Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 30, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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yawns ,arn pp
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Sinn Here Feliowcwhe senator aasebau
jiyii ncic, iciiuvo pUyw rejort to lnelr iprlIlf
training headquartree, the Fior d'ltalla hotel at Calistoga,
Calif., they art greeted by IhW handsome deek clerk. He
i la' Pete Tedeachl, a former Sslem Senator himself, who
now works with his dad, Fred Tedeachl, In operating
the Fior d' ItalU.
si cms kowitx, iuL napiuc jemui sport, editor fcOTflBf
Why is it that a basketball team of today can go out and
core 70 or 75 pointa in a ball game, when 20 years ago the
combined scores of both teams seldom equalled that muctiT
We've heard, a lot of theories explaining that question, and
.we'll probably hear a lot more,
we'll suck with the explana
tion given by John Lewis,
head basketball coach at Wil
lamette university.
Lewis, who captained the
t University of Oregon bas
j ketball team back when 40
points wonld win a game,
: attrlbstes the higher scores
i of today te a number ef
things. , .
. It all started, Lewis thinks,
. with the adoption of the 10
second backcourt limit about
M years ago. Before that, a
team eould retain the ball in
the backcourt and play keep
away almost indefinitely. A
time limit of 10 seconds was
slapped on backcourt tactics,
forcing a team to get the ball
down the floor' quicker than
before, i Hat apeeded up the
gams considerably. Baiaiaa Jrtr nm
The center jump went out after each field goal In
.- If 17, ejaiekenlag the tempo of the game even more. And
' when the three-second keyhole ,rnle went Into efeet, the
, game waa speeded ap still more. With the center enable
! te spend his time loafing aronnd ander the basket, being
forced to move aronnd, ho became a more active player,
. Lewis explains. With the center eat of the way, forwards
, and gaards were given mere opportunity to drive In for
baskets. It all meant mere and more speed, higher and
higher scores.
"With the game apeeded
changes," asys Lewis, "coaches began to stress offense in
teaching basketball. And with offense being stressed, scores
naturally took another climb."
One-Handed Shot Quicker, Harder to Stop
"The sue of the ene-hsnded shot in recent years has
' had a let to do with the Increase In scoring," continues
Lewis. "When Stanford's team, with Hank Lnisetti, went
to Madison Sqnsre Garden In Hit, fans and eastern
coaches poo-pooed the one-handed was strictly a
; Western Invention, and the eastern coaches didn't think
It practical. Now the ene-handed shot la ased by every
player In the country. It at qaieker to shoot and harder
to gaard than the old fashioned two-handed shot."
Kids Begin Younger:
"Kids of todsy are more Interested in basketball than they
were IB years ago," Lewis explains further. "Everywhere you
go you'll find youngsters shooting away at an old hoop tacked
on the side of a garage or a telephone pole. When those young
sters grow up, they are going to be more accurate shooters
than the players of yesteryear, who didn't get the feel of a
basketball until he was in high school.. Fifteen years agb a
.300 shooting -average for a game was great. Now 400
,, average won't win many games.". Accurate shooting . . . one
tmore reason why scores are mounting higher and higher.
Officiating 'Modernized,' Too
Lewis adds a final note by commenting en the offi
ciating. Basketball ffielsls, he believes, hsve become
offense conscious, Just like the coaches, players and the
' game Itself. Referees tend to give the advantage to the
player on offense.
Add 'em all up and you have the evolution of basketball
as teen by John Lewis. Anybody got a better explanation?
Harlem Win ,
Streak Stopped
At 304 Games
New York (ff) Their proud
string of 304 straight conquests
broken, the Harlem Globetrot
ters headed for Toronto Mon
day, the second stop on their
tour with the College All-Stars.
The two teams are tied at
one-game apiece after Sunday's
day-night doubleheader in
Madison Square Garden. The
Trotters won the first game,
70-42, as expected, but the All
Start, ahead from the start,
took the second, 69-65.
Beavers Won
10, Lost 7 in
Training Season
Glendale (fl The Portland
Beavers, defeated 6-5 by Los
Angeles Sunday, closed their
exhibition season with a record
of 10 wins, seven losses and one
Highlight of the Sunday
fame were ninth-inning home
I vJt f if I
but until we find a better one,
up automatically by those rule
runs by Portland's Don Eggert
snd Charley Grant. The Angels
already had sewed up the game
with a three-run outburst in
the fifth Inning off right hand
er Fred Sanford.
On Saturday, Portland
blanked the North Island Navy
Sky Raiders, 6-0 as Jehotie
Heard, who opened for Port
land, limited the Navy team to i
three hits, and Lyman Linde,
who pitched the final three in
nings, gave up four.
Portland opens the Coast
League season at Los Angeles
Tuesday night. .
Why Suffer
Any Longer
When othtri fill, ai ear Chinese
renetUet, Amttlne laeceee for MM
rears in Chin. No mttter with what
ailment oa art afflicted, disorders,
Iniultla, heart, lonu. Urir, kidney,
taa, eonatlpatlOB, ulcere, diabetes,
rheumatism, tall and bladder feTtr,
akin, female complaint.
Offlw Im t to t
Tn. MS est. Mir
tSI N. Cmmlil
rtim, si sm
,:v- j
Pitching Staff Adds
Rookie Right-Harder
Cslletoft, Calif (Special to
the Capital Jearaal) The list
venae ef the Salem Senators,
favorite eonversattoo) to)
areamd.Salem tor men the, cams
to life ta Callstoca Monday,
Dick Str on g back, rookie
right-handed pitcher, was add
ed to the roster Just In time to
start training. .
troagback at last ut el
the aenri, aad has played
2500 Sportsmen
Visit IWLA Show
At Salem Armory
The 151 show has Just
ended, and already the spon
soring organisation Is talk
tag about the 1154 show.
That's the enthusiasm
shown by the Salem chapter
f the Isaak Walton League
ef America, whose annual
spring sports show waa con
ducted at the Salem armory
Saturday and Sunday.
IWLA officials, pleased
ever the way the show was
received by the Willamette
yalley populace, plan a big-
- ger and better show for next
year. :
Hunters and fishers who
attended the weekend show
were Impressed with the
variety ef displays they
foand there.
Over II exhibitors show
ed all sorts at outdoor equip
ment. Is addition, there
were . movies, exhibitions of
easting, archery, etc.
Total attendance at the
' two- - day show,- held at the
Salem armory, was m the
: vicinity ef titt.
Four Golfers
Enter Playoff
At Greensboro
. Greensboro, N. C. (U.K) Pro
golf's second mass playoff
within a month was on today.
this time with the first four'
prizes in the $10,000 Greens
boro 'Open Tournament at
Sammy -Snead. Douc Ford.
Art Wall, and Earl Stewart
were the links quartet that tied
at the end of regulation 72
holea yesterday, each with a
five-under-par 275. That threw
the decision into an. 18-hole
playoff round starting today.
On March 1, the stars finish
ed In a similar tangle in the
Houston Open tournament
Cary Middlecoff defeating four
otner stars, Including Stewart,
in a playoff.
But today's extra round
would not have been necessary
if Snead had been able to hold
bis early - pace. The favored
"Slammer" from White Sul
phur Springs, W. Va., went in
to yeiterda.'s final 36 holes
with a two-stroke lead and a
dear shot at his fifth victory
in this annual meet.
Whits Defeats WSC
Walla Walla (JPi Slri Amn
ion held Washington state Col
lege, io nve nits Saturday as
the Whitman' Miulnnxrlx
opened their baseball season
with a 3-1 victory over the
Cousars. Whitman hnvH
across three unearned runs In
the eighth innln con two nlkr
a tingle and an error.
v .'. ' ' ' - 1
$600 cash gives you your own independ
ent business. Be your own boss operat
ing a route of our new 5c dispensers,
handling a new fast moving confection.
All locations obtained, for you by com
pany representative, you operate route
only. No expreience needed, can be
operated in spare time as little as 4
hours per week. '
You must have car, references and $600
cash which is protected by ironclad
money back guarantee.
Spare time should net up to $70 per
week, full time more. Liberal financial
assistance given on expansion program.
Reply giving phone to Box 31,
Capital Journal
baseball with the Lacky
Lager team ef Oakland a
the Bay area's fast aaml
'pro leagaa. Strongback had
net yet signed a Salem sea
tract this morning, bat will
definitely alga sometime
Monday afternoon, Manager
Hugh Lnby mid.
(AwocUUd mil Sporu WrlUr)
Pacific Coast Leagaa baseball
teams wound ap the exhibition
campaign Sunday, will rest ap
Monday and then will swing
Into what may be an unusual
ly significant season.
Tni will be the tut m
the league's history when it en
joys "open elasslflcrtlon," ' a
degree sandwiched between the
major leagues, and a triple-A
status. .
Gone is the draft by the ma
jors and gone for, both is the
option rule and wonting agree
ments. The year 1853 finds the
Salem Vikings
Play Two Home j
Baseball Games:
Weather permitting, the Sa
lem high school Vikings get
their baseball season under
way at 3:15 Tuesday afternoon
in a game opposite the Molalla
Indians at Olinger field at
The Salem-Molalla game
will be In the nature of a
"spring training" game, inas
much as the teams arc from
different leagues and from
Ldlfferent districts.
Baiem's season was scnea
uled to have opened laat Fri
day at HcMinnvUle, but that
game was postponed on ac
count of rain.
The Vikings will play an
other home game this week.
The Lebanon Warriors come
to town Friday to do battle
with Coach Harold Hauk's Sa
lem clan in a district contest,
Portland Sends
Two Prospects
To Victoria
Glendale, Calif. OJ.B Two
young prospects were cut loose
by the Portland Beavers of the
Pacific Coast league today to
play for Victoria of the West
ern International league. .
Ben Lorino, southpaw pitch
er, who is being returned, and
Don Hopp, optioned, departed
for the Victoria training quar
ters In northern California,
leaving the Beavers with 25
players still in camp.
Coach John Mauer's Univer
sity of Florida basketballera
have won the Gator Bowl
championship both years the
tournament has been held. '
Dick SabatinL second base
man who waa signed by Sa
lem as a tree agent a few weeks
ago when Saba tint got out ef
the armed services, also check
ed Into eanp Just la time for
Monday's drill.
Jack Hemphill, rhlht-handed
piti&sr who was with Salem
last season, but who has not yet
signed his 1933 contract, Is ex
pected to arrive Monday afternoon.-"
"The fact that he's coming
here to work out Indicates that
Jack plans to sign right away,"
Salem, Oregon, Monday, March SO, 1953 Page 11
Starts Tuesday
coast loop standing on its own
feet .
- No more will Coast League
fans see players shuttle back
and forth on (4 hours notice
between the West and the
inajore, ' N www wilt PCL
fans sea major league-owned
youngsters in uniform.
The Coast will have to dis
cover, develop and hold ea
ta Its awn.
It will be an interesting con
dition, i
The pennant race promises
to be just as interesting, with
the defending Hollywood Stars,
Seattle and Oakland generally
rated the top three teams.
The curtain rises Tuesday.
Hollywood, with a new manag
er, Bobby Bragan, opens at San
Santce Shines
In Texas Relays
Austin, Tex. W Kansas
great runner, Wes San tee,
dominated the Texaa Relays
last week-end but Individual
stars in the Southwest Con
ference also showed power.
Santee and his teammates
won four relay events here
the sprint medley, distance
medley, four mile - and two
mile, setting records in two
and tying a record in another.
Santee anchored all four of
them. '
fl'n f.r I.ll, OrwQ-Arll, 1M1
(OnwIM kr V. S. Cut uS OMSell,
Sarw. rHlud, Or,.)
Blsh Water, Low Water,
10 1M a.m. i.s a.m. 0.1
1J: p.m. t.t f:H p.m. l.
It 11:11 a.m. S.l 7:11 a.m. 0.
1:11 P.m. I.S S:l .m. l.
April Tim, Haliht Tuna Hrisbt
I 11: a.m. .S 1:41a.m. s.l
1 W p.m. I S 7.3 P.m. S.S
1 1.13 a.m. 1.3 S:3 a.m. 0.0
l.W p.m. 4.7 74 p.m. S.t
I 1:41 a-m. 0.4 . S:N a.m. -0.1
S:40 p.m. 4.4 s:10 p.m. 1.1
0 S:M a.m. 0.4 t:U a.m. -0.1
4:41 p.m. 4.1 , 0:07 p.m. 1.0
1:14 a.m. 0.1 10:11 a.m. 0.0
1:10 P.m. 4.S 10.-07 p.m. 1.1
t ' 4:11 a.m. 1.1 ' 11:03 pjn. 0.0
7:01 p.m. 4.1 11:10 p.m. J
7 1:14 a.m. 0.0
0:01 p.m. 4.7 - 1:01 p.m. 0.0
1 0:40 a.m. S.l 1:04 a.m. 1.1
S:M p.m. 1.1 1:01 p.m. -0.1
- ' Popular Provon Brand ...
Spinning Rod Sites, Assorted Finishes.
CIVE H? CA On Glass Surf Spinning Bad and Beel
Regular Price $57.10 EASTER SPECIAL '45.00
aiJBsan 10.95
$2.50 Metal Ply Box, only ........... . $!.I0
Doc Shelton Spinners
to 11.00; SPECIAL at ....
Ford Fenders Assorted finishes, values to
11.55; SPECIAL st
Lot of Shop-worn Spinners v.iue. to ..c; 9n,
1953 Pack Salmon Eggs .....jab 15c
' Materials for Arrow Making 4y Tying
I Open
Luby figures. '
Bob CoUlae, laaky left
handed pMsaer wke has beta
a hoMeat, has come to terms
with the Senators, bat Will
be uutble to work eat fer
a week broaasa at a feat la
jary aaatamed aa Ma Job as
a plamber. Collins raa a
Ball through his feet and is
tmabte to walk. . m ., ,
Salem opened Its spring
training Monday without -a
catcher; Art Thrasher recent
ly announced ha was staying
out of baseball lor awhile to
Diego with one game at 1 p.
m., PST, and another at 8:15
p.m. :
- Los Angelas meets Port
land and Seattle opens at
Oakland in aight games.
Th other sfterneca gsme
will be at Sacramento, with
San Francisco the t visiting
Probable pitching assign
ments include Eddie Chandler
of Los Angeles against Red Ad
ams of Portland and Steve Na-
gy of Seattle against Al Gettel
of Oakland. ' .'
Bearcats Rained
Out Saturday; i
OSG Bevos Next
The Willamette university
baseball Bearcats, rained out
of their scheduled opener with
the Oregon State Penitentiary
Greys Saturday, are hoping for
break in the weather early
this week,
The Bearcats want badly to
get in a few practice licks be
fore embarking' on the start of
their Intercollegiate season
with Oregon State college
Willamette faces the OSC
Beavers Thursday afternoon at
Corvallla. Oregon State is Just
returning from a barnstorm'
inc trip through California, i
The Oregon State college
team plays a return game with
Willamette at Bush's pasture
park Tuesday, April 7.
Deo Kindred vs. Tar Yatnaie
Jack Klaer vs. 3eerge Drake
Frank Jamas vs. Chester
TUESDAY, 8:30 P.M. ,
Assorted sties, valaet CA
Bicycle and Sport Shop
237 N. High Street
go to school. Salem had collat
ed on Thrasher for 100 par sent
of the catching duties at spring
training, until Sacramento sent
a catcher. The Settee have
promised to send a catcher on
option to Salem a? Sacramento
decides to keep Bob Nelson. -.
- Sacramento aaqaired N el
sea freaa Salem an a It-day
leak basts following the IMS
season. The It days are
about expired, and ataea Sac
ramento hasn't ased Nelson
maeh : m spring ' training
games. Laby as pretty aura
that Salem will have Nabwn
behind the plate again that
".;;V " ;V?K ;i;-Y' ' ;i' '''i ' ''"' ' :
25 Off List
i nut .,16.9s i Tni.....,....ia8s
4 TIRES... .07.80 4 TDUB8 ....7&80
50.85 56.85
, UtMee IMHm " leie Price tola Mm
- IHre 4W 4tVV 1 Ma
6.40-15 18.25 73.00 5475 2.35
d.50-15 20.45 81.80 61.35 2.55
6.70-15 18.95 75.80 56.85 2.55
7.10-15 .21.25 85.00 6375 : 2.65
7.60-15 23.25 93.00 6975 2.85
8.00-15 25.35 101.40 76.05 3.55
6.00-16 16.95 67.80 50.85 2.30
6.50-16 21.45 85.80 64.35 2.60
hmhMTot. ' "Mt,, 7 u W rr aM Nra. "
World Series -Movie
Shown ct
Drcakfe: CLb
A number of Salem baseball
fans cot their first chance ta
ma the H2 World Series
movies this morning at the
regular weekly meettoig t tn
Salem Breakfast dub.
Deks Walker, business man
ager of the Salem Senators,
showed the movie, in addition
to giving a few remarks a bo at
the lt-M , Salem Solon pros
pects. -
Walker said that the World
Series film is available to any
civic, tVatarnal, school or
church group, etc., that desires
to show It. Walker may be
contacted at Waters ball park,
phoaa S-4647.
Y'O".- " '.i.
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