Saturday, March 28 , 1953 Past 8 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orcfoa Insurance Company Approves Loans , Anothtr 11,048.687 mi ap proved for Investment la Orsfon nil etat loam by ths wcftern homo office of Frndentlal Insurance Co. dur ing Uhe flrat two months of 1983, according to Harry Volk, vie -president In charge t western operauoni. ' . TUa represent 67 aeperate loan with 1881,383 for res idential purpotei, $202,792 for commercial and Industrial, and $189,882 for farm pro perties. . ' Report show that Prudent ial had a total of $82,447,862 of real estate loans ouUtand leg in this area as of Dec- amber II, lait 1 - When the western home office was opened In 1948 the total Prudential real area was $18,876,016, Indi ana was $18,676, 016, Indi cating a gain of 108.8 per sent since th western home office operation was started, He Mongols failed In two at tempta to invade Japan In the 18th Century. Investigate rhU-MovobLWair for Your Homo PUMILITE Block and Supply Co. , 169$ Dallas ltd. - alem, Or. hon 8-1441 : or writ rtouo mb m tno tUutrato artmr kM aa MrtinfaM Sim. Haw State..!... MWSAmnosoMS SPRING . . with its balmy breezes and gentle rains brings tver- welcome blossoms. Mora oniovment ma ha had H Hie bloom are net molested by Insect, for tha worm day that bring the btotiomt alto awaken tha intact. Thay emaree from tha oil, stretch their lag and look about tor tender young plant to satisfy their voraclout appetite. Blouom are colored to attract (meet, hence they migrate to tha bloiiom. It i at the time of enter gence and migration that untold number of Intact can b killed by SOIL- DUSTO. ' Lightly dutted on Hie surface of the tell, SOIL. DUSTO control Thripi, Beetle, Cutworm, Ear wig, Flea Beetle, Ante and many other. XMLDUSTO should bo applied to the toll under roo bathe, shrub, tree, and around building, In tha flower border and wherever insect harbor. Gardener Intltt on Mil ler' SOILDUSTO at . . . SPECIAL ON PEAT MOSS ANY SIZI BALI Including th Fortified Open Sunday, f to 4 VALLEY FARM STORE 1925 Sllyerton Rd. Phone 44624 MM H OME PAGE Capital A Journal Dahlias From Seed May Bring New Varieties, Taylor States By MASK The gardener who likes dahlias has some real enjoy ment In store for him if he tries raiting them from aeedt There Is always the chance of getting a new variety, but tilde from that there is the element of anticipation and aurprite as the teed germi nation reaches maturity and flower. . Th foliage Is the same as dahlias started from tubers, but the surprise Is in teeing what kind of flower unfold from the new plant There is ho hokus-pocus to railing dahliaa from seed. Plant in a coldframe or hot bed lutt aa you would zinnias or marigolds. Then, transplant to the garden after all danger of frost 1 pest. A soil that will produce good tomatoes will produce good dahliaa. The seedlings will bloom the flrst rear. Get your seeds from a specialist. Don't worry about getting the big giants at flrst. The cost for seed usually runs about 20 for a dollar this is for the medium variety. Try th leas expen sive aorta at an experiment. You may get the quilled cac tus-flowered blooms or the medium sited blooms that are Ideal for cutting. There it no end to the variety you may expect. ' The plant will flower and tubers the first year. Then, you ean throw out un desirable plants and aave the tubers of the ones you like. If variation in bloom from a seedling do not show up in three years, it will come true to form each year theraiter, If you like sinnias, you will want to try the dwarf dahlias, those gorgeous little single or semi-double blooms of the Mignon or Unwln dahlias, They are easy to grow and produce fine cut flowers. I them planted in Union Square, San Franciaco one year and they really were a gorgeous eight to behold. Pleating Tubers ' It is not yet time for setting out dahlia tubers, but this can be done a toon at the ground la warm and danger of frost I pan. Dahlllaa lend themselves well to heavy backgrounds and bedding ef fect in a masted style. They require neutral or slightly acid aolL A loose loamy soil tnat doea not pack ie ideal Good drainage ie essential. Set tuber from 2 to 8 feet apart each' way unlets for bedding effects when tet in groups of I, 6 or 7. Be sure to group only harmonious colors and forms or th effect you want will be lost Dust tubers with sulphur before planting to prevent rot. Set them aix inches deep, flat In the ground with the atom or eye upward. Place a atake alongside the tuber at plant- in time . . you'll need It later! Placing it at planting tune will do away with the ritk of damaging the roots later. Cover th tubers with about two inches of soil. As the hard stem growth appear continue to pull more, soil into the hole until you even tually reach ground level. Bonemetl, muriate of pot- FANCY PETUNIAS Reedy to Plant Botcapi Furnished Ballerina Tango Cam inch Bolero Popcorn - Ramon Pinsta, four virrttta Viola four colors teglith Bibles Homtvoii EGAN GARDENS 6 Ml. North of Kelier en Salam-St. Paul Hwy. OPEN SUNDAYS Feat find Seed aa Saf Middle Grove Nursery OPEN SUNDAY 9 TO 6 MM SILVf RTON RD. fHONE 44632 WE GIVE NORTHERN STAMPS M. TATLOB th and aulphate of potash supply needed food elements. About two poundt of bone meal will supply 10 plant. Work it into the soil about tlx inchet away from the stem and water in well. Overfeed ing will cause the plant to make excessive item and leaf growth. Soak well during the growing teaton. Disbud th extra tide budt If you wish to have larger blooms. Do not disbud if you with a qutntity of smaller flower fpr cutting. Plantt may be cut back to the tecond pair of leave when 12-lnche high In order to make bushier plants. It also retard flower lng and Is advlced where late flowering it desirable. A few years ago I heard a prominent horticulturist and hybridist remark that in a few short years dahlias as large as dinner plate would be com' anonplac in American gar den. Tnat it already true. I have seen some mammoth ones grow In Southern gar dene that must have measured at least 14-inche across. On our own Oregon Coast, .alto tome gardener display dahl iaa 12-lnche acroat as com monplace! The ' variety of colore and forms could please even the moit particular. The decorative type dahlia, large double, petal perfectly im bricated is always a standard. The eactus type with grilled and fluted petals are most exotic when used as cut flow ers. Then, of course, the pom pomt, or mlniaturet, we have already mentioned make a glorious ihow of color and serve as fine cut flowers. So, now, If you want real fun try dahlias from seed but st least do plant some dahlias in- your garden and your efforts will be well repaid. Gas to Bring Added Power A great new source of power will be firing the furnaces of Pacific northwest' Industry by 1S3S. For, within the next three years Oregon, Washington and Idaho will be (upplying nat ural gat to local industries at a rate of more than 10 billion cubic feet a year, according to the Gas Appliance Manufac turers association. Industry will not be the lone beneficiary of the arrival of natural gat in the area, the OAMA report discloses. There will be an in create in the use of gss for house heating of nearly 140 per cent by 1988 in the tri-atate area, from ap proximately 36,400 home in 1852 to more than 87,000 three year hence. Last year, by contrast, In dustries in the three-state area consumed only S32 million cu bic feet of manufactured gat which hat a lower heat value than natural gat and were un able to depend heavily on that fuel to relieve hydroelectric power ahortage earned by se vere drought. Basing his predictions on a recently completed federal survey of the nation's natural gaa resources end needs tor the next three yean, F. C. Schae fer, chairman of GAMA't in dustrial gat equipment division, forecast continued expansion of local industry well Into the '60t through the use of gat at a major Industrial fuel. "The Pacific Northwest it1 virtually the latt remaining In dustrial aectlon of the nation which hat not benefited from the ever-growing network of pipelines," Schteier aald. . FOPK TO APPEAR BARTER Vatican City W Pop plu will appear on hla balcony at St Peter' Baallica on Easter Sunday to give hi usual bene diction to Rom and to th world. ft your Lawn No TVKF BUIU feed area to taring beowry . . . AHA StlD fitb bore, thai apotj with husky grot plants. Tap emy, too alt awwMW (rauaa It AMI UmaniataliMmlm at lawMf m(. I ).17J0 St-PM m row atauo. )M aywMa. 1400 ft aoi aarr flSi. M llyOOO ft fc, pja. Make Do LADDER- To Prevent slipping on the rungs of a ladder when work ing in a muddy area, wrap a burlap bag around the bottom rung. This make it easy to wipe your thoet on the bag and possibly avoid a terlout accident. It' a tip from the American Builder's pool of practical working ideal. Garden, Home Tie Suggested By MARK M. TAYLOR The recognition of the rela tionship between the garden and the interior of the home is gaining momentum. Remod- ellng of older homes is being aone to tBKe advantage of gar den views from the living por tions of the house. This means picture windows and doors from the living or dining areas to the outside garden area. Quite often there is a put in or terrace in close relationship to the living portion of the houte. These outdoor areat may be paved, brick or made of flagstone or according to the desires of the home owner. Paved areas are becoming more popular because of ease of ln atallation and maintenance. As the living area of the houte tends to move out of doors, there is also e tendency to bring flower beds closer to the living area. This is often accomplished by bed of flow- en at the edge of terrace or e bordering hedge of flowering shrubs. There is a great ten dency away from straight linet in the outdoor area, with grace ful contoun getting away from the stiff lines of the indoor liv ing areat. The casual manner of arranging plant beds in re lationship to the patio, terrace or outdoor living area makes for easier maintenance, too (they are handler to maintain!). If this trend continues, we will find, at leatt durina- the summer monthi. that we toend an increased proportion of our time in these outdoor living areat. Designing or redesigning with these thoughts in mind teems to be the only problem. One must invlsion the actual use of the outdoor area and how it will look and blend into the house plan. Utility areas or play areas for children must be given consideration, too, as these are problem of practical ity. Rocket Blast Kills' Denver School Man Denver (U.B A homemade rocket with a short fuse ex ploded during an experiment yesterday, killing a " Denver school teacher and seriously in juring his 18-year-old son. The victim of the blast was Warren Francis .Geyer, 42, head of the mathematics de partment at Cole Junior high tchool here and husband of Donna M. Geyer, nationally known author. w CAMELLIAS, RHODODRENDRONS, AZALEAS T J JimJM For Hedge We Hove a Urge Selection of iwLfJyV fWJry ii See u about Landtcoping your new horn. S 0ijl7 U ' ' f H. L. PEARCY NURSERY fm() AND TIME I ir fT ffi? 1 1 1 1 jlF- m (OMINBATION HEATING-llR CONDITIONER Nipjj M&m-BTfri SAVE S S S S XI ' UjSff SIPv ' MUELLER I . KlFMsL mSJe YEAR-ROUND "CLIsAATROL" I "WW AW DOING I'M WASHING DISHES WE HAD OUR 'Nr' PUJM&N6 CONTRACTOR PUT IN AN AUTOMATIC DISHWA9MW '."JSV WJHEN HE INSTALLED OUft W6W WATER SVSTEM."1. 'j3 ' Set the sensational new Hobort "Kitchenaid" dish- ' 1 washer In operation o our store. x' Questions BT MABX Q Please recommed low growing shrubs or evergreens for a rock garden Mr. SX. ANS Abelia Grandlflora, azaliaa (Kurume), Coton e titer (Horizontal!), Daphne Cneorum and Euonymu Minimut would all be suitable for a rock garden.'. Q. What care should be given phlox now Mr. P. A, AN8. Spray plants a they come through the ground, using a Bordeaux mixture. Q I am Installing sprinkling tyttem. Should th sprinkler head be tet to in clude the flower bed G. M. ANS. Yes, unlet the plant in them should not have overhead watering. Roses come .' in this category Direct the ' water to the ground near , the . roses, not on them, to avoid fungous diseatet. : ';,,,,. Q. We have used quite a bit of boxwood hedging s- round our yard. Now this ap pears to be yellowing, giving the place a run-down appear ance. What can be done? Mrs. N. r. l: ANS. Boxwood need plenty of moisture and plant food. Give a feeding of cotton teed meal and water it in well Spraying with pyrethreum will control insects pests. - O. Is the flavor of toma toes affected bv tha sail In any wayT B. A.- . ' ANS. Yes, if the toU lacks fertility the tomatoe will have a flat taste. Give com plete plant food to get better size, color end flavor -with your tomato, plant. Q. What are the toil re quirement for anemone? R. G. ANS. These flowers re quire a good, rich, deep soil, afternoon shade and sufficient moisture. They prefer an acid type soil. Q. Can delphlnuim roots be dived nowT Mrs. S.J.W. ANS. No, ' but you may start cuttings from those new shoots just breaking through, however. Q. What is the best way to control strawberry - weevil? R. S. ANS. Arsenate of lead tpray on apple pumice for bait. Q. How do you apply col chicine to achieve mutations- W. A. ANS. Soak seeds, roots scales or cuttings in 0.1 to 0.8 per' cent colchicine and water. Or inject in diluted form into the heart of the embryo bulb, seed or tuber. Another meth od used is to put a few drops of colchicine on the bud with medicine dropper. Q. Our butterfly bush was not pruned beck after flower- in last year. Should I prune It now? S. R. ANS. Yes, cut buddleia back to the ground aa bloom form on new growth. Q. Our Fortythia has grown all out of bounds,how can I prune it now? L. O. R. ANS. Cut back about one- half. Be sure to prune, not HIK M J ' : D-E- Cooper & Son m m - sex... a YJjjyM OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS V Answered M. TATLOB hear, taking out some of .the old heavy (talk. Q. What it the correct height for lawn mowing in the early season? P. T. ANS. Set mower to cut a height of 1H to 2 Inches. -. Q. Can you sow snnuals In the open now? Mr. 5, T. ANS. Yes, you can sow the hardy annuals now. Half hardy or tender tort should be started in cold frame or hot bed and set out later. .' ' Q. I have read this ap pearently conflicting state ments: "mulch . plants for winter protection" and mulch plants for summer protection" could one jutt make it a rule to mulch certain plants? Mrs. P. L. ANS. A good idea! winter mulches aid in preventing damage from freezing. Sum mer mulches to prevent dry ing out of soil and help retain moisture. Soil Conservation District Meeting The proposed Butte Creek area soil conservation district will be under consideration during a public hearing to be held at the Scotts Mills grade school building at 8 o'clock the night of Thursday, April 2. Three phates of soil conser vation will be considered: First, it will establish the de sirability of a district; second, It will determine whether this area should be an addition to the Silver Creek soil conserva tion district, or whether it should be separate district known as the Butte Creek dis trict Finally it will determine district or additional boundar ies. . Proposed boundaries extend from Silver Creek Falls in Marion county to the Marquam, Monte Crlsto, Wildcat, Beaver Lake areas of Clackamas coun ty. Robert C. Baum, executive secretary of the state soil con. servation committee of Oregon, will be in charge of the meet ing. . Firemen's Dance The Liberty-Salem Heights district volunteer firemen are sponsoring a good will dance at 9 p.m. Saturday at Dickson' store, at the junction of 99E and the 12th street cut-off. Dickson is providing the apace without charge. There will be no admission fee. The Gordy Winchcombe orchestra will provide the music. . .-' . - Cherry City Electric 829 Chemeketa Phono 2-6762 Also Sno-Breeze Evaporative Window Coolers Only the Rich, Can All ord Poor Heat D. Garden By MARK la DO TOD KNOWT That you can't expect healthy plant and a produc tion of flower or fruit with out a tuff lclent quantity of sunshine? A coating of paste wax to freshly cleaned gourds mskes them attractive , decorator's objects? r Gourds come In a variety of odd shapes ball, dipper, bot tle and turban shape In varied colors? - ; 1 , A good companion to the gourd collection it the small red trawberry popcorn? Swlts Chard yields cooking greens, rich' in minerals and vitamins, for a long period? Cutting, of African Violet taken in March will produce flowering plant in 4 inch pot by next February or March? The bright red foliage on Photinla is often mistaken for flower? . In growing tomatoe try several different varieties for a variety of flavor and a taste treat. It's a good idea to rake a lawn vigorously now and then to remove any matted cuttings accumulations? Rosemary (Roiemarinu Officinalis) is ' an aromatic htrfc eafia SupimhU ' io have a stimulating Influence on the memory "Rosemary for remembrance!" - Dutchman's Pipe (Arifto- lochla Durior) is a vigorous twining vine with large Bros. for ' Contract, and General Repair ' Ettabliihad 1908! 45 Year in Salem 154 S. Ifeettf Mmm 36594 Hedge Laurels 3 Varieties Apples $2.50 down I Onetree$4.00 Phlox - Primroses Fig Trees 3 fOT $1.00 $2.00 CUMinW MSB $U5 RUIT TREES JUS ap TREE MSB ............ MSO SHADE WES . ....... ..IJ0 ap . WE GITS JWT GREEN STAMPS KNIGHT PEARCY NURSERY . ZSalesYsrds Open 7 Day a Week Town Yard, 27S 8. Liberty, Blk. South of State Country Yard en 99E, 1 Mile South of Brooks E. Cooper & Son 540 Hood Phone 33603 TaU1 Notebook M. TAYLOR leave sometimes 12 lnche long thaded like a Menchaum pipe? ... Material which may be used to .preserve the porosity of the toll are manure composts, plant residue and aynthetlc oll, conditioner? Bed of iris should be weed ed and a good commercial fertilizer applied now. (Avoid contact with the root.) As soon at leave appear on roses, the sprsy program shbuld atart and be maintain ed regularly? If liahtntne toe through Hhe conductor, what happens to the motorman? ' That thorns serve a pur pose? They teach u even in plucking a rose one must go about it with care and skill or get etuckl Pound for pound, the leave of many of our tree contain . twice at much mineral manure? ' ' There is some work that will never be done if you don't do it? Evergreen with pale sick ly foliage can be much im proved with fertilizer and systematic watering? MADE TO ORDER Standard Six in Stock A complete line of custom built fireplace screens and fixture. All type. All ilzei. Available' in solid bran or any finith desired! See our complete display. D0UGHT0N HARDWARE H.J47U 355 Ceati We Give 4hf Green Stamp "1 sy. WHM. IT".' X"uM'" iMIM'Me"fiia'M''il Winter Heating, Summer Air Conditioning Self Contained Unit (m