Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 28, 1953, Page 3, Image 3

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    Saturday, March 28, 19&S
Hufh G. Fisher, who far
several yean held the office
n juarion county surveyor,
died at a local hospital Friday
iter a abort illness. He wai
w yean old. .
Funeral cervices will be held
at' the Clough-Barrick- chapel
Monday afternoon at 1:30
o'ciock with ritualistic rites by
Pacific lorfm AT Af AM
interment in City View eeme-
Fisher had lived in Salem
since 1915, and his home here
was at 1143 South Liberty.
He was born April 17, 187J,
north of Albany, member nf
n old Oregon family, his
1 J 41 - ...
iimuuicr, a Baptist mission
ary, having come to the Wil
lamette vallev in l&lis u...k
Fisher waa graduated from Al-
oany college. He became sur
veyor from Linn county and
waa city engineer of Albany
until he moved to Salem. He
retired from the office of
Marion county surveyor six
, years ago. .
Fisher was married Febru
ary 4, 1896, to Lillian Hart,
who died three years a an w
was a Mason and a member of
we sons ox the American Re
volution. I':.v :-'-.- ...
He is survived by two daugh
ter, Miss Loretta G. Fisher of
Salem and Mrs. Ruth Sing
hofen of Portland; a sister,
Mrs. Orpha Conckiin of San
Jose, Calif.; two brothers, Fred
D. Fisher of Furl Lauderdale,
Fla., and Earl L. Fisher of Sa
lem; a grandson, Alf ord Nolan,
Jr., of Salem, and two great
grandsons, Timothy and Daniel
Nolan, both of Salem. "
f Roberts
Roberta The Home Ex.
tension unit met at the grange
hall Thursday at 10:30 a.m.
Mrs. Oliver Holcomb and Mrs.
John Hanna, project leaders,
assisted by Mrs. R. F. Sneed
prepared a dinner accentuat
ing herbs for variety, which
was served at noon, . ..
' During the morning session,
Mrs. R. E. Chitten&n gave a
talk on education in Norway.
During the afternoon meet
ing, Mrs. John Hanna, Mrs. Ol
iver Holcomb and Mrs. R. F.
Sneed were appointed on the
nominating committee to get
unit officers for the ensuing
year, which will be voted on
at the April meeting. .
Mrs. Fred McCall. county
committee chairman, " gave a
talk on the Home-maker's Fes
tival exhibit.
j, Mrs. , John Hanna Mrs.' Ray1
x timer, mrt. wiuiam Keeney,
Mrs. Walter Klotz and Mrs. A.
D. Graham were appointed by
the chairman to serve on the
committee arranging the Ro
berts exhibit, "Becoming a
Good Buyer," for the Home
Maker's Festival, j
Those volunteering to serve
on the clean-up committee are
Mrs. Walter Klotz,- Mrs. Wil-
fit! f
Of County D
lewvjs 10WMGU0MB
17" T.Y. SET plus orchid corsage tor winner
$10 Permanent Wave
100 Wool Blanket
Woman's Suit
Drawing will bt rebroadcost on KSLM
Wednesday, 7: 15 P.M.
Drawings Every Monday Night
Mar 2nd, Mar. 9th, Mar. 16th, Mar. 23rd, Mar. 30th
Free Parking
liam Keeney, Mrs. W. W. WU
on and Mrs. G. 8. Hig gins. '
Cuesta were Mrs. Fred Mc
Call and Mrs. R. B. Corn
stock. Those nrerait un u rt
McDanleL Mrs. Herbert" Miller,
Mrs. Jess Forster, Mrs. R. E.
Chittenden, Mrs. Russell Dav
enport. Mn Wm Vnv
Mrs. Walter Klotz, Mrs. G. S.
luKgins, Mrs. A. D. Graham,
Mrs. W. T. Mullican, Mrs. Os
car Philllru ln,U n
Johnston, Mrs. W. W. Wilson,
jot. uienn magooa, Mrs. Chet
Austin, Mrs. E. N. Graves,
Mrs. Oliver Hnfenmh Mn
John Hanna and Mrs. .R. F.
Battery D Raises
Enlisted Strength
Salem's Battery D. 722nd
AAA, AW battalion, Oregon
National Guard brought Its en
listed strength up to 48 men
with the recent enlistment of
two new men, as privates E-l.
The enlistees were Francis
I. Cammann, 129 North 23rd
street and Raymond L. Mor
row, 4891 Niles street
The outfit, which has four
officers and one warrant offi
cer, still has room for 107 en
listed men. ,
One officer with the battery
recently, returned from four
months of school and another
has just left for school
Returning from Fort Bliss,
El Paso, Texas, where he spent
four months at the artillery
scnool was second Lt. warren
D. Mulkey of 1632 North Lan
caster drive. ... .
Enrolled in the same school
and slated to be there until in
July is First Lt. William R.
Porter, 1520 Madison street.
Battery D the week end of
April 18-19 will have its first
week end drill at Camp Withy
combe, Clackamas. The men
will bivouac at the camp and
spend their time In qualifying
in small-arms.
Lenten Services ' ,
At Saint Mark's
Holy Week services are
scheduled for St. Mark's Lu
theran church beginning with
a program of special Lenten
music by the church choir, un
der the direction of Herbert
Brower, Wednesday evening at
7:30 o'clock. A message by the
pastor on "Jesus, the Cruel
fled." On Thursday evening at
7:30 the confessional service
will be conducted and The
Lord's Supper will be adminis
tered. The Palm Sunday con
f irmatlon class will receive
their first' communion at this
service. -:': . , '' ;
Good1. Friday the- congrega
tlon will loin with the other Sa
lem churches in a three-hour
union service at the First Con
gregational church. Friday eve
ning at 7:30 the HolySacra
ment of The Lord's Supper will
again be administered. This
church Invites all who will to
come and share in these hours
of worship and meditation.
Keizer The boys from
grades four through eight had
a treat on Wednesday after
noon when ' the "Soap Box
Derby" film was shown in the
Keizer school auditorium.
Instructions on entering the
derby were distributed by
two champions last year, Dou
glas and Danny Adams, the
school has reputation to up
hold.. Report cards' will be dis
tributed Wednesday, April 1.
This leaves nine weeks until
school will be out.
Also on Wednesday, April
1, an assembly will be held
for grades four through eight.
Of all kinds. Trasses, Abdo
minal Supports, Elastic Ho
siery. Expert fitters, private
fitting rooms.
"Ask Tour Doctor"
Capital Drug Store
405 BUte 81
Corner ef liberty
BH Green Stamps
Mallory Hat
$5 Cleanina
Oval Loop-twist Rug
Children's Shoes
Carriage Planter
2 Pr. Interwoven Hose
Lynes Service
Here Monday
""' Funeral services will be held
Monday afternoon for Mrs. Ida
Hay Lynes, 88, 1S30 Broadway,
who died Friday at nursing
home. She had been confined
to her bed since suffering a hip
fracture about a year ago. .
The services will be at 1
o'clock at the Virgil T. Golden
enapel with Rev. E. P. Goul
der as the minister and inter
ment at Jefferson cemetery.
Mrs. Lynes was born at Jef
ferson March 18, 1885, on the
donation land claim of her par
ents, James and Lucy Ander
son. . .. 1
On October 7, 1800, aha was
married to Charles Lynes at
Jefferson. Eight yean later
tney moved to Idaho wnere
they lived for some years, and
28 years ago they moved to
Brownsville in Linn county.
She came to Salem to live when
her husband died in 1833.
Mrs. Lynes is survived by
two daughters, Mrs. W. X. Skel
ton of Jefferson and Mrs. ' M.
E. Doty of Klamath Falls; two
sons, Edward D. Lynes of
Longview, Wash., and Collis
Lynes of San Jose, Calif; a sis
ter, Mrs. Emma Thorp of Sa
lem; and by seven grandchil
dren. ',. ;.-.;'. ... ; i. '
Menial Health Class
To Meet at Library
Donald C. Derby, educa
tional director of the Mental
Health association of Oregon,
will conduct eight two-hour
meetings in the fireplace
room of the city library, with
one group meeting from 10
a.m. to noon and another from
1 to 3 p.m. each Tuesday be
ginning March 31.
The class' is another offer
ed by , the Salem public
schools adult education pro
gram. Director Geo. D. Por
ter, states.
. Derby will endeavor to aid
parents of teen agera in un
derstanding their relationship
with .their children. He re
ceived his bachelor's degree
from Colorado State College
of Education and ha master's
degree from the University of
Chicago. He is currently on
the staff of the University of
Oregon medical scnool.
Each room will contribute one
number to the program and
the assembly will be In charge
of the officers of the student
council. -
- They include: Kenneth
Clark, president; Steve Jack
son, 'vice-president; Linda
Zehner, secretary; Macey
Hadley, sergeant-at-arms.
. A leader for a Girl Scout
troop is needed. Serveral girls
are Interested in continuing
their Girl Scout work pro
viding, they can find a leader.
Anyone interested should con
tact Mrs. Weddle at Keizer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gra
ham have moved to their new
home at 6825 Trail Ave.
which they recently purchas
ed from Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Ettner. The Ettner's have
moved to 5850 Trail Ave.
Guests at the home of Mrs.
Sam Richards on Chemawa
Rd. for two weeks have been
Mrs. Ed. Richards of Spen
cer, Iowa, Mrs. Laura Luckin
bill of Brookings, S. D., and
Mrs. Vivian Williams of
Havre, Mont.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Martin
and daughter drove to Port
land Sunday taking with them
Mrs. Fred Stellges, mother of
Mrs. Martin, to celebrate her
Elmer Ettner, son . of Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Ettner, 5850
Trail Ave., left Monday for
San Diego where he will train
with the U. S. Navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jays
and family on Chemewa Rd.
spent Saturday in Portland
visiting friends.
Sharon Lee Fitts celebrated
her 8th birthday at the home
of her grandparents Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Ward, 4380 Cherry
Ave. Guests were Phlllis and
Stephen Hill, Cleone and
Marilyn Welty, David Singer,
snan ue Hofstetter, Tommy
Rehfus, Billy Johnson, Judy
and Johnny Coomler, Judy,
Jimmie and Barbara Whelan,
Mrs. Hofstetter, Mrs. Whelan
and Mr. and Mrs. Ward
In 'the evening Sharon's
parents Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Fitts of Bend arrived for
dinner. '
First Church of The Nazorene
Center et Thirteenth
Evangelistic Services Continuing thru Easter
Rev. C. William Fisher and Wife in Charge
Sunday March 22nd
9:45, Church School; 10:50, Rev. end Mrs. Fisher
6:30, Youth Devotional Hour;
7:30, Rev. end Mrs. Fisher
Salem Heights
Salem Heights Miss Bon
nie Jean Kurth waa surprised
on her 12th birthday Wednes
day afternoon when the ' Ota'
kuyt" Camp Fire group of the
sixth grade of the Salem
Heights school met for their
regular meeting at her home
on W. Browning Ave.
Charlotte Ponsford conduct
ed the business meeting and
the group worked on their
memory books for rank ad'
van cement. Their leader, Mrs.
Kenneth Z wicker, announced
that the memory books would
have to be in the Camp Fire
office by April 4.
Refreshments, were served
to Judy McCltllan, Charlotte
Ponsford, Sue Bartlett, Claudia
Weaver, Betty Jean . Dyke,
Nancy Baker, Carolyn How
ells, Joan Hasklns, Karen Har
ris, Bonnie Jean Kurth, Sue
Zwicker, Cheryl Lee Kurth,
Mrs. Kenneth Zwicker and
Mrs. Louis Kurth, the hostess.
Unification of -
Churches Talked
"What would Jesus Christ
do regarding the uniting of
the churches of America?" is
the subject Evangelist Don
Hiatt Spillman announced for
his Sunday night sermon in
Chystal Gardens. "With cur
rent Interest in church unity
at a high point, we believe
this topic to be one that will
anawer many questions now
uppermost in the - minds ef
the people of Salem."
Spillman stated also - that
he will show the concluding
sound-film in the series on
the life of St. Paul Paul's
Voyage to Rome. These films
have been weH received by
the public therefore it is with
reluctance that announcement
is made of the final showing.
The picture will begin at 6:45
with the special music and
community singing following
at 7:20. Crystal Gardens is
located at Liberty and Ferry
streets. All are welcome.
50 Additions to
Methodist Church
The West Salem Methodist
church will receive Into mem
bership Sunday approxi
mately 50 persons, Rev. H. W.
Black, pastor announces. He
believes this number is the
largest group to Join a Metho
dist church in the entire state
of Oregon at this time. Infants
will also be dedicated Sunday
morning. '. .
The church choir will pre
sent "The Last Seven Words"
by DuBola Good Friday night
at 8:15. Soloists will include
Mrs. John Foos of Portland,
soprano; O. Carlton Brown,
tenor and Rev. Black basso,
Th choir - is directed : by
Harold Smedley.
The church will present a
pageant Easter Sunday even
ing with some 45 costumed
characters involved.
Hog Show Slated
Albany, April 8
Cash award and trophies
await pork producers of Ore
gon who enter the hog show
to be held at Albany, April
8. Breeders will enter either
a single market hog or a pen
ot three that weight from 180
to 220 pounds for competition
by 11 a.m. the day of the
show. The show will be held
at the 4-H fair 'building in
Albany, : ,
Following the live ahow all
animals will be slaughtered
at Nebergalls packing plant
Christ Lutheran Church
Sunday Worship Service 8:45 and
11 mi. J
Sunday School, 10 i.m. Classes (or
Monday, Thursday, Communion Son
let, 7:45
Good Friday litany, 7:45 p.m.
Easier Services t a.m. and 1 1 a.m.
Easter Evensong, 7:45 p.m.
Go up to 3.8
Portland WJD Buttarfat con
tent of standard milk sold In
the Portland area will be In-
creased to 3.8 percent without
any raise in price and prieea of
higher butterfat content milk
will be reduced under a deci
sion of the Slate Board of Ag
riculture. . s . .
The new order,' which goes
into effect April 16, will al
low the 3.8 milk to tell for 22
cents, th same price th
regular milk now sells for.
Four percent milk will drop
from 24 to 23 cents a. quart
and 4 percent fluid from 28 to
24 H cents a quart
The board also granted an
optional store differential at
n-cent a quart on two-quart
sales.. ' ,. .-'-'K:'.'.;-'
Board members said the op
tional store differential was
granted in response to a Ion
standing popular demand.
There has been no differential
between milk bought in stores
and home delivered since) 1835
It was indicatd by board
members that the price reduc
tions and increased butterfat
content were made possible by
producers who at their Febru
ary hearing here said they
wanted a better product to go
to the public at no extra cost
Extension Unit '
Meetings Scheduled
Marlon county extension unit
meetings for the week1 of
March 30-April 4 are listed be
low. Anyone who is interest
ed Is invited to attend. The
date of meetings, units,1 time,
place, and projects are as fol
lows: ;'...'.."...,.,-..
April 1 Prospect" 10:30.
with Mrs. Harvey Harruurton.
care oi Hugs and Upholstered
Furniture; North Howell, 10:30,
at the North Howell Grange
hall. Herbs for Variety and Ac
cent; Stayton, Stayton club
rooms, Becoming a ' Good
suyer. - , .-- -.
April 3 Union, 10:30, with
Mrs. Alfred Akher. Car of
Rugs and Upholstered Furni
ture; Woodburn, 10:00, Wood-
Durn jruDiic uorary, Becom
ing a uood Buyer.'
April 3 Mehama, 10:30, Me
hama club house, Herbs for Va
riety and Accent; Lancaster,
10:30, Mayflower hall, Care of
Rugs and Upholstered Furniture.-.,.
- . '..;.'., '?.?-'; , '- . .;
where Prof. A. W. Oliver,
O. S. C. meats specialist, will
cut and Brade animal 4n ,u.
terrain the entry with the
nignest percentage - ef lean
meats cuts, ' v
Two Fint Films
Rnnday, March lth, 7:lf F.M. '
42M PerHod Id,
yCflTH America's CBK B
If He were living eti earth roday? Upon whet fceslt eeuld Hie ehurehet ef America ernrtef Whet weuM Jeeue 4ot
. ''' Heer This frepplnf formeti! ti.-'-'!;r,:tlxrM.zti
Sunday Night March 29, in the Crystal Gardens; ;
Brooks Mrs. Willard Ramp
entertained th Brook garden
dub with 1 o'clock pot luck
lunch, serving 14 members and
on guest, Mrs. R. a. Hocking.
During th business meeting
th club accepted th invitation
to attend th Mt Angel prim-
re show The next meeting
will b at th horn of Mrs,
SWebottora. At that time there!
will be a plant sal and th
discussion will be on dividing
Applications Taken
For Parole Officer
Th State Civil Service
Commission la now accepting
applications tor a parol offi
cer examination which will be
given th last week in April,
Th last filing date for appli
cations la April 17.
With a beginning salary of
szvo a month, this work in
volves th investigation ef ap
plications for parol from the
Oregon Stat Penitentiary and
the supervision of adult pa
rolees and probationers in an
assigned " district. ' Applicants
should be college graduates
with one year of experience in
parole work, teaching, or coun
seling activity. Suitable work
experience may be substituted
for two years of the required
Future vacancies with the
Stat Parol Board will be
f'.Hsg frsm a rcgiicr oi eligi
ble candidates established as
a result of the examination.
Morse Changes Mind :
And Won't Join Demos
Washington (aV-Sen. Morse
(Ind.. Or.) . who bolted the
Republican party last fall, has
changed his mind about mov
ing to the Democratic aide of
the Senate for the time be
ing, at least.
Morse told the Senate Fri
day his decision to "stay put"
was prompted by a "complete
ly unfounded" published re
port that nil intended switch
to the Democratic aid was due
to his not being able "to take
it any longer.", i
I4SN. Church St .'
Rev. Jeba L. Gaoble, Paster
9:S0 ill Sunday School ,
11:00 AM. Oonfbinatton Serv
ioe rmm by the Pastor
:W PJ. Luther Leagus -ALL
Calvary Chapel
1143 it wan
i and party.
Two Great Services Sunday
. 2:30 and 7:45
Sunday School 10 A.M.
Coming Tues., March SI
Rev. Claude C, Hunt
Rlfefff le sfasVMawflf Pftffwf
worn xsus aiBisr
Beginning 21st Big Week
Come to the Crystal Gardens
end ' ' 1
Air Univcrsity
Trio Ccaiinn
Arriving In Salem Saturday
veiling will be th three offi
cers from th Air University
Command headquarter ROTC
Montgomery, Alabama, who
Monday and Tuesday will in
spect th ROTC unit at Wil
lamette university.
Th trio includes Col. John
A. Cosgrove, Lt Col. Wayne
B. Fulton, and Ma. David L.
Harley. . .;-
Monday the officers will
spend their time inspecting the
records and th training. Tues
day will be personnel inspec
tion and a review for th col
onel, Th review is slated to be
held at McCullough field, but
in event ox rain th personnel
inspection will be held in th
Willamette gym and a drill
demonstration by - th ROTC
drill team substituted lor th
review. :;
During their stay hare the
officers are to be guests at two
luncheons given by President
G. Herbert Smith ef Willamette
university at Baxter Hall. In
cluded in th group Monday
besides the visiting officers will
wBflE3ri St Salsa ;", ,
Vault Entombment and Cremation Servlet '
Cryprs Niches Umi -v
."Indoor Memorials In Marble and Bronze" ,
' ' ' r Under Direction ' ' '
Lloyd T. Rigdon, Pres.
Salem Mausoleum ft Crematorlam, Ins. '
I God's
Healing Power, l
of Chicago, III.
c . ; Member of the Board el
.': Lectureship of The Mother
.' -. .. Church, Th first Church
" - of Christ, Scientist, 1st Bos
ton, Massachusetts
Monday Evening, March 30
at 8 e'Clock .
Stnior High Auditorium- ' :
j . i v' '' ' m ( f;MV.'.V f' ' V-', :
Ttfc ld OSte-... . ;j
be Ma. Norman Can '
beads the KOTC r . .
Robert Frnix, I . t
D. Gregg, and Lvo I 1-
field. - ,. -
Tuesday'! group wCl fcalri'j.
m addition tottse of-rs f v
th ROTC ctetachs at V -
lamott and the vliera, t
student- wing eemmand JT, t
commanders ot th two .t
groups, th cadet band com
mander and officials of tha tmi
verstty. . "
' 'Copenhagen, Denmark O .
A v'olert explosion wrecked
th engine room of th 340-ton
Danish minesweeper Leugm at,
the Baltic port of Rotm Fri
day killing at laaat tw sailors
and injuring the other.,
at the v t
, Faun Sanday ll ajav '
"We Believe In Consistent
- Christianity"
' Next SKBday'tlaatar)--
Oae Great Service U am,
imKiiKosrcEsa ' "
'. -MV'-'-KrW.
Is Available;
to You
' Attend a free lecture eritWed vi" !t '
"osnw mm
. cordiality mvrnro
William F. Clay
Joe Calderon
Don H. Spillman
Lewis Lyman