THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. OrcfM uiinfighter's Return v y LESLII ERNENWEIN , ' ' ' ' ' Btfttaetaraii t CHAPTER 14 U Mas rkllng forward when he BiEiig a Diacc norse tiiat flood d Mt muaulte tree nut uv " M slope. And now, observing f-shanked Spanish bit that in lb sunlight, Rimbaud IW. Except for that allver-in-Id kit he might have ridden 10 mmhub, wirwai oould at nd an trivial thluu. Although a patient scrutiny of rkare disclosed no sign of the us jnuor, itimoaua leit eonfl- Bt I t he could find hlnvThc m son woma ne xor led up bind, crush or boulders on top Hera lie could pick off a living rgM in the yard. That was the . t ese deals were invariably &V Dismounting, . Rimbaud Me roan to a clump of cat. aw, look off his spurs, and hung ma en the saddlehorn. Then, au in uaiau, iw movea cautiously t the ridge. When he came close t, tt black home Rimbaud spoke Me- to the animal, which hail tuaan Four brand on its, left . aumeuveruig around the wee, he searched for boot tracks Dd und them. A big man, Mttr by the site of his boots, Dd Rimbaud thought at once: oor B1U. : !fily, with a calculating cau- Do that guarded against stepping a -tvtidead branch or scuffing OM,l Rimbaud ' followed the t$mr through a screening growth f asewood. When he was W -4 a few yards of the crest he - rotk&ed low, inching forward ru a patient stealth until he Bk. fed the seepled crown of a fv Bat directly ahead of him. g to his f ull height now, ; H aid saw a huge man hunk raa behind a low barricade of tS- Ctt blaci hit liuug mrtxo the greasy collar of his an shirt. He had been engaged li iUng a cigarette: now he ln-ed a match aflame, lit his tajtte, and eased, into a more tool- f table position. Giving him s tVaberate appraisal, Rimbaud sows wd that he wasn't wearing iMbtered gun, which seemed add. Then he saw a Winchester tilted ,f against the rock outcrop Ctjrol Curtis Pattern Everything about Knitting! It's1 complete, handy reference guide to knitting this one patcerni Btxtjr-seven detailed sketches and explanations of both simple and eoinftlcatBd stitches and stltch pattsms are given as well as clear and workable directions for the Increasing, decreasing, patching, mending and adapting ov .various sorts of knitting. You'll find it time mving, money-saving - and practical! ., y, , ond SOc for the HOW TO KMT (Pattern No. OS) YOUR wse; address, pattern NtiafBER to CAROL CURTIS, Oaaltal Journal, 652 . Mission Street, San Francisco 6, palif. , Patterns read to fill orders lm- - Mediately. For special handling of arte via first class mall include an, extra so per pattern. 9 Jjjgk eli-Uned cartridge belt As if sensing surveillance, the big man turned nis head In the JS L Jrou range bull When his broad-Jawed face came around Rimbaud asked, "Are you Booger BUI?" .TT He nodded, and-peered at Run bauds leveled gun. Revealing neither surprise nor anger, lie go! up, discarded the cigarette, and asked sullenly, "Who be your . "Name of Rimbaud.'' Booger Bill stand at him, de manding Jim Rlmbaud" 7, "Yeah." "But Lew said you- was layin' drunk in town,", Booger Bill ob- Rta'baud eased around to the Winchester. "You can't believe everything Btromberg tells you," he eluded. "Lew is a great hind for funning." , "Re wasn't funnin' me," Bill in sisted solemnly. "Lew said you was drunk and wouldn't be out here for a couple of days. Said you was on a rlp-roarln' spree." , "You're trespassing on private XV1' nmowio announoeo. "Get off it." . PersDlratlon matfe its oilvahln. on the dark unchanging mask of owger nui's uucK-mueoied lace. "You cant run me off. Sheriff swore me ut as a deputy, which a goi a iut to oe nere. "I'm telling you to vamoose." When Booger Bill made no move to leave," Rimbaud waggled the gun and ordered narshly, "Go on." All the brute cower of the man Diased in a queer red brilliance that stained his eyes as he bel lowed, "Nobody runt me off, by Even . then Rimbaud couldn't ?ulti believe ii, uaiU jsooger Bill lungea at rum ootn nuge lists cocaea rugn use eiuos powea lor pounding. - .. e made a broad target lor a outlet. And he was as violently destructive as an. enraeed bull. Swiftly stepping aside, Jim slashed at eooger Bills nead with his gun barrel, struck a clubbed fist, and distinctly heard the crack of a bone breakuis. i , Booger Bill yelped. He wheeled and charged again, shouting, "I'll stomp your guts into the ground!" Calmly now, with the intent cal culation of a man sledging a beef steer, Rimbaud hit him on the head. Dust puffed from the bar- rei-aeniea nat, Booger am stag' gered on for a few atens. He Deer ed about in Mind confusion and said thickly. "I'm stomp" ' Then his slack-jawed mouth sagged open and he went down in the slow, kaee-bended fashion of a tired horse wan tine to roll. Rimbaud holstered his pistol. He picked up Bill's cartridge belt and buckled it around his hips, then examined the Winchester and found IV fully loaded. He had Kjsi, a sunuar rule in a&exico ana toougnt: This will come in handy. - Then he steoDed over to Bower Bill and nudged him with a boot, saying, "Wake up, bully boy. Wake upi" i - - "' . Booger . Bill grunted. His e opened and he blinked against the sunugnt ana demanded, what a goi' on?" -, ' "You are,". Rimbaud said. , He prodded Booger BUI with the Winchester and ordered, "Get off your rump and ride out of here." Bill rubbed his head in the dazed way of a man awakening, from a drunkard's dream. "I must of stubbed mv toe on a rock." he muttered. Then memory came to nun ana ne eaia. "xou pistol' whipped met That's what you aone. nsuu-wmppea me." He held un his bruised left hand and peered at it "You busted my thumb," he accused. "1 11 oust your head too if you don't get a move on." Rimbaud warned without pity. Booger bui stood up. A sluceish. smoldering resentment showed in eyes now, out wuaness was gone. He peered intently at Rimbaud for a moment, ai if seeing him for 'the first time and wantins to remember him. Then he turned and walked down the ridge toward his horse. Trailing along behind, Rimbaud watched Booger Bill support him self against the horse. The big man called, "I'll pay you back, Rimbaud." Then he climbed clumsily into tile saddle and rode southward. not looking back. bo now mere s three oi mem wanting my scalp, Rimbaud thought. Link, Jubal, and Booger BUI. But it occurred to him that Lew Stromberg would probably hate him the most. And because there was a cautious streak in Btromberg, the Roman Four boss would be the most dangerous foe. (To Be Continued) STEVE ROPES DMA r ACROSS LSum ' ' j Skeletons of , structures 15. Harvesting machine "14 Hiving many - , fissures i U Depletion ' of the - beautiful 11. Wireless ; Is. Behave M. Exist M. Assimilates a By Poorly M. Writing fluid 16. Easy gait . St. Pertaining 1 v to blue W. Shake with . cold i n, Substance i used in 1 'A road- J making 53. Feminine . . name 54. Struck the hour 17. Mountain . crests 40. City in Nevada 41. Sea bird 43. Torn 44. Abraham's birthplace 45. Learned men 48. Metric lend measure 49. Scotch river 51. Saltpeter 52. Rice paste 53. Public store houses 55. Passageway 57. Revolve 68. Trains mak ing all stops AlPlTlJL A33riWlEAK Solution ef Yenterdsy's Puxslt DOWN l.Klnd of numeral tOnly . I. Cereal grsis 4, Aloft .Medieval Italian political faction 1 1 H 5 l W $V I10 I11 Tmvt 11 sr it MilZZm WZWLZ "WW Z T-TSTjS T W p5T 5f T iar- I. Distress ingly sad . 7. Frolics (. Tumultuous disorder .Exist 10. Extinct New Zealand bird 11. Get awsy IX Hunting dog 17. Low haunt JO. Electric generators 11. Splsnters 14. Caesar's lan guage 27, Egg-shspsd 29. Anger SI, Pronoun 94. Rawer . 35. To this 35. Contrive i 37. Temper 38. Hard glossy paint 19. Emphasis 42. Rodent 4.Dillseed 47. Set of three 50. Partake of food 62. Southern . state: ' abbr. 54. Dsd 50. Symbol for scandium r i !" TMIS,K r I CALLED KXJ OUT teSlfA 9M, TO TStLVOU TO STOP J SKKfiK PUMNS OfaCnvSTaVSTMsM -rT8 TAKIN6 VCJ sa tsmoii I - iC v. - TIME UKE IT, I AUrVS reVfR " WITH THE BUT X ACSO AMmiMt- raw"" II r ALWAYS SAY I AWIaMC!irV A Sttrtt spsrraesfit X1"!! mj i ' .wsfatatte ViSV1 l i - r . -m jsmxia- ,u, '. El roGo ORPHAN ANNIE I JTPIPNT AsWW WITH p(T,tmry- "sV TlMKSw NOTrlMe) Ttfl 4firm to iotcitA Wh PUKNMft. J o t iul mtfmjKtmo -nssv tscm 1 1 y ooour I SJM8 MADE IBT CYWL ANOKNUKB 1 I TOO LT1- 1 1 TKN MSHlrrtB- I HfG000 CTEPSOM, HM.TORE HE COUUD I "J W s UL ABNES ' . I WDitm Taunt-dK aMareoMtA WWrmiUT I WTiVMIRAfAH I I THtm I tweart4ty w&t I I HjmtMUrg) ! w Mtfoafieprro I "llf iwwWTjxtV ) f MKiWTV NC CTHKT U? f-'SHCS SO BFSTAtS wrpriL-fk. T'VMMIN'CAMni -TFBIO SlOPf- SMC fi&i. ' COMIM' m Tk (v M TURt SfiaatRINa f MIGHT JlTA 5f HMOCAItlSff- ALL i-WST AM V0SNTED ViTM' TrfCAMft J nu itbak. TIIAT-A- OONT V(TA y tUAWB sparrimg J K. GOTTA TAKE- 4j. EFAMViASAGAL AH'D BEAN leOMKSSI UNt EWJF AH h NEMAH HAVE TH' CHANCE TO SHIPIH. IT .7 - RADIO P RO G RAM S sua d Ufa WW, M9W MUppSaMa Dm (lata SUB I is Ml, TkralJ KGWIKOIN an msc Seat JMriau Hltuaa h laua b'l wth traniars . real Masta SMI Wit Bk Nkwataraea Ii4 MONDAY P. M. way Wtal aar WMt Bar Wtet oxtnr Oatlnr ' OXtrn Weattav oaerHf can sni Klikkaat WaktlT Skn TMianr mi Sam Niwl WhKMu l9nk Oms KilkM4 iBirawMa : ar D , cat mar ISMaBana Ow wa rae IS UrWltava irr law w MarUa QtaM nr. MaUa What BaaUr KSLM IKGAEIKCCU Ha MaaaM Taltaa La-fci ataami vaMMaaatacvav aaiirai vasauasi laaaay aaa suvat 14M US M ' "k f r. BaVal f f. BaVal SMMSMa Swa'rS SMaaa Oai'rS Sm lllai Dutf aaaw - KISI Ihm Xtaala Matt ktaala Malt Malta Mart plash) Marl saaM Mart Maala Mart Maala Mart Utwte aL MwU Mat. Ikfula Mas, Maale Mat-i wuaaa'a Psv: (Sfeawaaa . Saaanaaa -Iv.u.r Baet SMS sa4 Ba Baa aa Bay MarrtU Wllaa Bwavsa - J Taa Un Maa's rarall Watts Haan allraag , III Santa Vasal raansaai tka SaM Tanat Saw it Si Saasaaaa' ' BiaflarS lealae MUa Stat Itaal latatrtna : Waatkarauai a. taa. MUtMlNaes aanr Tatlal all at Faaad CMM Tkla a Taa Smatiartla Talaa a Taaaanajw Skawtlm rawarlaaS Weare Mail " ' Irmal tatttai raaaaa Tiaaa Warn Vlaae ,Maata Mart SKS OM..: SfrtiailtafUt games Maala ' Maala kuaa MatSr IraHaa Mala Malta Maata : hxataal Haanl Nawa , all laalaar . IMMalta lOaaSMUM KaaaMlakt IWarlS Kaw aa mwrm ' . L . ICaaWUU EaaaHllsat , Maala Saarla Mtn. traak itaa Traak MM . rraak MM' rtaak itaa rraak UM rrraak KM . frraak 1IM Caaaaaa Chat ' NIsM aaaa ; MaaM aaa Waat Wit tWkl E4MR Sttlaam M- X SS4L S a S TUESDAY A.M. T0 11:45 A.M. ... VbOMrf i tmmmM Traaa CSS Maata iTam Baee aHaata ' S JraaMart fWaat. Maatsr ilUMaato kaw BIS) Oaaeaa lanaMnra flatiksasn Naak .. Maaa. Mawes idB Maala Tlaaa KO Uaak rant Slaat Nan ' ' BraaUart raiaa Baa iiy ram rm low Haa ratal Ba Hatm'at Baa waak ;v' Hawa l;aa Oaaaitnr Xa. KOUI aUaak ntat KaUaa Nawa ' . Braaktaal MaSltaUaaa , f-UlakaarWa Nana M. aenaakf Braaalaat ' aaak .v KaaaBtaak f:iBae - Naa Sa Oatta Qaat 1 Staakfaai KaaaKlaak OH X Maaaaaa BakMlt Oak Baaaai laaa Baraa Waak ; taaaSJaak laouaaaaa Cast. Mem Braaktaal Daaa Btawa lla Daautr Beaoallaak l;n 014 Saaua Sam TaOa mmMt : raaaBi aMat llaanaaat KmBlaak l.U Maala Baa Otaai Slasa Braaktaal ' Bataa at )wanaar; KaaaUaak : ;B Maala Baa Baaeaaatr Clak :- ' Bart-' '; llm Bajaaa ' nawa i:S Nawa . W. Watraa I Salt. Nan - , Saak Vaaaa iaaaaaaarT t Maala Baa. SaaWaaar Slara Tatar Malaar. - laraaaaa , . Taaa Tlaaa :iS Mask) Baa Bala. Traal Break Beak', rasters Can la at ten, riua r. , i ! "aaiakr Bat Oal Break Butk Bra. Caaatai tataaaaa Mra. Cataaai 8' :SB BaS Baal Ufa- D. Qataaat olaa Batar VasMe Ban :fi XaraaUa Ma' ratklaa CkalBnU m Tart lataaaSa . auaaarSa :UStrlta M S. Malaa Mr Traa v aaewet Maa Baak raaae Ban ;4S Xlak aalH. Ukl Btaea .. : Mailt iaraaasa BeaaiM ' Siga Daaata aa '" Mra. Bartaa Wklaaartaa Laalaa rait Baak raaaa" Ban :TJ Nalktas rarrrMaaaa OlrlMartlaa latlua fair hereaaee axarta lit Bak aa Bat Netak Draka Uaalaka Qaata let Baak raaaa Ban lil Bak Baea iBrttktat BarlBaraair Kaaa Bar jtataaaaa Baaaess HOPALONG CASS1DY WE'D NEVER HAVE FOUND DU AN ME6?UITe IF WE HAPtn F41LEREP Tncfl YOOFVKWK) TO THAT Off TONY EXrKEcO tATlOM, HOPFY KldHT NOW WE'VE sSOT FAH ITHAT RIVER (RAM BEFORE s NOBOPY I f 1HEK, CUZZAKP5 I 4SOMIN' TAILEP THE BUZZARP5 MUfSTA. 1 I nene . 1 nw it? xrnn evi j THEN WE'VE 6AVED THE OW. THERE'S NOTHIN" T YIOKrvf "BOUT. DIAL UatlMQ , EOAC. II Iff) At" Maasar a. M,t ltita, Nnra a.waaaaaii l:M, Otae. saiaerkmi S:ll Maatat Waalkatl IS:1S Xalaalallt tar Waaaaai 11:M, Seswal talti 11 aa, caaaart ant is:M, Man Weetketi litis. Mam ratsa taa an sua, aeaaei at twti aa, aw OkUataa'a T aaa tar i sits, Beaks; aa ' raaaltl Sits Oraatat IttbUtarai 1:M, Bra, Tata Baatt Sit. V. tt On.) t:M. Maala. i MUTT tt JEFF JEFF, LENoV BUTT, VOOWt" ME A BUCK! I ALWAVS ip-f!lV-n BORROvVW t4 BEX MORGAN, M. D. WHAT RE VOO VsTLl.lN'l II LOOK.' I'M VJ I'VE a I CtK., VOU CAN 1 II CJ ABOOT?IAI.VMa f N A HURRV J 5NLV OWE A1E THE ' ' r:H 0gS PAV VOO BAKjf5 LEND ME A &OT fORTiOBKTS! Jo o ' & -Z&JitlOn DOLLAR V SIXTy -7, f; Y'td Kt y (cn73; " 90T THAT 1 IT 1 CAN HAPPEN. 1" 11 P rriT-iT TMeWS NO SXagstt ABOLT MlK.9M0tSJ THAT MPOaTT, OR. MORS AN.' VL IN KSAYOF I0SO SHglLATUWRTr, fT WAS aiA&tiap TO OC fXAKK Mm At T JONES WHO PieO OP A adll Iwl Vl' HCAKT ATTACK IN PECCMBCB BaMni Tr l cp the samb veAH JLs THAT'S 8HT...BUT IT SO HAPPHK'4 THAT tVKU WAS PECDUNO MIS HMSS in the satab crrv OURINS THAT SSMB TJtAB' . la ' : DONALD DUCK DE I'W Ce STAIN VOU INITTAn3 IMPKesStON WAS RIGHT, I X...I JUST II PR. MORSAN. . .THAT 7cANT MLIfVg U SHfillA TURNett IS IN -afh IT, rVR. tT SOWS) WAV SESPDNtaaj gtARNkS Ml FOR THS WJpfra fImi UJI I .. "I PRACTICE OUR PIANO") LESSON AND DON'T fe5SS " MART WORTH lt"ra SEE.PWJO PLAylNfl' UHWbWUUfi FOR LITTLE BOYS! WITH A JEALOUS F WOMAN'S SURE INTUITION, LIB HAS FOLLOWED UP HER ONE. ' CLUE. TO OWEN'S I PAST ON VOL CALL TO THE t I TAlJUNG!RXASEr ASIC-"DoyOli KNOW ANY- DCHIFPOP POnfFINf-rttLFrtt iaa aaa.SkfTW THINO ABOUT A WOMAN 1 0OCTOR. THACKtRY?-- , L NEVER HEARO OF ANY SIKH V1 wtJ V Noii-Political Soviet Prisoners Released ? - Moscow, fla--Th new Rus sian government In a sweep lng order today released from orison hundreds of men, wom en and children Imprisoned tor crimes that did not endanger the Soviet state. ; . However, ' the government said that all the force of So viet laws still applied to "coun ter-revolu tionary crimes, any thing threatening the security of the state." '.' ' Although the decree did not say so this last phrase was believed to indicate no relax ing of sentences or laws apply ing to political prisoners or crimes. Senate to Take up Tidelands Bill Monday . i Washington, wio-rA '-riae. lands" bill giving costal states title to submerged oil ' lands : out to their historic boundaries will come up for floor debate in' the House of Representa tives Monday.: ; House Republican leaders hoped for vote? Wednesday on ' the controversial measure. Although there is little ' doubt the Tidelands bill will be approved, House opponents predicted the Supreme Court will throw It out ,ts 1 ' i The first use of the word "animal" Included what are now known as plants as well as animaU. . :- . Hen won- nowti nuvn MKllMluRIUiraUAM ROOM BOARD By Ahren I'VE MADE A GREAT DISCOVERY JUDGE. BUT I THE PRESSURE OF KEEPING IT TO MYSELF HAS WE AFRAID OF BUSTIN'MY SEAMS AND ITELUNG IT TO JUST AWB0DW. ili ONLY TELL SCWEONE A I CAM TRUST SO THAT1; wny m HERE JOVE. HANOVER.'OJ WERE VNISEIN COMING ID ME.., I'VE BEENTHE CONFIDANT 40F STATESMEN, DIPLOMATS AND THE HIGH NAMES OF P0LmCS..i.C0ME, LETS 60 DP TO MY DEN VHERE VE CAN TALK FREELY 1 1 rS3 yavt BT WILL POP YOUR. EYES, JUDGE tsUU