Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 28, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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' j j j , f , , ; : Hlae studio pleturf, OorvalUi.)
WED LAST Saturday evening In Corvallls was Mrs. Earl Wlnfleld McFarlan
(Virginia Rath Johnson). The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Traey W. Johnson
of Corvallla, Mr. McFarlan the eon af Mrs. Charlei E. McFarlan of Forest Grove. The
couple will live in Sweet Home. ,
Meeting Ends
Oregon Press' Women, in meeting in
Salem today and Sunday, gather at the
Marion hotel this evening for a buffet '
supper and program. ; The social hour
will be at 6:30 o'clock' the dinner at 7
o'clock. :' .; "'
i Duncan McRoberts of Milwaukie is to'
be guest speaker to talk and show pic- .
tures on Formosa and China. , Margaret
Thompson Hill of Portland, state presi
dent of the press group, will preside.
During the evening ' awards for - the
group's contests for work on daily and
: weekly newspapers will be announced.
The Press Women conclude : their
pring workshop Sunday with a break
fast at 9 a.m. in the Camellia room at
the Senator hotel, a board meeting fol
lowing with new officers taking over.
1 Pictures taken In Korea will be shown .
by Leonard Rowan and George Laird,
both men having been In the service
there. '
' . Honoring Mrs. Richard D. Lee (Mari
lyn Power) who was married during
the winter, Miss Leslyn Burdette is to
entertain this . evening at a ; . kitchen
shower and party at her home. . '
Mr. and Mrs. Lee will be living in
Eugene this spring, both to resume their
work at University of Oregon. He re
ceived his discharge recently from the
service. '''''
Guests for the party tonight will In
clude a group of school friends of Mrs.
Lee. -
Here for the week-end are Mr. and
Mrs. James B. Shaw of Medford, visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Attorney General and Mrs. Robert
Y. Thornton were among those In Port
land to attend the Oregon state bar
banquet at Multnomah hotel, Dean
Howard Levi of University of Chicago
law school, the speaker, Friday evening.
The Thorntons are remaining in Port
land for the week-end as guests of her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester O. Knowlton. : ' ' .
Mrs. Kenneth Power is to entertain '
for her bridge elub on Wednesday for
luncheon and cards.
'The engagement of Miss Joan Glaa
cott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kermlt
Glascott, to Melvln 'Pankratz, son of
Mr. and Mrs. David Pankratz was an
nounced recently, v
No date is set for the wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Frigge returned
this week from an extensive trip to
South America. ?
They left her January i tor New
' York City from where they sailed to
Panama Canal and down the west coast .
of South America. They were at San
tiago, then went to the farthest south
port of South America, Puerto Mont,
They were at Buenos Aires, Montevideo,
Santos and Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro
and Trinidad, Upon their return to
NeW York City they came west by
- the southern route, stopping in an
Jose a few days. r
1 Si Vincent de Paul Altar society Is
sponsoring a benefit card party the
evening of Thursday, April 9, in the
Catholic Center at 8 o'clock.
Proceeds will go to the fund to finish
chapel for the new convent. ,
Mothers club of bethel No.' 43, Job's
Daughters, will meet next -hursday for
dessert at 1 o'clock at the Masonic
temple. '; - . s
. New officers will be elected at the
business session. -On
the committee as hostesses tor the
dessert are Mrs. Herman Jochlmsen,
' Mrs. T. Harold Tomlinson, Mrs. Charles
Claggett, Mrs. Robert J. Harrell and
Mrs. Charlei Shaw. . .,
INVITED to a luncheon for which
Mrs. H. Lawrence Lister, formerly
of Salem, Is to entertain at her
home in Portland next Tuesday are
' the following Salem friends: -'
' Mrs. Howard R. Pickett, Mrs. Donald
Madison, Mrs. Karl B. Kugel, Mrs. John
Taylor, Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, Mrs.
Paul A. Hale, Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Mrs.
. David H. Cameron, Mrs. Grant C. Rog-
ers, Mrs. Carl W. Chambers, Mrs. Estill
L. Brunk, Mrs. Francis T. Wade, Mrs.
. Rex Kimmell, Mrs. David Wright, Mrs.
' Gene . Vandeneynde, Mrs. George S.
Hoffman, Mrs. C. W. Parker, Mrs. L.O..
Arens, Mrs. J. Parker Lineberry, Mrs.
.H. B. Pearson.
- 1 Mrs, R, H.'Baldock is to be hostess to
The Study club Tuesday for luncheon
and afternoon.
- Mrs. William SchUtt is to be hostess
to her bridge club for luncheon and the
afternoon; Thursday.
Announced for Saturday, May 23, is
the annual spring silver tea given by
Salem Spinsters club. Place for the
event will be 'announced later. Next
meeting of the club comes on April 13.'
An all MacDowell program' is to be
presented by piano students of .Jean
Hobson Rich, Sunday,' at 4 p.m. in the
Stone Piano company rooms. Assisting
on the program of Marian Giese,
soprano, student of Mrs. Frank Bur
lingham. Students of Mrs. Rich taking part are
Marilyn Reaney, Kay Hanley, Sharon
Forrest, Carol Hoff in8, Vicki Ward, Lor
raine Owen, Karlene Quistad.
' The interested public, is invited to at
tend. . -,- .. .... ....
Mrs. James Francis, a student of Wil
liam Fawk, will be presented in a piano
recital at the Fawk residence Monday
at 7:45 p.m. Mrs. Francis is organist at
the Calvary Baptist church and has re
cently completed her examination for
state accreditation in piano.
The program will be as follows:
Sonata Pathetique opus 13 ..Beethoven
Invention No. 14 Bach
Waltz opus 70 No. 1 Chopin
Notturno Respighl
Arabesque No. 1 Debussy
May Night Palmgren
: Danses Fantastiques opus 1 . .
To a Water Lily MacDowell
v. i
(Jnn-Vn ato4lo vlcltra.)
ANNOUNCED recently wat the enrxre
ment of Miss Jean Annette Simmons, above,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Sim
mons, to Kenneth O. SteTeiu, aon of Mrs.
E. O. Smith an Kenneth BteTens, Br, af
Meat, No date is sat far the wedding.
. ; ''i M
Mrs! McKay
Due for Visit
Salem welcomes home Mrs. Douglas
McKay next week for her first trip back
since she went to Washington, D.C., in
early January when former Governor
McKay took his position ns Secretary of
the Interior in President Eisenhower'i
.7 cabinet. . .
. The former first lady of Oregon leaves
the national capital, Wednesday, to fly
home for a week's visit with her sons-
' in-law and daughters, Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Hadiey and Mr. and Mrs Lester ,
D. Green and their families. The Greens
are residing in the McKay home during
. the time her parents are in Washington
so Mrs. McKay will find it easy to check
over the progress of her garden and the
bulbs she had put in before she knew
about going to the national capital.,
Mrs. McKay' is making it strictly a
family visit, there to be no special en-
tertatnlng In her honor during the week
she is here, except a meeting of her
bridge club in which there is a group of
long-time, close friends. . !
Mrs. William S. Cole is to entertain
for the bridge club-next Thursday in ,
welcome to Mrs. McKay.
: On Easter Sunday, Mrs. McKay is to
entertain at a family dinner. In the
group will be her son-in-law and daugh- ,
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hadiey and 7
, their children, EileenAllan, Bruce and ,
Nancy; her: daughter, Mrs. Lester D.
Green and son, Danny Green (Mr. Green
- being unable to attend -as he is in the
east); Secretary McKay's mother, Mrs.
J. W. Frater of Portland; and other rela
tives of, Mrs. McKay,. Miss Mae HiU,
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Freier
of Oswego, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly
of Portland, the ladles all sisters of Mrs.
McKay; and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Radke of
Portland, Mrs. Radke a niece.
Alpha Chi Omega Mothers club is
meeting this coming Tuesday evening,
March 31, Instead of the usual first '
Tuesday of the month. The meeting
will be at 7:45 o'clock at the chapter
house.' .: '- '".':". ,V".-.i "'"
. Salem mothers will be hostesses to
members of the Portland Alpha Chi
Omega Mothers club,- and pledges and
members of the active chapter also will
be guests. Mrs. Carl Gustafson is in
charge of arrangements for the meeting.
Elizabeth Jepsen will present Mary
Jean Schrunk In recital on Tuesday,
March 81 at 8:15 p.m. at Roberts studio.
Miss Schrunk is a senior In . high
school and is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. W. Schrunk. She has been
awarded high ratings in both the Ore
gon Music Teachers association audi
tions and the Federated Music Clubs
festival. This year she also has been a
special student of Marjory Trotter of
Portland and is. prominent in musical
activities in Salem high school, v
' An informal reception to honor the
young artist will follow the program;
Mrs. A. A. Segersten will pour and as
sisting will be Misses Carol Svinth, Jus
tine Lewis, Judith Carlson and David
. The interested public Is invited to at-
tend.' ' ....-,' , ;
Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Groves
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Doris Groves, to Thomas
R. Van Etten, son, of Mrs. H. S. Bol
lnger of Hood River.
The bride-elect graduates in June
from Oregon State college. She is a
member of Alpha Delta PI.
' Mr. Van Etten is a graduate from
the college and is affiliated with Kappa
Delto Rho. '
A June wedding is planned. '.
The regular monthly business meet
ing for Salem Soroptimlst club will be
next Wednesday noon at the group's
regular luncheon session at the Golden
Pheasant. ' )
On Tuesday evening, the board of
' directors is meeting at 5:30 o'clock at
Helder's music store.. ' ,
St. Helena's guild, St. Paul's Episco
pal church, plan a meeting for Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs. Maurice
Walker, 1100 Greenwood Drive. Mrs.
John Martin, Mrs. Robert Brady1, Jr.,
Mrs. Kenneth Lee and Mrs. Vernon Gil
more are co-hostesses. The regular stu
dy will be conducted, and plans made
tor the guild's benefit party in April.
Meeting on Wednesday for luncheon
' at 12:30 o'clock in the parish hall will
be St. Paul's guild, St. Paul's Episcopal
Mrs. Velma Davis is leaving Salem
on Tuesday for Nelscott, where she will
make her home.
Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae meet
next Thursday evening, Mrs. Ervln L.
Peterson to be hostess to the group at
her home. .
General meeting of the Woman's So
ciety of Christian Service of the West
Salem Methodist church will, be on
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ed M.
Culbertson, 1580 Bonnie way. Dessert
will be served by the hostess at 1:30
and Mrs. E. M. Hoffman is in charge
of the program.
' Garfield school Mothers and Dads
club will meet at 7:3p p.m. on Tuesday
at the school. The film, "Angry Boy,"
will be shown for the program.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Judson will
chairmen the committee for the social
hour following the meeting of Pythian
Sisters, Central! temple, on Wednesday
at 8 p.m. at Beaver hall. Assisting will
. be Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stein, Mr. and
Mrs. Felix French and Mrs. Q. at. Wills.
V "
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7. ' V:
(Mourn studio pleturf.)
THE WEDDING of Mr. and Mrs. William Edward Kaer, Jr, (Elisabeth Adele
Cooley) was an event of nut Sunday. The bride Is the daughter of Mrs. Robert W.
Prentiss of Salem and Mr. Kaer is the son of the W. E. Kaen of Olympla, Wash.
Planned for the afternoon of Sunday,
April 12, is the wedding of Miss Claw
dette Smith and Keith Mootry.
The ceremony will be at 4 o'clock
In the First Presbyterian church, the
Rev. Ernest Preston Goulder of the
Methodist church officiating.
Miss Jean Spaulding of Portland, for- :
merly of Salem, is to be maid of honor
for the bride. Misses Mary Rauk, Carol
Thompson and Sharon Beard are to be
bridesmaids. .
Ronald Helgeson is to be the best
man and ushering will be Ronald Nel
son, Richard Smith, Mac Webb and
Rex Layton.
.the reception following also will be
at the church. ; . :
The bride-to-be is the daughter of E.
L. Smith of Salem and Mrs. William
Woelke of Glendale, Calif., Mr. Mootry
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mootry
of Salem. He is in the navy. '
Eta chapter of Beta' Sigma Phi is to ,
meet on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Richard Trent. '
Mrs. Floyd L. Utter will be hostess to
the Raphaterians club next Thursday af
ternoon at her home, the meeting to be '
at 2:30 o'clock.
Chapter G of P.E.O. Sisterhood is to
meet Thursday at 1:15 o'clock , at the
home of Mrs, Paul A. Fugate with Mrs.
A. E. Robins and Mrs. F. W. Lange as
co-hostesses.' '.
Mrs, Brooks Moore is to have charge
of the program. 1
flttlnont studio pteturt.)
NAMED as typical co-ed for University
of Portland Is Mln Anita Albrlch, above,
daairhter af Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Albrkh M
LJ : I L
RIDE next Saturday evening,
April 4, will be Miss Barbara
Pace, her marriage to Jerald
Lange to be solemnized at 7:30 o'clock
that evening in the Jason Lee Method
ist church with the Rev. Ernest Preston
Goulder officiating. '. .'
Miss Shirley Hathaway, Miss Dorothy
Hathaway and Mrs. Richard Cunning
ham are to attend the bride. James T.
Barnes is to be best man and ushering
will be-Arthur Harris, Darrell Pepper
and Hiram Amlck. . ,
Lighting the candles will be Miss
Mary Helen Miller and Mrs. S. E.
' The reception following will be in
the Kirby room 'at the church.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs.
Zella Pace and Mr.. Lange is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lange. .
Bethel No. 43, Job's Daughters, will
meet at the Masonic temple on Thurs
day at 7:30 p.m. 1
Guests at the meeting of Salem Toast
mistress club on Thursday evening were
Mrs. W. O. Maddux of Merced, Calif.,
and Mrs. Lois Keeney Mrs. Sue Booch
took the oscar for her winning talk. ,
Home from a vacation of two weeks'
in Hawaii are Mr. and Mrs. George
Moorhead, the couple making the trip by
plane. While in Honolulu, they visited
with Mr. Moorhead's son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. George Van Moor
head. At the meeting of Nu chapter, Delta
Kappa Gamma, honorary society for
teachers, this past week, State Senator
Richard L. Neuberger, Portland, was
speaker on the topic: "Lobbying in the
Legislature." The meeting was at the
home of Mrs, Marjorie' Woods. ...
On the program committee were Mrs.
Robert Thompson, Mrs. Genevieve Cur
ry, Miss Margaret McDevitt, Miss Irene
Hallberg. Hostesses with Mrs. Woods
"were Miss Margaret Simms, Miss Clara
Thompson, Miss Jean Spaulding.
Attending a district conference of
Junior auxiliaries of the American Le
gion auxiliary in Corvallis, .Sunday will
be . Miss Dolores DiFlllppl, Miss Mary
Helen Driver, Miss Berna Dean Driver
and Miss Janet Andrews.
The girls, members of the junior aux
iliary for Salem unit, American Legion
auxiliary, will attend a luncheon and
meeting at the American Legion hall.
They will be accompanied by Mrs.
Charles Driver, adviser for the group,
and Mrs. Joe DiFilippi.
Announcement is made by Mr. and
Mrs. Earl W. Loucks of MU1 City of the
engagement of their daughter, Miss Vera
Loucks of Salem, to Robert Glen Shel
ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shelton
of Mill City.
No date is set for the wedding. The
bride-elect is employed in the tate in
come tax office. Mr. Shelton it attend
ing the University of Oregon.
, (. I k 'if
Beta Sigma Phi
Plans Benefit ,
Members 6f the city council of Beta
Sigma Phi are sponsoring a benefit party
at Mayflower hall Monday evening for
all members of the four chapters of the
group here and their friends.
The pai-ty will be at 8 o'clock and
games will be played. Refreshments art
to be served.
Proceeds go to the Beta Sigma Phi
hospital project.
Mrs. Billy Bishop heads the city coun
cil ot,Beta Sigma Phi and working with
her for the party, arrangements are the
other 11 council representatives from the
four chapters, Eta, Alpha Epsilon, Xi
Lambda and Alpha Psl, including Mrs.
William Collier, Mrs. Burl Cox, Mrs. Don
Stlffler, Miss Pauline Fugate, Miss Mar
da Sommers, Mrs. Wilbur Pearson, Mrs.
Pauline Hlllpot, Mrs. N. E. Vaughn, Miss
Lucille Higby, Mrs. W. W. McKlnney,
Mrs. Charles Shaw. -
PRIL meeting for Salem's Wom
en's Army and Navy- league will
be next Wednesday, the luncheon
to be at 12:30 o'clock at Chuck's Steak
A : musical program is planned for
special entertainment. .
Reservations may be made with Mrs.
Joseph L. Svejkosky, 43574, chairman
of the hostess committee; Mrs. Frederick
Bradshaw, 34510,- or Mrs. Burl Cox,
Christening services for Douglas Earl
and Deryl Dee Bogardus, children of
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bogardus, will be
conducted Sunday, Palm Sunday, in St
Paul's Episcopal church. - The service
will be at 12:15 o'clock, the Rev. George
H. Swift officiating.
Sponsors for the children are Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Maurer and Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Barnick.
Salem friends are interested in newt
of Miss Edna Marie Hill, pianist of Sa.
lem, who is studying music. at the Juilli
ard Foundation school of music in New
.. Next Tuesday evening, Miss Hill will
appear in the recital of Lonny Epstein's
students, playing the Kablevsky Third
Sonata. Miss Hill has been making out
standing progress in her studies at Juilli
ard. In addition, she writes her mother,
Mrs. E. T. B. Hill, that she has oppor
tunity to hear many world famous ar
tists in concert while in the east, v -
Next Wednesday, Miss Hill leaves for
Toronto to spend her spring vacation
with relatives of her father, including
the J. N. C. Hills and the 3. A. Richard
sons at Toronto.
Oval C. Harris and Vernon Decatur
were honored with a surprise party at
the Harris home Thursday evening, both
men celebrating their birthday anni
versaries this week. Present were Mr.
Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Decatur, Mr.
Herman Bergner and Miss Betty Jean
Bergner, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson,
' 1UTr nn1 Mm W VT 1lMij,bnrav .nil 41. a
hostess, Mrs. Harris. ; ' , ...
Home from a stay in Palm Springs are
Mrs. ' Charles A. Barclay and children,
Greg, Laurie and Jimmy. They have
been there the past month with Mrs.
Barclay's parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Roy H.
Simmons. Mr. Barclay went south to ac
company his family home. -
Women's groups of the First Chris
tian church will meet on Thursday at
the following places:
Edna Gish group with Mrs. Jessia
Strawn, 781 Oregon, at 10 a.m., follow
ed by a sack lunch. ........
.Hattie Menzie group with Mrs. Leston
Howell, 525 North Capitol, at 10:30 a.m.
followed by a sack lunch.
Hattie Mitchell group, with Mrs. Jen
nie Sandrich, 2390 State, at 10:80 a.m.
followed by a sack lunch.
. Gertrude Shoemaker group at the
church at 10:30 a.m., followed by a tack
lunch. '-.
. Grace Hendricks group at the church
at 10:30 a.m., followed by a tack lunch.
Barbara Farmer group with Mrs. A.
A. Taylor, 250 Culver Lane, at 10:30
a.m., followed by a sack lunch.
Mary Lou Hall group with Mrs. Steve
Irving, 1587 Huge at 8 pun.
Eva Marie Johnson group with Mrs.
Gilbert Stein, 1105 Fairmount, at 8 p.m.
Helen Sharrock group with Mrs. Ro
bert Cole, 215 South 23rd, at 8 p.m.
Degree of Honor Protective associa
tion will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday at
the- Salem Woman's club house.- Mrs.
Louis McKlnney will be in charge of
the social hour.
A no-host dinner at 6:30 p.m. will
precede the business meeting of Oregon
Grape camp, Royal Nelghbora of Amer
ica, on Wednesday at the Veterans of
Foreign Wars hall. Mrs. A. Elmer
Flathera is chairman, Mrs. Thomas Han
non, Mrs. Blanche Gaines, Mrs. Vlrgie
Gamble and Mrs. William Hoyt assist
ing. Entertainment and cards will fol-
low the meeting. :
Kingwood unit, American Legion
auxiliary, will meet at 8 o'clock on
Thursday at the American Legion hall.
Business will include a report from the
nominating committee and discussion of
revision of the by-laws.
Mrs. Elva Eldred of Portland, depart
ment Inspector, will be a guest on Fri
day at Barbara Frietchie tent, Daugh
ters of Union Veterans of the Civil
War. The group will meet at 2 p.m.
at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall.
Mri. Julius F. Ulrich and Mrs. Alfred
C. Laue will serve refreshmentt.
Ainsworth chapter, Order of Eastern -Star,
will meet Wednesday evening at
the Scottish Rita temple at 8 o'clock.