The prizes include a pair of hip boots, a fish creel, a fisher man's paL a fly box and a doz en flies. " Quick! Died Up CHEST COLDS' C0N6ESTI0N Bab an blgBlr lloataH. Kxtae trt4 Itanirole. It HHntlS start, to nlim eoufh, lor. throat and help, brisk up loeil eoaiistion. Muatarcl. erwatM a vcWrtul jrolo Stw wmt taMit,bnit indbaokl .lusimoiE 3n Out of WoM! St 6 at 181 N. Hjoh .Saturday. I EARN 2 nterest On Savings m- m- Once you stort your bonus plan sayings account you simply add at least $5.00 each month to keep it go ing ., . that qualifies you for the special bonus in terest rata of 1Vi. If you make a withdrawal or miss a deposit, you still get our REGULAR BANK INTEREST RATE OF 2. If you open your account between now and April 1 1 you start earning 2Vi es of April 1. You'll bo sur prised at the amount you'll save with a bonus plan savings account. Save systematically at the Willam ette Valley Bonk you'll like the service, too. am. -A m j : m w m-m . . ' j a j m .Our sidewalk teller windows enable you to open, add to or withdraw from your sayings account during these extended hours of service ... 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Every Day Except Sundays and Holidays a,-e,'.jitJi),il nti i.rniiw MiVYM imim-nr n-imrrii--T-r finn.e i t i'-it Bii'i niiee-tHtiti i - - - sPstfiBii isiIH i ttelsfca iV Waba 1L3 QuiiKnsfiv r I II II Willi II .III. HHIMI1MI II. ! IWII slated to eventually take ever reiponsibimiee as eureetor ojf athletics and ooachinf person nel supervisor. , - ' From 1848 through 19S0 the stallion Double Scotch horses that won 181 races. 18624 I oj? nnLiiiDsaC climb I APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED MA CO. 255 M. LIBERTY Authorised Repair on All Major Appliances and AO Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on & Large Appliances . , Ivan Royse and Walt Claus, Owners ' APPLIANCE SALES Ph. 39412 SALEM LMHTINO It APPLIANCE CO., 183 N. HIOH ST. , "BETTER LIGHT FOR BETTER SIGHT ' - New Store Across from Court House Square stoallAppUanees Lighting Fixtures of All Kinds ' i AWNINGS-TENTS-TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT ft AWNING CO. 729 N. LIBERTY : , : Canvas Goods of Every Description ' ' "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" BRICKWORK Ph. 26545 ; PRANK'S SERVICE INSIDE and OUTStDB Fireplaces, patios, planters, brick steps, etc Also patch ' '.'ii..' plastering. Chimney tops. " ALL WORK GUARANTEED ' ! CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 CHINA CAPI20SS PAIROROUNOS RD. ' Spedallzlng to (lnewtV American Foods k , Featuring "Good Foods Well prepared" - Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Dinners and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 MORTARLESS BLOCK CO. 14th E. HOYT Approved - Reinforced Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks ' Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks - Interlocking Blocks ' In Pumice or Concrete - Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSER BROS. 1185 S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers - Power Mowers Faint Sprayers Air Com pressors - Sanders - Plumbing Tools - Power and Hand Mower Sharpening Repairs on All Small Gas Engines r ; FLOOR COVERINGS Ph.4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armitrong & Congoleum-Nalrn-Asphalt and Rubber Tile " ' Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets i v Estimates Gladly Given) ' IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 , STETTLER SUPPLY CO. 1810 LANA AVL . Water Systems Deep Well Turbines- , - Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe ' i Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete frvlM on Any Pumping Equipment . t , MOTORCYCLES Ph. 2-1423 SHROCK MOTORCYCLES SALES 3007 PORTLAND RD. American & British Motorcycles -Indian. BSA, Matchless, Triumph Cushman Scooters ; If It has Wheels and a Motor we can BUY, SELL or FIX IT MOVING & STORAGE Ph. 3-8111 r' RED STAR TRANSFER - SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT,' "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Uberty - t Whse. 280 S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES; Ph. 3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting - - Machines-SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., SSI COURT R. W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN Ph.2-4151 ROAD 1174 Edgewater St OIUNG WEST SALEM TWEEDIE FUELS OILS STANDARD OIL DEALER OR S-S769 ; ROAD OILING Painting Contractors Ph. 3-4783 F. 0. REPINE CO 2S8S PORTLAND ROAD Residential, Commercial, Spray or Brush WE GO ANYWHERE . . . ANY SIZE JOB Call Us for Estimates and Color Planning Service PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 . : NELSON BROS. PLUMBING & HEATING Repairing IBS Chemekefa Contracting '" Residential Commercial . Industrial ' PRESCRIPTIONS Ph.3-9123 24 HOUR SStVICE - We give Penny Saver Stamps ' THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. S-S1S7 110 I Uberrf 310 tosrl, Downfewa 2440 trstr, Mflcl (strhv 14-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Daily 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. ., 110 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holidays S Radio Repair s0. Ph. 3-7577 MITCHELL'S Radio-Television 1880 State ) Motorola Dealers for General Electric Pick up and Delivery , , TELEVISION PH. 4-2271 HEIDER'S RADIO & TELEVISION 395 N. HIGH nome ana auio Haaio ana Television Specialists in the Willamette Valley for 28 Years . SERVICE . INSTALLATION SALES