Dinner Honors Mrs. Brunk i 1: --. j- iif; fVVvvvvs t X ' i : V s?vyvvA, PLAN : AMONG COMMITTEE members from the Marlon-Polk Medical Society auxiliary working on plans for the annual pre-Easter sale conducted by the (roup for patients Jit the state tuberculosis hospital are the live above, , left to right, seated: Mrs. Lewis D. Clark, Mn. Boaeoe Wilson, Mrs. Don Woodard; standinf, Mrs. Lynn M. Ham mers tad, at left, and Mn. Carl W. Emmons. The sale opens Wednesday and continues through Saturday. I ESTMINSTER guild, First Pres byterian church, meets next Wednesday afternoon, April 1, a salad luncheon to be sewed at 12:15 'clock. , "Youth" is the program topic. Mrs, : Robert W. Gormsen's Horizon club members are to present the program. On the hostess committee are Mrs. William Crothers, Mrs. Arthur A. Ather ton, Mrs. James Morgan, Mrs. Richard Springer. ,. . There will be a nursery for the small children accompanying their mother. . Members of Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Leslie Method ist church will be guests of their sister society at Independence on Wednesday. Cars will leave the church at 12:30 p.m. Following dessert, Mrs. C. F. French will lead the devotions. Mrs. V. E. Bur- : son will sing, accompanied by Mrs. Mer vin Gilson, and Mrs; W. S. Ankney will peak on finances. Meeting Friday will be Pioneer post, American Legion, at the home of Miss Mildred Christenson, 247 West Judson. Assisting the hostess for dessert at 7:30 o'clock will be Miss LaVerne Hewitt and Mrs. Velma K. Davis. Mrs. Eric Nelte, Mrs. Dora Howard and Mrs. Paul Gilmer will be speakers at the Chemeketa Toastmistress club on Thursday evening. Toastmistress will be Mrs. J. A. Johnston and Mrs. James W. Tindall will be chairman of table topics. The group will meet for dinner t 6 o'clock at the Golden Pheasant. FROM Peg i Washington, D.C., March 25. Dear Marian: Life here is so full of surprises for me . . . Someone is always getting an idea about something to do and it sounds good to me so I'm Just the one who doesn't say "no" . . : Monday night took in -the Lawrence Melchior show . . . Continue to see many people known in Oregon. A pleasant contact resulting from a Salem Zonta club friendship has been meeting Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Myers. He is a brother of Mrs. Robert McEwan of Salem and Sunday the Myerses took me for a delightful drive to Frederick, Maryland, where Barbara Frletchie's house is a well-marked spot. We drove , to the top of Braddock Heights, where beautiful vistas north and south Inspire Mrs. Myers with the desire to have a summer cabin on the hilltop . . . Dinner t attractive Olney Inn and the oppor tunity of becoming acquainted with an interesting couple added to the pleasant trip. " Lt Commander and Mrs. Joseph 81enko, residents of the state of Wash ington, but more recently In Florida because of his service assignment, were -office visitors last week and disappoint ed to find that the Secretary of the In terior and Mrs. Douglas McKay were out of the citv all week. Mrs. Slenko is a cousin of Wayne Hadley (son-in-law of the McKays) and they had hoped to discuss family news with the McKays. A telephone call from New York was from Mrs. Wallace Hug (Pat Lee) who invited me to attend a Mllgrlm's fashion show in New York this week for which the is co-hostess with another offic MASSES' ,,4 7 J FOR AUXILIARY SALE FOR NEXt Sale 4 Days An event for next week will be the annual pre-Easter sale sponsored by the. Marion-Polk Medical society auxiliary for the benefit of patients at the state tuberculosis hospital. .; ' The sale features articles made by the patients, proceeds to go to augment funds for the patients. The sale will be at 237 North Liberty, near Sally's, and will be open between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., Wednesday, Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, April 1, 2, 3' and 4.'.. T ' . V; .' '.',.,"-; :"-t ' Mrs. Lynn M. Hammcrstad is general chairman and on her committee are Mrs. Morris Crothers, Mrs. Don Wood ard, Mrs. Roscoe Wilson, Mrs. Maynard Shiffer. American Gold Star Mothers, Salem chapter, will meet at 8 o'clock Thurs day evening at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall for a regular business meeting- .. Arriving this week-end for a visit are Mrs. Alex de Schweinitz and sons from Bellingham, Wash, to be here until after Easter with her mother, Mrs. Harry H. Belt. Mr. de Schweinitz will join his family for Easter week-end. Major social event for the legislators next week will be the "Third House" party on Monday evening at 8 o'clock in the house chamber, the affair for all legislators of both houses. -BY ALENE (PEG) PHILLIPS er's wife. Middle of the week gadding outside of Washington isn't in the sched ule for me, however, and I am deferring a New York trip for a later week-end.. Pat remarked that she was a bit lone some for Salem in spite of the excite ment of life in New York and a home in a lovely setting on the ocean front. , Temperatures in the 60-degree area are bringing on the cherry blossoms ahead of Cherry Blossom Week, which is scheduled to start April 8. A swing around the Tidal Basin with friends Fri day night found a few trees already showing considerable color and others about to burst into full bloom. We drove on down the Potomac for dinner at an interesting spot and noticed how beau tiful the yellow forsythia Is a- it is used in profusion in a great many plantings. The park across from my apartment has a mass of the yellow bloc ma as well as several white tulip trees. Children play in the park and adults stroll through it by day but it's given a wide berth at night. There's a marble statue which from my window looks like It could be the Goddess of Abundance but which I've never inspected more closely. The Dark Princess of Abandonment would be a more fitting title by night, I am told. It is too bad the park has such an atmosphere as it has many interesting trees and shrubs and a whole choir of song birds. Ever since th middle of January I've heard warbling -nd chirp ing (not whistling) birds outside my window which has made it seem like late spring in Oregon. However, the bouquet of pursy wil lows that is silhouetted against the din ing room wall is early spring in Oregon, Sincerely, re 3 V V UeUs-MUl atudlo vlctun.) WEEK Tir, ADIES' of the Knight Memorial III O Congregational church will be ul- guests at the Woman's Guild of the First Congregational church on Wed nesday at 2 o'clock. "Building Through Cooperation" Is' the general theme of the meeting, and the speaker '.ill be Dr. Seth R. Huntington, pastor- of the First Congregational church.. ' Miss Mary Fake will lead devotions and piano selections will be presented by Peter Van Horn. Decorations for the tea table will, fol low an Easter theme and pouring will be Mrs. 'Donald H. Upjohn and Mrs. Percy L.1 Calvert. , Mrs. Max Flohrer and Mrs. Chris Renschler are chairmen of the social hour. Circles of the First Presbyterian church will meet on Wednesday at the ' following places, all meetings to be for dessert at 1:15 o'clock unless otherwise stated: ., .- Circle 1, with Mrs. Clyde McClung, 1865 South High. , ' Circle 2, with Mrs. A. L Newton, 1950 Wallace road. , Mrs. Charles Glaze will assist. Circle 3, with Mrs. Mary Yergen, 589 North 24th. Mrs. Ida Vaughn and Miss Mary McGowan will assist. .. Circle 4, with Mrs. Bertha Darby, 625 Union. Circle 5, with Mrs. A. F. Marcus, 1411 State, for no-host luncheon at 1 o'clock. Members are to bring their own table 'service. , Circle 8, with Mrs. W. E. Mead, 245 Alice avenue. Circle 7, with Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, ' 125 West Lincoln, for salad luncheon. Circle 8, with Mrs. J. F. Ulrich, 1225 Chemeketa. Mrs. John Raphael will as sist. Circle 9, with Mrs. Roy Girod, 605 Market. ... Circle 10, with Mrs. W. W. Moore, 1518 Chemeketa. state Representative and Mrs. F. H. . Dammasch of Portland have invited a group of legislative friends for an in formal open house, Tuesday evening, at the home of Mrs. William H. Burg hardt. The party is one of a series they have . been giving, having entertained the past Wednesday evening at one. Hosts to their card club this evening will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, entertaining the group for supper and bridge. i " ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scherrer have an nounced the - engagement of their 'daughter, "Miss Kay Scherrer, to Sgt., James Crosby of Jefferson. . . No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Scherrer attends Salem high school. Sgt. Crosby is stationed at the Marine training base at San Diego, Calif. Dr. and Mrs. Carl W, Emmons are in Hood River this week-end to visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.-John Syme. Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith and her son, John, who is home from University of Oregon Dental school for vacation, are In Redmond this week-end to visit Mrs. Griffith's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Copenhaver. The Cop enhavers' sons, Bill and Jim, are to be christened at the Presbyterian church In Redmond on Sunday. , Honoring Mr. Estill L. Brunk, retir ing president, Salem club of the. Daugh ters of the Nile will entertain with no-host dinner at 6:30 p.m. at the Ma tonic temple on Monday. Mrs. Loran Spauldlng and Mrs. J. R. Linton are chairmen of the event Mrs. David Wright will be toastmistress and pre- . senting a gift to Mrs. Brunk will be Mrs. Harry L. MiUer. Miss Harriett Aller, accompanied by Miss Elizabeth Shields, will present whistling solos. Both are students at Willamette university, Mrs.. Harris Lletz Is arranging the program, ' . Assisting with preparations for the dinner are Mrs. Harry H. Charlton, Mrs. B. L. Chrlstphier, Mrs. A. H. Davis, Mrs. Byron Simonson,' Mrs. L. D. Lambeth, Mrs. Dave Browrt, Mrs. Paul Irwin, Mrs. Elvin Thomas, Mrs. Vern H. Hasbrook, Mrs. T. W. Leasure. The decoration committee Include Mrs. Kenneth Dodge, Mrs. Frank Lock , man and Mrs, Fred Hueneke. GF INTEREST to many Salem wom en will be the annual state meet ing of the Oregon Federation of Republican Women next Tuesday, March 31, in the Multnomah hotel at Portland. Several from Salem unit of the fed eration are to attend. The meeting will be an all-day one and there will be a luncheon at 12 o'clock. Salem women planning to attend the luncheon are being asked to make reser vations with either Mrs. Eugene Laird cr Mrs. Francis T. Wade. Mia. Clmk C. .' McCall heads the Salem group. She is chairman for resolutions at the meeting. ' The engagement of Miss Sylvia Spill- . man to Lorin Hoven was revealed Fri day evening at a buffet dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Turnldge. -v No dae is set for the wedding. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Spillman of Salem. Mr. Hoven Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hoven of Talbot community, and is in the mint farming business. Mis Spillman is employed at Hartman's. , - Mrs. William H. Burghardt was host ess for a luncheon and bridge party at her home on' Thursday, inviting eight. Mr. and Mrs. Holll W. Huntington : left Friday on their four-month trip to Europe. They - left Salem, Thursday, ., spending the night in Portland and going east Friday. They were dinner guests of Mr.; and Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard, for-' merly of Salem, Thursday evening, other guests including the Huntingtons' son-in-law. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Dixon, and Mr. Dixon' father, Dr. Henry Dixon, and Mrs. Dixon. , ... The Delwyn Kleens are living at the home of the Huntington during their absence. , :: 60 i ; y;L C" ' V',;v . t'tii&V'J , A .h X " t , MR. AND MRS. I 1 I -J ' 7 WKP MKT RMurriay were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Arthur Miller (Edilhanne Kay ' Hlmpionl. the bride In the dauihter'of Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell Blmpion and Mr. Miller Is the son of Levi A. Miller ot atubbard. IW -I t ' ' ) ''' -v. I f MR. AND MRS. RONALD D. REOTFROy ' AMONG MARCH weddings was that of Mr. and Mrs. Konald D. Beatfraw, Hhswa above comlnf down the church aisle. The bride I the former Shirley HimnWe, daa htcr f Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bennies of Turner, and Mr. Bentfrew la the asa ef Mr. aad Mrs. - O. V. Bentfrow of Heard. The couple wul Bra here. MRS. C. L. Crlder will entertain Chemeketa chapter,. Daughter of the American Revolution, at . her home In Dallas at 2 o'clock next : Saturday afternoon. Reports of dele gates to the state conference, will high light the business meeting.: .,. ; ;,-( y On the hostess committee are Mr. . Oscar Hayter, Mrs. E. B. Bossati, Mrs." - Ruth Allen Herndon, Mrs. Richard A. Polk, Mrs. C. E. Roblin, Mrs. Karl : Steiwer, and Miss Laura Linton. , V ni 4 - " . Aru itudlo plelun.) L..A MILLER 1 Betrothal Told ' Announcement is mad by Mr. and Mr. H. V. Ahalt ot the engagement of their daughter, Ml Phyllis Ahalt, t Richard C. Fults, Jr., A2C, U.S. Air Force,- son ot Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Fult of Eugene. ,. , -, t . ..f "". , ' No date is set for the wedding. 3 ': The bride-elect Is a graduate of Sa lem high school and is employed ' in the county agricultural agent' office. Mr. Fult was graduated from Univer sity high school in Eugene and it now serving with the Air Force in Korea. Woodburn Sixteen member of Chap ter J of the P.E.O. Sisterhood of Wood burn motored to Salem Thursday eve ning to meet with Chapter CB of Salem , at the home of Mrs. P. L. Calvert. Serv : lng as hostesses with Mrs. Calvert were . Miss Maxlne Herlnger, Miss Mildred , Deischer and Dr. Margaret Dowell. . "" Mr. Rodney Porter, president of Chapter - CB, introduced Dr. Martha , Springer, program chairman, who In : turn introduced Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, speaker of the evening. Mrs. Sprague - (poke on the United Nation and par- ticularly of the women connected with ; the organization. Previous to the speaking short bus , iness meeting - was held by Chapter J with Mrs. Carl Magnuson, the new pre ,. ldent, In charge, A report on the recent rummage sale by the chapter showed net proceeds of around $75.00. Mr. . ' Magnuson has announced the following standing committees: . .; 1 . Year books, Mi Gladys Adam, Mrs. George A. Landon and Mri. J eat Fikan, Educational committee for 1953 and 54, Mrs. C. K. McNary, chairman; for 1955, Mrs. O. L. Withers, chairman and for 1956, Mr. Clair Nlbler, chairman. Philanthropic committee, Mrs. Nellie v Mulr, Mrs. Oscar Blanchard, Mn. Frank P. Doerfler and Mr. John Canon. , Courtesy committee, Mrs. -Paul Mill, Mn. I. J, Allen. Auditing,' Mrs. J. Melvin Rlngo, Mr. Ivan C. Beers. - - ' Budget committee; Mrs. W. S.' Scar borough, Sr. and Mn. H. F. Butterfleld. Soolal committees, Mr. Kenneth Mc Grath, Mrs. Charles B. Corn well, Mis Patricia .Withers, Mrs. EsteUa Kern, Mrs. Kenneth Thompson, Mrs. N. 7. , Tyler, Mrs. Jess Fikan. , B.I.L. committee, Mrs. Harry Van Andale, Mrs. A. E. Austin,' Mn.' Jack Barnes, Mn. George D. Jones, Mn. Day id Cavett. ... Appointive officers for 1953 are Mn. H. F. Butterfield, historian; Mrs. George D. Jones, reporter; Mrs. J. Melvin Rlngo, pianist. ; 1 - The next regular meeting will be April 9 at the home ot Mrs. Jess Fikan. ' A second son, who ha been named Michael Patrick, wa born Friday, March 27, at Salem General hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mauldlng. The older boy in the family is John Phillip Maul ding, Jr. Grandparent of the new ar rival are Mr. and Mr. Ralph H. Cooley of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Jame A. Mauldlng of Tillamook. Mrs. Richard Mauldlng of Medford Is the great grand mother. , ;.. ,) Mn. Gerald M. Roblson and little daughter, Kathleen, left this week for their home in Oakland, Calif, following a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker. .